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Sexual system

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Barnacles have a variety of sexual systems.

Asexual systemis a distribution ofmaleandfemalefunctions acrossorganismsin aspecies.[1][2]The termsreproductive systemandmating systemhave also been used as synonyms.[3]

Sexual systems play a key role ingenetic variationandreproductive success,and may also have led to the origin orextinctionof certainspecies.[4]The distinctions between different sexual systems is not always clear due tophenotypic plasticity.[2]

Interest in sexual systems goes back toCharles Darwin,who found thatbarnaclesinclude some species that areandrodioeciousand some that aredioecious.[5]

Types of sexual systems

The life cycle of an angiosperm.

Flowering plantsmay havedimorphicormonomorphic sexual systems.In monomorphic sexual systems, a combination ofhermaphrodite,male,and/orfemaleflowersmay be present on the same plant. Monomorphic sexual systems includemonoecy,gynomonoecy,andromonoecy,andtrimonoecy.Indimorphic sexual systems,individual plants within a species only produce one sort of flower, either hermaphrodite or male, or female. Dimorphic sexual systems includedioecy,gynodioecy,androdioecy,andtrioecy.[6]

Male (a.k.a.staminate) flowers have astamenbut nopistiland produce only male gametes. Female (a.k.a. pistillate) flowers only have a pistil. Hermaphrodite (a.k.a. perfect, or bisexual) flowers have both a stamen and pistil. The sex of a single flower may differ from the sex of the whole organism: for example, a plant may have both staminate and pistillate flowers, making the plant as a whole a hermaphrodite. Hence although all monomorphic plants are hermaphrodites, different combinations of flower types (staminate, pistillate, or perfect) produces distinct monomorphic sexual systems.[7]

In animals,androdioecy,gynodioecy,andtrioecyare referred to asmixed sexual systems;[8]wherehermaphroditescoexist with single sexed individuals.[9]

List of sexual systems

Sexual system Description
Androdioecy males and hermaphrodites coexist in a population.[10]It is rare in both plants and animals.[11]
Andromonoecy rare sexual system inangiosperms,in which a plant has both male and hermaphroditic flowers.[12]It has been a subject of interest regarding the mechanism of sex expression.[13]
Dichogamy an individual plant produces either exclusively male or exclusively female flowers at different points in time.[14]It is thought the temporal separation of producing male and female flowers occurs to prevent self-fertilization,[15]however this is debatable as dichogamy occurs in similar frequency among species which are self-compatible and self-incompatible.[16]
Dioicy one of the main sexual systems inbryophytes.[17]In dioicy male and female sex organs are on separategametophytes.[18]
Dioecy a species has distinct individual organisms that are either male or female, i.e., they produce only male or only female gametes, either directly (in animals) or indirectly (in plants).[19]
Gonochorism individuals are either male or female.[19]

The term "gonochorism" is usually applied to animals while "dioecy" is applied to plants.[20]Gonochorism is the most common sexual system in animals, occurring in 95% of animal species.[21]

Gynodioecy females and hermaphrodites coexist in the same population.[10]
Gynomonoecy defined as the presence of bothfemaleandhermaphroditeflowers on the same individual of a plant species.[22]It is prevalent inAsteraceaebut is poorly understood.[23]
Gynodioecy-Gynomonoecy a sexual system for plants when female, hermaphrodite, and gynomonoecious plants coexist in the same population.[24]: 360 
Monoicy one of the main sexual systems inbryophytes.[17]In monoicy male and female sex organs are present in the samegametophyte.[18]
Monoecy a sexual system in which male and female flowers are present on the same plant. It is common inangiosperms,[25]and occurs in 10% of all plant species.[26][dubiousdiscuss]
Sequential hermaphroditism individuals start their adult lives as one sex, and change to the other sex at a later age.[27]
Sequential monoecy a confusing sexual system,[28]in which the combination of male, female, and hermaphrodite flowers presented changes over time.[29]For example, some conifers produce exclusively either male or female cones when young, then both when older.[30]Sequential monoecy can be difficult to differentiate from dioecy.[31]Several alternative terms may be used in reference to sexual systems involving temporal changes to sex presentation of a plant species (e.g. dichogamy, sequential hermaphroditism, sex change, paradioecy, diphasy).[32]
Simultaneous hermaphroditism an individual can produce both gamete types in the same breeding season.[33]Simultaneous hermaphroditism is one of the most common sexual systems in animals (though far less common thangonochorism) and is one of the most stable.[34]
Synoecy all individuals in a population of flowering plants bear solely hermaphrodite flowers.[27]
Trioecy males, females, and hermaphrodites exist in the same population.[8]It is present in both plants and animals but is always extremely rare.[35]Trioecy occurs in about 3.6% of flowering plants.[36]Trioecy may infrequently be referred to as tridioecy.[37]
Trimonoecy (also called androgynomonoecy) is when male, female, and hermaphrodite flowers are present on the same plant.[27][38]Triomonoecy is rare.[39]




  1. ^Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior.Vol. 4. Academic Press. 2019-01-21. p. 584.ISBN978-0-12-813252-4.
  2. ^abLeonard 2019,p. 1.
  3. ^Cardoso, João Custódio Fernandes; Viana, Matheus Lacerda; Matias, Raphael; Furtado, Marco Túlio; Caetano, Ana Paula de Souza; Consolaro, Hélder; Brito, Vinícius Lourenço Garcia de (Jul–Sep 2018)."Towards a unified terminology for angiosperm reproductive systems".Acta Botanica Brasilica.32(3): 329–348.doi:10.1590/0102-33062018abb0124.ISSN0102-3306.S2CID91470660.
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  10. ^abFusco G, Minelli A (2019-10-10).The Biology of Reproduction.Cambridge University Press. pp. 132–133.ISBN978-1-108-49985-9.
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  13. ^Pugnaire F, Valladares F (2007-06-20).Functional Plant Ecology.CRC Press. p. 524.ISBN978-1-4200-0762-6.
  14. ^Lloyd, David G.; Webb, C. J. (1986-07-01)."The avoidance of interference between the presentation of pollen and stigmas in angiosperms I. Dichogamy".New Zealand Journal of Botany.24(1): 135–162.Bibcode:1986NZJB...24..135L.doi:10.1080/0028825X.1986.10409725.ISSN0028-825X.
  15. ^Renner, Susanne S. (2014-10-01)."The relative and absolute frequencies of angiosperm sexual systems: Dioecy, monoecy, gynodioecy, and an updated online database".American Journal of Botany.101(10): 1588–1596.doi:10.3732/ajb.1400196.PMID25326608.
  16. ^Bertin, Robert I. (1993-05-01)."Incidence of Monoecy and Dichogamy in Relation to Self-Fertilization in Angiosperms".American Journal of Botany.80(5): 557–560.doi:10.1002/j.1537-2197.1993.tb13840.x.PMID30139145.
  17. ^abRamawat KG, Merillon JM, Shivanna KR (2016-04-19).Reproductive Biology of Plants.CRC Press. p. 62.ISBN978-1-4822-0133-8.
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  19. ^abKing RC, Stansfield WD, Mulligan PK (2007)."Gonochorism".A Dictionary of Genetics.Oxford University Press.doi:10.1093/acref/9780195307610.001.0001.ISBN978-0-19-530761-0.Retrieved2021-07-28.
  20. ^Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology.Vol. 2. Academic Press. 2016-04-14. p. 212.ISBN978-0-12-800426-5.
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Leonard, Janet (2019-05-21),Transitions Between Sexual Systems: Understanding the Mechanisms Of, and Pathways Between, Dioecy, Hermaphroditism and Other Sexual Systems,Springer Publishing,ISBN978-3-319-94139-4