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Siege of Khartoum

Coordinates:15°37′N32°32′E/ 15.61°N 32.53°E/15.61; 32.53
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Siege of Khartoum
Part of theMahdist War

Portrayal ofGordon's death byGeorge W. Joy
Date13 March 1884 – 26 January 1885
15°37′N32°32′E/ 15.61°N 32.53°E/15.61; 32.53
Result Mahdist victory
Khedivate of Egypt
Turco-Egyptian Sudan
British Empire
Mahdist State
Commanders and leaders
British EmpireCharles George Gordon Mahdist StateMuhammad Ahmad
7,000 troops
30,000 to 50,000 troops
Casualties and losses
Entire force destroyed Small
~4,000 civilians dead, many others enslaved

Thesiege of Khartoum(also known as thebattle of Khartoumorfall of Khartoum) took place from 13 March 1884 to 26 January 1885.Sudanese Mahdistforces captured the city ofKhartoumfrom itsEgyptiangarrison, thereby gaining control over the whole ofSudan.

Egypt hadconquered Sudanin 1820, but had itself come underBritish dominationin 1882. In 1881, theMahdist Warbegan in Sudan, led byMuhammad Ahmadwho claimed to be theMahdi.TheEgyptian Armywas unable to suppress the revolt, being defeated in several battles and retreating to their garrisons. The British refused to send a military force to the area, instead appointingCharles George GordonasGovernor-General of Sudan,with orders to evacuate Khartoum and the other garrisons. Gordon arrived in Khartoum in February 1884, where he found it impossible to reach the other garrisons which were already besieged. Rather than evacuating immediately, Gordon began to fortify the city, which was cut off when the local tribes switched their support to the Mahdi. Approximately 7,000 Egyptian troops and 27,000 (mostly Sudanese) civilians were besieged in Khartoum by 30,000 Mahdist warriors, rising to 50,000 by the end of the siege.

Attempts by the defenders to break out of the city failed. Food supplies began to run out; they had been expected to last six months, but the siege went on for ten, so the garrison and civilian population began to starve. After months of public pressure, the British government reluctantly agreed to send troops to relieve the siege. With the relief column approaching, the Mahdists launched a night assault on Khartoum. They broke through the defences and killed the entire garrison, including Gordon. A further 4,000 male civilians were killed, while many women and children were enslaved. The relief expedition arrived two days later; realising they were too late, they withdrew from Sudan. The Mahdi then founded a religious state in Sudan,the Mahdiyah,which would last for fourteen years.



Strategic situation


TheKhedivate of Egyptwas nominally avassal stateof theOttoman Empire,butcame under British military occupationduring the1882 Anglo-Egyptian War,making it ade factoBritishprotectorate.Egypt was mostly left to govern itself under theKhedive,though its finances remained under a system ofdual controlthat had begun in the 1870s. The British regardedEgypt's possession of Sudanas a domestic matter.[1]

Muhammad Ahmad,the self-proclaimedMahdi

A revolt had begun in Sudan in 1881, whenMuhammad Ahmadclaimed to be themahdi– the redeemer ofIslamprophesied in thehadithscriptures. ThisMahdist revoltwas supported by many in Sudan, both for religious reasons and due to a desire for independence from Egypt.[2]

The Egyptian Army attempted to suppress the revolt, but were defeated by the Mahdists in November 1883 at theBattle of El Obeid.The Mahdi's forces captured the Egyptians' equipment and overran large parts of Sudan, includingDarfurandKordofan.However Egypt still maintained several strong garrisons in Sudan, including atKhartoum.

Appointment of Gordon

Charles Gordon in Egyptian military uniform

The Egyptian defeat at El Obeid brought the Mahdi Revolt to the attention of the British government and public. The BritishPrime Minister,William Gladstone,and hisWar Secretary,Lord Hartington,did not want British troops to become involved in Sudan. If Egypt fought the war itself, they were concerned that the expense would prevent Egypt from paying the interest on its extensive debts to Britain (and France). The British put pressure on the Egyptian government to evacuate all their garrisons in Sudan, abandoning it to the Mahdists. The British soldier Major-GeneralCharles George Gordon,a formerGovernor-General of Sudan(1876–1879), was re-appointed to that post, with orders to conduct the evacuation.[3]

Gordon's views on Sudan were radically different from Gladstone's: Gordon felt that the Mahdi's rebellion had to be defeated before it gained control of the whole of Sudan. The Mahdi claimed dominion over the entireIslamic world,which led Gordon to believe that the revolt would not end with control of Sudan, but would attempt to conquer Egypt and perhaps the wider region. Gordon was also concerned by the fragility of theEgyptian army,which had suffered several defeats by the Sudanese. Gordon favoured a more aggressive policy in Sudan, as did theimperialistauthor SirSamuel Bakerand SirGarnet Wolseley,who had commanded British forces in the 1882 war. Gordon published his views on Sudan inThe Timesin January 1884.[4]

Despite this, Gordon was commanded to evacuate Sudan, which he agreed to do. He was given funds of£100,000 in credit and was promised "all support and cooperation in their power" by the British and Egyptian authorities.[5]On his way to Khartoum with his assistant, ColonelJohn Stewart,Gordon stopped in the town ofBerber, Sudanto address an assembly of tribal chiefs. There he made a major mistake, by revealing that the Egyptian government planned to withdraw their troops from Sudan. The tribesmen became worried by this news, which caused their loyalty to waver.[6]

Gordon's preparations


Gordon arrived at Khartoum on 18 February 1884, finding it was safely occupied by a garrison of 7,000 Egyptian troops and 27,000 civilians.[7]However three smaller garrisons, atSennar,TokarandSinkat,were under siege by the Mahdists.[8]Rather than evacuating Khartoum immediately, Gordon declared his intention to extricate the other garrisons, and set about administering Sudan. His first actions were to reverse several policies introduced by the Egyptians since he had last been Governor-General five years earlier: arbitrary imprisonments were cancelled,torturewas halted and its instruments were destroyed, and taxes were remitted. To enlist the support of the population, Gordon re-legalisedslavery in Sudan,despite having (unsuccessfully) attempted to abolish it in his previous term. This decision was popular in Khartoum, but caused controversy in Britain.[9]

Seeking to bolster Khartoum's defences, Gordon then attempted to secure reinforcements. He requested a regiment of Turkish soldiers from the Ottomans, who were still the nominal overlords, which was rebuffed. He then asked the British for a unit of MuslimIndiantroops, and later for 200 native British soldiers.[10]These were also refused by the Gladstonecabinet,which was still intent upon evacuation and adamant they would make no military intervention in Sudan.

Gordon began to resent the government's policy, and his telegrams to the British office inCairobecame more bitter. He declared himself honour-bound to rescue the garrisons and defend the Sudanese in Khartoum; it is unclear whether this was a deliberate attempt to delay the evacuation (or avoid it entirely). On 8 April he wrote: "I leave you with the indelible disgrace of abandoning the garrisons" and added that such a course would be "the climax of meanness".[10]



Siege begins

Map of Khartoum during the siege

Knowing that the Mahdists were closing in, Gordon ordered the strengthening of the fortifications around Khartoum. The city was protected to the north by theBlue Nileand to the west by theWhite Nile.To defend the river banks, he formed a flotilla ofgunboatsfrom nine small paddle-wheel steamers, which had been used for communication along the river, by fitting them with guns and metal plates for armour. In the southern part of the town, which faced the open desert, he prepared an elaborate system oftrenches,makeshiftFougasse-typeland mines,and wire entanglements. The surrounding country was controlled by theShagiatribe, which were thought to be hostile to the Mahdi.[4]

On 16 March Gordon launched an unsuccessfulsortiefrom Khartoum, with 200 Egyptian troops dying in the fighting. By early April 1884, the tribes north of Khartoum had risen in support of the Mahdi, including those Gordon had met at Berber. The tribesmen intercepted river traffic on theNileand cut the telegraph cables to Cairo.[11]Communications were not entirely halted, as individual messengers could still get through, but this effectively began the siege of Khartoum. The city could rely only on its own food stores, which were expected to last five or six months. By this time, the combined forces besieging Khartoum and the other garrisons were over 30,000 men.

From April onwards, Khartoum was cut off. With no supply of money to pay the troops or facilitate trade of food, Gordon used his credit to issuea series of promissory notes,a form ofsiege money.Communication with Cairo was maintained through couriers, who took several days to make the trip. Gordon also contacted the Mahdi, who rejected his attempts to negotiate a peaceful evacuation. As the siege dragged on, food stores dwindled and starvation began to set in, for both the garrison and the civilian population.

In September, the besieged forces in Khartoum made an attempt to reach the garrison at Sennar; the expedition made it out of the siege lines but was defeated by the Mahdists atAl Aylafuh,with the loss of 800 garrison troops. A separate attempt to send asteamboatalong the Nile to Cairo also failed; all the passengers were killed, including Colonel Stewart. Stewart had been carrying letters from Gordon, which were captured and revealed the worsening situation inside Khartoum. By the end of the month, the Mahdi moved most of his army to Khartoum, away from the outlying garrisons, more than doubling the number around the city. On 10 September 1884, the civilian population inside Khartoum was about 34,000.[12]

Relief expedition

The Nile Expedition for the relief of Gordon

Gordon's plight excited great concern in theBritish press,and evenQueen Victoriaintervened on his behalf. The government ordered Gordon to return to Cairo, alone if necessary, but he refused, saying he would not abandon the city. In July 1884, Gladstone reluctantly agreed to send an expedition to relieve Khartoum. The relief force, 8,000 British troops led bySir Garnet Wolseley,took several months to organise. The troops had to be carried on boats up the Nile to reach Khartoum. Navigators from Canada, mainlyFrench-CanadianandIndigenouswoodworkers, were brought in to operate the boats. They did not enter Sudan until January 1885.

By then the situation in Khartoum had become desperate. Food supplies had been expected to last six months, but the siege had gone on for ten months. With supplies running low, many inhabitants died of hunger, and the defenders' morale plummeted.

Informed of the dire situation in Khartoum, Wolseley was forced to divide his forces. While the main body would continue to advance by river to Abu Hamed, the Desert Column would strike from Korti, across the Bayuda Desert to Mettema where they would link with Gordon's steamboats awaiting them.

As they advanced toward Mettema, the Desert Column was attacked at theBattle of Abu Kleaon 17 January. Although the Mahdists managed to break theirinfantry square,the British troops recovered and repelled the attack. Two days later, the relief force was attacked again at theBattle of Abu Krubut were able to drive off the Mahdists. The Mahdi, aware of the British advance, decided to assault Khartoum before they could arrive.

Fall of Khartoum


On the night of 25–26 January an estimated 50,000 Mahdists attacked the city wall just before midnight. The Mahdists took advantage of the seasonally low level of the Nile, which allowed them to ford the river on foot. The details of the final assault are unclear, but hearsay accounts[citation needed]were that by 3:30 am, the Mahdists had outflanked the city wall where it met the Nile. Meanwhile, another force, led by Al Nujumi, broke down the Massalamieh Gate, despite taking casualties from the land mines and barbed wire obstacles laid out by Gordon's men. The defending garrison, weakened by starvation and low morale, offered only patchy resistance. Within a few hours, the entire garrison was killed, as were 4,000 of the town's male inhabitants. Many women and children were enslaved by the victorious Mahdists.[13]

Death of General Gordon at Khartoum

Accounts differ as to how Gordon was killed. According to one version, when Mahdist warriors broke into the governor's palace, Gordon came outside in full uniform and disdained to fight; he was then killed with a spear, despite orders from the Mahdi to capture Gordon alive.[14]In another version, Gordon was recognised by Mahdists while attempting to reach the neutralAustrianconsulate in the city, who shot him dead in the street.[15]

The most detailed account of his death was given by his servant Khaleel Aga Orphali, when debriefed by the British in 1898 (13 years later). According to Orphali, Gordon died fighting on the stairs leading from the first to the ground floor of the west wing of the palace. Gordon was seriously wounded by a spear that hit him in the left shoulder, but continued fighting with Orphali beside him. Orphali stated that:[16]

"With his life's blood pouring from his breast [...] he fought his way step by step, kicking from his path the wounded and deaddervishes[...] and as he was passing through the doorway leading into the courtyard, another concealed dervish almost severed his right leg with a single blow.

Orphali claimed he was then knocked unconscious, waking unharmed several hours later to find Gordon's decapitated body near to him.[16]

However he died, Gordon's head was taken to the Mahdi's headquarters atOmdurman(opposite Khartoum on the other side of theWhite Nile). There it was shown toRudolf Carl von Slatin,a prisoner of the Mahdi who had worked for Gordon during his first term in Sudan, who verified it was Gordon's.[17]The head was then brought to the Mahdi. According to some sources,[citation needed]the rest of Gordon's body was dumped in the Nile.


20 piastre promissory note issued and hand-signed by Gen. Gordon during the Siege of Khartoum (26 April 1884)[18]
20piastrepromissory noteissued and hand-signed by Gen. Gordon during the Siege of Khartoum (26 April 1884)[18]

A small part of the relief expedition (28 men led by colonelCharles Wilson,embarked on two of Gordon's steamboats) arrived within sight of Khartoum two days after it fell. After discovering that they were too late, the surviving British and Egyptian troops withdrew. The Mahdi was left in control of the entire country, with the exceptions of the city ofSuakinon theRed Seacoast and the Nile town ofWadi Halfaon the Sudan-Egypt border, which were garrisoned by the Anglo-Egyptian force.[19]

After his victory, Muhammad Ahmad became the ruler of most parts of what is nowSudanandSouth Sudan.He established a religious state,the Mahdiyah,but died shortly afterwards in June 1885, possibly fromtyphoid.The state he founded passed toAbdallahi ibn Muhammad,his chosen successor.

In the immediate aftermath of the Mahdist victory, the British press blamed Gordon's death on Gladstone, who was accused of being excessively slow to send relief to Khartoum. Gladstone had never wanted to get involved in Sudan and felt some sympathy for those Sudanese who sought to end Egyptian colonial rule. He declared in theHouse of Commons:"Yes, those people are struggling to be free, and they are rightly struggling to be free".[20]Gordon's failure to conduct an immediate evacuation had not endeared him to Gladstone's government. However among the British public, Gordon was seen as a martyr and a hero.[21]Gladstone was rebuked by Queen Victoria in a telegram, which was leaked to the public.[22]The public outcry over Sudan soon weakened, firstly when press sensationalism of the events began to diminish, and secondly when the government announced that the war in Sudan had cost Britain £11.5 million from its military budget.[23]Gladstone's government fell in June 1885; he regained power in December following the1885 UK election,but lost it again inanother election in 1886.

Fighting continued between Egypt and the Mahdists over the following years. Complex international events led to furtherEuropean expansion into Africa,compelling the British to take a more active role in the conflict. The Anglo-Egyptian forces steadily regained their control over Sudan. In 1896,an expeditionled byHerbert Kitchener(who had sworn to avenge Gordon) was sent to reconquer the whole country. On 2 September 1898, Kitchener's troops defeated the largest Mahdist army at theBattle of Omdurman.Two days later, a memorial service for Gordon was held in front of the ruins of the palace where he had died. Fourteen years after the Mahdist capture of Khartoum, the Mahdist Revolt was finally extinguished at theBattle of Umm Diwaykaratin November 1899.

Cultural depictions



  1. ^Strachey, Lytton(1918),Eminent Victorians[1]Archived2017-12-16 at theWayback Machinep. 38.
  2. ^Asher, Michael (2005).Khartoum: The Ultimate Imperial Adventure.Viking.ISBN978-0-67087-030-1[page needed]
  3. ^Waller, John H. (1988).Gordon of Khartoum: the saga of a Victorian Hero.Atheneum Books.[ISBN missing][page needed]
  4. ^abMonick, S. "The Political Martyr: General Gordon and the Fall of Kartum".Military History Journal,Vol 6 No 6[2]Archived2020-07-23 at theWayback Machine
  5. ^Churchill, Winston S.(1952);The River War – an Account of the Reconquest of the Sudan;Eyre and Spottiswoode, p. 40.
  6. ^Strachey, p. 57.
  7. ^Churchill, p. 29.
  8. ^Churchill, p37
  9. ^Strachey, p. 58.
  10. ^abChurchill, p. 46.
  11. ^Churchill, p. 50.
  12. ^Journals at Khartoum,p. 8.
  13. ^Snook, Mike (2013).Beyond the Reach of Empire: Wolseley's Failed Campaign to save Gordon and Khartoum.Frontline Books.[page needed]
  14. ^Strachey, p. 84.
  15. ^Alfred Egmont HakeinThe World's Story: A History of the World in Story, Song and Art,Eva March Tappan (ed.), (Boston, 1914), vol. III, p. 249.
  16. ^abA Prisoner of the Khaleefa - Ten Years Captivity at Omdurman(Chapman and Hall, 1899), Chapter XXV – How Gordon Died, pp. 300–324, and Appendix 2, pp. 334–337
  17. ^Rudolph von Slatin,Fire and Sword in the Soudan(Edward Arnold 1896) p. 340
  18. ^Cuhaj, George S., ed. (2009).Standard Catalog of World Paper Money Specialized Issues(11 ed.). Krause. pp. 1069–1070.ISBN978-1-4402-0450-0.
  19. ^Snook, Mike (2013).Beyond the Reach of Empire: Wolseley's Failed Campaign to save Gordon and Khartoum.[page needed]
  20. ^Strachey, p. 65.
  21. ^Miller, Brook (2005). "Our Abdiel: The British Press and the Lionization of 'Chinese' Gordon."Nineteenth-Century Prose32.2: 127+.
  22. ^Isba, Anne (2006).Gladstone and Women.p. 193.ISBN9781852854713.
  23. ^Johnson, Douglas H. (1982). "The death of Gordon: a Victorian myth."Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History10.3: 285–310.
  24. ^Herman, Gerald. "For God and Country: Khartoum (1966) as History and as 'Object Lesson' for Global Policemen."Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Film and Television Studies9.1 (1979): 1–15.
  25. ^Henryk Sienkiewicz,In Desert and Wilderness(1923)online.
  26. ^Helen Davies, "Saving General Gordon: Review of Gillian Slovo’s An Honourable Man."Neo-Victorian Studies5:2 (2012) pp. 228–237onlineArchived2018-04-21 at theWayback Machine

Further reading

  • Asher, Michael(2006).Khartoum: The Ultimate Imperial Adventure.London: Penguin.ISBN0-14-025855-8.
  • Bass, Jeff D. "Of madness and empire: The rhetor as 'fool' in the Khartoum siege journals of Charles Gordon, 1884."Quarterly Journal of Speech93.4 (2007): 449–469.
  • Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen.Gordon at Khartoum: Being a Personal Narrative of Events(1923)online.
  • Buchan, John.Gordon at Khartoum(1934).online,Internet Archive
  • Chenevix Trench, Charles.The Road to Khartoum: a life of General Charles Gordon(1979)online free to borrow
  • Elton, Godfrey Elton, Baron.Gordon of Khartoum: The Life of General Charles Gordon(Knopf, 1954).[ISBN missing]
  • Nicoll, Fergus.The Sword of the Prophet: the Mahdi of Sudan and the Death of General Gordon(Sutton Publishing, 2004).[ISBN missing]
  • Miller, Brook. "Our Abdiel: The British Press and the Lionization of 'Chinese' Gordon."Nineteenth-Century Prose32.2 (2005): 127+online
  • Snook, Mike.Beyond the Reach of Empire: Wolseley's Failed Campaign to save Gordon and Khartoum(Frontline Books, 2013).[ISBN missing]