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Pre-Finno-Ugric substrate

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Languages of Pre-Finno-Ugric substrate
RegionNorthern Europe
Extinct1st millennium AD
Language codes
ISO 639-3None(mis)
Languages of northern Europe in the early Iron Age

Pre-Finno-Ugric substraterefers tosubstratumloanwordsfrom unidentified non-Indo-Europeanand non-Uralic languagesthat are found in variousFinno-Ugric languages,most notablySami.The presence of Pre-Finno-Ugric substrate in Sami languages was demonstrated byAnte Aikio.[1]Janne Saarikivi[fi]points out that similar substrate words are present inFinnic languagesas well, but in much smaller numbers.[2]

The number of substrate words inSámilikely exceeds one thousand words.[3]

Borrowing to Saami fromPaleo-Laplandicprobably still took place after the completion ofthe Great Saami Vowel Shift.Paleo-Laplandic likely became extinct about 1500 years ago.[3]

TheNganasan languagealso has many substrate words from unknown extinct languages in theTaimyr peninsula.[4]


According to Aikio, the speakers of theProto-Samic languagearrived inLaplandaround 650 BC and fully assimilated the localPaleo-Europeanpopulations by the middle of 1st millennium AD. In his opinion, the detailed reconstruction of these languages is impossible.[1]

The languages of more eastern post-Swiderian culturesmight have influenced Finno-Ugric languages as well. According toPeter Schrijver,some of these substrate languages probably had manygeminatedconsonants.[5][6]A lexical comparison with the hypotheticalPre-Germanic substratumyields no results.[7]

Some examples ofKildin Samiwords and corresponding Northern Sami cognates without convincingUralic/Finno-Ugric (or any other) etymologies:[8]

Kildin Sami Northern Sami English
kut’t’k heart
vuntas sand
poav’n hummock
k’ed’d’k geađgi stone
piŋŋk biegga wind
ket’t’k’ geatki wolverine
nigkeš pike (fish)
murr muorra tree
cigk mist
mun frost
pin’ne to herd, to look after
čujke čuoigat to ski
luhpel’ 1 y.o. reindeer
kipp’tε to cook
kuras guoros empty
modžes beautiful
n’učke njuiket to jump
čacke čiekčat to throw
tuллtε duoldit to boil
kuarktε to boast
лujx’ke to cry
nissε to kiss
madt trouble
Substrate words from Ante Aikio (2004)[1]
North Saami English
beahcet fish tail
cuohppa fish meat
šákša capelin
ája spring
skuoggir ethmoid bone
šuorja giant shark
buovjag beluga
ruomas wolf
bákti cliff, rock
gieva boghole
váiši wild animal
itku shady place
roggi hole
sátku landing place
skuolfi owl
čuovga light
soavli slush
gákšu she wolf

Most of these words havecognatesin all Sami languages. A more extensive list of such words can be found inG. M. Kert's 2009 work on Sami toponymics.[9]Semantically, pre-Sami substrate consists mostly of basic vocabulary terms (i.e. human body parts) and nature/animal names, and lacks terms of kinship and societal organization, which suggests a rather low level of socioeconomic development in pre-Sami cultures.[10]

Some possible substrate words can also be found inFinnish.[11]

Finnish English
saari island
niemi cape
oja ditch
nummi moor
ilves lynx
koipi leg (of a bird)
nenä nose
jänis hare
salakka bleak (fish)
liha meat

Pre-Finno-Volgaic substrate[edit]

There are also some examples of possible substrate words inFinno-Volgaic languagesthat differ from the Pre-Sami substrate, i.e. Proto-Finno-Volgaic*täštä"star", or*kümmin"ten".[12][13]

Some words in Finno-Volgaic languages contain rare consonant clusters, which suggests loanwords from unknown languages.

Finnish words such asjauho(Eng. flour),lehmä(cow),tähti(star),tammi(oak) andihminen(human) could be substrate words.[12]

Aikio (2021) lists some other substrate vocabulary as:[14]

Proto-form Gloss
*wakštVrV maple
*wešnä wheat/spelt
*päkšnä lime tree
?*riŋiši dryingkiln
?*räppä(-nä) smoke hole
*tammi oak
*särńä ash
*ša/u(w)p(k)a aspen
*le/i(j)p(p)ä alder
*pVškV(nä) hazel

Irregular correspondences among Uralic languages are frequent among some words, such as 'to milk' and 'hazelnut'. These are presumed to be non-native loanwords by Aikio (2021):[14]

Language Form Gloss Etymology
Finnish lypsää to milk < *lüpsä- or *lüpćä-
Mordvin lovso, lofca milk < *lupsV or *lipsa
Mari lüštem, dial. lüśtem, lǝštem to milk < *lüstä-? < *lüps-tä-
Komi li̮śt̮i- to milk < PNo *lüćtV- or *lućtV- (? < *lü/upć-tA-)
Language Form Gloss Etymology
Finnish pähkinä, pähkenä (hazel)nut < *päškinä (?)
Mordvin päšťä, päščä (etc.) (hazel)nut < *päš?
Mari pükš hazelnut <?*pekši
Udmurt paš-, puš- hazel(nut) < *pVškV or *pVkšV


SometoponymsinFinlandappear to be of non-Uralic origin; for example, a word "koita" regularly appears inhydronymsfor long and narrow bodies of water and is thus probably the continuation of the native word for "long, narrow".[15]

Many other toponyms inFinlandseem to come from a substrate language or from many substrate languages: among these areSaimaa,Imatra,PäijänneandInari.[16]

There are also toponyms from a substrate language inSápmi;for example, an ending -ir (< *-ērē) is commonly found in names of mountains and is probably the continuation of the substrate word for mountain.

Other such toponymic words are*skiečč'watershed',*čār-'uppermost (lake)', *jeak(k)- 'isolated mountain',*nus- 'mountain top on the edge of a mountain area',*sāl-'large island in the sea',*čiest- 'seashore cliff', and*inč-'outermost island'.[3][1]


There are irregularities in Sami substrate words which suggest they might have been borrowed from distinct, but related languages. In the west, the substrate languages probably had an s-type sibilant which corresponds to an š-type sibilant in the east.[3]

As we only have fragments of Lakelandic Sami which were preserved in Finnish placenames and dialectal vocabulary, the features of the Paleo-Lakelandic substrate in Lakelandic Sami cannot be studied. Many placenames in Finland come from Sami words of unknown origin which are likely substrate words, such asjokuufrom Proto-Sami*čuokōs‘track, way’.

The Sami substrate in Finnish dialects also reveals that Lakelandic Sami languages had a high number of words with an obscure origin, likely deriving from old languages of the region.[3]

See also[edit]


  1. ^abcdAikio, Ante(2004)."An Essay on Substrate Studies and the Origin of Saami".In Hyvärinen, Irma; Kallio, Petri; Korhonenk, Jarmo (eds.).Etymologie, Entlehnungen und Entwicklungen: Festschrift für Jorma Koivulehto zum 70. Geburtstag[Etymology, borrowings and developments: Festschrift for Jorma Koivulehto's 70th birthday]. Vol. 63. Mémoires de la Société Neophilologique de Helsinki. pp. 5–34 – via Academia.edu.
  2. ^Saarikivi, Janne (2006).Substrata Uralica: Studies on Finno-Ugrian substrate in northern Russian dialects(PDF)(Ph.D. thesis). University of Helsinki. pp. 257–279.ISBN9949-11-474-8.Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 30 August 2017.
  3. ^abcdeLuobbal, Sámmol Sámmol Ánte(2012)."An Essay on Saami Ethnolinguistic Prehistory"(PDF).Mémoires de la Société Finno-Ougrienne.266.Helsinki, Finland: 63–117.
  4. ^Janhunen, Juha; Gruzdeva, Ekaterina (2020)."Nganasan: A fresh focus on a little known Arctic language".Linguistic Typology.24(1): 181–186.doi:10.1515/lingty-2020-2036.hdl:10138/318080.ISSN1613-415X.S2CID216417093.
  5. ^Напольских, Владимир Владимирович; [Napolskikh, Vladimir Vladimirovich] (2007)."К реконструкции лингвистической карты Центра Европейской России в раннем железном веке"[On the reconstruction of the linguistic map of the Center of European Russia in the early Iron Age].Литературно-художественный журнал Республики Коми [Literary and Art Magazine of the Republic of Komi](in Russian) (4): 88–127. Archived fromthe originalon 27 September 2017.
  6. ^Schrijver, Peter (2001)."Lost Languages in Northern Europe".Mémoires de la Société Finno-Ougrienne.242:417–424 – via Academia.edu.
  7. ^Кузьменко, Ю. К.; [Kusmenko, Jurij] (2011).Ранние германцы и их соседи: Лингвистика, археология, генетика[The Early Germans and Their Neighbors: Linguistics, Archaeology, Genetics](PDF)(in Russian). Saint Petersburg, Russia: Нестор-История. p. 181.ISBN978-5-98187-870-1.OCLC918344002.
  8. ^Керт, Г. М.;[Kert, G. M.] (2003). "Этногенез саамов" [Ethnogenesis of the Sámi]. In Клементьев, Е. И.; Шлыгина, Н. В. (eds.).Прибалтийскофинские народы России[Balto–Finnish peoples of Russia] (in Russian). Moscow, Russia: Наука. pp. 43–48.
  9. ^Керт, Г. М.;[Kert, G. M.] (2009).Саамская топонимная лексика[Sámi Toponymic Vocabulary](PDF)(in Russian). Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, Russia: Карельский научный центр РАН [Karelian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences]. pp. 140–154.ISBN978-5-9274-0362-2.OCLC706000036.
  10. ^Керт, Г. М.;[Kert, G. M.] (1971).Саамский язык (кильдинский диалект). Фонетика, морфология, синтаксис[Sámi Language (Kildin Dialect): Phonetics, Morphology, Syntax] (in Russian). Lenningrad, Soviet Union: Наука. p. 9.
  11. ^Saarikivi, Janne (2006).Substrata Uralica: Studies on Finno-Ugrian Substrate in Northern Russian Dialects(Ph.D. thesis). Helsinki, Finland: Helsingin Yliopisto.ISBN978-952-10-4519-6.
  12. ^abЖивлов, М. А.; [Zhivlov, M. A.] (27 March 2015).Неиндоевропейский субстрат в финно-волжских языках[Non-Indo-European Substratum in the Finno-Volgaic Languages]. X традиционные чтения памяти С. А.Старостина [X Traditional Readings in Memory of S. A. Starostin] (in Russian).Russian State University for the Humanities,Moscow, Russia – via Academia.edu.
  13. ^Häkkinen, Jaakko (2009)."Kantauralin ajoitus ja paikannus: perustelut puntarissa"[Protolanguage Timing and Positioning: Weighing the Arguments](PDF).Suomalais-Ugrilaisen Seuran Aikakauskirja(in Finnish).2009(92): 9–56.doi:10.33340/susa.82020.
  14. ^abLuobbal, Sámmol Sámmol Ánte(2021).The layers of substrate vocabulary in Western Uralic.Sub-Indo-European Europe: Problems, Methods and Evidence. Leiden, Netherlands – via Academia.edu.
  15. ^Rahkonen, Pauli (2013).South-Eastern Contact Area of Finnic Languages in the Light of Onomastics(PDF)(Ph.D. thesis). University of Helsinki.ISBN978-952-5866-15-5.
  16. ^"Mistä tulee nimi Saimaa?"[Where Does the Name Saimaa Come From?].Nimien Alkuperästä [On the Origin of Names](in Finnish). Kotimaisten Kielten Keskus [Institute for the Languages of Finland].Retrieved10 October2022.