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Socialist Party USA

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Socialist Party of the United States of America
  • Claudia Miller (SC)
  • Nicholas Partyka (NY)
Vice Chairs
  • Ren Walstrom (IN)
  • Brian Bittner (MD)
SecretaryGreg Pason
TreasurerPat Noble
  • Nicholas Partyka
FoundedMay 30, 1973;51 years ago(1973-05-30)
Split fromSocial Democrats, USA
Preceded bySocialist Party of America
Headquarters168 Canal Street, 6th Floor New York City, New York 10013 (A. J. MusteInstitute)
IdeologyDemocratic socialism[2]
Radical democracy
Political positionLeft-wing
International affiliationSocialist International
Seats in the Senate
0 / 100
Seats in the House
0 / 435
0 / 50
State Upper House Seats
0 / 1,972
State Lower House Seats
0 / 5,411
Local Offices3 (2022)[3][4][5]

TheSocialist Party USA,officially theSocialist Party of the United States of America,[6]is asocialistpolitical partyin theUnited States.The party was established in 1973 as one of the successors to theSocialist Party of America,which had broken up a year prior, resulting in another group calledSocial Democrats, USA(legal successor) and theDemocratic Socialist Organizing Committee(split).

The party is officially committed tomulti-tendencysocialism. Along with its predecessor, the Socialist Party USA has received varying degrees of support. Differently from its moremoderate rivals,it advocates for complete independence from theDemocratic Party.Self-described as opposing all forms of oppression, specifically "capitalistandauthoritarianstatist systems, "the party advocates the creation of" a radical democracy that places people's lives under their own control—a classless, feminist, socialist society free of racism, sexism, homophobia or transphobia, "in which" the people own and control the means of production and distribution through democratically controlled public agencies, cooperatives, or other collective groups ";" full employment is realized for everyone who wants to work ";" workers have the right to form unions freely, and to strike and engage in other forms of job actions "; and" production of society is used for the benefit of all humanity, not for the private profit of a few. "[7]

Headquartered at theA. J. MusteInstitute, the party's national office is located at 168 Canal Street in the Chinatown neighborhood of New York City. The party has chartered state organizations inMichiganandNew Jersey,as well as several locals throughout the country.[8]

In October 2019, the Socialist Party USA nominatedHowie Hawkinsfor president in the2020 presidential election.Hawkins also received theGreen Party presidential nominationand ran for that of various state-level parties, such as theLiberty Union Partyin Vermont, in a bid to unite the "non-sectarian independent Left" behind a single campaign.[9]Hawkins received over 400,000 votes (0.3%), the highest vote percentage sinceDarlington Hoopesin 1952 and highest vote total sinceNorman Thomasin 1932.

The announced presidential and vice presidential ticket for the 2024 presidential election is; Bill Stodden (Iowa) for President and Stephanie Cholensky (Minnesota) for Vice President.[10]



In 1958, theIndependent Socialist Leagueled byMax Shachtmandissolved to join theSocialist Party of America,which was founded byEugene V. Debs.[11]Shachtman[12]had written thatSoviet communismwas anew form of class society,bureaucratic collectivism,in which the ruling class exploited and oppressed the population and therefore he opposed the spread of communism.[13][14]Shachtman also argued that democratic socialists should work with activists fromlabor unionsandcivil rights organizationsto help build asocial democratic"realignment" of theDemocratic Party.Though he died on November 4, 1972, and had little involvement with the Socialist Party in the year proceeding his death, his followers, identified as "Shachmanites", exercised a tremendous amount of influence on the party.[13]

In its 1972 convention, the Socialist Party changed its name toSocial Democrats, USAby a vote of 73 to 34.[15]The change of name was supported by the two Co-Chairmen,Bayard RustinandCharles S. Zimmermanof theInternational Ladies' Garment Workers' Union(ILGWU);[16]and by the First National Vice Chairman James S. Glaser—these three were re-elected byacclamation.[15]

Renaming the party as SDUSA was meant to be "realistic".The New York Timesobserved that the Socialist Party had last sponsoredDarlington Hoopesas its candidate for President in the1956 election,who received only 2,121 votes, which were cast in only six states. Because the party no longer sponsored candidates in presidential elections, the name "party" had been "misleading" — "party" had hindered the recruiting of activists who participated in the Democratic Party, according to the majority report. The name "Socialist" was replaced by "Social Democrats" because many American associated the word "socialism"with Soviet communism.[15]The party also wished to distinguish itself from two small Marxist parties.[17]

The convention elected a national committee of 33 members, with 22 seats for the majority caucus, 8 seats for Harrington's coalition caucus, 2 for the Debs caucus, and one for the "independent"Samuel H. Friedman,[18]who also had opposed the name change.[15]The convention voted on and adopted proposals for its program by a two-one vote, with the majority caucus winning every vote.[18]On foreign policy, the program called for "firmness toward Communist aggression". However, during the Vietnam War, the program opposed "any efforts to bomb Hanoi into submission" and to work for a peace agreement that would protect Communist political cadres in South Vietnam from further military or police reprisals. Harrington's proposal for an immediatecease fireand animmediate withdrawalof U.S. forces was defeated.[18]Harrington complained that after its previous convention, the Socialist Party had endorsedGeorge McGovernwith a statement of "constructive criticism" and had not mobilized enough support for McGovern.[17]

After their defeat at the convention, members of two minority caucuses helped to found new socialist organizations. At most 200 members of the Coalition Caucus joinedMichael Harringtonin forming theDemocratic Socialist Organizing Committee(DSOC),[19]which later became theDemocratic Socialists of America(DSA).[20][21]At its start, DSOC had 840 members, of which 2 percent served on its national board in 1973 when SDUSA stated its membership at 1,800, according to a 1973 profile of Harrington.[19]Second, many members of the Debs Caucus joinedDavid McReynoldsin reconstituting the Socialist Party USA also in 1973.[22]


The Debs Caucus formed the Union for Democratic Socialism and on May 30, 1973, incorporated the Socialist Party of the United States of America,[22]usually simplified as the Socialist Party USA.[23][third-party source needed]Many activists from the local and state branches of the old Socialist Party, including the party's Wisconsin, California, Illinois, New York City, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. organizations, participated in the reconstitution of the Socialist Party USA.[21][third-party source needed]

After its founding, the party promoted itself as the legitimate heir of the Socialist Party of America.[24]FormerMayor of Milwaukee,Frank Zeidler,was elected the first nationalchairpersonof the party. Zeidler also helped re-organizing the party structure during its early years. He was later nominated as the party's candidacy for the presidential office, with Zeidler believing the party would be able to collaborate with other socialist parties nationwide to spread the message of socialism.[25]

Subsequent history[edit]

Since 1976, a member of the party was elected to the city council of Iowa City and several members have won tens of thousands of votes in elections for statewide offices. In 1982, William Shakalis, running for State Senate from Cambridge, Mass. on the Socialist Party line, received 12.3% of the vote against an incumbent Democratic State Senator.[26]In 1992, SocialistIowa CityCouncilwoman Karen Kubby won her re-election with the highest vote in a contested election in the history of the Iowa City Council and was re-elected until retiring from the Council in 2000.[27]In 2000, Socialist Wendell Harris received 19% of the vote for Mayor ofMilwaukee, Wisconsinin the primary.[28]In 2008, Socialist Jon Osborne pulled in 22% of the vote forRhode Island's 34th DistrictState Senateseat while listed on the ballot under the Socialist Party USA label.[29]During the2010 United States Senate elections,Dan La Botzof theSocialist Party of Ohioreceived 25,368 (0.68%) votes inOhio.[30]

In 2011, Socialist Matt Erard was elected to a three-year term on the city ofDetroit's Downtown District Citizens' District Council.[31]In 2012, Socialist Pat Noble unseated his incumbent opponent in winning election to theRed Bank Regional High SchoolBoard of Education,[32]Socialist John Strinka received 9.8% of the vote while running with the party's ballot label forIndiana's 39th districtState Houseseat[33]and Socialist Troy Thompson received 27% of the vote for Mayor ofFloodwood, Minnesota.[34]Also in 2012, candidateMary Alice Herbertreceived 13.1% of the vote forVermont Secretary of Statewhile running with the dual nomination of both the Socialist andVermont Liberty Unionparties.[35][36]

In 2016 the party endorsed Jarrod Williams for U.S. Senate inNevada(6,888 votes, 0.6%), Seth Baker for theMaineState Senate(3,712 votes, 16.7%) and Michael Anderson for theMichiganState House of Representatives(1,584 votes, 4.8%). Both Baker and Anderson ran asGreen Partycandidates.[37][38][39][40]

In 2018 theSocialist Party of Michiganendorsed Matt Kuehnel for theMichiganState House of Representatives,alibertarian socialistwho ran as aLibertarian Partycandidate (999 votes, 3.3%).[41]The party also endorsed Maia Dendinger forMaineState Senate(1,109 votes, 7.1%),[42]David Elliot Pritt for theWest VirginiaHouse of Delegates(2,358 votes, 6%) and Andrew Saturn as Public Utility Commissioner inThurston county,Washington(41,664 votes, 41.7%).[43][44]Dendinger ran under the Socialist Party label, whereas Pritt ran as aMountain Partycandidate. Pat Noble was re-elected as member of theRed Bank Regional High SchoolBoard of Education without opposition.

In 2020, Socialist Jonny Meade received 5.14% of the vote for Washington's 22nd District State House seat.[45]Adriana Cerrillo won her race for theMinneapolis Board of Education4th district, first advancing from the primary with 38.1% of the vote and winning the general in a narrow race with 49.9%[46][47][48]

The party won its third elected official when Samantha Pree-Stinson won a seat on theMinneapolisBoard of Estimate and Taxation. Pat Noble was re-elected as member of theRed Bank Regional High SchoolBoard of Education without opposition.[3][49]


According to the party's first chairman, Frank Zeidler, the party had around 500 members nationwide in 1975.[25]The Socialist Party experienced substantial growth during the late 1970s and early to mid-1980s, expanding from only around 600 dues-paying members to around 1,700.[50]In 2008,WMNFclaimed that the party had around 3,000 paying members.[51]However, aCommonDreamsarticle suggested that the organization had only 1,000 members in 2010, with party members claiming it to be an increase in the number of members.[52]In May 2011, an article fromThe New York Timesstated that the party has "about 1,000 members nationally".[53]In February 2012, an article fromThe Rootstated that the party had a "membership around 1,500".[54][55]

Pat Noble, National Co-Chair of the Socialist Party

Current elected members[edit]


Political positions[edit]

While some party members favor a more gradual approach to socialism, most others envision a more sweeping or revolutionary transformation of society from capitalist to socialist through the decisive victory of the working class in the class struggle.[58]Some party members also advocate revolutionary nonviolence or pacifism while some consider armed struggle a possible necessity.[citation needed]The party's Statement of Principles rejects equating socialism with a "welfare state" and calls for democratic social revolution from below.[58]The party is strongly committed to principles ofsocialist feminismand strives to further embody such commitment in its organizational structure. Its national constitution requires gender parity among its national Co-Chairs and Co-Vice Chairs, its National Committee members and alternates and seated members of its branch- and region-elected delegations to the party's biennial National Conventions.[58][59][60]The Socialist Party also rejected the newhealthcare reform law of 2010approved by theObama administration,with Socialist Party National Co-ChairBilly Whartonstating it to be "a corporate restructuring of the health insurance industry created to protect the profit margins of private insurance companies".[61]

During his campaign,2008 Socialist Party candidate for PresidentBrian Moorewas very vocal against the idea thatBarack Obamawas a socialist of any kind.[62]He further commented on the issue, saying it was "misleading of theRepublicans"to spread that message.[63]In a later statement about Obama's policies, Wharton called Obama's2010 State of the Union Addressa "public relations ploy" and concluded saying: "The time for slick public relations campaigns has ended—the time for building our grassroots movements is more urgent than ever. The Socialist Party USA stands ready to join in such a political revitalization".[64]

International affairs[edit]

The Party's National Action Committee condemned the Israeli actions during theGaza War.The party demands that theFederal government of the United Statescease providingmilitary aid to Israelas a precondition for peace. The party also sought to withdraw American troops fromAfghanistan.[65]During the2008 presidential election,the Socialist Party continued to place a strong emphasis on its full-scale opposition to American wars abroad, withBrian Moore,the presidential candidate, stating the war was destroying small communities throughout the country. He also criticized what he called "pressure on thelocal governments"by theBush administration.[66]TheSocialist Party of Connecticutdenounced Obama's troop surge in Afghanistan, stating that the President wasted needed resources the country needed to get pulled out of thefinancial crisis.After denouncing him, the state affiliate organized a protest in front of the federal building inHartford.[67]

In April 2017, the party issued a statement opposing further United States intervention into theSyrian Civil War.[68]Ten days later, the party issued a follow-up statement opposing both theKhan Shaykhun chemical attackand United States'subsequent missile strike.[69]In May 2017, the party condemned theManchester Arena bombingand stood "against any attempt to turn this tragedy into political capital to further right-wing agendas and target oppressed communities".[70]


Greg Pasonhas run for office on the Socialist Party ticket several times since 1994.

Socialist Party candidates, such asNew Jerseygubernatorial and senate candidate Greg Pason, have also emphasized immediate public service demands—these reforms include socializing theUnited States health care system,a steeplygraduated income tax,universalrent controland the elimination of all educational debts andtuitionfees.[71]In 1997, Pason calledauto insurance"aregressive taxagainst working people ".[72]Moore was also vocal of his support for public healthcare andsocialized medicine.[73]Moore believes thatcapitalismis a system based on both exploitation and selfishness, which operates to serve the interests ofcorporationsand theruling classat the expense ofworkersand thepoor.During his presidential campaign, he said that the lack of available remedy to collapsing economic conditions stems from the capitalist system's foundation upon "greed" and advocated its replacement with a new system founded uponeconomic democracythroughsocial ownershipandworkers' controlof our reigning industrial andfinancial institutions.[62]

State and local parties[edit]

As of June 2020,the Socialist Party had thirteen chartered locals and two chartered state parties.[74]There are also local organizers active inArkansas,Maryland,Minnesota,Mississippi,Texas,Utah,VirginiaandWyoming.

State parties[edit]

Former state parties


Presidential tickets[edit]

David McReynoldswas twice the nominee for President.
2012 nomineeStewart Alexander
Mimi Soltysik-Angela Nicole Walker,2016
Year Results Candidates Ballot
Misc. Notes
Votes Percent For President For Vice President
1976 6,038 0.01% Frank Zeidler J. Quinn Brisben 7 [75][76]
1980 6,898 0.01% David McReynolds Diane Drufenbrock 10 [77][78]
1984 72,161 0.08% Sonia Johnson Richard Walton 19 Endorsed theCitizens Partyticket [79][80]
1988 3,882 0.0% Willa Kenoyer Ron Ehrenreich 6 [81][82]
1992 3,057 0.0% J. Quinn Brisben Barbara Garson 4 [83][84]
1996 4,764 0.0% Mary Cal Hollis Eric Chester 5 [85][86]
2000 5,602 0.01% David McReynolds Mary Cal Hollis 7 [87][88]
2004 10,822 0.01% Walt Brown Mary Alice Herbert 8 [89]
2008 6,581 0.01% Brian Moore Stewart Alexander 8 [90][91]
2012 4,430 0.0% Stewart Alexander Alejandro Mendoza 3 [92][93]
2016 4,061 0.0% Mimi Soltysik Angela Nicole Walker 3 [94]
2020 404,084 0.3% Howie Hawkins Angela Nicole Walker 31 Also nominated by theGreen Party [95][96]
2024 TBD TBD Bill Stodden Stephanie Cholensky TBD

See also[edit]


  1. ^ab"Party Structure".
  2. ^"Statement of Principles of the Socialist Party USA".Socialist Party USA.RetrievedJune 4,2023.
  3. ^abcCelock, John (January 7, 2013)."Pat Noble, 19-Year-Old Socialist, Takes New Jersey School Board Seat".HuffPost.RetrievedJanuary 28,2021.
  4. ^ab"Incumbent Kim Ellison wins at-large seat as Minneapolis school board candidates focus on equity issues".Star Tribune.
  5. ^"With all precincts reported, @MPS_News school board results* At-Large: Collin Beachy @ Beachy4Schools Sonya Emerick @SonyaForMPS".Twitter.
  6. ^"The article of this organization shall be the Socialist Party of the United States of America, hereinafter called 'the Party'". Art. I of the"Constitution of the Socialist Party USA".
  7. ^"Socialism As Radical Democracy: Statement of Principles of the Socialist Party USA".Socialist Party USA.RetrievedAugust 4,2021.
  8. ^"Directory".Socialist Party USA.RetrievedAugust 4,2021.
  9. ^"Howie Hawkins Wins Socialist Party USA Nomination, Green Candidate Seeks To Build Left Unity With Multiple Nominations".Howie Hawkins Presidential Campaign. October 28, 2019.RetrievedOctober 28,2019.
  10. ^"Socialist Party USA Nominates Presidential Ticket | Ballot Access News".October 23, 2023.RetrievedOctober 25,2023.
  11. ^The Dictionary of Labour Quotations.Biteback. September 11, 2013.ISBN9781849546546.
  12. ^2008, p. 63.
  13. ^abDrucker (1994):
    Drucker, Peter (1994).Max Shachtman and his left: A socialist's odyssey through the "American Century".Humanities Press.ISBN0-391-03816-8.
  14. ^Beichman, Arnold(July 28, 2002)."Communism to anti-communism in lives of two rival editors (review two ISI books,James Burnham and the struggle for the world: A lifeby Daniel Kelly andPrinciples and heresies: Frank S. Meyer and the shaping of the American conservative movementby Kevin J. Smant) ".The Washington Times.RetrievedJuly 14,2011.
  15. ^abcd The New York Timesreported on the Convention for other days, e.g.
  16. ^Gerald Sorin,The Prophetic Minority: American Jewish Immigrant Radicals, 1880-1920.Bloomington. Indiana University Press. 1985. p. 155.
  17. ^abAnonymous (December 27, 1972)."Young Socialists open parley; to weigh 'New Politics' split".The New York Times.p. 25. Archived fromthe originalon January 15, 2017.
  18. ^abcAnonymous (January 1, 1973)."'Firmness' urged on Communists: Social Democrats reach end of U.S. Convention here "(PDF).The New York Times.p. 11.
  19. ^abO'Rourke (1993,pp. 195–196):
    O'Rourke, William (1993)."L: Michael Harrington".Signs of the literary times: Essays, reviews, profiles, 1970-1992'.The Margins of Literature (SUNY Series). SUNY Press. pp. 192–196.ISBN0-7914-1681-X.
    Originally:O'Rourke, William (November 13, 1973)."Michael Harrington: Beyond Watergate, Sixties, and reform".SoHo Weekly News.3(2): 6–7.ISBN9780791416815.
  20. ^Mitgang, Herbert (August 2, 1989)."Michael Harrington, Socialist and Author, Is Dead".The New York Times.RetrievedNovember 5,2009.
  21. ^abBusky 2000, pp. 164.[third-party source needed]
  22. ^ab"Constitution of the Socialist Party of the United States of America".Archived fromthe originalon May 24, 2010.
  23. ^Busky 2000, pp. 165.[third-party source needed]
  24. ^"Socialists Pick '76 candidate".St. Petersburg Times.September 3, 1975.RetrievedFebruary 8,2010.
  25. ^ab"Socialists pick ex-mayor for presidency".The Modesto Bee.September 2, 1975.RetrievedFebruary 8,2010.[permanent dead link]
  26. ^"William E. Shakalis (S)".electionstats.state.ma.us.RetrievedJuly 4,2022.
  27. ^Lowenstein, Adam (May 26, 1999)."Kubby won't run again for City Council".The Gazette.RetrievedFebruary 7,2010.
  28. ^"Norquist, Watts Win Mayoral Primary Election in Milwaukee"St. Paul Pioneer PressFebruary 16, 2000; p. 2B.
  29. ^"2008 General Election Results - Senator in General Assembly District 34".State of Rhode Island: Board of Election.RetrievedFebruary 25,2010.
  30. ^"State of Ohio 2010 General Election November 2, 2010 Unofficial Results".Ohio Secretary of State.November 2, 2010. Archived fromthe originalon November 5, 2010.RetrievedNovember 6,2010.
  31. ^"Socialist Candidate Elected To City Of Detroit Downtown Citizens District Council".Detroit's Downtown District Citizens' District Council.April 16, 2011.RetrievedAugust 11,2011.
  32. ^"New Jersey Socialist Party Secretary Elected to Regional High School Board of Education".Ballot Access News.November 7, 2012.RetrievedNovember 18,2012.
  33. ^"Election Results".Courier Journal.November 12, 2012.RetrievedNovember 18,2012.
  34. ^"MN Election Results".November 8, 2012.RetrievedMarch 28,2013.
  35. ^"Official Report of the Canvassing Committee United States and Vermont Statewide Offices General Election, November 6, 2012"(PDF).Vermont Secretary of State Elections Division.November 13, 2012. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on November 15, 2012.RetrievedNovember 18,2012.
  36. ^"Support a skatepark in Home Depot".The Commons.July 18, 2012.RetrievedNovember 18,2012.
  37. ^"Jarrod Williams".Ballotpedia.RetrievedNovember 5,2020.
  38. ^"Seth Baker".Ballotpedia.RetrievedNovember 5,2020.
  39. ^"Michael Anderson (Michigan)".Ballotpedia.RetrievedNovember 5,2020.
  40. ^"2016 Elections".Socialist Party USA.RetrievedOctober 13,2016.
  41. ^spmichigan."Vote Socialist in 2018: Matt Kuehnel for State House | Socialist Party of Michigan".RetrievedNovember 5,2020.
  42. ^Robbins, Meg (October 25, 2018)."Former English instructor Dendinger surprised by political calling".The Maine Monitor.RetrievedJanuary 28,2021.
  43. ^"Can 'Democratic Socialists of America' Be Salvaged? - Puget Sound Socialist Party - Revolutionary Socialism, One Rain-Soaked Day At A Time".Puget Sound Socialist Party.July 11, 2019.RetrievedJanuary 28,2021.
  44. ^"Thurston County November 6, 2018 General Election".results.vote.wa.gov.
  45. ^"Legislative District 22".results.vote.wa.gov.RetrievedSeptember 18,2020.
  46. ^"Election Result School Board Member District 4".Minnesota Secretary of State.RetrievedNovember 4,2020.
  47. ^Socialist Party USA (November 4, 2020)."Congratulations to Adriana Cerrillo, Socialist Party-endorsed candidate and now Member-Elect for the Minneapolis School Board District 4! #VoteSocialist".Twitter.RetrievedNovember 4,2020.
  48. ^"Adriana Cerrillo".Ballotpedia.RetrievedOctober 1,2020.
  49. ^ab"About the Board".Red Bank Regional High School.Archived fromthe originalon January 28, 2021.
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  51. ^Kinane, Sean (June 13, 2008)."Brian Moore – Socialist Party USA Presidential Candidate".WMNF.Archived fromthe originalon June 18, 2008.RetrievedFebruary 7,2010.
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  54. ^Gordy, Cynthia (February 28, 2012)."Stewart Alexander Wants Your Vote".The Root.Archived fromthe originalon February 29, 2012.
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  67. ^Altimari, Daniela (December 1, 2009). "If Obama's a socialist, his comrades aren't happy".Hartford Courant.
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  72. ^Preston, Jennifer (September 14, 1997)."On Politics; Hearing From the Seven Who Are Seldom Heard".The Press of Atlantic City.RetrievedFebruary 7,2010.
  73. ^Kinane, Sean (June 13, 2008)."Brian Moore – Socialist Party USA Presidential Candidate".WMNF.Archived fromthe originalon June 18, 2008.RetrievedOctober 30,2009.
  74. ^"Socialist Party USA Directory".Socialist Party USA.RetrievedJuly 7,2017.
  75. ^"1976 Presidential General Election Results".U.S. Election Atlas.RetrievedFebruary 7,2010.
  76. ^1991, p. 150.
  77. ^"1980 Presidential General Election Results".U.S. Election Atlas.RetrievedFebruary 7,2010.
  78. ^Smallwood 1983, p. 56.
  79. ^"1984 Presidential General Election Results".U.S. Election Atlas.RetrievedFebruary 7,2010.
  80. ^"United States Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit. - 829 F.2d 157".Justia.RetrievedFebruary 13,2010.
  81. ^"1988 Presidential General Election Results".U.S. Election Atlas.RetrievedFebruary 7,2010.
  82. ^Freeman 2008, p. 96.
  83. ^"1992 Election Results for the U.S. President, the U.S. Senate, and the U.S. House of Representatives"(PDF).Federal Election Commission.RetrievedNovember 18,2012.
  84. ^"1992 Presidential General Election Results".U.S. Election Atlas.RetrievedFebruary 7,2010.
  85. ^"1996 Presidential General Election Results".U.S. Election Atlas.RetrievedFebruary 7,2010.
  86. ^"President - U.S. - 1996".U.S. Election Atlas.org.RetrievedFebruary 7,2010.
  87. ^"2000 Presidential General Election Results".U.S. Election Atlas.RetrievedFebruary 7,2010.
  88. ^Winger, Richard."President - U.S. - 2000".Ballot Access News.RetrievedFebruary 13,2010.
  89. ^"2004 Presidential General Election Results".U.S. Election Atlas.RetrievedFebruary 7,2010.
  90. ^"2008 Presidential General Election Results".U.S. Election Atlas.RetrievedFebruary 7,2010.
  91. ^"Election 2008: Primary, Caucus, and Convention Phase".The Green Papers.RetrievedAugust 26,2013.
  92. ^"2012 Presidential Election by State Stewart Alexis Alexander".The Green Papers.RetrievedNovember 22,2012.
  93. ^"2012 Presidential General Election Results".U.S. Election Atlas.RetrievedDecember 27,2012.
  94. ^"Socialist Party USA".Twitter.RetrievedJanuary 30,2016.
  95. ^Socialist Party USA [@SPofUSA] (October 26, 2019)."The Socialist Party is excited to announce Howie Hawkins as its presidential nominee for the 2020 election!"(Tweet).RetrievedOctober 26,2019– viaTwitter.
  96. ^"Angela Walker for Vice President!".HowieHawkins.us.May 5, 2020.RetrievedMay 5,2020.


Further reading[edit]

External links[edit]