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Sind (caliphal province)

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Map of Arab Sind under theAbbasid Caliphate,and neighbouring polities,c. 750 CE[1]
Common languagesSindhi,Sanskrit,Arabic
State religion:
GovernmentCaliphal province
• 711– 715 (first)
Muhammad bin Qasim
• 854– 861 (last)
Umar ibn'Abd al-Aziz al'Habbari
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Brahman dynasty of Sindh
Habbari dynasty
Emirate of Multan
Today part ofPakistan,India

Sind(Sindhi:سنڌ/सिंद) was an administrative division of theUmayyad Caliphateand later of theAbbasid Caliphateinpost-classical India,from around 711 CE with theUmayyad conquest of Sindhby theArabmilitary commanderMuhammad ibn al-Qasim,to around 854 CE with the emergence of theindependent dynastiesof theHabbarid EmirateinSindhproper and theEmirate of MultaninPunjab.The "Governor of Sind" (Arabic:عامل السند,romanized:‘āmil al-Sind)[2]was an official who administered thecaliphalprovince over what are now Sindh, southernPunjabandMakran(Balochistan) inPakistan.

The governor was the chiefMuslimofficial in the province and was responsible for maintaining security in the region. As the leader of the provincial military, he was also in charge of carrying out campaigns against thenon-Muslimkingdoms of India. Governors appointed to the region were selected either directly by the caliph or by an authorized subordinate, and remained in office until they either died or were dismissed.



Sind was a frontier province of theUmayyadand Abbasid caliphates from its conquest in c. 711 until the mid-ninth century. Situated at the far eastern end of the caliphate, it consisted of the territories held by the Muslims inIndia,which at the time were centered in theIndusregion. Sind proper was bounded on the west byMakran,on the northwest bySijistanand the district ofTuran,on the northeast byMultan,on the east by theThar Desert,on the southeast by the non-MuslimHind,and on the southwest by theIndian Ocean.[3]

Conquest of Sind

Muhammad ibn Qasim's conquest of Sindh (711-715 CE).
Desert areas (Registan DesertandThar Desert)
Kingdom of Sindh (c. 632– 712 CE)
Maitraka Kingdom(c.475–c.776 CE)

In the history of theMuslim conquests,Sind was a relatively late achievement, occurring almost a century after theHijrah(start of Islamic calendar). Military raids against India had been undertaken by the Muslims as early asUmar's reign (634–644), but the pace of expansion in the region was initially slow: in 636, an Arab naval expedition attackedBroach,which had come under the control of theChalukyasfollowing the submission of Jayabhata of theGurjaras of Lata,andThana,but it was soon recalled after achieving some damage and they failed to capture these cities.[4][5]Several governors were appointed to the Indian frontier (thaghr al-Hind) and tasked with conducting campaigns in the east. Some of these expeditions were successful, but others ended in defeat and a number of governors were killed while serving there.

According to Derryl N. Maclean, a link between Sind and the early partisans of CaliphAlior proto-Shi'itescould be traced to Hakim ibn Jabalah al-Abdi, acompanion of the Islamic prophet Muhammad,who traveled across Sind toMakranin 649 and presented a report on the area to the caliph. He supported Ali, and died in theBattle of the Camelalongside SindiJats.[6]During the reign of Ali, many Jats came under the influence of Islam.[7]Harith ibn Murrah al-Abdi and Sayfi ibn Fil al-Shaybani, both officers of Ali's army, attacked Sindi bandits and chased them toal-Qiqan(present-dayQuetta) in 658.[8]Sayfi was one of the seven partisans of Ali who were beheaded alongsideHujr ibn Adi al-Kindi[9]in 660 AD, nearDamascus.

In the caliphate ofMu'awiya I(r. 661–680), the region of Makran was subdued and a garrison was established there. Over the following decades, the Muslims progressed further east, conquering the district ofQusdarand raiding the areas aroundQandabiland al-Qiqan.[10]

Sind was conquered inc. 711byMuhammad ibn Qasim al-Thaqafi,who had been sent to undertake a punitive expedition againstDahir,the king of Sind. After marching through Makran and defeating its inhabitants, Muhammad entered Sind and attacked the port city ofDaybul,which fell after a siege and was partly colonized by the Muslims. Following this victory, Muhammad moved north and encountered Dahir, whom he defeated and killed. He then spent the next few years campaigning in Sind andMultan,forcing the various cities of the country to submit to him.

This period of conquests continued until 715, when Caliphal-Walid I(r. 705–715) died; shortly after the accession of CaliphSulayman,Muhammad was arrested and executed, and a replacement was sent by the government to take control of Sind.[11]

From then on, theTurk Shahisnow had to face an additional Muslim threat from the southeast, as did Hindu kingdoms, especially theMaitrakasand theGurjara-Pratiharas,on their western borders, since the Caliphal province of Sind extended as far asMultan,at the gates of thePunjab,and would last until 854 CE as anUmayyadand thenAbbasiddependency.[12]

Umayyad period

Umayyad coinage in India, from the time of the first governor of Sindh,Muhammad ibn Qasim.Minted in India "al-Hind"(possibly in the city ofMultan), dated AH 97 (715-6 CE): obverse circular legend"in the name of Allah, struck this dirham inal-Hind(لهندl'Hind) in the year seven and ninety ".

As a result of its conquest, Sind became a province of the caliphate and governors were appointed to administer it. As the commander of a frontier province, the governor was responsible for guarding the country against external incursions, and could carry out raids into Hind (India) at his discretion. The governor's jurisdiction usually also included the neighboring regions of Makran, Turan and Multan;[13]in addition, any territories that he conquered in Hind were added to his area of authority.[14]

In the administrative hierarchy of the Umayyad Caliphate, the responsibility for selecting governors to the province was assigned to thegovernor of Iraq,or, if that position was vacant, to the governor ofBasra.Unless he received specific commands from the caliph, the governor of Iraq had the authority to appoint and dismiss governors to Sind and he was in charge of supervising their activities in the province.[15]

According to the historianKhalifa ibn Khayyat,after the downfall of Muhammad ibn Qasim the responsibilities of the governor of Sind were temporarily divided between two officials, one of whom was in charge of military affairs and the other in charge of taxation. This change was soon rescinded and the next governor,Habib ibn al-Muhallab al-Azdi,had full authority over both the fiscal and military affairs on the province.[16]

Coinage ofal-Hakam bin Awana al-Kalbi,Umayyad governor of Sindh (circa AH 111-123 / AD 731-740)

As a general rule, provincial governorships in the Umayyad period were held almost exclusively by Arabs,[17]and this trend was reflected in the appointees to Sind during this period.Qaysi–Yamani tribal politicsalso played a strong role in the selection and dismissal of governors;[18]if the governor of Iraq wasQaysi,then his governor to Sind would likely be Qaysi, and if he wasYamani,his selection would likely be Yamani as well. There were, however, some exceptions;Junayd ibn Abd al-Rahman al-Murriwas initially appointed to Sind by a fellow Qaysi, but was allowed to retain his position for two years after the governor of Iraq was replaced with a Yamani.[19]

Campaigns from theCaliphal province of SindintoGujarat(724-740 CE).
Desert areas (Thar Desert)
Maitraka Kingdom(c.475–c.776 CE)

The governors of Sind in the Umayyad period undertook extensive campaigns against the non-Muslim kingdoms of Hind, but with mixed results. Al-Junayd's campaigns were largely successful, but his successorTamim ibn Zaid al-Utbiencountered difficulties and the Muslims were forced to retreat from Hind. The next governor,al-Hakam ibn Awana,vigorously campaigned in Hind and initially achieved some victories, but he too experienced a reversal of fortune and was eventually killed. Raids into Hind continued after al-Hakam's death, but no major territorial gains were achieved, and the Muslim presence in India remained largely restricted to the Indus valley region.[20]

As part of his efforts to secure the Muslim position in Sind, al-Hakam constructed the military garrison ofal-Mahfuzah,which he made into his capital (miṣr). Shortly after this, his lieutenantAmr,a son of Muhammad ibn Qasim, built a second city near al-Mahfuzah, which he calledal-Mansura.This latter city eventually became the permanent administrative capital of Sind, and it served as the seat of the Umayyad andAbbasidgovernors.[21]

The names of the caliphal governors of Sind are preserved in the histories of Khalifa ibn Khayyat andal-Ya'qubi.Some differences exist between the two authors' versions; these are noted below. TheFutuh al-Buldanbyal-Baladhuri,which focuses on the military conquests of the early Muslim state, also contains the names of many of the governors who served in Sind.

List of Governors of Sindh

Military governors
Name Years Nature of
Muhammad ibn Qasim al-Thaqafi 711–715 Dismissed Conquered Sind. Appointed by the governor of Iraq,al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf al-Thaqafi[22]
Habib ibn al-Muhallab al-Azdi 715–717 Dismissed(?) Appointed either by the caliphSulayman ibn Abd al-Malikor bySalih ibn Abd al-Rahman[23]
Abd al-Malik ibn Misma from 717 Dismissed Not listed by al-Ya'qubi. Appointed by the governor of Basra,Adi ibn Artah al-Fazari[24]
Amr ibn Muslim al-Bahili to 720 Overthrown Not listed by al-Ya'qubi. Appointed by Adi ibn Artah[25]
Ubaydallah ibn Ali al-Sulami from 721 Dismissed Not listed by al-Ya'qubi. Appointed by the governor of Iraq,Umar ibn Hubayra al-Fazari[26]
Junayd ibn Abd al-Rahman al-Murri to 726 Dismissed Appointed by Umar ibn Hubayra[27]
Tamim ibn Zaid al-Utbi from 726 Died(?) Appointed by the governor of Iraq,Khalid ibn Abdallah al-Qasri[28]
Al-Hakam ibn Awana to 740 Killed Appointed by Khalid ibn Abdallah[29]
Amr ibn Muhammad ibn al-qasim al Thaqafi 740–744 Dismissed Son of Muhammad ibn al-Qasim. Appointed by the governor of Iraq,Yusuf ibn Umar al-Thaqafi[30]
Yazid ibn Irar al-Kalbi(?) 740s Overthrown Name and details of governorship given variously in the sources. See especially this note[31]
Fiscal governors
Name Years Nature of
Yazid ibn Abi Kabsha al-Saksaki 715 Died Not listed by al-Ya'qubi. Appointed by the fiscal administrator of Iraq,Salih ibn Abd al-Rahman[32]
Ubaydallah ibn Abi Kabsha al-Saksaki 715(?) Dismissed Not listed by al-Ya'qubi. Brother of Yazid ibn Abi Kabshah, who he succeeded as governor[33]
Imran ibn al-Nu'man al-Kala'i 715(?) Unspecified Not listed by al-Ya'qubi. Appointed by Salih ibn Abd al-Rahman[34]
After Imran, fiscal and military affairs were jointly assigned to Habib ibn al-Muhallab.

Abbasid period

Coinage ofMusa Barmaki,Abbasid governor of Sindh (circa AH 218-221 AD 833-836). Citingal-Mu'tasimas "Abu Imam Ishaq". Uncertain mint in Sindh.
Abbasid Caliphatein the 850s CE, with location of the caliphal province of Sind in the east, and the newly arisenEmirate of Multan( "Banu Munabbih" ).

At the time of theAbbasid Revolution,Sind was in the hands of the anti-Umayyad rebelMansur ibn Jumhur al-Kalbi.Following their victory over the Umayyads, the Abbasids at first left Mansur in control of the province, but this state of affairs did not last and the new dynasty sentMusa ibn Ka'b al-Tamimito take over the region. He was able to defeat Mansur and enter Sind,[35]thereby firmly establishing Abbasid control over the province.

After the new dynasty came to power, Sind's administrative status was somewhat ambiguous, with governors being appointed either directly by the caliph or by the governor ofKhurasan,Abu Muslim.[36]This situation lasted only until Abu Muslim's murder in 755; thereafter, appointments to Sind were almost always handled by the caliph and the central government.

In the first century of the Abbasid caliphate, governors continued to conduct raids against the non-Muslim kingdoms of Hind, and some minor gains were achieved. The historians also recorded the various struggles of the governors to maintain stability within Sind, as internecine tribal warfare,Alidpartisans and disobedient Arab factions intermittently threatened the government's control over the region. Another potential source of trouble came from the governors themselves; a few of the individuals appointed to Sind attempted to rebel against the Abbasids, and had to be subdued by force of arms. In general, however, Abbasid authority in Sind remained effective during this period of their rule.[37]

Under the Abbasids, Arabs continued to frequently occupy the governorship, but over time the selections became somewhat more diverse. Under the caliphsal-Mahdi(775–785) andal-Rashid(786–809), non-Arab clients (mawali) were sometimes appointed to Sind.[38]In the caliphate ofal-Ma'mun(813–833), the governorship was given to a member of the PersianBarmakidfamily, and the province remained under their rule for a number of years.[39]After the Barmakids, theTurkishgeneralItakhwas given control of Sind, although he deputed the actual administration of the province to an Arab.[40]During this period several members of the prominentMuhallabidfamily served in Sind; their combined administrations spanned over a period of more than three decades.[41][42][43][44]Under al-Rashid, a few minor members of the Abbasid family were also appointed as governors of the province.[45][46]

Name Years Nature of
Mansur ibn Jumhur al-Kalbi 747–751 Revolted Initially took Sind as an anti-Umayyad rebel, then confirmed as governor by the Abbasids[35]
Mughallis al-Abdi 751(?) Killed Appointed either by the caliphal-Saffahor by the governor of Khurasan,Abu Muslim[47]
Musa ibn Ka'b al-Tamimi 752–754 Resigned Appointed either by al-Saffah or by Abu Muslim[48]
'Uyaynah ibn Musa al-Tamimi 754–760 Revolted Son of Musa ibn Ka'b, who appointed him[49]
Umar ibn Hafs Hazarmard 760–768 Dismissed Member of theMuhallabidfamily. Appointed by the caliphal-Mansur[41]
Hisham ibn Amr al-Taghlibi 768–774 Dismissed Appointed by al-Mansur[50]
Bistam ibn Amr al-Taghlibi 774(?) Dismissed Not listed by al-Ya'qubi. Brother of Hisham ibn Amr, who appointed him[51]
Ma'bad ibn al-Khalil al-Tamimi 774-775/6 Died Variant name given by Ibn Khayyat. Appointed by al-Mansur[52]
Muhammad ibn Ma'bad al-Tamimi 775(?) Dismissed Not listed by al-Ya'qubi. Son of Ma'bad ibn al-Khalil, who he succeeded as governor[53]
Rawh ibn Hatim al-Muhallabi 776–778 Dismissed Member of the Muhallabid family. Appointed by the caliphal-Mahdi[42]
Nasr ibn Muhammad al-Khuza'i 778–781 Died Appointed by al-Mahdi[54]
Al-Zubayr ibn al-'Abbas 781(?) Dismissed Not listed by Ibn Khayyat. Never went to Sind. Appointed by al-Mahdi[55]
Sufyah ibn Amr al-Taghlibi(?) 781–782 Dismissed Name given variously in the sources. Brother of Hisham ibn Amr. Appointed by al-Mahdi[56]
Layth ibn Tarif 782–785 Dismissed Appointed by al-Mahdi[57]
Muhammad ibn Layth 785–786 Dismissed Not listed by al-Ya'qubi. Son of Layth ibn Tarif. Appointed during the caliphate ofal-Hadi[58]
Layth ibn Tarif from 786 Dismissed Not listed by al-Ya'qubi. Re-appointed, this time by the caliphal-Rashid[59]
Salim al-Yunusi/Burnusi 780s Died Salim'snisbahis given variously in the sources. Appointed by al-Rashid[60]
Ibrahim ibn Salim al-Yunusi/Burnusi 780s Dismissed Not listed by al-Ya'qubi. Son of Salim, who he succeeded as governor[61]
Ishaq ibn Sulayman al-Hashimi from 790 Dismissed First cousin twice removed of al-Rashid, who appointed him[45]
Muhammad ibn Tayfur al-Himyari(?) 790s Dismissed Name given variously in the sources. Appointed by al-Rashid[62]
Kathir ibn Salm al-Bahili 790s Dismissed Grandson ofQutayba ibn Muslim.Deputy governor for his brotherSa'id ibn Salm[63]
Muhammad ibn Adi al-Taghlibi 790s Resigned Nephew of Hisham ibn Amr. Appointed by the governor of Basra,'Isa ibn Ja'far al-Hashimi[64]
Abd al-Rahman ibn Sulayman 790s Resigned Appointed either by al-Rashid or by Muhammad ibn Adi[46]
Abdallah ibn Ala al-Dabbi 790s Unspecified Not listed by al-Ya'qubi. Appointed by Abd al-Rahman ibn Sulayman[61]
Ayyub ibn Ja'far al-Hashimi to 800 Died Second cousin once removed of al-Rashid, who appointed him[46]
Dawud ibn Yazid al-Muhallabi 800–820 Died Last governor listed by Ibn Khayyat. Member of the Muhallabid family. Appointed by al-Rashid[43]
Bishr ibn Dawud al-Muhallabi 820–826 Revolted Son of Dawud ibn Yazid, who he succeeded as governor. Confirmed in office by the caliphal-Ma'mun[44]
Hajib ibn Salih 826 Expelled Appointed by al-Ma'mun[65]
Ghassan ibn Abbad 828–831 Resigned Appointed by al-Ma'mun[66]
Musa ibn Yahya al-Barmaki 831–836 Died Member of theBarmakidfamily. Appointed by Ghassan ibn Abbad[67]
Imran ibn Musa al-Barmaki from 836 Killed Son of Musa ibn Yahya, who he succeeded as governor[68]
Anbasah ibn Ishaq al-Dabbi 840s Dismissed Deputy governor forItakh al-Turki[69]
Harun ibn Abi Khalid al-Marwrudhi to 854 Killed Appointed by the caliphal-Mutawakkil[70]
Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz al-Habbari 854–861
(as autonomous Governor861–884)
He became autonomous duringdecline of Abbasidsand establishedHabbari dynastyafter al-Mutawakkil assassination on 861. Died in 884 Appointed by the caliphal-Mutawakkil

Decline of Abbasid authority

Map of theHabbarid Emirateand theMultan Emirate,which replaced the Caliphal province of Sind circa 854 CE.

Over the course of the mid-ninth century, Abbasid authority in Sind gradually waned. A new era in the history of the province began in 854, when Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz al-Habbari, a local Arab resident of Sind, was appointed to govern the country. Shortly after this, the central governmententered a period of crisiswhich crippled its ability to maintain its authority in the provinces; this stagnation allowed 'Umar to rule Sind without any interference from the caliphal court atSamarra.'Umar ended up creating a hereditary dynasty, that of theHabbarids,which ruled in al-Mansura for almost two centuries. Although the Habbarids continued to acknowledge the Abbasids as their nominal suzerains, the effective authority of the caliph largely disappeared and the Habbarids were de facto independent.[71]

In spite of their loss of effective control over Sind, the Abbasid government continued to formally appoint governors to the province. In 871 the caliphal regentAbu Ahmad ibn al-Mutawakkilinvested theSaffaridYa'qub ibn al-Laythwith the governorship of Sind.[72]In 875 the generalMasrur al-Balkhiwas given control of most of the eastern provinces, including Sind.[73]Four years after this, Sind was again assigned to the Saffarids, withAmr ibn al-Laythreceiving the appointment.[74]These appointments, however, were purely nominal, and it is unlikely that these individuals exercised any actual authority over the local rulers within the province.[75]

As the central government's authority over Sind declined, the region underwent a period of decentralization. Habbarid authority appears to have been largely restricted to Sind proper, and did not extend to Makran, Turan and Multan, which all broke away under separate dynasties. Some of the rulers in these regions also continued to nominally recognize the caliph as their ruler, but were effectively self-governing; others rejected the caliph's authority altogether and were outright independent. These minor dynasties continued to govern in their respective localities until the early eleventh century, when theGhaznavidsinvaded India and annexed most of the Muslim territories in the country.[76]

See also



  1. ^Schwartzberg, Joseph E. (1978).A Historical atlas of South Asia.Chicago: University of Chicago Press. p. 145, map XIV.1 (e).ISBN0226742210.
  2. ^Al-Ya'qubi, pp. 388, 557, 448, 599; al-Tabari, v. 32: p. 106
  3. ^Le Strange, pp. 331–2 and Map 7; Blankinship, pp. 110–2
  4. ^Schmidt, Karl J. (20 May 2015).An Atlas and Survey of South Asian History(Reprint ed.). London and New York: Routledge. p. 36.ISBN978-1-317-47681-8.
  5. ^Rao, M. S. Nagaraja (1978).The Chalukyas of Badami: Seminar Papers.Mythic Society. p. 193.Jayabhața, the Gurjara of Lāța, became the feudatory of the Chalukya emperor. It was in his time that an Arab fleet was despatched to Thāņa and Broach (A.D. 636), and did some damage but was recalled under the orders of Caliph Omar.
  6. ^M. Ishaq, "Hakim Bin Jabala - An Heroic Personality of Early Islam", Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society, pp. 145-50, (April 1955).
  7. ^Ibn Athir, Vol. 3, pp. 45–46, 381, as cited in: S. A. N. Rezavi, "The Shia Muslims",in History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization, Vol. 2, Part. 2:" Religious Movements and Institutions in Medieval India ", Chapter 13, Oxford University Press (2006).ISBN9780195677034.
  8. ^Ibn Sa'd, 8:346. The raid is noted by Balâdhurî, "fatooh al-Baldan" p. 432, and Ibn Khayyât, Ta'rîkh, 1:173, 183–84, as cited in: Derryl N. Maclean,Religion and Society in Arab Sind.Pg. 126, EJ Brill: Leiden, 1989.ISBN90-04-08551-3.
  9. ^Tabarî, 2:129, 143, 147, as cited in: Derryl N. Maclean,Religion and Society in Arab Sind,p. 126, EJ Brill (1989)ISBN90-04-08551-3.
  10. ^Gabrieli, p. 283; Wink; pp. 129, 131; al-Baladhuri, pp. 209–15; al-Ya'qubi, pp. 278, 330–1
  11. ^Gabrieli, pp. 283–92; Wink, pp. 202–7; al-Baladhuri, pp. 216–24; al-Ya'qubi, pp. 345–7, 356;Encyclopaedia of Islam,s.v. "Sind" (T.W. Haig-[C.E. Bosworth])
  12. ^Petrie, Cameron A. (28 December 2020).Resistance at the Edge of Empires: The Archaeology and History of the Bannu basin from 1000 BC to AD 1200.Oxford: Oxbow Books. p. 148.ISBN978-1-78570-304-1.
  13. ^Baloch and Rafiqi, pp. 293–4
  14. ^Al-Baladhuri, p. 227
  15. ^Blankinship, pp. 62–3
  16. ^Khalifah ibn Khayyat, 318
  17. ^Blankinship, p. 41
  18. ^Crone, pp. 142 ff.; Blankinship, pp. 45–6, 98; Shaban, pp. 120 ff.
  19. ^Al-Ya'qubi, p. 379; Khalifah ibn Khayyat, p. 359; Crone, p. 147
  20. ^Al-Baladhuri, pp. 225–9; Blankinship, pp. 131–4; 147–9; 186–90, 202–3; Wink, 207-9
  21. ^Al-Ya'qubi, pp. 380, 389; al-Baladhuri, pp. 228–9;Encyclopaedia of Islam,s.v. "al-Mansura" (Y. Friedmann)
  22. ^Al-Ya'qubi, pp. 345–7, 356; Khalifah ibn Khayyat, pp. 304–7, 310, 318; al-Baladhuri, pp. 216–25; al-Tabari, v. 23: p. 149; Crone, p. 135
  23. ^Al-Ya'qubi, p. 356; Khalifah ibn Khayyat, p. 318; al-Baladhuri, p. 225; Crone, p. 141. Habib either was dismissed or resigned, since he remained alive until 102/720; al-Tabari, v. 24: pp. 134–7
  24. ^Khalifah ibn Khayyat, p. 322
  25. ^Khalifah ibn Khayyat, pp. 322, 333; al-Baladhuri, p. 225
  26. ^Khalifah ibn Khayyat, p. 333; Crone, p. 146
  27. ^Al-Ya'qubi, pp. 379–80; Khalifah ibn Khayyat, pp. 333, 359; al-Baladhuri, pp. 226–7; Crone, pp. 98; 147
  28. ^Al-Ya'qubi, p. 380; Khalifah ibn Khayyat, p. 359; al-Baladhuri, p. 227-8; Crone, p. 148. Al-Ya'qubi and al-Baladhuri both give hisnisbahas al-'Utbi. According to Khalifah ibn Khayyat, he was dismissed from office
  29. ^Al-Ya'qubi, pp. 380, 388–9; Khalifah ibn Khayyat, pp. 354, 359; al-Baladhuri; pp. 228–9; Crone, p. 147
  30. ^Al-Ya'qubi, pp. 389–90, 399–400; Khalifah ibn Khayyat, pp. 354, 359, 366; al-Tabari, v. 26: pp. 199–200
  31. ^In al-Ya'qubi, pp. 399–400, 407, this individual is named as Yazid ibn Irar (although the editor, p. 389, notes variant readings, including Izzan) and is said to have replaced 'Amr ibn Muhammad as governor in the reign of al-Walid ibn Yazid; he remained as governor until Mansur ibn Jumhur al-Kalbi arrived in Sind and killed him. Khalifah ibn Khayyat, p. 357, calls him Muhammad ibn Irar al-Kalbi and claims he became governor on an interim basis, after the death of al-Hakam ibn Awana; subsequently he was dismissed in 122/740 by the governor of Iraq, Yusuf ibn Umar al-Thaqafi, and replaced with Amr. All this is said to have taken place during the reign of Hisham. Al-Tabari, v. 26: pp. 199–200, calls him "Muhammad ibn Ghazzan – or Izzan – al-Kalbi" and states that he was appointed to succeed Amr in 126/744 by the governor of Iraq, Mansur ibn Jumhur al-Kalbi, in the reign of Yazid ibn al-Walid; he does not specify Muhammad's fate.
  32. ^Khalifah ibn Khayyat, p. 318; al-Baladhuri, pp. 224–5; Crone, p. 96
  33. ^Khalifah ibn Khayyat, p. 318
  34. ^Khalifah ibn Khayyat, p. 318; Crone, p. 142
  35. ^abAl-Ya'qubi, pp. 407, 429; Khalifah ibn Khayyat, p. 413; al-Baladhuri, p. 230; al-Tabari, v. 28: pp. 195, 198, 203; Crone, p. 158
  36. ^Al-Ya'qubi, pp. 407, 429; Khalifah ibn Khayyat, p. 413; al-Baladhuri, p. 230; al-Tabari, v. 27: p. 203
  37. ^Wink, pp. 209–12; al-Baladhuri, pp. 230 ff.
  38. ^These were Layth and Salim, as well as their respective sons. Crone, pp. 192, 194; Khalifah ibn Khayyat, pp. 441, 446, 463
  39. ^Encyclopaedia of Islam,s.v. "al-Baramika" (D. Sourdel)
  40. ^Al-Ya'qubi, p. 585
  41. ^abAl-Ya'qubi, p. 448; Khalifah ibn Khayyat, p. 433; al-Baladhuri, p. 231, who however places 'Umar's governorship after Hisham ibn 'Amr's; al-Tabari, v. 28: p. 78; v. 27: pp. 51–55; Crone, p. 134
  42. ^abal-Ya'qubi, p. 479; Khalifah ibn Khayyat, p. 441; al-Tabari, v. 29: pp. 195, 203, who however places Rawh's appointment in 160/777; Crone, p. 134
  43. ^abAl-Ya'qubi, pp. 494, 532; Khalifah ibn Khayyat, p. 463; al-Baladhuri, p. 231; al-Tabari, v. 30: p. 173; v. 32: p. 106; Crone, p. 135
  44. ^abAl-Ya'qubi, pp. 557–8; al-Baladhuri, p. 231; al-Tabari, v. 32: pp. 106, 175, 179, 189; Crone, p. 135
  45. ^abAl-Ya'qubi, p. 493; Khalifah ibn Khayyat, p. 463; al-Tabari, v. 30: p. 109
  46. ^abcAl-Ya'qubi, p. 494; Khalifah ibn Khayyat, p. 463
  47. ^Al-Ya'qubi, p. 407; Khalifah ibn Khayyat, p. 413; al-Baladhuri, p. 230
  48. ^Al-Ya'qubi, pp. 429, 448; Khalifah ibn Khayyat, pp. 413, 433; al-Baladhuri, p. 230; al-Tabari, v. 27: p. 203-04; v. 28: p. 75; Crone, p. 186
  49. ^Al-Ya'qubi, p. 447-8; Khalifah ibn Khayyat, p. 433; al-Tabari, v. 28: pp. 75, 77–8; Crone, p. 186. According to both al-Ya'qubi and al-Tabari, 'Uyaynah's rebellion occurred in the year 142/759
  50. ^Al-Ya'qubi, pp. 448–9; Khalifah ibn Khayyat, p. 433; al-Baladhuri, pp. 230–1; al-Tabari, v. 29: pp. 51, 54–6, 68, 77, 79; Crone, pp. 167–8
  51. ^Khalifah ibn Khayyat, p. 433; Crone, p. 168. Al-Tabari, v. 29: pp. 180, 193, however, says that Bistam was governor after the death of Ma'bad ibn al-Khalil until the arrival of Rawh ibn Hatim to Sind, although he also claims (p. 172) that Rawh was appointed as governor immediately following Ma'bad's death. Al-Ya'qubi, p. 448, mentions Bistam as Hisham ibn Amr's deputy in al-Mansurah, but makes no mention of him as a full governor.
  52. ^Al-Ya'qubi, p. 449; Khalifah ibn Khayyat, p. 433, where however he is named as Sa'id ibn al-Khalil (which the editor notes is a possible error); al-Tabari, v. 29: pp. 79, 80, 172. Ibn Khayyat says that he died in the reign of al-Mansur, while al-Tabari claims that he died in 159/776, in the reign of al-Mahdi.
  53. ^Khalifah ibn Khayyat, pp. 433 (where he is named as Muhammad ibn Sa'id), 440 (where he is Muhammad ibn Ma'bad)
  54. ^Al-Ya'qubi, pp. 479–80; Khalifah ibn Khayyat, p. 441; al-Tabari, v. 29: pp. 203, 216, 218; Crone, p. 185
  55. ^Al-Ya'qubi, p. 480
  56. ^Al-Ya'qubi, p. 480; Khalifah ibn Khayyat, p. 441; al-Tabari v. 29: p. 219, who all give different names for this individual; Crone, p. 168
  57. ^Al-Ya'qubi, p. 480; Khalifah ibn Khayyat, p. 441; al-Tabari, v. 29: p. 222; Crone, p. 192
  58. ^Khalifah ibn Khayyat, p. 446
  59. ^Khalifah ibn Khayyat, p. 463; Crone, p. 192
  60. ^Al-Ya'qubi, p. 493; Khalifah ibn Khayyat, p. 463; Crone, p. 194
  61. ^abKhalifah ibn Khayyat, p. 463
  62. ^Al-Ya'qubi, pp. 493–4, where however he is named as Tayfur ibn 'Abdallah ibn Mansur al-Himyari; Khalifah ibn Khayyat, p. 463; p. 195
  63. ^Al-Ya'qubi, p. 494; Khalifah ibn Khayyat, p. 463; Crone, p. 137
  64. ^Al-Ya'qubi, p. 494; Khalifah ibn Khayyat, p. 463; Crone, p. 168
  65. ^Al-Ya'qubi, p. 557; al-Tabari, v. 32: p. 175
  66. ^Al-Ya'qubi, p. 557; al-Baladhuri, p. 231; al-Tabari, v. 32: pp. 179–80, 189
  67. ^Al-Ya'qubi, p. 557; al-Baladhuri, p. 231
  68. ^Al-Ya'qubi, pp. 557, 585; al-Baladhuri, pp. 231–2. Al-Tabari, v. 32: p. 189, says that Imran was appointed as chief financial officer of Sind by Ghassan, and does not mention Imran's father Musa
  69. ^Al-Ya'qubi, pp. 585, 593, who says that 'Anbasah was appointed in the caliphate of al-Wathiq (842–847) and stayed in Sind for nine years; al-Baladhuri, p. 218, who claims that he was governor during the reign of al-Mu'tasim (833–842)
  70. ^Al-Ya'qubi, pp. 593, 599; al-Baladhuri, p. 219
  71. ^Baloch and Rafiqi, p. 294
  72. ^Al-Tabari, v. 36: p. 119
  73. ^Al-Tabari, v. 36: p. 166
  74. ^Al-Tabari, v. 36: p. 205
  75. ^Wink, 211-2
  76. ^Baloch and Rafiqi, pp. 294–6; 296 ff.

