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Ingeometry,thesemidiameterorsemi-diameterof asetofpointsmay be one half of itsdiameter;or, sometimes, one half of its extent along a particular direction.

Special cases


The semi-diameter of asphere,circle,orintervalis the same thing as itsradius— namely, anyline segmentfrom thecenterto itsboundary.

The semi-diameters of a non-circularellipseare the halves of its extents along the twoaxes of symmetry.They are the parametersa,bof theimplicit equation

Likewise, the semi-diameters of anellipsoidare the parametersa,b,andcof its implicit equation

The semi-diameters of asuperellipse,superellipsoid,orsuperquadriccan be identified in the same way.

See also
