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Political impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

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Social distancing measuresemployed at PresidentRodrigo Duterte's2020 State of the Nation Addressduring theCOVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines

Thepolitical impact of the COVID-19 pandemicis the influence that theCOVID-19 pandemichas had on politics around the world. The pandemic has affected the governing and political systems of multiple countries, reflected in states of emergency,[1]suspensions of legislative activities, isolation or deaths of multiple politicians and reschedulings ofelectionsdue to fears of spreading the virus. The pandemic has triggered broader debates about political issues such as the relative advantages ofdemocracyandautocracy,[2][3]how states respond tocrises,[4][5]politicization of beliefs aboutthe virus,[5][6]and the adequacy of existing frameworks ofinternational cooperation.[7]Additionally, the pandemic has, in some cases, posed several challenges to democracy, leading to it being undermined and damaged.[8][9]

General impacts[edit]

Anti-pandemic precautions during the 2020 Czech regional elections

Leader popularity[edit]

There is evidence that the pandemic had initially caused arally 'round the flag effectin many countries, with government approval ratings rising inItaly(+27 percentage points), Germany (+11), France (+11), and the United Kingdom between April and July 2020.[10][11][12]This short-term increase has become less pronounced over time, with approval ratings changing often due to how each country has handled the pandemic; the United Kingdom, for example, saw a drop from an approval rating of 51% in March 2020 to 41% in July 2021, while France saw an increase from 27% to 35% in the same time-frame.[13]

In the United States, PresidentDonald Trumpsaw a 6-point drop in approval,[14]while state governors have seen increases as high as 55 points for New York GovernorAndrew Cuomo,31 points for North Carolina GovernorRoy Cooper,and 30 points for Michigan GovernorGretchen Whitmer.[11]A review of polling before and one month into the pandemic suggests that incumbent governments around the world gained on average 4.7% on polls of voting-intention as the rally-round-the-flag effect kicked in, with governments who went to re-election during the pandemic mostly maintaining said improvement up until their election.[15]

In Israel, the virus begun to rapidly spread after theMarch 2020 election.The incumbent PMBenjamin Netanyahudid not win enough seats to form a coalition, and the presidential mandate to form a coalition was given to his contender,Benny Gantz.However, Netanyahu's pandemic politics brought his party theLikudto reach peak public support (41-43 seats during the first wave of April–May 2020), pushing Gantz to ask Israel's president to transfer the mandate to Netanyahu so that the latter could form, and head, a new government.[16]

States of emergency[edit]

At least 84 countries declared astate of emergencyin response to the pandemic, which led to fears about misuse of power.[1][17]Reporters Without Bordershas claimed that 38 countries have restrictedfreedom of the pressas a result.[17]Other examples include banning mass protests, postponing elections or holding them while the opposition cannot effectively campaign, selectively enforcing lockdown rules on political opponents, handing out relief payments to political supporters, or scapegoating minorities.[18]Many countries have also unveiled large-scalesurveillanceprograms forcontact tracing,leading to worries about effects onprivacy.[19]

Human rights and freedoms[edit]

Whilst the emergency powers enacted by governments in order to stem the spread of the pandemic were made in the interests of protecting public health and minimizing risk to countries' economies and crucial services such as health care, they have inadvertently led to concerns over human rights and civil liberties. Thegovernment response seen in the Philippinesled to accusations of government forces violently detaining, attacking, and even killing citizens who flouted public health restriction laws.[20]Violent clashes between citizens and armed government authorities have also been seen in countries includingGreece,theUnited States,andGermany.[21]

Human rights and civil liberties have also been threatened through digital surveillance technology by multiple governments, leading to concerns over human rights to privacy, freedom, expression and association.[22]The Ecuadorean government introduced a new GPS tracking system without associated data handling legislation, leaving users' details exposed and insecure.[23]InSouth Korea,health authorities launched a track and trace app which asked users to disclose personal information, leading to concerns over both privacy and the potential for discrimination.[24]Furthermore, the right tofreedom of movementhas been curtailed by many national governments during the pandemic, with 186 countries enactingborder restrictionsin response to the pandemic.[25]

In relation, the ongoing discrimination faced by minorities, in particular, has also been a root cause in the socio-economic factors which has affected the freedoms and rights of the most vulnerable populations.[26]


According to a 2020 Freedom House report, "the COVID-19 pandemic has fueled a crisis for democracy around the world".[27]The COVID-19 pandemic has opened up gaps in the action ofdemocracy,[8]largely due to the heavy practical and logistical disruption the virus and its subsequent "lockdown"restrictions have caused. Across the world, national governments found themselves with no other choice but to suspend, cancel, or postpone numerous democratic elections at both national and subnational governmental levels.[28]The 2020 Freedom House report also highlighted a variety of responses relating to government mishandling of the pandemic against the best interests of its citizens, such as denial of the existence of COVID-19 inTurkmenistanandNicaragua,and the promotion of unsafe or unproven treatments inBrazilandTanzania.[27]

This is due to factors that have been weakened such as "checks against abuses of power, protection of vulnerable groups, transparency and anti-corruption, free media and expression, and credible elections."[27]As governments were entrusted with unprecedented powers to protect public health, even the strongest democracies "failed to guard themselves against abuse of power," said anop-edonNewsweek.[29]This is because,emergency powersgrant governments the ability to ' "make regulations without an act of parliament"[30]These powers are typically intended to take "rapid action"[30]and combat instability. Emergency powers have been used by some governments to extend state power[31]This arguably occurred in Moscow, where tens of thousands of cameras with facial-recognition features were supposedly installed to track contagion, however, these systems risk remaining in place after the pandemic.[31]According to a 2020 Brookings Institution report, "the challenges posed by the need for mass surveillance suggest that the resilience of democratic regimes cannot be taken for granted". The same study highlighted foreign disinformation surrounding COVID-19 as a threat to democracy, stating that the pandemic presented an opportunity for malign actors to "multiply the production of fake news, conspiracy theories, and manipulated information", it further stated that "Russia and China exploited the chaos induced by COVID-19 to promote their geopolitical interests and continue to destabilise western democracies".[31]

An article on the journalDemocratic Theorycomments that the side effect of COVID-19 and will have a "long-term effect on established democracies around the world".[32]Part of this long-term effect includes the increasing prevalence ofdemocratic backsliding;while proportional responses to a global pandemic are necessary, excessive measures under abusive enforcement have raised concerns that democracy, in nations where it is already unstable, is declining worldwide.[33]

Media freedom[edit]

Media freedom,in its many forms, has also beengreatly impactedduring the COVID-19 pandemic.[34][27]Multiple governments introduced restrictions on websites to prevent reportage on the spread of misinformation and hide poor representations of themselves.[35]

The Chinese government attempted to control the global narrative on their initial unwillingness and inability to contain the initial outbreak by censoring millions of pieces of content containing over 2,000 keywords related to the pandemic on the leading communication platformWeChatand the live-streaming platformYY.[35]In addition, nations such asBangladeshandEgypthave blocked international news outlets from their respective Internet systems under the guise of spreading false information.[35]This removal of the ability of media outlets to criticise governments represented a breach of freedom of expression under Article 19 of theUDHR.[22]These restrictions allowed media outlets and journalists to be prosecuted and imprisoned more easily, often unfairly and arbitrarily.[36]

Political discourse[edit]

Abulof, Le Penne and Puanalyzed public discoursethrough the NOW (News on the Web) corpus andGoogle Trends.Their findings indicate that 2020 saw a dramatic rise in thinking about ‘death’ and ‘mortality,’ worldwide. They also found that the words most associated with this morbidity since 2004 are ‘Covid’ and ‘coronavirus,’ and that similar trends appear in other languages. They argue that the rise is due to both the pandemic itself and pandemic politics – politicians fostering, using, and abusing, existential anxiety on a mass scale.[5]

In another discourse analysis, speeches about the pandemic delivered byDonald TrumpandJair Bolsonaroshow ideological polarization to be the most frequent strategy, suggesting that political discourse can be a potential source of societal manipulation.[37]A study on speeches made by 20 heads of government around the world during the pandemic shows that women spoke more frequently about the pandemic's impact on the individual, while men underscored war metaphors to describe COVID-19 and their response.[38]

Impact on international relations[edit]

European Union[edit]

The Spanish Prime MinisterPedro Sánchezstated that "If we don't propose now a unified, powerful and effective response to this economic crisis, not only the impact will be tougher, but its effects will last longer and we will be putting at risk the entire European project", while the Italian Prime MinisterGiuseppe Contecommented that "the whole European project risks losing its raison d'être in the eyes of our own citizens".[39]From 4 to 19 March, Germany banned the export ofpersonal protective equipment,[40][41]and France also restricted exports of medical equipment, drawing criticism from EU officials who called for solidarity.[42]ManySchengen Areacountries closed their borders to stem the spread of the virus.[43]

Jointly issued debt[edit]

Debates over how to respond to the epidemic and its economic fallout have opened up a rift betweenNorthernandSouthern Europeanmember states, reminiscent of debates over the 2010sEuropean debt crisis.[44]Nine EU countries—Italy, France, Belgium, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, Slovenia and Luxembourg—called for "corona bonds"(a type ofeurobond) in order to help their countries to recover from the epidemic, on 25 March. Their letter stated, "The case for such a common instrument is strong, since we are all facing a symmetric external shock."[45][46]Northern European countries such as Germany, Austria, Finland, and the Netherlands oppose the issuing of joint debt, fearing that they would have to pay it back in the event of a default. Instead, they propose that countries should apply for loans from theEuropean Stability Mechanism.[47][48]Corona bonds were discussed on 26 March 2020 in aEuropean Councilmeeting, which dragged out for three hours longer than expected due to the "emotional" reactions of the prime ministers of Spain and Italy.[49][50]European Council PresidentCharles Michel[48]andEuropean Central BankheadChristine Lagardehave urged the EU to consider issuing joint debt.[50]Unlike theEuropean debt crisis—partly caused by the affected countries—southern European countries did not cause the coronavirus pandemic, therefore eliminating the appeal to national responsibility.[47]

Civil liberties[edit]

Many countries resorted to states of emergency, curtailing civil liberties and awarding executives wider powers.[1]Sixteen member nations of the European Union issued a statement warning that certain emergency measures issued by countries during the coronavirus pandemic could undermine the principles of rule of law and democracy on 1 April. They announced that they "support the European Commission initiative to monitor the emergency measures and their application to ensure the fundamental values of the Union are upheld."[51]The statement does not mention Hungary, but observers believe that it implicitly refers to a Hungarian law grantingplenary powerto the Hungarian Government during the coronavirus pandemic. The following day, the Hungarian Government joined the statement.[52][53]

TheHungarian parliamentpassed the law granting plenary power to the Government by qualified majority, 137 to 53 votes in favor, on 30 March 2020. After promulgating the law, thePresident of Hungary,János Áder,announced that he had concluded that the time frame of the Government's authorization would be definite and its scope would be limited.[54][55][56][57]Ursula von der Leyen,thePresident of the European Commission,stated that she was concerned about the Hungarian emergency measures and that it should be limited to what is necessary and Minister of StateMichael Rothsuggested that economic sanctions should be used against Hungary.[58][59]

The heads of thirteen member parties of theEuropean People's Party(EPP) made a proposal to expunge the HungarianFideszfor the new legislation on 2 April. In response, Viktor Orbán expressed his willingness to discuss any issues relating to Fidesz's membership "once the pandemic is over" in a letter addressed to the Secretary General of EPPAntonio López-Istúriz White.Referring to the thirteen leading politicians' proposal, Orbán also stated that "I can hardly imagine that any of us having time for fantasies about the intentions of other countries. This seems to be a costly luxury these days."[60]During a video conference of the foreign ministers of the European Union member states on 3 April 2020, Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs,Péter Szijjártó,asked for the other ministers to read the legislation itself not its politically motivated presentations in newspapers before commenting on it.[61]


The pandemic had an impact on theUnited Kingdom'sdeparture from the European Union,with border checks on EU imports initially delayed until July 2021[62]and then delayed again to 2022 in an attempt to mitigate supply issues caused by the pandemic.[63]TheEuropean Commission–AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine disputealso led to a dispute over theNorthern Ireland Protocol.[64]Some analysts have suggested that theeconomic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdomhas masked theimpacts of Brexiton the UK.[65]

Moldova-Romania collaboration[edit]

During theCOVID-19 pandemic,Romaniahas supportedMoldovaon several occasions, supplying it with medical equipment and supplies, volunteer Romanian experts and doctors and even a series ofCOVID-19 vaccineunits that arrived on 27 February 2021, which allowed Moldova to startits vaccination program.

Japan–South Korea relations[edit]

Japan–South Korea relationsworsened as a result of the pandemic.[66]AfterJapandeclared it would start quarantining all arrivals fromSouth Korea,the South Korean government described the move as "unreasonable, excessive and extremely regrettable", and that it couldn't "help but question whether Japan has other motives than containing the outbreak".[67]Some South Korean media have offered opinions to improve relations with Japan through mask assistance to Japan.[68]In addition, some local governments in Japan who did not disclose their names have also announced their intention to purchase masks in Korea.[69]When this fact became known, some online commentators in Japan expressed that they were against receiving mask donations from Korea, worrying that it would not be a purely goodwill donation but tied to Japanese government concessions on controversial topics such as thecontestedLiancourt RocksandWorld War IIcomfort womensexual slavery.[70]Although local Korean media suggested that masks could be donated via Japan's sizableKorean-Japanesepopulation, the Korean government noted, in the spring of 2020, that it was not considering support toward Japan at that time.[71]On the contrary, inside Japan, an editorial was published stating that the Korean government should donate medical supplies, such as face masks, covertly and that the Japanese government should accept such donations.[72]


The United States has criticised theChinese governmentfor its handling of the pandemic, which began in the Chinese province ofHubei.[73]InBrazil,the CongressmanEduardo Bolsonaro,son of PresidentJair Bolsonaro,caused a diplomatic dispute with China when he retweeted a message saying: "The blame for the global coronavirus pandemic has a name and surname: theChinese Communist party."Yang Wanming, China's top diplomat in Brazil, retweeted a message that said:" The Bolsonaro family is the great poison of this country. "[74]

Some commentators believe the statepropaganda in Chinais promoting a narrative that China'sauthoritarian systemis uniquely capable of curbing the coronavirus and contrasts that with the chaotic response of theWestern democracies.[75][76][77]European Union foreign policy chiefJosep Borrellsaid that "China is aggressively pushing the message that, unlike the US, it is a responsible and reliable partner."[78]

TheChinese Ministry of Foreign Affairshas claimed that the United States military is behind the virus.[79]WhenAustraliasuggested an inquiry to better understand the origin of the pandemic and to undermine theWorld Health Organization,the Chinese ambassador threatened with economic retaliation.[79]The Chinese embassy toFrancehas in turn claimed that French nursing homes were "abandoning their posts overnight... and leaving their residents to die of hunger and disease".[79]The Chinese government has also tried to directly influence statements of other governments in order to show the country in a more positive light, including inGermany,[80]andWisconsin.[81]

Chinahas sent aid to 82 countries, theWorld Health Organization,and theAfrican Union,which is considered by some western media as to "counter its negative image in the early stage of the pandemic".[82][83][84]According to Yangyang Cheng, a postdoctoral research associate atCornell University,"The Chinese government has been trying to project Chinese state power beyond its borders and establish China as a global leader, not dissimilar to what the U.S. government has been doing for the better part of a century, and the distribution of medical aid is part of this mission."[84]Borrell warned that there is "a geo-political component including a struggle for influence through spinning and the 'politics of generosity'."[78]

Trade in medical supplies between the United States and China has also become politically complicated. Exports of face masks and other medical equipment to China from the United States (and many other countries) spiked in February, according to statistics fromTrade Data Monitor,prompting criticism from theWashington Postthat the United States government failed to anticipate the domestic needs for that equipment.[85]Similarly,The Wall Street Journal,citing Trade Data Monitor to show that China is the leading source of many key medical supplies, raised concerns thatUS tariffs on imports from Chinathreaten imports of medical supplies into the United States.[86]

United States in 2020[edit]

In early March, European Union leaders condemned the United States' decision to restrict travel from Europe to the United States.[87]

The U.S. came under scrutiny by officials from other countries for allegedly hijacking shipments of crucial supplies meant for other countries.[88][89]

Jean Rottner,thePresidentof France'sRegional council of Grand Est,accused the United States of disrupting face mask deliveries by buying at the last minute.[90]French officials stated that Americans came to the airport tarmac and offered several times the French payment as the shipment was prepared for departure to France.[89]Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, askedBill Blair,thePublic Safety Minister,andMarc Garneau,theTransportation Minister,to investigate allegations that medical supplies originally intended for Canada were diverted to the United States.[91]German politicianAndreas Geiselaccused the United States of committing "modern piracy" after reports that 200,000 N95 masks meant for German police were diverted during an en-route transfer between airplanes in Thailand to the United States,[92]but later changed his statement after he clarified that the mask orders were made through a German firm, not a U.S. firm as earlier stated, and the supply chain issues were under review.[93]

Due to shortages in coronavirus tests, Maryland GovernorLarry Hoganhad his wifeYumi Hogan,who was born in South Korea, speak with the South Korean ambassador and afterwards multiple South Korean companies stated that they would send tests to Maryland.[94]

On 2 April 2020, President Trump invoked theDefense Production Act of 1950to halt exports of masks produced by3Mto Canada and Latin America.[95]Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that it would be a mistake for both their countries to limit trade of essential goods or services, including medical supplies and professionals, and remarked that this moves in both directions.[95]The Canadian government turned to China and other places for crucial medical supplies, while they sought a constructive discussion about the issue with the Trump administration.[96]

As of 30 December 2020, two federal politicians, eight state politicians, and five local politicians have died from COVID-19.[needs update][97]

The pandemic has been cited as one of the primary reasons for Trump's defeat in the2020 U.S. Presidential Election.[98]This is due to the political turmoil in the United States caused by pitting Republicans against Democrats over policy and procedure.[99]The difference in views on the pandemic ultimately led to dissatisfaction with federal response.

Trump's successor,Joe Biden,claimed that his Administration's "number one priority" is to mitigate the effects of the pandemic, which led to the passing of theAmerican Rescue Planstimulus package.[100]

According to a report byReuters,the United States ran apropagandacampaign to spread disinformation about theSinovacChineseCOVID-19vaccine, including using fake social media accounts saying that the Sinovac vaccine contained pork-derived ingredients and was thereforeharamunderIslamic law.[101]The campaign primarily targeted people in thePhilippinesand used a social mediahashtagfor "China is the virus" inTagalog.[101]The campaign, which ran from 2020 to 2021, was overseen bySpecial Operations Command PacificGeneralJonathan P. Braga.[101]According to Reuters, Braga and other military officials who favored the campaign justified the program as a response to China'svaccine diplomacyandCOVID-19 disinformation by Chinadirected against the U.S.[101][102]Reuters wrote that United States was concerned that "China’s offers of assistance were tilting the geopolitical playing field across the developing world, including in the Philippines."[101]However some American public health experts, after being briefed by Reuters on the Pentagon's covert anti-vax campaign, had condemned it as unjustifiable, and that it had unethically endangered innocent lives for potential geopolitical gain.[101]

World Health Organization[edit]

The head of theWorld Health Organization,Tedros Adhanom,claimed that he had been "severely discriminated against", and had received death threats and racist insults, claiming that "This attack came fromTaiwan".[103]The foreign ministry of Taiwan protested this accusation, indicating "strong dissatisfaction and a high degree of regret" and that the Taiwanese people "condemn all forms of discrimination and injustice".[103]

On 7 April 2020, United States PresidentDonald Trumpthreatened to cut funding to the WHO.[104]On 7 July 2020, theTrump administrationannounced that the United States would formally withdraw from the WHO.[105]On 22 January 2021, president Joe Biden re-admitted the United States to the World Health Organization.[106]

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development[edit]

TheOECDSecretary-GeneralAngel Gurríawrote that "This is the third and greatest economic, financial and social shock of the 21st century, and it demands a modern, global effort akin to the last century'sMarshall PlanandNew Deal– combined.[107]"COVID-19 has a strong regional and global impact, calling for differentiated governance and policy responses from local to international levels. A coordinated response by all levels of government can minimize crisis-management failures.[108]

International Court of Justice[edit]

TheInternational Court of Justice(ICJ) planned to discuss theGuyana–Venezuela territorial disputein March 2020. The ICJ also delayed public hearings overmaritime border disputes between Somalia and Kenyauntil March 2021.[109]Both hearings were postponed due to the pandemic.[110][111]

Global ceasefire[edit]

The coronavirus pandemic appears to have worsened conflict dynamics;[112]it has also led to a United Nations Security Council resolution demanding a global ceasefire. On 23 March 2020, United Nations Secretary-GeneralAntónio Guterresissued an appeal for a global ceasefire as part of the United Nations' response to the COVID-19 pandemic.[113][114]On 24 June 2020, 170 UN Member States and Observers signed a non-binding statement in support of the appeal,[115]rising to 172 on 25 June 2020. On 1 July 2020, the UN Security Council passed resolutionS/RES/2532 (2020),demanding a "general and immediate cessation of hostilities in all situations on its agenda," expressing support for "the efforts undertaken by the Secretary-General and his Special Representatives and Special Envoys in that respect," calling for "all parties to armed conflicts to engage immediately in a durable humanitarian pause" of at least 90 consecutive days, and calling for greater international cooperation to address the pandemic.


The plannedNATO"Defender 2020" military exercises in Germany, Poland and the Baltic states was held on a reduced scale.[116][117]TheMorning Starreported thatCampaign for Nuclear Disarmament's general secretaryKate Hudsoncriticised the exercise, saying "it jeopardises the lives not only of the troops from the U.S. and the many European countries participating but the inhabitants of the countries in which they are operating."[118][undue weight?discuss]

Defender-Europe 21,one of the largestU.S. Army,NATO-led military exercises in Europe in decades, began in mid-March 2021 and lasted until June 2021. It included "nearly simultaneous operations across more than 30 training areas" inEstonia,Bulgaria,Romania,Kosovoand other countries.[119][120][121]

Vaccine diplomacy[edit]

Afterdeployment of COVID-19 vaccinesbegan in December 2020,vaccine diplomacywas adopted by many nations that manufactured vaccines or possessed vaccine supplies,[122][123]notablyIndia[124]andChina.[125]

Impact on national politics[edit]


Theprotests in Argentina in 2020 and 2021are a series of demonstrations that take place from May 2020 in different parts of the country. The reasons are diverse, with the common denominator being discontent over the successive extensions of the isolation measures adopted to contain the spread of the coronavirus disease. For this reason, some media describe the protests as "antiquarantine." 4 5 6 Other slogans expressed opposition to the government, denial of the existence of the pandemic and demands for more freedom, among others.7 8[citation needed]

The demonstrations were held in different parts of the country, with the epicenter in the city of Buenos Aires. In general, the participants did so from their vehicles in order to keep their distance from other people, although in some cases the attendees did not comply with the prevention measures established by the authorities.[citation needed]

On 12 August 2021, a photo was leaked of a birthday party hosted by First LadyFabiola Yáñezwhere PresidentAlberto Fernándezwas present among many others during strict quarantine in July 2020. On 13 August 2021, the opposition presented a formalimpeachmentagainst Fernández asking for his removal for violating restrictions.[126]


On 17 March 2020,Sophie Wilmèswas sworn in asPrime Minister of Belgium.Seven opposition parties pledged to support theminorityWilmès II Government,in itsprevious composition,withplenary powerto handle thecoronavirus pandemic in Belgium.[127]


PresidentJair Bolsonarohas been criticized for his handling of the crisis.[128]He has referred to the pandemic as a "fantasy".[129]According to one poll, 64% of Brazilians reject the way Bolsonaro has handled the pandemic, while 44.8% support hisimpeachment,an all-time high.[130]During a speech by the president about the pandemic, many Brazilians participated in apanelaçoprotesting the president bybanging pots and panson balconies.[131][132]


CambodianPrime MinisterHun Senwas granted new powers in a draft state of emergency law amid theCOVID-19 pandemic in Cambodiain March 2020. Several human rights organisations criticised the draft law as an opportunistic move to further centralise power and restrict civil rights.[133][134][135]


On 13 March 2020, theParliament of Canadavoted to suspend activity in both houses until 20 April for theHouse of Commonsand 21 April for theSenate.[136]The House of Commons' Health and Finance committees were granted the ability to hold weekly virtual meetings during the pandemic.[137]

The leadership contests of theConservative Party of Canada,Green Party of British Columbia,Quebec Liberal PartyandParti Québécoiswere postponed.[138][139][140][141]

On 1 December 2020, the Canadian federal government announced plans for a $100 billion to kick-start the countries post-pandemic economy. This is its biggest relief package since the Second World War and it will account for about to 3-4% of Canada's GDP and will bring the countries deficit to $381.6 billion.[142]

On 7 January the Canadian government made it compulsory that travellers to Canada must have returned a negative COVID-19 test prior to travel. It was introduced to try to prevent new strains of COVID-19 from entering the country.[143]This was to extends the restrictions on entry further from 26 March 2020 which saw a requirement that made it mandatory to isolate after entering Canada except if you were from the USA.[144]


Multiple provincial-level administrators of theChinese Communist Party(CCP) were dismissed over their handling of the quarantine efforts in central China. Some experts believe this is likely in a move to protect Communist Party general secretaryXi Jinpingfrom people's anger over the coronavirus outbreak.[145]A few countries have been using the epidemic to buildpolitical bridgeswithBeijing,raising accusations that these countries, which includeCambodiaamong others, were putting politics before health.[146]Existingtensionsbetween the United States and China may have delayed a coordinated effort to combat the outbreak in Wuhan.[147]

The political scientist Victor Shih has noted that certain features of COVID-19 made a strong response from Xi Jinping early in the pandemic more likely: First, COVID-19 mostly affected urban residents in dense major cities where the majority of mid-level Communist party officials lived. Second, COVID-19 spread so rapidly and easily that the authorities were compelled to act, or else risk losing control of it entirely.[148]

Outlets such asPolitico,Foreign Policy,andBloomberghave reported that efforts from China to send aid to other countries and claim without evidence that the virus originated in the United States are apropagandapush for global influence while deflecting blame for its handling of the outbreak.[149][76][77]

Hong Kong[edit]

Protests in Hong Kongstrengthened due to fears of immigration from mainland China.[150]

A2022 political scandaloccurred when reports emerged politicianWitman Hunghad held a birthday party in contravention with public health regulations.



Acriminal negligenceprobe was launched by theCour de Justice de la Républiqueinto senior government officials' actions during theCOVID-19 pandemic.In October 2020, police raided the homes of several senior officials, including former prime ministerÉdouard Philippe,as part of the probe.[151]In September 2021, formerHealth MinisterAgnès Buzynwas charged with "endangering the lives of others" for her actions during the pandemic.[152]


TheHungarian Parliamentgave the governmentplenary powerwhich authorizes it to override acts and torule by decreeto the extent that is "necessary and proportional" in order to "prevent, manage, and eradicate the epidemic and to avoid and mitigate its effects".[153]The law prescribes that the government is to report back to the parliament, or if it's unable to convene, to its speaker and the leaders of the parliamentary groups, regularly about the measures it has taken.[153]The law also suspendsby-electionsand referendums for the duration of the emergency.[154][153]TheConstitutional Court of Hungaryis authorized to hold sessions via electronic communications networks.[153]The act also criminalizes "statements known to be false or statements distorting true facts" with 1 to 5 years imprisonment "if done in a manner capable of hindering or derailing the effectiveness of the response effort".[153]The opposition had demanded a 90-daysunset clauseto the emergency powers in return for its support, but had its amendments voted down and therefore opposed the act.[153]

Human Rights Watchdescribed the legislation as an authoritarian takeover, due to the rule of decree supposedly without parliamentary or judicial scrutiny and for criminal penalties for the publishing of "false" or "distorted" facts, and gave support to the European Commission usingArticle 7against Hungary. Criticism and concern regarding the decree stemmed from existingbackslidingof Hungarian democracy under the premiership ofViktor Orbánand his majority-rulingFideszparty since Orbán began his second tenure asPrime Ministerin 2010. Orbán has been accused by opposition leaders and other critics of his premiership of shifting Hungary towardsauthoritarianismby centralizing legislative and executive power throughConstitutional reformspassed in 2011 and 2013, curbing civil liberties, restricting freedom of speech to the extent that some independent media outlets once critical of his rule have since been acquired by allies of Orbán, and weakening other institutionalchecks on Orbán's powerincluding the Constitutional Court and judiciary. Critics of the Orbán/Fidesz government expressed concern that the emergency plenary powers may not be rescinded once the pandemic subsides, and could be abused to dubiously prosecute independent journalists critical of his coronavirus response or his governance more broadly, and curtail other freedoms of speech and expression. Some observers suggest that any significant misuse of or, once the crisis subsides, failure to rescind the plenary powers by Orbán government could place Hungary at great risk of becoming the European Union's firstdictatorship,in violation of E.U. regulations.[155][156][157][158]A petition against the legislation was signed by over 100,000 people.Péter Jakab,the president of the opposition partyJobbik,said that the bill put Hungarian democracy in quarantine. Nézőpont, a pro-government polling agency, conducted a poll that showed that 90% of Hungarians supported extending emergency measures and 72% supported strengthening the criminal code.[159]

In response to news reports about the state of emergency being a danger to democracy, Foreign MinisterPéter Szijjártócalled them "fake news and lies" and stated that the measures that Hungary had adopted were not unprecedented in Europe. He specifically stated that there were unfounded reports in mainstream media about the government's unlimited authorization and the closing down of the Parliament.[160]

European Commission vice-president Věra Jourová after a thorough examination confirmed that Hungary's recently adopted emergency measures do not break any EU rules.[161]


TheGovernment of the Islamic Republic of Iranhas been heavily affected by the virus.[162]The spread of the virus has raised questions about the future survival of the regime.[163]Iran's PresidentHassan Rouhaniwrote a public letter to world leaders asking for help, saying that his country doesn't have access to international markets due to theUnited States sanctions against Iran.[164]On 3 March 2020,Iranian Parliamentwas shut down after having 23 of the 290 members of parliament reported to have had tested positive for the virus.[165]


TheCOVID-19 pandemic in the Republic of Irelandhas had a considerableimpact on domestic politics.Gatherings attended by political figures while public health restrictions were in place became the subject of controversy. TheOireachtas Golf Society scandalresulted from a gathering attended by numerous members ofOireachtas,Ireland's parliament.[166]TheKatherine Zappone controversyinvolved a gathering attended by politicianKatherine Zapponeand others.[167]


Pandemic and politics interlaced in Israel soon after the onset of the COVID-19 global spread and interacted with the country's March 2020 election. Facing criminal charges and unable to form a coalition, PMNetanyahuurged the establishment of a National Emergency Government (NEG). Abulof and Le Penne argue that Netanyahu succeeded partly through fearmongering. Suggesting that “If I fall, Israel falls”, Netanyahu compared the COVID-19 crisis to the Holocaust, qualifying “unlike the holocaust, this time – this time, we identified the danger in time,” saying that NEG headed by him is needed “like before the Six-Day War,” to “save the country.”[16]

Pandemic politics also affected Israel's foreign relations. On 28 March 2020, theUnited NationsSpecial Coordinator for theMiddle EastPeace Process,Nickolay Mladenovpraised the Israel andPalestinian authoritiesfor their coordination in tackling theCOVID-19pandemic. Mladenov appreciated the response strategy, especially for focusing onGaza,as the region faces a relatively substantial risk of the disease spreading. Since the start of thenovel coronavirus crisis,Israel permitted the entry of significant medical and aid supplies inside Gaza.[168]


On 18 March, Interior Minister Agim Veliu was sacked due to his support for declaring a state of emergency to handle thecoronavirus pandemicwhich would have given power to the Kosovo Security Council chaired byHashim Thaçi.TheDemocratic League of Kosovo,the junior partner leader of the coalition, filed a no-confidence vote motion in retaliation for the sacking and on 25 March eighty two members of theKosovo Assemblyvoted in favor of the motion.[169][170]


Malaysian Prime MinisterMuhyiddin Yassinresigned after 17 months in power, as his government's response to theCOVID-19 pandemicled to aloss of political support.

Apolitical crisis in Malaysiacoincided with the onset of theCOVID-19 pandemic in the country.[171]ThePakatan Harapancoalition government collapsed when partyMalaysian United Indigenous Partywithdrew, leading to the resignation of Prime MinisterMahathir Mohamadand eventual replacement withMuhyiddin Yassinand a newPerikatan Nasionalcoalition. Alarge outbreak at a Tablighi Jamaat religious eventand spread of the virus across the country thought to have been exacerbated by the political instability,[172]which newly appointedHealth MinisterAdham Babaused to criticize his predecessorDzulkefly Ahmad,despite the absence of a clear government responsible at the time of the event.[173][174][171]

Amid ongoing political instability,Yang di-Pertuan Agongwarned politicians in May 2020 that he "would like to advise against dragging the country once again into a political mess that brings uncertainties" given the ongoing health crisis.[175]Prime Minister Muhyiddin blamed the2020 Sabah state electionfor a substantial increase in COVID-19 cases across thestateand country.[176]

In January 2021, aState of Emergencywas declared, suspending all elections and parliament, and the government were empowered to pass laws without oversight in response to the pandemic andongoing political instability.[177]The declaration attracted political controversy. Some MPs resigned from the coalition in response, leading the loss of the government's required majority in theDewan Rakyat.[178]Opposition leaderAnwar Ibrahimcriticised the declaration, saying this was an effort for the government to maintain power and that 115 other MPs were against it.[179]Malaysia's king allowed parliament to reconvene to debate the measures, but the government blocked parliament from doing so, attracting rare criticism from the monarch.[180]Continued debate was later cut short by COVID-19 cases in parliament, causing it to be suspended again.[181]

In July 2021, the largest political partyUMNOwithdrew support for Prime Minister Muhyiddin and called for his resignation, citing dissatisfaction with his handling of the pandemic. They cited an extension of the nationwide "total lockdown",a record surge in COVID-19 infections, as well as dissatisfaction with theeconomic response.[182][183]The government eventuallycollapsedin August 2021 after MPs withdrew their support over its COVID-19 response, leading to the resignation of Prime MinisterMuhyiddin Yassinand dissolution of hisgovernment.This made Muhyiddin the country's shortest serving premier, in office for only 17 months.[184]


During the2021 Myanmar coup d'état,State CounsellorAung San Suu Kyiand PresidentWin Myintwere detained and charged by theTatmadawover allegations of breaching COVID-19 restriction laws.[185][186]

Healthcare workers working on theCOVID-19 pandemic response in the countryprotested against the coup by refusing to work, which sparked a widespreadprotest and civil disobedience movementacross the country against the military.[187][188]




On its 1st Session on 13 March 2020, immediately following its confirmation, the13th Governmentset up an informal Crisis Management Staff (CMS) of the Republic of Slovenia in order to contain and manage theCOVID-19 epidemic.Head of the Staff was Prime MinisterJanez Janšaand its secretary was formerSOVAdirectorAndrej Rupnik.CMS was composed of all government members (prime minister and ministers) and other experts and civil servants in an advisory capacity.[189]Head of the Health Group wasBojana Beovič.[190]Jelko Kacin,former minister and ambassador toNATO,was the official spokesman of the Staff, he had a similar role during the1991 Slovenian war of independence.[191]

Crisis Management Staff was abolished on 24 March 2020 after the political transition was completed, its functions were transferred on the responsible ministries. Health Experts Group was transferred under the Ministry of Health. Kacin became the official government spokesperson on the topic.[192]

Government never proposed the declaration of emergency to the National Assembly, which would suspend the Assembly's powers and transfer them to the President of the RepublicBorut Pahorto rule by decrees with the force of law, which are still subject to the National Assembly's approval once it gains its powers back. The provision is only applicable if the National Assembly is unable to meet in the session.[193]Assembly however passed a Rules of Procedure Amendment to enable itself a "long-distance" session using technology.[194]

South Korea[edit]

Diplomaticrelations between Japan and South Koreaworsened, as South Korea criticized Japan's "ambiguous and passive quarantine efforts", after Japan announced anybody coming from South Korea will be placed in two weeks' quarantine at government-designated sites.[195]

Following the outbreak of the virus in South Korea over 1,450,000 people signed a petition supporting the impeachment of PresidentMoon Jae-indue to him sending masks and medical supplies to China to aid them in their response to the virus outbreak.[196]Moon administration's continuing handling of the crisis has however been noted in other sectors of the Korean society and internationally. An opinion poll by Gallup Korea in March 2020 showed Moon's approval rating rising by 5% to 49%.[197]In April 2020, Moon'sDemocratic Partywon a record landslide in the country'slegislative electionfor21st session until 2024.[198][199]

Maintaining the quality of universal healthcare is paramount to South Korea, because the country's population is aging rapidly, and the government's health policy reaction to the long COVID-19 pandemic will remain a crucial issue in future elections.[200]


On 12 March 2020, theCongress of Deputiesvoted to suspend activity for a week after multiple members had tested positive for the virus.[201]When theCongress of Deputiesapproved the extension of theState of Alarmon 18 March, it was the first time that opposition partiesPopular PartyandVoxhad supported the government in a vote while separatist parties, such asCatalan Republican Left,abstained from the vote.[202]

The response to the coronavirus has been complicated by the fact thatPedro Sánchezis leadingPSOE(in coalition withUnidas Podemos)minority governmentwhich is counting on support from opposition parties to enact coronavirus measures, especially with regards to economic stimulus. So far, the cabinet is discussing proposals to offer zero-interest loans to tenants to pay rent so that smaller landlords who depend on rent income can stay afloat. PP leaderPablo Casadocomplained that the government was not keeping him informed of developments on the coronavirus.CiudadanosleaderInés Arrimadassaid that she supports the government's actions.[202]The decentralized nature of Spanish politics led to a situation in the first phase of the pandemic in which Spain had the fastest increase of COVID-19 cases of any country in Europe due to poor intergovernmental coordination. The recentralization of health policy in the fall of 2020 should have a positive impact on Spain's ability to weather future crises.[203]


In mid-March, theparliamentary leadersfrom the parties in theRiksdagagreed on using pairingfor the upcoming weeks, to make it possible to decrease the number ofmembers of parliamentpresent during voting sessions, from the usual 349 to 55. This decision was taken both as a measure to lower the risk of spread of the infection (social distancing), and to make sure the daily work in the parliament could proceed even if a big number of MPs would become sick.[204][205]Similar decisions were taken in many of Swedishmunicipal councils.[206][207]Severalregional assembliesalso decreased the number of politicians present each session, includingVästerbotten Countywho did it as a measure to decrease long-distance travelling, andScania County.[208][209][210]

On 25 March, TheSwedish Social Democratic Partytogether with theSwedish Trade Union Confederationdecided to cancel their traditional May Day demonstrations. They will instead hold an event on a digital platform, which will include speeches by the Swedish prime minister and leader of the Social Democrats,Stefan Löfven,as well as union confederation leaderKarl-Petter Thorwaldsson.[211]TheLeft Partyalso cancelled their nationwide demonstrations, and announced that there would instead be a digital celebration, including a speech by party leaderJonas Sjöstedt.[212]TheAlmedalen Week,considered to be the biggest and most important forum in Sweden for seminars, debates and political speeches on current social issues, held inVisbyevery summer,[213]was cancelled as a result of the ban on large gatherings. The decision was taken on 1 April by theorganiserafter consultation with the major political parties.[214]Prime Minister Stefan Löfvén had already announced that he had cancelled his planned participation in the upcoming event.[215]A similar event in Stockholm, 'Järvaveckan', was also cancelled, and will not be held until 2021.[216]

The annualLGBTfestivalWest PrideinGothenburgwas also cancelled as a result of the pandemic. Instead, the organisers proclaimed 25 May to 7 June a 'flag period', encouraging organisations and individuals to hoist therainbow flag.[217]


A2021 political crisisoccurred in Tunisia when PresidentKais Saieddismissed the government amid asurge in COVID-19 casesandprotests over the economic fallout.[218]

United Kingdom[edit]

A rehearsal forhybrid remote and in-person proceduresin the UK'sHouse of Commonsto reduce the spread of COVID-19 among parliamentarians in April 2020

TheBritish government response to the COVID-19 pandemichas been politically controversial, in particular the level of preparedness and the early response to the outbreak[219][220]and timing of subsequent lockdowns in autumn and winter 2020[221]that whether they influenced country's high death toll.[222]Shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE)for health workers, as well as some supplies of PPE later procured proving to be inadequate, attracted controversy during the early months of the pandemic.[223][224][225]Apublic inquiryinto the government's handling was announced in May 2021 to take place in 2023 after demands from pressure groupCovid-19 Bereaved Families for Justice.[226]

In May 2020, the actions ofBoris Johnson's senior aide,Dominic Cummings,were the subject ofa political scandalas he was accused of breakinglockdownrules while experiencing symptoms of COVID-19. Johnson's defence of him, and Cummings' public press conference to defend his innocence both attracted criticism, as was the eventual rejection of widespread calls for Cummings to resign over the breach.[227][228]Cummings left the government in late 2020, and subsequently criticised the government's response to the pandemic, including in a seven-hour testimony to the Commons Heath, and Science and Technology committees in May 2021.[229]

In August 2020,school exam grades standardisation algorithm attracted controversy.Whilst the algorithm was designed to combat grade inflation nearly 36% of students were one grade lower than teachers' predictions and 3% were down two grades.[230]This resulted in public outcry.[231]In response to the outcry, on 15 August,Gavin Williamsonsaid that the grading system is here to stay, and there will be "no U-turn, no change". Two days later on 17 August,Ofqualand Gavin Williamson agreed to a u-turn and grades would now be reissued using unmoderated teacher predictions.[232]

Government contractsrelated to the pandemic response have also attracted political controversy, with several senior politicians includingMatt Hancockaccused ofcronyismby providing lucrative contracts to private companies connected to theConservative Party.[233][225]Hancock was found to have acted unlawfully by the High Court by not publishing details of a contract within 30 days.[234]TheGreensill scandal,which implicated former Prime MinisterDavid Cameron,involved Cameron lobbying the UK government to receive an emergency loan for supply chain financing firmGreensill Capitalas part of the government's economic response to COVID-19, and highlighted links between civil servants and private companies.[235]COVID-19 related contracts culminated in a lobbying scandal involving Conservative MPOwen Paterson,leading to his resignation despite initial attempts by the government to avoid Paterson's suspension from parliament.[236]

It has also been suggested that the pandemic has highlighted regional inequalities in the UK including the purportedNorth–South divide.Leaders in Northern England such as Mayor of Greater ManchesterAndy Burnhamand several Conservative MPs, including those in theNorthern Research Group,criticised the government when their regions were placed underlocal lockdown regulationsand latertier regulationsin England, citing the economic impact and accused the central government of providing inadequate fiscal support.[237][238][239]

Controversies have arisen from government officials allegedly breaching public health advice or restrictions.[240]Catherine CalderwoodandNeil Fergusonresigned from their respective positions for travelling during the March 2020 lockdown.[240]Health SecretaryMatt Hancockbecame embroiled in a scandal in 2021 when photographs emerged of him breachingsocial distancing measuresby kissing aide Gina Coladangelo in his workplace, which led to his resignation in June 2021.[241]Following the July 2021 lifting of the legal requirement to wearface coveringsindoors, parliament became divided along ideological lines, with those who viewed them "as an unreasonable imposition on personal freedoms", mainlyConservative MPs,no longer wearing them whilst others continued to wear them.[242]Starting in December 2021, "Partygate"became a major political scandal, revolving around government and Conservative Party staff holding social gatherings during COVID-19 lockdowns in the UK, when these were prohibited.[243][244][245]Boris Johnson andRishi Sunakboth received fixed penalty notices. The controversy eventually played a role in a latergovernment crisisand Johnson's resignation.[246]

Some political parties and politicians have opposed government pandemic restrictions. TheCOVID Recovery Groupwithin the Conservative Party pushed to lift lockdown restrictions while they were in place.[citation needed]Nigel Farage's Brexit Party rebranded asReform UKin late 2020, with its primary focus being opposingCOVID-19 lockdowns.[247]

The government implemented aVirtual House of Commonsto minimise the spread of the virus among parliamentarians.

The leader of the opposition,Keir Starmer,his deputyAngela Rayner,and other members of theLabour Partywere investigated by the police for alleged breaches of COVID-19 regulations in the 'Beergate' affair. They were eventually cleared of any wrongdoing.[248]

United States[edit]

Owing to thestock market crash,high unemployment claims, andreduced economic activitycaused by the coronavirus pandemic theUnited States Congressconvened to create legislation to address the economic effects of the pandemic and passed theCoronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act(CARES Act). RepresentativeThomas Massieattempted to maneuver for aroll-call vote,but there was insufficient demandamong the quorum presentand the House passed the bill byvoice voteon 27 March.[249]

The outbreak prompted calls for the United States to adopt social policies common in other wealthy countries, includinguniversal health care,universal child care,paid sick leave,and higher levels of funding for public health.[250][251][252]Trump was also criticized for embracing medical populism, giving medical advice on Twitter and at press conferences.[253]Political analysts anticipated it may negatively affect Donald Trump's chances of re-election in the2020 presidential election.[254][255]Some state emergency orders have waivedopen meeting lawsthat require the public have physical access to the meeting location, allowing meetings to be held by public teleconference.[256][257]

In February 2020, SenatorRichard Burrsold over $1.6 million worth of stock before thestock market crashusinginsider knowledge from a closed Senate meetingwhere Senators were briefed on how coronavirus could affect the United States. Burr, after dumping the stock, called his brother-in-law who immediately called his own stockbroker. (TheSecurities and Exchange Commission(SEC) was still investigating the apparent case of insider trading as of October 2021.) Stock transactions made by SenatorsDianne Feinstein,Kelly Loeffler,andJim Inhofewere also placed under scrutiny for possible insider trading in early 2020.[258][259]On 30 March 2020, the Department of Justice initiated a probe into the stock transactions with the SEC.[260]

CaptainBrett Crozierwrote a four-page memo requesting help for his crew, as aviral outbreak had occurred on board his ship,theUSSTheodore Roosevelt.[261][262]However, he was soon relieved of his command over the ship, because the memo was leaked to the public.[261][262]The Acting Navy SecretaryThomas Modlyinitially justified his actions to fire Crozier, saying that the captain was "too naïve or too stupid" to be a commanding officer if he did not think that the information would get out to the public in this information age, but later issued an apology in which he acknowledged that Crozier intended to draw public attention to the circumstances on his ship.[261][262]Several members of Congress called for Modly's resignation for his handling of the situation,[261]which he did on 7 April.[262]

AlthoughNew YorkGovernorAndrew Cuomowas initially praised for his leadership during theCOVID-19 pandemic in New Yorkwhen the state was the epicenter of the pandemic in April 2020, his administration became embroiled in a 2021scandal over allegations of a cover-upof the number of deaths in nursing homes[263][264]into which theFBIbegan several investigations.[265]Cuomo resigned 23 August 2021 after increasing numbers of sexual harassment allegations were made public.[266]

In 2022, U.S. SenatorJim Inhofeof Oklahoma announced he had COVID and said he would not serve out the remainder of his term. A year later, he told reporters: "Five or six others [serving in Congress] have [long COVID], but I'm the only one who admits it."[267]

State politics[edit]

Several hundred anti-lockdown protesters rallied at theOhio Statehouse20 April 2020.[268]

Multiple U.S. states suspended legislative activity including Colorado, Kentucky, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, New Hampshire, and Vermont.[269][270][271][272]

On 11 March 2020, New Mexico GovernorMichelle Lujan Grishamvetoed $150 million worth on infrastructure projects due to the state losing $22 million in its general fund for every $1 decrease in the price of a barrel of oil as a result of theRussia–Saudi Arabia oil price war.The Alaska Department of Revenue delayed its release of its budget forecast due to Alaska's dependence on oil prices.[273]

On 10 March, Georgia state senatorBrandon Beachstarted showing symptoms of COVID-19 and was tested on 14 March. However, he attended a special session of the legislature on 16 March before his test results arrived on 18 March showing that he had tested positive. The entire Georgia state senate, their staffs, and Lieutenant GovernorGeoff Duncanwent into quarantine until 30 March.[274]

Coronavirus restrictions also disrupted thousands of political campaigns across America, limiting the canvassing and in-person fundraising candidates have long-relied on to win office. Political insiders believe that could give incumbents a bigger advantage than normal.[275]



Reutersreported that during the pandemic, allies of bothNicolás MaduroandJuan Guaidóhad secretly begun exploratory talks, according to sources on both sides.[276]Guaidó andU.S. Special RepresentativeforVenezuelaElliott Abramshave denied that negotiations have taken place.[277][278]

Impact on elections[edit]


The2021 legislative electionhad previously been scheduled to take place on 24 October 2021, but was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic to 14 November 2021.


The five stateelectionsheld inAustraliaduring the first 14 months of theCOVID-19 pandemichave, in each case, returned theincumbent governmentto power.[279]These results have been viewed as a reward for maintaining a COVID-safe environment in their electorates.[279]Four elections reinstated centre-left governments (Labor) and the final one reinstated a centre-right government (Liberal).[279]Theelection in Western Australiareturned a State government with an unprecedented result winning 90% of seats.[279]In contrast, in theTasmanian electionthe status quo was maintained.[279]Four of the elections were held in a timely manner, while the fifth (in Tasmania) was brought forward by one year, apparently to take advantage of the anticipated elector sentiment for rewarding governments that have maintained COVID-safe status.[279]


On 21 March 2020, PresidentJeanine Áñezannounced the interim government's decision to postpone thesnap election.Other presidential candidates had suggested postponing the election to prevent the spread of coronavirus through the congregation of large groups of people.[280][281]


Aplebisciteon a new constitution and the convention that would write it was scheduled on 25 April, but on 19 March, political parties reached an agreement on postponing the plebiscite to 25 October. This agreement also postponed municipal and regional elections, from 25 October to 4 April 2021, with the primaries and second rounds of elections being postponed too.[282]

Dominican Republic[edit]

On 13 April 2020, the electoral body of Dominican Republic decided to postpone the presidential and legislative elections which were originally scheduled for 17 May of the same year. The new selected date was 5 July 2020, and, in case none of the presidential candidates reached the absolute majority (50% + 1 vote), the second round will be held on 26 July.[283]

The general election to elect the President and members of the Dominican Republic Congress, which was postponed from the scheduled 17 May 2020 date due to theCOVID-19 pandemic,was later held on 5 July 2020.[284][285]


On 31 March, the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia delayed theHouse of Representatives electionsthat were originally scheduled for 29 August, due to the outbreak of coronavirus in Ethiopia.[286]


PresidentEmmanuel Macrondeclared coronavirus as the "biggest health crisis in a century". On 12 March he stated that the first round oflocal electionswould not be rescheduled.[287]The choice to maintain the elections, which took place on 15 March, generated significant controversy.[288]On 16 March, he stated that the second round, originally scheduled for 22 March, would be delayed until 21 June.[289]

Hong Kong[edit]

The 2020 Hong Kong Legislative Council election was originally scheduled on 6 September 2020 until it was postponed by the government for a whole year to5 September 2021.On 31 July 2020,Chief ExecutiveCarrie Lamannounced that she was invoking theEmergency Regulations Ordinanceto postpone the election under its emergency powers, citing therecent resurgence of the COVID-19 cases,adding that the move was supported by Beijing.[290]


The2020 Indonesian local electionswere scheduled to be held on 23 September was postponed, and the IndonesianGeneral Elections Commissionproposed postponement to 9 December at the earliest, which was then approved by thePeople's Representative Counciland then signed into law by PresidentJoko Widodoon 5 May. The election's previous budget of around US$550 million was reallocated towards pandemic management and control.[291][292]


Areferendumon a constitutional amendment to decrease the number of members of parliament from 630 to 400 in theChamberand from 315 to 200 in theSenatewas initially scheduled to be held on 29 March, but was postponed to 20 and 21 September following the outbreak of the virus in Italy.[293] [294]


The first round of theparliamentary electionswas originally planned to be held on 7 April 2020, but was later moved to 15 April, with the second round planned for the next week due to the coronavirus pandemic although there were no cases in the country at the time.[295][296]


On 6 April 2020, thePrime MinisterKrišjānis Kariņš– announced the government's decision to postpone theRiga City Council elections.Originally, the elections were scheduled for 25 April; election posters had already appeared. As the pandemic developed, the elections were rescheduled for 6 June but were not held until 29 August 2020.[297]

New Zealand[edit]

On 17 August 2020,Prime MinisterJacinda Ardernannounced that theupcoming electionwould be delayed by almost 4 weeks from 19 September to 17 October. The country's biggest city,Auckland,had seen a recent rise in cases of COVID-19 and was placed on a restrictive 3 week lockdown. Due to safety concerns and an inability for political parties to campaign properly, Ardern agreed to a call from opposition and government parties to delay the election. TheNew Zealandelection returned an increased majority for theincumbentgovernment of Prime MinisterJacinda Ardern.[279]Before the 2020 election, the Labour Party held government in coalition with two other parties (the Greens andNZ First).[279]The election returned the first majority Labour government for NZ since 1946.[279]


The2020 Sabah state electionwent ahead in September 2020 with certain Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) in place, but was later blamed for a surge in COVID-19 cases inSabahand across the country by Prime MinisterMuhyiddin Yassin.[176]In December 2020, a State of Emergency was invoked to postpone by-elections in two constituencies, one of which was thought to be the epicentre of a COVID-19 outbreak.[298]In January 2021, aState of Emergencywas declared nationwide, suspending all elections.[177]After the nationwide emergency ended in August 2021, a localised one was almost immediately declared inSarawak,postponing astate election until 2022due to the risk of COVID-19.[299]


In March 2020, the Tribunal Superior de Justicia Electoral (TSJE), the local elections regulatory agency, decided to postpone the municipal elections to elect Mayors and Councilors of municipal boards of the 261 districts of the country that was initially planned for 8 November 2020.[300]


On 10 March 2020, theCommission on Elections(COMELEC) suspended nationwide voter registration until the end of the month due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The registration period began 20 January and is scheduled to run until 30 September 2021.[301]The suspension was later extended to last until the end of April. The issuance of voter's certification is also suspended until further notice. The next nationwide elections scheduled in the Philippines is inMay 2022.[302]

Theplebisciteto ratify legislation which proposes the division ofPalawaninto three smaller provinces scheduled for May 2020 was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.Palawan's provincial legislaturecalled for a special session and passed a resolution allowing their governor to ask COMELEC to postpone the plebiscite.[303]The plebiscite was postponed to and successfully held on 13 March 2021, with voters rejecting the division of their province.[304]


Initially the Polish government chose to not delay thepresidential election,a decision which caused controversy.[305]Polling has shown 78% of the population to prefer postponing the election.[305]The opposition to the ruling partyLaw and Justicehas argued that the pandemic conditions prevent effective campaigning, and hence reduce the competitiveness of the election.[305]On 27 March, some candidates for the presidential election failed to collect 100,000 signatures due to the coronavirus pandemic with only twelve presidential candidates having successfully collected over 100,000 signatures. Seven candidates submitted petitions with less than 100,000 signatures, but plan to appeal the central election commission's refusal to register them in the presidential election citing the coronavirus pandemic hampering the signature collection process.[306]

A change to Poland's election laws was proposed to allow postal voting for those over 60 and those under quarantine but not abroad, which was criticized as favoring the incumbent Law and Justice Party.[307]Laws under discussion by parliament in mid-April define the entirevote to be postaland weaken the role of the electoral commission, despite postal workers unions saying this would be impossible.[305]

On 6 May, the Polish governing coalition announced the presidential election would be postponed due to the pandemic.[308]On 3 June 2020Marshal of the SejmElżbieta Witekannounced that first round of the delayed election would occur on 28 June 2020, with 12 July 2020 scheduled for the runoff, if it is necessary.[309]


On 25 March, PresidentVladimir Putinannounced the postponement of theconstitutional referendumscheduled for 22 April to a later date, which was later chosen to be 1 July.[310]

Also, theCentral Election Commissionpostponed about a hundred local elections scheduled for the period from 29 March to 21 June.[311]

Regional elections in more than 20 regions are due to be held on a "single election day" on 13 September. However, the campaign must start no later than 15 June. According to media reports, depending on the epidemiological situation, the Federal government allows the postponement of a single election day to December 2020 or the holding of these regional elections on a 2021 single election day.[312]


On 16 March 2020, the electoral commission postponed theparliamentary electionthat was initially planned for 26 April.[313]


The2020 Singaporean general electionwas held on 10 July 2020. The Elections Department had rolled out a series of measures in response to the pandemic to ensure that the elections can be held. No rallies and TV screenings pertaining to the election are to be held. Nomination centres will not admit members of the public and walkabouts, though allowed, should have safe distancing and minimal physical contact. Candidates are also not be allowed to make speeches, including during the campaigning, from campaigning vehicles, meaning that there will be no parades by the candidates held post-election.[314]


The2020 Basque regional election,scheduled for 5 April, were delayed, after an agreement between all the political parties represented in the Basque parliament; theGalician electionswere also suspended.[315][316]

Sri Lanka[edit]

On 19 March, Election CommissionerMahinda Deshapriyaannounced that the2020 Sri Lankan parliamentary electionwill be postponed indefinitely until further notice due to the coronavirus pandemic.[317][318]Sri Lankan PresidentGotabaya Rajapaksainitially insisted that scheduled forthcoming the election would proceed as planned on 25 April despite the coronavirus pandemic, and the authorities banned election rallies and meetings.[319]


Theparliamentary electionsoriginally scheduled for 13 April were delayed to 20 May to protect Syria from coronavirus.[320]

Trinidad and Tobago[edit]

Thegeneral electionoriginally scheduled for September might be delayed but "will be held when constitutionally due" despite the coronavirus.[321]Pre-campaigning was partially suspended on 13 March following news of the first reported case ofCOVID-19 in Trinidad and Tobago.[322][323]

United Kingdom[edit]

On 13 March 2020, theUnited Kingdom local electionsthat were meant to be held on 7 May were rescheduled by Prime MinisterBoris Johnsonto 6 May 2021 following the advice of theElectoral Commissionand in agreement withLabourand theLiberal Democrats.[324]

309 local elections and 40 police and crime commissioner elections were going to be held on 7 May 2020[325]but all were postponed

The pivotal mayor of London election was set to be held on 7 May 2020[325]but it was postponed due to the increasing levels of coronavirus cases.

On 27 March, theLiberal Democratspostponed theirleadership election,at first to May 2021, before moving it back to July 2020.[326]

United States[edit]


States with at least one local, state, or federal primary election date or method of voting altered as of 5 August 2020

The 2020 US presidential election continued to go ahead at the correct time without being cancelled or postponed which has never happened in the entire history in Presidential elections.[327]If the elections was postponed or cancelled this would have been the first time in history in the US and may have likely led to political dispute.


Political campaigns switched to online and virtual activities in mid-March to either avoid the spreading of coronavirus or to be in compliance with statewide social distancing rules.[328]FormerVice PresidentJoe BidenandSenatorBernie Sandersstarted giving online town halls and virtual fundraisers.[329]PresidentDonald Trump's presidential campaign also shifted from in-person to virtual campaigning due to stay-at-home orders and social distancing rules made after his 2 March rally and both his and other Republican leadership offices based in Virginia were closed due to stay-at-home orders issued by GovernorRalph Northam.[330]

On 15 March, the first one-on-one debate of the2020 Democratic presidential primariestook place between Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders inCNN'sWashington, D.C.studios and without an audience, as a result of the ongoingCOVID-19 pandemic.The debate was moved fromArizona,which is under a state of emergency and had 12 confirmed cases of COVID-19 on that date.[331][332]

On 2 April, theDemocratic National Convention,which was originally scheduled to be held from 13 to 16 July, was delayed to the week of 17 August after the Democratic National Committee communicated with the presidential campaigns ofJoe BidenandBernie Sanders.[333]On 5 April Biden suggested "a virtual convention" may be necessary;[334]Trump told Fox News'Sean Hannitythere was "no way" he would cancel theRepublican National convention,scheduled to begin on 24 August in Charlotte, NC.[335]

House SpeakerNancy Pelosi(D-CA) and SenatorsAmy Klobuchar(D-MN) andRon Wyden(D-OR) expressed concern in early April that the pandemic might lower voter turnout in November. Closings of churches, universities, and driver's license centers will make it more difficult for voters to register and the Democracy Project at theBrennan Center for Justiceexpect turnout to be low, as it was during the 17 MarchIllinois Democratic primary.Georgia state House Speaker David Ralston (R), predicted that mailing absentee ballot request forms to all voters in the state during the coronavirus crisis would be "devastating" for GOP candidates, and President Trump said that some of the election reforms would make it harder for Republicans to win office.[336]

There were calls to postpone the 2020 U.S. presidential election to 2021, but many constitutional scholars and lawmakers said it would be very difficult to do without amending the Constitution.[337][338][339]


On 12 March 2020, theNorth Dakota Democratic-NPLcancelled its state convention that was meant to be held from 19 to 22 March where statewide candidates would have been nominated and delegates to theDemocratic National Conventionwould have been selected.[340]On 13 March, the presidential primaryin Louisianawas postponed to 20 June by Secretary of StateKyle ArdoinandWyominghad its in-person portion of its caucus and all county conventions suspended and replaced with mail-in ballots.[341][342]

On 14 March, the presidential primary inGeorgiawas moved from 24 March to 19 May;[343]on 9 April, the entire primary was again moved to 9 June.[344]On 16 March, Secretary of StateMichael Adamsannounced that theKentucky primarieswould be moved from 19 May to 23 June and GovernorMike DeWinepostponed theOhio primariesdespite legal challenges.[345]On 19 March, GovernorNed Lamontmoved theConnecticut Democratic primaryfrom 28 April to 2 June.[346]On 20 March, Indiana GovernorEric Holcomb,Secretary of StateConnie Lawson,Republican state chairman Kyle Hupfer, and Democratic state chairmanJohn Zodyannounced that Indiana's primaries were rescheduled from 5 May to 2 June.[347]

On 21 March, GovernorWanda Vázquez Garcedpostponed the Puerto Ricopresidential primaryfrom 29 March to 26 April. TheAlaska Democratic Partycanceled in-person voting for itspresidential primaryand extended its mail-in voting time to 10 April. GovernorJohn Carneypostponed the Delawarepresidential primaryfrom 28 April to 2 June. TheDemocratic Party of Hawaiicanceled in-person voting for itspresidential primaryand delayed it from 4 April to sometime in May. GovernorGina Raimondopostponed the Rhode Islandpresidential primaryat the request of the board of elections from 28 April to 2 June.[348]On 27 March, GovernorTom Wolfsigned into law legislation passed by the state legislature to postpone Pennsylvania's primaries from 28 April to 2 June.[349]On 28 March, GovernorAndrew Cuomoannounced at a news conference that New York'spresidential primarywould be postponed from 28 April to 23 June.[350]On 8 April, GovernorPhil Murphysigned an executive order to reschedule the primary election scheduled to be held on 2 June to 7 July.[351]

On 30 March, the Kansas Democratic Party announced that itspresidential primarywould be conducted only through mail-in ballots, and GovernorBrad Littleand Secretary of StateLawerence Denneyalso announced that Idaho's primary elections would also be conducted entirety through mail-in ballots.[352][353]On 1 April, GovernorJim Justicesigned an executive order to postpone West Virginia's primaries from 12 May to 9 June.[354]

Polling places in Florida, Ohio, Illinois and Arizona that were located in senior living facilities were moved and other health precautions were enacted.[355]Local election directors in Maryland asked for thestate's primaryto be changed to only use mail-in ballots and formerDeputy Secretary of the TreasuryMary J. Millerasked for GovernorLarry Hoganto switch to mail-in ballots.[356]

State Original date New date
Puerto Rico 29 March 2020 26 April 2020
Georgia 24 March 2020 9 June 2020
Connecticut 28 April 2020 2 June 2020
Delaware 28 April 2020 2 June 2020
Ohio 17 March 2020 2 June 2020
Pennsylvania 28 April 2020 2 June 2020
Rhode Island 28 April 2020 2 June 2020
Indiana 5 May 2020 2 June 2020
West Virginia 12 May 2020 9 June 2020
Louisiana 4 April 2020 20 June 2020
Kentucky 19 May 2020 23 June 2020
New York 28 April 2020 23 June 2020
New Jersey 2 June 2020 7 July 2020
General elections[edit]

In October 2020, the editors of theNew England Journal of Medicineunanimously published an unprecedented editorial calling for the current American leadership to be voted out in the November election, writing "countries were forced to make hard choices about how to respond. Here in the United States, our leaders have failed that test. They have taken a crisis and turned it into a tragedy."[357]Science Advancesalso published a research study that revealed "states with more COVID-19 fatalities were less likely to support Republican candidates."[358]

In November 2020, Donald Trump lost his bid for reelection to former Vice PresidentJoe Biden,in an election dominated by COVID-19's impact on all aspects of American life.[359]



Thirty-four Democratic and Republican candidates in New York signed a petition asking GovernorAndrew Cuomofor the primary petition signature amounts to be decreased or eliminated for the primaries to prevent spreading or contracting the virus during signature collection.[360]On 14 March, Cuomo reduced the signature requirement to 30% of the normal limit and moved the deadline from 2 April to 17 March.[361]

On 26 March, theGreen Partysaid the pandemic would prevent third-party candidates from appearing on the ballot unless petitioning requirements were reduced.[362]

A masked voter casts a ballot atRoosevelt High SchoolinDes Moines, Iowa.

On 11 March 2020, theMichigan Democratic Partycancelled its state convention which was scheduled for 21 March.[363]The UtahRepublicanandDemocraticparties cancelled their in-person state conventions and theUnited Utahreplaced their caucuses and conventions with virtual meetings.[364]

On 16 March, Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced the postponement of the Texas state Senate District 14 special election from 2 May to 14 July.[365]On 20 March, the North Carolina State Board of Elections announced that the Republican primary runoff for North Carolina's 11th Congressional district would be delayed to 23 June and Mississippi GovernorTate Reevesannounced that the Republican primary runoff for the2nd congressional districtwould be postponed to 23 June.[366][367]On 23 March, special elections for theMassachusetts House of RepresentativesandSenatewere postponed.[368]

On 15 March, South Carolina GovernorHenry McMasterdelayed all county and municipal elections in March and April to after 1 May.[369]On 18 March, Alabama GovernorKay Iveydelayed the state's primary runoffs from 31 March to 14 July, Missouri GovernorMike Parsondelayed local elections from 7 April to 2 June, and Secretary of State Paul Ziriax announced that municipalities could reschedule elections from 7 April to a late date.[370][371][372]On 24 March, Secretary of StateBarbara Cegavskeand Nevada's seventeen county election officials announced that Nevada's June primaries would be conducted entirely through mail-in ballots.[373]Secretary of StatePaul Pateincreased the absentee voting period for Iowa's June primaries and also postponed special elections in three counties.[374][375]


In Wisconsin, aswing statewith a Democratic governor and a Republican legislature, a 7 April election for a state Supreme Court seat, the federal presidential primaries for both the Democratic and Republican parties, and several other judicial and local elections went ahead as scheduled. Due to the pandemic, at least fifteen other U.S. states cancelled or postponed scheduled elections or primaries at the time of Wisconsin's election.[376]With Wisconsin grappling withtheir own pandemic,state Democratic lawmakers made several attempts to postpone their election, but were prevented by other Republican legislators. GovernorTony Everscalled the Wisconsin legislature into a 4 Aprilspecial session,but the Republican-controlledAssemblyandSenategraveled their sessions in and out within seventeen seconds.[377]In a joint statement afterwards, Wisconsin's state Assembly SpeakerRobin Vosand Senate Majority LeaderScott Fitzgeraldcriticized Evers for attempting to postpone the election, for not calling a special session earlier, and for reversing his previous position on keeping the election date intact.[378]

On 6 April, Evers attempted to move the election by anexecutive order,but was blocked by theWisconsin Supreme Court.On the same day, a separate effort to extend the deadline for mailingabsentee ballotswas blocked by theSupreme Court of the United States.The only major concession achieved was that absentee ballotspostmarkedby 7 April at 8 p.m. would be accepted until 13 April.[379]However, local media outlets reported that many voters had not received their requested absentee ballots by election day or, due tosocial distancing,were unable to satisfy a legal requirement that they obtain a witness' signature.[380][381]

Lawmakers' decision to not delay the election was sharply criticized by the editorial board of the localMilwaukee Journal-Sentinel,which had previously endorsed the Republican former governorScott Walker.[382]They called the election "the most undemocratic in the state's history."[383]The New York Timescharacterized the election as "almost certain to be tarred as illegitimate," adding that the inability of the state's lawmakers to come to an agreement on moving the election was "an epic and predictable failure." The newspaper placed the political maneuvering as part of another chapter in "a decade of bitter partisan wrangling that saw [state Republicans] clinically attack and defang the state's Democratic institutions, starting with organized labor and continuing with voting laws making it far harder for poor and black residents of urban areas to vote."[384]Republicans believed that holding the election on 7 April, when Democratic-leaning urban areas were hard-hit by the pandemic, would help secure them political advantages like a continued 5–2 conservative majority on the Wisconsin Supreme Court (through the elected seat ofDaniel Kelly).[382][385]

When the election went ahead on 7 April, access to easy in-person voting heavily depended on where voters were located. In smaller or more rural communities, which tend to be whiter and vote Republican, few issues were reported.[385][386]In more urbanized areas, the pandemic forced the closure and consolidation of many polling places around the state despite the use of 2,500National Guardmembers to combat a severe shortage in poll workers.[387][388]The effects were felt most heavily inMilwaukee,the state's largest city with the largest minority population and the center of the state's ongoing pandemic.[385]The city's government was only able to open 5 of 180 polling stations after being short by nearly 1,000 poll workers.[388]As a result, lengthy lines were reported, with some voters waiting for up to 2.5 hours and through rain showers.[387][389]The lines disproportionately affected Milwaukee's large Hispanic and African-American population; the latter had already been disproportionately afflicted with the pandemic, forming nearly half of Wisconsin's documented cases and over half its deaths at the time the vote was conducted.[384][386]However, by the time the election concluded, Milwaukee Election Commissioner Neil Albrecht said that despite some of the problems, the in-person voting ran smoothly.[390]

Similar problems with poll station closures and long lines were reported inWaukesha,where only one polling station was opened for a city of 70,000, andGreen Bay,where only 17 poll workers out of 270 were able to work.[384]Other cities were able to keep lines much shorter, including the state capital ofMadison,which opened about two-thirds of its usual polling locations, andAppleton,which opened all of its usual 15.[387][391]

Voters across the state were advised to maintain social distancing, wear face masks, and bring their own pens.[392]Vos, the state Assembly Speaker, served as an election inspector for in-person voting on 7 April. While wearing medical-likepersonal protective equipment,he told reporters that it was "incredibly safe to go out" and vote, adding that voters faced "minimal exposure."[385][393]


The Committee of Electoral Candidacies, in charge of appointing a newNational Electoral Council of Venezuela(CNE), announced that it would suspend its meetings until further notice because of the pandemic.[394]

See also[edit]


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