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Samuel Foster

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Samuel Foster(c.1600 – July 1652) was anEnglishmathematicianandastronomer.He made several observations ofeclipses,both of the sun and moon, atGresham Collegeand in other places; and he was known particularly for inventing and improving planetary instruments.[1]



A native ofNorthamptonshire,he was admitted asizaratEmmanuel College, Cambridgeon 23 April 1616, as a member of which he proceeded B.A. in 1619, and M.A. in 1623.[2]On the death ofHenry Gellibrand,he was electedGresham Professor of Astronomyon 2 March 1636, but resigned later in the year and was succeeded byMungo Murray.In 1641, Murray having vacated the professorship by his marriage, Foster was re-elected on 26 May.

During the civil war and Commonwealth he was one of the society of gentlemen who met inLondonfor cultivating the 'new philosophy,' in the group aroundCharles Scarburgh.In 1646John Wallisreceived from Foster a theorem onspherical triangles(two antipodal triangles, that is two triangles formed from corresponding antipodal vertices, are congruent) which he afterwards published in hisMechanica.[3]Wallis's retrospective account of the origins of theRoyal Societymade Foster's lectures a rendezvous of the London-based Scarburgh-Jonathan Goddardgroup; but it is disputed to what extent this connection was withGresham Collegeand its tradition, rather than simply the location.[4][5]

Foster died at Gresham College in May 1652, and was buried in the church ofSt. Peter the Poorin Broad Street.



He published little himself, but many treatises written by him were printed after his death, thoughJohn TwysdenandEdmund Wingate,his editors, state that long illness caused them to be left very imperfect, and Twysden complains that some people had taken advantage of his liberality by publishing his works as their own (Preface to Foster'sMiscellanies). In the following list of Foster's works, only the first two were published before his death:

Foster left numerous manuscript treatises in addition to those printed by his friends. Of these two were in the possession ofWilliam Jones,F.R.S.:The Uses of a General Quadrant,andSelect Uses of the Quadrant,dated 1649.


  1. ^Frost 2006.
  2. ^"Foster, Samuel (FSTR616S)".A Cambridge Alumni Database.University of Cambridge.
  3. ^Wallis, John(1670).Mechanica(in Latin). Guliemi Godbid. p. 475, alsoplate 6, fig. 192.Exponatur jam, in superficie Sphaericâ, Tringulum Sphaericum ABD, circulorum Maximorum arcubus comprehensum. Qui quidem arcus continuati, intelligantut circulos integros absolvere. Hi Circuli cum sint in Sphaera maximi; se mutuo bisecabunt bini quilibet. Et, propter aequales angulos tum qui sunt oppositi verticales, tum qui sunt in eodem Bilineo oppositi, (puta A=α, & a = a, & sic ubique;) aequalia invincem erunt quae sunt in contrariis Hemisphaeriis Bilinea, (eorundem Circulorum contrariis Semicirculis interjecta;) puta αα, & (quod, in Schemate disruptum est & replicatum, set in Sphaerâ continuari intelligendum est,) AA; & similiter BB, & ββ; item DD, & δδ. Sed &, eâdem ratione, Opposita Triangula ABD, αβδ, (propter Latera lateribus, & Angulos angulis, respective sumptis aequalia,) erunt invincem aequalia. (Quae est etiam Samuelis Fosteri nostratis demonstratio, in Collegio Greshamensi Londini Astronomiae non ita predem Professoris.)
  4. ^Margery Purver,The Royal Society: Concept and Creation(1967), pp. 184–5.
  5. ^Christopher Hill,Intellectual Origins of the English Revolution(1965), p. 100.

