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Regia Aeronautica

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Regia Aeronautica
Aircraft insignia of theRegia Aeronautica
CountryKingdom of Italy
AllegianceKing of Italy
TypeAir force
CommanderChief of Staff of the Air Force
During World War II:

TheRoyal Italian Air Force(Regia Aeronautica Italiana) (RAI) was theair forceof theKingdom of Italy.It was established as a service independent of theRoyal Italian Armyfrom 1923 until 1946. In 1946, the monarchy was abolished and the Kingdom of Italy became theItalian Republic,whereupon the name of the air force changed toAeronautica Militare.





At the beginning of the twentieth century, Italy was at the forefront of aerial warfare: during the colonization ofLibyain 1911, it made the first reconnaissance flight in history on 23 October, and the first ever bombing raid on 1 November.

DuringWorld War I,the ItalianCorpo Aeronautico Militare,then still part of theRegio Esercito(Royal Army), operated a mix of French fighters and locally built bombers, notably the giganticCaproniaircraft. TheRegia Marina(Royal Navy) had its own air arm, operating locally built flying boats.

Founding of theRegia Aeronautica


The Italian air force became an independent service—theRegia Aeronautica—on 28 March 1923.Benito Mussolini'sfascistregime turned it into an impressivepropagandamachine, with its aircraft, featuring the Italian flag colors across the full span of the undersides of the wings, making numerous record-breaking flights. Between 1 April 1939 and 1 November 1939, Italian airmen established no fewer than 110 records, winning world championships in round trips, long-range flights, high speed and altitude flights. After successful long-range flights around theMediterranean Sea,Charles Lindbergh's successfultransatlantic flightin theSpirit of St. Louisinspired the Regia Aeronautica to embark on a longer transatlantic voyage with stops inWest AfricaandBrazil.[1]Possibly the most brilliant successes were the floatplane world speed record of 709 km/h (440.6 mph) achieved byFrancesco Agelloin theMacchi-Castoldi MC-72in October 1934[2]and the long-range formation flight to the United States and back to Italy in 1933, a total of 19,000 km (11,800 miles) withSavoia-Marchetti S.55flying boats.ThisDecennial Air Cruiseincluded stops inAmsterdam,Derry,Reykjavík,Labrador,Montreal,Chicago,Brooklyn,andWashington D.C.,with the highlight being a landing inLake Michiganin front ofChicago Navy Pierand a procession through the city before crowds of thousands of Americans to coincide with theCentury of Progress Exhibition.[1]This pioneering achievement was organized and led by General of AviationItalo Balbo.[3]

During the latter half of the 1930s, theRegia Aeronauticaparticipated in theSpanish Civil War,as well as the invasions ofEthiopiaandAlbania.

Ethiopian war


The first test for the new Italian Royal Air force came in October 1935,[4] with theSecond Italo-Ethiopian War.During the final stages of the war, theRegia Aeronauticadeployed up to 386 aircraft, operating fromEritreaandSomalia.The Italian aviators did not have any opposition in the air, as theImperial Ethiopian Air Forcehad just 15 transport and liaison aircraft, only nine of which were serviceable. However, theRegia Aeronauticalost 72 planes and 122 aircrew[5]while supporting the operations of theRegio Esercito,sometimes dropping poison gas bombs against the Ethiopian army. After the end of hostilities on 5 May 1936, for the following 13 months theRegia Aeronauticahad to assist Italian forces in fighting Ethiopian guerrillas.[6]

Spanish Civil War

A Savoia-Marchetti SM.81 during a bombing raid in the Spanish Civil War (1936–39).

During theSpanish coup of July 1936,Italian pilots inSpanish Foreign Legionuniforms airliftedFrancisco Franco'sArmy of AfricafromSpanish Moroccoto theSpanish mainland.[7]During theSpanish Civil WarItalian pilots fought alongsideSpanish Nationalistand GermanLuftwaffepilots as members of theAviazione Legionaria( "Aviation Legion"). This deployment took place from July 1936 to March 1939 and complemented an expeditionary force of Italian ground troops called the"Corps of Volunteer Troops".In Spain, the Italian pilots were under direct command of theSpanish Nationalistsand took part in training and joint operations with the pilots of the German "Condor Legion". Mussolini sent to Spain 6000 aviation personnel as well as about 720 aircraft, including 80-90Savoia-Marchetti SM 81,100Savoia Marchetti SM.79bombers and 380–400Fiat CR.32biplanes that dominated the air, proving superior to the SovietPolikarpovsof theSpanish Republican Air Force.TheAviazione legionariaachieved approximately 500 aerial victories, losing 86 aircraft in air combat and about 200 flying personnel.[8] But more important than the material losses were the wrong conclusions drawn from air war in Spain. The Air Ministry, blinded by the success of the Fiat CR.32, persisted in its belief that the biplane could still dominate the sky, and ordered large numbers ofFiat CR.42 Falcos,the last war biplane in history.[9]



TheRegia Aeronauticaplayed a limited role during theItalian invasion of Albaniain 1939.[citation needed]

World War II


In July 1939, theRegia Aeronauticawas seen as splendid air arm, holding no fewer than 33 world records, which was more thanGermany(15),France(12), theUnited States(11)Soviet Union(7),Japan(3), theUnited Kingdom(2) andCzechoslovakia(1).[10]WhenWorld War IIbegan in 1939, Italy had a paper strength of 3296 machines. While numerically still a force to be reckoned with, it was hampered by the local aircraft industry which was using obsolete production methods. In reality, only 2000 aircraft were fit for operations, of which just 166 were modern fighters (89Fiat G.50 Frecciasand 77Macchi MC.200s), both slower than potential opponents as theHawker Hurricane,theSupermarine Spitfireand theDewoitine D.520.TheRegia Aeronauticaalso had neither long-range fighters or night fighters.[11] Technical assistance provided by its German ally did little to improve the situation.

Battle of France


On 10 June 1940, during the closing days of theBattle of France,Italy declared war on France and the United Kingdom. On 13 June, Fiat CR.42s attackedFrench Air Forcebases and escortedFiat BR.20sthat bombed the harbour ofToulon.Two days later, CR.42s from 3°Stormoand 53°Stormoattacked again French air bases and clashed withDewoitine D.520sandBloch MB.152s,claiming eight kills for five losses.[12]But when a smallFrench Navyfleet shelled theLiguriancoast on 15 June, the Italian air force was not able to prevent this action or attack the French ships effectively, showing a lack of cooperation with theRegia Marina,Italian navy.[11]TheRegia Aeronauticacarried out 716 bombing missions, with Italian aircraft dropping a total of 276 tons of bombs on French fortifications, military bases, and airfields (some of the targets being Toulon, Briançon, Traversette, and Cap San Martin); during this short war,Regia Aeronauticalost 10 aircraft in aerial combat and 24 aircrew personnel, while claiming 10 kills and 40 French planes destroyed on the ground.[13]According to a book published after the war byGeneraleGiuseppe Santoro,critical of the unplanned use of the Air Force, which had not been prepared for operations of aerial bombing against fortifications, only about 80 long tons (81 t) of the bombs were dropped on the targets. Despite this misuse of resources, the bombing missions made possible and supported the limitedItalian advance into southern Franceby theRegio Esercito,with the Italian air force retaining its fame until the Battle of Britain showed its limitations.[14]

After the war, there was a widespread rumour in France, especially betweenParisandBordeaux,of Italian aircraft strafing civilian columns, with many people claiming to have seen the tricolour roundels painted on them. These allegations have been disproved, as the Italian aircraft did not have the range to hit such distant targets and concentrated on short-range military objectives (Regia Aeronauticawing roundels had threefasci littori,having replaced the tricolour ones). It was concluded that this was nothing more than a myth, arising from the reaction to the Italian attack, the fame of the Italian air force and the heated and confused climate.[15]

Middle East

Destruction of Muslim graveyard and the Istiklal Mosque by Italian bombers during the bombing ofHaifa,September 1940.

Regia Aeronauticaaircraft were involved in theMiddle Eastern theatrealmost from the start of Italian involvement in World War II. During theAnglo-Iraqi War,German and Italian aircraft of "Flyer Command Iraq" (Fliegerführer Irak) stopped to refuel in theVichy French-controlledMandate of Syriaas they flew toIraq.These masqueraded asIraqi Air Forceaircraft and were painted as suchen route.Continued concern over German and Italian influence in the area led to the Allies'Syria-Lebanon Campaign.

In one of the lesser known incidents of the war, starting in July 1940,Italian aircraft bombed cities in the British Mandate of Palestine.This was aimed at pushing the British back and retaking the greater Mediterranean, as inancient Romantimes. The bombing ofTel Avivon 10 September killed 137 people. In mid-October, the Italians alsobombed American-operated oil refineriesin the British Protectorate ofBahrain.[16]

East Africa


InItalian East AfricatheRegia Aeronauticaperformed better than in other war theaters. In June 1940, the Italian Royal Air Force had here 195 fighters, bombers and reconnaissance aircraft, plus 25 transport planes.[17]Some of these aircraft were outdated, but the Italians hadSavoia-Marchetti SM.79(12 examples) andSavoia-Marchetti SM.81bombers andFiat CR.42fighters. In relative terms, these were some of the best aircraft on hand to either side at the beginning of theEast African Campaign.In addition, the Italian aircraft were often based at better airfields than those of the British and Commonwealth forces. When the war began, Italian pilots were relatively well trained and confident of their abilities. At the beginning of the hostilities,Regia Aeronauticaachieved aerial superiority and occasionally skilled Italian pilots, flying their Fiat biplanes, managed to shoot down even the faster and better armedHawker Hurricanemonoplanes. However, during the first three months,Regia Aeronauticalost 84 aircraft and had 143 aircrew personnel killed and 71 wounded, but the losses did not halt Italian operations.[18]Cut off from Italy as they were though, problems with lack of fuel, munitions, spare parts and replacements became a serious problem and theRegia Aeronauticawas worn down in a war of attrition. By 31 January,Prince Amedeo, Duke of Aosta,reported that the Italian military forces inEast Africawere down to 67 operational aircraft with limited fuel. By the end of February, theRegia Aeronauticahad only 42 aircraft left in East Africa, and the British now had the upper hand. In March, surplus personnel of air force units had to fight as infantry. By the end of the following month, Italians had only 13 serviceable aircraft left in East Africa.[19] At last, on 24 October 1941, about one month prior to the final Italian surrender, the last Italian aircraft of the campaign, a Fiat CR.42, was shot down.[20]

Battle of Britain


On 10 September 1940, an independent air corps for supportingLuftwaffein theBattle of Britainwas established. It was namedCorpo Aereo Italiano,or CAI. It was under command ofGeneraleRino Corso Fougier.It comprised approximately 170 aircraft[13]including 80Fiat Br.20bombers and 98Fiat G.50 Frecciaand CR.42 fighters. The transfer of the planes was completed by 19 October. The CAI was based inNazi-occupied Belgium.[21]Bad weather and planes inadequate to that war theater hindered effective action by the CAI. The CR.42s clashed with BritishHawker HurricanesandSupermarine Spitfiresjust two times, in November. The Italians claimed five victories and nine probables, but five Fiat biplanes were shot down.[12]The RAF, however, reported no losses. The 17 bombing raids carried out by the BR.20s did not cause much material damage, moreover aircraft were needed on the Greek front and inCyrenaica[22]so in January 1941 the bombers and CR.42s started to be withdrawn to Italy. Just two squadrons of G.50s remained until mid-April 1941.[23][24][25]During this campaign,Regia Aeronauticalost 36 planes, (including 26 in accidents) and 43 aircrew personnel, without achieving a single confirmed air victory.[22]

Western Desert

An earlyMacchi C.202(note lack of radio mast) of 81ªSquadriglia,6°Gruppo,1°StormoCT; this photo appears to have been taken in Libya.

Initially, theWestern Desert Campaignwas a near equal struggle between theRegia Aeronauticaand the BritishRoyal Air Force(RAF). Early on, the fighters available to both sides were primarily older biplanes, with ItalianFiat CR.32andFiat CR.42sflying against BritishGloster Gladiators.

After the Italian disasters duringOperation Compassand the arrival of GeneralErwin Rommeland hisGerman Africa Corps,theRegia Aeronauticafought side by side with the GermanLuftwaffein theWestern Desert.

Although the air campaign in Libya was seriously limited because of desert conditions, the Italian Royal Air Force managed to retain a force of nearly four hundred airplanes. During the first British counter-offensive, theRegia Aeronauticahad suffered heavy losses (over 400 aircraft) until theAxis attack on Greecebegan, when a major part of the British land and air forces were diverted there giving the Italian forces time to recover. New Italian aircraft and units were supplemented by the arrival of the GermanAfrika Korps,and the attached Luftwaffe contingent deployed almost 200 airplanes in Libya and another 600 in Sicily. Working with the Luftwaffe, theRegia Aeronauticaperformed better due to the exchange of tactical doctrine and the arrival of more modern aircraft. In mid-1942, during theBattle of Bir Hakeim(26 May 1942 – 11 June 1942) the newMacchi C.202fighter outperformed all of theDesert Air Force's fighters,[26]achieving an unprecedented ratio kill/loss of 4.4/1, better than that of famedMesserschmitt Bf 109s(3.5/1) fighting the same battle.[27] During Rommel's first offensive, the Italians managed to divert RAF attacks from his forces and covered his retreat during the BritishOperation Crusader,while inflicting heavy losses on RAF bombers.

During Rommel's second offensive, theRegia Aeronauticaand the Luftwaffe suffered considerable losses due to stronger Allied resistance during air battles overEl Alameinand bombing raids over Alexandria and Cairo. TheRegia Aeronautica,having suffered heavy losses in Egypt, was withdrawn progressively to Tobruk, Benghazi, Tripoli and, eventually, Tunisia.


Bombing of Malta.

TheRegia Aeronauticaparticipated in theair offensive on the British controlled island of Maltaalong with the German Air Force in an attempt to protect the Axis sea routes from Sicily, Sardinia, and Italy to North Africa. Up to the end of 1940, theRegia Aeronauticacarried out 7410 sorties against the island, dropping 550 tons of bombs, but losing 35 aircraft. The Italians claimed 66 British planes in these first six months of combat, but these claims were exaggerated.[28] In 1941,Regia Aeronauticacarried out further attacks on Malta, but less intensely than in 1940. The Italian airmen started to fear Maltese fighters and AA artillery, so much that the flight to the besieged island became known as therotta della morte,the "route of death".[29] In 1942, for its operations against Malta, between 1 January and 8 November, theRegia Aeronauticahad 100 more aircraft lost in action.[30]

Malta suffered heavy loss of equipment, ship, and vehicles, and was to the edge of starvation. However the besieged island managed to withstand the attacks from the Italian and German air forces and claimed almost 1,500 Axis planes,[30]three times the real losses: up to November 1942, theLuftwaffeadmitted to losing 357 aircraft and theRegia Aeronautica210.[31]But during the siege, the RAF's losses were even heavier, amounting to 547 in the air (including some 300 fighters) and 160 on the ground, plus 504 aircraft damaged in the air and 231 on the ground.[32]



TheRegia Aeronauticabegan its attacks on the British crown colony ofGibraltarand its important naval base from July 1940.[13] In 1942, ItalianPiaggio P.108bombers attacked Gibraltar fromSardinia,flying a number of long-range night raids.[33] Up to October 1942, theRegia Aeronauticacarried out 14 raids with a total of 32 bombers. [13]

The Italian long-range bomberPiaggio P.108,ready to attack Gibraltar in 1942

The last raids on Gibraltar were flown during the1943 Allied landinginAlgeria,when those bombers also made a successful strike on the port ofOran. The only unit of theRegia Aeronauticato fly the Piaggio P.108 was the 274th Long-Range Bombardment Group, which was formed in May 1941 as the first machines came off the assembly lines.[citation needed]Training and achieving full operation strength took far longer than anticipated, and the 274th only became operational in June 1942.

Greece and Yugoslavia


When theGreco-Italian Warstarted on 28 October 1940, theRegia Aeronauticafielded 193 combat aircraft, which initially failed to achieve air superiority against theRoyal Hellenic Air Force(RHAF), which had 128 operational aircraft out of a total of 158.[34]The poor infrastructure forAlbaniaair bases hindered communications and movements between the Italian flying units. Only two airfields –TiranaandValona– hadmacadamrunways,so autumn and winter weather made operations more difficult. There was also the usual lack of co-operation between the Italian Navy and Army. Finally, just few days after the start of the war, Italian pilots were confronted byNo. 80 Squadron,led by the outstanding aceMarmaduke Pattleand equipped withGloster Gladiators,No. 30 Squadron,No. 211 Squadron andNo. 84 SquadronwithBristol Blenheims,and No. 70 Squadron withVickers Wellingtons.Gradually, Italian air power (includingSquadriglieflying from Italian air bases) grew to over 400 aircraft against the dwindling numbers of the Greeks.[35]However, this advantage did not stop theHellenic Armyfrom forcing theRegio Esercitoonto the defensive and back into Albania. In early 1941, the tide was turned as the GermanWehrmachtlaunched its simultaneous invasions ofYugoslaviaandGreece.

For the 11-day campaign against Yugoslavia, theRegia Aeronauticadeployed 600 aircraft, claimed five air victories (plus 100 planes destroyed on the ground) and suffered five losses.[36]However, from that point on, the role of theRegia Aeronauticain theBalkans Campaignwas primarily that of supporting theLuftwaffe. This support role continued during the occupation ofGreeceandYugoslaviathat followed.

TheRegia Aeronauticaclaimed 218 aircraft shot down plus 55 probables against the RHAF and RAF, while the Greeks claimed 68 air victories (plus 23 probables) and the British 150 kills. Actually the air war against Greece cost the Italians just 65 losses (but 495 damaged)[37]while RAF losses in the Greek campaign were 209 aircraft, 72 in the air, 55 on the ground, and 82 destroyed or abandoned during the evacuation.[38]

Eastern Front

AMacchi C.200on the eastern front in 1942

In August 1941 the Regia Aeronautica sent an Air Corps of 1,900 personnel to theEastern Frontas an attachment to the "Italian Expeditionary Corps in Russia"(Corpo di Spedizione Italiano in Russia,or CSIR) and then the "Italian Army in Russia"(Armata Italiana in Russia,or ARMIR) were known as the "Italian Air Force Expeditionary Corps in Russia" (Corpo Aereo Spedizione in Russia). These squadrons, initially consisting of22° GruppoCT with 51 Macchi C.200 fighters and61° Gruppowith theCaproni Ca.311bomber, supported the Italian armed forces from 1941 to 1943. They were initially based in theUkraineand ultimately supported operations in theStalingradarea. In mid 1942 the more modern Macchi C. 202 was introduced to operations in Russia. The CSIR was subsumed by the ARMIR in 1942 and the ARMIR was disbanded in early 1943 after disaster during theBattle of Stalingrad.The Air Corps pulled out of operations in January 1943, transferring toOdessa.

From 1944 to 1945, Italian personnel operated from theBaltic areaand in the northern part of the Eastern Front under the direct command of the Luftwaffe under the name Air Transport Group 1 (Italian:1° Gruppo Aerotrasporti "Terracciano",German:1° Staffel Transportfliegergruppe 10 (Ital)). This group was part of theNational Republican Air Forceof theItalian Social Republic.

Tunisian Campaign


By the time of theTunisian Campaign,the Regia Aeronautica and the Luftwaffe rarely enjoyed parity let alone air superiority inNorth Africa.

Structure of theRegia Aeronauticain 1943

Sicilian Campaign and before 8 September 1943


TheRegia Aeronauticawas forced on the defensive during theSicilian Campaign.Italian pilots were constantly fighting againstAlliedefforts to sinkRegia Marinaships. Just before the Allied invasion, a huge Allied bomber offensive struck the airfields inSicilyin an effort to gain further air superiority. This left theRegia Aeronauticavery weak, but aircraft continued to arrive fromSardinia,southern Italy,andsouthern France. The last mission of theRegia Aeronauticabefore the truce with the Allies was the defence during theUnited States Army Air Forces'bombings of FrascatiandRomeon 8 September 1943.



After theItalian armistice,theRegia Aeronauticawas briefly succeeded by two new Italian air forces. Headquartered atSalernoin southern Italy, the RoyalistItalian Co-belligerent Air Force(Aviazione Cobelligerante Italiana,or ACI) fought alongside theAllied forces.In northern Italy, the National Republican Air Force (Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana,or ANR) flew for theItalian Social Republicand theAxis.The first ANR fighter unit was the 101stGruppo Autonomo Caccia Terrestre,based inFlorence. Aircraft of the Royal and Republican air forces never fought each other. The ACI operated in theBalkansand the ANR innorthern Italyand the area around theBaltic Sea.

From 10 June 1940 up to 8 September 1943, theRegia Aeronauticalost 6483 aircraft[39](other sources report 5201[40]), including 3483 fighters, 2273 bombers, torpedo-bombers and transports, plus 227 reconnaissance planes. The Royal Italian Air Force itself claimed 4293 enemy aircraft, including 1771 destroyed on the ground.[39] Personnel losses suffered during the conflict consisted of 3007 dead or missing, 2731 wounded and 9873 prisoners of war.[41]

Regia Aeronautica Aces (World War II)


TheRegia Aeronauticatended not to keep statistics on the individual level, instead reporting kills for a certain unit, attributed to their unit commander. However, pilots were able to keep personal log books, so the few that survived through World War II give individual statistics. Here is a list of the aces attributed with ten or more kills:[42]

  • Teresio Vittorio Martinoli– 22 kills
  • Franco Lucchini– 22 kills (1 in Spain)
  • Leonardo Ferrulli– 21 kills (1 in Spain)
  • Franco Bordoni-Bisleri– 19 kills
  • Luigi Gorrini– 19 kills
  • Mario Visintini– 17 kills
  • Ugo Drago – 17 kills
  • Mario Bellagambi – 14 kills
  • Luigi Baron – 14 kills
  • Luigi Gianella – 12 kills
  • Attilio Sanson – 12 kills
  • Willy Malagola – 11 Kills
  • Carlo Magnaghi – 11 kills
  • Angelo Mastroagostino – 11 kills
  • Giorgio Solaroli di Briona – 11 kills
  • Mario Veronesi – 11 kills
  • Fernando Malvezzi – 10 kills
  • Giulio Reiner – 10 kills
  • Giuseppe Robetto – 10 kills
  • Carlo Maurizio Ruspoli di Poggio Suasa – 10 kills
  • Massimo Salvatore – 10 kills
  • Claudio Solaro – 10 kills
  • Ennio Tarantola – 10 kills
  • Giulio Torresi – 10 kills
  • Adriano Visconti– 10 kills



Notable members of the Règia Aeronautica


The end of the Regia Aeronautica


The Regia Aeronautica was succeeded by Aeronautica Militare when Italy became a republic on 2 June 1946.

See also



  1. ^abKatznelson, Ira (2013).Fear Itself: The New Deal and the Origins of our Time.New York, NY: Liveright Publishing Corporation.ISBN978-0-87140-450-3.OCLC783163618.
  2. ^Neulen 2000, p. 19.
  3. ^Neulen 2000, p. 20.
  4. ^Neulen 2000, p. 22.
  5. ^Neulen 2000, pp. 22–23.
  6. ^Neulen 2000, p. 23.
  7. ^Carson, Austin (2018).Secret Wars: Covert Conflict in International Politics.Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. p. 121.doi:10.1515/9780691184241-005.ISBN978-0-691-18424-1.OCLC1046673363.S2CID227568935.
  8. ^Neulen 2000, p. 25.
  9. ^Neulen 2000, p. 26.
  10. ^Neulen 2000, p. 29.
  11. ^abNeulen 2000, p. 30.
  12. ^abCattaneo 1971, p. 5.
  13. ^abcdNeulen 2000, p. 32.
  14. ^Angelucci, Enzo and Paolo Matricardi. World Aircraft: World War II, Volume I (Sampson Low Guides). Maidenhead, UK: Sampson Low, 1978., p. 197 "
  15. ^Rochat, Giorgio (15 March 2008)."La campagne italienne de juin 1940 dans les Alpes occidentales".Revue historique des armées(250): 77–84.doi:10.3917/rha.250.0077.Retrieved14 December2014.
  16. ^Timemagazine,Record Raid
  17. ^Neulen 2000, p. 39.
  18. ^Neulen 2000, p. 40.
  19. ^Neulen 2000, p. 44.
  20. ^Andrew Mollo,The Armed Forces of World War II,p. 91
  21. ^Neulen 2000, p. 35.
  22. ^abNeulen 2000, p. 36.
  23. ^Harvey 1993,p. 607.
  24. ^De Marchi 1976,pp. 6–7.
  25. ^Green & Swanborough 1982,p. 310.
  26. ^Palermo 2014,p. 222.
  27. ^Palermo 2014,pp. 255–264.
  28. ^Neulen 2000, p. 50.
  29. ^Neulen 2000, p. 53.
  30. ^abNeulen 2000, p. 55.
  31. ^Rogers 2000, p. 220.
  32. ^Rogers 2000, pp. 220–221.
  33. ^Greene & Massignani 2002,p. 235.
  34. ^Carr 2012, p. 16
  35. ^Neulen 2000, pp. 37–38.
  36. ^Neulen 2000, p. 38.
  37. ^Carr 2012, p. 171.
  38. ^Terraine 1997, p. 334.
  39. ^abNeulen 2000, p. 75.
  40. ^'Combat Kill', Morgan & Seibel,1997
  41. ^'Combat Kill', Morgan & Seibel, 1997
  42. ^Massimelo-Apostolo 2000, p. 86.


  • Apostolo, Giorgio (2000).Italian Aces of World War II.Botley, Kent: Osprey.ISBN1-84176-078-1.
  • Carr, John (2012).On Spartan Wings.Barnsley, SY: Pens & Sword Military.ISBN978-1-84884-798-9.
  • De Marchi, Italo (1976).Fiat BR.20 Cicogna.Le macchine e la storia. Modena: Editore S.T.E.M. Mucchi.OCLC731413518.
  • Garello, Giancarlo (October 1996). "La militarisation de l'aviation civile italienne durant la seconde Guerre Mondiale (1ère partie)" [The Militarization of Italian Civil Aviation During the Second World War].Avions: Toute l'aéronautique et son histoire(in French) (43): 2–4.ISSN1243-8650.
  • Garello, Giancarlo (November 1996). "La militarisation de l'aviation civile italienne durant la seconde Guerre Mondiale (fin)".Avions: Toute l'aéronautique et son histoire(in French) (44): 3–7.ISSN1243-8650.
  • Green, William; Swanborough, Gordon, eds. (June 1982). "Fiat BR.20... Stork à la mode".Air International.22(6): 290–294, 307–312.ISSN0306-5634.
  • Greene, J.; Massignani, A. (2002) [1998].The Naval War in the Mediterranean 1940–1943(pbk. ed.). Rochester: Chatham.ISBN978-1-86176-190-3.
  • Harvey, Arnold D. (1993).Collision of Empires: Britain in Three World Wars 1793–1945.London: Hambledon Press.ISBN1-85285-078-7.
  • Massimello, Giovanni and Giorgio Apostolo.Italian Aces of World War 2.Osprey Publishing Ltd, 2000.ISBN978-1-84176-078-0.
  • Neulen, Hans Werner.In the Skies of Europe.Ramsbury, Marlborough, UK: The Crowood Press, 2000.ISBN1-86126-799-1.
  • Palermo, Michele (2014).Eagles over Gazala: Air Battles in North Africa, May–June 1942.Roma: IBN Editore.ISBN978-88-7565-168-8.
  • Rogers, Anthony,Battle over Malta - Aircraft Losses & Crash Sites 1940-42.Phoenix Mill Thrupp - Strout, Gloucestershire, Sutton Publishing, 2000.ISBN0-7509-2392-X.
  • Shores, Christopher (1976).Regia Aeronautica: A Pictorial History of the Italian Air Force, 1940–1943.Warren, Michigan: Squadron/Signal.OCLC3089044.

Further reading

  • Brookes, Andrew (2000).Air War Over Italy: 1943–1945.Hersham, UK: Ian Allan.ISBN978-0-71102-690-2.
  • Cattaneo, Gianni (1971).Fiat CR.42.Modena: Editore S.T.E.M. Mucchi.
  • Dunning, Chris (2009).Courage Alone: The Italian Air Force 1940–1943(rev. ed.). Hikoki.ISBN978-1902109091.
  • Dunning, Chris (2009).Regia Aeronautica: The Italian Air Force 1923–1945 – An Operational History.Hersham, UK: Classic Publications (Ian Allan).ISBN978-1-906537-02-9.
  • Shores, Christopher; Massimello, Giovanni; Guest, Russell (2012).A History of the Mediterranean Air War, 1940–1945: North Africa, June 1940 – January 1942.Vol. 1 (1st ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Casemate.ISBN978-1-90811-707-6.
  • Shores, Christopher; Massimello, Giovanni; Guest, Russell (2014).A History of the Mediterranean Air War 1940–1945: North African Desert, February 1942 – March 1943.Vol. 2. London: Grub Street.ISBN978-1-90916-612-7.
  • Terraine, John (1997).The Right of the Line.London: Hodder and Stoughton.ISBN1-85326-683-3.