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Detail from a painting byPisanello,1436–1438

Hangingis killing a person by suspending them from the neck with anooseorligature.Hanging has been a common method ofcapital punishmentsince theMiddle Ages,and is the primary execution method in numerous countries and regions. The first known account of execution by hanging is inHomer'sOdyssey.[1]Hanging is also amethod of suicide.

The past and past participle ofhangin this sense ishanged,nothung.

Methods of judicial hanging[edit]

There are numerous methods of hanging in execution which instigate death either bycervical fractureor bystrangulation.

Short drop[edit]

Execution of guards andkaposof theStutthof concentration campon 4 July 1946 by short-drop hanging. In the foreground are the female overseers:Jenny-Wanda Barkmann,Ewa Paradies,Elisabeth Becker,Wanda Klaff,Gerda Steinhoff(left to right).

The short drop is a method of hanging in which the condemned prisoner stands on a raised support such as a stool, ladder, cart, or other vehicle, with the noose around the neck. The support is then moved away, leaving the person dangling from the rope.[2][3]

Suspended by the neck, the weight of the body tightens the noose around the neck, effectingstrangulationand death. Loss of consciousness is typically rapid and death ensues in a few minutes.[4]

Before 1850, the short drop was the standard method of hanging, and it is still common insuicidesand extrajudicial hangings (such aslynchingsandsummary executions) which do not benefit from the specialised equipment anddrop-length calculation tablesused in the newer methods.

Pole method[edit]

Mass execution of Serbs by theAustro-Hungarian armyin 1916

A short-drop variant is theAustro-Hungarian"pole" method, calledWürgegalgen(literally: strangling gallows), in which the following steps take place:

  1. The condemned is made to stand before a specialized vertical pole or pillar, approximately 3 metres (9.8 ft) in height.
  2. A rope is attached around the condemned's feet and routed through a pulley at the base of the pole.
  3. The condemned is hoisted to the top of the pole by means of a sling running across the chest and under the armpits.
  4. A narrow-diameter noose is looped around the prisoner's neck, then secured to a hook mounted at the top of the pole.
  5. The chest sling is released, and the prisoner is rapidly jerked downward by the assistant executioners via the foot rope.
  6. The executioner stands on a stepped platform approximately 1.2 metres (3.9 ft) high beside the condemned. The executioner would place the heel of his hand beneath the prisoner's jaw to increase the force on the neck vertebrae at the end of the drop, then manually dislocate the condemned's neck by forcing the head to one side while the neck vertebrae were under traction.

This method was later also adopted by the successor states, most notably byCzechoslovakia,where the "pole" method was used as the single type of execution from 1918 until theabolition of capital punishmentin 1990. Nazi war criminalKarl Hermann Frank,executed in 1946 inPrague,was among approximately 1,000 condemned people executed in this manner in Czechoslovakia.[5]

Standard drop[edit]

The execution ofHenry Wirzin 1865 near the U.S. Capitol; Wirz was given a standard drop, which did not break his neck

The standard drop involves a drop of between 4 and 6 feet (1.2–1.8 m) and came into use from 1866, when the scientific details were published by Irish doctorSamuel Haughton.Its use rapidly spread to English-speaking countries and those with judicial systems of English origin.

It was considered a humane improvement on the short drop because it was intended to be enough tobreak the person's neck,causing immediate unconsciousness and rapid brain death.[6][7]

This method was used to execute condemnedNazisunder United States jurisdiction after theNuremberg Trials,includingJoachim von RibbentropandErnst Kaltenbrunner.[8][not specific enough to verify]In the execution of Ribbentrop, historian Giles MacDonogh records that: "The hangman botched the execution and the rope throttled the former foreign minister for 20 minutes before he expired."[9]ALifemagazine report on the execution merely says: "The trap fell open and with a sound midway between a rumble and a crash, Ribbentrop disappeared. The rope quivered for a time, then stood tautly straight."[10]

Long drop[edit]

Sepia-tone photo from a contemporary 1901 postcard showingTom Ketchum's decapitated body following a botched execution by long-drop hanging. Caption reads "Body of Black Jack after the hanging showing head snapped off."
Execution of an unidentified Nazi war criminal afterWorld War II

The long-drop process, also known as the measured drop, was introduced to Britain in 1872 byWilliam Marwoodas a scientific advance on the standard drop. Instead of everyone falling the same standard distance, the person's height and weight[11]were used to determine how much slack would be provided in the rope so that the distance dropped would be enough to ensure that the neck was broken, but not so much that the person was decapitated. Careful placement of the eye or knot of the noose (so that the head was jerked back as the rope tightened) contributed to breaking the neck.

Prior to 1892, the drop was between four and ten feet (about one to three metres), depending on the weight of the body, and was calculated to deliver an energy of 1,260foot-pounds force(1,710J), which fractured the neck at either the 2nd and 3rd or 4th and 5thcervical vertebrae.This force resulted in some decapitations, such as the infamous case ofBlack Jack KetchuminNew Mexico Territoryin 1901, owing to a significant weight gain while in custody not having been factored into the drop calculations. Between 1892 and 1913, the length of the drop was shortened to avoid decapitation. After 1913, other factors were also taken into account, and the energy delivered was reduced to about 1,000 foot-pounds force (1,400 J).

weight of prisoner[12] 1892 drop (ft & inches) Ft.lbs energy developed 1913 drop (feet & inches) Ft.lbs energy developed
105 and under 8'0 " 840 - -
110 7'10 " 862 - -
115 7'3 " 834 8'6 " 1003
120 7'0 " 840 8'4 " 1000
125 6'9 " 844 8'0 " 1000
130 6'5 " 834 7'8 " 996
135 6'2 " 833 7'5 " 1001
140 6'0 " 840 7'2 " 1003
145 5'9 " 834 6'11 " 1003
150 5'7 " 838 6'8 " 999
155 5'5 " 840 6'5 " 995
160 5'3 " 853 6'3 " 1000
165 5'1 " 839 6'1 " 1004
170 4'11 " 836 5'10 " 992
175 4'9 " 831 5'8 " 991
180 4'8 " 839 5'7 " 1005
185 4'7 " 848 5'5 " 1002
190 4'5 " 839 5'3 " 993
195 4'4 " 844 5'2 " 1008
200 and over 4'2 " 833 5'0 " 1008

The decapitation ofEva Duganduring a botched hanging in 1930 led the state ofArizonato switch to thegas chamberas its primary execution method, on the grounds that it was believed more humane.[13]One of the more recent decapitations as a result of the long drop occurred whenBarzan Ibrahim al-Tikritiwas hanged in Iraq in 2007.[14]Accidental decapitation also occurred during the 1962 hanging ofArthur Lucas,one of the last two individuals to be put to death in Canada.[15]

Nazis executed under British jurisdiction, includingJosef Kramer,Fritz Klein,Irma GreseandElisabeth Volkenrath,were hanged byAlbert Pierrepointusing the variable-drop method devised by Marwood. The record speed for a British long-drop hanging was seven seconds from the executioner entering the cell to the drop. Speed was considered to be important in the British system as it reduced the condemned's mental distress.[16]

Long-drop hanging is still practiced as the method of execution in a few countries, includingJapanand Singapore.[17][18]

As suicide[edit]

Suicideby hanging

Hanging is a commonsuicide method.The materials necessary for suicide by hanging are readily available to the average person, compared with firearms or poisons. Full suspension is not required, and for this reason, hanging is especially commonplace among suicidalprisoners(seesuicide watch). A type of hanging comparable to full suspension hanging may be obtained by self-strangulation using aligaturearound the neck and the partial weight of the body (partial suspension) to tighten the ligature. When a suicidal hanging involves partial suspension the deceased is found to have both feet touching the ground, e.g., they are kneeling, crouching or standing. Partial suspension or partial weight-bearing on the ligature is sometimes used, particularly in prisons, mental hospitals or other institutions, where full suspension support is difficult to devise, because high ligature points (e.g., hooks or pipes) have been removed.[19]

InCanada,hanging is the most common method of suicide,[20]and in the U.S., hanging is the second most common method, after self-inflictedgunshot wounds.[21]In the United Kingdom, where firearms are less easily available, in 2001 hanging was the most common method among men and the second most commonplace among women (after poisoning).[22]

Those who survive a suicide-via-hanging attempt, whether due to breakage of the cord orligature point,or being discovered and cut down, face a range of serious injuries, includingcerebral anoxia(which can lead to permanent brain damage), laryngeal fracture, cervical spine fracture (which may causeparalysis), tracheal fracture, pharyngeal laceration, and carotid artery injury.[23]

As human sacrifice[edit]

There aresome suggestionsthat theVikingspracticed hanging as human sacrifices toOdin,to honour Odin's ownsacrificeof hanging himself fromYggdrasil.[24]In Northern Europe, it is widely speculated that theIron Age bog bodies,many who show signs of having been hanged were examples of human sacrifice to the gods.[25]

Medical effects[edit]

Anoxic brain injuryfollowing a hanging. The loss of grey white matter differentiation and small ventricles due to brain swelling are visible.

A hanging may induce one or more of the following medical conditions, some leading to death:

The cause of death in hanging depends on the conditions related to the event. When the body is released from a relatively high position, the major cause of death is severe trauma to the upper cervical spine. The injuries produced are highly variable. One study showed that only a small minority of a series of judicial hangings produced fractures to the cervical spine (6 out of 34 cases studied), with half of these fractures (3 out of 34) being the classic "hangman's fracture"(bilateral fractures of the pars interarticularis of the C2 vertebra).[26]The location of the knot of the hanging rope is a major factor in determining the mechanics of cervical spine injury, with a submental knot (hangman's knot under the chin) being the only location capable of producing the sudden, straightforward hyperextension injury that causes the classic "hangman's fracture".

According toHistorical and biomechanical aspects of hangman's fracture,the phrase in the usual execution order, "hanged by the neck until dead", was necessary.[1]By the late 19th century that methodical study enabled authorities to routinely employ hanging in ways that would predictably kill the victim quickly.

The side, or subaural knot, has been shown to produce other, more complex injuries, with one thoroughly studied case producing only ligamentous injuries to the cervical spine and bilateral vertebral artery disruptions, but no major vertebral fractures or crush injuries to the spinal cord.[27]Death from a "hangman's fracture" occurs mainly when the applied force is severe enough to also cause a severesubluxationof the C2 and C3 vertebra that crushes the spinal cord and/or disrupts the vertebral arteries. Hangman's fractures from other hyperextension injuries (the most common being unrestrained motor vehicle accidents and falls or diving injuries where the face or chin suddenly strike an immovable object) are frequently survivable if the applied force does not cause a severe subluxation of C2 on C3.

John Ogilvie,who in 1615 was hanged and disembowelled after torture for his refusal to give up the Catholic faith and convert to Protestantism

In the absence of fracture and dislocation, occlusion of blood vessels becomes the major cause of death, rather thanasphyxiation.Obstruction of venous drainage of the brain via occlusion of the internal jugular veins leads tocerebral oedemaand thencerebral ischemia.The face will typically become engorged andcyanotic(turned blue through lack of oxygen). Compromise of the cerebral blood flow may occur by obstruction of the carotid arteries, even though their obstruction requires far more force than the obstruction of jugular veins, since they are seated deeper and they contain blood in much higher pressure compared to the jugular veins.[28]

When cerebral circulation is severely compromised by any mechanism, arterial or venous, death occurs over four or more minutes from cerebral hypoxia, although the heart may continue to beat for some period after the brain can no longer be resuscitated. The time of death in such cases is a matter of convention. In judicial hangings, death is pronounced at cardiac arrest, which may occur at times from several minutes up to 15 minutes or longer after hanging.[citation needed]

Sphincters will relax spontaneously and urine and faeces will be evacuated. Forensic experts may often be able to tell if hanging is suicide or homicide, as each leaves a distinctive ligature mark. One of the hints they use is thehyoid bone.If broken, it often means the person has beenmurderedby manualstrangulation.[citation needed]

Notable practices across the globe[edit]

La Pendaison(The Hanging), a plate from French artistJacques Callot's 1633 seriesThe Great Miseries of War.

Hanging has been a method ofcapital punishmentin many countries, and is still used by many countries to this day. Long-drop hanging is mainly used by former British colonies, while short-drop and suspension hanging is common elsewhere, in countries including Iran and Afghanistan.


Hanging is the most used form of capital punishment inAfghanistan.[citation needed]


Capital punishment was a part of thelegal system of Australiafrom the establishment ofNew South Walesas a British penal colony, until 1985, by which time all Australian states and territories had abolished the death penalty;[29]in practice, the last execution in Australia was the hanging ofRonald Ryanon 3 February 1967, inVictoria.[30]

During the 19th century, crimes that could carry a death sentence includedburglary,sheep theft,forgery,sexual assaults,murder andmanslaughter.During the 19th century, there were roughly eighty people hanged every year throughout the Australian colonies for these crimes.[citation needed]


Bahamas employs hanging to execute the condemned but no executions have been conducted in the country since 2000. In recent years, there have been some inmates on death row but their sentences have been commuted.[31]


Hanging is the only method of execution inBangladesh,ever since its independence.


Death by hanging was the customary method of capital punishment in Brazil throughout its history. Some important national heroes likeTiradentes(1792) were killed by hanging. The last man executed in Brazil was the slaveFrancisco,in 1876.[32]The death penalty was abolished for all crimes, except for those committed under extraordinary circumstances such as war or military law, in 1890.[33]


Bulgaria's national hero,Vasil Levski,was executed by hanging by theOttomancourt inSofiain 1873. Every year since Bulgaria's liberation, thousands come with flowers on the date of his death, 19 February, to his monument where the gallows stood. The last execution was in 1989, and the death penalty was abolished for all crimes in 1998.[33]


Historically, hanging was the only method of execution used in Canada and was in use as possible punishment for all murders until 1961, when murders were reclassified into capital and non-capital offences. The death penalty was restricted to apply only for certain offences to the National Defence Act in 1976 and was completely abolished in 1998.[34]The last hangings in Canada took place on 11 December 1962.[33]


In 1955, Egypt hanged three Israelis on charges of spying.[35]In 1982 Egypt hanged three civilians convicted of theassassination of Anwar Sadat.[36]In 2004, Egypt hanged five militants on charges of trying to kill the Prime Minister.[37]To this day, hanging remains the standard method of capital punishment in Egypt, which executes more people each year than any other African country.


Public executionof Polish civilians by theNazi Germansin German occupiedKrakówin 1942
Alleged Soviet partisans hanged by the Nazis in January 1943

In the territories occupied byNazi Germanyfrom 1939 to 1945, strangulation hanging was a preferred means of public execution, although more criminal executions were performed byguillotinethan hanging. The most commonly sentenced werepartisansandblack marketeers,whose bodies were usually left hanging for long periods. There are also numerous reports of concentration camp inmates being hanged. Hanging was continued in post-war Germany in theBritish and US Occupation Zonesunder their jurisdiction, and for Nazi war criminals, until well after (western) Germany itself had abolished the death penalty by theGerman constitutionas adopted in 1949. West Berlin was not subject to theGrundgesetz(Basic Law) and abolished the death penalty in 1951. TheGerman Democratic Republicabolished the death penalty in 1987. The last execution ordered by a West German court was carried out by guillotine in Moabit prison in 1949. The last hanging in Germany was the one ordered of several war criminals inLandsberg am Lechon 7 June 1951. The last known execution in East Germany was in 1981 by a pistol shot to the neck.[29]

Hong Kong[edit]

Even though Hong Kong is now part of China it has no capital punishment; it is a special administrative region of China. When Hong Kong was still a part of the British Empire, it had hanging as the method of execution. The last person who was executed was a Chinese Vietnamese man who attacked a security guard and another person. This was in 1966.[38]


The prime minister of Hungary, during the1956 Revolution,Imre Nagy,was secretly tried, executed by hanging, and buried unceremoniously by the newSoviet-backed Hungarian government, in 1958. Nagy was later publicly exonerated by Hungary.[39]Capital punishment was abolished for all crimes in 1990.[29]


The hanging of two participants in British India (Indian Rebellion of 1857)

Hanging was introduced by the British. All executions in India since independence have been carried out by hanging, although the law provides for military executions to be carried out by firing squad. In 1949,Nathuram Godse,who had been sentenced to death for the assassination ofMahatma Gandhi,was the first person to be executed by hanging in independent India.[40]

TheSupreme Court of Indiahas suggested thatcapital punishmentshould be given only in the "rarest of rare cases".[41]

Since 2001, eight people have been executed in India.Dhananjoy Chatterjee,the 1991 rapist and murderer was executed on 14 August 2004 inAlipore Jail,Kolkata.Ajmal Kasab,the lone surviving terrorist of the2008 Mumbai attackswas executed on 21 November 2012 inYerwada Central Jail,Pune. The Supreme Court of India had previously rejected his mercy plea, which was then rejected by the President of India. He was hanged one week later.Afzal Guru,a terrorist found guilty of conspiracy in theDecember 2001 attack on the Indian Parliament,was executed by hanging inTihar Jail,Delhi on 9 February 2013.Yakub Memonwas convicted over his involvement in the1993 Bombay bombingsby Special Terrorist and Disruptive Activities court on 27 July 2007. His appeals and petitions for clemency were all rejected and he was finally executed by hanging on 30 July 2015 in Nagpur jail. In March 2020,four prisoners convicted of rape and murderwere executed by hanging in Tihar Jail.[42]


A public execution for a man convicted of rape,Qarchak,Iran 26 October 2011.

Death by hanging is the primary means of capital punishment in Iran, which carries out one of the highest numbers of annual executions in the world. The method used is the short drop, which does not break the neck of the condemned, but rather causes a slower death due to strangulation. It is legal for murder, rape, and drug trafficking unless the criminal paysdiyyato the victim's family, thus attaining their forgiveness (seeSharia). If the presiding judge deems the case to be "causing public outrage", he can order the hanging to take place in public at the spot where the crime was committed, typically from a mobile telescoping crane which hoists the condemned high into the air.[43]On 19 July 2005, two boys,Mahmoud Asgari and Ayaz Marhoni,aged 15 and 17 respectively, who had been convicted of the rape of a 13-year-old boy, were hanged at Edalat (Justice) Square inMashhad,on charges ofhomosexualityandrape.[44][45]On 15 August 2004, a 16-year-old girl,Atefeh Sahaaleh(also called Atefeh Rajabi), was executed for having committed "acts incompatible withchastity".[46]

At dawn on 27 July 2008, the Iranian government executed 29 people atEvin Prisonin Tehran.[47]On 2 December 2008, an unnamed man was hanged for murder at Kazeroun Prison, just moments after he was pardoned by the murder victim's family. He was quickly cut down and rushed to a hospital, where he was successfully revived.[48]

The conviction and hanging ofReyhaneh Jabbaricaused international uproar as she was sentenced to death in 2009 and hanged on 25 October 2014 for murdering a former intelligence officer; according to Jabbari's testimony she stabbed him during an attempted rape and then another person killed him.[49]


Hanging was used under the regime ofSaddam Hussein,[50]but was suspended along with capital punishment on 10 June 2003, when a coalition led by the United Statesinvadedand overthrew the previous regime. The death penalty was reinstated on 8 August 2004.[51]

In September 2005, three murderers were the first people to be executed since the restoration. Then on 9 March 2006, an official of Iraq's Supreme Judicial Council confirmed that Iraqi authorities had executed the firstinsurgentsby hanging.[52]

Saddam Hussein was sentenced to death by hanging forcrimes against humanity[53]on 5 November 2006, and was executed on 30 December 2006 at approximately 6:00 a.m. local time. During the drop, there was an audible crack indicating that his neck was broken, a successful example of a long-drop hanging.[54]

Barzan Ibrahim,the head of the Mukhabarat, Saddam's security agency, andAwad Hamed al-Bandar,former chief judge, were executed on 15 January 2007, also by the long-drop method, but Barzan was decapitated by the rope at the end of his fall.[55]

Former vice-presidentTaha Yassin Ramadanhad been sentenced to life in prison on 5 November 2006, but the sentence was changed to death by hanging on 12 February 2007.[56]He was the fourth and final man to be executed for the 1982 crimes against humanity on 20 March 2007. The execution went smoothly.[57]

At the Anfal genocide trial, Saddam's cousinAli Hassan al-Majid(aliasChemical Ali), former defence ministerSultan Hashim Ahmedal-Tay, and former deputy Hussein Rashid Mohammed were sentenced to hang for their role in theAl-Anfal Campaignagainst the Kurds on 24 June 2007.[58]Al-Majid was sentenced to death three more times: once for the 1991 suppression of a Shi'a uprising along with Abdul-Ghani Abdul Ghafur on 2 December 2008;[59]once for the 1999 crackdown in the assassination ofGrand Ayatollah Mohammad al-Sadron 2 March 2009;[60]and once on 17 January 2010 for the gassing of the Kurds in 1988;[61]he was hanged on 25 January.[62]

On 26 October 2010, Saddam's top ministerTariq Azizwas sentenced to hang for persecuting the members of rival Shi'a political parties.[63]His sentence was commuted to indefinite imprisonment after Iraqi presidentJalal Talabanidid not sign his execution order and he died in prison in 2015.

On 14 July 2011, US forces transferred condemned prisoners Sultan Hashim Ahmed al-Tay and two of Saddam's half-brothers,Sabawi Ibrahim al-TikritiandWatban Ibrahim al-Tikriti,to Iraqi authorities for execution.[64]The Iraqi High Tribunal had sentenced Saddam's half-brothers to death on 11 March 2009 for their roles in the executions of 42 traders who were accused of manipulatingfood prices.[65]None of the three men were executed.

It is alleged that Iraq's government keeps the execution rate secret, and hundreds may be carried out every year. In 2007, Amnesty International stated that 900 people were at "imminent risk" of execution in Iraq.


Although Israel has provisions in its criminal law to use the death penalty for extraordinary crimes, it has been used only twice, and only one of those executions was by hanging. On 31 May 1962, Nazi leaderAdolf Eichmannwas captured, taken to Israel and then executed by hanging.[33]


All executions in Japan are carried out by hanging.

On 23 December 1948,Hideki Tojo,Kenji Doihara,Akira Mutō,Iwane Matsui,Seishirō Itagaki,Kōki Hirota,andHeitaro Kimurawere hanged atSugamo Prisonby theU.S. occupation authoritiesinIkebukuroinAllied-occupied Japanforwar crimes,crimes against humanity,andcrimes against peaceduring the Asian-Pacific theatre ofWorld War II.[66][67]

On 27 February 2004, the mastermind of theSarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway,Shoko Asahara,was found guilty and sentenced to death by hanging. On 25 December 2006, serial killerHiroaki Hidakaand three others were hanged in Japan. Long-drop hanging is the method of carrying out judicial capital punishment on civilians in Japan, as in the cases ofNorio Nagayama,[68]Mamoru Takuma,[69]andTsutomu Miyazaki.[70]In 2018Shoko Asaharaand several of his cult members were hanged for committing the 1995 sarin gas attack.


Death by hanging is the traditional method of capital punishment inJordan.On 14 August 1993, Jordan hanged two Jordanians convicted of spying for Israel.[71]Sajida al-Rishawi,"The 4th bomber" of the2005 Amman bombings,was executed by hanging alongsideZiad al-Karboulyon 4 February 2015 in retribution for theimmolationof Jordanian pilotMuath Al-Kasasbeh.


Kuwait has always used hanging for execution. During theGulf War,Iraqi government officials executed different people for different reasons. After the war, Kuwait hanged Iraqi collaborators.[72]Sometimes the executions are in public. The most recent executions were in 2022. [73]


Lebanon hanged two men in 1998 for murdering a man and his sister.[74]However, capital punishment ended up being altogether suspended in Lebanon, as a result of staunch opposition by activists and some political factions.[75]


The Hanging of theHarper Seven,Liberia – 16 February 1979

On 16 February 1979, seven men convicted of theritual killingof the popular Kru traditional singer Moses Tweh, were publicly hanged at dawn inHarper.[76][77]


Hanging is the traditional method of capital punishment in Malaysia and has been used to execute people convicted of murder, drug trafficking and waging war against the government. TheBarlow and Chambers executionwas carried out as a result of new tighter drug regulations.


In Pakistan, hanging is the most common form of execution.


The last person executed by hanging in Portugal was Francisco Matos Lobos on 16 April 1842. Before that, it had been a common death penalty.


Hanging was commonly practised in theRussian Empireduring the rule of theRomanov Dynastyas an alternative toimpalement,which was used in the 15th and 16th centuries.

Hanging was abolished in 1868 byAlexander IIafterserfdom,[clarification needed]but was restored by the time of his death and his assassins were hanged. While those sentenced to death for murder were usually pardoned and sentences commuted to life imprisonment, those guilty of high treason were usually executed. This also included theGrand Duchy of FinlandandKingdom of Polandunder the Russian crown.Taavetti Lukkarinenbecame the last Finn to be executed this way. He was hanged for espionage and high treason in 1916.

The hanging was usually performed by short drop in public. The gallows were usually either a stout nearby tree branch, as in the case of Lukkarinen, or a makeshift gallows constructed for the purpose.

After theOctober Revolutionin 1917, capital punishment was, on paper, abolished, but continued to be used unabated against people perceived to be enemies of the regime. Under the Bolsheviks, most executions were performed by shooting, either by firing squad or by a single firearm. In 1943, hanging was restored primarily for German servicemen and native collaborators for atrocities committed against Soviet POWs and civilians. The last to be hanged wereAndrey Vlasovand his companions in 1946.


InSingapore,long-drop hanging[17]is currently used as a mandatory punishment for crimes such asdrug trafficking,murderand some types ofkidnapping.It was introduced by the British, when they occupied Singapore and neighbouring Malaysia. It has also been used for punishing those convicted of unauthorised discharging of firearms.[78]

Sri Lanka[edit]

Hanging was abolished inSri Lankain 1956, but in 1959 it was brought back and later halted in 1978. In 1975, the day before the execution ofMaru Sira,he had been overdosed by the prison guards to prevent him from escaping. On the day of his execution he was unconscious, so when he was brought to the gallows, he was slumped over on the trapdoor with a noose around his neck, and when the executioner pulled the lever, his execution was botched and he strangled.


Eli Cohen,publicly hanged by Syria on 18 May 1965

Syria has publicly hanged people, such as two Jews in 1952, Israeli spyEli Cohenin 1965, and a number of Jews accused of spying in 1969.[79][80][81]

According to a 19th-century report, members of theAlawitesect centred onLattakiain Syria had a particular aversion towards being hanged, and the family of the condemned was willing to pay "considerable sums" to ensure its relations wereimpaled,instead of being hanged. As far asBurckhardtcould make out, this attitude was based upon the Alawites' idea that the soul ought to leave the body through the mouth, rather than leave it in any other fashion.[82]

TheIslamic Statealso used hanging post-mortem, after theyexecuted alleged spies for the western-backed coalitioninDeir ez-Zorbycutting their throatsin aslaughterhouse,during the Islamic holiday ofEid al-Adhain 2016. They also used shooting, beheading, fire and other methods to execute people during their rule.[83]

United Kingdom[edit]

As a form ofjudicialexecution in England, hanging is thought to date from theAnglo-Saxon period.[84]Records of the names of Britishhangmenbegin with Thomas de Warblynton in the 1360s;[citation needed]complete records extend from the 16th century to the last hangmen,Robert Leslie StewartandHarry Allen,who conducted the last British executions in 1964.

Until 1868 hangings were performed in public. In London, the traditional site was atTyburn,a settlement west of theCityon the main road toOxford,which was used on eight hanging days a year, though before 1865, executions had been transferred to the street outsideNewgate Prison,Old Bailey,now the site of theCentral Criminal Court.

Three British subjects were hanged afterWorld War IIafter having been convicted of having helpedNazi Germanyin its war against Britain.John Amery,the son of prominent British politicianLeo Amery,became anexpatriatein the 1930s, moving to France. He became involved in pre-warfascistpolitics, remained in what becameVichy Francefollowing France's defeat by Germany in 1940 and eventually went to Germany and later the German puppet state in Italy headed byBenito Mussolini.Captured by Italianpartisansat the end of the war and handed over to British authorities, Amery was accused of having madepropagandabroadcasts for the Nazis and of having attempted to recruit Britishprisoners of warfor aWaffen SSregiment later known as theBritish Free Corps.Amery pleaded guilty to treason charges on 28 November 1945[85]and was hanged atWandsworth Prisonon 19 December 1945.William Joyce,an American-born Irishman who had lived in Britain and possessed a Britishpassport,had been involved in pre-war fascist politics in the UK, fled to Nazi Germany just before the war began to avoid arrest by British authorities and became a naturalised German citizen. He made propaganda broadcasts for the Nazis, becoming infamous under the nicknameLord Haw Haw.Captured by British forces in May 1945, he was tried for treason later that year. Although Joyce's defence argued that he was by birth American and thus not subject to being tried for treason, the prosecution successfully argued that Joyce's pre-war British passport meant that he was a subject of the British Crown and he was convicted. After his appeals failed, he was hanged at Wandsworth Prison on 3 January 1946.[86]Theodore Schurch,a British soldier captured by the Nazis who then began working for the Italian and German intelligence services by acting as a spy and informer who would be placed among other British prisoners, was arrested in Rome in March 1945 and tried under theTreachery Act 1940.After his conviction, he was hanged atHM Prison Pentonvilleon 4 January 1946.

TheHomicide Act 1957created the new offence ofcapital murder,punishable by death, with all other murders being punishable by life imprisonment.

In 1965, Parliament passed theMurder (Abolition of Death Penalty) Act,temporarily abolishing capital punishment for murder for five years. The Act was renewed in 1969, making the abolition permanent. With the passage of theCrime and Disorder Act 1998and theHuman Rights Act 1998,the death penalty was officially abolished for all crimes in both civilian and military cases. Following its complete abolition, the gallows were removed fromWandsworth Prison,where they remained in full working order until that year.

The last woman to be hanged wasRuth Ellison 13 July 1955, byAlbert Pierrepointwho was a prominent hangman in the 20th century in England. The last hangings in Britain took place in 1964, whenPeter Anthony Allenwas executed atWalton PrisoninLiverpool.Gwynne Owen Evanswas executed byHarry AllenatStrangeways PrisoninManchester.Both were executed for themurder of John Alan West.[87]

Hanging was also the method used in many colonies and overseas territories.[88]

Silken rope[edit]

In the UK, some felons are traditionally said to have been executed by hanging with a silken rope:

United States[edit]

The execution of Mary Surratt, Lewis Powell, David Herold, and George Atzerodt, who were all convicted by amilitary tribunalfor being involved in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, 7 July 1865

Hanging was one means by whichPuritansof theMassachusetts Bay Colonyenforced religious and intellectual conformity on the whole community.[93]The best known hanging carried out by the Puritans,Mary Dyerwas one of the four executedQuakersknown as theBoston martyrs.[94]

Capital punishment in the U.S. varies from state to state; it is outlawed in some states but used in most others. However, the death penalty under federal law is applicable in every state. Hanging is no longer used as a method of execution.

WhenBlackpastorDenmark Veseyof theEmanuel African Methodist Episcopal Churchwas suspected of plotting to launch aslave rebellionin Charleston, South Carolina in 1822, 35 people, including Vesey, were judged guilty by a city-appointed court and were subsequently hanged, and the church was burned down.[95]

TheDakota War of 1862,also known as the Dakota uprising, led to the largest mass execution in the United States when 38 Sioux Indians, who were facing starvation and displacement, attacked white settlers, for which they were sentenced to death via hanging inMankato, Minnesotain December 1862.[96]Originally, 303 had been sentenced to hang, but the convictions were reviewed by PresidentAbraham Lincolnand the sentences of all but 38 were commuted.[97]In 2019, an historic apology was issued to the Dakota people for the mass hanging and the "trauma inflicted onNativepeople at the hands of state government. "[96]

A total of 40 suspectedUnionistswere hanged inGainesville, Texasin October 1862.[98]On 7 July 1865, four people involved in theassassination of President Abraham LincolnMary Surratt,Lewis Powell,David Herold,andGeorge Atzerodt—were hanged atFort McNairinWashington, D.C.

Men pose for a photograph of the1920 Duluth, Minnesota lynchings.Two of the black victims are still hanging while the third is on the ground. A popular method oflynching,hangings were often public spectacles to celebrate white supremacy.[99]

While relatively uncommon,hanging in chainshas also been practiced (mainly during the colonial era), the first being a slave after theNew York Slave Revolt of 1712.The last hanging in chains was in 1913, of John Marshall inWest Virginiafor murder.[100]The last public hanging in the United States (not includinglynching,one of the last of which wasMichael Donald in 1981) took place on 14 August 1936, inOwensboro, Kentucky.Rainey Betheawas executed for the rape and murder of 70-year-old Lischa Edwards. The execution was presided over by the first femalesheriffin Kentucky,Florence Shoemaker Thompson.[101][102]

In California,Clinton Duffy,who served as warden ofSan Quentin State Prisonbetween 1940 and 1952, presided over ninety executions.[103]He began to oppose the death penalty, and after his retirement, wrote a memoir entitledEighty-Eight Men and Two Womenin support of the movement to abolish the death penalty. The book documents several hangings gone wrong and describes how they led his predecessor, WardenJames B. Holohan,to persuade the California Legislature to replace hanging with thegas chamberin 1937.[104][105]

Various methods of capital punishment have been replaced bylethal injectionin most states and the federal government. Many states that offered hanging as an option have since eliminated the method. Condemned murdererVictor Feguerbecame the last inmate to be executed by hanging in the state ofIowaon 15 March 1963. Hanging was the preferred method of execution for capital murder cases in Iowa until 1965, when the death penalty was abolished and replaced withlife imprisonmentwithoutparole.Barton Kay Kirkhamwas the last person to be hanged in Utah, preferring it overexecution by firing squad.Laws inDelawarewere changed in 1986 to specify lethal injection, except for those convicted before 1986 (who were still allowed to choose hanging). If a choice was not made, or the convict refused to choose injection, then hanging would become the default method. This was the case in the 1996 execution ofBilly Bailey,the most recent hanging in American history; since then, no Delaware prisoner fit the category, and the state's gallows were later dismantled.

Upright jerker[edit]

The upright jerker is a method of hanging that originated in the United States in the late 19th century. The person to be hanged is jerked into the air by weights and pulleys. It proved to be ineffective at breaking the neck of the condemned, and death by asphyxiation often occurred. In the United States, use of the method ceased in the late 1930s. However,Irancontinues to intermittently employ a variant of this method, using acranerather than a specially-designed mechanism of pulleys. The method has received heavy criticism from human rights organizations and the European Union.[106]

Inverted hanging, the "Jewish" punishment[edit]

Woodcut byJohann Stumpf,who witnessed this type of execution in 1553

A completely different principle of hanging is to hang the convicted person from their legs, rather than from their neck, either as a form of torture, or as an execution method. In late medieval Germany, this came to be primarily associated with Jews accused of being thieves, called theJudenstrafe.The jurist Ulrich Tengler, in hisLayenspiegelfrom 1509, describes the procedure as follows, in the section"Von Juden straff":[107]

To drag the Jew to the ordinary execution place between two angry or biting dogs. After dragging, to hang him from his feet by rope or chain at a designated gallows between the dogs, so that he is directed from life to death[108]

Guido Kisch[de]showed that originally, this type of inverted hanging between two dogs was not a punishment specifically for Jews. Esther Cohen writes:[109]

The inverted hanging with the accompaniment of two dogs, originally reserved for traitors, was identified from the fourteenth century as the "Jewish execution", being practised in the later Middle Ages in both northern and Mediterranean Europe. The Jewish execution in Germany has been thoroughly studied by G. Kisch, who has argued convincingly that neither the inverted hanging nor the stringing up of dogs or wolves beside the victim were particularly Jewish punishments during the High Middle Ages. They first appeared as Jewish punishments in Germany only towards the end of the thirteenth century, never being recognized as exclusively Jewish penalties.

In France the inverted, animal-associated hanging came to be connected with Jews by the later Middle Ages. The inverted hanging of Jews is specifically mentioned in the old customs of Burgundy in the context of animal hanging. The custom, dogs and all, was still in force in Paris shortly before the final expulsion of the Jews in 1394.

In Spain 1449, during a mob attack against theMarranos(Jews nominally converted to Christianity), the Jews resisted, but lost and several of them were hanged up by the feet.[110]The first attested German case for a Jew being hanged by the feet is from 1296, in present-daySoultzmatt.[111]Some other historical examples of this type of hanging within the German context are one Jew inHennegau1326, two Jews hanged inFrankfurt1444,[112]one inHallein 1462,[113]one inDortmund1486,[114]one inHanau1499,[112]one inBreslau1505,[115]one inWürttemberg1553,[116]one inBergen1588,[112]one inÖttingen1611,[117]one in Frankfurt 1615 and again in 1661,[112]and one condemned to this punishment inPrussiain 1637.[118]

The details of the cases vary widely: In the 1444 Frankfurt cases and the 1499 Hanau case, the dogs were dead prior to being hanged, and in the late 1615 and 1661 cases in Frankfurt, the Jews (and dogs) were merely kept in this torture for half an hour, before being garroted from below. In the 1588 Bergen case, all three victims were left hanging till they were dead, ranging from 6 to 8 days after being hanged. In the Dortmund 1486 case, the dogs bit the Jew to death while hanging. In the 1611 Öttingen case, the Jew "Jacob the Tall" thought to blow up theDeutsche Ordenhauswith gunpowder after having burgled it. He was strung up between two dogs, and a large fire was made close to him, and he expired after half an hour under this torture. In the 1553 Württemberg case, the Jew chose to convert to Christianity after hanging like this for 24 hours; he was then given the mercy to be hanged in the ordinary manner, from the neck, and without the dogs beside him. In the 1462 Halle case, the Jew Abraham also converted after 24 hours hanging upside down, and a priest went up on a ladder and baptised him. For two more days, Abraham was left hanging, while the priest argued with the city council that a true Christian should not be punished in this way. On the third day, Abraham was granted a reprieve, and was taken down, but died 20 days later in the local hospital having meanwhile suffered in extreme pain. In the 1637 case, where the Jew had murdered a Christian jeweller, the appeal to theempresswas successful, and out of mercy, the Jew was condemned to be merely pinched with glowing pincers, have hot lead dripped into his wounds, and then bebroken alive on the wheel.

Some of the reported cases may be myths, or wandering stories. The 1326 Hennegau case, for example, deviates from the others in that the Jew was not a thief, but was suspected (even though he was a convert to Christianity) of having struck an al fresco painting ofVirgin Mary,so that blood had begun to seep down the wall from the painting. Even under all degrees of judicial torture, the Jew denied performing this sacrilegious act, and was therefore exonerated. Then a brawny smith demanded from him atrial by combat,because, supposedly, in a dream the Virgin herself had besought the smith to do so. The court accepted the smith's challenge, he easily won the combat against the Jew, who was duly hanged up by the feet between two dogs. To add to the injury, one let him be slowly roasted as well as hanged.[119]This is a very similar story to one told in France, in which a young Jew threw a lance at the head of a statue of the Virgin, so that blood spurted out of it. There was inadequate evidence for a normal trial, but a frail old man asked for trial by combat, and bested the young Jew. The Jew confessed his crime, and was hanged by his feet between two mastiffs.[120]

The features of the earliest attested case, that of a Jewish thief hanged by the feet in Soultzmatt in 1296 are also rather divergent from the rest. The Jew managed somehow, after he had been left to die, to twitch his body in such a manner that he could hoist himself up on the gallows and free himself. At that time, his feet were so damaged that he was unable to escape, and when he was discovered 8 days after he had been hanged, he was strangled to death by the townspeople.[121]

As late as in 1699Celle,the courts were sufficiently horrified at how the Jewish leader of a robber gang (condemned to be hanged in the normal manner) declared blasphemies against Christianity, that they made a ruling on thepost mortemtreatment of Jonas Meyer. After 3 days, his corpse was cut down, his tongue cut out, and his body was hanged up again, but this time from its feet.[122]

Punishment for traitors[edit]

Guido Kisch writes that the first instance he knows where a person in Germany was hanged up by his feet between two dogs until he died occurred about 1048, some 250 years earlier than the first attested Jewish case. This was a knight called Arnold, who had murdered his lord; the story is contained inAdam of Bremen'sHistory of the Archbishops of Hamburg-Bremen.[123]Another example of a non-Jew who suffered this punishment as a torture, in 1196Richard, Count of Acerra,was one of those executed byHenry VIin the suppression of the rebelling Sicilians:[124]

He [Henry VI] held a general court in Capua, at which he ordered that the count first be drawn behind a horse through the squares of Capua, and then hanged alive head downwards. The latter was still alive after two days when a certain German jester called Leather-Bag [Follis], hoping to please the emperor, tied a large stone to his neck and shamefully put him to death

A couple of centuries earlier, in France 991, a viscount Walter nominally owing his allegiance to the French KingHugh Capetchose, on instigation of his wife, to join the rebellion underOdo I, Count of Blois.When Odo found out he had to abandonMelunafter all, Walter was duly hanged before the gates, whereas his wife, the fomentor of treason, was hanged by her feet, causing much merriment and jeers from Hugh's soldiers as her clothes fell downwards revealing her naked body, although it is not wholly clear if she died in that manner.[125]

Elizabethan maritime law[edit]

During QueenElizabeth I's reign, the following was written concerning those who stole a ship from the Royal Navy:[126]

If anye one practysed to steale awaye anye of her Majesty's shippes, the captaine was to cause him to be hanged by the heels untill his braines were beaten out against the shippe's sides, and then to be cutt down and lett fall intoe the sea.

Hanging by the ribs[edit]

A Man Hung Alive by the Ribs to a GallowsbyWilliam Blake.Originally published in Stedman'sNarrative.

In 1713,Juraj Jánošík,a semi-legendary Slovak outlaw andfolk hero,was sentenced to be hanged from his left rib. He was left to slowly die.[127]

The German physician Gottlob Schober (1670–1739),[128]who worked in Russia from 1712, notes that a person could hang from the ribs for about three days prior to expiring, his primary pain being that of extreme thirst. He thought this degree of insensitivity was something peculiar to the Russian mentality.[129]

The Dutch inSurinamewere also in the habit of hanging a slave from the ribs, a custom amongst the African tribes from whom they were originally purchased.John Gabriel Stedmanstayed in South America from 1772 to 1777 and described the method as told by a witness:[130]

Not long ago, (continued he) I saw a black "man suspended alive from a gallows by the ribs, between which, with a knife, was first made an incision, and then clinched an iron hook with a chain: in this manner he kept alive three days, hanging with his head" and feet downwards, and catching with his tongue the "drops of water" (it being in the rainy season) that were "flowing down his bloated breast. Notwithstanding all this, he never complained, and even upbraided a negro" for crying while he was flogged below the gallows, by calling out to him: "You man?—Da boy fasy? Are you a man? you behave like a boy". Shortly after which he was knocked on the head by the commiserating sentry, who stood over him, with the butt end of his musket.

William Blakewas specially commissioned to make illustrations to Stedman's narrative.[131]


The standard past tense and past participle form of the verb "hang", in the sense of this article, is "hanged",[132][133][134]although some dictionaries give "hung" as an alternative.[135][136]

See also[edit]


  1. ^abcdMahmoud Rayes; Monika Mittal; Setti S. Rengachary; Sandeep Mittal (February 2011)."Hangman's fracture: a historical and biomechanical perspective"(PDF).Journal of Neurosurgery.Archived(PDF)from the original on 13 January 2017.Retrieved27 August2016.It was not until the introduction of the standard drop by Dr. Samuel Haughton in 1866, and the so-called long drop by William Marwood in 1872 that hanging became a standard, humane means to achieve instantaneous death.
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  104. ^Duffy, Clinton (1962).Eighty-Eight Men and Two Women.Garden City, NY: Doubleday.OCLC1317754.
  105. ^Fimrite, Peter (20 November 2005)."Inside death row. At San Quentin, 647 condemned killers wait to die in the most populous execution antechamber in the United States".San Francisco Chronicle.Archivedfrom the original on 2 July 2009.Retrieved12 January2009.
  106. ^"Iran execution: Man publicly hanged from crane amid protests".AP News.12 December 2022.Retrieved2 November2023.
  107. ^Tengler, U."Layenspiegel".Archived13 May 2016 at theWayback Machine.p.119
  108. ^Original German text:Den Juden zwischen zweyen wütenden oder beissenden hunde zu der gewonlichen gerichtstatt zu ziehen. vel schlieffen, mit dem strang oder ketten bey seinen füssen an eynen besondern galgen zwischen die hund nach verkerter mass hencken damit er also von leben zom tod gericht wird
  109. ^Cohen, Esther (1993).The Crossroads of Justice: Law and Culture in Late Medieval France.Archived13 May 2016 at theWayback Machine.Brill. p.92–93
  110. ^Archuleta, Roy A. (2006).Where We Come From.Where We Come From,collect. p. 46.ISBN9781424304721.Archivedfrom the original on 13 May 2016.Retrieved14 March2016.
  111. ^Müller, Jörg R. (2008).Beziehungsnetze aschkenasischer Juden während des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit.Hahnsche Buchhandlung. pp. 81, footnote 31.ISBN9783775256292.
  112. ^abcdKriegk, G. L."Deutsches Bürgerthum im Mittelalter".Archived13 May 2016 at theWayback MachineFrankfurt am Main 1868, p.243
  113. ^Limmer, K.A.Bibliothek der sächsischen Geschichte.Vol. 2.Archived13 May 2016 at theWayback Machine.Ronneburg 1831 p.721
  114. ^Monatsschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums.Vol. 9Archived13 May 2016 at theWayback Machine.Leipzig 1860, p.90
  115. ^Henne am Rhyn, O.: "Kulturgeschichte der neuern Zeit: Vom Wiederaufleben d. Wiss. bis...Vol. 1.Archived12 May 2016 at theWayback Machine.Leipzig 1870, p.566
  116. ^Battenberg, F.Von Enoch bis Kafka: Festschrift für Karl E. Grözinger zum 60. Geburtstag.Archived12 May 2016 at theWayback Machine.Wiesbaden 2002, p.86
  117. ^"Öttingen".Jewish Encyclopedia.Archivedfrom the original on 14 August 2017.Retrieved8 October2017.
  118. ^Haym, R: "Preussische Jahrbücher.Vol. 8.Archived12 May 2016 at theWayback Machine.Berlin 1861 p.122–23
  119. ^von Heister, Carl (1863).Geschichtliche Untersuchungen über Israel: Die Juden: aufgebürdete Verbrechen. Erlittene Verfolgung. Angethane Schmach.Vol. 3. Naumburg: Tauerschmidt. p. 38.Archivedfrom the original on 13 May 2016.Retrieved14 March2016.
  120. ^Neilson, George (1896).Caudatus Anglicus.Edinburgh: George p. Johnston. p. 11, footnote 2.
  121. ^Tschamser, P. F. Malachiam (1864).Annales oder Jahrs-Geschichte der...: Minderen Brüdern S. Franc. ord. Conventualen genzunt, zu Thann... 1724.Vol. 1. Colmar: K. A. Hoffmann. p. 250.Archivedfrom the original on 13 May 2016.Retrieved14 March2016.
  122. ^The author regards this as probably the last case in which a Jew (although in this case dead) was hanged up by the feet in Germany.Schnitzler, Norbert (2002)."Juden vor Gericht: Soziale Ausgrenzung durch Sanktionen".In Schlosser, Hans; Sprandel, Rolf; Willoweit, Daniel (eds.).Herrschaftliches Strafen seit dem Hochmittelalter: Formen und Entwicklungsstufen(in German). Cologne, Weimar: Böhlau. p. 292.ISBN9783412086015.
  123. ^On Kisch's assessment, see for example:Kisch, Guido (1943).Historia Judaica: A Journal of Studies in Jewish History, Especially in Legal and Economic History of the Jews.Vol. 5–6. Historia Judaica. p. 119.On locus in Adam of Bremen's text, seeAdam of Bremen (2013).History of the Archbishops of Hamburg-Bremen.Translated by Tschan, Francis J.; Reuter, Timothy. New York: Columbia University Press. p. 120.ISBN9780231500852.Archivedfrom the original on 13 May 2016.Retrieved14 March2016.
  124. ^Ryccardi di Sancto Germano Notarii ChroniconArchived12 March 2004 at theWayback Machinetrans. G. A. Loud
  125. ^Bradbury, Jim (2007).The Capetians: Kings of France 987–1328.London: Conitunuum Books. pp. 78–79.ISBN9780826435149.Archivedfrom the original on 12 May 2016.Retrieved14 March2016.
  126. ^Hurton, William (1862).Hearts of Oak, or Naval yarns. By the author of 'Vonved the Dane'.London: Richard Bentley. p. 84.
  127. ^"Modern-day 'outlaws' gather to honour JánošíkArchived16 May 2013 at theWayback Machine".The Slovak Spectator.9 July 2012.
  128. ^Schober, Gottlob – Deutsche Biographie.1891.Archivedfrom the original on 5 August 2018.Retrieved8 October2017.
  129. ^Müller, Gerhard F. (1762).Sammlung Rußischer Geschichte, 1st and 2nd Part of 7th Volume.St. Petersburg: Kayserl. Academie der Wißenschafften. p. 23.Archivedfrom the original on 13 May 2016.Retrieved14 March2016.
  130. ^Stedman, J.G.: "Narrative, of a five years' expedition",Vol.1, London 1813, p.116
  131. ^Honour, Hugh (1975). The European Vision of America Cleveland, Ohio; The Cleveland Museum of Art, p.343
  132. ^Oxford English Dictionary (2015 update), OUP, Oxford, UK
  133. ^Online"Hang".Compact Oxford English Dictionary of Current English.Archived fromthe originalon 19 October 2004.Retrieved6 July2009.
  134. ^Online"Hang".American Heritage Dictionary.Archived fromthe originalon 18 July 2011.Retrieved6 July2009.
  135. ^"Hang".Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary.Archivedfrom the original on 21 April 2009.Retrieved6 July2009.
  136. ^Jess Stein, ed. (1979).Random House Dictionary of the English Language(1st ed.).

Further reading[edit]

  • Jack Shuler,The Thirteenth Turn: A History of the Noose.New York: Public Affairs, 2014,ISBN978-1610391368

External links[edit]