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Roza Papo

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Roza Papo in 1944

Roza Papo(1914–1984) was aBosnian Jewishphysician and general of theYugoslav People's Army.She was the first woman to rise to the rank of general on theBalkan Peninsula.

Early life


Roza Papo was born on 6 February 1914 into aSephardi Jewishfamily inSarajevo.Her mother, Mirjama Papo (born Abinun), was the daughter of arabbifromGračanica.[1]Roza Papo studied at theSchool of MedicineinZagreband worked as physician in Sarajevo,Begov HanandOlovobefore the outbreak of theSecond World War.[2]

War service

Papo with comrades inGuča,1944

Following theinvasion of YugoslaviabyNazi Germanyin 1941, Papo made contact with theYugoslav PartisansinOzrenand started aiding them.[2]Jews throughout Europe joinedresistance movementsin an attempt to survive, but Papo's decision was also motivated by patriotism.[3]Papo officially joined the Partisans in December 1941. The following year, she also became a member of theCommunist Party of Yugoslavia.[2]During the war, she contractedtyphus,and during a battle inOzrenin 1942, she was slightly wounded in the face by an airplane bomb.

As an officer, Papo served directly underJosip Broz Tito,the leader of the yugoslav resistance. She led the recruitment system and commanded the network of the different Partisanfield hospitals.[3]Not wishing to be seen as a coward, she refused to take shelter during an air raid in 1942 and nearly lost an eye.[4]She reached the rank ofcaptainin 1943 and was amajorby 1945.[4]

Post-war career


The Partisans emerged victorious from the Second World War in 1945, but Papo's parents and both siblings had beenkilled.[4]Her mother and all four aunts were killed inconcentration camps.[1]Upon returning to Sarajevo, Papo lived in a hotel, but soon moved toBelgradetospecializeininfectology.[4]Papo continued her career as physician in the army, and became the first head of theMilitary Medical Academy.[2]She formulated the first criteria for the selection ofmilitary physicians.[3]Having published over 50 papers, she became a professor at the academy in 1965.[4]Rosa Papo was one of the first infectologists in Yugoslavia. She is credited with introducing new diagnostic methods, primarily liver biopsies, as well as the introduction of precise diagnosis ofviral hepatitisandhyperbilirubinemia,as well astuberculosisand purulentmeningitis.[5]

Papo received six medals for her contributions,[3]including theCommemorative Medal of the Partisans of 1941,theOrder of Merits for the People,and theOrder of Brotherhood and Unity.[4]In 1973, she was promoted to the rank ofmajor general.[6]Yugoslavia at the time had more Jewish generals than Israel,[7]and Papo was thefirst woman generalin all theBalkans.[3][4]As such, she was affectionately known as "the general with braids".[3]

Papo had a son, who died in 1969, and a daughter. She died on 25 February 1984 inBelgrade.[4]




  1. ^abSamuel Elazar,Građa za istoriju Jevrejske zajednice u Gračanici,p. 137
  2. ^abcdNikola Gažević, ed. (1973),Vojna enciklopedija(in Serbo-Croatian), Vojnoizdavački zavod Beograd
  3. ^abcdefBarton Hacker; Margaret Vining, eds. (2012),A Companion to Women's Military History,BRILL,ISBN978-9004206823
  4. ^abcdefghA.T. (1984),Pletenice opšivene plemenitošću(in Serbo-Croatian), Front
  5. ^Знаменити Јевреји Србије: биографски лексикон.Association of Jewish Communities of Serbia. Belgrade, 2011. p. 176.ISBN978-86-915145-0-1
  6. ^Yugoslav Review,1984
  7. ^Paul Benjamin Gordiejew (2012),Voices of Yugoslav Jewry,SUNY,ISBN978-1438404479