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The rebec in "Virgin among Virgins" (1509), byGerard David.
String instrument
Hornbostel–Sachs classification321.21-71
(Bowl lyre sounded by abow)
DevelopedMiddle Ages
Related instruments

Therebec(sometimesrebecha, rebeckha,and other spellings, pronounced/ˈrbɛk/or/ˈrɛbɛk/) is a bowedstringed instrumentof theMedieval eraand the earlyRenaissance.In its most common form, it has a narrow boat-shaped body and one to five strings.


Popular from the 13th to 16th centuries, the introduction of the rebec into Western Europe coincided with the Arabic conquest of theIberian Peninsula.There is, however, evidence of the existence of bowed instruments in the 9th century in Eastern Europe. The Persian geographer of the 9th centuryIbn Khurradadhbihcited the bowedByzantine lira(orlūrā) as a typical bowed instrument of the Byzantines and equivalent to the pear-shaped Arabrebab.[1][2][3][4]

The rebec was adopted as a key instrument inArab classical musicand inMoroccoit was used in the tradition ofArabo-Andalusian music,which had been kept alive by descendants ofMuslims who left Spainas refugees following theReconquista.The rebec also became a favorite instrument in the tea houses of theOttoman Empire.

The rebec was first referred to by that name around the beginning of the 14th century, though a similar instrument, usually called alira da braccio(arm lyre), had been played since around the 9th century.[5]The name derives from the 15th centuryMiddle Frenchrebec,altered in an unexplained manner from the 13th centuryOld Frenchribabe,which in turn comes from the Arabicrebab.[6]An early form of the rebec is also referred to as therubebain a 13th century Moravian treatise on music.[7]Medieval sources refer to the instrument by several other names, includingkitand the generic termfiddle.[8]

A distinguishing feature of the rebec is that the bowl (or body) of the instrument is carved from a solid piece of wood. This distinguishes it from the later periodviellesandgambasknown in the Renaissance.


The number of strings on the rebec varies from 1 to 5, although three is the most common number. Early forms of the instrument commonly had 2. The strings are often tuned infifths,although this tuning is not universal. Many depictions of the rebec show its bridge as flat, which would mean that several strings were bowed at the same time. This suggests that the strings would likely be tuned in fifths and fourths similar to the fiddle and mandora.[9]The instrument was originally in the treble range, like the violin, but later larger versions were developed, so that by the 16th centurycomposerswere able to write pieces forconsortsof rebecs, just as they did for consorts ofviols.

In use[edit]

The rebec was often played by professionalminstrelsand musicians at feasts. In northern Europe, musicians typically held it at the shoulder, while musicians in southern Europe and northern Africa held it down in the lap and gripped the bow from below.[8]

The use of frets on the rebec is somewhat ambiguous. Many scholars who have written about the instrument have described it as fretless. However, some illustrations from the 13th century onward depict frets on the rebec. It is possible to attribute this discrepancy to the fact that frets on bowed instruments appeared in Europe in the early renaissance, but not in England until the 15th century.[10]

In time, the viol came to replace the rebec, and the instrument was little used beyond therenaissanceperiod. The instrument was used bydancemasters until the 18th century, however, often being used for the same purpose as thekit,a small pocket-sized violin. The rebec also remained in use infolk music,especially ineastern EuropeandSpain.Andalusi nubah,a genre of music fromNorth Africa,often includes the rebec. Chilote Waltz (a variation of traditionalwaltz,played inChiloe Island,Chile) also uses the rebec.[11]


In popular culture[edit]

Hugh Rebeckis a minor character inWilliam Shakespeare'sRomeo and Juliet,one of the musicians called by Peter in an oft-cut scene. Presumably, he is named for the instrument that he plays.

In a scene inDon Quixote,a goatherd entertains Don Quixote andSancho Panzaby playing a rebec and singing a love song.

A rebec featured prominently in one ofEllis Peters' (12th century)Brother Cadfaelstories: Liliwin, the title character ofThe Sanctuary Sparrow,earned his living by playing that instrument. His rebec was damaged by a mob that accused him of murder, but one of the monks repaired it and returned to him at the end of the story.

See also[edit]


  1. ^Margaret J. Kartomi, 1990
  2. ^Farmer, Henry George(1988),Historical facts for the Arabian Musical Influence,Ayer Publishing, p. 137,ISBN0-405-08496-X
  3. ^For a possible etymological link between Arabicrebaband FrenchrebecseeAmerican Heritage Dictionary
  4. ^Panum, Hortense(1939),The stringed instruments of the Middle Ages, their evolution and development,London: William Reeves, p. 434
  5. ^Bachmann, Werner(1969).The origins of bowing and the development of bowed instruments up to the thirteenth century.Oxford University Press. p. 35.
  6. ^Harper, Douglas."rebec (n.)".Online Etymology Dictionary.Retrieved5 October2015.
  7. ^Stainer, J.F.R. (1900). "Rebec and Viol".The Musical Times and Singing Class Circular.41(691): 596–597.
  8. ^abStowell, Robin (2001).The Early Violin and Viola: A Practical Guide.Cambridge University Press. p. 174.ISBN9780521625555.
  9. ^Remnant, Mary (1968). "Rebec, Fiddle, and Crowd in England".Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association.95:15–28.doi:10.1093/jrma/95.1.15.
  10. ^Remnant, Mary (1968). "The Use of Frets on Rebecs and Mediaeval Fiddles".The Galpin Society Journal.95:15–28.
  11. ^Millacura, Matías (2019-01-24)."Rabel Chilote".{{cite journal}}:Cite journal requires|journal=(help)
  12. ^Have One On Me album booklet

External links[edit]