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RholesorRoles(Ancient GreekῬώλης) was aGetaechieftain inScythia Minor(modernDobruja) mentioned byCassius Dioin hisRoman History.[1]According to Dio, he helpedRomangeneralMarcus Licinius Crassusdefeat theBastarnae,and when he visitedOctavian,he was treated as "a friend and ally" for his support for the Romans. Later he sent for Crassus to help in his conflict with Getae chieftainDapyx.[2]These events have been dated to 31-27 BC.[1][3]

See also



  1. ^abKamm, Antony (1995).The Romans.Routledge.pp.49.ISBN0-415-12039-X.
  2. ^Cassius Dio(1987). Scott-Kilvert, Ian; Carter, John (eds.).The Roman History: The Reign of Augustus.Penguin Classics.pp.85–86.ISBN0-14-044448-3.
  3. ^Cassius Dio & 200 AD,LI, 26, 1-4.

