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Religion in Peru

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Religion in Peru (2017 Census)[1][2]

Others (0.41%)
TheCathedral Basilica of the Assumption of the VirgininCuscois aWorld Heritage Site.

Christianityis the most widely professedreligion inPeru,withCatholicismbeing its largest denomination.

Religion in Peru is traditionally related toreligious syncretismoriginating fromCatholicismwith the ancientInca religionafter theSpanish Conquest.However,Protestantchurches of various denominations have developed considerably in the popular sectors over the past 30 years. There has been a slow but consistent advance ofirreligionespecially among young people in urban areas. Religions such asJudaismandBuddhism,and more recentlyHinduismandIslam,are present due to immigration.

According to article 2 of the Peruvian Constitution:"Everyone has the right to freedom of conscience and religion, individually or in association. There is no persecution for reasons of ideas or beliefs. There is no crime of opinion. The public exercise of all confessions are free, as long as they do not offend morals or disturb public order."[3]



Roman Catholicism




The Spanish conquerors not only conquered Peru militarily, but also sought to convert the indigenous populations to Christianity. Indigenous Andean religious beliefs and practices persisted, which the Catholic Church sought to suppress.[4][5][6]Many churches were built in the colonial period, the visible manifestation of Catholicism.[7][8][9][10][11][12]Some convents were also built on Inca sites. For example, in 1605, some Dominican nuns built the Convent of Santa Catalina in Cuzco atop the site of the "acllahuasi", once home to virginal young women dedicated to serving the ruling Inca. Another convent, the Convent of Santa Clara, was one of the first institutions the conquistadores of Cuzco built for "Indian nobles", the daughters of the indigenous elite whose collaboration made Spain's indirect rule over the Andes possible.[13]At Santa Clara, Inca nobles were to be "raised Christian and to receive 'buenas costumbres' (literally, good customs or manners), shorthand for an education in Spanishness", which included knowledge, stitchery, and literacy. After graduating from this course in Spanish culture, charges were free to profess vows or leave the convent.[14]Miscegenation was not an issue among Spaniards. Many prominent Spanish men lived with elite Inca women, only to marry Spanish women later in life and marry off their Andean partners to less prominent Spaniards.[15]

Modern era


The Peruvian government is closely allied with the Catholic Church. Article 50 of the Constitution recognizes the Catholic Church's role as "an important element in the historical, cultural, and moral development of the nation."[16]Catholic clergy and laypersons receive state remuneration in addition to the stipends paid to them by the Church. This applies to the country's 52 bishops, as well as to some priests whose ministries are located in towns and villages along the borders. In addition each diocese receives a monthly institutional subsidy from the Government. An agreement signed with the Vatican in 1980 grants the Catholic Church special status in Peru.[17]The Catholic Church receives preferential treatment in education, tax benefits, immigration of religious workers, and other areas, in accordance with the agreement. So, Roman Catholicism could be considered the main religion of Peru. See also the following:Roman Catholicism in Peruwith Partial list of Catholic universities in Peru; andLord of Miracles,Peruvian religious festival.

Although the Constitution states that there is freedom of religion, the law mandates that all schools, public and private, impart religious education as part of the curriculum throughout the education process (primary and secondary).[18]Catholicism is the only religion taught in public schools. In addition, Catholic religious symbols are found in all government buildings and public places.

According to the 2017 Census, there were 76% of the population aged 12+ identifying themselves asCatholics.



Since the 1990s,Evangelicalismhas experienced growth in Peru, with many Evangelical leaders promotingAlberto Fujimoriduring the1990 Peruvian general electionand were members of his political party,Cambio 90.[19]As of the 2017 Census there were 14.1% of the population aged 12+ identifying themselves asProtestants,mainly Evangelicals. In Latin America most Protestants are called Evangelicos because most of them are Evangelical Protestants, while some are also traditionalMainline Protestant.They continue to grow faster than the national growth rate.

According to 2020 statistics fromStatista,Protestant community representing 18.9% from Peru's population, includes Evangelical (17.5%) andSeventh-day Adventist(1.4%).[20]



As of 2021, the Peruvian capital Lima was home to twoEastern Orthodoxchurches: oneGreekand oneSerbian.[21][22]The Orthodox presence in Lima - which numbered roughly 350 in 2011 - is composed mostly of immigrants, but does include some Peruvian converts.[23]

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saintsclaimed in 2022 slightly less than620,000 membersin Peru.[24]However, the 2017 census found slightly under 114,000 people 12 or older who claimed to be members.[2]Also, in 2022, Peru had 666wards(large congregation) and 114 branches (small congregation) split among 112stakes.[24]

There are currently threeLDS templesin Peru, one located inLa Molina,Lima, another inTrujillo,and a third temple in Arequipa. At the April 3, 2016 General Conference of the LDS church, it was announced that a fourth temple would be built inLos Olivos,Lima. This second temple in Lima will make the city one of the few in the world with two temples.



Irreligion in Perurefers toatheism,agnosticism,deism,religious skepticism,secularism,andhumanismin the Peruvian society.

According to the2017 Peruvian Censusdata, 1,180,361 Peruvians or 5.1% of the population older than 12 years old describes themselves as being irreligious,[16][25]but some sources put this number higher at 8.2%.[26]

The irreligious population is predominantly urban (85.5% live in cities) and males (61.4% are male), and most are young people within the ages between 18 and 29 (40.4%). Only 11.8% of irreligious people are 50 years old or older.[25]

Even though Peru is considered to be aSecular state,according to article 50 of the Peruvian Constitution[3]the subject ofRoman Catholicismis mandatory in Peruvian public schools,[27]although parents can request exemption for their children.[16]Manynon-profit organizationspromote the removal of the subject of Roman Catholicism in public schools, such as the Secular Humanist Society of Peru.[28]

Other religions




Buddhism was introduced to Peru in 1899 when the ship Sakura Maru arrived at Callao, Peru, with 790 people from Japan. Japanese, Chinese, and Korean immigration to Peru during the 19th and 20th Century broughtMahayana Buddhismto Peru, and followers of that style of Buddhism remain largely concentrated within those ethnic groups. While Mahayana remains the largest school of Buddhism in Peru, other schools such as the Diamond form have begun to spread so that Peru has more than 50,000 practicing Buddhists.[29]

Baháʼí Faith


TheBaháʼí Faithin Peru begins with references to Peru inBaháʼí literatureas early as 1916, with the first Baháʼís visiting as early as 1919. A functioning community wasn't founded inPeruuntil the 1930s with the beginning of the arrival of coordinatedBaháʼí pioneersfrom theUnited States[30]which progressed into finding national Peruvian converts and achieved an independent national community in 1961.[31]TheAssociation of Religion Data Archives(relying mostly on theWorld Christian Encyclopedia) estimated that 0.15% of the population were Baháʼí in 2020.[32]



The first ‘Indian Indians’ to have arrived inPeruwere businessmen who had gone there in the early 1960s.[33]Later on, the community grew in number marginally until the early 80s, after which many of its members left due to the severe local economic crises and the prevailing terrorism. Those with relatives in other Latin countries joined them.

In the recent past, the size of the community has remained stable. There is a small remnant of the original ‘native Indians’ in this country who still maintain their traditional culture and religious beliefs.

Most members of the local Indian community are Sindhis. They are reasonably well-off, but very few can be regarded as prosperous. Their general level of education is low. Most of them speak only their mother tongue and Spanish, with a smattering of English.

There is also here a small number of professionals from other parts of India. Residence permits are not difficult to obtain in Peru. But citizenship is more complicated and only a small number of Indians have obtained it – not more than 10 out of a total of almost forty people. While a few cultural activities are organized by the more enterprising people of Indian origin, in general they maintain a low profile. Considering the vast distance that separates the community from India, its interest in its country of origin is limited to major events, mainly derived from occasional browsing on the internet. But being invariably first generation migrants, many of them do occasionally visit India.


Mosque Bab ul IslaminTacnaunder construction in 2007

The statistics for Islam in Peru estimate a totalMuslimpopulation of 2,600, largely based in the capital ofLima;most of them areSunni.[16][34][35]



Seax-Wicawas introduced to Peru by Seax Gesith Ariel Phoenice, Witan of the Mimir's Well Seax Coven, Perú[36]in 2001. Other covens were subsequently founded inArequipaandTacna.

Freedom of religion


In 2023, the country was scored 4 out of 4 for religious freedom.[37]

See also





  1. ^"Perú: Perfil Sociodemográfico"(PDF).Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática.p. 231.
  2. ^ab"INEI - REDATAM CENSOS 2017".From Preguntas de Población/P12a+: Religión que profesa. Only asked of those 12 and older
  3. ^ab"Political Constitution of Peru"(PDF).Portal Institucional e Información sobre la Actividad Parlamentaria y Legislativa del Estado Peruano.September 2009.RetrievedMay 15,2020.
  4. ^Kenneth Mills,Idolatry and Its Enemies: Colonial Andean Religion and Extirpation, 1640-1750.Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1997.
  5. ^Susan E. Ramírez,To Feed and Be Fed: The Cosmological Bases of Authority and Identity in the Andes.Stanford: Stanford University Press 2005.
  6. ^Carolyn Dean,Inka Bodies and the Body of Christ: Corpus Christi in Colonial Cuzco, Peru.Durham: Duke University Press 1999.
  7. ^Damián Bayon and Murillo Marx,History of South American Colonial Art and Architecture.New York: Rizzoli 1989.
  8. ^Harold Wethey,Colonial Architecture and Sculpture in Peru.Cambridge: Harvard University Press 1949.
  9. ^Alfredo Benavides Rodríguez,La arquitectura en el Virreinato del Perú y en la Capitanía General de Chile.3rd edition. Santiago de Chile: Andrés Bello 1988.
  10. ^Antonio San Cristóbal Sebastián,Arquitectura virreinal religiosa de Lima.Lima: stadium 1988.
  11. ^Valerie Fraser.The Architecture of Conquest: Building in the Viceroyalty of Peru, 1535-1635.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1989.
  12. ^Teresa Gisbert and José de la Mesa,Arquitectura andina, 1500-1830.2nd edition. La Paz: embajada de España en Bolivia 1997.
  13. ^Burns, Kathryn (1999).Colonial Habits: Convents and the Spiritual Economy of Cuzco, Peru(2nd ed.). Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press. p. 2.ISBN9780822322917.
  14. ^Burns, 27.
  15. ^Burns, 21.
  16. ^abcdUS State Dept 2022 report
  17. ^Kevin Boyleand Juliet Sheen,Freedom of religion and belief: a world report.Routledge; 1997. Page 144.
  18. ^Michael Fleet and Brian H. SmithThe Catholic Church and democracy in Chile and Peru.University of Notre Dame Press; 1997. Page 201-202.
  19. ^Smith, James F. (1990-05-26)."Outsider Not Surprised by Edge in Polls: Peru: His opponent for president is closing the gap. But the Japanese-Peruvian front-runner maintains his backers are a majority".Los Angeles Times.Retrieved2023-08-11.
  20. ^"Religion affiliations in Peru 2020".Statista.Retrieved2024-09-14.
  21. ^Principal.Iglesia Ortodoxa de la Santisima Trinidad.Retrieved 2021-09-16.
  22. ^Transfiguration Of The Lord Missionary Parish, Lima.orthodox-world.org.Retrieved 2021-09-16.
  23. ^Greece’s Bilateral Relations - PERU.mfa.gr.2011-03-09. Retrieved 2021-09-16.
  24. ^ab"Peru".Church News.2022-01-02.Retrieved2022-01-02.
  25. ^ab"Perú: Perfil Sociodemográfico - Informe Nacional"(PDF).Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática.August 2018.
  26. ^"La visita del Papa Francisco a nuestro país"(PDF).Compañía Peruana de Estudios de Mercados y Opinión Pública.February 2018.RetrievedMay 15,2020.
  27. ^"Perú: niegan retiro de clases de religión en los colegios públicos".February 2017.RetrievedMay 15,2020.
  28. ^Perú, Redacción El Comercio (October 27, 2018)."Más de un millón de peruanos no profesan ninguna religión".El Comercio Perú.RetrievedMay 15,2020.
  29. ^Gooren, Henri (2019).Encyclopedia of Latin American religions(1st ed.). Springer. p. 1339.ISBN978-3319270777.
  30. ^Lamb, Artemus (November 1995).The Beginnings of the Baháʼí Faith in Latin America: Some Remembrances, English Revised and Amplified Edition.West Linn, OR: M L VanOrman Enterprises.
  31. ^The Baháʼí Faith: 1844-1963: Information Statistical and Comparative, Including the Achievements of the Ten Year International Baháʼí Teaching & Consolidation Plan 1953-1963.Haifa, Israel:Hands of the CauseResiding in the Holy Land. 1963. pp. 19, 22, 23, 36, 46, 52, 109.
  32. ^"Religious Adherents (2020)".Association of Religion Data Archives.2020.Retrieved2023-08-18.
  33. ^"Religions in Peru | PEW-GRF".www.globalreligiousfutures.org.Archived fromthe originalon 2021-06-24.Retrieved2021-06-14.
  34. ^Shaikh, Farzana. "Islam and Islamic groups: a worldwide reference guide", 1992
  35. ^"Islam in Latin America"(PDF).Retrieved2012-10-20.
  36. ^Phoenice, Ariel (2011-11-22)."Información de la Religión Wicca Tradición Sajona".Worldwide Wicca.Wordpress. Archived fromthe originalon 2012-02-09.
  37. ^Freedom House website, retrieved 2023-08-08