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Proposals for new Australian states

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Evolution ofAustralian states
Political cartoon from 1900 that shows the colonies ofNew ZealandandFijirejecting the offer to join theFederation of Australia,withZealandiareferencing Australia'sorigins as a penal colony.

Since the 19th century, there have been proposals for the creation or incorporation of newstates of Australia.Chapter VI of the Constitution of Australiaprovides for the admission of new states to the federation. Proposals have included admittingterritoriesto statehood, admitting independent countries (or their dependent territories), and forming new states from parts of existing states. However, no new states have been added since thefederationof six formerBritish self-governing coloniesin 1901, as states of the newCommonwealth of Australia.

Unofficial proposals have involved current territories, especially theNorthern Territory(NT) and, to a lesser extent, theAustralian Capital Territory(ACT). Other long-standing proposals have included negotiating the addition of neighbouring countries, such asNew Zealand(as either one or two states),Papua New Guinea,FijiandEast Timor,and the creation of a state forIndigenous Australians.


Section 124 of the Constitution of Australiaprovides for the establishment or admission of new states to the federation. TheFederal Parliamentmay also form a new state by separating territory from an existing state, join multiple states or parts of states, or increase, diminish, or otherwise alter the limits of a state, but in each case, it must have the approval of the parliament(s) of the state(s) in question.[1][2]Section 123provides that alterations to state boundaries also require the consent of the state's voters via referendum.[3]

In relation to parliamentary representation, the Joint Select Committee on Electoral Reform in 1985 recommended[4][5]that territories be entitled to:

  • Separate representation from the ACT or NT once they have more than half a quota of population (for aHouse of Representativesseat);
  • A floor of two senators for the ACT and NT each; and
  • One extra senator for every two lower house members.
  • That new states should not have representation any more favourable than Territories as prescribed in the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918.[5][4][6]

Historical proposals[edit]

This map shows a proposal for subdivisions of Australia from 1838. Note that although the names "Victoria" and "Tasmania" appear, both are geographically distant from the current states of the same name.

Immediately before federation in 1901, the Australian mainland comprised six separate Britishself-governing colonies.Throughout the 19th century, the borders of these colonies changed often, there were numerous proposals for new colonies and, in some instances, new colonies weregazetted,but later dissolved and incorporated (or reincorporated) into other colonies.

In 1838, theJournal of the Royal Geographical Societypublished "Considerations on the Political Geography and Geographical Nomenclature of Australia" (1838), in which a major reorganisation of the colonial borders was proposed. The following new colonies were proposed:

(Van Diemen's Land,later known as Tasmania, was to be preserved in its then current form.[7]) These proposed colonies were geometric divisions of the continent, and did not take into account soil fertility, aridity or population. This meant that central and western Australia were divided into several states, despite their low populations both then and now.[7]

For several months in 1846, a Colony of North Australia technically existed, with its capital atGladstone.The short-lived colony officially included most of the future Queensland (except Brisbane and surrounding areas) and the future Northern Territory. Between the time it was gazetted, in February 1846 and the time it was officially cancelled, that December, the area of the new colony continued to be controlled by the government of New South Wales; at no point did a separate colonial administration of North Australia take control of it.

There was also a proposal in 1857 for the "Seven United Provinces of Eastern Australia" with separate provinces of Flinders Land, Leicharts (sic) Land (taken from the name ofLudwig Leichhardt) and Cooks Land in modern day Queensland (also named fromJames Cook).[8]


Map showing the proposed boundaries of the new Goldfields colony of "Auralia".

Proposed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the state ofAuralia(meaning "land of gold" ) would have comprised theWestern AustralianGoldfields, the western portion of theNullarbor Plainand the port town ofEsperance.[9]Its capital would have beenKalgoorlie.

However, the population in the modern region ofGoldfields-Esperanceis currently lower than that of theNorthern Territory,and there is little evidence of recent support, although the idea of a state centred around Kalgoorlie was proposed in 2003.[10]

East Timor[edit]

During the process ofPortuguesedecolonisation inEast Timorin 1974, a political party was formed called ADITLA (Associação Democratica para a Integração de Timor-Leste na Austrália,Democratic Association for the Integration of East Timor into Australia) by local businessman Henrique Pereira. It found some support from theethnic Chinesecommunity, fearful of independence or integration withIndonesiabut was disbanded when the Australian government rejected the idea in 1975.[11]

Illawarra Province[edit]

Also known as theIllawarraTerritory, this proposed new state would consist of the Illawarra region centred onWollongongon the New South Wales south coast. Originally this idea arose after disagreements between local landowners and migrants from Sydney in the mid-19th century. However the idea has continued in various incarnations ever since with most movements proposing the state's capital be situated in "Illawarra City", or the amalgamation of theShellharbourandKiamalocal government areas.[citation needed]

North Coast[edit]

This proposed state would take in the northern part of New South Wales fromTareeto the Queensland Border,[12]mainly in the north east, and excluding most of north west NSW.

Papua New Guinea[edit]

Papua New Guineais physically closest of any country to geographically remote Australia, with some of theTorres Strait Islands(Boigu,Saibai,e.g.) just off the main island of the country.Its Southern partbecame an Australian colony in 1902, whileits Northern partwas seized by Australia from Germany in 1914 and administered as a "C"Mandate of the League of Nationsfrom 1920. Both territories were amalgamated after Second World War into a single Australian colony. In 1953, the editor of the conservativeQuadrantmagazine, ProfessorJames McAuley,wrote that the territory would be "a coconut republic which would do little good for itself", and advocated its "perpetual union" with Australia, with "equal citizenship rights",[13]but this was rejected by the Australian government.[14]Papua New Guinea was granted self-government and full independence in 1975.


Princelandwas a proposed colony of Australia that would have been formed by the western part of Victoria and the south-eastern part of South Australia. The movement began the early 1860s and resulted in a petition to Queen Victoria, which was ultimately rejected on the grounds that it would involve changes to two separate colonies and could not be done without their expressed permissions.[15]

South Coast[edit]

There was a small movement in the 1940s to create a new state in south-east New South Wales and north-east Victoria. The proposed state would have reached fromBatemans Bayon the coast toKiandrain theSnowy Mountains,and as far south asSaleinVictoria.The proposed state capital wasBega.Despite calls from local advocacy groups for a Royal Commission into the idea, it was met with little success.[16]

Current proposals[edit]

Since 2000, proposals for reorganisation have continued to be put forward.[17]For instance, in 2003,Bryan Papesuggested a reorganisation into about twenty states, each with Senate representation.[18]

Republicanism,changing mineral wealth and tax distribution have been seen as reasons to revisit federation. Proposals include redivision between the local, state and federal levels of government, either consolidation or fragmentation. It has been argued that new technologies in service delivery are enablers of greater decentralisation or are a reason for greater efficiency in centralisation.

Aboriginal state[edit]

There are also supporters of an Aboriginal state, along the lines ofNunavutin Canada. TheAboriginal Provisional Governmentwas established in 1990 for the purpose;[19]Paul Coe sued the Commonwealth for Aboriginal sovereignty (Coe v Commonwealth[1979] HCA 68) and see Kevin Gilbert 'Treaty 88'. All advocated for an Aboriginal state.[20]Agence France Presse(21 August 1998) claims Australia blockeda United Nations resolution calling for the self-determination of peoples,because it would have bolstered support for an Aboriginal state within Australia.[21]Among those supporting such a state are theCouncil for Aboriginal Reconciliation.[22]

Australian Capital Territory[edit]

Location and size of the ACT andJervis Bay

Supporters of theAustralian Capital Territory(ACT) becoming a state believe the ACT, with a population only 20% lower than that of Tasmania, is underrepresented in theAustralian Parliament.

Despite this, the movement is small and no prominent political figures have given it support as of 2022; further to this, the wording of s.125 of the Australian Constitution implies that the ACT must remain a territory owned by the Commonwealth and cannot become a state.

New England[edit]

New Englandis a region ofNew South Walesand a proposed state.[17]

New Zealand[edit]

There have been several proposals forNew Zealandto become the seventh state of Australia. One proposal, suggested humorously by theLiberalSenatorIan Macdonald,is that New Zealand'sNorth IslandandSouth Islandcould become the seventh and eighth states of the Commonwealth.[23]New Zealand was one of the colonies asked to join in the creation of the Commonwealth of Australia, even by the time theCommonwealth of Australia Constitution Act1900 (Imp) was enacted, that law still provided for New Zealand to be one of the potential states of Australia.[24]Asties have grown closer,people have made proposals for acustoms union,currency unionand even a jointdefence force.New Zealand and Australia enjoy close economic and political relations, mainly by way of theTrans-Tasman Travel Arrangement,Closer Economic Relations(CER) free trade agreement signed in 1983 and the Closer Defence Relations agreement signed in 1990. In 1989, then-Prime Minister of New ZealandSir Geoffrey Palmersaid that New Zealand had "gained most of the advantages of being a state of Australia without becoming one". The two countries, along with the United States, were the original parties ofANZUS.


Historical map of Australia and New Zealand, 1923.

In 1788,Arthur Phillipassumed the position ofGovernor of New South Wales,claiming New Zealand as part ofNew South Wales.In 1835, a group of Māori chiefs signed theDeclaration of Independence,which established New Zealand as a sovereign nation. A few years later, theTreaty of Waitangire-established British control of New Zealand. TheFederal Council of Australasiawas formed with members representing New Zealand, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and Fiji. Although it held no official power it was a step into the establishment of the Commonwealth of Australia.

In 1890, there was an informal meeting of members from the Australasian colonies, this was followed by the first National Australasian convention a year later. The New Zealand representatives stated it would be unlikely to join a federation with Australia at its foundation, but it would be interested in doing so at a later date. New Zealand's position was taken into account when the Constitution of Australia was written up. Australia, in an attempt to sway New Zealand to join, gave Māori the right to vote in 1902, while Australian Aboriginal people did not fully gain the right to vote at national elections until 1962.[25]In 1908 and 1912, Australia and New Zealand sentAustralasians teamsto the Olympic Games. New Zealand and Australian soldiers fought together in 1915 under the nameANZAC.

Australian academic Bob Catley wrote a book titledWaltzing with Matilda: should New Zealand join Australia?,a book arguing that New Zealand should become one with Australia, which was described by New Zealand political commentatorColin Jamesas "a book for Australians".[26]In December 2006, an Australian Federal Parliamentary Committee recommended that Australia and New Zealand pursue a full union, or at least adopt a common ANZ currency and more common markets. The Committee found that "while Australia and New Zealand are of course two sovereign nations, it seems... that the strong ties between the two countries – the economic, cultural, migration, defence, governmental and people-to-people linkages – suggest that an even closer relationship, including the possibility of union, is both desirable and realistic." This was despite theAustralian TreasurerPeter CostelloandNew Zealand Minister of FinanceMichael Cullensaying that a common currency was "not on the agenda".[27]

A 2010 UMR research poll asked 1000 people in Australia and New Zealand a series of questions relating to New Zealand's becoming the seventh state of Australia. One quarter of the people thought it was something to look into. Over 40% thought the idea was worth debating. More Australians than New Zealanders would support such a move.[28]

In 2011, New Zealand had a partyJoin Australia Movement Partywhich advocated political unity between New Zealand andAustralia.[29]This party ended in 2011.

In 2023 during Labour MPJamie Strangevaledictory speechhe said that New Zealanders "shouldn't rule... out" becoming one country with Australia.[30]


A leading factor for the proposal of New Zealand as a state of Australia is the major economic benefits it could bring. However,free tradeand open borders now appear to be the maximum extent of public acceptance of the proposal. There are many family connections between the two nations, with around 500,000 New Zealanders living in Australia and 60,000 Australians living in New Zealand as of 2013.Peter Slipper,a former Member of Australia's Parliament, once said, "It's about how can we improve the quality of living for people on both sides of the Tasman" when referring to the proposal.[31]


Concerns have been expressed about the need for a common currency.[32]

A number of disparities that could lead to conflict including the current constitutions (written inAustralia,unwritteninNew Zealand), the status of political rights (constitutionallyentrenchedinAustraliabut not inNew Zealand). Some New Zealanders feel they have established a national identity, one which they feel they may lose if they became part of Australia.[28]Others argue New Zealand is too far away from the mainland of Australia.[33]

North Queensland[edit]

One proposal is that Queensland should be divided by the22nd parallelwith the boundary running just south ofSarinaon the coast to theNorthern Territoryborder betweenBouliaandMount Isa,and the capital would beSellheim,nearCharters Towers,to overcome rivalry betweenMackay,TownsvilleandCairns.[34]The name Capricornia has been proposed for this state.

According toThe Courier-Mailin 2010, the majority of North Queensland Mayors were in favour of the separation from Queensland proper. Only two of the hundred delegates at the NQ Local Government Association meeting were against the proposal – the two being Mayor Val Schier (Cairns) and Mayor Ben Callcott (Charters Towers).[35]

Northern Territory[edit]

Size and location of the Northern Territory in relation to current Australian states.

TheNorthern Territory(NT) is the most commonly mentioned potential seventh state.

In a1998 referendum,the voters of the Northern Territory narrowly rejected a statehood proposal that would have given the territory threesenators,rather than the twelve held by the other states, although the name "Northern Territory" would have been retained.

With statehood being rejected, it is likely that the Northern Territory will remain a territory for the near future, though formerChief MinisterClare Martin[36]and the majority of Territorians[37]are said to be in favour of statehood.

While statehood would under normal circumstances give the Northern Territory 12 senators, the same number of senators as every other state, its population as of 2021 is only 3% of the largest state,New South Wales.This means that whilst one NSW senator represents 682,000 people, one NT senator would represent approximately 21,000 people. By comparison, one Tasmanian senator represents 45,000 people, while one South Australian senator (next smallest state by population) represents 148,000 people. If the NT were only given 3 senators as proposed in the 1998 referendum, each would represent around 63,000 people (along with a higher quota for election)

An alternative name for the new state would beNorth Australia,which would be shared by two historic regions. The matter was raised again in July 2015, with a further referendum in 2018 being mooted.[38]


Riverinais also a proposed state,[18]in theMurray Riverregion, on the border between New South Wales and Victoria. TheDivision of Riverinais currently a smaller area than traditional Riverina, which would include theDivision of Farrer.Along with the ACT, it is one of the few landlocked proposed states.

In December 2020, there was a proposal by Northern Victoria MP Tim Quilty to form a new state from Northeastern Victoria and Southeastern New South Wales, because people in regional areas feel like they are neglected by their state governments. There was also a proposal to form three new states. They are: A new state comprising Greater Geelong and Metropolitan Melbourne; Regional Northeastern Victoria and Southeastern New South Wales combing, and Greater Sydney to become separate states.[39]

Some supporters also propose a "River-Eden" state in the south of NSW and the north of Victoria, which, rather than being landlocked, would stretch eastwards to the coastal town ofEden.[40][17]

See also[edit]


  1. ^Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, Chapter VICommonwealth of Australia,2003. Retrieved 7 December 2007.Archived11 October 2007 at theWayback Machine
  2. ^"Chapter VI. New States".Parliament of Australia.Archived fromthe originalon 9 May 2019.Retrieved9 May2019.
  3. ^Brown, A. J (2007)."When does property become territory? Nuclear waste, federal land acquisition and constitutional requirements for state consent"(PDF).Adelaide Law Review.7:113–138.
  4. ^abSloane, Michael."Representation of Commonwealth Territories in the Senate".Parliament of Australia.Papers of Parliament no.64. Commonwealth Parliament.ISSN1031-976X.Retrieved3 June2022.With regard to Senate representation, the ACT and the Northern Territory will have at least two senators, and beyond this they will have one senator for every two members of the House of Representatives they are entitled to. Other Commonwealth territories shall have one senator for every two members.[86] The committee further concluded that:… constitutional change is required so that representation of territories and new states in the Parliament in future occurs according to principles acceptable to the Australian community. Constitutional amendments along the lines of the formulae we have proposed for inclusion in the Electoral Act… would meet the problems and anomalies that have been disclosed to exist under the Constitution at present.[87] Although not directly the subject of this paper, it is noteworthy that this committee recommended that 'no new State should be admitted to the Federation on terms and conditions as to representation in the Parliament more favourable than those prescribed for representation of Territories in the Electoral Act'.[88] This aspect of the report appears to have been directed at preventing the Northern Territory from gaining greater representation should it achieve statehood and was strongly criticised in a dissent by Senator Michael Macklin.[89]
  5. ^abR. E Klugman; R. S Hall; John Carrick; M.J. Macklin; R.F. Ray; G.F. Richardson; A.G Griffiths; I.L. Robinson; J.L. Scott; M.E. Aldons; M.J.R MacKellar; B. Harradine; C.W. Blunt; C.A. Jakobsen; A.H. Lamb; M.J. Lee; J.L. Scott; D.W. Nairn (17 February 1986)."Determining the entitlement of Federal Territories and new States to representation in the Commonwealth Parliament"(PDF).House of Representatives Committees Joint Select Committee on Electoral Reform [1983-87].pp. viii–ix, 56.Retrieved3 June2022.The Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory shall be entitled to representation in the Senate on the basis that each Territory shall return one Senator for every two Members of the House of Representatives it is entitled to return [...] [...] The Majority Report in paragraph 4.1 says: It is [the Committee] is strongly of the view that the principles we have determined as appropriate to apply to the representation of Territories in the Parliament should also apply upon the admission of new States to the Federation I see no reason, constitutional or otherwise, as to why this ought be the case.
  6. ^Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 SECT 40 Representation of the Territories in the Senate,retrieved3 June2022,(2) Where the number of members of the House of Representatives to be chosen in the Australian Capital Territory or the Northern Territory at a general election is 6 or more, that Territory shall, on and from the day of the general election, be represented in the Senate by one senator for every 2 members of the House of Representatives to be chosen in that Territory.
  7. ^abcdefghijkWright, Shane (9 August 2021)."From Guelphia to Dampieria: How Australia could have looked".The Sydney Morning Herald.Retrieved12 March2022.
  8. ^"Digital Collections – Maps – Map of the proposed seven united provinces of eastern Australia [cartographic material]".National Library of Australia. 1857.Archivedfrom the original on 25 May 2011.Retrieved29 April2010.
  9. ^"Auralia".Western Australia and Federation.State Library of Western Australia.Archivedfrom the original on 7 July 2017.Retrieved14 April2016.
  10. ^Gregory, Denis (1 May 2003)."The man who's creating a United States of Australia".Sun-Herald.Archivedfrom the original on 4 March 2016.Retrieved14 April2016.
  11. ^"The Chinese and Aditla"p. 58 inTimor: A Nation Reborn,Nicol, Bill, Equinox Publishing, 2002.[Accessed 26 May 2008.]
  12. ^"Your Vote".Archived fromthe originalon 28 August 2007.Retrieved17 June2007.
  13. ^McAuley, James"Australia's Future in New Guinea",Pacific Affairs,Vol. 26, No. 1 (Mar. 1953), pp. 59–69. [Accessed 25 May 2008. cited by Kiernan, Ben in"Cover-Up and Denial of Genocide: Australia, the USA, East Timor and the Aborigines"Archived16 March 2003 at theWayback MachineCritical Asian Studies,Yale University,p.169
  14. ^"London Constitutional Conference"inFiji,Brij V Lal, University of London, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, 2006.[Accessed 26 May 2008.]
  15. ^"A Suitable Consort".Australian Broadcasting Commission.Retrieved15 April2009.
  16. ^"Nowra supports proposed state in south district".The Canberra Times.6 September 1948.Archivedfrom the original on 6 December 2017.Retrieved29 April2010.
  17. ^abc Lewis, Daniel (25 January 2005)."Altered states".Sydney Morning Herald.Archivedfrom the original on 12 August 2012.Retrieved14 December2012.
  18. ^ab"The man who's creating a United States of Australia".smh.com.au. 11 May 2003.Archivedfrom the original on 23 June 2008.Retrieved29 April2010.
  19. ^"Aboriginal Provisional Government".apg.org.au.Archivedfrom the original on 21 February 2012.Retrieved19 December2011.
  20. ^"The Failure of Aboriginal Separatism".melbourne.indymedia.org.28 January 2004. Archived fromthe originalon 27 March 2007.Retrieved14 November2006.
  21. ^Minorities at Risk Project (24 May 2004)."Chronology for Aborigines in Australia".MAR: Data.The University of Maryland. Archived fromthe originalon 6 September 2006.
  22. ^"The Sydney Line".The Sydney Line. Archived fromthe originalon 23 February 2011.Retrieved29 April2010.
  23. ^New Zealand should become 'seventh and eighth' states of Australia, jokes senatorArchived28 August 2017 at theWayback Machine,The Guardian,25 November 2015
  24. ^Section 6, Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900Archived2 March 2012 at theWayback Machine(Imperial)
  25. ^Commonwealth Electoral Act (1962).
  26. ^James, Colin (24 July 2001)."How not to waltz Matilda".Colin James.Archived fromthe originalon 5 October 2006.Retrieved27 June2006.
  27. ^Dick, Tim,"Push for union with New Zealand"Archived20 February 2008 at theWayback Machine,Sydney Morning Herald,5 December 2006. Accessed 29 February 2007.]
  28. ^ab"Full UMR research poll results on Aust-NZ union".Television New Zealand.14 March 2010.Archivedfrom the original on 12 January 2012.Retrieved4 November2011.
  29. ^"The Team".Join Australia Movement Party. Archived fromthe originalon 11 February 2011.Retrieved8 February2010.
  30. ^MacManus, Joel (23 August 2023)."Jamie Strange's very strange valedictory".The Spinoff.Retrieved24 August2023.
  31. ^"Q+A Poll – Should NZ & Australia Become One?".scoop.co.nz.Archivedfrom the original on 12 August 2010.Retrieved8 October2010.
  32. ^Lloyd, Peter J.; Song, Lei Lei (2006)."A currency union between Australia and New Zealand?".Économie internationale.107(3): 149–172.doi:10.3917/ecoi.107.0149.
  33. ^Crisp, Rodney (2019)."The Republic of Australia and New Zealand".Griffith Review.Retrieved21 May2021.
  34. ^"Push for separation as Queensland splits".News.com.au.
  35. ^"The state of North Queensland?".Menzies House. Archived fromthe originalon 26 September 2013.Retrieved24 September2013.
  36. ^Barker, Anne (22 May 2003)."NT statehood back on the agenda".abc.net.au.Archivedfrom the original on 9 April 2014.Retrieved4 October2013.
  37. ^House Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs (28 May 2007)."Federal implications of statehood for the Northern Territory - Chapter 3: Recent developments towards statehood"(PDF).Parliament of Australia.Archived(PDF)from the original on 4 October 2013.Retrieved4 October2013.
  38. ^Australia's Northern Territory moves to become nation's seventh state by 2018Archived28 August 2017 at theWayback Machine,The Daily Telegraph,London, 23 July 2015.
  39. ^Piovesan, Anthony (5 December 2020)."Victorian MP puts forward bold proposal for new Australian state".The Courier-Mail.Brisbane, Qld.: Nationwide News. NCA NewsWire.
  40. ^Ian Johnston."Wodenbury & River-Eden".www.newstates.net.Retrieved11 March2023.

External links[edit]