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Inbiology,setae(/ˈst/;sg.seta/ˈstə/;fromLatinsaeta'bristle') are any of a number of different bristle- orhair-like structures on livingorganisms.

Animal setae



Setae on the foreleg of amayfly

Annelidsetae are stiff bristles present on the body. They help, for example,earthwormsto attach to the surface and prevent backsliding duringperistalticmotion. These hairs make it difficult to pull a worm straight from the ground. Setae inoligochaetes(a group including earthworms) are largely composed ofchitin.[1]They are classified according to the limb to which they are attached; for instance, notosetae are attached tonotopodia;neurosetae toneuropodia.[2]

Dipterasetae arebristlespresent throughout the body and function asmechanoreceptors.

Crustaceanshave mechano- andchemosensorysetae.[3]Setae are especially present on the mouthparts of crustaceans[3]and can also be found on grooming limbs.[4]In some cases, setae are modified into scale like structures.[4]Setae on the legs ofkrilland other small crustaceans help them to gatherphytoplankton.It captures them and allows them to be eaten.

Setae on theintegumentof insects are unicellular, meaning that each is formed from a single epidermal cell of a type called a trichogen, literally meaning "bristle generator". They are at first hollow and in most forms remain hollow after they have hardened. They grow through and project through a secondary or accessory cell of a type called a tormogen, which generates the special flexible membrane that connects the base of the seta to the surroundingintegument.Depending partly on their form and function, setae may be called hairs,macrotrichia,chaetae,orscales.The setal membrane is not cuticularized and movement is possible. Some insects, such asEriogaster lanestrislarvae, use setae as a defense mechanism, as they can cause dermatitis when they come into contact with skin.[5]




Close-up of the underside of a gecko's foot as it walks on vertical glass
Common house geckosmating on a vertical glass window and showinglamellaeunder the feet

The pads on agecko's feet are small hair-likeprocessesthat play a role in the animal's ability to cling to vertical surfaces. The micrometer-scale setae branch into nanometer-scale projections calledspatulae.[6]ATokay gecko's two front feet can sustain 20.1 N of force parallel to the surface using approximately 14,400 setae per mm2.This equates to ~ 6.2 pN per seta, but does not sufficiently account for the overall stickiness behavior shown by the foot pads.[7]

Classification uncertain


In 2017, a description of a new species of basaldeuterostomecalledSaccorhytuswas published. This animal appears to have seta in the pores along the side of its body.[8]However, in 2022,Saccorhytusis considered to be an earlyecdysozoan,and was described as having "lacked setae".[9]

Fungal setae


Inmycology,"setae" refer to dark brown, thick-walled, thorn-likecystidiafound incorticioidandporoid fungiin thefamilyHymenochaetaceae.[10]Though mainly microscopic, the setae of some species may be sufficiently prominent to be visible with a hand lens.

Plant setae


Inbotany,"seta" refers to the stalk supporting thecapsuleof amossorliverwort(both closely related in a clade called "Setaphyta" ), and supplying it with nutrients. The seta is part of thesporophyteand has a short foot embedded in thegametophyteon which it isparasitic.Setae are not present in all mosses, but in somespeciesthey may reach 15 to 20 centimeters in height.[11]

Chaetoceros setae


In the diatom familyChaetocerotaceae,"seta" refers to the hairlike outgrowths of the valve, i.e. of the face of the cells.[12]These setae have a different structure than the valve. Such setae may prevent rapid sinking and also protect the cells from grazing.

Synthetic setae


Synthetic setaeare a class of syntheticadhesivesthat detach at will, sometimes called resettable adhesives, yet display substantial stickiness. The development of such synthetic materials is a matter of current research.[6][13][14]

See also



  1. ^Hyman, H.L. (1966)."Further Notes on the Occurrence of Chitin in Invertebrates"(PDF).Biological Bulletin.130(1): 1–149.doi:10.2307/1539955.JSTOR1539955.
  2. ^Butterfield, N. J. (1990). "A reassessment of the enigmatic Burgess Shale fossilWiwaxia corrugata(Matthew) and its relationship to the polychaeteCanadia spinosaWalcott ".Paleobiology.16(3): 287–303.Bibcode:1990Pbio...16..287B.doi:10.1017/s0094837300010009.JSTOR2400789.S2CID88100863.
  3. ^abGarm, A (2004)."Revising the definition of the crustacean seta and setal classification systems based on examinations of the mouthpart setae of seven species of decapods"(PDF).Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.142(2): 233–252.doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.2004.00132.x.
  4. ^abKeiler, J.; Richter, S. (2011). "Morphological diversity of setae on the grooming legs in Anomala (Decapoda: Reptantia) revealed by scanning electron microscopy".Zoologischer Anzeiger.250(4): 343–366.Bibcode:2011ZooAn.250..343K.doi:10.1016/j.jcz.2011.04.004.
  5. ^Hellier, FF; Warin, RP (1967)."Caterpillar Dermatitis".Br Med J.2(5548): 346–8.doi:10.1136/bmj.2.5548.346.PMC1841743.PMID6023131.
  6. ^abSantos, Daniel; Matthew Spenko; Aaron Parness; Kim Sangbae; Mark Cutkosky (2007). "Directional adhesion for climbing: theoretical and practical considerations".Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology.21(12–13): 1317–1341.doi:10.1163/156856107782328399.ISSN0169-4243.S2CID53470787.Gecko "feet and toes are a hierarchical system of complex structures consisting of lamellae, setae, and spatulae. The distinguishing characteristics of the gecko adhesion system have been described [as] (1) anisotropic attachment, (2) high pulloff force to preload ratio, (3) low detachment force, (4) material independence, (5) self-cleaning, (6) anti-self sticking and (7) non-sticky default state.... The gecko's adhesive structures are made from ß-keratin (modulus of elasticity [approx.] 2 GPa). Such a stiff material is not inherently sticky; however, because of the gecko adhesive's hierarchical nature and extremely small distal features (spatulae are [approx.] 200 nm in size), the gecko's foot is able to intimately conform to the surface and generate significant attraction using van der Waals forces.
  7. ^Autumn, K.; Puthoff, J. (2006). "Properties, principles, and parameters of the gecko adhesive system". In Smith, A.M., Callow, J.A. (ed.).Biological adhesives.Springer. pp. 245–280.ISBN978-3-540-31048-8.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: multiple names: editors list (link)
  8. ^Han, Jian; Morris, Simon Conway; Ou, Qiang; Shu, Degan; Huang, Hai (2017). "Meiofaunal deuterostomes from the basal Cambrian of Shaanxi (China)".Nature.542(7640): 228–231.Bibcode:2017Natur.542..228H.doi:10.1038/nature21072.ISSN0028-0836.PMID28135722.S2CID353780.
  9. ^Liu, Yunhuan; Carlisle, Emily; Zhang, Huaqiao; Yang, Ben; Steiner, Michael; Shao, Tiequan; Duan, Baichuan; Marone, Federica; Xiao, Shuhai; Donoghue, Philip C. J. (2022-08-17)."Saccorhytus is an early ecdysozoan and not the earliest deuterostome".Nature.609(7927): 541–546.Bibcode:2022Natur.609..541L.doi:10.1038/s41586-022-05107-z.hdl:1983/454e7bec-4cd4-4121-933e-abeab69e96c1.ISSN1476-4687.PMID35978194.S2CID251646316.
  10. ^Kirk PM, Cannon PF, Minter DW, Stalpers JA (2008).Dictionary of the Fungi(10th ed.). Wallingford: CABI. p.116.ISBN978-0-85199-826-8.
  11. ^Raven, Peter H.;Evert, R.F. & Eichhorn, S.E.(2005):Biology of Plants(7th ed.). W.H. Freeman and Company.
  12. ^Tomas, C. R., Hasle G. R., Syvertsen, E. E., Steidinger, K. A., Tangen, K., Throndsen, J., Heimdal, B. R., (1997).Identifying Marine Phytoplankton,Academic Press.
  13. ^"Engineers create new adhesive that mimics gecko toe hairs".physorg.com.Retrieved19 November2018.
  14. ^Setae ResearchArchived2011-06-06 at theWayback Machine