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Pope Lucius II

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Lucius II
Bishop of Rome
ChurchCatholic Church
Papacy began9 March 1144
Papacy ended15 February 1145
PredecessorCelestine II
SuccessorEugene III
Consecration12 March 1144
byAlberic of Ostia
Created cardinalDecember 1122
byCallixtus II
Personal details
Gherardo Caccianemici dal Orso

Died(1145-02-15)15 February 1145
Rome,Papal States,Holy Roman Empire
Other popes named Lucius
19th-century religious card depicting Lucius II

Pope Lucius II(died 15 February 1145), bornGherardo Caccianemici dal Orso,was head of theCatholic Churchand ruler of thePapal Statesfrom 9 March 1144 to his death in 1145. His pontificate was notable for the unrest inRomeassociated with theCommune of Romeand its attempts to wrest control of the city from thepapacy.He supportedEmpress Matilda's claim to England inthe Anarchy,and had a tense relationship with KingRoger II of Sicily.

Early life


Gherardo Caccianemici dal Orso, the son of Orso Caccianemici[1]was born inBologna.[2]He was for many years acanonof theBasilica di San Frediano[3]before his elevation byPope Honorius IItocardinal priestofSanta Croce in Gerusalemmein 1124.[2]During this time there he renovated the basilica, attached a body of regular canons and improved its revenue stream.[1]After his election as pope, he presented to the church a copy of theGospelsbound with plates of gold and adorned with jewels, as well as an altar-cover and two chased silver-gilt ampullae for use atMass.[4]Honorius also appointed him the librarian of theDiocese of Rome[1]before appointing himpapal legateinGermanyin 1125.[2]While there, he helped support the candidacy ofHoly Roman EmperorLothair III[3]as well as appointing SaintNorbert of Xantenas theArchbishopofMagdeburg.[2]In 1128, Gherardo was sent toBeneventoto govern the city, which had overthrown the previous rector.[5]

In 1130 he was again appointed legate to Germany byPope Innocent II,where he was instrumental in convincing Lothair III to make two expeditions toItalyfor the purpose of protecting Pope Innocent II against theAntipope Anacletus II.[2]He had a further period as legate to Germany in 1135–36.[3]He was one of the principal negotiators with Lothair III in attempting to force the monks ofMonte Cassinoto submit themselves to the authority of thepapacy.[3]In addition, he was sent toSalernoto negotiate the end of theschisminvolving Anacletus II with KingRoger II of Sicily.[3]As a principal supporter of Pope Innocent II,[3]the pope rewarded him for his efforts by appointing him papalchancellor.[4]After thepapal election of 1144,Gherardo waselectedas Lucius II and consecrated on 12 March 1144.[2]He probably took his name in honor ofPope Lucius I,who was commemorated a few days prior to Gherardo's consecration.[3]



Relations with England and Portugal


Lucius was involved in the usual running of church business throughout medievalChristendom.InEngland,he granted a number of privileges to bishops,monasteriesand churches, including exempting the monastery of St. Edmund from all subjection to the secular authorities.[6]He also dispatched a papal legate, Igmarus (or Hincmar), to England, charged to investigate the request ofBernard,Bishop of St David's,to elevate his see to the rank ofmetropolitan bishop,and to take thepalliumto ArchbishopWilliam of York.[6]Regarding the political situation in England, he took the side of theEmpress Matildaover the rights to the English crown.[7]

Early in his reign, Lucius received a request from prominent members of the town ofLuccato become thesuzerainof the castle within the town in order to protect it from the war between Lucca andPisa.Lucius received it on 18 March 1144 and, for a payment of ten pounds of gold, agreed to defend it on his behalf. Lucius then returned the castle to them as afief.[8]

Meanwhile, inPortugal,KingAfonso I,eager to maintain the newly established independence of Portugal from theKingdom of León,offered to dohomageto Lucius, as he had done to Pope Innocent II, and to make the pope the feudal suzerain of his lands. He offered Lucius his territory and a yearly tribute of four ounces of gold in exchange for the defence and support of theApostolic See.[8]Although Lucius accepted Afonso's feudal homage on 1 May 1144, and excused him from appearing in person, he did not acknowledge Afonso asKing of Portugal,but instead asDux Portugallensis.[9]The royal title would eventually be conferred byPope Alexander III.[10]

Finally, the city ofCorneto,formally belonging to thePapal States,was restored to the papacy during Lucius’ pontificate by a formal deed on 20 November 1144.[10]

Conflict with Roger II of Sicily


Although Lucius had been the friend of KingRoger II of Sicilyandgodparentto one of his children,[4]the situation between the two deteriorated. The two parties met atCepranoin June 1144[11]to clarify the duties of Roger as avassalof theHoly See.Lucius demanded the return of the principality ofCapua,while Roger instead wanted additional territory that formed part of the Papal States in the south.[11]Lucius II, on the advice of his cardinals,[12]was unwilling to accept Roger's demands and rejected them. Infuriated, King Roger returned toSicilyand asked his son DukeRoger III of Apuliato invadeCampania.[11]Duke Roger did as he was asked, and sent his generalRobert of Selbyagainst Lucius, ravaging the country as far north asFerentino.[11]This forced the Romans to capitulate, and in September 1144, Lucius agreed to Roger's terms, negotiating a seven-year truce.[7]TheNormansin return withdrew back to their conquered territories[11]and promised not to attackBeneventoor any other papal territory.[7]

Emergence of the Roman Commune


This surrender on the part of Lucius II gave an opportunity for members of theRoman Senateto reassert their ancient independence and authority and to erect arevolutionary republicatRomewhich sought to deprive the pope of his temporal power. The principal groups involved in this movement were the merchants and artisans, while the urban nobility kept their neutrality.[7]

The Senate, which practically took all temporal power from the pope during the pontificate of Innocent II, had been managed with considerable skill and firmness by Lucius at the beginning of his pontificate, convincing many senators to either leave theCapitoline Hillor to lay down theirmagisterium.[13]Now, encouraged by Lucius II's defeat, the Senate, led byGiordano Pierleoni,brother of the formerAntipope Anacletus II,rebelled against Lucius II, driving out the papal prefects[7]and establishing theCommune of Rome.[13]They demanded the pope abandon all governmental duties, and that he would retain only ecclesiastical taxes and voluntary tributes.[7]The Senate took over powers to elect magistrates and strike its own coinage.[14]At first, Lucius asked for Roger II's aid, but Roger, still annoyed that Lucius had not fully recognised his kingship, withheld his assistance.[7]Lucius then turned for help toConrad,King of the Romans,[12]and on December 1144 wrote to him pleading for military assistance against the Senate and thePatricianGiordano Pierleoni.[13]Lucius was supported byBernard of Clairvaux,who also wrote to Conrad, asking for him to intervene.[15]

While waiting for Conrad's reply, Lucius decided to take matters into his own hands.[12]Turning to the Roman aristocracy, in particular theFrangipani family,he gave them the fortress of theCircus Maximuson 31 January 1145, allowing them complete control of the southern portion of thePalatine Hill.[15]TheRoman Forumhad become a battleground, and the confusion prevented Lucius from travelling to theAventine HilltoordaintheabbotofSan Sabaon 20 January 1145.[15]

Finally, Lucius marched against the Senatorial positions on the Capitol with a small army. He was driven back by Giordano,[15]and according toGodfrey of Viterbo,he was seriously injured during this battle (by a thrown stone).[15]He did not recover from his injuries and died on 15 February 1145[12]atSan Gregorio Magno al Celio,where he was under the protection of the neighbouring Frangipani fortress.[6]

Lucius II was buried atSt John Lateranin the circular portico behind the apse.[6]Hisheraldic badgewas ashieldof argent, with a bear rampant of proper sable.[16]

See also



  1. ^abcMann, pg. 114
  2. ^abcdefThomas, pg. 91
  3. ^abcdefgLevillain, pg. 959
  4. ^abcMann, pg. 115
  5. ^Mann,The Lives of the Popes in the Middle Ages, Vol 8,pg. 256
  6. ^abcdMann, pg. 119
  7. ^abcdefgLevillain, pg. 960
  8. ^abMann, pg. 121
  9. ^Mann, pg 122
  10. ^abMann, pg. 123
  11. ^abcdeMann, pg. 116
  12. ^abcdThomas, pg. 92
  13. ^abcMann, pg. 117
  14. ^NORWICH, JOHN JU (2012).The Popes: A History.London: Vintage.ISBN9780099565871.
  15. ^abcdeMann, pg. 118
  16. ^Mann, pg. 113


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