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Round Church, Preslav

Coordinates:43°08′32″N26°48′47″E/ 43.1423°N 26.81295°E/43.1423; 26.81295
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Round Church
Кръгла църква
Frontal view through two partially preserved gates of a stone building, with a well in the center of a courtyard in front
The ruins of the Round Church inPreslav.
View from the atrium entrance looking towards the narthex and rotunda gates, with the apse in the distance
AffiliationBulgarian Orthodox Church
Ecclesiastical or organizational statusCathedral
Year consecratedEarly 10th century,
possibly before 907
LocationVeliki Preslav,Shumen Province,Bulgaria
Round Church, Preslav is located in Bulgaria
Round Church, Preslav
Shown within Bulgaria
Geographic coordinates43°08′32″N26°48′47″E/ 43.1423°N 26.81295°E/43.1423; 26.81295
possible Caucasian and/or Carolingian influences
Direction of façadeWest
Length38.5 m (126 ft)(with atrium)
Width14.30 m (46.9 ft)(atrium)
10.50 m (34.4 ft)(rotunda)
Dome dia. (outer)10.50 m (34.4 ft)

TheRound Church(Bulgarian:Кръгла църква,Kragla tsarkva), also known as theGolden Church(Златна църква,Zlatna tsarkva) or theChurch of St John(църква "Свети Йоан",tsarkva "Sveti Yoan"), is a large partially preservedearly medievalEastern Orthodoxchurch. It lies inPreslav,the former capital of theFirst Bulgarian Empire,today a town in northeasternBulgaria.The church dates to the early 10th century, the time ofTsarSimeon I's rule, and was unearthed and first archaeologically examined in 1927–1928.

Considered to be one of the most impressive examples of medieval Bulgarian architecture, the Round Church takes its name from the distinctive shape of one of its three sections, thecella(naos), which is arotundathat serves as a place of liturgy. The church's design also includes a wide atrium and a rectangular entrance area, ornarthex,marked by two circular turrets.

The church has been likened to examples of religious architecture from the late Roman (Early Christian) period, theCaucasus,and theCarolingian Pre-RomanesqueofCharlemagnebecause of its characteristic plan, which is significantly different from contemporaneous Bulgarian orByzantinebuildings. The church's alternative name, the Golden Church, stems from its possible and popular identification with a "new golden church" in Preslav referenced in a medieval literary source.

The Round Church's rich interior decoration, which makes ample use of mosaics, ceramics and marble details, distinguishes it from other churches in Preslav. Its interior features hundreds of drawings depicting ships, fauna, and Christian figures. Medieval inscriptions on the walls range from names of saints inByzantine Greekto separate letters and short texts in theGlagoliticandCyrillicalphabets.



Founded in 681 as a pagan state, Bulgaria wasformally Christianisedby Byzantine clergy in the 860s, under PrinceBoris(r. 852–889). The right to convert Bulgaria toChristianitywas the subject of a political dispute between Byzantium and thePapacy.[1][2]With the conversion to Christianity, Boris hoped to solve internal ethnic issues and improve the foreign relations of his state, which was not treated equally by the Christian rulers of Europe.[3]

The Round Church was constructed during the rule of Boris' son and successor, Simeon (r. 893–927), whose successful campaigns established Bulgaria's temporary superiority over Byzantium,[4]at times threatening the Byzantine capital atConstantinople.He extended the territory of the First Bulgarian Empire over most of theBalkans,[5]to theAdriaticand theAegean.Simeon also conquered the lands of modernSerbiaandMontenegroand efficiently eliminated theMagyarthreat from the north. Counted among Bulgaria's greatest leaders, Simeon was a benefactor of literature and the arts; his reign is considered the "Golden Age" of medieval Bulgarian culture[6][7]because of Bulgaria's literary influence over contemporarySlavic Europe.[5][8]

The city ofPreslavwas made the capital of Bulgaria early in Simeon's reign, partly because of the former capitalPliska's association with pre-Christianpaganism.Simeon turned Preslav into a cultural centre, a true rival to Constantinople.[9][10]Some of the most eminent scholars of Bulgaria's Golden Age worked at thePreslav Literary School.[7]Intended more as a royal residence and a showcase of cultural power than a fortress, the city boasted impressive architecture,[5]including a large number of characteristic palaces and dozens of churches.[9][11]Among them the Round Church, regarded as "one of the most impressive monuments of medieval Bulgarian architecture"[12]and an "expression of the highest achievements of Old Bulgarian culture",[13]stood out.[12]

Identification and history


The Round Church is popularly identified with the "new golden church" referenced in acolophonto anOld Bulgariantranslation ofAthanasius of Alexandria'sOrations Against the Arians.The text says that the translation was done on the order of Prince Simeon byConstantine of Preslavand copied by Theodore Dox, "at the mouth of theTichain the[Byzantine] year6415indiction14 [907 AD], where the same prince had the holy new golden church built ".[14]It is uncertain whether the "mouth of the Ticha" refers to a narrow section of the river, to the Ustie pass near the city, or possibly to a certain location next to the outer city walls and in the direct vicinity of the Round Church ruins. This problem aside, if "golden" is to be taken literally, the source is also unclear as to whether the church is the new one among the city's golden churches, or the single golden one among the new churches in Preslav.[15]Scholar Stancho Vaklinov considers the identification of the Round Church as the "new golden church" from literature "incontestable",[16]while art historian Nikola Mavrodinov is of the opinion that it is probable.[17]On the other hand, historian A. P. Vlasto believes this identification to be "not absolutely certain".[18]

If the church from themarginal noteis equated with the Round Church, then it can be conclusively dated to no more than a few years before 907.[15][19]While the church can be ascribed to no later than the 10th century, some scholars have suggested that it may have been constructed directly on top of a much earlier late Romanbasilicadue to its antiquated plan.[18]A possible donor (ktetor) of at least part of the church's construction is a high-ranking church official (chartophylax) named Paul, who is mentioned in an inscription inside the church.[20][21]The main part of the work was likely funded by Simeon, who may have acted as a chief sponsor.[22]

There is debate in Bulgarian academic circles as to whether the church was built as amonasterychurch or as a separatecathedral.If the buildings neighbouring the church are interpreted as the residential part of a monastery, it was most probably established after the construction of the Round Church, during the rule of TsarPeter I(r. 927–969). The absence of entrances on these buildings on the sides facing the church and the presence of a large atrium make it unlikely. Another argument against the Round Church being a monastery church is its location, isolated from other buildings yet accessible to the public outside the inner city.[23]Scholar Bistra Nikolova considers it a city cathedral and compares it in function to theGreat Basilicain Pliska.[24]Another researcher, Krastyu Miyatev, sees it as a royal church of Simeon,[25]but art historian Nikola Mavrodinov and archaeologist Totyu Totev insist it belonged to a monastery from the beginning.[26][27]

The earliest excavations of the site were carried out in 1927–1928 by archaeologists from theNational Archaeological MuseuminSofiaand the Bulgarian Antiquities Society under the direction of Yordan Gospodinov.[13]A second effort headed by Krastyu Miyatev resulted in a much more in-depth study, and archaeological research at the site is ongoing.[28]In 1927, the Round Church, along with the entirety of medieval Preslav, was proclaimed a historical and archaeological reserve and placed under state protection as a national antiquity. In 1970, it was individually included in the list of monuments of culture of national importance with a publication in that year'sState Gazette,issue 46.[29]As part of the Veliki Preslav architectural reserve, the Round Church is listed as No. 98 among the100 Tourist Sites of Bulgaria.[30][31]

The Church of St Petka inRuse,opened in 1944, was built as a reconstruction of the Round Church in Preslav.[32]The Round Church underwent partial restoration in the late 1990s and early 2000s.[33]In December 2009, plans were announced to reconstruct the church in its entirety, without demolishing or altering any of the original structural remains.[34]A monument dedicated to Tsar Simeon was unveiled in the immediate vicinity of the Round Church on 27 May 2007 to honour the 1080th anniversary of his death.[35]Despite not being an active church, it is regularly used for baptisms and weddings.[36]



Location and style


The Round Church was built outside Preslav's inner city, which mostly included the royal palace and its associated buildings such as the Royal Basilica.[37]It was still within the outer city limits, and lay in Preslav's southeastern part, some 250 metres (820 ft) from the South Gate of the inner city.[23]It was situated on a highterrace.[16][38]Today the Round Church, along with the other ruins of medieval Preslav, lie not far from the modern town of Veliki Preslav,[39]which is the administrative centre of a municipality inShumen Province,northeastern Bulgaria.[40]

A drawing of the plan of a church with a wide courtyard, a rectangular narthex and a circular cella
Simplified floor plan

While no church from this age in the Slavic-populated parts of the Balkans was up-to-date with contemporary Byzantine architecture, the Round Church differs markedly because of its centralized, circular plan, which is unique in medieval Bulgarian architecture.[41]The rounded and dynamic nature of its shapes is in contrast with the sharp rectangular designs of that period.[25]It is most likely based on the abundant examples of late Roman or early Byzantine buildings that lay ruined in the Bulgarian lands. The layout, particularly therotunda,resembles churches from the time ofJustinian Isuch as theBasilica of San VitaleinRavenna,theLittle Hagia SophiainConstantinople(todayIstanbul),[18]and theRotunda of GaleriusinThessaloniki.[41]Even if the plan is unusual, the technology and principles employed in its construction are contemporary to the 10th century and in accord with other monuments in Preslav.[42][43]

Byzantine churches are not the only source of inspiration that researchers attribute to the Round Church. Some scholars link its design to anArmenianinfluence,[44][45]perhaps brought to Bulgaria by craftsmen from theCaucasus.In general, churches with such an antiquated plan in the Balkans are associated with the migration ofCappadocian,Armenian, orGeorgianmonks. Another possible model for the Round Church in Preslav may well be found inCarolingian architecturefrom the time ofCharlemagne,and particularly thePalatine ChapelinAachen,western Germany, with which it shares some characteristics.[45][46][47]At the time of the Round Church's construction, Bulgaria was in direct contact with theFrankish Empire.[46]One trait of the Round Church that is claimed by scholars to be a very recognisable Carolingian influence is the presence of a monumentalwestwork.[48][49]



The Round Church includes three sections: the wideatrium(orcourtyard), thenarthexand thecella(also naos or, due to its shape, rotunda), each serving as a premise to the other.[19][23][38][41]The sections were not necessarily built at the same time, and it is generally accepted that a reconstruction of the church was carried out some time after its completion.[50]Mavrodinov and archaeologistKarel Škorpilbelieve the narthex and cella comprised the first building period, while the atrium was added very shortly after that and by the same architect.[26]

The church has a total length of 38.5 m (126 ft), including the atrium.[26]It was mostly built of rectangularlimestoneblocks sparingly joined withmortar.Inside theapse,the mortar is red-coloured.[51]The floor was covered bymarbleand stone tiles glued on top of red mortar in the narthex and white mortar elsewhere.[23]Red and yellow bricks and pieces of bricks were used for the atrium, the arches, and possibly the dome; some brick pieces were used to fill spaces between the stones on the walls.[25]



The outermost part of the Round Church is its atrium, the flanked open space leading into the narthex. It is accessed by means of three gates (one on each wall), of which the entrance on the main west wall is the most elaborate and grandest in appearance. The atrium is almost square in shape and measures 12.20 m × 14.30 m (40.0 ft × 46.9 ft). Awater wellwas constructed in the center of the courtyard;[16][23]it was linked to awater conduit.[52]

The sides of the atrium are decorated by a multitude of vaults withpiersin between. In total, there are fourteen vaults: four on each of the courtyard's three walls and one each where the west wall meets the sides. The atrium includes an equal number of roundlimestonecolumns each standing opposite one of the piers, 0.60 m (2.0 ft) apart.[23][44]


Five marble columns near the walls of a partially preserved building. A gate and a small monument are in the background.
View from the centre of the rotunda west towards the atrium

The rectangular narthex constitutes the middle part of the building, between the atrium and the cella, and serves as the lobby of the church. It lies directly east of the atrium, through a wide gate flanked by a couple of high circularturrets.[16][43][53]Mavrodinov likens the narthex of the Round Church to similar structures in the churches ofMount Athos,because of its depth.[26]

Together with the north and south wall, the entrance of the narthex effectively isolates two smaller parts of the atrium, similar in plan[16]and accessible through doors. The north part includes a smallnecropolis,while the south part was probably abaptistery,as it features a square installation with a clay pipe that resembles abaptismal font.However, Nikolova considers its shape much too unusual and its depth unsuitable forbaptism,and believes it may instead have been designed as a vessel for dispensingholy water.[54]

Measuring 5 m × 9.50 m (16.4 ft × 31.2 ft), the narthex is the part of the Round Church which has survived in best shape, as some of its walls reach 3 m (9.8 ft). Its two turrets have a diameter of 3.20 m (10.5 ft); each has an entrance facing the interior of the narthex and three windows. The higher reaches of the towers were reached via spiral stairways, archaeological remains of which have been unearthed in the north turret. There are two pairs of columns inside the narthex,[16]supporting its second floor, which is accessible from the north tower.[43][53]The columns divide the narthex into threenavesand mark the way from the narthex entrance to the gates of the rotunda.[26][55]



The round cella is the easternmost and most important part of the church, as it was where theliturgywas performed. The diameter of the rotunda is 10.50 m (34.4 ft).[19][38]It is accessed through three gates, all from the narthex.[16][55]It was entirely covered by adome.[19][44]Twelve vaults,semicircularas seen from the inside andpentagonalon the outer wall, were constructed north and south of the rotunda's eastern part, the apse, which itself fits into one of the vaults.[43][53]Largebuttressesreinforce the structure both inside and outside. A circle of ten[55]or twelve[26][43][53]white marble[53]columns was inscribed inside the rotunda, 0.55 m (1.8 ft) from the interior buttresses. Thecapitalsof the columns are similar to those of the royal palace in Preslav.[26]A copper-plated wooden coffin lay in aburial chamberby one of the vaults near the apse.[55]

The semicircular apse[38]fits naturally with the other vaults of the rotunda despite being larger,[16]and features vaults on its north and south walls. The marbleambonwas situated in the center of the circle of columns and of the whole rotunda, directly under the dome's centre,[16][38][56]as evidenced by a mortar padding. Stairs from the east and west, aligned with the apse, used to lead up to the ambon. The bishop's throne orcathedraprobably lay near one of the south vaults, which was likely enlarged for the purpose.[55]


A stone block entirely covered by carvings of two alternating floral motifs, separated into square sections
Cornice from the Round Church with floral motifs[57]

The interior was lavishly decorated with colourful Byzantine-stylemosaics,[44]cornices,and ceramics.[53][58]With the exception of theCorinthianandDoriccolumn capitals, which are of Roman or Byzantine origin, the rest of the decoration was created specifically for and during the church's construction.[18][51]Vlasto finds aProto-Bulgarianflavour in the church's interior and a relationship with the art ofPersiaorCentral Asia.Thus, he believes that it is not based on Byzantine examples of that age.[18]Of a contrary opinion is Miyatev, who points out significant similarities between the decoration of the Round Church and that of the Church of the Mother of God (now part of theFenari Isa Mosque) from 908 in Constantinople.[59]Mavrodinov goes a step further to claim that the architect of the Round Church was directly inspired by ancient examples, citing in particular the rich sculptural decoration.[60]

The Round Church was unmatched in its ceramic decoration by any church in Preslav, and was the only known building in the city to rely heavily on polychrome ceramic tiles.[61]Ceramic and mosaiciconswere a highlight of the interior; they ranged in size from almost life-sized to miniature. While the ceramic images were constructed out of clay tiles, the mosaic icons were more varied in their material, which included clay, glass, and stone of various shades on a gold-coloured background.[25]Among the portrayed saints and biblical figures areCharalampusand perhapsJoel.Some of the images were enclosed inellipses.[51]

The Round Church featured marble and limestone cornices. These included a large number of intertwinedornamentsand details, such aspalmettes,grapeclusters, leaves, andchamfers.[51]Besides classic ornamental shapes, the cornices feature some that are entirely new in character or well-known yet redesigned motifs. Floral decoration dominates the cornices.[62]Tiles found inside the church ruins depict birds and other animals in addition togeometricshapes and floral motifs, allglazedin either brown, yellow, green, blue, or blue-green. The walls were covered in polished marble facing with encrusted shapes.[25][51]


Two uneven rows of clumsily written black Cyrillic letters on a white background
Inscription ofchartophylaxPaul from the interior of the Round Church

The Round Church contains many medieval inscriptions, both official and scratched on its walls asgraffiti.One study counted a total of 193 signs and 30 drawings, the vast majority bearing some kind ofChristian symbolism.[63]As a whole, theepigraphyof the Round Church dates from the 10th century,[50]and three alphabets are represented: theGreek,theGlagolitic,and theCyrillic,as well as two languages:Byzantine Greekand Old Bulgarian (the easternBulgarian recensionof Old Church Slavonic).[20]The Glagolitic inscriptions of the Round Church bear evidence that the use of that alphabet in Preslav continued alongside Cyrillic.[47]

Perhaps the most famous and valuable writing on the walls of the church is a Cyrillic inscription on the south wall of the premises south of the narthex, conventionally known as the baptistery. The inscription was clumsily written on top of a mortarputtyand says in translation: "Church of Saint John, built bychartophylaxPaul ".[21]Despite being dated to the 10th century[64]and its mention of the church's dedication and its potential donor, it cannot be described a classic donor's inscription because of its unnatural location and clumsy writing. Nikolova considers it more likely that the author of the inscription was a literate person who served under chartophylax Paul and desired to spread his fame. She believes the text may refer to the construction of the narthex only rather than the whole church, because she is of the opinion that the narthex may have been added after the building of the rotunda.[20]

Other examples of the epigraphy of the Round Church include several short Glagolitic and Cyrillic texts and separate letters. Among the Glagolitic inscriptions is the PreslavAbecedarium,a liturgical text including the first thirteen letters of that alphabet;[41]some of the Cyrillic texts were written on ceramic tiles. The names and descriptions attached to the icons are in Greek,[50]while there are also bilingual inscriptions in Greek and Bulgarian.[65]Individual letters inscribed on the walls illustrate the way Greek and simplified Glagolitic letterforms were combined to form the early Cyrillic alphabet.[66]On the walls of the church are graffiti ofChristian crosses,animals,[50]and up to 11 depictions of ships.[63]At least oneepitaphhas been discovered, inscribed on the tombstone of a woman described as "God's servant Tudora".[65][67]


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  2. ^Washburn, Dennis Charles; A. Kevin Reinhart (2007).Converting Cultures: Religion, Ideology, and Transformations of Modernity.Boston: Brill. pp. 132–133.ISBN978-90-04-15822-1.
  3. ^Crampton,pp. 9–11
  4. ^Stephenson,p. 18
  5. ^abcStavreva,p. 19
  6. ^Otfinoski, Steven (2004).Nations in Transition: Bulgaria.New York: Infobase Publishing. p. 5.ISBN978-0-8160-5116-8.
  7. ^abCrampton,pp. 16–17
  8. ^MacDermott, Mercia(1998).Bulgarian Folk Customs.Philadelphia; London: Jessica Kingsley. p. 25.ISBN978-1-85302-485-6.
  9. ^abStephenson,pp. 18–19
  10. ^Bakalov, Georgi; Milen Kumanov (2003). "SIMEON I Veliki (864-27.V.927)" [SIMEON I The Great (864 — 27 May 927)].Elektronno izdanie "Istoria na Balgaria"[Electronic edition "History of Bulgaria"] (CD) (in Bulgarian). Sofia: Knigoizdatelska kashta "Trud"; Sirma AI.ISBN954528613X.
  11. ^Frucht, Richard C. (2005).Eastern Europe: An Introduction to the People, Lands, and Culture.Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO. p.821.ISBN978-1-57607-800-6.
  12. ^abDelev
  13. ^abTotev,p. 58
  14. ^Curta,p. 220
  15. ^abNikolova,pp. 88–89
  16. ^abcdefghiVaklinov,p. 196
  17. ^Mavrodinov,p. 150
  18. ^abcdeVlasto,p. 171
  19. ^abcdBalgarska entsiklopedia A–Ya
  20. ^abcNikolova,pp. 91–92
  21. ^abNachev,p. 17
  22. ^Nachev,p. 18
  23. ^abcdefNikolova,p. 89
  24. ^Nikolova,p. 54
  25. ^abcdeMiyatev,p. 98
  26. ^abcdefgMavrodinov,p. 151
  27. ^Totev,p. 63
  28. ^Nikolova,p. 88
  29. ^"Spisak na pametnitsite na kulturata s kategoria" Natsionalno znachenie "na teritoriata na Oblast Shumen /po naseleni mesta/"[List of monuments of culture with the category "national importance" on the territory of Shumen Province by populated places](PDF)(in Bulgarian). Ministerstvo na kulturata na Republika Balgaria. pp. 9–10. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 6 July 2011.Retrieved1 November2010.
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  31. ^"Sbornik" 100-te natsionalni turisticheski obekta ""[Collection "The 100 National Tourist Sites" ](PDF)(in Bulgarian). Natsionalno obedinenie "Sahrani balgarskoto". pp. 386–387. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 28 July 2011.Retrieved1 November2010.
  32. ^Nikiforova, Violeta."Tsarkvata" Sveta Petka "v Ruse se rushi"[The Church of St Petka in Ruse is suffering damage] (in Bulgarian). Balgarska natsionalna televizia. Archived fromthe originalon 16 October 2010.Retrieved1 November2010.
  33. ^Greenway, Paul (2002).Lonely Planet Bulgaria(1st ed.). Footscray, Vic.; Oakland, CA: Lonely Planet. p.210.ISBN978-1-86450-148-3.
  34. ^"Vdigat Zlatnata tsarkva v original"[The Golden Church to be constructed in its original size].Trud(in Bulgarian). Vestnikarska Grupa Balgaria OOD. 2009-12-20. Archived fromthe originalon 6 July 2011.Retrieved15 October2010.
  35. ^"Pametnik na tsar Simeon Veliki beshe otkrit do Zlatnata tsarkva vav Veliki Preslav po povod 1080-godishninata ot konchinata na balgarskia vladetel"[A monument to Tsar Simeon the Great was unveiled next to the Golden Church in Veliki Preslav on the occasion of the 1080th anniversary of the Bulgarian ruler's death.].Sega(in Bulgarian). Sega AD. 2007-05-27. Archived fromthe originalon 16 July 2011.Retrieved15 October2010.
  36. ^Ivanova, Emilia (2010-07-31)."I dnes krashtavat i venchavat v ruinite na Zlatnata preslavska tsarkva"[People are still getting baptised and married in the ruins of the Golden Church of Preslav today] (in Bulgarian). Dveri na Pravoslavieto. Archived fromthe originalon 6 July 2011.Retrieved15 October2010.
  37. ^Nikolova,p. 93
  38. ^abcdeKoeva
  39. ^"Istoria"[History] (in Bulgarian). Obshtina Veliki Preslav. Archived fromthe originalon 15 June 2010.Retrieved18 October2010.
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  41. ^abcdCurta,p. 221
  42. ^Vaklinov,pp. 199–200
  43. ^abcdeMiyatev,p. 69
  44. ^abcdKazhdan,p. 335
  45. ^abVaklinov,p. 200
  46. ^abRedgate, Anne Elizabeth (2000).The Armenians.Oxford; Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. p.242.ISBN978-0-631-22037-4.
  47. ^abTotev,p. 61
  48. ^Georgiev, Pavel (2002)."Bazilikata" Gebe Klise "i vaprosat za vrazkite mezhdu Balgaria i Rim v kraya na IX vek"[The Gebe Klise Basilica and the matter of relations between Bulgaria and Rome in the late 9th century](PDF).Preslavska Knizhovna Shkola(in Bulgarian).6.Sofia: Shumenski universitet; Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Sv. Kliment Ohridski": 49.ISBN978-954-430-885-8.Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 24 July 2011.
  49. ^Hodinot, R. (1968). "Zapadni vliyania varhu Kraglata tsarkva v Preslav" [Western influences on the Round Church in Preslav].Arheologia(in Bulgarian) (1): 20.ISSN0324-1203.OCLC630557039.
  50. ^abcdNikolova,p. 92
  51. ^abcdeNikolova,p. 91
  52. ^Mavrodinov,p. 152
  53. ^abcdefTotev,p. 60
  54. ^Nikolova,pp. 89–90
  55. ^abcdeNikolova,p 90
  56. ^Mavrodinov,p. 164
  57. ^Vandersall, Amy L. (1983)."Five 'Romanesque' Portals: Questions of Attribution and Ornament"(PDF).Metropolitan Museum Journal.18:137.doi:10.2307/1512804.ISSN0077-8958.JSTOR1512804.OCLC1760043.S2CID191476880.Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 28 June 2011.
  58. ^Vaklinov,pp. 198–199
  59. ^Miyatev,p. 100
  60. ^Miyatev,p. 157
  61. ^Mango,p. 114
  62. ^Vaklinov,pp. 212–213
  63. ^abRashev,p. 339
  64. ^Vaklinov,p. 227
  65. ^abVaklinov,p. 226
  66. ^Vlasto,p. 41
  67. ^Andreev, Yordan; Lazarov, Ivan; Pavlov, Plamen (1999).Koy koy e v srednovekovna Balgaria[Who is Who in Medieval Bulgaria] (in Bulgarian). Sofia: Izdatelska kashta "Petar Beron". p. 385.ISBN978-954-402-047-7.



In English

  • Crampton, R.J. (2005).A Concise History of Bulgaria.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 16–17.ISBN978-0-521-61637-9.
  • Curta, Florin(2006).Southeastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 500–1250.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp.220–221.ISBN978-0-521-81539-0.
  • Kazhdan, Alexander(1991). "Bulgarian art and architecture".Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium.Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 334–335.ISBN978-0-19-504652-6.
  • Mango, Maria Mundell (2009).Byzantine Trade, 4th–12th Centuries: The Archaeology of Local, Regional and International Exchange: Papers of the Thirty-eighth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, St John's College, University of Oxford, March 2004.Farnham: Ashgate Publishing. pp. 113–114.ISBN978-0-7546-6310-2.
  • Schwartz, Ellen C. (2002).Reconsidering the Round Church of Symeon.Sofia, Bulgaria: Palaeobulgarica XXV. pp. 2–15.
  • Stavreva, Kirilka; Quek, Lynette (2007).Cultures of the World: Bulgaria.New York: Marshall Cavendish.ISBN978-0-7614-2078-1.
  • Stephenson, Paul (2000). "Bulgaria and beyond: the Northern Balkans (c. 900–963)".Byzantium's Balkan Frontier: A Political Study of the Northern Balkans, 900–1204.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.ISBN0-521-77017-3.
  • Vlasto, A. P. (1970).The Entry of the Slavs into Christendom: An Introduction to the Medieval History of the Slavs.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Archive.ISBN978-0-521-07459-9.

In Bulgarian

  • Delev, Petar; Valeri Katsunov; Plamen Mitev;Evgenia Kalinova;Iskra Baeva; Boyan Dobrev (2006). "10. Zlatniyat vek na balgarskata kultura" [10. The Golden Age of Bulgarian culture].Istoria i tsivilizatsia za 11. klas[History and Civilisation for the 11th Grade]. Sofia: Knigoizdatelska kashta "Trud"; Sirma AI.ISBN954-9926-72-9.
  • Koeva, Margarita (2003)."Arhitektura na Parvoto balgarsko tsarstvo"[Architecture of the First Bulgarian Empire].Vavedenie v arhitekturnata teoria i istoria. Uchebnik za studenti po izkustvoznanie[Introduction to Architectural Theory and History. Textbook for Art History Students]. Varna: LiterNet.ISBN954-304-027-3.Archived fromthe originalon 14 June 2011.
  • "Kraglata tsarkva" [The Round Church].Balgarska entsiklopedia A–Ya[Bulgarian Encyclopedia A–Ya] (CD). Sofia: Balgarska akademia na naukite; Knigoizdatelska kashta "Trud"; Sirma AI. 2002.ISBN954-8104-08-3.
  • Mavrodinov, Nikola (1959).Starobalgarskoto izkustvo: izkustvoto na Parvoto balgarsko tsarstvo[Old Bulgarian Art: The Art of the First Bulgarian Empire]. Sofia: Izdatelstvo "Nauka i izkustvo". pp. 150–164.OCLC456107079.
  • Miyatev, Krastyu (1965).Arhitekturata v srednovekovna Balgaria[Architecture in Medieval Bulgaria]. Sofia: Izdatelstvo na Balgarskata akademia na naukite. pp. 95–100.OCLC10198565.
  • Nachev, Ventseslav (1994).Balgarski nadpisi[Bulgarian Inscriptions]. Sofia: Izdatelska kashta "Hristo Botev". pp. 17–19.ISBN978-954-445-128-8.
  • Nikolova, Bistra (2002).Pravoslavnite tsarkvi prez Balgarskoto srednovekovie IX–XIV v.[The Orthodox Churches During the Bulgarian Middle Ages 9th–14th Century]. Sofia: Akademichno izdatelstvo "Marin Drinov". pp. 88–92.ISBN954-430-762-1.
  • Rashev, Rasho (1995)."Korabat kato simvol v Preslav prez X vek"[The Ship as a Symbol in Preslav in the 10th Century](PDF).Preslavska Knizhovna Shkola.1.Sofia: Shumenski universitet; Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Sv. Kliment Ohridski": 338–343.ISBN978-954-07-0403-6.Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 24 July 2011.
  • Totev, Totyu (1993).Veliki Preslav: Patevoditel[Veliki Preslav: Guidebook] (in Bulgarian). Varna: Hronos. pp. 58–63.ISBN954-592-001-7.
  • Vaklinov, Stancho (1977). "IV. Izgrazhdane na edinna starobalgarska kultura (vtorata polovina na IX — nachaloto na XI v." [IV. The establishment of a united Old Bulgarian culture (second half of 9th — early 11th century].Formirane na starobalgarskata kultura VI–XI vek[The Formation of Old Bulgarian Culture 6th–11th Century]. Sofia: Balgarsko istorichesko druzhestvo; Izdatelstvo "Nauka i izkustvo".OCLC314653227.