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Property damage

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Property damage(sometimes calleddamage to property), is damage or destruction ofrealortangiblepersonalproperty,caused bynegligence,willfuldestruction, or anact of nature.Destruction of property(sometimes calledproperty destruction,orcriminal damageinEnglandandWales) is a sub-type of property damage that involves damage to property that results from willful misconduct and is punishable as a crime.[1]

Destruction of property encompassesvandalism(deliberate damage, destruction, or defacement) andarson(destroying property with fire), and similar crimes that involve unlawful infliction of damage to or destruction of personal property or real property.[2]

See also[edit]


  1. ^Hörnle, Tatjana; Dubber, Markus D., eds. (2014).The Oxford Handbook of Criminal Law.Oxford, UK: OUP Oxford.ISBN978-0191654602.
  2. ^Wright, Richard; Jacques, Scott (2010).Property Crime: Oxford Bibliographies Online Research Guide.St. Louis, MO: Oxford University Press, USA. p. 11.ISBN9780199805709.