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TheMonument to the Sunken Ships,dedicated to ships destroyed during thesiege of Sevastopolduring theCrimean War,designed byAmandus Adamson

A ship isscuttledwhen its crew deliberately sinks it, typically by opening holes in its hull.[1]

Scuttling may be performed to dispose of an abandoned, old, or captured vessel; to prevent the vessel from becoming a navigation hazard; as an act ofself-destructionto prevent the ship from being captured by an enemy force; as ablockshipto restrict navigation through achannelor within aharbor;to provide anartificial reeffor divers and marine life; or to alter the flow of rivers.

Notable historical examples


Skuldelev ships (around 1070)


TheSkuldelev ships,fiveViking ships,were sunk to prevent attacks from the sea on the Danish city ofRoskilde.The scuttling blocked a major waterway, redirecting ships to a smaller one that required considerable local knowledge.[2]

Cog near Kampen (early 15th century)


In 2012, acogpreserved from the keel up to the decks in the silt was discovered alongside two smaller vessels in the riverIJsselin the city ofKampen,in theNetherlands.[3]The ship, dating from the early 15th century, was suspected to have been deliberately sunk into the river to influence its current.[4][5]

Hernán Cortés (1519)


TheSpanishconquistadorHernán Cortés,who led the first expedition that resulted in the fall of theAztec Empire,ordered his men to strip and scuttle his fleet to prevent the secretly planned return toCubaby those loyal to Cuban GovernorDiego Velázquez de Cuéllar.Their success would have halted his inland march andconquest of the Aztec Empire.



HMSSapphirewas a 32-gun,fifth-ratesailingfrigateof the Royal Navy inNewfoundland Colonyto protect the English migratory fishery. The vessel was trapped inBay Bullsharbour by four French naval vessels led by Jacques-François de Brouillan. To avoid its capture, the English scuttled the vessel on 11 September 1696.



HMSEndeavourwas CaptainJames Cook's ship upon which he travelled toAustralia.After being sold into private hands, she was finally scuttled in a blockade ofNarragansett Bay,Rhode Island in 1778.

Siege of Yorktown (1781)


The British sank one ship on 10 October 1781 to prevent it from being captured by the French fleet. Furthermore, the York River, while protected by the French Navy, also contained a few scuttled ships, which were meant to serve as a blockade should any British ships enter the river.



HMSBounty,after her crew mutinied, was scuttled by the mutineers in Bounty Bay offPitcairn Islandon 23 January 1790.

Chesapeake Bay Flotilla (1814)


During theWar of 1812,CommodoreJoshua Barney,of the U.S. Navy,Chesapeake Bay Flotilla,sank all nineteen of his fighting vessels, to prevent them from being captured by the British, as he and his men marched, inland, in theunsuccessful defense of Washington D.C.

Jan van Speijk (1831)


During theBelgian war of independence,Dutch gunboat commanderJan van Speijkcame under attack from a mob of Antwerp labourers. When they forced him and his crew to surrender, he ignited a barrel of gunpowder, thereby sinking his ship and killing himself and most of the crew. Van Speijk went on to become a national hero in the Netherlands.

Russian Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol (1854)

A sunken ship at Sevastopol, 1858

During theCrimean War,in anticipation of thesiege of Sevastopol,the Russians scuttled ships of theBlack Sea Fleetto protect the harbour, to use their naval cannon as additional artillery, and to free up the ships' crews as marines. Those ships that were deliberately sunk includedGrand Duke Constantine,City of Paris(both with120 guns),Brave,Empress Maria,andChesme.

The Clotilda


TheClotilda (slave ship)(often misspelled Clotilde) was the last known U.S.slave shipto bring captives from Africa to the United States, arriving atMobile Bay,in autumn 1859 or on July 9, 1860, with 110 African men, women, and children. The ship was a two-mastedschooner,86 feet (26 m) long with a beam of 23 ft (7.0 m). U.S. involvement in theAtlantic slave tradehad been banned by Congress through theAct Prohibiting Importation of Slavesenacted on March 2, 1807 (effective January 1, 1808), but the practice continued illegally, especially through slave traders based in New York in the 1850s and early 1860. In the case of the Clotilda, the voyage's sponsors were based in the South and planned to buy Africans inKingdom of Whydah,Dahomey.After the voyage, the ship was burned and scuttled in Mobile Bay in an attempt to destroy the evidence.


Merrimackalight on 20 April 1861

In April 1861, theUnited States NavysteamfrigateUSSMerrimackwas among several shipsUnionforces set afire or scuttled at the Gosport Navy Yard (nowNorfolk Naval Shipyard) inPortsmouth,Virginia,to keep them from falling intoConfederatehands at the outbreak of theAmerican Civil War.The unsuccessful attempt at scuttlingMerrimackenabled theConfederate States Navyto raise and rebuild her as thebroadside ironcladCSSVirginia.Shortly after her famous engagement with the U.S NavymonitorUSSMonitorin theBattle of Hampton Roadsin March 1862, the Confederates scuttledVirginiato keep her from being captured by Union forces.

Stone Fleet (1861–1862)


In December 1861 and January 1862,Unionforces scuttled a number of formerwhalersand othermerchant shipsin an attempt to block access to Confederate ports during theAmerican Civil War.Loaded with stone before being scuttled, the scuttled ships were known as the "Stone Fleet."Those scuttled in December 1861 sometimes are called the" First Stone Fleet, "while those sunk in January 1862 sometimes are termed the" Second Stone Fleet. "

Peruvian fleet at El Callao (1881)


During theWar of the Pacific,as Chilean troops enteredLimaandEl Callao,the Peruvian naval officerGermán Asteteordered the whole Peruvian fleet to be scuttled to prevent capture by Chile.


The wreck of USSMerrimac

During theSpanish–American War,a volunteer crew ofUnited States Navypersonnel attempted to scuttle thecollierUSSMerrimacin the entrance to the harbor atSantiago de CubainCubaon the night of 2–3 June 1898 in an attempt to trap theSpanish NavysquadronofVice AdmiralManuel de la Cámara y Libermoorein port there. The attempt failed when she came under fire by Spanish ships and fortifications and sank without blocking the entrance.

Port Arthur (1904–1905)


In 1904, during theRusso-Japanese War,theImperial Japanese Navymade three attempts to block the entrance to theImperial Russian Navybase atPort Arthur,Manchuria,China,by scuttlingtransports.Although the Japanese scuttled five transports on 23 February, four on 27 March, and eight on 3 May, none of the attacks succeeded in blocking the entrance.[6]The Russians also scuttled foursteamersat the entrance in March 1904 in an attempt to defend the harbor from Japanese intrusion.[7]

During thesiege of Port Arthur,the Russians scuttled the surviving ships of theirPacific Squadronthat were trapped in port at Port Arthur in late 1904 and early January 1905 to prevent their capture intact by the Japanese.



In December 1914,SMSDresdenwas the only German warship to escape destruction in theBattle of the Falkland Islands.She eluded her British pursuers for several more months, until she put intoMás a Tierrain March 1915. Her engines were worn out and she had almost no coal left for her boilers. There, she was trapped by British cruisers, which violated Chilean neutrality and opened fire on the ship.Dresden's Executive Officer – the future AdmiralWilhelm Canaris– negotiated with the British and bought time for his crew to scuttle theDresden.

Zeebrugge Raid (1918)


TheZeebrugge Raidinvolved three outdated British cruisers chosen to serve asblockshipsin the German-held Belgianport of Bruges-Zeebruggefrom which GermanU-boatoperations threatened British shipping.Thetis,IntrepidandIphigeniawere filled with concrete then sent to block a critical canal. Heavy defensive fire caused theThetisto scuttle prematurely; the other two cruisers sank themselves successfully in the narrowest part of the canal. Within three days, however, the Germans had broken through the western bank of the canal to create a shallow detour for their submarines to move past the blockships at high tide.

German fleet at Scapa Flow (1919)

SMSHindenburgat Scapa Flow

In 1919, over 50 warships of theGerman High Seas Fleetwere scuttled by their crews atScapa Flowin the north ofScotland,following the deliverance of the fleet as part of the terms of the German surrender. Rear AdmiralLudwig von Reuterordered the sinkings, denying the majority of the ships to theAllies.Von Reuter was made a prisoner-of-war in Britain but his act of defiance was celebrated in Germany. Though most of the fleet was subsequently salvaged by engineerErnest Cox,a number of warships (including three battleships) remain, making the area very popular amongst undersea diving enthusiasts.

Washington Naval Treaty (1922)

HMAS Australia sinking
HMASAustraliasinking in theTasman Seaon 12 April 1924
Japanese battleship Tosa sinking
Tosasinking in theBungo Channelon 9 February 1925

Under the terms of theWashington Naval Treatyof 1922, the great naval powers were required to limit the size of their battlefleets, resulting in the disposal of some older or incompletecapital ships.During 1924 and 1925, the treaty resulted in the scuttling of theRoyal Australian NavybattlecruiserHMASAustraliaand the incompleteImperial Japanese NavybattleshipTosa,while four old Japanese battleships, theRoyal NavybattleshipHMSMonarch,and the incompleteUnited States NavybattleshipUSSWashington(BB-47)all were disposed of astargets.

Admiral Graf Spee(1939)


Following theBattle of the River Platethe damaged Germanpocket battleshipAdmiral Graf Speesought refuge in the port ofMontevideo.On 17 December 1939, with theBritishandCommonwealthcruisersHMSAjax,HMSCumberland,andHMNZSAchilleswaiting in international waters outside the mouth of theRío de la Plata,CaptainHans LangsdorffsailedGraf Speejust outside the harbour and scuttled the vessel to avoid risking the lives of his crew in what he expected would be a losing battle. Langsdorff shot himself three days later.

San Giorgioat Tobruk (1941)


When British and Commonwealth land forces attackedTobrukon 21 January 1941, the Italian cruiserSan Giorgioturned its guns against the attacking force, repelling an attack by tanks. As British forces were entering Tobruk,San Giorgiowas scuttled at 4:15 AM on 22 January.San Giorgiowas awarded the Gold Medal of Military Valor for her actions in the defence of Tobruk. The ship was salvaged in 1952, but while being towed to Italy, her tow rope failed and she sank in heavy seas.

Blockade of Massawa (1941)


As the Allies advanced towardEritreaduring theirEast African CampaigninWorld War II,Mario Bonetti—the Italian commander of theRed Sea Flotillabased atMassawa—realized that the British would overrun his harbor. In the first week of April 1941, he began to destroy the harbor's facilities and ruin its usefulness to the Allies. Bonetti ordered the sinking of two largefloating dry docksand supervised the calculated scuttling of eighteen large commercial ships in the mouths of the north Naval Harbor, the central Commercial Harbor and the main South Harbor. This blocked navigation in and out. He also had a large floating crane scuttled. These actions rendered the harbor useless by 8 April 1941, when Bonetti surrendered it to the British. Scuttled ships included the German steamersLiebenfels,Frauenfels,Lichtenfels,Crefeld,GeraandOliva.Also scuttled were the Italian steamersAdua,Brenta,Arabia,Romolo Gessi,Vesuvio,XXIII Marzo,Antonia C.,Riva Ligure,Clelia Campenella,Prometeoand the Italian tankerGiove.The largest scuttled vessel was the 11,760-tonColombo,an Italian steamer. Thirteen coastal steamers and small naval vessels were also scuttled.[8][9][10]

The British seized the harbor and initiatedmarine salvageoperations under CommanderJoseph Stenhouseto restore navigation in and out. Stenhouse was slowed byheat exhaustionbut his team refloated the oil tankerGiove;he died in September 1941 when the salvage tugTai Koobearing him as a passenger was sunk by a naval mine in the Red Sea.[11]His death left a civilian contractor to open a channel, but this crew made no progress. It was not until a year later that headway was made in the effort to return Massawa to military duties. U.S. Navy CommanderEdward Ellsbergarrived in April 1942 with a salvage crew and a small collection of specialized tools and began methodically correcting the damage. His salvage efforts yielded significant results in just 5½ weeks. American divers sealed the hulls underwater, and air was pumped in to float the hulls. The divers defused abooby trapinBrenta,which contained an armednaval minesitting on three torpedo warheads in thehold.Another danger wasRegia MarinaminelayerOstia,which had been sunk by theRoyal Air Forcewith several of its mines still racked. On 8 May 1942, SSKoritza,an armed Greek steamer, had drydocked for cleaning and minor hull repairs. Massawa's first major surface fleet "customer" wasHMSDido,which needed repairs to a heavily damaged stern in mid-August 1942, the beginning of a repair and maintenance period for the war-weary15th Cruiser Squadron.[12]Many of the harbor's sunken ships were patched by Ellsberg's divers, refloated, repaired and taken into service.[13]OstiaandBrentawere successfully salvaged, despite their armed mines. All of this occurred while the British civil contractor struggled and failed to refloat one ship.[9]



In 1941, the battleshipBismarck,heavily damaged by the Royal Navy, leaking fuel,listing,unable to steer and with no effective weapons, but still afloat and with engines running, was scuttled by its crew to avoid capture. This was supported by survivors' reports inPursuit: the Sinking of the Bismarck,byLudovic Kennedy,1974 and by a later examination of the wreck itself by Dr.Robert Ballardin 1989. A later, more advanced examination found torpedoes had penetrated the second deck, normally always above water and only possible on an already sinking ship, thus further supporting that scuttling had made the final torpedoing redundant.[14]

Coral Sea and Midway (1942)


After the Battles of theCoral SeaandMidway,the heavily damaged Americanaircraft carrierLexingtonand the Japanese carriersHiryū,Sōryū,Akagi,andKagawere all scuttled to prevent their preservation and use by their respective enemies.

French fleet at Toulon (1942)


In November 1942, in an operation codenamedCase Anton,Nazi German forces occupied the so-called "Free Zone"in response to the Allied landing in North Africa. On 27 November they reachedToulon,where the majority of theFrench Navywas anchored. To avoid capture by the Nazis (Operation Lila), the French admirals-in-command (LabordeandMarquis) decided toscuttle the 230,000 tonne fleet,most notably, the battleshipsDunkerqueandStrasbourg.Eighty percent of the fleet was utterly destroyed, all of thecapital shipsproving impossible to repair. Legally, the scuttling of the fleet was allowed under the terms of the1940 Armistice with Germany.

Danish fleet (1943)


Anticipating a German seizure of all units of the Danish Navy as part ofOperation Safari,mostly in Copenhagen but also at other harbours and at sea in Danish waters, the Danish Admiralty had instructed its captains to resist, short of outright fighting, any German attempts to assume control over their vessels, by scuttling if escape to Sweden was not possible and suitable preparations were made. Of the fifty-two vessels[15]in the Danish Navy on 29 August, two were in Greenland, thirty-two were scuttled, four reached Sweden and fourteen were taken undamaged by the Germans. Nine Danish sailors lost their lives and ten were wounded. Subsequently, major parts of the Naval personnel were interned for a period.

Allied landing in Normandy (1944)


Old ships code-named "Corn cobs" were sunk to form a protective reef for theMulberry harboursatArromanchesandOmaha Beachfor theNormandy landings.The sheltered waters created by these scuttled ships were called "Gooseberries" and protected the harbours so transport ships could unload without being hampered by waves.

Operation Deadlight (1945–1946)

Fifty-two surrendered German submarines await scuttling atLisahallyon 12 June 1945

Of the 156 Germansubmarines( "U-boats") surrendered to theAlliesat the end ofWorld War II,116 were scuttled by theRoyal NavyinOperation Deadlight.Plans called for them to be scuttled in three areas in theNorth Atlantic Oceanwest ofIreland,but 56 of the submarines sank before reaching the designated areas due to their poor material condition. Most of the submarines were sunk by gunfire rather than with explosive charges. The first sinking took place on 17 November 1945 and the last on 11 February 1946.[16][17]

Japanese submarines (1946)


To prevent aSovietinspection team from examining surrenderedImperial Japanese Navysubmarines after World War II, the United States Navy conductedOperation Road's End,in which it scuttled 24 of the submarines in theEast China SeaoffFukue Islandon 1 April 1946. Nine more Japanese submarines followed on 5 April, and another six went down by early May. In addition, U.S. Navy submarines sank four surrendered Japanese submarines as targets in thePacific OceannearHawaiiin May and June 1946, and theRoyal Australian Navysank six or seven (sources differ) surrendered Japanese submarines in theSeto Inland Seaon 8 May 1946 inOperation Bottom.

Contemporary era

A small warship tied up alongside at a wharf. Her communications and radar masts have been crudely downsized, she carries no weapons, and several large squares have been cut into the ship's hull.
HMASAdelaideprior to scuttling to be used as an artificial reef

Today, ships (and other objects of similar size) are sometimes sunk to help formartificial reefs,as was done with the formerUSSOriskanyin 2006. It is also common formilitaryorganizations to use old ships astargets,inwar games,or for various other experiments. As an example, the decommissionedaircraft carrierUSSAmericawas subjected to surface and underwater explosions in 2005 as part of classified research to help design the next generation of carriers (theGerald R. Fordclass), before being sunk with demolition charges.

Ships are increasingly being scuttled as a method of disposal. The economic benefit of scuttling a ship includes removal of ongoing operational expense to keep the vessel seaworthy. Controversy surrounds the practice. Notable actions against the practice include theUSSOriskany,which was scuttled with 700 pounds ofPCBsremaining on board as a component in cable insulation,[18]contravening theStockholm Conventionon safe disposal ofpersistent organic pollutants,which has zero tolerance for PCB dumping in marine environments. The planned scuttling of the Australian frigateHMASAdelaideatAvoca Beach, New South Walesin March 2010 was placed on hold afterresident action groupsaired concerns about possible impact on the area's tides and that the removal of dangerous substances from the ship was not thorough enough.[19]Further cleanup work on the hulk was ordered, and despite further attempts to delay,Adelaidewas scuttled on 13 April 2011.[20][21]

Scuttled ships have been used as conveyance for dangerous materials. In the late 1960s, theUnited States Armyscuttled SSCorporal Eric G. Gibsonand SSMormacternwithVX nerve gasrockets aboard as part ofOperation CHASE— "CHASE" being Pentagon shorthand for "Cut Holes and Sink 'Em." Other ships have been "chased" containingmustard agents,bombs,land mines,andradioactive waste.[22]

In Somalian waters,pirate shipscaptured are scuttled. Most nations have little interest in prosecuting the pirates, thus this is usually the only repercussion.

In March 2022, Ukraine was forced to scuttle theUkrainian frigate Hetman Sahaidachny,a Krivak-class frigate, due to encroaching Russian offensive operations that threatened to capture the frigate.[23]

In February 2023, theBrazilian Navyscuttled thedecommissionedaircraft carrierSão Paulointo theAtlantic Ocean,following the rejections ofinjunctionsfrom theMinistry of the Environmentand theFederal Public Ministry.[24]


The term "scuttling" is also used inscience fictionto describe intentionally destroying aspacecraft.For example, inThe Expanse,this is done by intentionally overloading the ship'sreactor.[25]

In the 13th episode ofBob’s Burgers 12th season,Teddy and the family attend a scuttling ceremony for the USSGertrude Stein,the ship Teddy worked on during his Navy service.


  1. ^"Definition of SCUTTLE".Merriam-Webster.12 April 2023.Retrieved11 June2023.
  2. ^"Viking dig reports – Roskilde".Ancient history in-depth.BBC. 2014.
  3. ^"Excavation, recovery and conservation of a 15th century Cog from the river IJssel near Kampen".Ruimte voor de Rivier IJsseldelta.Rijkswaterstaat.September 2015. Archived fromthe originalon 6 July 2017.Retrieved14 September2017.
  4. ^Ghose, Tia (17 February 2016)."Medieval Shipwreck Hauled from the Deep".Live Science.Retrieved14 September2017.
  5. ^"Late Medieval Cog from Kampen".Medieval Histories.21 February 2016.Retrieved14 September2017.
  6. ^Anonymous (1904)."The Russo-Japanese War".Kinkodo Publishing. pp. 83–86. 91–93, 251–256.
  7. ^Anonymous (15 March 1905)."Harbor Blocked"(PDF).The Evening Bulletin.Maysville, Kentucky. p. 1.
  8. ^Playfair, Ian Stanley Ord(1954).The Mediterranean and Middle East: The early successes against Italy (to May 1941).H.M. Stationery Office. p. 442.
  9. ^abEllsberg, Edward(1946).Under the Red Sea Sun.New York: Dodd, Mead and Co.
  10. ^"Salvage in Massawa".Shipbuilding and Shipping Record.Vol. 73. Westminster, London. 16 June 1949. p. 705.
  11. ^Haddelsey, Stephen (2008).Ice Captain:: The life of J.R. Stenhouse.History Press. pp. 207–210.ISBN9780750943482.
  12. ^O'Hara, Vincent (2009).Struggle for the Middle Sea: The Great Navies at War in the Mediterranean Theater, 1940-1945.Naval Institute Press. p. 163.ISBN9781612514086.
  13. ^Toyin Falola; R. Joseph Parrott; Danielle Porter Sanchez, eds. (2019).African Islands: Leading Edges of Empire and Globalization.Boydell & Brewer. pp. 188–189.ISBN9781580469548.
  14. ^Battle of Hood and Bismarck.PBS. 2002.
  15. ^Nørby, Søren."Operation Safari - August 29th 1943".Danish Military History.Archived fromthe originalon 13 January 2014.
  16. ^Paterson, Lawrence (2009).Black Flag: The Surrender of Germany's U-Boat Forces 1945.Pen & Sword books. pp. 161–163.ISBN978-1-84832-037-6.
  17. ^Paterson (2009),p. 174.
  18. ^Shallal, Suhair."PCBs Released from the ex-Oriskany Following Deployment as an Artificial Reef: Approach for Assessment of Human Health and Environmental Risks".Retrieved15 March2010.
  19. ^West, Andrew (30 March 2010)."Judge fires broadside at rush to sink warship".The Sydney Morning Herald.Retrieved3 April2010.
  20. ^Harvey, Ellie; West, Andrew (16 September 2010)."Judge orders tough new rules for scuttling".The Sydney Morning Herald.Retrieved20 September2010.
  21. ^McMahon, Jeanette (13 April 2011)."Dolphins delay scuttling of HMAS Adelaide".1223 ABC Newcastle.Australian Broadcasting Corporation.Retrieved14 April2011.
  22. ^Bull, John."Special Report, Part 1: The Deadliness Below".The Daily Press.Norfolk, Virginia.Retrieved18 June2007.
  23. ^"Hetman Sahaidachny frigate, being under repair, flooded not to get to enemy – Reznikov".Archived fromthe originalon 8 June 2022.
  24. ^"Brazil scuttles warship in Atlantic despite pollution concerns".RFI.4 February 2023.Retrieved4 February2023.
  25. ^Corey, James S. A. (September 2021).Leviathan Wakes.ISBN978-0-316-33342-9.OCLC1259540286.


  • George, S. C. (1981).Jutland to Junkyard.Edinburgh: Paul Harris Publishing.ISBN9780862280291.