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RGB color model

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Full color image along with its R, G, and B components
Additive color mixing demonstrated with CD covers used asbeam splitters
A diagram demonstrating additive color with RGB

TheRGB color modelis anadditivecolor model[1]in which thered,greenandblueprimary colorsof light are added together in various ways to reproduce a broad array ofcolors.The name of the model comes from the initials of the threeadditive primary colors,red, green, and blue.[2]

The main purpose of the RGB color model is for the sensing, representation, and display of images in electronic systems, such as televisions and computers, though it has also been used in conventionalphotographyandcolored lighting.Before theelectronic age,the RGB color model already had a solid theory behind it, based inhuman perception of colors.

RGB is adevice-dependentcolor model: different devices detect or reproduce a given RGB value differently, since the color elements (such asphosphorsordyes) and their response to the individual red, green, and blue levels vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, or even in the same device over time. Thus an RGB value does not define the samecoloracross devices without some kind ofcolor management.[3][4]

Typical RGBinput devicesare colorTV and video cameras,image scanners,anddigital cameras.Typical RGBoutput devicesare TV sets of various technologies (CRT,LCD,plasma,OLED,quantum dots,etc.),computerandmobile phonedisplays,video projectors,multicolorLEDdisplays and large screens such as theJumbotron.Color printers,on the other hand, are not RGB devices, butsubtractive colordevices typically using theCMYK color model.

Additive colors

Additive color mixing: projectingprimary colorlights on a white surface shows secondary colors where two overlap; the combination of all three primaries in equal intensities makes white.

To form a color with RGB, three light beams (one red, one green, and one blue) must be superimposed (for example by emission from a black screen or by reflection from a white screen). Each of the three beams is called acomponentof that color, and each of them can have an arbitrary intensity, from fully off to fully on, in the mixture.

The RGB color model isadditivein the sense that if light beams of differing color (frequency) are superposed in space their light spectra adds up, wavelength for wavelength, to make up a resulting, total spectrum.[5][6]This is essentially opposite to thesubtractive colormodel, particularly theCMY color model,which applies to paints, inks, dyes and other substances whose color depends onreflectingcertain components (frequencies) of the light under which we see them.

In the additive model, if the resulting spectrum, e.g. of superposing three colors, is flat, white color is perceived by the human eye upon direct incidence on the retina. This is in stark contrast to the subtractive model, where the perceived resulting spectrum is what reflecting surfaces, such asdyedsurfaces, emit. A dye filters out all colors but its own; two blended dyes filter out all colors but the common color component between them, e.g. green as the common component between yellow and cyan, red as the common component between magenta and yellow, and blue-violet as the common component between magenta and cyan. There is no color component among magenta, cyan and yellow, thus rendering a spectrum of zero intensity: black.

Zero intensity for each component gives the darkest color (no light, considered theblack), and full intensity of each gives awhite;thequalityof this white depends on the nature of the primary light sources, but if they are properly balanced, the result is a neutral white matching the system'swhite point.When the intensities for all the components are the same, the result is a shade of gray, darker or lighter depending on the intensity. When the intensities are different, the result is a colorizedhue,more or lesssaturateddepending on the difference of the strongest and weakest of the intensities of the primary colors employed.

When one of the components has the strongest intensity, the color is a hue near this primary color (red-ish, green-ish, or blue-ish), and when two components have the same strongest intensity, then the color is a hue of asecondary color(a shade ofcyan,magentaoryellow). A secondary color is formed by the sum of two primary colors of equal intensity: cyan is green+blue, magenta is blue+red, and yellow is red+green. Every secondary color is the complement of one primary color: cyan complements red, magenta complements green, and yellow complements blue. When all the primary colors are mixed in equal intensities, the result is white.

The RGBcolor modelitself does not define what is meant byred,green,andbluecolorimetrically, and so the results of mixing them are not specified as absolute, but relative to the primary colors. When the exactchromaticitiesof the red, green, and blue primaries are defined, the color model then becomes anabsolute color space,such assRGBorAdobe RGB.

Physical principles for the choice of red, green, and blue

A set of primary colors, such as thesRGBprimaries, define acolor triangle;only colors within this triangle can be reproduced by mixing the primary colors. Colors outside the color triangle are therefore shown here as gray. The primaries and theD65white pointof sRGB are shown. The background figure is theCIE xy chromaticity diagram.

The choice of primary colors is related to the physiology of thehuman eye;good primaries are stimuli that maximize the difference between the responses of thecone cellsof the human retina to light of differentwavelengths,and that thereby make a largecolor triangle.[7]

The normal three kinds of light-sensitivephotoreceptor cellsin the human eye (cone cells) respond most to yellow (long wavelength or L), green (medium or M), and violet (short or S) light (peak wavelengths near 570 nm, 540 nm and 440 nm, respectively[7]). The difference in the signals received from the three kinds allows the brain to differentiate a widegamutof different colors, while being most sensitive (overall) to yellowish-green light and to differences between hues in the green-to-orange region.

As an example, suppose that light in the orange range of wavelengths (approximately 577 nm to 597 nm) enters the eye and strikes the retina. Light of these wavelengths would activate both the medium and long wavelength cones of the retina, but not equally—the long-wavelength cells will respond more. The difference in the response can be detected by the brain, and this difference is the basis of our perception of orange. Thus, the orange appearance of an object results from light from the object entering our eye and stimulating the different cones simultaneously but to different degrees.

Use of the three primary colors is not sufficient to reproduceallcolors; only colors within the color triangle defined by the chromaticities of the primaries can be reproduced by additive mixing of non-negative amounts of those colors of light.[7][page needed]

History of RGB color model theory and usage


The RGB color model is based on theYoung–Helmholtz theoryoftrichromatic color vision,developed byThomas YoungandHermann von Helmholtzin the early to mid-nineteenth century, and onJames Clerk Maxwell's color triangle that elaborated that theory (c. 1860).

Early color photographs
A bow made of tartan ribbon. The center of the bow is round, made of piled loops of ribbon, with two pieces of ribbon attached underneath, one extending at an angle to the upper left corner of the photograph and another extending to the upper right. The tartan colors are faded, in shades mostly of blue, pink, maroon, and white; the bow is set against a background of mottled olive.
The first permanent color photograph, taken byThomas Suttonin 1861 usingJames Clerk Maxwell'sproposed method of three filters, specifically red, green, and violet-blue
A large color photograph abutting (to its right) a column of three stacked black-and-white versions of the same picture. Each of the three smaller black-and-white photos are slightly different, due to the effect of the color filter used. Each of the four photographs differs only in color and depict a turbaned and bearded man, sitting in the corner an empty room, with an open door to his right and a closed door to his left. The man is wearing an ornate full-length blue robe trimmed with a checkered red-and-black ribbon. The blue fabric is festooned with depictions of stems of white, purple, and blue flowers. He wears an ornate gold belt, and in his left hand, he holds a gold sword and scabbard. Under his right shoulder strap is a white aiguillette; attached to his robe across his upper chest are four multi-pointed badges of various shapes, perhaps military or royal decorations.
A photograph ofMohammed Alim Khan(1880–1944),Emir of Bukhara,taken in 1911 bySergey Prokudin-Gorskyusing three exposures with blue, green, and red filters



The first experiments with RGB in earlycolor photographywere made in 1861 by Maxwell himself, and involved the process of combining three color-filtered separate takes.[1]To reproduce the color photograph, three matching projections over a screen in a dark room were necessary.

The additive RGB model and variants such as orange–green–violet were also used in theAutochrome Lumièrecolor plates and other screen-plate technologies such as theJoly color screenand thePaget processin the early twentieth century. Color photography by taking three separate plates was used by other pioneers, such as the RussianSergey Prokudin-Gorskyin the period 1909 through 1915.[8]Such methods lasted until about 1960 using the expensive and extremely complextri-color carbroAutotypeprocess.[9]

When employed, the reproduction of prints from three-plate photos was done by dyes or pigments using the complementaryCMYmodel, by simply using the negative plates of the filtered takes: reverse red gives the cyan plate, and so on.



Before the development of practical electronic TV, there were patents on mechanically scanned color systems as early as 1889 inRussia.Thecolor TVpioneerJohn Logie Bairddemonstrated the world's first RGB color transmission in 1928, and also the world's first color broadcast in 1938, inLondon.In his experiments, scanning and display were done mechanically by spinning colorized wheels.[10][11]

TheColumbia Broadcasting System (CBS)began an experimental RGBfield-sequential color systemin 1940. Images were scanned electrically, but the system still used a moving part: the transparent RGB color wheel rotating at above 1,200 rpm in synchronism with the vertical scan. The camera and thecathode-ray tube(CRT) were bothmonochromatic.Color was provided by color wheels in the camera and the receiver.[12][13][14] More recently, color wheels have been used in field-sequential projection TV receivers based on the Texas Instruments monochrome DLP imager.

The modern RGBshadow masktechnology for color CRT displays was patented by Werner Flechsig in Germany in 1938.[15]

Personal computers


Personal computersof the late 1970s and early 1980s, such as theApple IIandVIC-20,usecomposite video.TheCommodore 64and theAtari 8-bit computersuseS-Videoderivatives.IBMintroduced a 16-color scheme (four bits—one bit each for red, green, blue, and intensity) with theColor Graphics Adapter(CGA) for itsIBM PCin 1981, later improved with theEnhanced Graphics Adapter(EGA) in 1984. The first manufacturer of atruecolorgraphics card for PCs (the TARGA) wasTruevisionin 1987, but it was not until the arrival of theVideo Graphics Array(VGA) in 1987 that RGB became popular, mainly due to theanalog signalsin the connection between the adapter and themonitorwhich allowed a very wide range of RGB colors. Actually, it had to wait a few more years because the original VGA cards were palette-driven just like EGA, although with more freedom than VGA, but because the VGA connectors were analog, later variants of VGA (made by various manufacturers under the informal name Super VGA) eventually added true-color. In 1992, magazines heavily advertised true-color Super VGA hardware.

RGB devices


RGB and displays

Cutaway rendering of a color CRT:1.Electron guns2.Electron beams3.Focusing coils4.Deflection coils5.Anode connection6.Mask for separating beams for red, green, and blue part of displayed image7.Phosphor layer with red, green, and blue zones8.Close-up of the phosphor-coated inner side of the screen
Color wheel with RGB pixels of the colors
RGBphosphordots in aCRT monitor
RGBsub-pixelsin an LCD TV (on the right: an orange and a blue color; on the left: a close-up)

One common application of the RGB color model is the display of colors on acathode-ray tube(CRT),liquid-crystal display(LCD),plasma display,ororganic light emitting diode(OLED) display such as a television, a computer's monitor, or a large scale screen. Eachpixelon the screen is built by driving three small and very close but still separated RGB light sources. At common viewing distance, the separate sources are indistinguishable, which the eye interprets as a given solid color. All the pixels together arranged in the rectangular screen surface conforms the color image.

Duringdigital image processingeach pixel can be represented in thecomputer memoryor interface hardware (for example, agraphics card) asbinaryvalues for the red, green, and blue color components. When properly managed, these values are converted into intensities or voltages viagamma correctionto correct the inherent nonlinearity of some devices, such that the intended intensities are reproduced on the display.

TheQuattronreleased by Sharp uses RGB color and adds yellow as a sub-pixel, supposedly allowing an increase in the number of available colors.

Video electronics


RGB is also the term referring to a type ofcomponent videosignal used in thevideoelectronics industry. It consists of three signals—red, green, and blue—carried on three separate cables/pins. RGB signal formats are often based on modified versions of the RS-170 and RS-343 standards for monochrome video. This type of video signal is widely used in Europe since it is the best quality signal that can be carried on the standardSCARTconnector.[16][17]This signal is known asRGBS(4BNC/RCAterminated cables exist as well), but it is directly compatible withRGBHVused for computer monitors (usually carried on 15-pin cables terminated with 15-pinD-subor 5 BNC connectors), which carries separate horizontal and vertical sync signals.

Outside Europe, RGB is not very popular as a video signal format; S-Video takes that spot in most non-European regions. However, almost all computer monitors around the world use RGB.

Video framebuffer


Aframebufferis a digital device for computers which stores data in the so-calledvideo memory(comprising an array ofVideo RAMor similarchips). This data goes either to threedigital-to-analog converters(DACs) (for analog monitors), one per primary color or directly to digital monitors. Driven bysoftware,theCPU(or other specialized chips) write the appropriatebytesinto the video memory to define the image. Modern systems encode pixel color values by devoting eightbitsto each of the R, G, and B components. RGB information can be either carried directly by the pixel bits themselves or provided by a separatecolor look-up table(CLUT)ifindexed colorgraphic modes are used.

A CLUT is a specializedRAMthat stores R, G, and B values that define specific colors. Each color has its own address (index)—consider it as a descriptive reference number that provides that specific color when the image needs it. The content of the CLUT is much like a palette of colors. Image data that uses indexed color specifies addresses within the CLUT to provide the required R, G, and B values for each specific pixel, one pixel at a time. Of course, before displaying, the CLUT has to be loaded with R, G, and B values that define the palette of colors required for each image to be rendered. Some video applications store such palettes inPAL files(Age of Empiresgame, for example, uses over half-a-dozen[18]) and can combine CLUTs on screen.

RGB24 and RGB32

This indirect scheme restricts the number of available colors in an image CLUT—typically 256-cubed (8 bits in threecolor channelswith values of 0–255)—although each color in the RGB24 CLUT table has only 8 bits representing 256 codes for each of the R, G, and B primaries, making 16,777,216 possible colors. However, the advantage is that an indexed-color image file can be significantly smaller than it would be with only 8 bits per pixel for each primary.

Modern storage, however, is far less costly, greatly reducing the need to minimize image file size. By using an appropriate combination of red, green, and blue intensities, many colors can be displayed. Current typicaldisplay adaptersuse up to24-bitsof information for each pixel: 8-bit per component multiplied by three components (see theNumeric representationssection below (24bits = 2563,each primary value of 8 bits with values of 0–255). With this system, 16,777,216 (2563or 224) discrete combinations of R, G, and B values are allowed, providing millions of different (though not necessarily distinguishable) hue, saturation andlightnessshades. Increased shading has been implemented in various ways, some formats such as.pngand.tgafiles among others using a fourthgreyscalecolor channel as a masking layer, often calledRGB32.

For images with a modest range of brightnesses from the darkest to the lightest, eight bits per primary color provides good-quality images, but extreme images require more bits per primary color as well as the advanced display technology. For more information seeHigh Dynamic Range(HDR) imaging.



In classic CRT devices, the brightness of a given point over thefluorescentscreen due to the impact of acceleratedelectronsis not proportional to the voltages applied to theelectron guncontrol grids, but to an expansive function of that voltage. The amount of this deviation is known as itsgammavalue (), the argument for apower lawfunction, which closely describes this behavior. A linear response is given by a gamma value of 1.0, but actual CRT nonlinearities have a gamma value around 2.0 to 2.5.

Similarly, the intensity of the output on TV and computer display devices is not directly proportional to the R, G, and B applied electric signals (or file data values which drive them through digital-to-analog converters). On a typical standard 2.2-gamma CRT display, an input intensity RGB value of (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) only outputs about 22% of full brightness (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), instead of 50%.[19]To obtain the correct response, agamma correctionis used in encoding the image data, and possibly further corrections as part of thecolor calibrationprocess of the device. Gamma affectsblack-and-whiteTV as well as color. In standard color TV, broadcast signals are gamma corrected.

RGB and cameras

TheBayer filterarrangement of color filters on the pixel array of a digital image sensor

In colortelevision and video camerasmanufactured before the 1990s, the incoming light was separated byprismsand filters into the three RGB primary colors feeding each color into a separatevideo camera tube(orpickup tube). These tubes are a type of cathode-ray tube, not to be confused with that of CRT displays.

With the arrival of commercially viablecharge-coupled device(CCD) technology in the 1980s, first, the pickup tubes were replaced with this kind of sensor. Later, higher scale integration electronics was applied (mainly bySony), simplifying and even removing the intermediate optics, thereby reducing the size of homevideo camerasand eventually leading to the development of fullcamcorders.Currentwebcamsandmobile phoneswith cameras are the most miniaturized commercial forms of such technology.

Photographicdigital camerasthat use aCMOSor CCDimage sensoroften operate with some variation of the RGB model. In aBayer filterarrangement, green is given twice as many detectors as red and blue (ratio 1:2:1) in order to achieve higherluminanceresolution thanchrominanceresolution. The sensor has a grid of red, green, and blue detectors arranged so that the first row is RGRGRGRG, the next is GBGBGBGB, and that sequence is repeated in subsequent rows. For every channel, missing pixels are obtained byinterpolationin thedemosaicingprocess to build up the complete image. Also, other processes used to be applied in order to map the camera RGB measurements into a standard color space as sRGB.

RGB and scanners


In computing, animage scanneris a device that optically scans images (printed text, handwriting, or an object) and converts it to a digital image which is transferred to a computer. Among other formats, flat, drum and film scanners exist, and most of them support RGB color. They can be considered the successors of earlytelephotographyinput devices, which were able to send consecutivescan linesasanalogamplitude modulationsignals through standard telephonic lines to appropriate receivers; such systems were in use inpresssince the 1920s to the mid-1990s. Color telephotographs were sent as three separated RGB filtered images consecutively.

Currently available scanners typically use CCD orcontact image sensor(CIS) as the image sensor, whereas older drum scanners use aphotomultiplier tubeas the image sensor. Early color film scanners used ahalogen lampand a three-color filter wheel, so three exposures were needed to scan a single color image. Due to heating problems, the worst of them being the potential destruction of the scanned film, this technology was later replaced by non-heating light sources such as colorLEDs.

Numeric representations

#FFCCCC #FFC0C0 #FF9999 #FF8080 #FF6666 #FF4040 #FF3333 #FF0000
#FFE5CC #FFE0C0 #FFCC99 #FFC080 #FFB266 #FFA040 #FF9933 #FF8000
#E5FFCC #E0FFC0 #CCFF99 #C0FFA0 #B2FF66 #A0FF40 #99FF33 #80FF00
#CCFFCC #C0FFC0 #99FF99 #80FF80 #66FF66 #40FF40 #33FF33 #00FF00
#E5FFE5 #E0FFE0 #CCFFCC #C0FFC0 #B2FFB2 #A0FFA0 #99FF99 #80FF80
#CCE5CC #C0E0C0 #99CC99 #80C080 #66B266 #40A040 #339933 #008000
#CCFFE5 #C0FFE0 #99FFCC #80FFC0 #66FFB2 #40FFA0 #33FF99 #00FF80
#CCE5E5 #C0E0E0 #99CCCC #80C0C0 #66B2B2 #40A0A0 #339999 #008080
#CCE5FF #C0E0FF #99CCFF #80C0FF #66B2FF #40A0FF #3399FF #0080FF
#CCCCFF #C0C0FF #9999FF #8080FF #6666FF #4040FF #3333FF #0000FF
#CCCCE5 #C0C0E0 #9999CC #8080C0 #6666B2 #4040A0 #333399 #000080
#E5E5FF #E0E0FF #CCCCFF #C0C0FF #B2B2FF #A0A0FF #9999FF #8080FF
#E5CCFF #E0C0FF #CC99FF #C080FF #B266FF #A040FF #9933FF #8000FF
#E5CCE5 #E0C0E0 #CC99CC #C080C0 #B266B2 #A040A0 #993399 #800080
#FFCCE5 #FFC0E0 #FF99CC #FF80C0 #FF66B2 #FF40A0 #FF3399 #FF0080
#FFE5E5 #FFE0E0 #FFCCCC #FFC0C0 #FFB2B2 #FFA0A0 #FF9999 #FF8080
#E5CCCC #E0C0C0 #CC9999 #C08080 #B26666 #A04040 #993333 #800000
#E5E5CC #E0E0C0 #CCCC99 #C0C080 #B2B266 #A0A040 #999933 #808000
#E5E5E5 #E0E0E0 #CCCCCC #C0C0C0 #B2B2B2 #A0A0A0 #999999 #808080
#FF0000 #CC0000 #C00000 #990000 #800000 #660000 #400000 #330000
#FF8000 #CC6600 #C06000 #994C00 #804000 #663300 #402000 #331900
#FFFF00 #CCCC00 #C0C000 #999900 #808000 #666600 #404000 #333300
#FFFF80 #CCCC66 #C0C060 #99994C #808040 #666633 #404020 #333319
#80FF00 #66CC00 #60C000 #4C9900 #408000 #336600 #204000 #193300
#00FF00 #00CC00 #00C000 #009900 #008000 #006600 #004000 #003300
#80FF80 #66CC66 #60C060 #4C994C #408040 #336633 #204020 #193319
#008000 #006600 #006000 #004C00 #004000 #003300 #002000 #001900
#00FF80 #00CC66 #00C060 #00994C #008040 #006633 #004020 #003319
#00FFFF #00CCCC #00C0C0 #009999 #008080 #006666 #004040 #003333
#80FFFF #66CCCC #60C0C0 #4C9999 #408080 #336666 #204040 #193333
#008080 #006666 #006060 #004C4C #004040 #003333 #002020 #001919
#0080FF #0066CC #0060C0 #004C99 #004080 #003366 #002040 #001933
#0000FF #0000CC #0000C0 #000099 #000080 #000066 #000040 #000033
#000080 #000066 #000060 #00004C #000040 #000033 #000020 #000019
#8080FF #6666CC #6060C0 #4C4C99 #404080 #333366 #202040 #191933
#8000FF #6600CC #6000C0 #4C0099 #400080 #330066 #200040 #190033
#800080 #660066 #600060 #4C004C #400040 #330033 #200020 #190019
#FF00FF #CC00CC #C000C0 #990099 #800080 #660066 #400040 #330033
#FF80FF #CC66CC #C060C0 #994C99 #804080 #663366 #402040 #331933
#FF0080 #CC0066 #C00060 #99004C #800040 #660033 #400020 #330019
#FF8080 #CC6666 #C06060 #994C4C #804040 #663333 #402020 #331919
#800000 #660000 #600000 #4C0000 #400000 #330000 #200000 #190000
#808000 #666600 #606000 #4C4C00 #404000 #333300 #202000 #191900
#808080 #666666 #606060 #4C4C4C #404040 #333333 #202020 #191919
A typical RGB color selector in graphics software. Eachsliderranges from 0 to 255.
Hexadecimal 8-bit RGB representations of the main 125 colors

A color in the RGB color model is described by indicating how much of each of the red, green, and blue is included. The color is expressed as an RGB triplet (r,g,b), each component of which can vary from zero to a defined maximum value. If all the components are at zero the result is black; if all are at maximum, the result is the brightest representable white.

These ranges may be quantified in several different ways:

  • From 0 to 1, with any fractional value in between. This representation is used in theoretical analyses, and in systems that usefloating pointrepresentations.
  • Each color component value can also be written as apercentage,from 0% to 100%.
  • In computers, the component values are often stored asunsigned integernumbers in the range 0 to 255, the range that a single 8-bitbytecan offer. These are often represented as either decimal orhexadecimalnumbers.
  • High-end digital image equipment are often able to deal with larger integer ranges for each primary color, such as 0..1023 (10 bits), 0..65535 (16 bits) or even larger, by extending the 24-bits (three 8-bit values) to32-bit,48-bit,or64-bitunits (more or less independent from the particular computer'sword size).

For example, brightest saturatedredis written in the different RGB notations as:

Notation RGB triplet
Arithmetic (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Percentage (100%, 0%, 0%)
Digital 8-bit per channel (255, 0, 0)
#FF0000 (hexadecimal)
Digital 12-bit per channel (4095, 0, 0)
Digital 16-bit per channel (65535, 0, 0)
Digital 24-bit per channel (16777215, 0, 0)
Digital 32-bit per channel (4294967295, 0, 0)

In many environments, the component values within the ranges are not managed as linear (that is, the numbers are nonlinearly related to the intensities that they represent), as in digital cameras and TV broadcasting and receiving due to gamma correction, for example.[20]Linear and nonlinear transformations are often dealt with via digital image processing. Representations with only 8 bits per component are considered sufficient ifgamma correctionis used.[21]

Following is the mathematical relationship between RGB space to HSI space (hue, saturation, and intensity:HSI color space):


Color depth


The RGB color model is one of the most common ways to encode color in computing, and several differentdigital representationsare in use. The main characteristic of all of them is thequantizationof the possible values per component (technically asample) by using onlyintegernumbers within some range, usually from 0 to some power of two minus one (2n− 1) to fit them into some bit groupings. Encodings of 1, 2, 4, 5, 8 and 16 bits per color are commonly found; the total number of bits used for an RGB color is typically called thecolor depth.

Geometric representation

The RGB color model mapped to a cube. The horizontal x-axis as red values increasing to the left, y-axis as blue increasing to the lower right and the vertical z-axis as green increasing towards the top. The origin, black is the vertex hidden from view.

Since colors are usually defined by three components, not only in the RGB model, but also in other color models such asCIELABandY'UV,among others, then athree-dimensionalvolumeis described by treating the component values as ordinaryCartesian coordinatesin aEuclidean space.For the RGB model, this is represented by a cube using non-negative values within a 0–1 range, assigning black to the origin at the vertex (0, 0, 0), and with increasing intensity values running along the three axes up to white at the vertex (1, 1, 1), diagonally opposite black.

An RGB triplet (r,g,b) represents the three-dimensional coordinate of the point of the given color within the cube or its faces or along its edges. This approach allows computations of thecolor similarityof two given RGB colors by simply calculating thedistancebetween them: the shorter the distance, the higher the similarity. Out-of-gamut computations can also be performed this way.

Colors in web-page design


Initially, the limited color depth of most video hardware led to a limited color palette of 216 RGB colors, defined by the Netscape Color Cube. Theweb-safe colorpalette consists of the 216 (63) combinations of red, green, and blue where each color can take one of six values (inhexadecimal): #00, #33, #66, #99, #CC or #FF (based on the 0 to 255 range for each value discussed above). These hexadecimal values = 0, 51, 102, 153, 204, 255 in decimal, which = 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100% in terms of intensity. This seems fine for splitting up 216 colors into a cube of dimension 6. However, lacking gamma correction, the perceived intensity on a standard 2.5 gamma CRT / LCD is only: 0%, 2%, 10%, 28%, 57%, 100%. See the actual web safe color palette for a visual confirmation that the majority of the colors produced are very dark.[22]

With the predominance of 24-bit displays, the use of the full 16.7 million colors of the HTML RGB color code no longer poses problems for most viewers. ThesRGBcolor space (adevice-independentcolor space[23]) forHTMLwas formally adopted as an Internet standard in HTML 3.2,[24][25]though it had been in use for some time before that. All images and colors are interpreted as being sRGB (unless another color space is specified) and all modern displays can display this color space (with color management being built in into browsers[26][27]or operating systems[28]).

The syntax inCSSis:


where # equals the proportion of red, green, and blue respectively. This syntax can be used after such selectors as "background-color:" or (for text) "color:".

Wide gamut color is possible in modernCSS,[29]being supported by all major browsers since 2023.[30][31][32]

For example, a color on theDCI-P3color space can be indicated as:

color(display-p3 # # #)

where # equals the proportion of red, green, and blue in 0.0 to 1.0 respectively.

Color management


Proper reproduction of colors, especially in professional environments, requires color management of all the devices involved in the production process, many of them using RGB. Color management results in several transparent conversions between device-independent (sRGB,XYZ,L*a*b*)[23]and device-dependentcolor spaces(RGB and others, as CMYK for color printing) during a typical production cycle, in order to ensure color consistency throughout the process. Along with the creative processing, such interventions on digital images can damage the color accuracy and image detail, especially where the gamut is reduced. Professional digital devices and software tools allow for 48 bpp (bits per pixel) images to be manipulated (16 bits per channel), to minimize any such damage.

ICC profilecompliant applications, such asAdobe Photoshop,use either theLab color spaceor theCIE 1931 color spaceas aProfile Connection Spacewhentranslatingbetween color spaces.[33]

RGB model and luminance–chrominance formats relationship


Allluminance–chrominance formats used in the different TV and video standards such asYIQforNTSC,YUVforPAL,YDBDRforSECAM,andYPBPRfor component video use color difference signals, by which RGB color images can be encoded for broadcasting/recording and later decoded into RGB again to display them. These intermediate formats were needed for compatibility with pre-existent black-and-white TV formats. Also, those color difference signals need lower databandwidthcompared to full RGB signals.

Similarly, current high-efficiency digital color imagedata compressionschemes such asJPEGandMPEGstore RGB color internally inYCBCRformat, a digital luminance–chrominance format based on YPBPR.The use of YCBCRalso allows computers to performlossysubsamplingwith the chrominance channels (typically to 4:2:2 or 4:1:1 ratios), which reduces the resultant file size.

See also



  1. ^abRobert Hirsch (2004).Exploring Colour Photography: A Complete Guide.Laurence King Publishing.ISBN1-85669-420-8.
  2. ^Fairman, Hugh S.; Brill, Michael H.; Hemmendinger, Henry (February 1997). "How the CIE 1931 color-matching functions were derived from Wright-Guild data".Color Research & Application.22(1): 11–23.doi:10.1002/(SICI)1520-6378(199702)22:1<11::AID-COL4>3.0.CO;2-7.The first of the resolutions offered to the 1931 meeting defined the color-matching functions of the soon-to-be-adopted standard observer in terms of Guild's spectral primaries centered on wavelengths 435.8, 546.1, and 700nm. Guild approached the problem from the viewpoint of a standardization engineer. In his mind, the adopted primaries had to be producible with national-standardizing-laboratory accuracy. The first two wavelengths were mercury excitation lines, and the last named wavelength occurred at a location in the human vision system where the hue of spectral lights was unchanging with wavelength. Slight inaccuracy in production of the wavelength of this spectral primary in a visual colorimeter, it was reasoned, would introduce no error at all.
  3. ^GrantMeStrength (30 December 2021)."Device-Dependent Color Spaces - Win32 apps".learn.microsoft.com.Retrieved2022-10-24.
  4. ^Crean, Buckley."Device Independent Color—Who Wants It?"(PDF).SPIE.2171:267.
  5. ^Charles A. Poynton (2003).Digital Video and HDTV: Algorithms and Interfaces.Morgan Kaufmann.ISBN1-55860-792-7.
  6. ^Nicholas Boughen (2003).Lightwave 3d 7.5 Lighting.Wordware Publishing, Inc.ISBN1-55622-354-4.
  7. ^abcR. W. G. Hunt (2004).The Reproduction of Colour(6th ed.). Chichester UK: Wiley–IS&T Series in Imaging Science and Technology.ISBN0-470-02425-9.
  8. ^Photographer to the Tsar: Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-GorskiiLibrary of Congress.
  9. ^"The Evolution of Color Pigment Printing".Artfacts.org.Retrieved2013-04-29.
  10. ^John Logie Baird,Television Apparatus and the Like,U.S. patent, filed in U.K. in 1928.
  11. ^Baird Television:Crystal Palace Television Studios.Previous color television demonstrations in the U.K. and U.S. had been via closed circuit.
  12. ^"Color Television Success in Test".NY Times.1940-08-30. p. 21.Retrieved2008-05-12.
  13. ^"CBS Demonstrates Full Color Television,"Wall Street Journal,Sept. 5, 1940, p. 1.
  14. ^"Television Hearing Set".NY Times.1940-11-13. p. 26.Retrieved2008-05-12.
  15. ^Morton, David L. (1999). "Television Broadcasting".A History of Electronic Entertainment Since 1945(PDF).IEEE.ISBN0-7803-9936-6.Archived fromthe original(PDF)on March 6, 2009.
  16. ^Domestic and similar electronic equipment interconnection requirements: Peritelevision connector(PDF).British Standards Institution.15 June 1998.ISBN0580298604.
  17. ^"Composite video vs composite sync and Demystifying RGB video".www.retrogamingcables.co.uk.Retrieved2022-10-24.
  18. ^By directory search
  19. ^Steve Wright (2006).Digital Compositing for Film and Video.Focal Press.ISBN0-240-80760-X.
  20. ^Edwin Paul J. Tozer (2004).Broadcast Engineer's Reference Book.Elsevier.ISBN0-240-51908-6.
  21. ^John Watkinson (2008).The art of digital video.Focal Press. p. 272.ISBN978-0-240-52005-6.
  22. ^For a side-by-side comparison of proper colors next to their equivalent lacking proper gamma correction, seeDoucette, Matthew (15 March 2006)."Color List".Xona Games.
  23. ^ab"Device-Independent Color Spaces - MATLAB & Simulink".www.mathworks.com.
  24. ^"HTML 3.2 Reference Specification".14 January 1997.
  25. ^"A Standard Default Color Space for the Internet - sRGB".W3C.
  26. ^"Color management in Internet".www.color-management-guide.com.
  27. ^"How to setup proper color management in your web browser - Greg Benz Photography".gregbenzphotography.com.April 27, 2021.
  28. ^"About Color Management".support.microsoft.com.
  29. ^"Wide Gamut Color in CSS with Display-P3".March 2, 2020.
  30. ^""color" Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc ".Can I use...
  31. ^"Wide Gamut Color in CSS with Display-P3".March 2, 2020.
  32. ^"CSS color() function".Can I use...
  33. ^ICC."Why Color Management?"(PDF).Retrieved2008-04-16.The two PCS's in the ICC system are CIE-XYZ and CIELAB