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Severe weather terminology (Japan)

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This article describes theJapan Meteorological Agency(JMA)severe weatherterminology. The JMA defines precise meanings for nearly all its weather terms as the Information for Severe Weather Preparation(Phòng tai khí tượng tình báo,Bousai Kishō Jōhō).This article describes JMA terminology and related JMA weather scales. Some terms may be specific to certain regions.

Warning Categories


Severe weather bulletins are issued as an advisory or a warning, depending on the risk or severity of the event. Less severe events that could be a cause for concern will be issued as a bulletin or an advisory.

Meteorological Warnings


Weather advisories and warnings are issued when potentially hazardous weather is occurring or is forecast for the short-term period.

General Warnings


Due to its local-scale nature, an advisory is typically issued in advance for public forecast areas where conditions may be favorable for the development of severe weather. A warning is issued for areas where severe weather is imminent or occurring.


  • Advisory for Gale and snow(Phong tuyết chú ý báo,Fūsetsu Chūihō)
  • Advisory for Gale(Cường phong chú ý báo,Kyōfū Chūihō)
  • Advisory for Heavy rain(Đại vũ chú ý báo,Ōame Chūihō)
  • Advisory for Heavy snow(Đại tuyết chú ý báo,Ōyuki Chūihō)
  • Advisory for Dense fog(Nùng vụ chú ý báo,Nōmu Chūihō)
  • Advisory for Thunderstorm(Lôi chú ý báo,Kaminari Chūihō)
  • Advisory for Dry air(Càn táo chú ý báo,Kansō Chūihō)
  • Advisory for Avalanche(なだれ chú ý báo,Nadare Chūihō)
  • Advisory for Ice/snow accretion(Trứ băng ・ trứ tuyết chú ý báo,Chakuhyō Chakusetsu Chūihō)
  • Advisory for Frost(Sương chú ý báo,Shimo Chūihō)
  • Advisory for Low temperature(Đê ôn chú ý báo,Teion Chūihō)
  • Advisory for Snow melting(Dung tuyết chú ý báo,Yūsetsu Chūihō)
  • Advisory for Storm surge(Cao triều chú ý báo,Takashio Chūihō)
  • Advisory for High waves(Ba lãng chú ý báo,Harō Chūihō)
  • Advisory for Flood(Hồng thủy chú ý báo,Kōzui Chūihō)


  • Warning for Storm(Bạo phong cảnh báo,Bōfū Keihō)
  • Warning for Snow-storm(Bạo phong tuyết cảnh báo,Bōfūsetsu Keihō)
  • Warning for Heavy rain(Đại vũ cảnh báo,Ōame Keihō)
  • Warning for Heavy snow(Đại tuyết cảnh báo,Ōyuki Keihō)
  • Warning for Storm surge(Cao triều cảnh báo,Takashio Keihō)
  • Warning for High waves(Ba lãng cảnh báo,Harō Keihō)
  • Warning for Flood(Hồng thủy cảnh báo,Kōzui Keihō)

Marine Warnings

  • Warning for Near Gale(Hải thượng phong cảnh báo,Kaijō Keihō)
  • Warning for Gale(Hải thượng cường phong cảnh báo,Kaijō Kyōfū Keihō)
  • Warning for Storm(Hải thượng bạo phong cảnh báo,Kaijō Bōfū Keihō)
  • Warning for Typhoon(Hải thượng đài phong cảnh báo,Kaijō Taifū Keihō)
  • Warning for Dense Fog(Hải thượng nùng vụ cảnh báo,Kaijō Nōmu Keihō)
  • Warning for Icing(Hải thượng trứ băng cảnh báo,Kaijō Chakuhyō Keihō)
  • Warning for Sea Swell(Hải thượng うねり cảnh báo,Kaijō Uneri Keihō)

Typhoons or Tropical Depressions


Flood Forecasting


Seismological Warnings


Earthquake Information

  • Earthquake Information(Địa chấn tình báo,Jishin Jōhō)
    • Seismic Intensity Information(Chấn độ tốc báo,Shindo Sokuhō)
    • Earthquake Information(Chấn nguyên に quan する tình báo,Shingen ni Kansuru Jōhō)
    • Earthquake and Seismic Intensity Information(Chấn nguyên ・ chấn độ に quan する tình báo,Shingen/Shindo ni Kansuru Jōhō)
    • Information on seismic intensity at each site(Các địa の chấn độ に quan する tình báo,Kakuchi no Shindo ni Kansuru Jōhō)
    • Distant Earthquake Information(Viễn địa địa chấn に quan する tình báo,Enchi Jishin ni Kansuru Jōhō)

Earthquake Early Warning


Tsunami Warnings


Volcano Information


See also


Notes and references

  1. ^"Emergency Warning System to be Launched 30 August 2013".Japan Meteorological Agency. 2013.Retrieved3 August2013.
  2. ^"JMA Brochure 2010"(PDF).Japan Meteorological Agency. 2010.Retrieved31 March2012.