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Simon of Kéza

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Simon of Kéza(Hungarian:Kézai Simon) was the most famous Hungarian chronicler of the 13th century. He was a priest in the royal court of kingLadislaus IV of Hungary.

In 1270–1271, bearing the title "master" (magister), Simon was part of a diplomatic mission led bySixtus of Esztergom.Andrew of Hungarywas also a part of this mission. Sent by KingStephen V of Hungaryto congratulate KingCharles I of Sicilyon the latter's return from theEighth Crusade,the delegation travelled viaNaplestoCatonaandMessinain December and January, then back with Charles toRomein February.[1]

His most important work isGesta Hunnorum et Hungarorum,written inLatinaround 1282, in which he gives a vivid description of the history of theHunsand theHungarians(whom he considered relatives), from the legendary beginnings until the contemporary period. As a personal secretary of the king, he worked in the royal archives and collected his material from older chronicles conserved there.

The chronicle was first published in print in 1782 inBuda.In the 19th century it was translated intoHungarianand became a popular work which helped the development of national consciousness.


  1. ^Jenő Szűcs(1999), "Theoretical Elements in Master Simon of Kéza'sGesta Hungarorum(1282–1285) ", in László Veszprémy; Frank Schaer (eds.),Simon of Kéza: Deeds of the Hungarians,Central European University Press, pp. xxix–cii,at ic–cii.