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Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

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Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
First UK edition
AuthorJohn le Carré
Cover artistJerry Harpur[1]
GenreSpy fiction
PublisherHodder & Stoughton(UK)
Publication date
June 1974
Publication placeUnited Kingdom
Media typePrint (hardback & paperback)
823/.914 L456
LC ClassPZ4.L4526 L43 1974
Followed byThe Honourable Schoolboy

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spyis a 1974spy novelby the author and former spyJohn le Carré.It follows the endeavours of the taciturn, ageingspymasterGeorge Smileyto uncover a Sovietmolein the BritishSecret Intelligence Service.The novel has received critical acclaim for its complexsocial commentary—and, at the time, relevance, following the defection ofKim Philby.It was followed byThe Honourable Schoolboyin 1977 andSmiley's Peoplein 1979. The three novels together make up the "Karla Trilogy",named after Smiley's long-time nemesis Karla, the head of Soviet foreign intelligence and the trilogy's overarching antagonist.

The novel has been adapted into both atelevision seriesand afilm,and remains a staple of thespy fictiongenre.[2][3]In 2022, the novel was included on the "Big Jubilee Read"list of 70 books byCommonwealthauthors, selected to celebrate thePlatinum Jubilee of Elizabeth II.[4]





As the tension of theCold Waris peaking in 1973,George Smiley,former senior official in Britain's Secret Intelligence Service (known as "the Circus" because its London office is atCambridge Circus), is living unhappily in forced retirement, following the failure of an operation codenamed Testify inCzechoslovakiawhich ended in the capture and torture of agentJim Prideaux.Control,chief of the Circus, had suspected that one of the five senior intelligence officers at the Circus was a Soviet mole, and had assigned them code names for Prideaux to relay back to the Circus, derived from the English children's rhyme "Tinker, Tailor":

Tinker, tailor,
soldier, sailor,
rich man, poor man,
beggarman, thief.

The failure resulted in the dismissal ofControl,Smiley, and allies such asConnie SachsandJerry Westerby,and their replacement by a new guard consisting of Percy Alleline,Toby Esterhase,Bill Haydon,and Roy Bland. Control has since died, and Smiley's former protégé,Peter Guillam,has been demoted to the "scalphunters".

Guillam unexpectedly approaches Smiley and takes him to the house ofUnder-SecretaryOliver Lacon, thecivil servantwho oversees the Circus. There they meet Ricki Tarr, an agent recently declaredpersona non gratadue to suspicion of having defected. Tarr defends himself by explaining that he was informed of a Sovietmoleat the highest level of the Circus – codenamed Gerald – by Irina, the wife of a trade delegate, while inHong Kong.Irina claimed that the mole, Gerald, reports to a Soviet official stationed at theembassy in Londoncalled Polyakov. Shortly after Tarr relayed this to the Circus, Irina was forcibly returned to the Soviet Union, leading Tarr to suspect that the mole was real, and now knew his identity. Tarr went into hiding, resurfacing to contact Guillam.

Lacon reasons that neither Smiley nor Guillam can be the mole, due to their respective dismissal and demotion, and so requests that Smiley investigate the presence of the mole in total secrecy to avoid anotherPRscandal for both the Government and the Circus. Smiley cautiously agrees, and forms a team consisting of himself, Guillam, Tarr, and retiredScotland YardInspector Mendel. Smiley is also given access to Circus documents, and begins by examining Alleline's restructuring, discovering the ousting of Jerry Westerby and Connie Sachs, as well asslush fundpayments to Jim Prideaux.

Smiley begins the hunt


Smiley visits Sachs, discovering that she confronted Alleline about her discovery that Polyakov was actually a Soviet Colonel called Gregor Viktorov, but he ordered her to drop the subject. She also mentions rumours of a secret Soviet facility for training moles, and makes allusions to Prideaux and Bill Haydon's relationship being more than justplatonic friendship.

Smiley examines Operation Witchcraft, an operation in which Soviet intelligence was obtained through a key source known as "Merlin", which was treated with suspicion by both Smiley and Control. Alleline obtained ministerial support to circumvent Control's authority, and his post-Testify promotion supporters Haydon, Esterhase, and Bland have sponsored it. Smiley also learns that this "Magic Circle" has obtained asafe housesomewhere in London where they obtain information from a Merlin emissary posted in London under a diplomatic cover, who – Smiley concludes – is Polyakov himself.

Smiley suspects that the Circus does not realise the flow of information is going the other way, with the mole "Gerald" passing important British secrets ( "gold dust" ) in return for low-grade Soviet material ( "chicken feed" ), which would make "Witchcraft" simply a cover for the mole.



Smiley also discovers that the log from the night Tarr reported in from Hong Kong has been removed, and Guillam starts to suffer from paranoia as a result of their operation. Smiley tells Guillam that he suspects a Soviet intelligence officer namedKarlais linked in some way to the operation, and reveals what he knows about him. Karla is believed to have followed his father into espionage, getting his start during theSpanish Civil Warposing as aWhite Russianémigréin the forces of GeneralFrancisco Franco,recruiting foreign, mainly German, operatives. After this the Circus lost track of Karla, but he resurfaced duringOperation Barbarossa,directingpartisanoperations behind German lines. Smiley explains his belief that somewhere in the gap between these two conflicts, Karla travelled to England and recruited Gerald.

Smiley points out that Karla is fiercely loyal to both theSoviet Unionand communism, highlighting Karla's current rank despite his internment in agulagby theStalinist regime,and reveals that Karla turned down an offer from Smiley in India to defect, even though his return to the USSR in 1955 was to face a likely execution. During his attempt to obtain Karla's defection, Smiley plied him with cigarettes and promises that they could get Karla's family out to the West safely. Smiley suspects that this only revealed his own weakness, his love for his unfaithful wife, Ann. Smiley offered Karla his lighter, a present from Ann, to light a cigarette, but Karla rose and left with it.

Merlin and Testify


Smiley suspects a link between Merlin and the botched Operation Testify. Sam Collins, who was duty officer that night, tells Smiley that Control ordered him to relay the report of the Czech operation only to him, but that when he did so, Control froze up, and that Bill Haydon's sudden arrival was the only reason the hierarchy didn't fall apart that night. Smiley then visits Max, aCzechoperative who served as alegmanfor Prideaux on the operation, who tells Smiley that Prideaux gave him instructions to leaveCzechoslovakiaany way he could if Prideaux didn't surface at the rendezvous at the appointed time. Smiley next visits Jerry Westerby, who tells Smiley about the trip toPraguewhen a young army conscript insisted that the Russians were in the woods waiting for Prideaux a full day before he was ambushed.

Finally, Smiley tracks down Prideaux. Prideaux tells him Control believed there was a mole in the Circus, and had whittled it down to five men, Alleline (Tinker), Haydon (Tailor), Bland (Soldier), Esterhase (Poorman), and Smiley himself (Beggarman), and that his orders were to obtain the identity from a defector inCzech intelligencewho knew. He tells Smiley he almost didn't make the rendezvous with Max because he noticed he was being tailed, and that when he arrived to meet the defector, he was ambushed, taking two bullets to his right shoulder. During his captivity, both Polyakov and Karla interrogated him, focussing solely on the extent and status of Control's investigation. Prideaux suggests that the Czech defector was a plant, contrived by Karla to engineer Control's downfall through Testify's failure, all conceived to protect the mole.

Catching the mole


Smiley confronts Toby Esterhase, stating that he is aware that Esterhase has been posing as a Russian mole, with Polyakov as his handler, in order to provide cover for Merlin's emissary Polyakov. Smiley compels Esterhase into revealing the location of the safe house, through making him realise that not only is there a real Soviet mole embedded in the SIS, but also that Polyakov has not been "turned" to work in British interest pretending to run the "mole" Esterhase, and in fact remains Karla's agent. Tarr is sent to Paris, where he passes a coded message to Alleline about "information crucial to the well-being of the Service". This triggers an emergency meeting between Gerald and Polyakov at the safe house, where Smiley and Guillam are lying in wait.

Haydon is revealed to be the mole, and his interrogation reveals that he had been recruited several decades ago by Karla and became a full-fledged Soviet spy partly for political reasons, partly in frustration at Britain's rapidly declining influence on the world stage, particularly on account ofthe failings at Suez.He is expected to be exchanged with the Soviet Union for several of the agents he betrayed, but is killed shortly before he is due to leave England. Although the identity of his killer is not explicitly revealed, it is strongly implied to be Prideaux, due to the method of execution echoing the way he euthanises an injured owl earlier in the book, Prideaux's implied threat to execute a driver in Czechoslovakia in the same way that Haydon is killed, and a sense Smiley has of someone with Prideaux's background observing some of his later interrogations. Smiley is appointed temporary head of the Circus to deal with the fallout, and is still head at the start of the second book ofThe Karla Trilogy,The Honourable Schoolboy.



Tinker Tailor Soldier Spyis the fifth of le Carré's spy novels to feature the character of George Smiley (the first four being:Call for the Dead,A Murder of Quality,The Spy Who Came in from the Cold,andThe Looking Glass War) and the fictionalised intelligence agency of "the Circus." Two of the characters,Peter Guillamand Inspector Mendel, first appeared inCall for the Dead,while Control appeared inThe Spy Who Came in from the Cold.WithTinker Tailor Soldier Spy,le Carré returned to the world of spy fiction after his non-espionage novel,The Naïve and Sentimental Lover,was panned by critics.[5]

Le Carré drew on the defection of Kim Philby, a high-ranking MI6 operative revealed to be a Soviet spy in 1963.

WhenTinker Tailor Soldier Spywas published in 1974, revelations exposing the presence of Soviet double agents in Britain were still fresh in public memory.Guy Burgess,Donald Maclean,andKim Philby,later known as members of theCambridge Five,had been exposed asKGBspies. The five had risen to very senior positions in the British diplomatic service.[6]

John le Carré, whose real name was David Cornwell, worked as an intelligence officer forMI5andMI6(SIS) in the 1950s and early 1960s.[7]Senior SIS officer Kim Philby's defection to the USSR in 1963, and the consequent compromising of British agents, was a factor in the 1964 termination of Cornwell's intelligence career.[8][9]Le Carré also drew from the paranoid atmosphere created by CIA counterintelligence chiefJames Jesus Angleton,who after Philby's defection became convinced that there were other moles operating at the highest levels of Western intelligence agencies.[10]

The title alludes to the nursery rhyme and counting gameTinker Tailor.



"It's scarce wonder that that Smiley has become almost as legendary a figure as [Kim] Philby, forTinker, Tailorwith all its outward verisimilitude, constructs a potent and appealing myth for the class-ridden and post-imperialangstof Britain in the 1970s. "

David Stafford[11]

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spyis set against a theme of decline in British influence on the world stage after the Second World War, with the USSR and the USA emerging as the dominant superpowers during theCold War.[6]Mark Fishersaid the notion of "postcolonial melancholia" hangs over the novel, arguing that both the protagonists and antagonists are motivated by what they see as Britain's "irreversible decline."[12]These themes are particularly found in the character of Bill Haydon, who is modelled off the upper-class double agent Kim Philby. After his unmasking and capture, Haydon voices both a latent hostility towards the United States and a mourning of Britain's lack of "relevance or moral viability in world affairs."[7]The novel is emblematic of a British "rottenness," according to critic David Monaghan, and le Carré locates it with a failure of the British ruling class itself, which has become directionless and self-seeking.[13]

Central to the novel is the theme of betrayal.Melvyn Braggwrote that le Carré sought to illustrate that "the public or institutional default is always more excusable than the personal betrayal of faith."[5]Haydon's betrayal of the Circus to Karla comes as a reaction to a postwar world that "[deprived] him of the Empire he was trained to rule." Monaghan notes that le Carré (inSmiley's People) refers to Haydon as a "born deceiver," who betrays his colleague (Smiley), his lover (Ann and/or Prideaux) and his country.[13]Nevertheless, Haydon's exact motivations are left vague – unlike Philby, who espoused a deep ideological commitment to communism. "[14]

HistorianDavid A.T. Staffordconsidered Haydon's eventual capture to be a mythologised reimagining of the Philby affair. He noted that, "far from receiving his just desserts," the real-life mole ended up alive and well in Moscow, thanks to the incompetence of his superiors and the wilful ignorance of his colleagues. "That Philby was protected by a conspiracy of class is true enough, but that he was unmasked by a Smiley is not...Tinker Tailoris a fantasy; George Smiley a myth. "[11]In this sense, Stafford considers Smiley and Haydon to exist as classic foils to each other:

Like Philby, [Haydon] betrays his colleagues, his friends, his country, and his class [...] Smiley, on the contrary, lives by loyalty — to his faithless wife, Ann, his subordinates, his colleagues, and his country. In the end, integrity triumphs over corruption.[11]

Tom Maddoxwrote that Smiley's conflict with the Circus, past and present, represents the idealistic virtues of theSecond World Warthat are "at odds" with the inhumanity, sophistry, and careerism of the spying profession. "The secret service seeks to dispense with that humanity, the consensus on high being that humane virtues have outlasted whatever limited usefulness they might have had. So Smiley comes and goes, comes and goes."[15]Fisher noted Smiley's characterisation as an outsider to the affairs the Circus, representing an archetypical Englishness that is both "stolid" and "voyeuristic". Fisher likens Smiley in the novel to bothKing Arthur— a "perpetually cuckolded" figure "returning to save his ailing kingdom" — as well asT. S. Eliot's figure ofJ. Alfred Prufrock,who is at once self-conscious and "pathologically self-blinding" to his weaknesses.[12]


  • George Smiley– Formerly a senior officer in the Circus, who was pushed out at the same time as Control, his mentor. Smiley's timid nature and unassuming appearance belies his keen understanding of spycraft. He is called upon to investigate the presence of a Soviet mole in the Circus. Various inspirations for Smiley have been suggested, including le Carré's superior in MI5,John Bingham,and MI6 chiefMaurice Oldfield(who took the position in 1973, a year before the book was published).[16][17]
  • Peter Guillam— Head of the scalphunters, the section of the Circus used in operations that require physical action and/or violence. Previously the head of Satellites Four, in charge ofEast Germanoperations, he was "exiled" to the scalphunters outstation inBrixtonafter Control was dismissed. Son of a French businessman and an Englishwoman, he is a longtime associate of Smiley's.
  • Jim Prideaux— Formerfield agentand head of the scalphunters, Prideaux was shot in Czechoslovakia under the codename "Jim Ellis" during Operation Testify and kept in Soviet captivity. Now teaches at aboys' prep school.He was first identified as a prospective recruit by fellow student Bill Haydon at Oxford.
  • Control— Longtime head of the Circus, now dead. Once aCambridgedon,he becomes convinced that one of his subordinates is a Soviet agent, and spends the last years of his tenure trying to uncover them.
  • SirPercy Alleline— Chief of the Circus following Control's ousting. Alleline spent his early career in South America, northern Africa and India. He is vain and overambitious, and is despised by Control. Alleline is knighted in the course of the book in recognition of the quality of the intelligence provided by the source codenamed Merlin.
  • Bill Haydon— Commander of London Station, he has worked with the Circus since the war. Apolymath,he was recruited atOxfordwhere he was a close companion of Prideaux. A distant cousin of Ann Smiley, he has an affair with her, and this knowledge subsequently becomes widely known. One of the four who ran the double agent codenamed Merlin.
  • Roy Bland— Second in command of London Station to Bill Haydon. Recruited by Smiley at Oxford, he was the top specialist inSoviet satellite statesand spent several years undercover as a left-wing academic inthe Balkansbefore being instated in the Circus.
  • Toby Esterhase— He is the head of theActonlamplighters, the section of the Circus responsible for surveillance andwiretapping.Hungarianby birth, Esterhase is ananglophilewith pretensions of being a British gentleman. He was recruited by Smiley as "a starving student inVienna."
  • Oliver Lacon— Apermanent secretaryin theCabinet Office.Civilian overseer of the Circus. A former Cambridgerowing blue;his father "a dignitary of the Scottish church" and his mother "something noble."[18]
  • Mendel— Retired former inspector in theSpecial Branch,he assists Smiley during his investigation. Frequently a go-between for Smiley and other members helping him investigate.
  • Connie Sachs— Former Russia analyst for the Circus, she is forced to retire, and now runs arooming housein Oxford. Alcoholic, but with an excellent memory. She is said to have been modelled uponMilicent Bagot.
  • Ricki Tarr— A field agent and presumed defector who supplies information that indicates there is a Soviet mole in the Circus. He was trained by Smiley. Worked for Guillam as one of the scalphunters before goingAWOLinHong Kong.
  • Miles Sercombe— The government minister to whom Lacon and the Circus are responsible. A distant cousin of Smiley's wife, he plays a peripheral role in Smiley's investigation. Not highly regarded.



Tinker Tailor Soldier Spyemploys spyjargonthat is presented as the authentic insider-speak of British Intelligence. Le Carré noted that, with the exception of a few terms likemoleandlegend,this jargon was his own invention.[19]In some cases, terms used in the novel have subsequently entered espionage parlance.[7]For example, the termsmole,[20]implying a long-term spy, andhoney trap,[21]implying a ploy in which an attractive person lures another into revealing information, were first introduced in this novel, and have only subsequently entered general usage.

Term Definition[19]
Agent An espionage agent or spy; a citizen who is recruited by a foreign government to spy on his own country. This term should not be confused with a member of an intelligence service who recruits spies; they are referred to as intelligence officers or more particularly case officers.
Babysitters Bodyguards.
Burn Blackmail.[Note 1]
Circus The novel's name for SIS (Secret Intelligence Service),MI6,which collects foreign intelligence. "Circus" refers to the (fictional) location of its headquarters inCambridge Circus, London.
Coat-trailing An officer of one side acting as if he is a likely defector – drinking, complaining about his job – in the hope of attracting a recruitment offer from an enemy intelligence officer, with the object of becoming a double agent.
The Competition MI5,the Security Service, the UK's internal counter-espionage and counter-terrorism service, which the Circus also calls "The Security Mob".
The Cousins The US intelligence agencies in general and theCIAin particular.
Ferrets Technicians who find and remove hidden microphones, cameras, etc.
Handwriting An agent's particular style of espionage.
Honey trap A sexual blackmailing operation.
Hood An agent involved in criminality.
Housekeepers The internalauditorsand financial disciplinarians of the Circus.
Inquisitors Interrogators who debrief Circusintelligence officersanddefectors.
Janitors The Circus headquarters operations staff, including those who watch doors and verify that people entering secure areas are authorised to do so.
Lamplighters A section which provides surveillance and couriers.
Legend A false identity
Mailfist job An assassination operation.Mailfistmight be thecode wordfor such work or thecompartmented informationconcerning the program that performs it.
Mole An agent recruited long before he has access to secret material, who subsequently works his way into the target government organisation. In his foreword to the 1991 edition, Le Carré discloses that he may have been under the impression "mole" was "current KGB jargon" during his brief stint as an intelligence officer but that he can no longer say for certain; it is possible he actually invented the term himself.Francis Baconused the word "mole" in the sense of "spy" in his 1622Historie of the Reigne of King Henry the Seventh,but Le Carré was not aware of Bacon's work while writing the book – the passage was pointed out to him later by a reader.
Mothers Secretaries and trusted typists serving the senior officers of the Circus.
Neighbours The Soviet intelligence services, in particular theKGBand Karla's fictional "Thirteenth Directorate".
Nuts and Bolts The engineering department who develop and manufacture espionage devices.
Pavement artists Members of surveillance teams who inconspicuously follow people in public.
Persil The cleanest security category available, used of questionable foreigners, "Clean as fabric washed inPersil".
Reptile fund Aslush fund,to provide payment forcovert operations.(Attributed toOtto von Bismarck[22])
Scalphunters Agents who handle assassination, blackmail, burglary, kidnapping; the section was sidelined after Control's dismissal.
Sweat Interrogate
Wranglers Radio signal analysts andcryptographers;it derives from the termwranglerused of Cambridge University maths students.

The television adaptation ofTinker Tailor Soldier Spyalso uses the term "burrower" for a researcher recruited from a university, a term taken from the novel's immediate sequelThe Honourable Schoolboy.

Moscow Centre


Moscow Centreis a nickname used byJohn le Carréfor the Moscow central headquarters of theKGB,especially those departments concerned with foreignespionageandcounterintelligence.[23]It arises from use by Soviet officers themselves, and Le Carré likely just used the nickname to gain greater credibility for his books.

The part of Moscow Centre most often referred to in Le Carré's novels is the fictional Thirteenth Directorate headed byKarla,the code name for a case officer who has risen and fallen from political favour several times and was at one point "blown" by the British in the 1950s. Karla andGeorge Smileymeet while Karla is in prison in Delhi, with Smiley trying to persuade Karla to defect during an interrogation in which Karla gives nothing away. Karla refuses these advances and eventually returns to favour in theUSSR,masterminding the Witchcraft/Source Merlin operations supporting themoleGerald in the Circus. Karla possesses a cigarette lighter given to Smiley by his wife, which he took during Smiley's interrogation of him.

Critical response


In a review forThe New York Timeswritten upon the novel's release in 1974, criticRichard LockecalledTinker Tailor Soldier Spy"fluently written," noting that "it is full of vivid character sketches of secret agents and bureaucrats from all levels of British society, and the dialogue catches their voices well." He praised the novel's realism, calling the detailing of "the day to day activities of the intelligence service at home and abroad" convincing. He noted that the "scale and complexity of this novel are much greater than in any of Le Carré's previous books," while the "characterisation too has become much richer."[2]

An article published in in-houseCentral Intelligence AgencyjournalStudies in Intelligence,presumably written by agents under pseudonyms,[24]called it "one of the most enduring renderings of the profession".[3]It does question the "organisational compression" involved in the form of a large organisation, which the SIS would be, being reduced to a handful of senior operatives playing operational roles, but admits that this "works very well at moving the story along in print." However, the idea that a major counter-intelligence operation could be run without the knowledge of counter-intelligence professionals, an allusion to Smiley's investigation progressing in an undetected manner, is deemed an "intellectual stretch."[3]

John Powers ofNPRhas called it the greatest spy story ever told, noting that it "offers the seductive fantasy of entering a secret world, one imagined with alluring richness."[25]Le Carré himself considered the novel to be among his best works.[8]

In other media




A TV adaptation ofTinker Tailor Soldier Spywas made by theBBCin 1979. It is a seven-part serial and was released in September of that year. The series was directed byJohn Irvin,produced byJonathan Powell,and starsAlec Guinnessas George Smiley, withIan Richardsonas Bill Haydon. Ricki Tarr was played byHywel Bennett.In the US, syndicated broadcasts and DVD releases compressed the seven-part UK episodes into six,[26]by shortening scenes and altering the narrative sequence.



In 1988,BBC Radio 4broadcast a dramatisation, by Rene Basilico, ofTinker Tailor Soldier Spyin seven weekly half-hour episodes, produced by John Fawcett-Wilson. It is available as a BBC audiobook in CD and audio cassette formats. Notably,Bernard HeptonportraysGeorge Smiley.Nine years earlier, he had portrayedToby Esterhasein the television adaptation.

In 2009, BBC Radio 4 also broadcast new dramatisations, byShaun McKenna,of the eight George Smiley novels by John le Carré, featuringSimon Russell Bealeas Smiley.Tinker Tailor Soldier Spywas broadcast as three one-hour episodes, from Sunday 29 November to Sunday 13 December 2009, in BBC Radio 4's Classic Serial slot. The producer wasSteven Canny.[27]The series was repeated onBBC Radio 4 Extrain June and July 2016, and has since been released as a boxed set by the BBC.



Swedish directorTomas Alfredsonmade a film adaptation in 2011, based on a screenplay byBridget O'ConnorandPeter Straughan.The film was released in the UK and Ireland on 16 September 2011, and in the United States on 9 December 2011. It includes acameo appearanceby Le Carré in the Christmas party scene as the older man in the grey suit who stands suddenly to sing the Soviet anthem. The film received numerous Academy Award nominations, including a nomination for Best Actor forGary Oldmanfor his role as George Smiley. The film also starsColin Firthas Bill Haydon,Benedict Cumberbatchas Peter Guillam,Tom Hardyas Ricki Tarr, andMark Strongas Jim Prideaux.[28]



Karen Abbott's 2015 novel, a fictionalised account of the amateur spy work of four women, includingElizabeth Van Lew,during the American Civil War, is namedLiar, Temptress, Soldier, Spy: Four Women Undercover in the Civil War,[29]afterle Carré's Cold War thriller.[30]

See also



  1. ^'Burn' is also in current use, but is now used to describedisavowal


  1. ^Modern first editions – a set on Flickr
  2. ^abLocke, Richard (30 June 1974)."The Spy Who Spied on Spies".The New York Times.Retrieved18 July2015.
  3. ^abcBradford, Michael; Burridge, James (September 2012)."Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy: the Movie".Studies in Intelligence.56(3). Center for the Study of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency. Archived fromthe originalon 20 January 2013.Retrieved14 May2018.
  4. ^"The Big Jubilee Read: A literary celebration of Queen Elizabeth II's record-breaking reign".BBC. 17 April 2022.Retrieved15 July2022.
  5. ^abBragg, Melvyn (13 March 1983)."A Talk With John le Carré".The New York Times.
  6. ^abAscherson, Neal(11 September 2011)."The real-life spies of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy".The Guardian.Retrieved14 May2018.
  7. ^abcCorera, Gordon (11 September 2011)."Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy: John Le Carre and reality".BBC.Retrieved13 May2018.
  8. ^abAnthony, Andrew (1 November 2009)."John le Carré: A man of great intelligence".The Observer.Retrieved13 May2018.
  9. ^"Le Carré betrayed by 'bad lot' spy Kim Philby".Channel 4. 13 September 2010.Retrieved13 May2018.
  10. ^le Carre, John (22 September 2008)."The Madness of Spies".The New Yorker.
  11. ^abcStafford, David (2012).The Silent Game: The Real World of Imaginary Spies.University of Georgia Press. p. 206.
  12. ^abFisher, Mark (Winter 2011)."The Smiley Factor".Film Quarterly.65(2): 37–42.doi:10.1525/fq.2011.65.2.37.JSTOR10.1525/fq.2011.65.2.37.
  13. ^abMonaghan, David (Autumn 1983)."JOHN LE CARRÉ AND ENGLAND: A SPY'S-EYE VIEW".Modern Fiction Studies.29(3): 569–582.JSTOR26281380.
  14. ^Rey, Marie-Pierre (2018). "Espions et agents doubles, les combattants de la Guerre froide à l'œuvre dans La Taupe de John le Carré".Bulletin de l'Institut Pierre Renouvin(in French).2(48): 57–71.doi:10.3917/bipr1.048.0057.
  15. ^Maddox, Tom (Autumn 1986)."Spy Stories: The Life and Fiction of John le Carré".The Wilson Quarterly.10(4): 158–170.JSTOR40257078.
  16. ^"Baron in search for Ascot house".Evening Press(York) 28 February 2004.
  17. ^"Sir Maurice Oldfield Dead at 65; Famed Ex-chief of Britain's M.I.6".The New York Times.Reuters.12 March 1981.Retrieved20 March2010.
  18. ^Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, John le Carré, Sceptre, 2011, p. 36
  19. ^abLe Carré, John;Matthew Joseph Bruccoli;Judith Baughman (2004).Conversations with John le Carré.USA:University Press of Mississippi.pp. 68–69.ISBN1-57806-669-7.
  20. ^Shapiro, Fred R. (30 October 2006).The Yale Book of Quotations(illustrated ed.). New Haven, CT:Yale University Press.p.448.ISBN978-0-300-10798-2.OCLC66527213.Retrieved13 May2018.According to theOxford English Dictionary"it is generally thought that the world of espionage adopted [the term mole] from Le Carré, rather than vice versa.
  21. ^Dickson, Paul (17 June 2014)."How authors from Dickens to Dr Seuss invented the words we use every day".The Guardian.Retrieved13 May2018.
  22. ^Daily Alta California 30 July 1890 — California Digital Newspaper Collection
  23. ^John le Carré,"Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy"IMDB
  24. ^Stock, Jon (3 May 2013)."CIA agents use pseudonyms to review spy fiction".The Telegraph.Retrieved14 May2018.
  25. ^Powers, John (1 November 2011)."'Tinker, Tailor': The Greatest Spy Story Ever Told ".NPR.Retrieved13 May2018.
  26. ^Kung, Michelle (2 December 2011)."'Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy' Miniseries Director John Irvin on the New Film ".The Wall Street Journal.Retrieved26 December2014.the seven-episode series — which was condensed to six episodes for U.S. audiences
  27. ^"The Complete Smiley".BBC Radio 4.23 May 2009.Retrieved14 June2009.
  28. ^"Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy – review".The Telegraph.15 September 2011.Retrieved2 March2021.
  29. ^Abbott, K. (2015).Liar, Temptress, Soldier, Spy: Four Women Undercover in the Civil War.New York: Harper.
  30. ^"In fact and fiction, remarkable stories of Civil War women".Dallas News.6 September 2014.Retrieved25 August2024.