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Resignationis the formal act of leaving or quitting one's office or position. A resignation can occur when a person holding a position gained byelectionor appointment steps down, but leaving a position upon the expiration of a term, or choosing not to seek an additional term, is not considered resignation.

When an employee chooses to leave a position, it is considered a resignation, as opposed toinvoluntary termination.Whether an employee resigned or was terminated is sometimes a topic of dispute, because in many situations, a terminated employee is eligible forseverance payand/orunemployment benefits,whereas one who voluntarily resigns may not be eligible.Abdicationis the equivalent of resignation for a reigningmonarch,pope,or holder of another similar position.

Political examples[edit]

President Nixon's last farewell gesture afterhis resignation in 1974.

A resignation is a personal decision to exit a position, though outside pressure exists in many cases. For example,Richard Nixonresigned from the office ofPresident of the United Statesin August 1974 following theWatergate scandal,when he was almost certain to have beenimpeachedby theUnited States Congress.[1]

Deliberate manoeuvre[edit]

Resignation can be used as a political manoeuvre, as in thePhilippinesin July 2005, when tencabinetofficials resigned en masse to pressurePresidentGloria Macapagal Arroyoto follow suit overallegations of electoral fraud.Arroyo's predecessor,Joseph Estrada,was successfully forced out of office during theEDSA Revolution of 2001as he faced the firstimpeachmenttrial held in the country's history.

In 1995, theBritish Prime Minister,John Major,resigned as Leader of theConservative Partyin order to contesta leadership electionwith the aim of silencing his critics within the party and reasserting his authority. Having resigned, he stood again and was re-elected. He continued to serve as prime minister until he was defeated in the1997 elections.

However, ascertaining whether an employee had an intent to resign depends on all the circumstances. As the Ontario Supreme Court noted, an employee's storming off may not legally be a resignation.[2]

When criticised[edit]

Although government officials may tender their resignations, they are not always accepted. This could be a gesture of confidence in the official, as withUS PresidentGeorge W. Bush's refusal of hisSecretary of DefenseDonald Rumsfeld's twice-offered resignation during theAbu Ghraibprison abusescandal.

However, refusing a resignation can be a method of severe censure if it is followed by dismissal;Alberto Fujimoriattempted to resign asPresident of Peru,but his resignation was refused so thatCongresscould impeach him.


For many public figures, primarily departing politicians, resignation is an opportunity to deliver a valedictoryresignation speechin which they can elucidate the circumstances of their exit from office and in many cases deliver a powerful speech which often commands much attention. This can be used to great political effect, particularly as, subsequent to resigning, government ministers are no longer bound bycollective responsibilityand can speak with greater freedom about current issues.[citation needed]

"Spending more time with family" is a common reason credited during public resignations,[3][4]especially as a euphemism when receding from scandal.[5]

Other organisations[edit]

In academia, a university president or the editor of a scientific journal may also resign, particularly in cases where an idea which runs counter to the mainstream is being promoted. In 2006, Harvard presidentLawrence Summersresigned after making the provocative suggestion that the underrepresentation of female academics in math and science[6]could be due to factors other than sheer discrimination, such as personal inclination or innate ability.

In a club, society, or othervoluntary association,a member may resign from an officer position in that organization or even from the organization itself. InRobert's Rules of Order,this is called arequest to be excused from a duty.[7]A resignation may also be withdrawn.[8]

See also[edit]


  1. ^"The Last Hours of the Nixon Presidency".history.com.Archivedfrom the original on 2014-08-08.Retrieved2018-02-14.
  2. ^McKechnie, Dave (January 19, 2017)."Indignation Not Resignation: An Employee Storming off Does Not Mean She Is Quitting".Mondaq Business Briefing.Archived fromthe originalon October 17, 2018.
  3. ^Daly, Kerry (1996).Families & Time: Keeping Pace in a Hurried Culture.SAGE Publications. p. 117.ISBN978-1-4522-4888-2.
  4. ^Friedman, Stewart D.; Greenhaus, Jeffrey H. (2000).Work and Family--Allies or Enemies?: What Happens When Business Professionals Confront Life Choices.Oxford University Press. p. 152.ISBN978-0-19-802725-6.
  5. ^Smith, Nick (2014).Justice through Apologies: Remorse, Reform, and Punishment.Cambridge University Press. p. 29.ISBN978-1-139-86730-6.
  6. ^"Understanding current causes of women's underrepresentation in science".PNAS. 2011-02-22. Archived fromthe originalon 2011-09-18.Retrieved2018-10-03.
  7. ^Robert, Henry M.; et al. (2011).Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised(11th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Da Capo Press. pp. 289–292.ISBN978-0-306-82020-5.(RONR)
  8. ^"Frequently Asked Questions about RONR (Question 18)".The Official Robert's Rules of Order Web Site.The Robert's Rules Association. Archived fromthe originalon 2018-12-24.Retrieved2015-12-11.

Further reading[edit]