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Popular Publications

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Popular Publications
FounderHenry "Harry" Steeger
Country of originUnited States
Headquarters locationNew York City
Publication typesPulp magazines

Popular Publicationswas one of the largest publishers ofpulp magazinesduring its existence,[1]at one point publishing 42 different titles per month. Company titles includeddetective,adventure,romance,andWestern fiction.They were also known for the several 'weird menace' titles. They also published severalpulp heroor character pulps.[2]



The company was formed in 1930 byHenry "Harry" Steeger,[3]a former editor at Dell Magazines, and Harold S. Goldsmith, former managing editor of the Magazine Publishers group.[4]It was the time of theGreat Depression,and Steeger had just readThe Hound of the Baskervilleswhere he ran Ace Publications. The original intention was for Steeger to mostly run the editorial side of the publishing company while Goldsmith would operate the business side. Steeger realized that people wantedescapist fiction,allowing them to forget the difficulties of daily life. Steeger wrote "I realised that a great deal of money could be made with that kind of material. It was not long before I was at it, inventing one pulp magazine after another, until my firm had originated over 300 of them."

In the late 1930s Steeger was under pressure to lower his rate of pay to below one cent a word, which he felt was the minimum decent rate he could offer. He didn't want to have Popular pay less than one cent per word, so a new company, Fictioneers, was started; it was essentially a fictional company, with an address (205 East 42nd St) that corresponded to the rear entrance of Popular's offices at 210 East 43rd St. It was given a separate phone number, and the switchboard girl was instructed to put calls through to staff working on Fictioneers titles only if the calls came to the Fictioneers number. Many staff were working on magazines for both companies at the same time, which made it difficult to maintain the pretense of separation. Science fiction writerFrederik Pohl,on the other hand, was hired specifically to edit two Fictioneers titles:Astonishing StoriesandSuper Science Stories.[5]

The first four magazines published, all cover dated October 1930, wereBattle Aces,featuring war stories consisting of dog-fights between squadrons of airplanes,Gang World,"dealing with tough and ready characters in conflict with each other and the law,"Detective Action Stories,featuring true mystery and action type stories with the emphasis more on action than deduction, andWestern Rangers,containing stories with "gun fighting, battles from ambush, and bandits running wild." The emphasis was on the action, not the "woman interest", which, if any, was to be kept "incidental".[6]

In 1934, Popular acquiredAdventurefrom the Butterick Company. Around the same time, the purchased a number of titles fromClayton Publicationssuch asAce-High MagazineandComplete Adventure Novelettes.In 1940, they purchasedBlack Maskfrom The Pro-Distributors, Inc. In 1942 the firm acquired the properties of theFrank A. Munsey Company.The company reached its peak of production right at the end of the second world war when Steeger recalls counting the magazine titles being put out one month and reaching the figure of 42 to 45.[7]In 1949, they acquired all of the pulp titlesStreet & Smithhad recently cancelled, with the exceptions ofThe Shadow(due to the radio show) and their other hero pulps, andAstounding,although Popular did not publish revivals of them all.

Other imprints used included Fictioneers, Inc. (1939–58), All-Fiction Field, Inc. (1942–58), New Publications, Inc. (1936–60), Recreational Reading (1936–60), and Post Periodicals, Inc. (1936–60). By the early 1950s the entire industry of pulp fiction imploded. In a 1973 interview, Steeger stated that to the best of his knowledge Popular Publications published no magazine in the old pulp size format after 1953. He believed that "the Pocketbooks were probably the main factor that contributed to the ultimate fading of pulps from the publishing field--then television came along and administered the 'coup de grace'."[8]

In 1972, the company was sold to Brookside Publications, a company owned by advertising magnate David Geller. At the time it was still publishingArgosy, Railroad,recently endingAdventureandTrue Adventure.In c. 1977, Geller sold Popular to French publisher Hachette.[9][10]In 1981, they sold the rights to Joel Frieman who established Blazing Publications, which in 1988 renamed itself Argosy Communications, Inc. Under those names, it published a few comic-book versions of characters, as well as allowed the reprinting of several of their properties. In 2014 most of its titles–including all copyrights and associated intellectual property–were acquired by Steeger Properties, LLC,[11]with Argosy Communications retaining only a few pulp heroes such as The Spider, G-8, and Operator #5.

Character magazines


Other titles

  • Ace-High Detective Magazine
  • Ace-High Magazine
  • Ace-High Novels Monthly
  • Ace-High Western Magazine
  • Ace-High Western Stories Magazine
  • Adventure
  • All Aces Magazine
  • All-American Fiction
  • All-Star Love Magazine
  • All-Story Detective
  • All-Story
  • All-Story Love
  • All-Story Love Stories
  • All-Story Love Tales
  • All-Story Western
  • A. Merritt’s Fantasy Magazine
  • Argosy
  • Argosy All-Story Weekly
  • Astonishing Stories
  • Battle Aces
  • Battle Birds
  • Big-Book Detective Magazine
  • Big-Book Western Magazine
  • Big Chief Western
  • Black Mask
  • Blue Steel Magazine
  • Bulls-Eye Western Stories
  • Candid Confessions
  • Cavalier Classics
  • Complete Mystery Novelettes
  • Confession Novel of the Month
  • Cowboy Movie Thrillers
  • Crack-Shot Western
  • Dare-Devil Aces
  • Daring Confessions
  • Detective Action Stories
  • Detective Dime Novels
  • Detective Fiction
  • Detective Fiction Weekly
  • Detective Story Magazine
  • Detective Tales
  • Dime Adventure Magazine
  • Dime Detective Magazine
  • Dime Mystery Magazine
  • Dime Mystery Book Magazine
  • Dime Sports Magazine
  • Dime Western Magazine
  • Dr. Yen Sin
  • Double Detective Magazine
  • Dusty Ayres and His Battle Birds
  • Everybody’s
  • Famous Fantastic Mysteries
  • Famous Spy Stories
  • Fantastic Novels Magazine
  • Fantasy Fiction
  • Fantasy Stories
  • F.B.I. Detective Stories
  • Fifteen Detective Stories
  • Fifteen Love Stories
  • 15 Mystery Stories
  • Fifteen Range Romances
  • Fifteen Sports Stories
  • 15 Story Detective
  • Fifteen Western Tales
  • Fifth Column Stories
  • Fighting Aces
  • Flynn’s
  • Flynn’s Detective
  • Flynn’s Detective Fiction
  • Flynn’s Weekly
  • Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction
  • Focus Magazine
  • Foreign Legion Adventures
  • .44 Western Magazine
  • Four Star Love Magazine
  • Fun for All
  • Fun for One
  • Gang World
  • G-8 and His Battle Aces
  • Glamorous Love Stories
  • Horror Stories
  • Knockout Magazine
  • The Live Wire
  • Love Book Magazine
  • Love-Crime Detective
  • Love Novel of the Month
  • Love Novelettes
  • Love Novels
  • Love Revelations
  • Love Romantic Magazine
  • Love Short Stories
  • Love Story Magazine
  • Lovers Magazine
  • Mavericks
  • Max Brand’s Western Magazine
  • Men’s Pictorial
  • Munsey’s Magazine
  • The Mysterious Wu Fang
  • New Detective Magazine
  • The New Fiction Library
  • New Love Magazine
  • New Sports Magazine
  • New Western Magazine
  • The Octopus
  • The Pecos Kid Western
  • Pioneer Western
  • Railroad Magazine
  • Rangeland Love Stories
  • Rangeland Romances
  • Rangeland Sweethearts
  • Red Star Detective
  • Red Star Love Revelations
  • Red Star Mystery
  • Red Star Secret Confessions
  • Red Star Western
  • Romance Western
  • Romance Western Roundup
  • The Scorpion
  • Sea Novel Magazine
  • The Secret 6
  • Shock
  • Silver Buck Western
  • Sinister Stories
  • The Spider
  • Sports Novels Magazine
  • Star Western
  • Startling Mystery Magazine
  • Story Digest
  • Strange Detective Mysteries
  • Super Science Stories
  • Sweetheart Love Stories
  • 10 Story Mystery Magazine
  • 10 Story Western Magazine
  • Terror Tales
  • Thrilling Mysteries
  • True Adventures
  • True Love
  • True Love Affairs
  • Underworld Love Stories
  • Underworld Romances
  • Walt Coburn’s Western Magazine
  • Western Ace High Stories
  • Western Dime Novels
  • Western Love Romances
  • The Western Raider
  • Western Rangers
  • Western Rangers Stories
  • Western Story Magazine
  • Western Story Roundup
  • Western Tales


  1. ^Nachbar, Jack; Nachbar, John G.; Lausé, Kevin (1992).Popular Culture: An Introductory Text.Popular Press.ISBN978-0-87972-572-3.
  2. ^Dowd, Christopher (2018-02-15).The Irish and the Origins of American Popular Culture.Routledge.ISBN978-1-351-76736-1.
  3. ^The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror.St. Martin's Press. 1992.ISBN978-0-312-07887-4.
  4. ^Roberts, Tom, ed. (2011) [1930], "The Popular Publications Magazines",Windy City Pulp Stories #11,Black Dog Books, p. 5,ISBN978-1-884449-09-3
  5. ^Pohl,Early Pohl,pp. 23–24.
  6. ^Roberts, Tom, ed. (2011) [1930], "The Popular Publications Magazines",Windy City Pulp Stories #11,Black Dog Books, pp. 5–6,ISBN978-1-884449-09-3
  7. ^Hardin, Nils (2011) [1977], "An Interview with Henry Steeger", in Roberts, Tom (ed.),Windy City Pulp Stories #11,Black Dog Books, p. 37,ISBN978-1-884449-09-3
  8. ^Hardin, Nils (2011) [1977], "An Interview with Henry Steeger", in Roberts, Tom (ed.),Windy City Pulp Stories #11,Black Dog Books, p. 39,ISBN978-1-884449-09-3
  9. ^Dougherty, Philip H. (1977-10-25)."Advertising".The New York Times.ISSN0362-4331.Retrieved2018-05-28.
  10. ^Dougherty, Philip H. (1978-01-13)."Advertising".The New York Times.ISSN0362-4331.Retrieved2018-05-28.
  11. ^"About Us".


  • Haining, Peter.The Fantastic Pulps.Vintage Books, a division of Random House. 1975.ISBN0-394-72109-8
  • Pohl, Frederik (1980).The Early Pohl.London: Dobson.ISBN0-234-72198-7.