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Slumpingis a technique in which items are made in akilnby means of shapingglassovermoldsat high temperatures. The slumping of apyrometric coneis often used to measure temperature in a kiln.


Slumping glass is a highly technical operation that is subject to many variations, both controlled and uncontrolled. When an item is being slumped in a kiln, the mold over which it is being formed (which can be made of eitherceramic,sandor metal) must be coated with arelease agentthat will stop the molten glass from sticking to the mold. Such release agents, a typical one beingboron nitride,give off toxic fumes when they are first heated and must be used in a ventilated area.

The glass is cut to the shape of the mold (but slightly larger to allow for shrinkage) and placed on top of it, before the kiln is heated.

The stages of the firing can be varied but typically start to climb at quite a rapid rate until the heat places the glass in an "orange state" i.e., flexible. At that point,gravitywill allow the glass to slump into the mold and the temperature is held at a constant for a period that is known as the "soak". Following this stage, the kiln is allowed to cool slowly so that the slumped glass canannealand be removed from the kiln. If two differingcolours of glassare used in a single piece of work, the same CoE (coefficient of thermal expansion) glass must be used, or the finished piece will suffer from fractures as the glass will shrink at differing rates and allow tension to build up to the point of destruction. To compensate for this, many glass manufacturers subscribe to make glass to the same CoE. Examples include Spectrum glass system 96 or uroboros 96 series, and the use of this glass will allow the cooling to remain uniform and ensure that no tension builds up as the work cools.


During theRoman periodopen vessels, such as bowls and plates, could be produced by forming a glass sheet over a core or former. This technique resulted in vessels with rough surfaces, which could then be ground or polished to a smooth finish.[1]An additional technique, used in the production of Roman pillar-moulded bowls, utilised a slotted tool to impress ribs on theglass sheetprior to slumping. This created a bowl with a ribbed exterior, and these were then polished around the rim and sometimes given horizontal cut lines inside for further decoration.[1]

See also[edit]


  1. ^abAllen, D., Roman Glass in Britain, ed. J. Dyer. 1998, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire: Shire Publications