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Radical Network

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Radical Network(French:Réseau radicalwas a Frenchfar-rightstudy group from 2002 to 2006. Formed in June 2002, a number of its early members came from those who split fromUnité Radicalethat April, notablyChristian Bouchet,Luc BignotandGiorgio Damiani.[1]

Adhering tosolidarism,the group avowedly rejectedLeft-Right politicsand claimed to be inspired not only byrightistslikeAleksandr Dugin,François Duprat,Julius EvolaandJean-François Thiriartbut also bysocialistssuch asLouis Auguste Blanqui.It used thetridentas its emblem and also organised a youth movement,Jeune dissidence.In keeping with their status as a study group it numbered around 40 hardcore activists.[2]

With their activities co-ordinated by aConseil solidariste radical,it adopted a position ofAnti-Americanism,Anti-capitalismandAnti-Zionism,whilst leaning towards the ideas ofNeo-Eurasianism.In keeping with such ideas, it supportedSaddam Hussein,Serbia and Montenegro,Carlos the JackalandHugo Chávez,amongst others. It was close to the magazineRésistance,aNational Bolshevikpublication produced by sometime member Bouchet.

The group was dissolved by its creators in early 2006, with some regrouping asLes nôtres.

