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Single-blade propeller

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Single-blade propeller drawing
Single-blade propeller and glider drawing

Asingle-blade propellermay be used on aircraft to generatethrust.Normallypropellersare multi-blades but the simplicity of a single-blade propeller fits well onmotorized gliders,because it permits the design of a smaller aperture of the glider fuselage for retraction of the power plant. The counterbalancedteeteringmono-blade propeller generates fewer vibrations than conventional multi-blade configurations.[citation needed]Often, single blade propeller configurations are touted as having a much greater efficiency than multi-blade propellers, but this is a falsehood outside the inertial losses in spinning a heavier propeller, and the minimal additional drag from added blades.[citation needed]Single bladed propellers are principally used to fulfill engineering requirements that fall outside the scope of efficiency.



See also


