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Russian Protective Corps

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Russian Protective Corps
AllegianceNazi GermanyNazi Germany (1941–1944)
RoleAnti-partisan operations
Size17,090 troops (total membership)
11,197 troops (maximum strength)
Mikhail Skorodumov
Boris Shteifon
Anatoly Rogozhin

TheRussian Protective Corps(‹See Tfd›German:Russisches Schutzkorps,‹See Tfd›Russian:Русский охранный корпус,Serbian:Руски заштитни корпус/ Ruski zaštitni korpus) was an armed force composed ofanti-communistWhite Russian émigrésthat was raised in theGerman occupied territory of SerbiaduringWorld War II.Commanded for almost its whole existence by Lieutenant GeneralBoris Shteifon,it served primarily as a guard force for factories and mines between late 1941 and early 1944, initially as the "Separate Russian Corps" thenRussian Factory Protective Group.It was incorporated into theWehrmachton 1 December 1942 and later clashed with thecommunist-ledYugoslav Partisansand briefly with theChetniks.In late 1944, it fought against theRed Armyduring theBelgrade Offensive,later withdrawing toBosniaand Slovenia as the German forces retreated from Yugoslavia and Greece. After Shteifon′s death inZagreb,theIndependent State of Croatia,on 30 April 1945, Russian ColonelAnatoly Rogozhintook over and led his troops farther north to surrender to theBritishin southernAustria.Unlike mostother Russian formationsthat fought for Nazi Germany, Rogozhin and his men, who were not formally treated as Soviet citizens, were exempt fromforced repatriationto theSoviet Unionand were eventually set free and allowed to resettle in the West.

Background and formation


BeforeWorld War IIthere were approximately 15,000White Russianémigrésin theBalkans- their families had fled there in the aftermath of the 1917Russian Revolution.[1]General Pyotr Nikolayevich Wrangel relocated 25,000 of his Southern White Army to Yugoslavia through negotiations with the Yugoslav government in 1921.[2]On 6 April 1941,AxisforcesinvadedtheKingdom of Yugoslavia.Poorly equipped and poorly trained, theRoyal Yugoslav Armywas quickly defeated.[3]The Axis powers then dismembered Yugoslavia, with Serbia being reduced to its pre-1912 borders and placed under German military occupation.[4]The Germans selected GeneralMilan Nedić,a pre-war politician who was known to have pro-Axis leanings, to lead thecollaborationistGovernment of National Salvationin theGerman-occupied territory of Serbia.[5]Over the course of theuprising in Serbiain the summer of 1941, communist-led partisans killed approximately 300 Russian émigrés and injured many more, sometimes in acts of vengeance. In response, local Russians began to organize themselves into self-defense units.[6]At the time, there were an estimated 10,000 Russian men within the former borders of Yugoslavia, the majority of whom lived in occupied Serbia.[7]

a map
A map showing the German occupied territory of Serbia from 1941 to 1944

The Russian Protective Corps, founded inBelgradeunder the command of GeneralMikhail Skorodumovon 12 September 1941,[6]was initially known as the "Separate Russian Corps" (‹See Tfd›German:Das Abgesonderte Russische Korps;‹See Tfd›Russian:Отдельный русский корпус). It was established by an order of the German Military Commander in Serbia,General der FliegerHeinrich Danckelmann,with the agreement of the Nedić regime.[8]The key German personality involved in organising the Corps was Danckelmann's chief of staff,OberstErich Kewisch. Recruitment and screening of volunteers was carried out by Major GeneralVladimir Kreyter,a White Russian émigré in German service who was the head of the Russian Intelligence Office (‹See Tfd›German:Vertrauensstelle) in Serbia.[7]The corps drew its initial manpower from émigré White Russians and officers of theRussian Imperial Army,which had been defeated by theRed Armyin theRussian Civil Wartwenty years earlier.[9]The émigrés had been living in occupied Serbia, and sided with the Germans because of their opposition tocommunism,[10]and because they believed that their only hope of a non-communist Russia lay in a German victory in World War II.[4]Skorodumov's concept of the Corps was that once the Corps had fulfilled its obligation to Serbia, the land that had taken its members in, they would go to Russia to fight.[10]The force was renamed the "White Russian Factory Protection" (‹See Tfd›German:Weissrussischer Werkschutz) on 2 October.[8][11]

Skorodumov was elderly, ill, and not well known to the rank-and-file of White Russian émigrés.[12] Two days after the formation of his Corps, the Gestapo arrested him,[13] and command passed to Lieutenant GeneralBoris Shteifon,[11]who was said to have had "warm and friendly relations with [Milan] Nedić".[4]The Germans envisaged a force 3,000-strong and organized into three regiments, tasked with protecting factories, other industrial concerns, and mines that were producing materials to support the German war-effort.[7][14]The Corps initially consisted of a single regiment, organized into four battalions. Major General Egorov commanded the 1st Battalion, Colonel Shatilov the second, Colonel Endrzheevskiy the third, and Colonel Nestrenko the fourth. A second regiment was set up on 18 October,[15]commanded by Colonel Zhukov.[16]At first, the group was an independent force reporting to the Germanplenipotentiarygeneral for economic affairs,NSFK-ObergruppenführerFranz Neuhausen.[17]





Although its ultimate aim was to help defeat the communist forces in theSoviet Union,the Corps was used almost exclusively to fight the Partisans in areas of occupied Yugoslavia, initially in a defensive role. At its maximum strength, it was composed of one cavalry regiment and four infantry regiments.[18]Between the autumn of 1941 and the spring of 1944, the Corps was primarily responsible for protecting weapons factories, mines, roads, and railroads throughout occupied Serbia in accordance with priorities established by theGerman High Command.[9]The Corps never operated as a unified force, the regiment being its largest operational unit. The regiments were later assigned to act as auxiliaries to German or Bulgarian occupying forces.[19]During its existence, it was reinforced with younger émigrés and former Sovietprisoners-of-war(POW).[18]Russian émigrés living inBulgaria,the AxispuppetIndependent State of Croatia(NDH) andHungaryalso came to Belgrade to join the force.[20]It was armed by the Germans with weapons captured from the Royal Yugoslav Army,[9]and its command language wasRussian.[7]Throughout its existence it maintained good relations with the Nedić administration.[4]

While guarding facilities, members of the Corps were largely assigned to manning brickbunkers,protecting the railway in theIbar Rivervalley, theBor,Trepča,Majdanpek,andKrupanjmines, as well as the borders of the occupied territory along theDanubeandDrinarivers. They were often deployed alongside various Serbian collaborationist forces such as theSerbian State Guard(SDS) and theSerbian Volunteer Corps(SDK),[19]with whom they were most closely allied. The Corps also closely cooperated with the Croatian fascistUstašewhen operating in the neighbouring NDH.[4]Members of the Corps also plundered peasants in the areas within which they operated.[21]

Early actions

Map showing the early deployment locations of the Russian Protective Corps

The Corps was initially used to guard mines at Krupanj in the west of the territory, and later at Bor in the west and Trepča in the south.[19]The 1st Regiment was initially deployed inLoznica,Ljubovijaand other towns along theDrinariver, which formed the western border of the occupied territory.[22]The 2nd Regiment first operated in towns such asNegotin,Bor, and Majdanpek near the eastern border with Romania.[23]At the time, the two regiments were operationally subordinated to the German704th Infantry Division.[24]In November 1941, the Corps began actively collaborating with theChetniksofDraža Mihailovićagainst the Partisans.[4]On 8 December 1941, the Corps defended theStolicemine near Krupanj against the Partisans.[25]By late 1941, it had 1,500 members.[19]

The 3rd Regiment was established inBanjicanear Belgrade on 8 January 1942, placed under the command of Colonel Shapilov,[26]and deployed toKosovska Mitrovicanear the Trepča mines in the south,[27]where it was operationally subordinated to the Bulgarian1st Occupation Corps.[24]The 4th Regiment was established on 29 April with General Cherepov as commander[28]and was deployed to the central west region of the occupied territory area aroundKraljevo.[29]In May, the Corps was divided into two brigades. The 1st Brigade was placed under the command of Major General Dratsenko and its headquarters was established in the town ofAranđelovacon 22 May.[30]Also in May, Kewisch submitted a report stating that if he were permitted to recruit from all areas of Europe under German control, he could raise a force of about 25,000 men. He also urged the higher authorities to re-organise the Corps and integrate it more closely with theWehrmacht.After considerable discussion, on 29 October the German High Command ordered a re-organization, renaming it the "Russian Protective Corps" and subordinating it completely to the German Commanding General in Serbia.[7]

On 30 November, the 4th Regiment was disbanded, its 1st Battalion assigned to the 1st Regiment and the rest of its manpower assigned to the 2nd Regiment.[29]On 1 December 1942, the Corps was incorporated into the Wehrmacht and all its members were required to swear an oath to German leaderAdolf Hitler.[4]The Corps grew in numbers throughout 1942, following an influx of volunteers from Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Greece. By late 1942, the Corps totalled about 7,500 men, all of whom were Russian.[7][19]During the re-organization, an attempt was made to expand the Corps further by recruiting Soviet POWs, but the first experiment with 300 POWs proved unsuccessful and was not repeated.[31]On 9 December 1942, the 1st Regiment started to be transformed with the arrival ofKuban Cossacksled by Major GeneralNaumenko.[22]By January 1943, it consisted entirely of Cossacks.[32]On 17 March 1943, Major General Gontarev replaced Shapilov as commander of the 3rd Regiment.[24]The 1st Regiment fought in Loznica in April and participated in a large operation inZapoljejust south of Krupanj over the border with the NDH on 11–15 May, where it engaged in heavy combat with Partisan forces.[32]From 1–8 July, the regiment was again stationed in Loznica and Ljubovija, participating in the defence of the Drina Bridge atZvornikagainst the Partisans. During this time the regiment allowed the passage of 379 wounded Croatian soldiers and civilians, 1,000 healthy soldiers and as many refugees, sustaining casualties of two killed and seventeen wounded. It clashed with the Partisans over the village of Nedelica on 19 July.[33]Meanwhile, the 2nd Regiment clashed with the Partisans around the town of Negotin.[34]The 4th Regiment was re-established on 15 December, and was based inJagodina,ParaćinandĆuprijain the centre of the occupied territory.[35]

Retreat, surrender, disbandment

Map showing locations where the Russian Protective Corps fought in 1944–1945

From the spring of 1944, the Corps focused increasingly on fighting the Partisans penetrating Serbia from Bosnia and theSandžak,and the first clashes with Chetnik groups did not occur until 1944.[36]On 5 January 1944, combat with the Partisans in Klenak resulted in the deaths of three Cossacks of the 1st Regiment.[37]On 18 January, the 5th Regiment was formed inObrenovac.[38]The 3rd Regiment outfought a 2,400-strong Partisan force advancing towardsJošanička Banjaon 31 March.[39]On 28 April, the 1st Regiment prepared defences along the Drina in Zvornik, Bajina Bašta and Loznica areas expecting the16thand17thPartisan Divisions to attempt a crossing there.[37]On 30 April, the headquarters of the 4th Regiment was moved toAleksinac.[35]On 1–2 May, the 5th Regiment fought the Partisans in the village of Mravinci, sustaining casualties of 11 killed and 25 wounded.[38]That summer, the Corps mediated an agreement between one group of Chetniks and the Germans in which the two parties agreed to fight the Partisans in Serbia.[36]On 18 July, the 5th Regiment fought in Jošanička Banja and its regimental headquarters was moved there from Obrenovac, with battalion headquarters being established inZvečan,Jošanička Banja, Ušće andVučitrn.Elements of the 3rd and 5th Regiments fought the Partisans on 4–5 August near the village of Rudnik. The Partisans attacked the positions of the 5th Regiment inLeposavićon 24 August.[38]

In September, the Corps reached its peak of 11,197 members.[36]Several skirmishes occurred between the 1st Regiment and the Partisans in the Zvornik andValjevoareas that month.[37]On 7/8 September, the 2nd Regiment fought Partisans at theIbar River,trying to deny them crossing.[40]On 9 September, elements of the 3rd Regiment moved toPožegaand on 11 September to Čačak.[39]On 20 September, the 1st Regiment fought a group of Partisans south of Loznica. Major combat between the 1st Regiment and Partisans erupted in Loznica itself on 23 September, causing the regiment to fall back toŠabacwith losses of 7 killed and 23 wounded. Combat continued daily throughout September with the 1st Regiment suffering up to 53 casualties per day.[37]On 22 September, combined SovietRed ArmyandBulgarian People's Armyforces began entering the occupied territory from the east, and joined Partisan forces as part of theBelgrade Offensive,aimed at capturing the Serbian capital.[41]On 8 October, the 2nd Regiment headquarters inPožarevacwas evacuated as Soviet armour approached the town. As parts of the regiment moved towards Belgrade andGrocka,they came into contact with Soviet troops and armour in theRipanjarea south of Belgrade, sustaining heavy casualties.[40]On 10 October the Russian Protective Corps was renamed the "Russian Corps in Serbia".[11]On 15 October, the headquarters of the 4th Regiment was moved to Čačak.[35]

Map of the NDH showing the retreat of the Russian Protective Corps in 1944–1945

Elements of the 2nd Regiment arrived in Šabac on 22 October, then moved toHrvatska Mitrovicain the NDH on 23 October,Vukovartwo days later,Osijekon 26 October and then toVinkovciandStari Jankovcitwo days later. Further parts of the regiment moved toZemunon 13 October,Rumaon 14 October, Vinkovci on 16 October, and Stari Jankovci on 24 October.[40]On 19–22 October, the 4th Regiment fought advancing Soviet troops and Partisans and defended the Čačak-Kraljevo road.[35]On 23 October, the 1st Regiment abandoned Šabac andKlenakand moved toLaćarak,and then toTovarnikon 24 October where they were ordered to hold their ground.[37]The 4th Regiment fought in the Čačak area from 27 October to 2 November.[35]It faced theRed Armyand the Chetnik 2nd Ravna Gora Corps[42]before being overpowered and forced to abandon the city.[35]The Chetniks captured 339 of its soldiers and turned them over to the Soviets.[42]On 12 November, the 1st Regiment moved via railway throughVinkovcitoBrčko,with elements deployed north across theSavainGunja.On 8 December it regrouped north of the Sava and on 11–13 December it fought the Partisans in and near the village ofVrbanja,killing forty-three.[37]The 4th Regiment arrived inSarajevoin the NDH on 13–18 December. Elements subsequently moved to nearbyKiseljakon 18 December, fighting Partisans in the Kiseljak-Busovačaarea on 26–27 December.[35]During this time, the 1st Regiment and a battalion of the 2nd Regiment guarded a bridgehead north of Brčko in order to allow German forces to withdraw through the town.[43]

In January 1945, elements of the Corps participated in the German capture ofTravnik,part of OperationLawine.[44]Afterwards, they withdrew to Slovenia.[4]On 30 April, Shteifon died while passing throughZagreb,in theEsplanade hotel;[45]ColonelAnatoly Rogozhintook over as commander.[46]On 12 May, Rogozhin surrendered to the British nearKlagenfurt.[47]At the time of surrender, the Corps consisted of 4,500 men, according to Puškadija-Ribkin;[48]3,500 men, according toGranitov.[49]Members of Russian Protective Corps, alongside members ofUstaše Militiaand SDK, were exempt from amnesty given by new communist authorities on August 3, because they were volunteers in a fascist unit.[50]Timofejev writes that the Corps consisted of 5,584 men by the end of the war. Between 1941 and 1945, 6,709 of its members were killed, wounded or went missing.[51]In total, 17,090 men served in its ranks over the course of the war.[9]According to Rogozhin, several hundred men and their families, who had fled the camp inLienzand who were subject toforced repatriation to the USSR,joined the Russian Corps from mid-June 1945 in order to avoid deportation to the Soviet Union.[52]Rogozhin′s men were spared that fate because they were not regarded as Soviet citizens.[48]

Immediately after disarmament and transfer to Austrian territory, the Corps settled in the Viktring International Camp. Next, the Corps moved to a separate camp in the area of Kl. St. Veit - Tigring and received from the British a small amount of small arms to maintain order and protect against partisan attacks. After examining the history of the Corps, the British decided to demobilise it in October. Its members were then sent in the Kellerberg DP Camp northwest ofVillach,Austria; Rogozhin on 1 November 1945 issued an order that notified his subordinates of demobilisation.[53]The Corps' badge was a white militia cross, in the middle of which was a Gallipoli cross with the dates "1917-1921, 1941-1945", indicating two periods of the anti-communist struggle. The badge was established by Order to the Russian Corps N100 of July 26, 1945. Those who had the right to wear this sign received a corresponding certificate signed by the commander and with the seal of the Russian Corps. In emigration, these signs were worn in a miniature ( “tailcoat” ) version or in a large size on the Cossack uniform. Most of the already disarmed ranks of the Russian Corps spent several years in the DP camp Kellerberg (Austria), which gave them the right to wear a second badge for those who were in this camp. Former members of the Corps were subsequently allowed to resettle in the West, mainly in the United States andArgentina.[48][18]In exile, veterans formed the Union of Officials of the Russian Corps (СЧРК- Союз Чинов Русского Корпуса), registered as the Union of St. Alexander Nevsky.

Order of battle


At its maximum strength, the Russian Corps was composed of:[18]

  • 1st Cossack RegimentGeneral Zborovski
  • Infantry Regiments II, III, IV, V

In May 1942, the Corps was divided into two brigades.[30]The 4th Regiment was disbanded on 30 November 1942,[29]and re-established on 15 December 1943.[35]The 5th Regiment was created on 18 January 1944.[38]



The Russian Corps had three commanders during its existence:[6][11][45]

No. Portrait Commander Took office Left office Time in office
Mikhail Skorodumov
Skorodumov, MikhailGeneral
Mikhail Skorodumov
12 September 194114 September 19412 days
Boris Shteifon
Shteifon, BorisLieutenant-General
Boris Shteifon
15 September 194130 April 1945 †3 years, 227 days
Anatoly Rogozhin
Rogozhin, AnatolyColonel
Anatoly Rogozhin
30 April 194512 May 194512 days



Members of the Corps wore the uniform of the Russian Imperial Army from 12 September 1941 to 30 November 1942 as well as the Czechoslovakian helmet. The uniform was sometimes worn with pips of the Royal Yugoslav Army, alongside special rank insignia on the collar. Wehrmacht uniforms and insignia were adopted on 1 December 1942,[18]but the old uniforms continued to be worn for some time.[54]

Uniform 1942, shoulder straps of an artillery colonel (WWI) and oberleutnant’s buttonholes (Russian Corps), L1
Uniform 1942, shoulder straps of an artillery colonel (WWI) and oberleutnant’s buttonholes (Russian Corps), L1

Rank insignia


Collar patches and sleeves showed the actual rank in the Corps, while those who have held Tsarist rank wore rank insignia in the form of traditional shoulder straps denoting their former rank. Both types of insignia were improvised using rank stars from the Royal Yugoslav Army.[55]

Rank insignia Russian German
Generalmayor Generalmajor
Polkovnik Oberst
Podpolkovnik Oberstleutnant
Mayor Major
Kapitan Hauptmann
Poruchik Oberleutnant
Podporuchik Leutnant
Feldfebel Feldwebel
Unterofitzer Unteroffizier
Yefreytor Gefreiter
Source: [55]


  1. ^McAteer 2009,p. 264 Question 15,000 figure..
  2. ^Robinson, Paul (2003).The White Russian Army in Exile 1920-1941(2nd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 45–46.ISBN0199250219.
  3. ^Cohen 1996,p. 28.
  4. ^abcdefghCohen 1996,p. 50.
  5. ^Singleton 1985,p. 182.
  6. ^abcTimofejev 2007,p. 45.
  7. ^abcdefTomasevich 2001,p. 192.
  8. ^abTomasevich 2001,p. 191.
  9. ^abcdCohen 1996,p. 49.
  10. ^abTomasevich 2001,pp. 191–192.
  11. ^abcdThomas & Mikulan 1995,pp. 21–22.
  12. ^ Tomasevich, Jozo(2002) [2001]. "The Puppet Government of Serbia".War and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941-1945: Occupation and Collaboration.Vol. 2. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. p. 192.ISBN9780804779241.Retrieved4 October2022.Skorodumov was chosen by the Germans, but he was sick and old and not well known to the rank and file of Russian emigres. He was replaced within the first month by his chief of staff, General Boris Aleksandrovich Steifon [...].
  13. ^ Батшев, Владимир (2005).Vlasov: opyt literaturnogo issledovaniyaВласов: опыт литературного исследования[Vlasov: an essay in literary investigation]. Власов: опыт литературного исследования, ISBN 9783936996142 (in Russian). Vol. 1 (2 ed.). Мосты. p. 386.ISBN9783936996128.Retrieved4 October2022.14 сентября Скородумова пригласили в Гестапо и арестовали. [On 14 September Skorodumov was invited to the Gestapo and arrested.]
  14. ^Abbott 1983,p. 22.
  15. ^Vertepov 1963,pp. 38–39.
  16. ^Vertepov 1963,p. 40.
  17. ^Timofejev 2007,p. 47.
  18. ^abcdeThomas & Mikulan 1995,p. 22.
  19. ^abcdeTimofejev 2010,p. 47.
  20. ^Mordwinkin 2003,p. 69.
  21. ^Tomasevich 2001,p. 185.
  22. ^abVertepov 1963,pp. 79–81.
  23. ^Vertepov 1963,p. 81.
  24. ^abcVertepov 1963,pp. 120–121.
  25. ^Vertepov 1963,pp. 73–75.
  26. ^Vertepov 1963,p. 76.
  27. ^Vertepov 1963,p. 82.
  28. ^Vertepov 1963,p. 77.
  29. ^abcVertepov 1963,p. 83.
  30. ^abVertepov 1963,pp. 77–78.
  31. ^Tomasevich 2001,p. 193.
  32. ^abVertepov 1963,p. 116.
  33. ^Vertepov 1963,p. 117.
  34. ^Vertepov 1963,p. 119.
  35. ^abcdefghVertepov 1963,pp. 157–160.
  36. ^abcCohen 1996,pp. 49–50.
  37. ^abcdefVertepov 1963,pp. 144–151.
  38. ^abcdVertepov 1963,pp. 160–163.
  39. ^abVertepov 1963,pp. 155–157.
  40. ^abcVertepov 1963,pp. 151–155.
  41. ^Tomasevich 1975,pp. 417–418.
  42. ^abTomasevich 1975,p. 394.
  43. ^Vertepov 1963,pp. 25–26.
  44. ^Vertepov 1963,p. 24.
  45. ^abVertepov 1963,p. 27, 348–349.
  46. ^Mordwinkin 2003,p. 87.
  47. ^Vertepov 1963,pp. 28, 366, 369.
  48. ^abcPuškadija-Ribkin 2006,p. 253.
  49. ^Vertepov 1963,p. 28.
  50. ^Radanović 2016,p. 189.
  51. ^Timofejev 2010,p. 48.
  52. ^Vertepov 1963,p. 391–392.
  53. ^Vertepov 1963,p. 399–400.
  54. ^Abbott 1983,p. 35.
  55. ^abThomas & Mikulan 1995,pp. 34.



Further reading
