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Res communis

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Res communisis a concept[1]or doctrine.[2]The expression is aLatinterm derived fromRoman lawthat preceded today's concepts of thecommonsandcommon heritage of mankind.[3]It has relevance ininternational lawandcommon law.

In the 6th century, theInstitutesof Justinian codified the relevant Roman law as: "By the law of nature these things are common to mankind – the air, running water, the sea, and consequently the shores of the sea."[4]

Res communishas gained new currency in environmental law, in terms of managing natural resources. The key concept is that the state is the trustee of communal natural resources and cannot alienate them into private ownership. Examples are Lake Michigan,[5]Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong[6]and Sydney Harbour.[7]

Biological examples ofres communisinclude fish and mammals inhigh seas.[8]Rules for use of the continentAntarctica[9][10]were based onres communisas was development ofspace law.

See also[edit]


  1. ^Wang. Handbook on Ocean Politics & Law. Greenwood Press. 1992.p 64.
  2. ^Johnston. The International Law of Fisheries. 1987.p 309.
  3. ^Baslar, Kemal (1997).The Concept of the Common Heritage of Mankind in International Law.Brill.ISBN9789041105059.Retrieved25 March2014.
  4. ^Barresi, Paul (2012)."MOBILIZING THE PUBLIC TRUST DOCTRINE IN SUPPORT OF PUBLICLY OWNED FORESTS AS CARBON DIOXIDE SINKS IN INDIA AND THE UNITED STATES"(PDF).Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy.23(1): 47.Retrieved25 March2014.
  5. ^Illinois Central Railroad v Illinois 146 US 387 (1892)
  6. ^Society for the Protection of the Harbour Ltd v Town Planning Board [2003] 2 HKLRD 787
  7. ^Stannards Marine Pty Ltd v North Sydney Council [2022] NSWLEC 99
  8. ^Milun, Kathryn (2010).The Political Uncommons: The Cross-cultural Logic of the Global Commons.Ashgate. p. 58.ISBN978-0-7546-7139-8.Retrieved25 March2014.
  9. ^Joyner, Christopher (1992).Antarctica and the Law of the Sea.p. 90.ISBN0792318234.Retrieved25 March2014.
  10. ^Slomanson, William (2010).Fundamental Perspectives on International Law.p. 288.ISBN978-0495797197.Retrieved25 March2014.