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Sherpa people

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shar pa
Young Sherpas in traditional attire at West Bengal Sherpa Cultural Board
Regions with significant populations
India65,000 (above)[2]
United States16,800
PredominantlyBuddhism(93%) and minority:Bön,Christianity
Related ethnic groups
Tibetans,Tamang,Hyolmo,Jirels,Raiand otherTibeto-Burmangroups

TheSherpas(Standard Tibetan:ཤར་པ་,romanized:shar pa) are one of theTibetan ethnic groupsnative to the most mountainous regions ofNepalandTibetan Autonomous RegionofChina.

The majority of Sherpas live in the eastern regions of Nepal, namely inSolukhumba,Khatra,Kama,Rolwaling,BarunandPharakvalleys,[4]though some live farther West in theBiguand in theHelamburegion north ofKathmandu,Nepal. Sherpas establishgompaswhere they practice their religious traditions.Tengbochewas the first celibate monastery inSolu-Khumbu.Sherpa people also live inTingri County,Bhutan,and theIndianstates ofSikkimand the northern portion ofWest Bengal,specifically the district ofDarjeeling.TheSherpa languagebelongs to the southern branch of theTibeto-Burman languages,mixed with Eastern Tibetan (Khams Tibetan) and central Tibetan dialects. However, this language is separate fromLhasa Tibetanand unintelligible to Lhasa speakers.[5]

The number of Sherpas migrating to Western countries has significantly increased in recent years, especially to the United States.New York Cityhas the largest Sherpa community in the United States, with a population of approximately 16,000. The 2011 Nepal census recorded 512,946 Sherpas within its borders. Members of the Sherpa population are known for their skills inmountaineeringas a livelihood.



The Sherpa people descend from historically nomadic progenitors who first settled theKhumbuandSoluregions of theMahālangūr Himālsection of theHimalayan rangein theTibetan Plateau.This area is situated along the modern border dividing the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal from thePeople's Republic of ChinawithinSolukhumbu DistrictinKoshi,the easternmostNepali province,to the south of theTibet Autonomous Regionin China.

According to Sherpa oral history, four groups migrated fromKhamin Tibet to Solukhumbu at different times, giving rise to the four fundamental Sherpa clans: Minyakpa, Thimmi, Lamasherwa, and Chawa. These four groups gradually split into the more than 20 different clans that exist today. Mahayana Buddhism religious conflict may have contributed to the migration out of Tibet in the 13th and 14th centuries and its arrival in the Khumbu regions of Nepal. Sherpa migrants travelled throughÜand Tsang, before crossing the Himalaya.[6][7][8]

By the 1400s, theKhumbuSherpa people had attained autonomy within the newly formed Nepali state. In the 1960s, as tension with China increased, theNepali governmentinfluence on the Sherpa people grew. In 1976, Khumbu became a national park, and tourism became a major economic force.[9]

The termsherpaderives from theTibetanwordsshar(ཤར,'east') andpa(,'people'). The reasons for adoption of this term are unclear; one common explanation describes origins in easternTibetbut the community is based in the Nepalese highlands which is to Tibet's south.[10][11][12]



Genetic studies show that much of the Sherpa population hasallele frequenciesthat are often found in other Tibeto-Burman regions. In tested genes, the strongest affinity was for Tibetan population sample studies done in theTibet Autonomous Region.[6]Genetically, the Sherpa cluster is closest to the sampleTibetanandHanpopulations.[13]

Additionally, the Sherpa had exhibited an affinity for severalNepalese populations,with the strongest for theRai people,followed by theMagarsand theTamang.[13]

A 2010 study identified more than 30 genetic factors that makeTibetanbodies well-suited for high altitudes, includingEPAS1,referred to as the "super-athlete gene," that regulates the body's production of hemoglobin,[14]allowing for greater efficiency in the use of oxygen.[15][14]

A 2016 study of Sherpas in Tibet suggested that a small portion of Sherpas' and Tibetans'allele frequenciesoriginated from separate ancient populations, which were estimated to have remained somewhat distributed for 11,000 to 7,000 years.[16]

Haplogroup distribution


A 2014 study observed that considerable genetic components from the Indian Subcontinent were found in Sherpa people living in Tibet. The western Y chromosomal haplogroups R1a1a-M17, J-M304, and F*-M89 comprise almost 17% of the paternal gene pool in tested individuals. In the maternal side, M5c2, M21d, and U from the west also count up to 8% of people in given Sherpa populations.[17]However, a later study from 2015 did not support the results from the 2014 study; the 2015 study concluded that genetic sharing from the Indian subcontinent was highly limited;[6]a 2017 study found the same.[13]

In a 2015 study of 582 Sherpa individuals (277 males) from China and Nepal,haplogroup D-M174was found most frequently, followed byHaplogroup O-M175,Haplogroup F-M89andHaplogroup K-M9.TheY-chromosome haplogroupdistribution for Sherpas follow a pattern similar to that for Tibetans.[6]

SherpamtDNAdistribution shows greater diversity, asHaplogroup Awas found most frequently, followed byHaplogroup M9a,Haplogroup C4a,Haplogroup M70, andHaplogroup D.These haplogroups are also found in some Tibetan populations. However, two common mtDNA sub-haplogroups unique to Sherpas populations were identified: Haplogroup A15c1 and Haplogroup C4a3b1.[6]


Sherpa mountain guidePem Dorjee SherpaatKhumbu Icefall

Many Sherpas are highly regarded as elitemountaineersand experts in their local area. They were valuable to earlyexplorersof theHimalayanregion, serving as guides at the extreme altitudes of the peaks and passes in the region, particularly for expeditions to climbMount Everest.Today, the term is often used by foreigners to refer to almost any guide or climbing supporter hired formountaineeringexpeditions in the Himalayas, regardless of their ethnicity.[18]Because of this usage, the term has become a slang byword for a guide or mentor in other situations.[19]Sherpas are renowned in the internationalclimbingand mountaineering community for their hardiness, expertise, and experience at very high altitudes. It has been speculated that part of the Sherpas' climbing ability is the result of agenetic adaptation to living in high altitudes.Some of these adaptations include uniquehemoglobin-binding capacity and doublednitric oxideproduction.[20]

Deaths in 2014 Everest avalanche


On 18 April 2014, aseraccollapsed above theKhumbu Icefallon Mount Everest, causing an avalanche of massive chunks of ice and snow which killed 16 Nepalese guides, mostly Sherpas.[21]The 2014 avalanche is the second-deadliest disaster in Everest's history, only exceeded by avalanches in the Khumbu Icefall area a year later, on 25 April 2015, caused by amagnitude 7.8 earthquake in Nepal.In response to that tragedy and others involving deaths and injuries sustained by Sherpas hired by climbers, and the lack of government support for Sherpas injured or killed while providing their services, some Sherpa climbing guides walked off the job, and some climbing companies are no longer providing guides and porters for Everest expeditions.[22][23]The Khumbu Icefall is essentially a waterfall of ice with continuous structural shifts, requiring continuous changes to the route through the area[24]and making this is one of the most, if not the most, dangerous parts of climbing Mount Everest. Climbers have to walk on ladders over crevasses, while walking underneath large serac formations that could potentially fall at any moment. Oftentimes the journey through the Khumbu Icefall is in the pitch black. It is safer for climbers to go through the icefall at night because the temperatures at night drop. Therefore, the icefall is not melting as fast as it would during the day.[25]These dangers have resulted in 66 deaths as of 2017, including 6 deaths from falling in a crevasse, 9 deaths from a collapse in a section of the icefall, and 29 deaths from avalanches onto the icefall.[26] The families of those who died in the avalanche were offered 40,000 rupees, the equivalent of about $400 US dollars, from the Nepalese government.[27]At the time of the disaster, the Sherpas were carrying loads of equipment for their clients, including many luxury items.[28]There had been two broken ladders causing a traffic jam in the Khumbu Icefall.[29]It is not uncommon for Sherpas to go through the Khumbu Icefall around 30 times each season; in comparison, foreigners only go through the icefall 2 or 3 times during the season.[25]Sherpas are expected to haul the majority of their clients' gear to each of the five camps and to set up before their clients reach the camps. During each season, Sherpas typically make up to $5000 US dollars during their 2 or 3-month period of taking international clients to the summit of Everest.[25]As of 2019, expeditions on Mt. Everest contributed $300 million.[30]The economy of Nepal thrives off of tourism and adventure seekers.

As a result of the 2014 disaster, the remaining Sherpas went on strike. They were angry at the government, lack of compensation, and their working conditions. Sherpas came together in the days after the disaster to make a list of demands for the government.[25]The documentarySherpacontains footage of one of their meetings. Sherpas wanted to cancel the climbing season that year out of respect for those who lost their lives. They argued that "This route has become a graveyard," and asked "How could we walk over their bodies?". Their clients were debating whether or not to continue to try to reach the summit of Everest because they had paid tens of thousands of dollars to be there.[29]However, international clients were fearful of this strike and how it would affect themselves and had their bags packed in case of a need for a swift escape.[25]On top of this, rumors spread among the Sherpa community that others would hurt them if they were to continue to take foreigners on their expeditions (Peedom, 2016). The 2014 event killed 16 Sherpas[31] and, in 2015, 10 Sherpas died at theEverest Base Campafter the earthquake. In total, 118 Sherpas have died on Mount Everest between 1921 and 2018.[32][33]An April 2018 report byNPRstated that Sherpas account for one-third of Everest deaths.[34]


ThameGompa is one of numerous Sherpa monasteries in Nepal

According to oral Buddhist traditions, the initial Tibetan migration was a search for abeyul(Buddhist pure-lands). Sherpa practised theNyingma( "Ancient" ) school of Buddhism. Allegedly the oldest Buddhist sect in Tibet, founded byPadmasambhava(commonly known as Guru Rinpoche) during the 8th century, it emphasizes mysticism and the incorporation of local deities shared by the pre-BuddhistBön religion,which hasshamanicelements. Sherpa particularly believe in hiddentreasuresandvalleys.Traditionally, Nyingmapa practice was passed down orally through a loose network of lay practitioners. Monasteries with celibate monks and nuns, along with the belief in reincarnated spiritual leaders, are later adaptations.[9]

In addition to Buddha and the great Buddhist divinities, the Sherpa also believe in numerous deities and demons who inhabit every mountain, cave, and forest. These have to be respected or appeased through ancient practices woven into the fabric of Buddhist ritual life. Many of the great Himalayan mountains are considered sacred. The Sherpa call Mount Everest Chomolungma and respect it as the "Mother of the World."Mount Makaluis respected as the deity Shankar (Shiva). Each clan reveres certain mountain peaks and their protective deities.[35]

Today, the day-to-day Sherpa religious affairs are presided over by lamas (Buddhist spiritual leaders) and other religious practitioners living in the villages. The villagelamawho presides over ceremonies and rituals can be a celibate monk or a married householder.[36]In addition, shamans (lhawa) and soothsayers (mindung) deal with the supernatural and the spirit world. Lamas identify witches (pem), act as the mouthpiece of deities and spirits, and diagnose spiritual illnesses.[citation needed]

An important aspect of Sherpa religion is the temple orgompa.A gompa is the prayer hall for either villages or monasteries. There are numerous gompas and about two dozen monasteries scattered throughout the Solukhumbu region. The monasteries are communities of lamas or monks (sometimes of nuns) who take a vow of celibacy and lead a life of isolation searching for truth and religious enlightenment. They are respected by and supported by the community at large. Their contact with the outside world is focused on monastery practices and annual festivals to which the public is invited, as well as the reading of sacred texts at funerals.[citation needed]

Sacred land in Sagarmatha National Park, Nepal


Mt. Everest is located within theSagarmatha National Park,which is a sacred landscape for local Sherpas. The wordSagarmathameans "goddess of the universe" to Sherpas.[37]The region is considered the dwelling of supernatural beings.[37]Sherpas value life and the beauty it provides, meaning they avoid killing living creatures. Furthermore, Mt. Everest has attracted many tourists who unknowingly or knowingly are disrupting the sacred land of the park. For example, finding firewood has been deemed problematic. Many tourists stick with the methods they know how to do, which is oftentimes cutting down trees or taking branches off trees to make a fire. This practice is against Sherpas' spiritual law of the land.[37]Moreover, the Sherpas do a spiritual ritual before climbing the mountain to ask the mountain for permission to climb. This ritual seems to have become a spectacle for foreign climbers.

In addition, the entirety of the national park is not governed by the Sherpas but rather foreigners to the land. Park managers have made an effort to try to include Sherpas' voices by creating buffer-zone user groups. These groups are made up of political leaders from the surrounding villages, and serve as a platform for Sherpa demands.[38]However, these groups do not have any official status and the government can decide whether or not to hear these demands or make the desired changes.[39]

Sherpa clothing


Men wear long-sleeved robes calledchuba,which fall to slightly below the knee. Thechubais tied at the waist with a cloth sash calledkara,creating a pouch-like space called namdokwhich can be used for storing and carrying small items. Traditionally,chubawere made from thick home-spun wool, or a variant called lokpamade from sheepskin. Chubaare worn overraatuk,a blouse (traditionally made out ofbure,white raw silk), trousers calledkanam,and a stiff collared shirt called tetung.

Women traditionally wear long-sleeved floor-length dresses called tongkok.A sleeveless variation calledaangiis worn over a full sleeved shirt calledhonju and a with a raatuk (blouse) underneath the shirt.These are worn with colourful striped aprons;pangden(ormetil) aprons are worn in front, and gewe(orgyabtil) in back, and are held together by an embossed silver buckle called kyetig and a kara[9]: 138–141 

Sherpa clothing resembles Tibetan clothing. Increasingly, home-spun wool and silk is being replaced by factory-made material. Many Sherpa people also now wear ready-made western clothing.

Traditional housing

Traditional Sherpa architecture, but with a steel roof

When a son marries and has children, the community may help to construct a new house, as the extended family becomes too large for a single home. The neighbours often contribute food, drinks and labour to help the family. Houses are typically spaced to allow fields in between. A spiritual ceremony may be conducted at every building stage as the house must have space for deities, humans and animals. Once constructed, the house is often handed down within a family and not sold. The house style depends on the lay of the land: old river terraces, former lake beds or mountain slopes. There are stone single-story,1+12-story (on a slope), and the two-story houses, with ample room for animals. Many well-to-do families will have an annex shrine room for sacred statues, scriptures and ritual objects. The roof is sloping and is made from local natural materials, or imported metal. There's space in the roof to allow for fire smoke to escape. There may be an internal or externalouthousefor making compost.[9]: 14–16 

Social gatherings


"A Sherpa community will most commonly get together for a party, which is held by the host with the purpose of gaining favour with the community and neighbours". Guests are invited hours before the party will start by the host's children to reduce the chance of rejection. In all social gatherings the men are seated by order of status, with those of lesser status sitting closer to the door and men of higher status sitting by the fireplace, while the women sit in the center with no ordering. It is polite to sit in a space lower than one's proper place so one may be invited by the host to their proper place. The first several hours of the party will have only beer served, followed by the serving of food, and then several more hours of singing and dancing before people start to drift out. The act of manipulating one's neighbours into cooperation by hosting a party is known as Yangdzi, and works by expecting the hospitality done by the host with the serving of food and alcohol to be repaid.[40]

Notable people

NepaleseSherpa mountain climberTenzing Norgay,1953

One of the best-known Sherpas isTenzing Norgay.In 1953, he andEdmund Hillarybecame the first people known to have reached the summit ofMount Everest.[41][42][43][44] A courier named Ten Tsewang Sherpa ran 200 miles toKathmanduto deliver the news, only to die a few weeks later.[45] Norgay's sonJamling Tenzing Norgayalso climbed Everest in honor of his father with the mountaineersEd ViestursandAraceli Segarraduring thedisastrous year of 1996.

In 2001,Temba Tsheribecame the youngest Everest climber in the world (holder of theGuinness World Record), then aged 16.[46]

In 2003, SherpasPemba Dorjeand Lhakpa Golu competed to see who could climb Everest frombase campthe fastest. On 23 May 2003, Dorje reached the summit in 12 hours and 46 minutes. Three days later, Golu beat his record by two hours, reaching the summit in 10 hours 46 minutes. On 21 May 2004, Dorje again improved the time by more than two hours with a total time of 8 hours and 10 minutes.[47]

On 11 May 2011,Apa Sherpasuccessfully reached the summit of Everest for the twenty-first time, breaking his own record for the most successful ascents.[48]He first climbed Mount Everest in 1989 at the age of 29.[49]

One of the most famous Nepalese female mountaineers wasPasang Lhamu Sherpa,the first Nepali female climber to reach the summit of Everest, but who died during the descent. Her namesake, Pasang Lamu Sherpa Akita, has also climbed Everest, and was one of three Nepali women who were the first to reach the summit of K2.[50]Another well-known female Sherpa was the two-time Everest summiterPemba Doma Sherpa,who died after falling fromLhotseon 22 May 2007.[51]

On 20 May 2011,Mingma Sherpabecame the first Nepali and the first South Asian to scale all 14 of the world's highest mountains. In the process, Mingma set a new world record – he became the first mountaineer to climb all 14 peaks on first attempt.[citation needed]

Lakpa Tsheri Sherpa is one half of a Nepali duo that was voted "People's Choice Adventurers of the Year 2012". In April 2011, Lakpa Tsheri and Sano Babu Sunuwar made the 'Ultimate Descent': a three-month journey in which they climbed Everest, then paraglided down the mountain and proceeded to kayak through Nepal and India until they reached the Indian Ocean.[52]

On 19 May 2012, 16-year-old Nima Chhamzi Sherpa became the youngest woman to climb Everest; the previous record holder wasNimdoma Sherpa,who summited in 2008, also at 16 years old.[53]

ChhurimSherpa (Nepal) summitted Everest twice in May 2012: 12 May and 19 May.Guinness World Recordsrecognized her for being the first female Sherpa to summit Everest twice in one climbing season.[citation needed]

In 2013, 30-year-oldChhang Dawa Sherpabecame the youngest mountaineer to summit the 14 highest peaks, the8000'ers.[citation needed]

Pratima Sherpais the top-ranked amateur femalegolferin Nepal. She was raised in a maintenance shed behind the third hole of theRoyal Nepal Golf Clubin Kathmandu, where her parents still live. In 2020, Forbes Magazine included her in '30 under 30' list of Asian personalities in entertainment and sports.[54]

On 26 July 2014, Pasang Lamu Sherpa Akita,Dawa Yangzum Sherpa,andMaya Sherpacrested the 8,611-metre (28,251 ft) summit ofK2,the second highest mountain in the world. In doing so, the three Nepali women became the first all-female team to climb what many mountaineers consider a much tougher challenge than Everest. The feat was announced in climbing circles as a breakthrough achievement for women in high-altitude mountaineering. Only 18 of the 376 people who have summited K2 have been women.[citation needed]

Another notable Sherpa iscross-country skierandultramarathonerDachhiri Sherpa,who represented Nepal at the 2006, 2010, and 2014Winter Olympics.[citation needed]

Nepalese Minister of Culture and TourismKripasur Sherpaand the Ambassador to AustraliaLucky Sherpaboth come from Sherpa communities.

Mountain guideKami Ritaholds the record for the most ascents of an eight-thousander peak at 38, a feat he achieved on 23 May 2023 by summiting Everest for the 28th time (which was also a record for the most summits of Everest by a climber).[55]

Mountaineer PK Sherpa and his 14-year-old-son Sonam Sherpa will lead the "First Father and Son Mountaineers" for a global awareness campaign about climate change and global warming. Both father and son will jointly climb all the seven highest summits of seven continents from March 2019 to May 2020.[needs update][56]

Peter James Sherpa was a mountaineer who led expeditions on Mount Everest multiple times, notably from 1989 to 2001, when he died on the north face due to lack of oxygen. He was well known for climbing without oxygen tanks or masks due to his unusually large lung capacity and unique ability to breathe low Levels of oxygen. His body was not able to be recovered from the mountain and a memorial was installed at base camp.[citation needed]

Lhakpa Sherpacurrently holds the record for most successful attempts at scaling Everest out of any woman in the world. On May 12, 2022, she broke her own previous record and climbed Everest for the tenth time.[57]

Wangden Sherpais a popular Nepali singer and songwriter from Kathmandu.



TheCentral Bureau of Statisticsof Nepal classifies the Sherpa as a subgroup within the broader social group of Mountain/Hill Janajati.[58]At the time of the2021 Nepal census,130,637 people (0.45% of the population of Nepal) were Sherpa. Just 9,435 of them speak second language. The frequency of Sherpa people by province was as follows:

The frequency of Sherpa people was higher than national average (0.4%) in the following districts:[59]

See also



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