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Quantum group

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Inmathematicsandtheoretical physics,the termquantum groupdenotes one of a few different kinds ofnoncommutative algebraswith additional structure. These include Drinfeld–Jimbo type quantum groups (which arequasitriangular Hopf algebras),compact matrix quantum groups(which are structures on unital separableC*-algebras), and bicrossproduct quantum groups. Despite their name, they do not themselves have a natural group structure, though they are in some sense 'close' to a group.

The term "quantum group" first appeared in the theory ofquantum integrable systems,which was then formalized byVladimir DrinfeldandMichio Jimboas a particular class ofHopf algebra.The same term is also used for other Hopf algebras that deform or are close to classicalLie groupsorLie algebras,such as a "bicrossproduct" class of quantum groups introduced byShahn Majida little after the work of Drinfeld and Jimbo.

In Drinfeld's approach, quantum groups arise asHopf algebrasdepending on an auxiliary parameterqorh,which becomeuniversal enveloping algebrasof a certain Lie algebra, frequentlysemisimpleoraffine,whenq= 1 orh= 0. Closely related are certain dual objects, also Hopf algebras and also called quantum groups, deforming the algebra of functions on the corresponding semisimplealgebraic groupor acompact Lie group.

Intuitive meaning[edit]

The discovery of quantum groups was quite unexpected since it was known for a long time thatcompact groupsand semisimple Lie algebras are "rigid" objects, in other words, they cannot be "deformed". One of the ideas behind quantum groups is that if we consider a structure that is in a sense equivalent but larger, namely agroup algebraor auniversal enveloping algebra,then a group algebra or enveloping algebra can be "deformed", although the deformation will no longer remain a group algebra or enveloping algebra. More precisely, deformation can be accomplished within the category ofHopf algebrasthat are not required to be eithercommutativeorcocommutative.One can think of the deformed object as an algebra of functions on a "noncommutative space", in the spirit of thenoncommutative geometryofAlain Connes.This intuition, however, came after particular classes of quantum groups had already proved their usefulness in the study of the quantumYang–Baxter equationandquantum inverse scattering methoddeveloped by the Leningrad School (Ludwig Faddeev,Leon Takhtajan,Evgeny Sklyanin,Nicolai ReshetikhinandVladimir Korepin) and related work by the Japanese School.[1]The intuition behind the second,bicrossproduct,class of quantum groups was different and came from the search for self-dual objects as an approach toquantum gravity.[2]

Drinfeld–Jimbo type quantum groups[edit]

One type of objects commonly called a "quantum group" appeared in the work of Vladimir Drinfeld and Michio Jimbo as a deformation of theuniversal enveloping algebraof asemisimple Lie algebraor, more generally, aKac–Moody algebra,in the category ofHopf algebras.The resulting algebra has additional structure, making it into aquasitriangular Hopf algebra.

LetA= (aij) be theCartan matrixof the Kac–Moody algebra, and letq≠ 0, 1 be a complex number, then the quantum group,Uq(G), whereGis the Lie algebra whose Cartan matrix isA,is defined as theunitalassociative algebrawith generatorskλ(whereλis an element of theweight lattice,i.e. 2(λ, αi)/(αii) is an integer for alli), andeiandfi(forsimple rootsi), subject to the following relations:

And forijwe have theq-Serre relations, which are deformations of theSerrerelations:

where theq-factorial,theq-analogof the ordinaryfactorial,is defined recursively using q-number:

In the limit asq→ 1, these relations approach the relations for the universal enveloping algebraU(G), where

andtλis the element of the Cartan subalgebra satisfying (tλ,h) =λ(h) for allhin the Cartan subalgebra.

There are variouscoassociative coproductsunder which these algebras are Hopf algebras, for example,

where the set of generators has been extended, if required, to includekλforλwhich is expressible as the sum of an element of the weight lattice and half an element of theroot lattice.

In addition, any Hopf algebra leads to another with reversed coproductToΔ, whereTis given byT(xy) =yx,giving three more possible versions.

ThecounitonUq(A) is the same for all these coproducts:ε(kλ) = 1,ε(ei) =ε(fi) = 0, and the respectiveantipodesfor the above coproducts are given by

Alternatively, the quantum groupUq(G) can be regarded as an algebra over the fieldC(q), the field of allrational functionsof an indeterminateqoverC.

Similarly, the quantum groupUq(G) can be regarded as an algebra over the fieldQ(q), the field of allrational functionsof an indeterminateqoverQ(see below in the section on quantum groups atq= 0). The center of quantum group can be described by quantum determinant.

Representation theory[edit]

Just as there are many different types of representations for Kac–Moody algebras and their universal enveloping algebras, so there are many different types of representation for quantum groups.

As is the case for all Hopf algebras,Uq(G) has anadjoint representationon itself as a module, with the action being given by


Case 1:qis not a root of unity[edit]

One important type of representation is a weight representation, and the correspondingmoduleis called a weight module. A weight module is a module with a basis of weight vectors. A weight vector is a nonzero vectorvsuch thatkλ·v=dλvfor allλ,wheredλare complex numbers for all weightsλsuch that

for all weightsλandμ.

A weight module is called integrable if the actions ofeiandfiare locally nilpotent (i.e. for any vectorvin the module, there exists a positive integerk,possibly dependent onv,such thatfor alli). In the case of integrable modules, the complex numbersdλassociated with a weight vector satisfy,[citation needed]whereνis an element of the weight lattice, andcλare complex numbers such that

  • for all weightsλandμ,
  • for alli.

Of special interest arehighest-weight representations,and the corresponding highest weight modules. A highest weight module is a module generated by a weight vectorv,subject tokλ·v=dλvfor all weightsμ,andei·v= 0 for alli.Similarly, a quantum group can have a lowest weight representation and lowest weight module,i.e.a module generated by a weight vectorv,subject tokλ·v=dλvfor all weightsλ,andfi·v= 0 for alli.

Define a vectorvto have weightνiffor allλin the weight lattice.

IfGis a Kac–Moody algebra, then in any irreducible highest weight representation ofUq(G), with highest weight ν, the multiplicities of the weights are equal to their multiplicities in an irreducible representation ofU(G) with equal highest weight. If the highest weight is dominant and integral (a weightμis dominant and integral ifμsatisfies the condition thatis a non-negative integer for alli), then the weight spectrum of the irreducible representation is invariant under theWeyl groupforG,and the representation is integrable.

Conversely, if a highest weight module is integrable, then its highest weight vectorvsatisfies,wherecλ·v=dλvare complex numbers such that

  • for all weightsλandμ,
  • for alli,

andνis dominant and integral.

As is the case for all Hopf algebras, thetensor productof two modules is another module. For an elementxofUq(G),and for vectorsvandwin the respective modules,x⋅ (vw) = Δ(x) ⋅ (vw), so that,and in the case of coproduct Δ1,and

The integrable highest weight module described above is a tensor product of a one-dimensional module (on whichkλ=cλfor allλ,andei=fi= 0 for alli) and a highest weight module generated by a nonzero vectorv0,subject tofor all weightsλ,andfor alli.

In the specific case whereGis a finite-dimensional Lie algebra (as a special case of a Kac–Moody algebra), then the irreducible representations with dominant integral highest weights are also finite-dimensional.

In the case of a tensor product of highest weight modules, its decomposition into submodules is the same as for the tensor product of the corresponding modules of the Kac–Moody algebra (the highest weights are the same, as are their multiplicities).

Case 2:qis a root of unity[edit]


Case 1:qis not a root of unity[edit]

Strictly, the quantum groupUq(G) is not quasitriangular, but it can be thought of as being "nearly quasitriangular" in that there exists an infinite formal sum which plays the role of anR-matrix.This infinite formal sum is expressible in terms of generatorseiandfi,and Cartan generatorstλ,wherekλis formally identified withqtλ.The infinite formal sum is the product of two factors,[citation needed]

and an infinite formal sum, whereλjis a basis for the dual space to the Cartan subalgebra, andμjis the dual basis, andη= ±1.

The formal infinite sum which plays the part of theR-matrixhas a well-defined action on the tensor product of two irreducible highest weight modules, and also on the tensor product of two lowest weight modules. Specifically, ifvhas weightαandwhas weightβ,then

and the fact that the modules are both highest weight modules or both lowest weight modules reduces the action of the other factor onvWto a finite sum.

Specifically, ifVis a highest weight module, then the formal infinite sum,R,has a well-defined, andinvertible,action onVV,and this value ofR(as an element of End(VV)) satisfies theYang–Baxter equation,and therefore allows us to determine a representation of thebraid group,and to define quasi-invariants forknots,linksandbraids.

Case 2:qis a root of unity[edit]

Quantum groups atq= 0[edit]

Masaki Kashiwarahas researched the limiting behaviour of quantum groups asq→ 0, and found a particularly well behaved base called acrystal base.

Description and classification by root-systems and Dynkin diagrams[edit]

There has been considerable progress in describing finite quotients of quantum groups such as the aboveUq(g) forqn= 1; one usually considers the class ofpointedHopf algebras,meaning that all simple left or right comodules are 1-dimensional and thus the sum of all its simple subcoalgebras forms a group algebra called thecoradical:

  • In 2002 H.-J. Schneider and N. Andruskiewitsch[3]finished their classification of pointed Hopf algebras with an abelian co-radical group (excluding primes 2, 3, 5, 7), especially as the above finite quotients ofUq(g) decompose intoE′s (Borel part), dualF′s andK′s (Cartan algebra) just like ordinarySemisimple Lie algebras:
Here, as in the classical theoryVis abraided vector spaceof dimensionnspanned by theE′s, andσ(a so-called cocycle twist) creates the nontriviallinkingbetweenE′s andF′s. Note that in contrast to classical theory, more than two linked components may appear. The role of thequantum Borel algebrais taken by aNichols algebraof the braided vectorspace.
generalized Dynkin diagram for a pointed Hopf algebra linking four A3 copies
A rank 3 Dynkin diagram associated to a finite-dimensional Nichols algebra
  • Meanwhile, Schneider and Heckenberger[5]have generally proven the existence of anarithmeticroot systemalso in the nonabelian case, generating aPBW basisas proven by Kharcheko in the abelian case (without the assumption on finite dimension). This can be used[6]on specific casesUq(g) and explains e.g. the numerical coincidence between certain coideal subalgebras of these quantum groups and the order of theWeyl groupof theLie algebrag.

Compact matrix quantum groups[edit]

S. L. Woronowiczintroduced compact matrix quantum groups. Compact matrix quantum groups are abstract structures on which the "continuous functions" on the structure are given by elements of aC*-algebra.The geometry of a compact matrix quantum group is a special case of anoncommutative geometry.

The continuous complex-valued functions on a compact Hausdorff topological space form a commutative C*-algebra. By theGelfand theorem,a commutative C*-algebra is isomorphic to the C*-algebra of continuous complex-valued functions on a compact Hausdorff topological space, and the topological space is uniquely determined by the C*-algebra up tohomeomorphism.

For a compacttopological group,G,there exists a C*-algebra homomorphism Δ:C(G) →C(G) ⊗C(G) (whereC(G) ⊗C(G) is the C*-algebra tensor product - the completion of the algebraic tensor product ofC(G) andC(G)), such that Δ(f)(x,y) =f(xy) for allfC(G), and for allx,yG(where (fg)(x,y) =f(x)g(y) for allf,gC(G) and allx,yG). There also exists a linear multiplicative mappingκ:C(G) →C(G), such thatκ(f)(x) =f(x−1) for allfC(G) and allxG.Strictly, this does not makeC(G) a Hopf algebra, unlessGis finite. On the other hand, a finite-dimensionalrepresentationofGcan be used to generate a *-subalgebra ofC(G) which is also a Hopf *-algebra. Specifically, ifis ann-dimensional representation ofG,then for alli,juijC(G) and

It follows that the *-algebra generated byuijfor alli, jandκ(uij) for alli, jis a Hopf *-algebra: the counit is determined by ε(uij) = δijfor alli, j(whereδijis theKronecker delta), the antipode isκ,and the unit is given by

General definition[edit]

As a generalization, a compact matrix quantum group is defined as a pair (C,u), whereCis a C*-algebra andis a matrix with entries inCsuch that

  • The *-subalgebra,C0,ofC,which is generated by the matrix elements ofu,is dense inC;
  • There exists a C*-algebra homomorphism called the comultiplication Δ:CCC(whereCCis the C*-algebra tensor product - the completion of the algebraic tensor product ofCandC) such that for alli, jwe have:
  • There exists a linear antimultiplicative map κ:C0C0(the coinverse) such thatκ(κ(v*)*) =vfor allvC0and

whereIis the identity element ofC.Since κ is antimultiplicative, thenκ(vw) =κ(w)κ(v) for allv,winC0.

As a consequence of continuity, the comultiplication onCis coassociative.

In general,Cis not a bialgebra, andC0is a Hopf *-algebra.

Informally,Ccan be regarded as the *-algebra of continuous complex-valued functions over the compact matrix quantum group, anducan be regarded as a finite-dimensional representation of the compact matrix quantum group.


A representation of the compact matrix quantum group is given by acorepresentationof the Hopf *-algebra (a corepresentation of a counital coassociative coalgebraAis a square matrixwith entries inA(sovbelongs to M(n,A)) such that

for alli,jandε(vij) = δijfor alli, j). Furthermore, a representationv,is called unitary if the matrix forvis unitary (or equivalently, if κ(vij) =v*ijfor alli,j).


An example of a compact matrix quantum group is SUμ(2), where the parameter μ is a positive real number. So SUμ(2) = (C(SUμ(2)),u), where C(SUμ(2)) is the C*-algebra generated by α and γ, subject to


so that the comultiplication is determined by ∆(α) = α ⊗ α − γ ⊗ γ*, ∆(γ) = α ⊗ γ + γ ⊗ α*, and the coinverse is determined by κ(α) = α*, κ(γ) = −μ−1γ, κ(γ*) = −μγ*, κ(α*) = α. Note thatuis a representation, but not a unitary representation.uis equivalent to the unitary representation

Equivalently, SUμ(2) = (C(SUμ(2)),w), where C(SUμ(2)) is the C*-algebra generated by α and β, subject to


so that the comultiplication is determined by ∆(α) = α ⊗ α − μβ ⊗ β*, Δ(β) = α ⊗ β + β ⊗ α*, and the coinverse is determined by κ(α) = α*, κ(β) = −μ−1β, κ(β*) = −μβ*, κ(α*) = α. Note thatwis a unitary representation. The realizations can be identified by equating.

When μ = 1, then SUμ(2) is equal to the algebraC(SU(2)) of functions on the concrete compact group SU(2).

Bicrossproduct quantum groups[edit]

Whereas compact matrix pseudogroups are typically versions of Drinfeld-Jimbo quantum groups in a dual function algebra formulation, with additional structure, the bicrossproduct ones are a distinct second family of quantum groups of increasing importance as deformations of solvable rather than semisimple Lie groups. They are associated to Lie splittings of Lie algebras or local factorisations of Lie groups and can be viewed as the cross product or Mackey quantisation of one of the factors acting on the other for the algebra and a similar story for the coproduct Δ with the second factor acting back on the first.

The very simplest nontrivial example corresponds to two copies ofRlocally acting on each other and results in a quantum group (given here in an algebraic form) with generatorsp,K,K−1,say, and coproduct

wherehis the deformation parameter.

This quantum group was linked to a toy model of Planck scale physics implementingBorn reciprocitywhen viewed as a deformation of theHeisenberg algebraof quantum mechanics. Also, starting with any compact real form of a semisimple Lie algebragits complexification as a real Lie algebra of twice the dimension splits intogand a certain solvable Lie algebra (theIwasawa decomposition), and this provides a canonical bicrossproduct quantum group associated tog.Forsu(2) one obtains a quantum group deformation of theEuclidean groupE(3) of motions in 3 dimensions.

See also[edit]


  1. ^Schwiebert, Christian (1994),Generalized quantum inverse scattering,p. 12237,arXiv:hep-th/9412237v3,Bibcode:1994hep.th...12237S
  2. ^Majid, Shahn (1988), "Hopf algebras for physics at the Planck scale",Classical and Quantum Gravity,5(12): 1587–1607,Bibcode:1988CQGra...5.1587M,CiteSeerX10.,doi:10.1088/0264-9381/5/12/010
  3. ^Andruskiewitsch, Schneider: Pointed Hopf algebras, New directions in Hopf algebras, 1–68, Math. Sci. Res. Inst. Publ., 43, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2002.
  4. ^Heckenberger: Nichols algebras of diagonal type and arithmetic root systems, Habilitation thesis 2005.
  5. ^Heckenberger, Schneider: Root system and Weyl gruppoid for Nichols algebras, 2008.
  6. ^Heckenberger, Schneider: Right coideal subalgebras of Nichols algebras and the Duflo order of the Weyl grupoid, 2009.
