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In computing,serialization(orserialisation) is the process of translating adata structureorobjectstate into a format that can be stored (e.g.filesinsecondary storage devices,data buffersin primary storage devices) or transmitted (e.g.data streamsovercomputer networks) and reconstructed later (possibly in a different computer environment).[1]When the resulting series of bits is reread according to the serialization format, it can be used to create a semantically identical clone of the original object. For many complex objects, such as those that make extensive use ofreferences,this process is not straightforward. Serialization ofobjectsdoes not include any of their associatedmethodswith which they were previously linked.

This process of serializing an object is also calledmarshallingan object in some situations.[2][3][4]The opposite operation, extracting a data structure from a series of bytes, isdeserialization,(also calledunserializationorunmarshalling).

In networking equipment hardware, the part that is responsible for serialization and deserialization is commonly calledSerDes.



Uses of serialization include:

For some of these features to be useful, architecture independence must be maintained. For example, for maximal use of distribution, a computer running on a differenthardware architectureshould be able to reliably reconstruct a serialized data stream, regardless ofendianness.This means that the simpler and faster procedure of directly copying the memory layout of the data structure cannot work reliably for all architectures. Serializing the data structure in an architecture-independent format means preventing the problems ofbyte ordering,memory layout, or simply different ways of representing data structures in differentprogramming languages.

Inherent to any serialization scheme is that, because the encoding of the data is by definition serial, extracting one part of the serialized data structure requires that the entire object be read from start to end, and reconstructed. In many applications, this linearity is an asset, because it enables simple, common I/O interfaces to be utilized to hold and pass on the state of an object. In applications where higher performance is an issue, it can make sense to expend more effort to deal with a more complex, non-linear storage organization.

Even on a single machine, primitivepointerobjects are too fragile to save because the objects to which they point may be reloaded to a different location in memory. To deal with this, the serialization process includes a step calledunswizzlingorpointer unswizzling,where direct pointer references are converted to references based on name or position. The deserialization process includes an inverse step calledpointer swizzling.

Since both serializing and deserializing can be driven from common code (for example, theSerializefunction inMicrosoft Foundation Classes), it is possible for the common code to do both at the same time, and thus, 1) detect differences between the objects being serialized and their prior copies, and 2) provide the input for the next such detection. It is not necessary to actually build the prior copy because differences can be detected on the fly, a technique called differential execution. This is useful in the programming of user interfaces whose contents are time-varying — graphical objects can be created, removed, altered, or made to handle input events without necessarily having to write separate code to do those things.



Serialization breaks the opacity of anabstract data typeby potentially exposing private implementation details. Trivial implementations which serialize all data members may violateencapsulation.[5]

To discourage competitors from making compatible products, publishers ofproprietary softwareoften keep the details of their programs' serialization formats atrade secret.Some deliberatelyobfuscateor evenencryptthe serialized data. Yet, interoperability requires that applications be able to understand each other's serialization formats. Therefore,remote method callarchitectures such asCORBAdefine their serialization formats in detail.

Many institutions, such as archives and libraries, attempt tofuture prooftheirbackuparchives—in particular,database dumps—by storing them in some relativelyhuman-readableserialized format.

Serialization formats


TheXerox Network SystemsCourier technology in the early 1980s influenced the first widely adopted standard.Sun Microsystemspublished theExternal Data Representation(XDR) in 1987.[6]XDR is anopen format,and standardized asSTD 67(RFC 4506).

In the late 1990s, a push to provide an alternative to the standard serialization protocols started:XML,anSGMLsubset, was used to produce a human-readabletext-based encoding.Such an encoding can be useful for persistent objects that may be read and understood by humans, or communicated to other systems regardless of programming language. It has the disadvantage of losing the more compact, byte-stream-based encoding, but by this point larger storage and transmission capacities made file size less of a concern than in the early days of computing. In the 2000s, XML was often used for asynchronous transfer of structured data between client and server inAjaxweb applications. XML is an open format, and standardized as aW3C recommendation.

JSONis a lightweight plain-text alternative to XML, and is also commonly used for client-server communication in web applications. JSON is based onJavaScript syntax,but is independent of JavaScript and supported in many other programming languages. JSON is an open format, standardized asSTD 90(RFC8259),ECMA-404,andISO/IEC 21778:2017.

YAMLis a strict superset of JSON and includes additional features such as a data type tags, support for cyclic data structures, indentation-sensitive syntax, and multiple forms of scalar data quoting. YAML is an open format.

Property listsare used for serialization byNeXTSTEP,GNUstep,macOS,andiOSframeworks.Property list,orp-listfor short, doesn't refer to a single serialization format but instead several different variants, some human-readable and one binary.

For large volume scientific datasets, such as satellite data and output of numerical climate, weather, or ocean models, specific binary serialization standards have been developed, e.g.HDF,netCDFand the olderGRIB.

Programming language support


Severalobject-oriented programminglanguages directly supportobject serialization(orobject archival), either bysyntactic sugarelements or providing a standardinterfacefor doing so. The languages which do so includeRuby,Smalltalk,Python,PHP,Objective-C,Delphi,Java,and the.NETfamily of languages. There are also libraries available that add serialization support to languages that lack native support for it.

C and C++


CandC++do not provide serialization as any sort of high-level construct, but both languages support writing any of the built-indata types,as well asplain old datastructs,as binary data. As such, it is usually trivial to write custom serialization functions. Moreover, compiler-based solutions, such as the ODBORMsystem for C++ and thegSOAPtoolkit for C and C++, are capable of automatically producing serialization code with few or no modifications to class declarations. Other popular serialization frameworks are Boost.Serialization[7]from theBoost Framework,the S11n framework,[8]and Cereal.[9]MFC framework(Microsoft) also provides serialization methodology as part of its Document-View architecture.



CFMLallows data structures to be serialized toWDDXwith the<cfwddx>tag and toJSONwith theSerializeJSON()function.



Delphiprovides a built-in mechanism for serialization of components (also called persistent objects), which is fully integrated with itsIDE.The component's contents are saved to a DFM file and reloaded on-the-fly.



Gonatively supports unmarshalling/marshalling ofJSONandXMLdata.[10]There are also third-party modules that supportYAML[11]andProtocol Buffers.[12]Go also supportsGobs.[13]



In Haskell, serialization is supported for types that are members of the Read and Showtype classes.Every type that is a member of theReadtype class defines a function that will extract the data from the string representation of the dumped data. TheShowtype class, in turn, contains theshowfunction from which a string representation of the object can be generated. The programmer need not define the functions explicitly—merely declaring a type to be deriving Read or deriving Show, or both, can make the compiler generate the appropriate functions for many cases (but not all: function types, for example, cannot automatically derive Show or Read). The auto-generated instance for Show also produces valid source code, so the same Haskell value can be generated by running the code produced by show in, for example, a Haskell interpreter.[14]For more efficient serialization, there are haskell libraries that allow high-speed serialization in binary format, e.g.binary.



Java provides automatic serialization which requires that the object bemarkedby implementing thejava.io.Serializableinterface.Implementing the interface marks the class as "okay to serialize", and Java then handles serialization internally. There are no serialization methods defined on theSerializableinterface, but a serializable class can optionally define methods with certain special names and signatures that if defined, will be called as part of the serialization/deserialization process. The language also allows the developer to override the serialization process more thoroughly by implementing another interface, theExternalizableinterface, which includes two special methods that are used to save and restore the object's state.
There are three primary reasons why objects are not serializable by default and must implement theSerializableinterface to access Java's serialization mechanism.
Firstly, not all objects capture useful semantics in a serialized state. For example, aThreadobject is tied to the state of the currentJVM.There is no context in which a deserializedThreadobject would maintain useful semantics.
Secondly, the serialized state of an object forms part of its class' compatibility contract. Maintaining compatibility between versions of serializable classes requires additional effort and consideration. Therefore, making a class serializable needs to be a deliberate design decision and not a default condition.
Lastly, serialization allows access to non-transientprivate members of a class that are not otherwise accessible. Classes containing sensitive information (for example, a password) should not be serializable nor externalizable.[15]: 339–345 The standard encoding method uses a recursive graph-based translation of the object's class descriptor and serializable fields into a byte stream.Primitivesas well as non-transient, non-static referenced objects are encoded into the stream. Each object that is referenced by the serialized object via a field that is not marked astransientmust also be serialized; and if any object in the complete graph of non-transient object references is not serializable, then serialization will fail. The developer can influence this behavior by marking objects as transient, or by redefining the serialization for an object so that some portion of the reference graph is truncated and not serialized.
Java does not use constructor to serialize objects. It is possible to serialize Java objects throughJDBCand store them into a database.[16]WhileSwingcomponents do implement the Serializable interface, they are not guaranteed to be portable between different versions of the Java Virtual Machine. As such, a Swing component, or any component which inherits it, may be serialized to a byte stream, but it is not guaranteed that this will be re-constitutable on another machine.



Since ECMAScript 5.1,[17]JavaScripthas included the built-inJSONobject and its methodsJSON.parse()andJSON.stringify().Although JSON is originally based on a subset of JavaScript,[18]there are boundary cases where JSON is not valid JavaScript. Specifically, JSON allows theUnicode line terminatorsU+2028LINE SEPARATORandU+2029PARAGRAPH SEPARATORto appear unescaped in quoted strings, while ECMAScript 2018 and older does not.[19][20]Seethe main article on JSON[broken anchor].



Juliaimplements serialization through theserialize()/deserialize()modules,[21]intended to work within the same version of Julia, and/or instance of the same system image.[22]TheHDF5.jlpackage offers a more stable alternative, using a documented format and common library with wrappers for different languages,[23]while the default serialization format is suggested to have been designed rather with maximal performance for network communication in mind.[24]



Generally aLispdata structure can be serialized with the functions "read"and"print".A variable foo containing, for example, a list of arrays would be printed by(print foo).Similarly an object can be read from a stream named s by(read s).These two parts of the Lisp implementation are called the Printer and the Reader. The output of "print"is human readable; it uses lists demarked by parentheses, for example:(42.9"x"y).In many types of Lisp, includingCommon Lisp,the printer cannot represent every type of data because it is not clear how to do so. In Common Lisp for example the printer cannot print CLOS objects. Instead the programmer may write a method on the generic functionprint-object,this will be invoked when the object is printed. This is somewhat similar to the method used in Ruby. Lisp code itself is written in the syntax of the reader, called read syntax. Most languages use separate and different parsers to deal with code and data, Lisp only uses one. A file containing lisp code may be read into memory as a data structure, transformed by another program, then possibly executed or written out, such as in aread–eval–print loop.Not all readers/writers support cyclic, recursive or shared structures.

.NET Framework


.NET Frameworkhas several serializers designed byMicrosoft.There are also many serializers by third parties. More than a dozen serializers are discussed and testedhere.[25]andhere[26]



OCaml's standard library provides marshalling through theMarshalmodule[3]and the Pervasives functionsoutput_valueandinput_value.While OCaml programming is statically type-checked, uses of theMarshalmodule may break type guarantees, as there is no way to check whether an unmarshalled stream represents objects of the expected type. In OCaml it is difficult to marshal a function or a data structure which contains a function (e.g. an object which contains a method), because executable code in functions cannot be transmitted across different programs. (There is a flag to marshal the code position of a function but it can only be unmarshalled in exactly the same program). The standard marshalling functions can preserve sharing and handle cyclic data, which can be configured by a flag.



SeveralPerlmodules available fromCPANprovide serialization mechanisms, includingStorable,JSON::XSandFreezeThaw.Storable includes functions to serialize and deserialize Perl data structures to and from files or Perl scalars. In addition to serializing directly to files,Storableincludes thefreezefunction to return a serialized copy of the data packed into a scalar, andthawto deserialize such a scalar. This is useful for sending a complex data structure over anetwork socketor storing it in a database. When serializing structures withStorable,there are network safe functions that always store their data in a format that is readable on any computer at a small cost of speed. These functions are namednstore,nfreeze,etc. There are no "n" functions for deserializing these structures — the regularthawandretrievedeserialize structures serialized with the "n"functions and their machine-specific equivalents.



PHPoriginally implemented serialization through the built-inserialize()andunserialize()functions.[27]PHP can serialize any of its data types except resources (file pointers, sockets, etc.). The built-inunserialize()function is often dangerous when used on completely untrusted data.[28]For objects, there are two "magicmethods "that can be implemented within a class —__sleep()and__wakeup()— that are called from withinserialize()andunserialize(),respectively, that can clean up and restore an object. For example, it may be desirable to close a database connection on serialization and restore the connection on deserialization; this functionality would be handled in these two magic methods. They also permit the object to pick which properties are serialized. Since PHP 5.1, there is an object-oriented serialization mechanism for objects, theSerializableinterface.[29]



Prolog'stermstructure, which is the only data structure of the language, can be serialized out through the built-in predicatewrite_term/3and serialized-in through the built-in predicatesread/1andread_term/2.The resulting stream is uncompressed text (in some encoding determined by configuration of the target stream), with any free variables in the term represented by placeholder variable names. The predicatewrite_term/3is standardized in theISO Specification for Prolog(ISO/IEC 13211-1) on pages 59 ff. ( "Writing a term, § 7.10.5" ). Therefore it is expected that terms serialized-out by one implementation can be serialized-in by another without ambiguity or surprises. In practice, implementation-specific extensions (e.g. SWI-Prolog's dictionaries) may use non-standard term structures, so interoperability may break in edge cases. As examples, see the corresponding manual pages for SWI-Prolog,[30]SICStus Prolog,[31]GNU Prolog.[32]Whether and how serialized terms received over the network are checked against a specification (after deserialization from the character stream has happened) is left to the implementer. Prolog's built-inDefinite Clause Grammarscan be applied at that stage.



The core general serialization mechanism is thepicklestandard librarymodule, alluding to the database systems termpickling[33][34][35]to describe data serialization (unpicklingfordeserializing). Pickle uses a simplestack-basedvirtual machinethat records the instructions used to reconstruct the object. It is a cross-versioncustomisablebut unsafe (not secure against erroneous or malicious data) serialization format. Malformed or maliciously constructed data, may cause the deserializer to import arbitrary modules and instantiate any object.[36][37]The standard library also includes modules serializing to standard data formats:json(with built-in support for basic scalar and collection types and able to support arbitrary types viaencoding and decoding hooks).plistlib(with support for both binary and XMLproperty listformats).xdrlib(with support for the External Data Representation (XDR) standard as described in RFC 1014). Finally, it is recommended that an object's__repr__be evaluable in the right environment, making it a rough match for Common Lisp'sprint-object.Not all object types can be pickled automatically, especially ones that holdoperating systemresources likefile handles,but users can register custom "reduction" and construction functions to support the pickling and unpickling of arbitrary types. Pickle was originally implemented as the pure Pythonpicklemodule, but, in versions of Python prior to 3.0, thecPicklemodule (also a built-in) offers improved performance (up to 1000 times faster[36]). ThecPicklewas adapted from theUnladen Swallowproject. In Python 3, users should always import the standard version, which attempts to import the accelerated version and falls back to the pure Python version.[38]



Rhas the functiondputwhich writes an ASCII text representation of an R object to a file or connection. A representation can be read from a file usingdget.[39]More specific, the functionserializeserializes an R object to a connection, the output being a raw vector coded in hexadecimal format. Theunserializefunction allows to read an object from a connection or a raw vector.[40]



REBOLwill serialize to file (save/all) or to astring!(mold/all). Strings and files can be deserialized using thepolymorphicloadfunction.RProtoBufprovides cross-language data serialization in R, usingProtocol Buffers.[41]



Rubyincludes the standard moduleMarshalwith 2 methodsdumpandload,akin to the standard Unix utilitiesdumpandrestore.These methods serialize to the standard classString,that is, they effectively become a sequence of bytes. Some objects cannot be serialized (doing so would raise aTypeErrorexception): bindings, procedure objects, instances of class IO, singleton objects and interfaces. If a class requires custom serialization (for example, it requires certain cleanup actions done on dumping / restoring), it can be done by implementing 2 methods:_dumpand_load.Theinstance method_dumpshould return aStringobject containing all the information necessary to reconstitute objects of this class and all referenced objects up to a maximum depth given as an integer parameter (a value of -1 implies that depth checking should be disabled). Theclass method_loadshould take aStringand return an object of this class.



Serdeis the most widely used library, or crate, for serialization inRust.



In general, non-recursive and non-sharing objects can be stored and retrieved in a human readable form using thestoreOn:/readFrom:protocol. ThestoreOn:method generates the text of a Smalltalk expression which – when evaluated usingreadFrom:– recreates the original object. This scheme is special, in that it uses a procedural description of the object, not the data itself. It is therefore very flexible, allowing for classes to define more compact representations. However, in its original form, it does not handle cyclic data structures or preserve the identity of shared references (i.e. two references a single object will be restored as references to two equal, but not identical copies). For this, various portable and non-portable alternatives exist. Some of them are specific to a particular Smalltalk implementation or class library. There are several ways inSqueak Smalltalkto serialize and store objects. The easiest and most used arestoreOn:/readFrom:and binary storage formats based onSmartRefStreamserializers. In addition, bundled objects can be stored and retrieved usingImageSegments.Both provide a so-called "binary-object storage framework", which support serialization into and retrieval from a compact binary form. Both handle cyclic, recursive and shared structures, storage/retrieval of class andmetaclassinfo and include mechanisms for "on the fly" object migration (i.e. to convert instances which were written by an older version of a class with a different object layout). The APIs are similar (storeBinary/readBinary), but the encoding details are different, making these two formats incompatible. However, the Smalltalk/X code is open source and free and can be loaded into other Smalltalks to allow for cross-dialect object interchange. Object serialization is not part of the ANSI Smalltalk specification. As a result, the code to serialize an object varies by Smalltalk implementation. The resulting binary data also varies. For instance, a serialized object created in Squeak Smalltalk cannot be restored inAmbrai Smalltalk.Consequently, various applications that do work on multiple Smalltalk implementations that rely on object serialization cannot share data between these different implementations. These applications include the MinneStore object database[42]and someRPCpackages. A solution to this problem is SIXX,[43]which is a package for multiple Smalltalks that uses anXML-based format for serialization.



TheSwiftstandard library provides two protocols,EncodableandDecodable(composed together asCodable), which allow instances of conforming types to be serialized to or deserialized fromJSON,property lists,or other formats.[44]Default implementations of these protocols can be generated by the compiler for types whose stored properties are alsoDecodableorEncodable.

Windows PowerShell


Windows PowerShellimplements serialization through thebuilt-incmdletExport-CliXML.Export-CliXMLserializes.NET objects and stores the resulting XML in a file. To reconstitute the objects, use theImport-CliXMLcmdlet, which generates a deserialized object from the XML in the exported file. Deserialized objects, often known as "property bags" are not live objects; they are snapshots that have properties, but no methods. Two dimensional data structures can also be (de)serialized inCSVformat using the built-in cmdletsImport-CSVandExport-CSV.

See also



  1. ^Cline, Marshall."C++ FAQ:" What's This "Serialization" Thing All About? "".Archived fromthe originalon 2015-04-05.It lets you take an object or group of objects, put them on a disk or send them through a wire or wireless transport mechanism, then later, perhaps on another computer, reverse the process, resurrecting the original object(s). The basic mechanisms are to flatten object(s) into a one-dimensional stream of bits, and to turn that stream of bits back into the original object(s).
  2. ^"Module: Marshal (Ruby 3.0.2)".ruby-doc.org.Retrieved25 July2021.
  3. ^ab"Marshal".OCaml.Retrieved25 July2021.
  4. ^"Python 3.9.6 documentation - Python object serialization —pickle".Documentation - The Python Standard Library.
  5. ^S. Miller, Mark."Safe Serialization Under Mutual Suspicion".ERights.org.Serialization, explained below, is an example of a tool for use by objects within an object system for operating on the graph they are embedded in. This seems to require violating the encapsulation provided by the pure object model.
  6. ^Sun Microsystems (1987)."XDR: External Data Representation Standard".RFC 1014.Network Working Group.RetrievedJuly 11,2011.
  7. ^"Serialization".www.boost.org.
  8. ^beal, stephan."s11n.net: object serialization/persistence in C++".s11n.net.
  9. ^"cereal Docs - Main".uscilab.github.io.
  10. ^"Package encoding".pkg.go.dev.12 July 2021.
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  15. ^Bloch, Joshua (2018)."Effective Java: Programming Language Guide"(third ed.). Addison-Wesley.ISBN978-0134685991.
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  23. ^"HDF5.jl: Saving and loading data in the HDF5 file format".20 August 2017 – via GitHub.
  24. ^"Julia: how stable are serialize() / deserialize()".stackoverflow.com.2014.
  25. ^".NET Serializers".There are many kinds of serializers; they produce very compact data very fast. There are serializers for messaging, for data stores, for marshaling objects. What is the best serializer in.NET?
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  27. ^"PHP: Object Serialization - Manual".ca.php.net.
  28. ^Esser, Stephen (2009-11-28)."Shocking News in PHP Exploitation".Suspekt...Archived fromthe originalon 2012-01-06.
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  33. ^Herlihy, Maurice;Liskov, Barbara(October 1982)."A Value Transmission Method for Abstract Data Types"(PDF).ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems.4(4): 527–551.CiteSeerX10.
  34. ^Birrell, Andrew; Jones, Mike; Wobber, Ted (November 1987). "A simple and efficient implementation of a small database".Proceedings of the eleventh ACM Symposium on Operating systems principles - SOSP '87.Vol. 11. pp. 149–154.CiteSeerX10. implementation makes use of a mechanism called "pickles", which will convert between any strongly typed data structure and a representation of that structure suitable for storing in permanent disk files. The operation Pickle.Write takes a pointer to a strongly typed data structure and delivers buffers of bits for writing to the disk. Conversely Pickle.Read reads buffers of bits from the disk and delivers a copy of the original data structure.(*) This conversion involves identifying the occurrences of addresses in the structure, and arranging that when the structure is read back from disk the addresses are replaced with addresses valid in the current execution environment. The pickle mechanism is entirely automatic: it is driven by the run-time typing structures that are present for our garbage collection mechanism.... (*) Pickling is quite similar to the concept of marshalling in remote procedure calls. But in fact our pickling implementation works only by interpreting at run-time the structure ofdynamically typedvalues, while our RPC implementation works only by generating code for the marshalling of statically typed values. Each facility would benefit from adding the mechanisms of the other, but that has not yet been done.
  35. ^van Rossum, Guido(1 December 1994)."Flattening Python Objects".Python Programming Language – Legacy Website.Delaware,United States:Python Software Foundation.Retrieved6 April2017.Origin of the name 'flattening': Because I want to leave the original 'marshal' module alone, and Jim complained that 'serialization' also means something totally different that's actually relevant in the context ofconcurrentaccess to persistent objects, I'll use the term 'flattening' from now on.... (The Modula-3 system uses the term 'pickled' data for this concept. They have probably solved all problems already, and in a type-safe manner:-)
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