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Scrabo Tower

Coordinates:54°34′48″N5°42′56″W/ 54.58010°N 5.7155°W/54.58010; -5.7155
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Scrabo Tower
A photograph of a square tower in dark stone against a blue sky with white clouds
Scrabo Tower, May 2007
Coordinates54°34′48″N5°42′56″W/ 54.58010°N 5.7155°W/54.58010; -5.7155
ArchitectLanyon & Lynn
Listed Building– Grade B+
Reference no.HB24/11/031
Scrabo Tower is located in Northern Ireland
Scrabo Tower
Location in Northern Ireland

Scrabo Toweris a 135 feet (41 m) high 19th-century lookout tower orfollythat stands on Scrabo Hill nearNewtownardsinCounty Down,Northern Ireland. It provides wide views and is a landmark that can be seen from afar. It was built as a memorial toCharles Vane, 3rd Marquess of Londonderryand was originally known as theLondonderry Monument.Its architectural style isScottish Baronial Revival.

Name and location


Nowadays, the tower on Scrabo Hill is usually just called Scrabo Tower and is visited for its views and surroundings. However, its original name was Londonderry Monument or Memorial. That name referred to theMarquesses of Londonderryand only indirectly to the city or county of that name, which is 87 miles (140 km) away. The marquesses owned much ground around the hill. The hill and tower rise over the town ofNewtownards,10 miles (16 km) east of Belfast. As the tower dominates the town, it is often used as an emblem for Newtownards. The tower is built on the site of a prehistoric hill fort.[1][2]Scrabo is pronounced/ˈskræb/according to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)[3]or/ˈskrɑːb/according to the pronunciation heard on thePlacenames Database of Irelandwebsite.[4]The pronunciation is attested in the old spelling variant 'Scraboh'.[5]

TheNorthern Ireland Place-Name Projectderives the name from Irishscreabachmeaning "thinly covered rock"[6]or "rough stony land".[7]It was anglicized 'Scrabock' in the 16th century.[6]Screabachis also the Irish name of Scrabotownland,in which the hill stands.[4]Another suggestion is that the name comes from Irishscraith bó,meaning "sward of the cow",[8]"cow pasture",[9]or "sod of the cow".[10]





The tower commemorates the3rd Marquess of Londonderry,who was born Charles William Stewart in 1788. He fought in the Napoleonic Wars.[11]He became married twice, first to Catherine Bligh and then toFrances Anne Vane.His second wife was a rich heiress and the marriage contract obliged him to change his surname to hers, which explains why he was first called Stewart and later Vane. He succeeded his half-brotherViscount Castlereaghas marquess in 1822 and became owner of the family estate in County Down. The estate's great house,Mount Stewart,became his Irish residence but after his second marriage he lived mostly in England.

In 1854, when the 3rd Marquess died, his eldest son,Frederick Stewart, 4th Marquess of Londonderry,and his widow, the dowager marchioness, decided to build him a monument. As these two were not at good terms, each conceived and pushed his or her own project. Two monuments resulted: the Irish tower discussed here and an equestrian statue in Durham, England.[12]

A committee was formed in Newtownards to raise funds by subscription for an Irish monument. The local gentry and the late marquess's friends, among whichNapoleon IIIof France, donated most of the money, with some of the tenants also contributing.[13]Altogether 730 people subscribed.[14]The person behind these efforts was his eldest sonFrederick Stewart, 4th Marquess of Londonderry.[15]

The funds raised allowed for a budget of £2000. At first, the monument was to be built in Newtownards, but it was later shifted to Scrabo Hill where it could be seen from Mount Stewart and where suitable building stone was quarried. In December 1855 the committee decided to hold a design competition.[16]The deadline was 1 February 1856.[17]Four entries were considered: an obelisk and three towers. The first prize went to the obelisk, which was submitted byWilliam Joseph Barre.[18]However, the obelisk came to nothing and indeed none of the first three projects was executed. When the committee called for tenders from building contractors, all the submissions for the three best-rated entries exceeded the budget and were therefore rejected. Finally, a tender by Hugh Dixon from Newtownards for the fourth project was accepted.[19]However, supporters of William Barre claimed that the competition had been rigged.[20]

The fourth design had been submitted by the firm Lanyon & Lynn, a partnership ofCharles LanyonandWilliam Henry Lynnthat lasted from the mid-1850s to 1860.[21]The design showed a tower in theScottish Baronialstyle that could be understood as apeel towerand a symbol of the landlord as a chivalrous protector of his tenants in times of danger. Such a tower was considered especially suitable for a Stewart as theStewarts or Stuartsruled Scotland during the times when peel towers were erected.

The5th Baron Dufferin and Claneboye,a neighbour of the Londonderrys, had recently builtHelen's Tower,also in the Scottish Baronial style, on the next hill to the north of Scrabo. The new tower was to be more than twice the height, and be situated on a bare hilltop so that, unlike Helen's Tower concealed by trees, it could be seen from a great distance.[citation needed]

A framed picture showing the tower
Artist' View of the Londonderry Memorial Tower,[22]believed to represent the original project by Lanyon & Lynn

A gilt-framed picture of the Scrabo Tower, which seems to be a coloured-in wood engraving, is preserved at Mount Stewart. It gives an artist's view of the Londonderry Monument, showing three towers linked by two short stretches of crenellated wall.[22]The middle tower resembles the one built. The others are much smaller. Wood engravings similar to this picture have been published in theIllustrated London News[23][24]and theDublin Builder.It seems that these pictures represent the original project before simplification to cut cost. Lynn's obituary in theIrish Builderattributes the design to Lynn.[25]

The foundation stone was laid on 27 February 1857 bySir Robert Batesonand blessed by the Church of Ireland bishop of the diocese on demand byWilliam Sharman Crawford,chairman of the Building Committee, in a ceremony attended by the 4th Marquess, his wife, many members of the gentry, and a crowd of residents and tenants.[26]The Dowager Marchioness, the 4th Marquess's stepmother, was conspicuously absent.

The construction generally followed the accepted plans, but the tower's height was shortened and its form was simplified by omitting the crenellated walls and the wing towers. Work ceased in 1859 after the cost had risen to £3010.[27]The contractor was ruined, and the interior was left unfinished. In 1865 the Dublin Builder somewhat belatedly published an article about the tower. The author's purpose seems to have been to defend Lanyon and the Londonderrys against accusations of having rigged the competition. This article overstates the tower's height as 195 feet instead of 135 and understates the cost of the tower as £2300 instead of £3010.[28]It also exaggerates the contribution made by the tenants to imply that the tower was exclusively financed by the tenants.[29]



Those loyal to the Stewart family suggested the inspiration for the memorial lay in the gratitude of his tenantry for the solicitude the Marquess had shown during theGreat Famine.This seems improbable given the criticism directed toward him in those years. Londonderry refused to consider rent reductions, had objected to public works schemes for famine relief,[30]and while making contributions of £30 to the local soup kitchens in 1847, spent £15,000 renovating their home inMount Stewart.[31]Only 450 subscribers were connected to the estate on which there were 1,200 tenants farmers and many associated employees (in 1850, organised in the all-IrelandTenant Right League,700 of these tenants had signed an address demandingtenant rightand lower rents).[32]Two thirds of the cost of the tower was met by 98 subscribers (in a list headed by EmperorNapoleon III) most of whom were fellow gentry.[33]The tower is massive and imposing, symbolizing, if anything, landlord power.[34]Size and mass were the "chief objects" according to the Dublin Builder.[35]In later appreciations it is found "more curious than beautiful"[36]and "one of the finest examples of 19th-century folly towers".[37]

Later events


After the tower's completion in 1859, William McKay, a foreman of the quarry, moved into the tower as caretaker. His family ran a tearoom in the tower until 1966[9]despite the lack of water at the top of the hill. The tower and the grounds on which it stands were then acquired by the state. In 1977, the tower was listed as aGrade B+ historic building.[38]The Department of Environment spent £20,000 on the tower in 1992, repairing windows, repointing the masonry, adding lightning protection and fitting in a wooden floor between the second and third floor, which had been omitted in 1859 to cut costs.[39]The tower now stands in the ScraboCountry Park,which is managed by the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA).[40]In 2014, the NIEA announced that water ingress had damaged the electricity supply, and citing safety concerns, closed the tower to visitors.[41][42] By 2015, the tower opened occasionally,[43] and in 2017 it was fully reopened to the public.[44]


Photograph of the tower's roofs
The tower's roofs in 2009. Note the lapped stone roofs. The frame added near the top carries twoaircraft warning lights.[45]

The tower's style is calledScottish Baronialby most recent authors.:[46][10]"... mysteriously designed in the Scottish baronial style..." The article in the Illustrated London News of 1857 says "... in the style of a Scottish chateau...",[23][23]whereas the article in the Dublin Builder of 1865 calls it "Scotch baronial".[47]Its height is 135 feet (41 m)[27]as can be confirmed by measuring the scaled elevation drawing in Howley (1993).[48]However, heights of 125 feet[9]and 195 feet[28]have been given.

The tower consists of a base, a main body and a crenellated and turreted roof. The base contains the ground floor. It hasbattered(sloped) outer surfaces. The main body has vertical walls. The limit between the base and the main body is marked by a sandstonebelt course.The base and the main body are square in plan and comprise a roundstair tower,comprising 122 steps,[44]that projects from the southeast corner. The tower's square part is surmounted by a short setback cylindrical storey that is covered with a steep conical roof. The transition from square to round is achieved by a platform decorated with four corner turrets linked bymachicolatedbattlements.The turrets are round and also wear steep conical roofs. The five roofs are entirely built in lapped stone courses. The southeastern turret serves ascap-houseover the stairs giving access to the parapet walk (orchemin de ronde). The other three turrets are smaller and sit on corbelled bases. Each of these bases consists of a pile of five roll-moulded corbel courses. A chimney stack is attached to the inner side of the northwestern turret.[49]

The tower's entrance door is on the north face. It is accessed by a short outer stair. The door is surmounted by a commemorative plaque in a bluish black stone, probably slate. The inscription dedicates the monument to the 3rd Marquess. Following his change of surname,[50]he is called Vane rather than Stewart. Thepost-nominalKG stands forKnight of the Garter.The "& c" should be read "et cetera" and means that the marquess's many lesser post-nominals were omitted.

in memory of
Charles William Vane
3rdMarquis of Londonderry
KG & c
by his tenantry and friends

Fame belongs to history, remembrance to us


Photograph of the inscription and relief above the tower's entrance
Inscription surmounted by a relief showing Londonderry coronet, crests & motto

Above the plaque is a recess filled with a relief in white limestone or marble showing the coronet, two crests (dragon and sword arm), and the motto of themarquesses of Londonderry.The relief is deeply undercut under the coronet and behind the dragon's wing. The coronet is decorated with three leaves and two balls as befits a marquess. The dragon crest represents the Stewart family. The arm (more precisely "cubit" ) with the hand in a gauntlet holding a sword represents the Vane family. The scroll below the coronet and the crests shows the motto (in Latin), which reads: Metuenda corolla draconis (the dragon's crest is to be feared).

The tower should have had eight levels according to the placement of its windows on the wood engraving: the ground floor in the base, six floors in the main body and one in the setback masonry cylinder that occupies the centre of the platform and carries the main roof. When work stopped in 1859, only the ground floor and the first floor had floors and ceilings. All the space in the tower above the first floor's ceiling right up into the cone of the main roof was left empty. The ground floor was the caretaker's apartment. The first floor was planned as an armoury as would be required in a peel tower but was never equipped and used as such.[51]This armoury is covered with a brickgroin vault,which is the reason why the spacing between the armoury's windows and those of the second floor is wider than those between the other levels in the main body. A proper second floor was created later by inserting a wooden floor as part of the repairs and the upgrading done by the Department of Environment. This second floor was thus gained on the remaining undivided space.

Two types of stone were used in the tower: whitish to pinkishTriassicsandstone[52]and dark-greydolerite.The sandstone, more suitable for fine carvings, was used forquoins,window dressings, stairs, corbels, copings and roofs, as well as for courses that mark limits: the moulding between the base and the main body and the one that separates the stair tower from the cap-house above it. The dolerite is described aswhinstoneor as basalt in various sources.[53][54]This material is harder and more resistant to weathering than the sandstone but difficult to work. It was cut into blocks of variable size and laid in frequently interrupted courses. The outer surfaces of these blocks were left in roughrusticationwith many blocks quite prominent.

Photograph on Scrabo Hill with tower seen from far
The tower, seen from the other side of Strangford Lough

Surroundings and view


Scrabo Hill rises to a height of 540 feet (160 m) above mean sea level. The viewing platform or parapet walk of the tower, reached by climbing 122 steps, provides views overStrangford Loughand its islands, as well as the towns of Newtownards andComber.As the area to the south and southwest of Scrabo Hill is part of the UlsterDrumlinBelt, this glacial landform can be very well observed from the tower.

On clear days Helen's Tower in the north, theCopeland Islandswith their lighthouse and the Scottish coast (Mull of Kintyre,Ailsa CraigandRhins of Galloway)[9]beyond theNorth Channelin the northeast, theIsle of Manin the southeast, theMourne Mountainsin the south, as well asDivisMountain andCave Hillover Belfast in the west can be seen.

Scrabo Country Park, in which the tower stands, includes parts of the top and the eastern and southern slopes of Scrabo Hill as well as Killynether Wood.[55]The eastern part of the hill is of geological interest because outcrops in the South Quarry reveal contacts between sediments (sandstone) and locally cross-cuttingsillsof intrusive rocks (dolerite). This eastern part, which includes the site of the tower, has been declared an Area of Special Scientific Interest (ASSI).[56]Much of the plateau on top of the hill to the west of the tower is occupied by Scrabo Golf Course.

In fiction


TheEnchanted Duplicator,a story by the Northern Irish writersWalt WillisandBob Shaw,features the Tower of Trufandom (true fandom), which was inspired by Scrabo Tower.[57] Patrick Nielsen Haydenand his wife Teresa tell in an article published in Number 37 of theHyphen,a periodic edited by Walt Willis, how they visited Scrabo Tower with Walt Willis in a literary pilgrimage.[58]

See also



  1. ^Historic Building Details,Historic Building Details HB Ref No: HB24/11/031a:"During the Bronze Age the summit of Scrabo Hill was the site of a considerable settlement, enclosed within an oval hill fort."
  2. ^Dublin Builder 1865,p. 124a: "The excavations for the foundations disclosed a vast quantity of wild boar tusks and bones, suggesting that the elevated position had been formerly the scene of Druidical sacrifices or of pre-historic pic-nics."
  3. ^Pointon 1990,p.217:"skræboʊ"
  4. ^ab"The Placenames Database of Ireland".Dublin City University.Retrieved1 September2018.
  5. ^Dublin Builder 1865,p. 124b: "The Londonderry Monument, Scraboh Hill, Co Down"
  6. ^ab"Scrabo".Northern Ireland Place-Name Project.Retrieved12 January2023.
  7. ^McKay 2007,p. 129.
  8. ^Placenames Database of Ireland.Search for Scrabo. Then find the right archival document by clicking the Open Scanned Records Button. Note 'scraith bó' and 'sward of the cow'.
  9. ^abcdOrme, Debby."The History of Scrabo Tower – Guardian of the North Down coast".Retrieved7 April2018.
  10. ^abJones 1974,p. 429.
  11. ^Vane 1828.
  12. ^Lloyd & Heesom 2004,p.98:"an equestrian statue of him by Gaetano Monti was unveiled in the market-place at Durham by Disraeli on 2 December 1861."
  13. ^McCavery 1994,p. 140a: "Two thirds of the cost was raised by 98 individuals (the list was headed by the Emperor Napoleon III of France), most of whom were fellow gentry from Antrim and Down, and personal friends of the Marquess."
  14. ^Illustrated London News 1857,p. 299a: "There was also placed in the jar a list of the subscribers' names, 730 of them all...;"
  15. ^Hyde 1979,p. 50: "At the same time her husband constructed the great tower on Scrabo Hill overlooking the town in his father's memory."
  16. ^McCavery 1994,p. 140b: "In 1855, it was decided that the memorial should be erected on Scrabo, and that the design should be subject of a competition with the cost of the work not to exceed £2,000."
  17. ^"1857 – Scrabo Tower, Newtownards, Co. Down".Archiseek.The architects designs were to be received before February 1, 1856
  18. ^"Co. Down, Scrabo Hill, Londonderry Monument".Dictionary of Irish Architects 1720-1940.Irish Architectural Archive.Retrieved17 July2018.Placed 1st in competition
  19. ^"Co. Down, Scrabo Hill, Londonderry Monument".Dictionary of Irish Architects 1720-1940.Irish Architectural Archive.Retrieved17 July2018.Contractor: Hugh Dixon, Newtownards
  20. ^Williams 1995,p. 112a: "... supporters of William Barre claimed that the conditions had been transgressed..."
  21. ^"Lanyon & Lynn".Dictionary of Irish Architects 1720-1940.Irish Architectural Archive.Retrieved22 July2018.
  22. ^ab"Londonderry Memorial Tower on Scrabo Hill".National Trust Collections.Retrieved29 July2018.
  23. ^abcIllustrated London News 1857,p. 299b: "Memorial to the late Marquis of Londonderry, in course of Erection on Scrabo Hill, County Down, Ireland"
  24. ^"Memorial To The Late Marquis Of Londonderry, In Course Of Erection On Scrabo Hill, County Down, Ireland (picture from Dublin Libraries)".The Illustrated London News.No. March 28, 1857. p. 299.
  25. ^"Obituary: HW Lynn".The Irish Builder and Engineer.57(25 September 1915): 431.cited in"Co. Down, Scrabo Hill, Londonderry Monument".Dictionary of Irish Architects 1720–1940.Irish Architectural Archive.Retrieved17 July2018.But obituary of Lynn in IB 57, 25 Sep 1915, 431, says it was designed by Lynn
  26. ^Illustrated London News 1857,p. 300.
  27. ^abMcCavery 1994,p. 140c: "In the end, however, the 135 feet high monument actually cost £3,010."
  28. ^abDublin Builder 1865,p. 124c: "The cost was about 2,300, and the total height 195 feet."
  29. ^Dublin Builder 1865,p. 124d: "It has been erected by the tenantry of the late Marquis of Londonderry..."
  30. ^"Irish Famine: How Ulster was devastated by its impact".BBC News.Retrieved18 January2021.
  31. ^Kineally, Christine (2013).Charity and the Great Hunger in Ireland: The Kindness of Strangers.London: Bloomsbury. p. 53.ISBN978-1441117588.Retrieved19 January2021.
  32. ^Nelson, Julie Louise (2005).'Violently Democratic and Anti-Conservative'? An Analysis of Presbyterian 'Radicalism' in Ulster, c 1800-1852(PDF).Department of History, Durham University (doctoral dissertation). pp. 174–175.
  33. ^McCavery 1994,pp. 140–141.
  34. ^McCavery 1994,p. 141: "... if the tower is a symbol of anything, it is surely a symbol of landlord power."
  35. ^Dublin Builder 1865,p. 124h: "... size and mass were the chief objects to be attained at a comparably small cost..."
  36. ^Williams 1995,p. 112: "more curious than beautiful"
  37. ^Howley 1993,p.54, right column, line 5:"Two of the finest examples of nineteenth-century folly towers are found standing within a few miles from each other, at Scrabo and Clandeboye in north Co. Down."
  38. ^Historic Building Details,Historic Building Details HB Ref No: HB24/11/031b:"Survey 2: B+"
  39. ^Brett 2002,p. 272: "Having fallen in considerable disrepair, it was taken into public ownership, and £20,000 was spent on its restoration in 1992."
  40. ^"Scrabo Tower and Country Park".Northern Ireland Tourist Board.Retrieved24 April2014.
  41. ^"Scrabo Tower shut for foreseeable future".UTV News. 22 April 2014.
  42. ^"Scrabo Tower: County Down monument closed to the public".BBC News. 22 April 2014.
  43. ^"Scrabo Tower – European Heritage Open Day (EHOD) 2015 Cultural Event – 12–13 September".Northern Ireland Tourist Board.Retrieved13 September2015.
  44. ^ab"Scrabo Tower reopens to the public".BBC. 7 July 2017.
  45. ^Historic Building Details,Historic Building Details HB Ref No: HB24/11/031c:"The large central ‘roof’ tower has a beacon for aircraft to the pinnacle of its conical roof."
  46. ^Williams 1995,p. 112b: "The Scrabo memorial is a multi-storied Scottish baronial tower..."
  47. ^Dublin Builder 1865,p. 124e: "... Scotch baronial..."
  48. ^Howley 1993,p.57, right column, Figure 86:"86. Scrabo Tower: elevation"
  49. ^Historic Building Details,Historic Building Details HB Ref No: HB24/11/031d:"Exterior Description And Setting"
  50. ^London Gazette1819:"... may, in compliance with the provisions of the last will and testament of the said Sir Henry Vane, Bart. from henceforth continue respectively to use the surname of Vane only..."
  51. ^Dublin Builder 1865,p. 124f.
  52. ^Hull 1872,pp. 269–270: "At Scrabo Hill... sandstone belonging to the upper division of the Trias... are to be found;"
  53. ^Dublin Builder 1865,p. 124g g: "... a green whinstone..."
  54. ^Historic Building Details,Historic Building Details HB Ref No: HB24/11/031e:"... constructed in random basalt rubble..."
  55. ^Department of Environment."Scrabo Landscape Character Assessment (LCA 101)"(PDF).Department of Environment.Retrieved20 July2018.
  56. ^"Declaration of Area of Special Scientific Interest at Scrabo Co. Down (ASSI-91)"(PDF).Retrieved16 July2018.
  57. ^Willis, Walt; Shaw, Bob (February 1954)."The Enchanted Duplicator".Retrieved25 February2009.This, he knew, must be the Tower of Trufandom
  58. ^Nielsen Hayden & Nielsen Hayden 1987,p. 37: "The tower itself is tall and square, built of rough brown stone blocks, and pretty much looks like everybody's idea of what a generic tower should be, which is a virtue in allegorical objects."





