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Rahab (center) inJames Tissot'sThe Harlot of Jericho and the Two Spies.

Rahab(/ˈrhæb/;[1]Hebrew:רָחָב,Modern:Raẖav,Tiberian:Rāḥāḇ,"broad", "large",Arabic:رحاب, a vast space of a land) was, according to theBook of Joshua,aGentileand aCanaanitewoman who resided withinJerichoin thePromised Landand assisted theIsraelitesby hiding two men who had been sent to scout the city prior to their attack.[2]In theNew Testament,she is lauded both as an example of asaintwho lived byfaith,[3]and as someone "consideredrighteous"for herworks.[4]According to biblical research, the author intended that she did not actually contribute in conquering the city, but rather saved herself and her family from death by the Israelites' forces.[5][6]

TheKing James Versionrenders the name asRachab,after its literal spelling in Greek, which differs from the spelling for Rahab inJamesandHebrews.Most modernversionsrender it asRahabignoring the distinction.[7]

Rahab's profession

Rahab lets the spies escape in this 1860 woodcut byJulius Schnorr von Karolsfeld

The Hebrew אשה זונה (ishah zonah), used to describe Rahab inJoshua 2:1,literally means "aprostitutewoman ".[8]While the Talmud holds to that interpretation, some sources in Rabbinic literature insists that she was an "innkeeper," based onTargum Jonathanand other texts (Jewish Babylonian Aramaic:פֻנדְקֵיתָא,romanized:pundǝqeṯā[9]). Rahab's name is presumably the shortened form of a sentence namerāḥāb-N,"the godNhas opened/widened (the womb?) ".[10]The Hebrewzōnâmay refer to secular or cultic prostitution, and the latter is widely believed to have been an invariable element ofCanaanite religion,although recent scholarship has disputed this.[8]However, there was a separate word,qǝdēšâ,that could be used to designateritual prostitutes.[8]

Josephusmentions that Rahab kept aninnbut is silent as to whether merely renting out rooms was her only source ofincome.[11]It was not uncommon for both an inn and abrothelto operate within the same building; thus entering Rahab's quarters was not necessarily a deviation from Joshua's orders. Indeed, as Robert Boling notes, such an establishment might have represented an ideal location forspiesto gather intelligence.[8]A number of scholars have noted that the narrator in Joshua 2 may have intended to remind the readers of the "immemorial symbiosis betweenmilitary serviceand bawdy house ".[8]

In the ChristianNew Testament,theEpistle of Jamesand theEpistle to the Hebrewsfollow the tradition set by the translators of theSeptuagintin using the Greek word "πόρνη" (pórnē,which is usually translated to English as "harlot"or" prostitute ") to describe Rahab.[12][13][14]

William L. Lyons observed that biblical interpreters have viewed Rahab as a model of hospitality, mercy, faith, patience, and repentance in her interaction with Joshua's spies. Thus the harlot of Jericho became a paragon of virtue.[15]

In the Hebrew Bible

Rahab Receiveth and Concealeth the SpiesbyFrederick Richard Pickersgill(1881)

According to the book of Joshua,[16]when theHebrewswere encamped atShittimin theArabahorJordan ValleyoppositeJericho,ready to cross the river,Joshua,as a final preparation, sent out two spies to investigate the military strength of Jericho. The spies stayed in Rahab's house, which was built into the city wall. The soldiers sent to capture the spies asked Rahab to bring out the spies.[17]Instead, she hid them under bundles offlaxon the roof. It was the time of the barley harvest, and flax and barley are ripe at the same time in the Jordan valley, so that "the bundles of flax stalks might have been expected to be drying just then".[18]

Rahab told the spies:

9 She said to the men, “I know that GOD has given the country to you, because dread of you has fallen upon us, and all the inhabitants of the land are quaking before you. 10 For we have heard how GOD dried up the waters of the Sea of Reeds for you when you left Egypt, and what you did to Sihon and Og, the two Amorite kings across the Jordan, whom you doomed. 11 When we heard about it, we lost heart, and no one had any more spirit left because of you; for the ETERNAL your God is the only God in heaven above and on earth below. 12 Now, since I have shown loyalty to you, swear to me by GOD that you in turn will show loyalty to my family. Provide me with a reliable sign 13 that you will spare the lives of my father and mother, my brothers and sisters, and all who belong to them, and save us from death.”

— Joshua 2:9–13[19]

After escaping, the spies promised to spare Rahab and her family after taking the city, even if there should be a massacre, if she would mark her house by hanging a red cord out the window. Some have claimed that the symbol of the red cord is related to the practice of thered-light district.[20]

Whenthe city of Jericho fell,[21]Rahab and her whole family were preserved according to the promise of the spies and were incorporated among the Jewish people. (In siege warfare of antiquity, a city that fell after a prolonged siege was commonly subjected to a massacre and sack.)

Tikva Frymer-Kenskyregards Rahab as "smart, proactive, tricky and unafraid to disobey and deceive her king". She also credits Rahab with being "one of Israel’s early saviors" due to "her allegiance to God and Israel".[22]As the first non-Israelite person, and in particular the firstCanaanitewoman, to ally with Israel, Rahab's convictions led her to protect the men sent by Joshua despite her background.[22]

Michael Coogansays the book of Joshua, more than any other book of the Bible, contains shortetiologicalnarratives that explain the origins of religious rituals, topographical features, genealogical relationships, and other aspects of ancient Israelite life, and that the legend of Rahab is such an example. The story of Rahab would therefore provide an answer as to how a Canaanite group became part of Israel in spite of the Deuteronomistic injunction to kill all Canaanites and not to intermarry with them.[23][24][25]

Some scholars see the parallels between Joshua 2 and Genesis 19, which narrates the fall ofSodom and Gomorrah.Like Sodom and Gomorrah, Jericho was presumed to be equally as wicked, with Rahab challenging Jericho's "oppressive establishment" by siding with Jericho's destroyers (i.e. the Israelites).[26]Coincidentally, these cities were believed to lie among a major fault line extending 1,100 kilometers from the Red Sea to Turkey.[27]

In rabbinic literature


In themidrash,Rahab is named as one of the four most beautiful women the world has ever known, along withSarah,Abigail,andEsther.In theBabylonian Talmud,Rahab was so beautiful that the very mention of her name could cause arousal (Megillah 15a). Rahab is said to have converted at the age of 50, after practising prostitution for 40 years, and repented according to three sins, saying:

Master of the Universe! I have sinned with three things [with my eye, my thigh, and my stomach]. By the merit of three things pardon me: the rope, the window, and the wall [pardon me for engaging in harlotry because I endangered myself when I lowered the rope for the spies from the window in the wall]. "(Babylonian Talmud, Zevahim 116a–b).

A similar tradition has Rahab declaring, "Pardon me by merit of the rope, the window, and the flaxen [the stalks of flax under which she concealed the spies]."

Because of this, rabbis interpret Biblical verses that talk about the citizens of Jericho "melting in fear", such asJoshua 2:9–11andJoshua 5:1,as describing their inability to maintain erections upon hearing Israelite military victories. Rahab knew this because "there was no minister or prince that did not pay a visit to Rahab the harlot".[28]

The rabbis viewed Rahab as a worthy convert to Judaism, and attested that following her conversion, Rahab marriedSalmon(Hebrew:שַׂלְמוֹןŚalmōn), also called Salmah (שַׂלְמָהŚalmā,Greek:Σαλμών), and their descendants included the prophetsJeremiah,Hilkiah,Seraiah,Mahseiah,Baruch,Ezekieland the prophetessHulda,[29]although there is no report in the book of Joshua of the leader marrying anyone, or having any family life.[30]Rahab often is mentioned alongsideJethro(Yitro) andNa'amanas "positive examples" of the converts who joined Israel,[31]and another midrash has Rahab acting as an advocate for all nations of the world.[32][33]

Some believe that the genealogies described inJeremiah 1:1andEzekiel 1:3served to dispel accusations that Jeremiah and Ezekiel were descendants of Rahab. At the time, the Israelites discriminated against these prophets for this alleged heritage.[34]

In the New Testament


In the New Testament, Rahab (GreekῬαάβ) of the Book of Joshua is mentioned as an example of a person of faith[3]and of good works.[4]Rahab is referred to as "the harlot" in each of these passages.

A different spelling of the name,Rachab(as transliterated in the King James translation of the GreekῬαχάβ) is mentioned in theGospel of Matthewas one of the ancestors ofJesus(Matthew 1:5). She marriedSalmonof theTribe of Judahand was the mother ofBoaz.Most otherEnglish Biblestranscribe her name asRahab.

In fiction

  • Rahab is depicted as a virtuous soul (in The Third Circle of Heaven) inDante'sDivine Comedy(Paradiso 9.112 ff.)
  • Rahab is a figure in the mythos ofWilliam Blake.She is pictured as a harlot, akin to thewhore of Babylon,and figures alongside Blake's character ofTirzah,as representing materialism, false religion, and fallen sexuality. Rahab's embrace of Urizen, who loosely represents fallen reason, is seen as the consolidation of error necessary to bring about the Final Judgment.
  • The claim of Hugh Broughton, a controversial historian, that Rahab was already "a harlot at ten years of age" is used by Humbert Humbert to explain or perhaps justify his attraction to young girls in Nabokov'sLolita.[35]

Fictional accounts of Rahab's life

  • Afshar, Tessa.Pearl in the Sand(2010),ISBN978-0-8024-5881-0
  • Burton, Anne.Rahab's Story(2005),ISBN0-451-21628-8;Book 2 in Burton's "Women of the Bible" series.
  • Havel, Carlene and Faucheux, Sharon.The Scarlet Cord(2014),ISBN1940099692
  • MacFarlane, Hannah.The Scarlet Cord(2009),ISBN1844273709
  • Morris, Gilbert.Daughter of Deliverance.ISBN0-7642-2921-4;Book 6 of "Lions of Judah" Series.
  • Rivers, Francine.Unashamed: Rahab(2000),ISBN978-0842335966;Book 2 in Rivers' "A Lineage of Grace"series.
  • Slaughter, Frank G.The Scarlet Cord: A Novel of the Woman of Jericho(1956),ISBN0671774980
  • Smith, Jill Eileen.The Crimson Cord: Rahab's Story (2015).ISBN978 0 8007 2034 6;Book 1 in Smith's "Daughters of the Promised Land" series.
  • Wolf, Joan.This Scarlet Cord: The Love Story of Rahab(2012),ISBN1595548777
  • Jennings, Jenifer. "Crimson Cord" (2017),ISBN1954105061
  • Craig, Naomi. "Rahab's Courage" (2021),

Television portrayals

See also



  1. ^Represented as "rā´hăb" at"Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide".Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Accessed 25 February 2012.
  2. ^Joshua 2:1–24
  3. ^abHebrews 11:31
  4. ^abJames 2:25
  5. ^Sherwood, A. A leader's Misleading and a Prostitute's Proffession: A Re-examination of Joshua 2,JSOT,31, 1, 2006, 43-61
  6. ^Zakovitch, Y. Humor and Theology or the Successful Failure of Israelite Intelligence: A literary-Folkloric Approach to Joshua 2, Text and Tradition, S. Niditch (3d.), Atlanta, Georgia, 1990 75-98
  7. ^"Rahab meaning".Abarim Publications.
  8. ^abcdeBoling, Robert G. (1981).Joshua,Vol. 6. Anchor Bible Series. pp 144-145.
  9. ^"pwndqyt".cal.huc.edu.Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon.hostess JLAtg, LJLA. TgJ Jos2:1:וְעָלוּ לְבֵית אִיתְתָא פֻנדְקֵיתָא וֻשמַה רָחָב‏.TgJ 1K3:16:תַרתֵין נְשִין פֻנדְקָאָן/פֻנדְקָוָן/פונדקין/ לִמדָן קֳדָם מַלכָא‏.TgTosPr Judges.11:1:וכד הות איתתא דרחימא גברא דלא הוה משבטהא נפקא מבית אינשה בלא אחסנתא והוו אינשי קרן יתה פונדקיתא‏when there was a woman who loved a man who was not of her tribe, she would leave her family without property rights; and people would call her "hostess" [MT זוֹנָה].
  10. ^Noth, Martin, "Israelitischer Personennamen im Rahmen der gemeinsemitischen Namengebung", Beiträge zur Wissenschaft vom Alten und Neuen Testament III,10, 193.
  11. ^Josephus.The Antiquities of the Jews.5.1.2. Hosted at Wikisource.
  12. ^James 2:25,1881 Westcott-Hort New Testament.
  13. ^Hebrews 11:31,1881 Westcott-Hort New Testament.
  14. ^Joshua 2,Greek Septuagint (LXX).
  15. ^Lyons, William L. (July 2008)."Rahab through the Ages: A Study of Christian Interpretation of Rahab".Society of Biblical Literature Forum.
  16. ^Joshua 2:1–7
  17. ^Joshua 2:3
  18. ^Geikie, John Cunningham (1881).Hours with the Bible,volume 2. London: S.W. Partridge & Co. p. 390.
  19. ^"Joshua 2:9-13".www.sefaria.org.
  20. ^Mobley, Gregory (2012).The Return of the Chaos Monsters: And Other Backstories of the Bible.Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. p. 60.ISBN978-0-8028-3746-2.
  21. ^"Joshua 6:17-25".www.sefaria.org.
  22. ^abFrymer-Kensky, Tikva Simone. (2002).Reading the women of the Bible(1st ed.). New York: Schocken Books.ISBN0-8052-4121-3.OCLC49823086.
  23. ^Deut 20:16–18
  24. ^Deut 7:1–4
  25. ^Coogan, Michael (2009).A Brief Introduction to the Old Testament.Oxford University Press. pp. 162–164.
  26. ^Kozlova, Ekaterina E. (2020)."What is in a Name? Rahab, the Canaanite, and the Rhetoric of Liberation in the Hebrew Bible".Open Theology.6(1): 572–586.doi:10.1515/opth-2020-0106– via De Gruyter.
  27. ^Neev, David; Emery, K.O. (1995).The Destruction of Sodom, Gomorrah, and Jericho: Geological, Climatological, and Archaeological Background(1st ed.). Oxford University Press.ISBN978-0195090949.
  28. ^Robertson, Amy Cooper (27 June 2019)."Rahab the Faithful Harlot".TheTorah.com.Archived fromthe originalon 8 February 2024.
  29. ^Talmud,b.Megillah 14b
  30. ^"Joshua ben Nun".Jewish Virtual Library. Accessed 25 January 2021.
  31. ^"Rahab".JewishEncyclopedia.com. Accessed 25 January 2021.
  32. ^Assis, Elie (2004). "The Choice to Serve God and Assist His People: Rahab and Yael".Biblica.85(1): 82–90.JSTOR42614492
  33. ^Baskin, Judith (1979). "The Rabbinic Transformations of Rahab the Harlot".Notre Dame English Journal.11(2): 141–157.JSTOR40062458
  34. ^Kadari, Tamar (2024)."Rahab: Midrash and Aggadah".Jewish Women's Archive.Archived fromthe originalon 8 February 2024.
  35. ^Nabakov, Vladimir.Lolita (Penguin Modern Classics).p. 12.