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Rumelia Eyalet

Coordinates:41°1′N21°20′E/ 41.017°N 21.333°E/41.017; 21.333
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Eyalet of Rumelia
Eyalet-i Rumeli
The Rumelia Eyalet in 1609
The Rumelia Eyalet in 1609
StatusEyalet of the Ottoman Empire
41°1′N21°20′E/ 41.017°N 21.333°E/41.017; 21.333
• Established
• Disestablished
1844[1]124,630 km2(48,120 sq mi)
• 1844[1]
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Byzantine Empire
Second Bulgarian Empire
Despotate of Serbia
Despotate of Dobruja
Lordship of Prilep
Gazaria (Genoese colonies)
Principality of Theodoro
Kingdom of Bosnia
League of Lezhe
Venetian Albania
Kingdom of Hungary
Eyalet of the Archipelago
Kefe Eyalet
Bosnia Eyalet
Ioannina Eyalet
Principality of Serbia
Salonica Eyalet
Adrianople Eyalet
Silistra Eyalet
Niš Eyalet
Vidin Eyalet
Habsburg Monarchy

TheEyalet of Rumeli,orEyalet ofRumelia(Ottoman Turkish:ایالت روم ایلی,romanized:Eyālet-i Rūm-ėli),[2]known as theBeylerbeylik of Rumeliuntil 1591,[3]was a first-level province (beylerbeylikoreyalet) of theOttoman Empireencompassing most of theBalkans( "Rumelia"). For most of its history, it was the largest and most important province of the Empire, containing key cities such asEdirne,Yanina (Ioannina),Sofia,Filibe (Plovdiv), Manastır/Monastir (Bitola), Üsküp (Skopje), and the major seaport of Selânik/Salonica (Thessaloniki). It was also among the oldest Ottoman eyalets, lasting more than 500 years with several territorial restructurings over the long course of its existence.

The capital was in Adrianople (Edirne),Sofia,and finally Monastir (Bitola). Its reported area in an 1862 almanac was 48,119 square miles (124,630 km2).[4]



Initially termedbeylerbeylikor genericallyvilayet( "province" ) of Rumeli, only after 1591 was the termeyaletused.[3]

The firstbeylerbeyofRumeliawasLala Shahin Pasha,who was awarded the title by SultanMurad Ias a reward for hiscapture of Adrianople(Edirne) in the 1360s, and given military authority over the Ottoman territories in Europe, which he governed effectively as the Sultan's deputy while the Sultan returned toAnatolia.[3][5][6]Also,Silistra Eyaletwas formed in 1593.

From its foundation, the province of Rumelia encompassed the entirety of the Ottoman Empire's European possessions, including the trans-Danubianconquests likeAkkerman,until the creation of furthereyaletsin the 16th century, beginning with theArchipelago(1533),Budin(1541) andBosnia(1580).[5][6]

The first capital of Rumelia was probably Edirne (Adrianople), which was also, until theFall of Constantinoplein 1453, the Ottomans' capital city. It was followed bySofiafor a while and again by Edirne until 1520, when Sofia once more became the seat of thebeylerbey.[6]At the time, thebeylerbeyof Rumelia was the commander of the most important military force in the state in the form of thetimariotsipahicavalry, and his presence in the capital during this period made him a regular member of theImperial Council(divan). For the same reason, powerfulGrand VizierslikeMahmud Pasha AngelovicorPargalı Ibrahim Pashaheld thebeylerbeylikin tandem with the grand vizierate.[5]

In the 18th century,Monastiremerged as an alternate residence of the governor, and in 1836, it officially became the capital of theeyalet.At about the same time, theTanzimatreforms, aimed at modernizing the Empire, split off the neweyaletsofÜsküb,YanyaandSelanikand reduced the Rumelia Eyalet to a few provinces around Monastir. The rumpeyaletsurvived until 1867, when, as part of the transition to the more uniformvilayetsystem, it became part of theSalonica Vilayet.[5][7][8]



The governor of the Rumelia Eyalet was titled "Beylerbey of Rumelia" (Rumelibeylerbeyi) or "Vali of Rumelia" (Rumelivali).

Governor Reign Notes
Lala Shahin Pasha the firstbeylerbeyof Rumelia, thelala(tutor) ofMurad I.[9][better source needed]
Timurtaş Bey fl.1385
Süleyman Çelebi before 1411 son of Bayezid I[10]
Mihaloğlu Mehmed Bey 1411
Mustafa Bey 1421[11]
Sinan Pasha ( son of noble Bogdan) 1430
Hadım Şehabeddin 1439–42[12]
Kasım Pasha 1443[13]
Ömer Bey fl.1453[14]
Turahan Bey before 1456
Mahmud Pasha before 1456
Ahmed after 1456[citation needed]
Hass Murad Pasha c.1469–1473
Hadım Süleyman Pasha c.1475[15]
Davud Pasha c.1478[16]
Sinan Pasha c.1481[17]
Mesih Pasha after 1481[18]
Hasan Pasha fl.1514[19]
Ahmed Pasha fl.1521[20]
Güzelce Kasım Pasha c.1527[21]
Ibrahim fl.1537[22]
Khusrow Pasha June 1538[23]–?
Ali Pasha fl.1546[24]
Sokollu Mehmed Pasha fl.1551[25]
Şemsi Ahmed Pasha 1564 – 1569[26]
Doğancı Mehmed Pasha [27]
Osman Yeğen Pasha 1687[28]
Sari Ahmed Pasha 1714[29]–1715[30]
Topal Osman Pasha 1721–27, 1729–30, 1731[31]
Hadji Mustafa Pasha summer of 1797[32]–?
Ahmed Kamil Pasazade Hakki Pasha [33]
Ali Pasha 1793[34]
Ali Pasha (2nd term) 1802[35])
Veli Pasha (son ofAli Pasha) 1804[36]
Hurshid Pasha fl.1808[37]
Köse Ahmed Zekeriya Pasha 1836–March 1840
Mehmed Dilaver Pasha May–July 1840
Yusuf Muhlis Pasha Serezli July 1840–February 1842
Yakub Pasha Kara Osmanzade
Mustafa Nuri Paşa, Sırkatibi
Mehmed Said Paşa, Mirza/Tatar
Mehmed Ziyaeddin Paşa, Mezarcızade
Ömer Paşa, Kızılhisarlı
Mehmed Ziyaeddin Paşa, Mezarcızade
Mehmed Emin Pasha
Asaf Pasha
Mehmed Reşid Paşa, Boşnakzade
Ömer Paşa, Kızılhisarlı (2nd term)
Mehmed Hurshid Pasha Arnavud
Ahmed Nazır Paşa
İsmail Paşa, Çerkes
Abdülkerim Nadir Paşa, Çırpanlı
Ali Paşa, Hacı, Kütahyalı/Germiyanoğlu
Hüseyin Hüsnü Paşa
Mehmed Tevfik Paşa, Taşcızade

Administrative divisions




A list dated to 1475 lists seventeen subordinatesanjakbeys,who controlled sub-provinces orsanjaks,which also functioned as military commands:[5]



Another list, dating to the early reign ofSuleiman the Magnificent(r. 1520–1566), lists thesanjakbeysof that period, in approximate order of importance.:[5]

  1. Bey of thePasha-sanjak
  2. Bosnia
  3. Morea
  4. Semendire
  5. Vidin
  6. Hersek
  7. Silistre
  8. Ohri
  9. Avlonya
  10. Iskenderiyye
  11. Yanya
  12. Gelibolu
  13. Köstendil
  14. Nikebolu
  15. Sofia
  16. Inebahti
  17. Tirhala
  18. Alaca Hișar
  19. Vulcetrin
  20. Kefe
  21. Prizren
  22. Karli-eli
  23. Ağriboz
  24. Çirmen
  25. Vize
  26. Izvornik
  27. Florina
  28. Elbasan
  29. Sanjakbeyof theÇingene( "Gypsies")
  30. Midilli
  31. Karadağ (Montenegro)
  32. Sanjakbeyof theMüselleman-i Kirk Kilise( "Muslims ofKirk Kilise")
  33. Sanjakbeyof theVoynuks

TheÇingene,Müselleman-i Kirk Kiliseand Voynuks were not territorial circumscriptions, but rather represented merely asanjakbeyappointed to control these scattered and often nomadic groups, and who acted as the commander of the military forces recruited among them.[5]ThePasha-sanjakin this period comprised a wide area in westernMacedonia,including the towns of Üskub (Skopje), Pirlipe (Prilep), Manastir (Bitola) and Kesriye (Kastoria).[5]

A similar list compiled c. 1534 gives the samesanjaks,except for the absence of Sofia, Florina and Inebahti (among the provinces transferred to the new Archipelago Eyalet in 1533), and the addition of Selanik (Salonica).[5]



In 1538 there are listed 29 liva (sanjaks) during the reign of Sultan Suleiman I.[38]

  1. Sofya(Pasha Sanjak of Rumelia)
  2. Ağrıboz
  3. Alacahisar
  4. Avlonya
  5. Bosna
  6. Çirmen
  7. Gelibolu
  8. Hersek
  9. İlbasan
  10. İskenderiye
  11. İzvornik
  12. Karlıili
  13. Kefe
  14. Köstendil
  15. Mora
  16. Niğbolu
  17. Ohri
  18. Prizrin
  19. Rodos
  20. Semendire
  21. Silistre
  22. Tırhala
  23. Vidin
  24. Vize
  25. Vulçıtrın
  26. Yanya
  27. Müselleman-ı Kızılca
  28. Müselleman-ı Çingane
  29. Voynugan-ı Istabl-ı Amire



Furthersanjakswere removed with the progressive creation of neweyalets,and an official register c. 1644 records only fifteensanjaksfor the Rumelia Eyalet:[5]

  1. Köstendil
  2. Tirhala
  3. Prizren
  4. Yanya
  5. Delvine
  6. Vulcetrin
  7. Üskub
  8. Elbasan
  9. Avlonya
  10. Dukagin
  11. Iskenderiyye
  12. Ohri
  13. Alaca Hișar
  14. Selanik
  15. Voynuks


The Rumelia Eyalet in 1795

The administrative division of the beylerbeylik of Rumelia between 1700-1730 was as follows:[39]

  1. Pasha-sanjak,aroundManastir
  2. Köstendil
  3. Tirhala
  4. Yanya
  5. Delvina
  6. Elbasan
  7. Iskenderiyye
  8. Avlonya
  9. Ohri
  10. Alaca Hisar
  11. Selanik
  12. Dukagin
  13. Prizren
  14. Üsküb
  15. Vulçıtrin
  16. Voynuks
  17. Çingene
  18. Yoruks

Early 19th century


Sanjaks in the early 19th century:[40]

  1. Manastir
  2. Selanik
  3. Tirhala
  4. Iskenderiyye
  5. Ohri
  6. Avlonya
  7. Köstendil
  8. Elbasan
  9. Prizren
  10. Dukagin
  11. Üsküb
  12. Delvina
  13. Vulcetrin
  14. Kavala
  15. Alaca Hișar
  16. Yanya
  17. Smederevo

Mid-19th century

The reduced eyalet in the 1850s

According to the state yearbook (salname) of the year 1847, the reduced Rumelia Eyalet, centred at Manastir, encompassed also thesanjaksof Iskenderiyye (Scutari), Ohri (Ohrid) and Kesrye (Kastoria).[5]In 1855, according to the French traveller A. Viquesnel, it comprised thesanjaksof Iskenderiyye, with 7kazasor sub-provinces, Ohri with 8kazas,Kesrye with 8kazasand thepasha-sanjakof Manastir with 11kazas.[41]


  1. ^The Encyclopædia Britannica, or, Dictionary of arts, sciences..., Volume 19.1859. p. 464.
  2. ^"Some Provinces of the Ottoman Empire".Geonames.de.Retrieved25 February2013.
  3. ^abcİnalcık, Halil(1965)."Eyālet".InLewis, B.;Pellat, Ch.&Schacht, J.(eds.).The Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition.Volume II:C–G.Leiden: E. J. Brill. pp. 721–724.OCLC495469475.
  4. ^The Popular encyclopedia: or, conversations lexicon, Volume 6,p. 698, atGoogle Books
  5. ^abcdefghijkİnalcik, Halil(1995)."Rūmeli".InBosworth, C. E.;van Donzel, E.;Heinrichs, W. P.&Lecomte, G.(eds.).The Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition.Volume VIII:Ned–Sam.Leiden: E. J. Brill. pp. 607–611, esp. 610–611.ISBN978-90-04-09834-3.
  6. ^abcBirken, Andreas (1976).Die Provinzen des Osmanischen Reiches.Beihefte zum Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients (in German). Vol. 13. Reichert. p. 50.ISBN9783920153568.
  7. ^Ursinus, M. (1991)."Manāstir".InBosworth, C. E.;van Donzel, E.&Pellat, Ch.(eds.).The Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition.Volume VI:Mahk–Mid.Leiden: E. J. Brill. pp. 371–372.ISBN978-90-04-08112-3.
  8. ^Birken, Andreas (1976).Die Provinzen des Osmanischen Reiches.Beihefte zum Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients (in German). Vol. 13. Reichert. pp. 50, 52.ISBN9783920153568.
  9. ^Smailagic, Nerkez (1990),Leksikon Islama,Sarajevo: Svjetlost, p. 514,ISBN978-86-01-01813-6,OCLC25241734,Sjedište beglerbega Rumelije...prvi namjesnik, Lala Šahin-paša,...
  10. ^Kenneth M. Setton; Harry W. Hazard; Norman P. Zacour (1 June 1990).A History of the Crusades: The Impact of the Crusades on Europe.Univ of Wisconsin Press. pp. 699–.ISBN978-0-299-10744-4.
  11. ^Vera P. Mutafchieva(1988).Agrarian relations in the Ottoman Empire in the 15th and 16th centuries.East European Monographs. p. 10.ISBN978-0-88033-148-7.Retrieved19 February2013.
  12. ^Jefferson 2012,p. 280.
  13. ^Babinger 1992,p. 25.
  14. ^Aytaç Özkan (21 December 2015).Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror Great Eagle.Işık Yayıncılık Ticaret. pp. 43–.ISBN978-1-59784-397-3.
  15. ^Ágoston & Masters 2009,p. 25.
  16. ^Marin Barleti (2012).The Siege of Shkodra: Albania's Courageous Stand Against Ottoman Conquest, 1478.David Hosaflook. pp. 19–.ISBN978-99956-87-77-9.
  17. ^John Freely (1 October 2009).The Grand Turk: Sultan Mehmet II-Conqueror of Constantinople and Master of an Empire.The Overlook Press. pp. 159–.ISBN978-1-59020-449-8.
  18. ^Heath W. Lowry (1 February 2012).Nature of the Early Ottoman State, The.SUNY Press. pp. 66–.ISBN978-0-7914-8726-6.
  19. ^Fatih Akçe (22 December 2015).The Conqueror of the East Sultan Selim I.Işık Yayıncılık Ticaret. pp. 48–.ISBN978-1-68206-504-4.
  20. ^Stephen Turnbull (6 June 2014).The Ottoman Empire 1326–1699.Bloomsbury Publishing. pp. 41–.ISBN978-1-4728-1026-7.
  21. ^Gülru Necipoğlu; Julia Bailey (2008).Frontiers of Islamic Art and Architecture: Essays in Celebration of Oleg Grabar's Eightieth Birthday; the Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture Thirtieth Anniversary Special Volume.BRILL. pp. 98–.ISBN978-90-04-17327-9.
  22. ^Lucette Valensi;Arthur Denner (1 December 2008).The Birth of the Despot: Venice and the Sublime Porte.Cornell University Press. pp. 19–.ISBN978-0-8014-7543-6.
  23. ^Sir H. A. R. Gibb (1954).The Encyclopaedia of Islam.Brill Archive. pp. 35–. GGKEY:1FSD5PNQ2DE.
  24. ^Stephen Ortega (22 April 2016).Negotiating Transcultural Relations in the Early Modern Mediterranean: Ottoman-Venetian Encounters.Taylor & Francis. pp. 121–.ISBN978-1-317-08919-3.
  25. ^Setton 1984,p. 574.
  26. ^Afyoncu, Erhan (2010). "ŞEMSİ AHMED PAŞA".Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedisi(in Turkish). Vol. 38. TDV İslâm Araştırmaları Merkezi. pp. 527–529.
  27. ^Ágoston & Masters 2009,p. 153.
  28. ^Halil İnalcık; Donald Quataert (1997-04-28).An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire.Cambridge University Press. p. 419.ISBN978-0-521-57455-6.Retrieved2013-06-07.
  29. ^Novak, Viktor, ed. (1971).Istoriski časopis, Volumes 18-19.Srpska akademija nauka. Istoriski institut. p. 312.
  30. ^Kenneth Meyer Setton (1991).Venice, Austria, and the Turks in the Seventeenth Century.American Philosophical Society. pp.430–.ISBN978-0-87169-192-7.
  31. ^Mantran, R. (2000). "Ṭopal ʿOt̲h̲mān Pas̲h̲a, 1. Grand Vizier (1663-1733)".The Encyclopedia of Islam, New Edition, Volume X: T–U.Leiden and New York: BRILL. pp. 564–565.ISBN90-04-11211-1.
  32. ^Ćorović 2001
  33. ^Robert W. Zens (2004).The Ayanlik and Pasvanoğlu Osman Paşa of Vidin in the age of Ottoman social change, 1791-1815.University of Wisconsin--Madison. p. 96.
  34. ^Charles Jelavich; Barbara Jelavich (1 November 1986).The Establishment of the Balkan National States, 1804-1920.University of Washington Press. pp. 18–.ISBN978-0-295-96413-3.
  35. ^Ágoston & Masters 2009,p. 37.
  36. ^Michalis N. Michael; Matthias Kappler; Eftihios Gavriel (2009).Archivum Ottomanicum.Mouton. p. 175.ISBN9783447057530.Retrieved25 July2013.
  37. ^Ali Yaycioglu (4 May 2016).Partners of the Empire: The Crisis of the Ottoman Order in the Age of Revolutions.Stanford University Press. pp. 220–.ISBN978-0-8047-9612-5.
  38. ^Osmanlı Yer Adları I: Rumeli Eyaleti (1514-1550).Ankara: Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü Osmanlı Arşivi Daire Başkanlığı. 2013. pp. 17–32.
  39. ^Orhan Kılıç, XVII. Yüzyılın İlk Yarısında Osmanlı Devleti'nin Eyalet ve Sancak Teşkilatlanması,Osmanlı,Cilt 6: Teşkilât, Yeni Türkiye Yayınları, Ankara, 1999,ISBN975-6782-09-9,p. 91.(in Turkish)
  40. ^The Penny cyclopædia of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful..., Volume 25,p. 393, atGoogle Books— byGeorge Long,Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
  41. ^Viquesnel, Auguste (1868).Voyage dans la Turquie d'Europe: description physique et géologique de la Thrace(in French). Vol. Tome Premier. Paris: Arthus Betrand. pp. 107, 114–115.

