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TheSardiataeorSardiates(alternatively:Sardeatae,SardeatesorSardiotai) were anIllyriantribethat lived inDalmatia,in thePlivavalley around the area ofJajceandŠipovo,in present-dayBosnia and Herzegovina.[1]They are mentioned byPliny the Elder,who locates them in theconventus iuridicusofSalonae,and reports that they had 52decuriae.[2]They are also mentioned byPtolemy,[3]and in theLibri Coloniarum( "Book of Colonies" ) of theGromatici Veteres(c. 5th century AD) along with theTariotes.[4]

The Sardiates are documented, along with other Illyrian tribes like thePirustaeandBaridustae,in the epigraphic material ofAlburnus MaiorinRoman Dacia,a mining town where several Illyrian peoples moved by the time ofRoman emperorTrajan.A great number of inscriptions were recently found reporting the tribal name of the Sardiatae, which were produced after they moved to the new town in Dacia from their ancient tribal areas in Dalmatia.[5]AcollegiumSardiatensium/Sardiatarumis also attested in Alburnus Maior.[6]The existence ofcollegiaof the Sardiatae and of theBaridustaecertainly suggests a location of those communities within or near the mining district.[7]




  1. ^Piso 2004,p. 294;Hirt 2010,p. 335;Hirt 2019,p. 9;Wilkes 1992,p. 216
  2. ^Šašel Kos 2005,p. 265;Wilkes 1992,p. 216;Wilkes 1996,p. 577;Piso 2004,p. 294;Hirt 2019,p. 9.
  3. ^Šašel Kos 2005,p. 265;Hirt 2019,p. 9.
  4. ^Brunet et al. 2008,pp. 12, 40, 80
  5. ^Hirt 2010,p. 335;Piso 2004,p. 300.
  6. ^Hirt 2010,p. 43;Piso 2004,p. 293;Nemeti & Nemeti 2010,p. 113;Hirt 2019,p. 10.
  7. ^Hirt 2019,p. 10.


  • Brunet, Claude; Conso, Danièle; Gonzales, Antonio; Guard, Thomas; Guillaumin, Jean-Yves; Sensal, Catherine (2008). "Libri Coloniarum (Livre des Colonies)" [Book of Colonies].Corpus Agrimensorum Romanorum.« ISTA », 1102.VII.Besançon: Institut des Sciences et Techniques de l'Antiquité: 5–116.doi:10.3406/ista.2008.2896.ISBN9782848672298.
  • Hirt, Alfred Michael (2010).Imperial Mines and Quarries in the Roman World: Organizational Aspects 27 BC-AD 235.Oxford: Oxford University Press.ISBN978-0-19-957287-8.
  • Hirt, Alfred (2019)."Dalmatians and Dacians—Forms of Belonging and Displacement in the Roman Empire".Humanities.8(1). MDPI: 1–25.doi:10.3390/h8010001.
  • Nemeti, Sorin (2004). "Bindus-Neptunus and Ianus Geminus at Alburnus Maior (Dacia)".Studia Historica. Historia Antigua.22.Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca: 91–101.ISSN0213-2052.
  • Nemeti, Irina; Nemeti, Sorin (2010). "The Barbarians Within. Illyrian Colonists in Roman Dacia".Studia Historica. Historia Antigua.28.Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca: 109–133.ISSN0213-2052.
  • Piso, Ioan (2004). "Gli Illiri ad Alburnus Maior". In Urso, Gianpaolo (ed.).Dall'Adriatico al Danubio: l'Illirico nell'età greca e romana: atti del convegno internazionale, Cividale del Friuli, 25-27 settembre 2003.I convegni della Fondazione Niccolò Canussio (in Italian). ETS. pp. 271–308.ISBN884671069X.
  • Šašel Kos, Marjeta (2005).Appian and Illyricum.Narodni muzej Slovenije.ISBN961616936X.
  • Wilkes, John (1992).The Illyrians.Wiley.ISBN9780631146711.
  • Wilkes, J. J. (1996). "The Danubian and Balkan provinces". In Alan K. Bowman; Edward Champlin; Andrew Linto (eds.).The Cambridge Ancient History: The Augustan Empire, 43 B.C—A.D. 69.Vol. 10. Cambridge University Press. pp. 545–585.ISBN0521264308.