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Priama akcia

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Direct action
Priama akcia
PublicationNakladateľstvo bod zlomu
AffiliationsInternational Workers' Association

Direct action(Slovak:Priama akcia,PA) is aSlovaktrade union,which focuses on solving problems in the workplace and at home and on organizing solidarity actions for the rights and needs of workers. The union was established in 2000 and became a section of theInternational Workers' Association(IWA).[1][2]

Ideology and principles[edit]

The organization adheres toanarcho-syndicalistprinciples,[3]and in its activities is primarily focused on organizing dissatisfied workers, in order to enforce their requirements. It criticizes classical unions for their excessivebureaucracy,inefficiency,efforts forclass collaborationbetweencapitaland theworking class,and a tendency to avoid open conflict.[4]As an alternative to traditional unions, it offers radical unions without hierarchical structures and without paid officials, which are governed by a membership base and promote their interests throughdirect action.[4]

Primary goals[edit]

Direct action emphasizes the following objectives:

  • Promote the current interests of the members, to solve their problems in the form of direct actions and to assist any worker who so requests.[3]
  • Express solidarity with workers in disputes regardless of their country, to provide them with assistance from as many people as possible and to contribute to greater unity among workers.[5]
  • Build an organization composed of individuals and independent groups operating in the place of residence (local groups), in individual sectors (sector groups) and in specific companies (groups in the workplace).[3]
  • The long-term goal of the union is such an organization of society in which society and labor are exempt from capital and the state.[6]


The organization criticizes the efforts of state authorities to label any critic of the social order as an extremist[7]and has in the past commented on efforts to limit the right of assembly.[8]The union has repeatedly supported teachers' struggle for higher wages.[9][10]


  1. ^"O nás/Kontakt"(in Slovak).Bratislava:Priama akcia.RetrievedJuly 3,2018.
  2. ^"Addresses"(in Slovak).International Workers' Association.RetrievedJuly 3,2018.
  3. ^abc"Ciele a princípy zväzu Priama akcia"(in Slovak). Bratislava: Priama akcia.RetrievedJuly 3,2018.
  4. ^ab"Plus 7 dní píše:" Priama akcia ""(in Slovak). Bratislava: Priama akcia. February 22, 2007.RetrievedJuly 3,2018.
  5. ^"Solidárne akcie"(in Slovak). Bratislava: Priama akcia.RetrievedJuly 3,2018.
  6. ^"Rádio RSI Deutsch: Die Organisation" Direkte Aktion ""(in Slovak). Bratislava: Rozhlas a televízia Slovenska.RetrievedJuly 3,2018.
  7. ^TASR (January 15, 2006)."Koncepcia označuje za extrémistu každého kritika, ekológa či aktivistu, tvrdí Priama Akcia".hnonline.sk.Hospodárske noviny (in Slovak). Bratislava: MAFRA Slovakia.ISSN1336-1996.RetrievedJuly 3,2018.
  8. ^TASR (July 6, 2007)."Priama akcia nevidí dovôd na obmedzenie anonymity účastníkov demonštrácií".sme.sk.SME (in Slovak). Bratislava: Petit Press.ISSN1335-4418.RetrievedJuly 3,2018.
  9. ^"Indefinite teachers strike in Slovakia has started".libcom.org.January 25, 2016.RetrievedJuly 3,2018.
  10. ^"Warning strike in the education sector in Slovakia – two interviews with a member of Priama akcia".libcom.org.September 24, 2012.RetrievedJuly 3,2018.

External links[edit]