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Share taxi

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Ashare taxi,shared taxi,taxibus,orjitneyordollar vanin the US, ormarshrutkain former Soviet countries, is amode of transportwhich falls between ataxicaband abus.Share taxis are a form ofparatransit;they arevehicles for hireare typically smaller than buses and usually takepassengerson a fixed or semi-fixed route without timetables, sometimes only departing when all seats are filled. They may stop anywhere to pick up or drop off their passengers. They are most common indeveloping countriesor inner cities.[1]

The vehicles used as share taxis range from four-seat cars to minibuses,midibuses,coveredpickup trucks,station wagons,andtrucks.Certain vehicle types may be better-suited than others.[2]They are often owner-operated.

An increase in bus fares usually leads to a significant rise in usage of share taxis. Liberalization is often encouraged bylibertarianurban economists, such asRichard Allen Epsteinof theUniversity of Chicago,James Dunn ofRutgers,and Peter Gordon of theUniversity of Southern California,as a more "market-friendly" alternative to public transportation. However, concerns over fares, insurance liabilities, and passenger safety have kept legislative support for decidedly tepid.

Some share taxi services are forms ofdemand responsive transportand include shared shuttle bus service to airports. Some can be booked online usingmobile apps.





A given share taxi route may start and finish in fixed central locations, and landmarks may serve as route names or route termini.

In other places there may be no formal termini, with taxis simply congregating at a central location,[3]instead.

Even more-formal terminals may just parking lots.[4]

The term "rank" denotes an area, specifically built for taxi operators by a municipality or city, where commuters may start and end their journey.



Where they exist, shared taxis provide service on set routes within and sometimes between towns.

After a shared taxi has picked uppassengersat its terminus, it proceeds along a semi-fixed route where the driver may determine the actual route within an area according to traffic conditions. Drivers will stop anywhere to allow riders to disembark, and may sometimes do the same when prospectivepassengerswant to ride.

Vehicle ownership


Most share taxis are operated under one of two regimes. Some share taxis are operated by a company. For example, inDakarthere are company-owned fleets of hundreds ofcar rapides.[4]In theSoviet Union,share taxis, known asmarshrutka,were operated by state-owned taxi parks.[5]There are also individual operators in many countries. In Africa, while there are company share taxis, individual owners are more common. Rarely owning more than two vehicles at a time, they will rent out a minibus to operators, who pay fuel and other running costs, and keep revenue.[4]



In some places, like some African cities and also Hong Kong, share taxi minibuses are overseen by syndicates, unions, or route associations.[4]These groups often function in the absence of aregulatoryenvironment[4]and may collect dues or fees from drivers[4](such as per-use terminal payments,[4]sometimes illegally), set routes,[4]manage terminals, and fix fares.[4]Terminal management may include ensuring each vehicle leaves with a full load of passengers.[4]

Because the syndicates represent owners, their regulatory efforts tend to favor operators rather than passengers,[4]and the very termini syndicates upkeep can cost delays and money for passengers as well as forcing them to disembark at inconvenient locations, in a phenomenon called "terminal constraint".[4]

By location




SomeFrancophone Africancountries use the termtaxi-brousse('bush taxi', often spelled with a space rather than a hyphen in English[6]) for share taxis.[7]

In some African cities, routes are run between formal termini,[4]where the majority[8]of passengers board.[4]In these places, the share taxis wait for a full load of passengers prior to departing, and off-peak wait times may be in excess of an hour.[4]

In Africa,regulationis mainly something that pertains to the vehicle itself not its operator[4]or its mode of operation.[citation needed]

African minibuses are difficult totax,[4]and may operate in a "regulatory vacuum" perhaps because their existence is not part of a government scheme, but is simply a market response to a growing demand for such services.[4]Route syndicates[4]and operator's associations[4]often exercise unrestricted control, and existing rules may see little enforcement.[4]

In many traffic-choked, sprawling, and low-density African cities, minibuses are used.[4]



InAlgeria,taxis collectifsply fixed routes with their destination displayed.[9]Rides are shared with others who are picked up along the way,[10]and the taxi will leave only when it seats all the passengers it can.[11]While stations, set locations to board and disembark, exist,[11]prospective passengers flag down ataxi collectifwhen they want a ride.[9]

Operating inter-[11]and intra-city,[citation needed]taxis collectifsthat travel between towns may be calledinterwilaya taxis.[11]

Along with all forms of public transport in Algeria, theForeign Affairs and International Trade Canadarecommend against using these share taxis.[10]TheIrish Department of Foreign Affairsasks that you use taxis recommended by a hotel.[12]

Burkina Faso


InOuagadougou,capital ofBurkina Faso,the share taxi ortaxi brousse[13]role is not filled by the traditional African minibus.[4]

Democratic Republic of the Congo


Those inKinshasa,DRC,(or perhaps just theKongo people) may call share taxisfula fulameaning "quick quick".[14]

There was no independent transport authority in the city of Kinshasa as of 2008.[4]



Share taxis do exist inCameroon,but as of 2008 minibuses cannot be used for this purpose, by law.[4]That same year,Douala,Cameroon, also was without an independent transport authority.[4]



Egyptianshare cabs are generally known as micro-bus (mekrobassميكروباصormašrūʿمشروع,"project"; pluralmekrobassātميكروباصاتormašarīʿمشاريع). The second name is used byAlexandrians.

Micro-buses are licensed by each of thegovernorates of Egyptas taxicabs, and are generally operated privately by their drivers. Although each governorate attempts to maintain a consistent paint scheme for them, in practice the color of them varies wildly, as the "consistent" schemes have changed from time to time and many drivers have not bothered to repaint their cars.

Rates vary depending on distance traveled, although these rates are generally well known to those riding the micro-bus. The fares also depend on the city. Riders can typically hail micro-buses from any point along the route, often with well-established hand signals indicating the prospective rider's destination, although certain areas tend to be well-known micro-bus stops.

Like the Eastern Europeanmarshrutka,a typical micro-bus is a largevan,most often aToyota HiAceor itsJinbeiequivalent, theHaise,and the latter is produced by theBavarian Auto Manufacturing Groupin6th of October Cityin Egypt. Smaller vans and larger small buses are also used.



Minibus taxis inEthiopiaare one of the most important modes of transport in big cities likeAddis Ababa.They are preferred by the majority of the populace over public buses and more traditional taxicabs because they are generally cheap, operate on diverse routes, and are available in abundance. All minibus taxis in Ethiopia have a standard blue-and-white coloring scheme, much asNew York taxisare yellow. Minibus taxis are usuallyToyota HiAces,frequent the streets. They typically can carry 11 passengers, but will always have room for another until that is no longer the case. The minibus driver has a crew member called aweyalawhose job is to collect the fare from passengers.

In 2008, publicly operated public transport was available inAddis Ababain addition to that provided by the minibuses.[4]A fleet of 350 large buses may operate for this purpose,[citation needed]as such a number does exist.[4]Also as of 2008, the city lacks an independent transport authority,[4]but someregulation,such as that controlling market entry, does exist.[4]

Route syndicates may be present but are described as "various".[4]


Tro tro inAccra
Mates calling for passengers
A mate looking out a tro tro
Trotro in Accra 2009
'trotro' in Ghana

InGhanaand neighboring countries, share taxis are calledtro tro.They are privately owned[15]minibus that travel fixed routes[15]and leave when filled to capacity. While there aretro trostations,[15][16][17]these shared taxis can also be boarded anywhere along the route.[15]

Operated by a driver and abus conductor,who collects money, shouts out the destination, and is called a "mate",[15]many are decorated withslogansandsayings,often religious, and few operate on Sundays.[17]A 2010 report byThe World Bankfound thatTro troare used by 70% ofGhanaiancommuters.[15]This popularity may be because in cities such asAccrahad only basic public transportation save for these small minibuses.[4]An informal means of transportation, inGhanathey arelicensedby the government, but the industry is self-regulated.[15]InAccra,syndicates include GPRTU and PROTOA.[4]

Aayalolo,a bus rapid transit system opened in November 2016; however, most people continued to use trotros as of 2019.[18]

The term "tro tro" is believed to derive from theGawordtro,"threepence", because the conductors usually asked for "three three pence", which was the standard bus fare in the 1940s, when Ghana still used theBritish West African poundand later theGhanaian pound.[19]Alternatively, its origin is not "three times three pence" but rather "threepence [thruhpnce, tro] each": doubling a coin's name in the vernacular means "that coin for each person (or item)". Three pence was the price per passenger in the early 1960s, when pounds/shillings/pence were still in use, including threepence coins, before decimalization of the currency into cedi and pesewa in 1965.

AMercedes-Benz Sprinterbus with a mate

In Ghana,tro troare licensed by the government, but the industry is self-regulated.[15]There was no independent transport authority as of 2008 in the capital, Accra.[4]In the absence of a regulatory environment, groups called syndicates oversee share taxis. These may collect dues, set routes, manage terminals, and fix fares.[4]In Accra as of 2008, such syndicates includeGhana Private Road Transport Unionand PROTOA.[4]

Despite the regulatory challenges, the service was regulated during theCOVID-19 pandemic in Ghana.There was 98% compliance to guidelines on physical distancing, although guidelines on individual use of face masks were more difficult to enforce.[20]

Ivory Coast


In theIvory Coast,gbakais a name for minibus public transports.[4]The transportregulatorinAbidjan,Ivory Coast,isAgence de Gestion des Transports Urbains[4]or AGETU.[4]As of 2008, Abidjan public transport was serviced by large buses as well as minibuses.[4]Syndicates include UPETCA and SNTMVCI.[4]



InKenya,regulation does extend to operators[21][22]and mode of operation (such as routes used)[citation needed]as well as the vehicle.[23]


Four vans are parked in parallel in front of a series of storefronts. Some have goods on top in woven containers. Men are standing on top of two of them, loading or unloading them. Other men congregate nearby.
Fourtaxi broussesat a station inAmbositra
A middle-aged white man takes a selfie inside a very taxi brousse. There are at least 17 passengers behind him, ranging from infant to later age; some are making unpleasant expressions.
Interior of a crowdedtaxi brousse
Madagascar'staxi broussesare a type of share taxi that serve as a relatively affordable public transportation system amidMadagascar's poverty.[24]: 61, 68 The typical cost in 2005 was US$.10 per person, and mosttaxi broussesdo not embark until all seats are full.[24]: 70 Whiletaxi broussesuse fixed stops, passengers can also exit at any point along the route.[24]: 73 Taxi broussecompany fleets range in size from a single vehicle to over a hundred, and may serve one or more urban, regional, or national lines.[24]: 70 National lines travel from their origin to their destination directly, disallowing improvised stops along the route.[25]A vehicle is staffed by a driver and assistant driver, or two drivers on a very long route. Other people are employed to attract customers and fasten luggage to the vehicle's roof.[24]: 75 



InMali,share taxis are calledsotramaanddourouni.[4]As of 2008,Bamako,Mali, has no independent transport authority,[4]but share taxi activity could fall underregulatorDirection de la régulation et du contrôle du transport urbain (municipal)or DRCTU control.[4]



InMorocco,intercity share taxis are calledgrand taxis.They are generally oldfull-sizeMercedes-Benzsedans,and seat six or more passengers.[26]


The danfo share taxi and molue minibusses are iconic of transport in Lagos, Nigeria.

InNigeria,both minibusses (calleddanfo[4]) andmidibuses(molue)[4]may be operated as share taxis. Such forms of public transport may also be referred to asbolekaja,and many bearslogansorsayings.[14]

Lagos,Nigeria, has a transport-dedicatedregulator,Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Agency (LAMATA).[4]Outside of Lagos, most major cities in Africa have similar systems of transport. Syndicates inLagosinclude the National Union of Road and Transport Workers (NURTW).[4]


Kigali Bus Services in Rwanda

Minibus public transports inRwandamay be called coaster buses,[27]share taxis, ortwegerane.[4]The latter could easily be a word meaning "stuffed" or "full".[27]As of 2020, inKigali,Rwanda, syndicates include RFTC, Kigali Bus Services, and Royal Express.

South Africa

Cape Town minibus taxi rank
Modern Toyota share taxi in Cape Town

Over 60% of South African commuters use shared minibus taxis, which are 16 seater commuter buses, sometimes referred to askombis.Many of these vehicles are unsafe and not roadworthy, and often dangerously overloaded. Since the 1980s, share taxis have been severely affected by turf wars.[28]Prior to 1987, the taxi industry in South Africa was highly regulated and controlled. Black taxi operators were declined permits in theApartheidera and all minibus taxi operations were, by their very nature, illegal. Post-1987, the industry was rapidly deregulated, leading to an influx of new minibus taxi operators, keen to make money off the high demand for this service. Taxi operators banded together to form local and national associations. Because the industry was largely unregulated and the official regulating bodies corrupt,[citation needed]these associations soon engaged in anti-competitiveprice fixingand exhibited gangster tactics – including the hiring of hit-men and all-out gang warfare.[29]During the height of the conflict, it was common for taxi drivers to carry shotguns and AK-47s to simply shoot rival taxi drivers and their passengers on sight.[citation needed]

Along with new legislation, the government has instituted a recapitalization scheme to replace the old and un-roadworthy vehicles with new 18- and 35-seater minibusses. These new minibus taxis carry the South African flag on the side and are notably more spacious and safe.


Adala dalain the city ofDar es Salaam

Minivansand minibuses are used as vehicles for hire and referred to asdala dalainTanzania.Whiledala dalamay run fixed routes picking up passengers at central locations, they will also stop along the route to drop someone off or allow a prospective passenger to board. Before minibuses became widely used, the typicaldala dalawas apick-up truckwith benches placed in thetruck bed.[30]

InDar es Salaam,as of 2008, publicly operated minibus service also exists.[4]

They are usually run by both a driver and abus conductorcalled ampigadebe,literally meaning "a person who hits a debe" (a 4-gallon tin container used for transporting gasoline or water). The name is in reference to the fact that conductors often hit the roof and side of the van to attract customers and to notify the driver when to leave the station.

Often crowded, they have their routes allocated by a Tanzania transportregulator,Surface and Marine Transport Regulatory Authority (SUMATRA),[4]but syndicates also exist and include DARCOBOA.[4]


Share taxi inTunisia

Share taxis inTunisiaare calledlouagesand follow fixed or semi-fixed routes, departing from stations when full.[31][32]In French, the name means "rental." Departing only when filled with passengers not at specific times, they can be hired at stations.[33]Louage ply set routes, and fares are set by the government. At most louage stations, tickets must be purchased at a booth and given to the driver.

In contrast to other share taxis in Africa, louage are sparsely decorated. These white vans sport a single colored stripe that alerts potential passengers to the type of transport they offer. Red-striped vans travel from one state to another, Blue which travels from city to city within a state, and yellow which serves rural locales.[33]Blue-striped louage can also be seen.[33]Small placards atop the vans specify either a van's exact destination or the town in which it is registered.

Prior to the introduction of vans, French-made station wagons were used as louages.[34]

West Africa


The termkia kiamay be used inYorùbálandto refer to minibus public transports, and means "quick quick".[14]


Apublic light bus(left) and adouble-decker bus(right) inHong Kong.

Hong Kong


Public light buses(Chinese:Công cộng tiểu hình ba sĩ), also known as minibus or maxicab (Chinese:Tiểu ba), run the length and breadth ofHong Kong,through areas which the standard bus lines cannot or do not reach as frequently, quickly or directly. They are 16 or 19 seater minibuses.Public Light Busare differentiated from usual minibuses with their red coloured roof, and with very few exceptions, lack of route numbers. With no timetable, drivers can depart when they deem the passenger count on board is financially equitable. Special features include its high speeds (up to 110 km/h on some routes; which is illegal when exceeding the 80 km/h limit) and permission for the driver to end the journey pre-maturely, even with passengers on board. Although within their right to charge the full fare, drivers usually lower or omit the fare if they are unable to deliver the passenger to the promised destination.

Typically offering a faster and more efficient transportation solution due to their small size, limited carrying capacity, frequency, and diverse range of routes, although they are generally slightly more expensive than standard buses, minibusses carry a maximum of 19 seated passengers.Standing passengersare not allowed.

There are two types of public light minibus: green and red. Both types have a cream-coloured body, the distinguishing feature being the colour of the external roof, and the type of service that the colour denotes: green is like regulartransit buswith fixed number, route, schedule and fare (but generally not fixed stops); red is a shared taxi, operating on semi-fixed route unregulated, with the driver waiting for enough passengers to justify leaving, as his income depends on the revenue.



InCyprus,there are privately owned share taxis that travel to set destinations and board additional passengers en route called service taxis.[35]



InIndia,several cities have minibuses apart from the presence of three-wheeler taxi-cabs called rickshaws. Minibuses are especially popular in the city ofKolkatafor intra-city travel but are also present elsewhere. It is also a crucial mode of public transport in theHimalayanregion and in the hilly tracts ofNortheast India,as other modes of transport are infrequent or absent altogether.

Shared taxis have been operating inMumbai, India,since the early 1970s. These are point-to-point services that operate during peak hours. Duringoff-peak hoursthey ply like regular taxis; they can be hailed anywhere on the roads and passengers are charged by the meter. During peak hours they will take a full cab load of passengers to a more or less common destination. The pick-up points are usually fixed, and sometimes (but not always) marked by a sign saying "shared taxis". Cabs typically line up at this point during peak hours.

They sometimes display their general destination on their windscreens, and passengers get in and wait for the cab to fill up, which leave when full. Fares are fixed and much lower than the metered fare to the same destination, but higher than a bus or train fare.

Such informal arrangements also exist in other Indian cities. Share jeeps are a common form of transportation in the Himalayas, the North Eastern States, and elsewhere.[36]


An Angkot inJakarta

Angkutan Kota(lit.'city transport'), abbreviated asangkot,are shared taxis inIndonesiawidely operating throughout the country, usually withmicrobuses.In some places there were also three-wheelers which are calledbemo(such asautorickshawsbased on theDaihatsu Midget) but these have been phased out. The older version of Angkot is calledoplet.The name of this transportation differs from each different province or area in the country. InJakarta,it is calledangkotor"mikrotrans",in other parts such as inSulawesi,the termmikrolet(shortened"mikro") is more widely used especially inManado.InMakassarit is called"pete-pete",inMalangit is called"angkota",inMedanit is called"sudako",inAcehit is called"labi-labi".

Share taxis operated acrossrural/villageroutes are calledangkutan desa(lit.'village transport'), abbreviated asangkudes.Angkotandangkudesrun accordingly to their exact routes and may stop at any class of bus stations (A, B, and C-Type bus stations).[37]Additionally, passengers can stop the van anywhere along its route, and it is not required to stop at abus stop.[38]


Sharing ajans inTehran

In Iran, a share taxi is usually called "taxi", while a non-share is called "ajans" /اژانس, pronounced [aʒans]. Four passengers share a taxi and sometimes there is no terminus and they wait in the street side and blare their destination to all taxis until one of them stops. These are regular taxis but if somebody wants to get a non-share taxi he can call for an ajans (taxi service) for himself or wait in the street side and say"Darbast"(which means non-share). It means he is not interested in sharing the taxi and is consequently willing to pay more for the privilege.

Minibuses, with a capacity of 18 passengers, and van taxis, with a capacity of 10 passengers are other kinds of share transport in Iran.[39]


Sherut taxis
Sherut taxis

InHebrew:מונית שירותmonit sherut,pl.Hebrew:מוניות שירותmoniyot sherutis a word meaning "service taxi". Referring to vans or minibuses[40][41]that serve as share taxis inIsrael,these can be picked up from anywhere on their route. They follow fixed routes[40](sometimes the same routes aspublic transportbuses) and usually leave from the initial station only when full.[42]Moniyot sherutoperate both inter-[40][43]and intra-city.[40]Payment is often done by passing money to the driver in a "human chain" formed by the passengers seated before. The change (and the receipt, when requested) are returned to the person who paid by the same means. In intra-city routes, where they compete with official buses, the drivers usually coordinate their travel by radio so that they can arrive at the bus station just before public transport buses and take the most passengers.

Monit sherut is one of the only forms of transit accessible to many Israelis duringShabbat,as most public transportation in the country closes down between sunset on Friday and sunset on Saturday.

In Israel, Mercedes are used, owned generally by Arabs, and very efficient, having space for 7–8 people, and having loosely fixed routes, dropping a passenger either at a specific terminus or going a little out of the way to facilitate the passenger.

The Philippines

UV Express vehicle in Metro Manila
A typical jeepney in Legazpi, The Philippines

The most popular means of public transportation in thePhilippinesas of 2007,[44]jeepneys were originally made out ofUS military jeepsleft over fromWorld War II[45]and are known for their color and flamboyant decoration.[44]The jeepneys are built by localautomobile repair shopsfrom a combination of prefabricated elements (from a handful of Filipino manufacturers) and improvisation and in most cases equipped with "surplus" or used Japanese SUV or light truck engines, drive train, suspension and steering components (from recycled vehicles in Japan).

They have not changed much since their post-war creation, even in the face of increased access to pre-made vehicles, such as minibuses.[citation needed]However, due to the government'sPublic Utility Vehicle Modernization Program,Jeepneys and other modes of transportation must comply to the newer Philippine National Standards which is more compliant with international standards.

Older jeepneys have the entrance on the back, and there is space for two people beside the driver (or more if they are small) while the modern jeepneys have two doors on the right side of the vehicle. The back cab of the Jeepney is equipped with two long bench seats along the sides and the people seated closest to the driver are responsible for passing the fare of new passengers forward to the driver and the change back to the passenger. The start and end point of the jeepney route is often a jeepney terminal, where there is a queue system so only one jeepney plying a particular route is filled at a time, and where a person helps the driver to collect fares and fill the vehicles with people, usually to more than comfortable capacity.

Preferring to leave only when full and only stop for a crowd of potential passengers,[46]riders can nonetheless disembark at any time; and while jeepneys ply fixed routes,[44]these may be subject to change over time.[47]New ones may need approval from a Philippine transportregulator.[48]Jeepney stations do exist.[49]

Another share taxi that is also common in the Philippines is theUV Expresswhich usesCompact MPVsandvansas its form factor. These vehicles seat 10–18 people and charge an additional 2Philippine pesoper kilometer (as of 2013).



Literally "two rows"[citation needed]asongthaeworsong thaew[50](Thai สองแถว, Lao: ສອງແຖວ [sɔ̌ːŋtʰíw]) is a passenger vehicle inThailand[50]andLaos[51]adapted from a pick-up[51]or a larger truck and used as a share taxi. They are also known as baht buses.

Turkey and Northern Cyprus

Karsan-built Peugeot J9 PremierdolmuşinBodrum,Turkey

InTurkeyandNorthern Cyprus,dolmuş(pronounced "dolmush" ) are share taxis that run on set routes within and between cities. Each of these cars or minibuses displays their particular route on signboards behind thewindscreen.Some cities may only allowdolmuşto pick up and disembark passengers at designated stops, and terminals also exist. The word derives fromTurkishfor "full" or "stuffed", as these share taxis depart from the terminal only when a sufficient number of passengers have boarded. Visitors to Turkey have been surprised by the speed ofdolmuştravel.[52]

Traveling intra and inter-city, the privately owned minibuses are overseen by a governance institution; routes are leased and vehicles licensed. Passengers board anywhere along the route as well as at termini and official stations.Dolmuşin Turkish-controlled, Northern Cyprus display their routes but don't follow timetables.

West Bank


Share taxis are often called "ser-vees" (service taxi) in theWest Bank.Minibuses are often used in lieu of vans.Ford Transitvans were often a popular vehicle for conversion, resulting in thegeneric trademark"Ford" and "Fordat" (pl) being used to describe minibusses of various makes, replacing aging Mercedes sedans.[40]



New Zealand


InNew Zealandthe first widespread motor vehicle services were shared taxi services termedservice cars;a significant early provider was Aard, operating elongatedHudson Super Sixes.[53]By 1930, there were 597 service cars.[54]Aard was taken over byNew Zealand Railways Road Servicesin 1928.[53]

A shuttle van service toDunedin International Airportpicks up a passenger atDunedin Railway Stationin New Zealand
shuttle stop traffic sign
Sign for a shuttle stop

Shared taxis in New Zealand nowadays are referred to asshuttlesorshuttle vans.

Shared buses or vans are available in many more developed countries connecting frequent destinations, charging a fixed fee per passenger. The most common case is a connection between an airport and central city locations. These services are often known as shuttles. Such services usually use smaller vehicles than normal buses and often operate on demand. An air traveler can contact the shuttle company by telephone orInternet,not necessarily in advance; the company will ensure that a shuttle is provided without unreasonable delay. The shuttle will typically connect one airport with several large hotels, or addresses in a specified area of the city. The shuttle offers much of the convenience of a taxi, although it takes longer, at a price that is significantly lower for one or two passengers. Scheduled services between an airport and a hotel, usually operated by the hotel, are also called shuttles. In many cases the shuttle operator takes the risk of there not being enough passengers to make the trip profitable; in others, there is a minimum charge when there are not enough passengers.

Usually, there are regulations covering vehicles and drivers; for example in New Zealand under NZTA regulations, shuttles are only allowed to have up to eleven passenger seats, and the driver must have a passenger endorsement (P) on their driver's license.


MOIA van in Hamburg, Germany

Former Soviet Union

Marshrutka inMoscowregion
Marshrutka inMoscow,Russia

Marshrutnoye taksi[55](‹See Tfd›Russian:Маршрутное такси;Ukrainian:Маршрутне таксі,romanized:Marshrutne taksi,lit.'Routed taxicab'), commonly known by the colloquialismMarshrutka[56][57](RussianandUkrainian:маршру́тка,Russian:[mɐrʂˈrutkə],Ukrainian:[mɐrʃˈrutkɐ],plural marshrutki), are share taxis found inEastern Europeand the republics of the former Soviet Union.[58]Usually vans, they drive along set routes, depart only when all seats are filled, and may have higher fares than buses.[56][57][58]Passengers can board amarshrutkaanywhere along its route if there are seats available.[57][58]

Fares are usually paid before themarshrutkaleaves; riders near the driver are responsible for handing up the other passengers' fares and passing back change.[58][59]



In Moldova, share taxis are calledrutierele(singularrutieră). Introduced in 1981, they are private, owner-operatedminibusesthat operate along fixed routes. In cities, each rutieră route has a given number, as in the case ofbusesortrolleybuses.



Besides the conventionaldeeltaxi,there aretreintaxisin someDutchtowns. Operated on behalf of theNetherlands Railways,[citation needed]they run to and from railway stations and the ride is shared with additional passengers picked up along the way. Tickets can be purchased at railway ticket offices or from the cabdriver, buttreintaxismust be ordered by phone unless boarding at a railway station.[60]


A Citroёn Jumper marshrutka inSofia,Bulgaria

Marshrutkas are rare in Bulgaria. As of 2021, only a single route operates in Sofia, while 10 lines operate inPlovdiv.[61]They are customized passenger vans that have been modified to include large windows in the back, rails and handles. Marshrutkas are commonly white, although their colour varied, and are partially covered inadvertising.In some cases, seating has been modified — popular routes carrying more passengers typically have more standing space. Examples of van models includePeugeot Boxer,Citroën Jumper,Ford Transit,Iveco DailyandRenault Master.They have a fixed fare; the fare is paid upon boarding. Marshrutkas were not obliged to stop anywhere on the route, although they did slow down around popular spots. Marshrutka drivers were asked to stop and pick one up in a taxi-like manner; the getting-off was arranged with the driver, often by just standing up and approaching the door. Sometimes the driver would ask for consent to veer off the route to avoid a traffic jam or roadworks.



InRomania,microbuzeormaxi-taxisupplied the need of affordable public transportation in smaller towns when some local administrations abolished the expensive community-owned systems of buses. InBucharest,this form of transportation appeared in the early 1980s, when the ITB began using them as a peak-hour service, beginning to useIrannational-madeMercedes-Benz T2vans, being supplemented in the late 1980s byRocar-TV vans. In 1990, the newly foundedRATBsold off its operations to private operators, who began using them in competition to the RATB. They enjoyed wide popularity, especially from 2003 to 2007, and from 2011 onwards, when the RATB lost the rights to operate suburban routes. On the Black Sea shore, it is very common to travel fromConstanţaorMangaliato the resorts on minibuses (microbuze), especially in those resorts where the competing train service is far from the beach and/or lodging facilities. These minibuses have been criticised for their shady operations, lack of safety and primitive transportation conditions.



InAthens,Greecemost taxis were share taxis,[62]but since the country joined theEUin 1981, this tradition started to disappear.

United Kingdom


In 2018, Arriva launched shared taxi service Arriva Click inLiverpoolandSittingbourneandKent Science Parkin the United Kingdom.[63]

Northern Ireland

In some towns inNorthern Ireland,notably certain districts inBallymena,Belfast,DerryandNewry,share taxi services operate usingHackney carriagesand are called black taxis. These services developed duringThe Troublesas public bus services were often interrupted due to streetrioting.Taxi collectives are closely linked with political groups – those operating in Catholic areas withSinn Féin,those in Protestant areas withloyalistparamilitariesand their political wings.

Typically, fares approximate those ofTranslinkoperated bus services on the same route. Service frequencies are typically higher than on-bus services, especially at peak times, although limited capacities mean that passengers living close to the termini may find it difficult to find a black taxi with seats available in therush hour.



Major providers of share taxis in Switzerland are Telebus Kriens LU, Taxito, myBuxi, Kollibri by Swiss Postal Bus, and Pikmi by VBZ Verkehrsbetriebe Zurich ZH.

North America




Most areas ofBarbadosare served byZRs,which run in addition to thegovernment-run bus service.

Dominican Republic


In theDominican Republic,share taxis are privately owned vehicles[64]running fixed routes[65][64]with no designated stops.[65]

Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canadaadvises against traveling in the Dominican Republiccarros públicosbecause doing so makes passengers targets for robbery, and because the taxis are known to, "disregard traffic laws, often resulting in serious accidents involving injuries and sometimes death."[66]TheUnited States Department of Statealso warns that using them is hazardous, due topickpockets,and are sometimes passengers are robbed by the drivers themselves.[64]


A Haitiantap tap

Tap taps,gaily painted buses[67]orpick-up trucks,andpubliques,usually oldersaloon cars,[68]serve as share taxis inHaiti.Tap tapsare privately owned and ornately decorated.[67]They follow fixed routes; won't leave until filled with passengers; and many feature wild colors, portraits of famous people, and intricate, hand-cut wooden window covers.[67]Often they are painted with religious names orslogans.[14]Riders can disembark at any point in the journey. Their name refers to "fast motion".[14]

Thepubliquesoperate on fixed routes and pick up additional passengers all along the way.[68]

While saying not to use any form of public transport inHaiti,theForeign Affairs and International Trade Canadaadvises againsttap taptravel especially.[69]TheUnited States Department of Statealso warns travelers not to usetap taps,"because they are often overloaded, mechanically unsound, and driven unsafely."[70]

Saint Lucia


InSaint Lucia,waychehs are a name for minibus public transports usingToyota HiAce.



InVancouver,British Columbia, Canada, in the 1920s, jitneys competed directly with the streetcar monopoly operating along the same routes as the streetcars, but jitneys were charging lower fares.[71]

InQuebec,share taxis or jitneys are calledtaxis collectifs[72](in English "shared taxis"[73]) ortransport collectif par taxi,literally "public transport by taxi".[74](which theSTMtranslates in English as "taxibus"[75]) and are operated bysubcontractorsto the local transit authorities on fixed routes.

In the case ofMontréal,the fare is the same as the local bus fare, but no cash andtransfersare issued or accepted; in the case of theSTL,onlybus passes.[73]TheRéseau de transport de Longueuilaccepts regular RTL tickets and all RTL and someRéseau de transport métropolitainTRAM passes.



In Guatemala,ruleteros,minibus share taxis, pick up and discharge passengers along major streets.[76][77]

United States

A dollar van inUnion City, New Jersey,2009
Cartoon byMarguerite Martynof a jitney cab and passengers in 1915 St. Louis, Missouri

In the United States, share taxis are calledjitneysordollar vans.They are typically modified passenger vans, and often operate in urban neighborhoods that are under-served by public mass transit or taxis. Some are licensed and regulated, while others operate illegally. They operate at designated stops or can be hailed from the street.

Both common names – dollar van and jitney – originated similarly. Jitney is an archaic term for an Americannickel,the common fare for early jitneys. In the late 20th century, when a typical fare was one dollar, the corresponding name came into usage, though "jitney" is still also common.[78]It is generally a small-capacity vehicle that follows a rough service route, but it can go slightly out of its way to pick up and drop off passengers. In many US cities such asPittsburghandDetroit,the termjitneyrefers to an unlicensed taxi cab.

They are often owned and used by members of inner-city communities, such as African/Caribbean American, Latino, and Asian-American populations. Travelers cite cost and greater frequency as factors in choosing jitneys over larger bus service, whereas safety and comfort are cited for choosing buses.

The first jitneys in the United States operated inLos Angeles, Californiain 1914. By 1915, there were 62,000 nationwide. Local regulations, demanded by streetcar companies, forced jitneys out of business in most places. By the end of 1916, only 6,000 jitneys remained.[79]Operators were referred to as "jitney men." They were so successful that the city government banned them at the request of the streetcar operators.



Jitneys were popular inAtlantafrom 1915 to 1925 as an alternative to streetcars.[80]In Atlanta, jitneys run alongBuford Highway.

New York City


InNew York City,dollar vans serve major areas that lack adequate subway service intransit deserts.The vans pick up and drop off anywhere along a route, and payment is made at the end of a trip. During periods when limited public mass transit is unavailable,dollar vans were the only feasible method of transportation for many commuters.[81][82]In such situations, city governments may pass legislation to deterprice gouging.[83]Most dollar vans operate illegally, due to possible rules and fines.[84]Dollar vans and other jitneys mainly serve low-income, immigrant communities intransit deserts,which lack sufficient bus and subway service.[85]

New Jersey


In New Jersey, 6,500 jitney buses are registered, and are required to have an "Omnibus" license plate, which denotes the vehicle's federal registration. They are also required to undergo inspection by the stateMVCmobile inspection team on the vehicles' companies' property twice a year, and be subject to surprise inspection. Drivers of jitneys are required to qualify for a Class B or Class C Commercial Drivers License (CDL), depending on whether the vehicle seats up to 15 or 30 passengers. Violations against a driver's CDL must be resolved and result in payment of fines prior to resumption of driving on the driver's part, with retesting required if the driver waits longer than three years to resolve the issues.[86]

Denser urban areas ofnorthern New Jersey,such asHudson,BergenandPassaic County,are also served by dollar vans,[85][87][88]which are commonly known as jitneys, and most of which are run bySpanish Transportationand Community Line, Inc.Nungessers,along theAnderson Avenue-Bergenline Avenuetransit corridor is a major origination/termination point, as are42nd Street in Manhattan,Newport MallandFive CornersinJersey City,andGWB PlazainFort Lee.These interstate vans are under the purview of the federal government.[85]

Jitney inAtlantic City,United States in 2008

InAtlantic CitytheAtlantic City Jitney Associationoperates a jitney service that travels the main strip of casinos. One of the routes also services the new cluster of casinos west of Atlantic City proper.

Hudson County commuters who preferNJ Transitbuses, for example, cite senior citizen discounts and air conditioning among their reasons, which has led some jitney operators to display bumper stickers advertising air conditioning aboard their vehicles in order to lure passengers. Some who prefer the buses will nonetheless take the jitneys if they arrive before the buses, as they pass bus stops more frequently than the buses and are cheaper.[86][89]Others choose buses because, they claim, jitney drivers are less safe, and are prone to using cell phones and playing loud music while driving. AlthoughUnion Cityjitney driver Samuel Martinez has complained that authorities unfairly target them and not the larger buses,North BergenPatrol Commander Lt. James Somers has contended that jitneys are less safe, and sometimes exhibit higher levels of aggressive driving in order to pick up passengers, which has led to arguments among drivers. Somers also stated that police can only stop a vehicle that appears to have an obvious problem, and that only certified inspectors from the state MVC can stop a vehicle for less apparent, more serious problems.[86]

Dollar vans may change ownership over the course of decades, and the mostly immigrant drivers are subject to police searches. Between 1994 and 2015, the TLC issued 418 van licenses, although the vast majority of vans are unlicensed. Licensed vans cannot pick up at New York City bus stops, and all pick-ups must be predetermined and all passengers logged. Additionally, in the 1980s and 1990s, the predominantly black and mostly immigrant dollar van drivers stated that they were harassed "day and night" by theNew York City Police Department(NYPD), with some van drivers having their keys confiscated and thrown away by NYPD officers.[85]

Over the course of the 2000s, surprise inspections inHudson County, New Jerseyhave been imposed on jitney operators, whose lack of regulation, licensing or regular scheduling has been cited as the cause for numerous fines. A series of such inspections of the vans on Bergenline Avenue in June 2010 resulted in 285 citation violations, including problems involving brake lights,bald tires,steering wheels,suspensions,exhaust pipes,and emergency doors welded shut. An early July 2010 surprise inspection by the Hudson County Prosecutor's Office, which receives federal funding for regulating jitneys, found 23 out of 33 jitneys to be unsafe, which were taken out of service.[86][90]Claims have also been made that jitneys cause congestion and undermine licensed bus service. Drivers of these vans have also developed a reputation for ignoring traffic laws in the course of competing for fares, picking up and dropping off passengers at random locations, and driving recklessly.[89]

On July 30, 2013, an accident occurred at 56th Street andBoulevard EastinWest New York, New Jersey,in which Angelie Paredes, an 8-month-oldNorth Bergenresident, was killed in her stroller when a full-sized[91]jitney bus belonging to the New York-based Sphinx company toppled a light pole. The driver, Idowu Daramola of Queens, was arrested and charged with a number of offenses, including using a cell phone while driving.[92][93][94]Officials also stated that he was speeding;[89]however, this was later disputed by an investigator to the scene who concluded that there was insufficient evidence to determine the speed of the bus.[91]At an August 6 press conference, legislators including U.S. RepresentativeAlbio Sires,New Jersey State SenatorNicholas Sacco,State Assembly membersVincent Prieto,Charles MainorandAngelica Jimenez,West New YorkMayorFelix Roque,WeehawkenMayor Richard Turner,GuttenbergMayor Gerald Drasheff, Freeholder Junior Maldonado andHudson CountySheriff Frank Schillari, noted that problems with jitneys existed since the 1980s, and called for stricter regulations for drivers and bus companies. This included increased monitoring and enforcement, and heightened participation by the public in identifying poor drivers,[94]as jitneys had been exempt from regulations imposed on buses and other forms of transportation.

In February 2014, New Jersey GovernorChris Christiesigned Angelie's Law, strengthening regulations on commuter buses.[95][96]

Several companies run vans in Northern New Jersey, often following similar routes to New Jersey Transit buses but at a slightly lower price and greater frequency. The most common routes have an eastern terminus on street level in Manhattan, either near thePort Authority Bus Terminalor theGeorge Washington Bridge Bus Station.[97]Often, several different companies ply the same route.



In Miami, jitneys (also known as the Miami Mini Bus) run through various neighborhoods, mostly those stretching between Downtown Miami toThe Mall at 163rd StreetinNorth Miami Beach,Florida. Miami has the country's most comprehensive jitney network, due to Caribbean influence.

San Francisco


Jitneys ran in San Francisco from late 1914 to January 2016. In the 1910s, there were more than 1,400 jitneys operating in the city. However, by 2016, declining ridership combined with mounting penalties for traffic citations made the operations unprofitable.[98]



The Houston Wave, Houston's first jitney service in 17 years, operated between 2009 and 2019. It expanded into a network of buses operating within Loop 610 and to all special event venues in Houston.

Latin America


In Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, “carros públicos” (literally "public cars" ) are share taxis.[99]Carros Publicos set routes with several passengers sharing the ride[100]and others picked up throughout the journey.[99]

In Puerto Rico the industry isregulatedby thePuerto Rico Public Service Commission.[3]

While these cars do travel inter-city, they may not be available for longer, cross-island travel.[3]Stations may exist in cities, and Puerto Ricancarros públicosmay congregate in specific places around town.[3]



Along with traditional bus and minibus routes in some areas that the regular size buses couldn't fit due to the road and street height and width with small size. but they are regulated in standard minibuses fares depending on the state and city of the country.

South America




Colectivosoperated as share taxis from the late 1920s until the 1950s inBuenos Aires,Argentinawhen they were integrated into the public transportation system. Vehicles still known ascolectivosoperate throughout the country, but have long been indistinguishable from buses.[101]

Chile, Peru and Guatemala

TaxisColectivosof different lines inTalca,Chile

Often share taxi routes inMexicoaread hocarrangements to fill in gaps in regular public transportation, and many operate inter-city as well as local routes. In many rural areas, they are the only public transportation.

In some cases, truck/taxi combination vehicles have evolved to transport light goods as well as passengers. Heavily used share taxi routes often evolve into regulated microbus public transit routes, as has occurred inMexico Cityand inLima.

Taxis colectivosare also found inPerú,Chile,Guatemala,andArgentina,where they are most commonly referred to simply ascolectivos,although in some places they have become essentially standard buses.[101]


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