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Eastern Bloc

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The political situation in Europe during the Cold War after 1948.

TheEastern Bloc,also known as theCommunist Bloc(Combloc), theSocialist Bloc,and theSoviet Bloc,was the collective term for an unofficial coalition ofcommunist statesofCentral and Eastern Europe,Asia,Africa,andLatin Americathat were aligned with theSoviet Unionand existed during theCold War(1947–1991). These states followed the ideology ofMarxism–Leninism,in opposition to thecapitalistWestern Bloc.The Eastern Bloc was often called the "Second World",whereas the term"First World"referred to the Western Bloc and"Third World"referred to thenon-aligned countriesthat were mainly in Africa, Asia, and Latin America but notably also included formerpre-1948Soviet allyYugoslavia,which was located in Europe.

InWestern Europe,the term Eastern Bloc generally referred to the USSR andCentral and Eastern Europeancountries in theComecon(East Germany,Poland,Czechoslovakia,Hungary,Romania,Bulgaria,andAlbania).[a]InAsia,the Eastern Bloc comprisedMongolia,Vietnam,Laos,Kampuchea,North Korea,South Yemen,Syria,andChina.[b][c]In theAmericas,the countries aligned with the Soviet Union includedCubafrom 1961 and for limited periodsNicaraguaandGrenada.[1]



The term Eastern Bloc was often used interchangeably with the termSecond World.This broadest usage of the term would include not onlyMaoist ChinaandCambodia,but also short-lived Soviet satellites such as theSecond East Turkestan Republic(1944–1949), thePeople's Republic of Azerbaijan(1945–1946) and theRepublic of Mahabad(1946), as well as the Marxist–Leninist states straddling the Second and Third Worlds before the end of the Cold War: thePeople's Democratic Republic of Yemen(from 1967), thePeople's Republic of the Congo(from 1969), thePeople's Republic of Benin,thePeople's Republic of AngolaandPeople's Republic of Mozambiquefrom 1975, thePeople's Revolutionary Government of Grenadafrom 1979 to 1983, theDerg/People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopiafrom 1974, and theSomali Democratic Republicfrom 1969 until theOgaden Warin 1977.[2][3][4][5]Although notMarxist–Leninist,leadership ofBa'athist Syriaofficially regarded the country as part of the Socialist Bloc and established a close economic, military alliance with the Soviet Union.[6][7]

Many states were accused by the Western Bloc of being in the Eastern Bloc when they were part of theNon-Aligned Movement.The most limited definition of the Eastern Bloc would only include the Warsaw Pact states and theMongolian People's Republicas former satellite states most dominated by the Soviet Union.Cuba's defiance of complete Soviet control was noteworthy enough that Cuba was sometimes excluded as a satellite state altogether, as it sometimes intervened in other Third World countries even when the Soviet Union opposed this.[1]

Post-1991 usage of the term "Eastern Bloc" may be more limited in referring to the states forming theWarsaw Pact(1955–1991) andMongolia(1924–1991), which are no longer communist states.[8][9]Sometimes they are more generally referred to as "the countries of Eastern Europe under communism",[10]excluding Mongolia, but includingYugoslaviaandAlbaniawhich had both split with theSoviet Unionby the 1960s.[11]

Even though Yugoslavia was a socialist country, it was not a member of the Comecon or the Warsaw Pact. Parting with the USSR in 1948, Yugoslavia did not belong to the East, but it also did not belong to the West because of its socialist system and its status as a founding member of theNon-Aligned Movement.[12]However, some sources considerYugoslaviato be a member of the Eastern Bloc.[11][13][14][15][16][17][18][19]Others consider Yugoslavia not to be a member after it broke with Soviet policy in the 1948Tito–Stalin split.[20][21][12]

List of states

1950 Soviet stamp, depicting the flags and peoples of communist states at the time, including those of Eastern Europe

Comecon (1949–1991) and Warsaw Pact (1955–1991)


Other Communist states


Other aligned states

States that had communist governments in red, states that the Soviet Union believed at one point to bemoving toward socialismin orange, and states with constitutional references to socialism in yellow.

Foundation history

Eastern Bloc Area Border changes 1938 to 1948

In 1922, theRussian SFSR,theUkrainian SSR,theByelorussian SSRand theTranscaucasian SFSRapproved theTreaty of Creation of the USSRand the Declaration of the Creation of the USSR, forming theSoviet Union.[25]Soviet leaderJoseph Stalin,who viewed the Soviet Union as a "socialist island", stated that the Soviet Union must see that "the present capitalist encirclement is replaced by a socialist encirclement".[26]

Expansion of the Soviet Union from 1939 to 1940


In 1939, the USSR entered into theMolotov–Ribbentrop PactwithNazi Germany[27]that contained a secret protocol that divided Romania, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Finland into German and Soviet spheres of influence.[27][28]Eastern Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Finland andBessarabiain northern Romania were recognized as parts of theSoviet sphere of influence.[28]Lithuania was added in a second secret protocol in September 1939.[29]

TheSoviet Union had invaded the portions of eastern Poland assigned to itby theMolotov–Ribbentrop Pacttwo weeks after the German invasion of western Poland, followed by co-ordination with German forces in Poland.[30][31]During theOccupation of East Poland by the Soviet Union,the Soviets liquidated the Polish state, and a German-Soviet meeting addressed the future structure of the "Polish region".[32]Soviet authorities immediately started a campaign ofsovietization[33][34]of thenewly Soviet-annexed areas.[35][36][37]Soviet authoritiescollectivizedagriculture,[38]andnationalizedand redistributed private and state-owned Polish property.[39][40][41]

Initial Sovietoccupations of the Baltic countrieshad occurred in mid-June 1940, when Soviet NKVD troops raided border posts inLithuania,EstoniaandLatvia,[42][43]followed by the liquidation of state administrations and replacement by Soviet cadres.[42][44]Elections for parliament and other offices were held with single candidates listed and the official results fabricated, purporting pro-Soviet candidates' approval by 92.8 percent of the voters in Estonia, 97.6 percent in Latvia, and 99.2 percent in Lithuania.[45][46]The fraudulently installed "people's assemblies" immediately declared each of the three corresponding countries to be "Soviet Socialist Republics" and requested their "admission intoStalin's Soviet Union ". This formally resulted in the Soviet Union's annexation of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia in August 1940.[45]The international community condemned this annexation of the three Baltic countries and deemed it illegal.[47][48]

In 1939, the Soviet Union unsuccessfullyattempted an invasion of Finland,[49]subsequent to which the parties entered into aninterim peace treatygranting the Soviet Union the eastern region ofKarelia(10% of Finnish territory),[49]and theKarelo-Finnish Soviet Socialist Republicwas established by merging the ceded territories with theKASSR.After a June 1940 Soviet Ultimatum demanding Bessarabia,Bukovina,and theHertsa regionfrom Romania,[50][51]the Soviets entered these areas, Romania caved to Soviet demands and theSoviets occupied the territories.[50][52]

Eastern Front and Allied conferences

The Big Three (British Prime MinisterWinston Churchill,U.S. PresidentFranklin D. RooseveltandPremier of the Soviet UnionJoseph Stalin) at theYalta Conference,February 1945

In June 1941, Germany broke the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact byinvading the Soviet Union.From the time of this invasion to 1944, the areas annexed by the Soviet Union were part of Germany'sOstland(except for theMoldavian SSR). Thereafter, the Soviet Union began to push German forces westward through a series of battles on theEastern Front.

In the aftermath ofWorld War II on the Soviet-Finnish border,the partiessigned another peace treaty ceding to the Soviet Unionin 1944, followed by a Soviet annexation of roughly the same eastern Finnish territories as those of the prior interim peace treaty as part of theKarelo-Finnish Soviet Socialist Republic.[53]

From 1943 to 1945, severalconferences regarding Post-War Europeoccurred that, in part, addressed the potential Soviet annexation and control of countries in Central Europe. There were various Allied plans for state order in Central Europe for post-war. WhileJoseph Stalintried to get as many states under Soviet control as possible, British Prime MinisterWinston Churchillpreferred a Central European Danube Confederation to counter these countries against Germany and Russia.[54]Churchill's Soviet policy regarding Central Europe differed vastly from that of American PresidentFranklin D. Roosevelt,with the former believing Soviet leader Stalin to be a "devil" -like tyrant leading a vile system.[55]

When warned of potential domination by a Stalin dictatorship over part of Europe, Roosevelt responded with a statement summarizing his rationale for relations with Stalin: "I just have a hunch that Stalin is not that kind of a man.... I think that if I give him everything I possibly can and ask for nothing from him in return, noblesse oblige, he won't try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of democracy and peace".[56]While meeting with Stalin and Roosevelt inTehranin 1943, Churchill stated that Britain was vitally interested in restoring Poland as a politically independent country.[57]Britain did not press the matter for fear that it would become a source of inter-allied friction.[57]

In February 1945, at theconference at Yalta,Stalin demanded a Soviet sphere of political influence in Central Europe.[58]Stalin eventually was convinced by Churchill and Roosevelt not to dismember Germany.[58]Stalin stated that the Soviet Union would keep the territory of eastern Poland they had alreadytaken via invasion in 1939withsome exceptions,and wanted a pro-Soviet Polish government in power in what would remain of Poland.[58]After resistance by Churchill and Roosevelt, Stalin promised a re-organization of the currentpro-Soviet governmenton a broader democratic basis in Poland.[58]He stated that the new government's primary task would be to prepare elections.[59]However, the1946 Polish people's referendum(known as the "Three Times Yes" referendum) and the subsequent1947 Polish parliamentary electiondid not meet democratic standards and were largely manipulated.[60]

The parties at Yalta further agreed that the countries of liberated Europe and former Axis satellites would be allowed to "create democratic institutions of their own choice", pursuant to "the right of all peoples to choose the form of government under which they will live".[61]The parties also agreed to help those countries form interim governments "pledged to the earliest possible establishment through free elections" and "facilitate where necessary the holding of such elections".[61]

At the beginning of the July–August 1945Potsdam Conferenceafter Germany's unconditional surrender, Stalin repeated previous promises to Churchill that he would refrain from a "sovietization"of Central Europe.[62]In addition to reparations, Stalin pushed for "war booty", which would permit the Soviet Union to directly seize property from conquered nations without quantitative or qualitative limitation.[63]A clause was added permitting this to occur with some limitations.[63]

Concealed transformation dynamics


At first, the Soviets concealed their role in other Eastern Bloc politics, with the transformation appearing as a modification of Western "bourgeois democracy".[64]As a young communist was told in East Germany, "it's got to look democratic, but we must have everything in our control".[65]Stalin felt that socioeconomic transformation was indispensable to establish Soviet control, reflecting the Marxist–Leninist view that material bases, the distribution of the means of production, shaped social and political relations.[66]The Soviet Union also co-opted the Eastern European countries into its sphere of influence by making reference to some cultural commonalities.[67]

Moscow-trained cadres were put into crucial power positions to fulfill orders regarding sociopolitical transformation.[66]Elimination of thebourgeoisie's social and financial power by expropriation of landed and industrial property was accorded absolute priority.[64]These measures were publicly billed as "reforms" rather than socioeconomic transformations.[64]Except for initially in Czechoslovakia, activities by political parties had to adhere to "Bloc politics", with parties eventually having to accept membership in an "antifascist bloc" obliging them to act only by mutual "consensus".[68]The bloc system permitted the Soviet Union to exercise domestic control indirectly.[69]

Crucial departments such as those responsible for personnel, general police, secret police and youth were strictly Communist run.[69]Moscow cadres distinguished "progressive forces" from "reactionary elements" and rendered both powerless. Such procedures were repeated until Communists had gained unlimited power and only politicians who were unconditionally supportive of Soviet policy remained.[70]

Early events prompting stricter control


Marshall Plan rejection

Political situation in Europe during theCold War

In June 1947, after the Soviets had refused to negotiate a potential lightening of restrictions on German development, the United States announced theMarshall Plan,a comprehensive program of American assistance to all European countries wanting to participate, including the Soviet Union and those of Eastern Europe.[71]The Soviets rejected the Plan and took a hard-line position against the United States and non-communist European nations.[72]However, Czechoslovakia was eager to accept the US aid; the Polish government had a similar attitude, and this was of great concern to the Soviets.[73]

The "Three Worlds"of theCold War(between 30 April and 24 June 1975)
First World:Countries aligned with theWestern Bloc(i.e.,NATOand allies), led by theUnited States
Second World:Countries aligned with theEastern Bloc(i.e.,Warsaw Pact,China,and allies), led by theSoviet Union
Third World:TheNon-Aligned Movement,led byIndiaandYugoslavia,and other neutral countries

In one of the clearest signs of Soviet control over the region up to that point, the Czechoslovakian foreign minister,Jan Masaryk,was summoned to Moscow and berated by Stalin for considering joining the Marshall Plan. Polish Prime ministerJózef Cyrankiewiczwas rewarded for the Polish rejection of the Plan with a huge 5-year trade agreement, including $450 million in credit, 200,000 tons of grain, heavy machinery and factories.[74]

In July 1947, Stalin ordered these countries to pull out of the Paris Conference on the European Recovery Programme, which has been described as "the moment of truth" in the post-World War IIdivision of Europe.[75]Thereafter, Stalin sought stronger control over other Eastern Bloc countries, abandoning the prior appearance of democratic institutions.[76]When it appeared that, in spite of heavy pressure, non-communist parties might receive in excess of 40% of the vote in theAugust 1947 Hungarian elections,repressions were instituted to liquidate any independent political forces.[76]

In that same month, annihilation of the opposition in Bulgaria began on the basis of continuing instructions by Soviet cadres.[76][77]At a late September 1947 meeting of all communist parties inSzklarska Poręba,[78]Eastern Bloc communist parties were blamed for permitting even minor influence by non-communists in their respective countries during the run up to the Marshall Plan.[76]

Berlin blockade and airlift

German civilians watching Western supply planes atBerlin Tempelhof Airportduring theBerlin Airlift

In the former German capital Berlin, surrounded by Soviet-occupied Germany, Stalin instituted the Berlin Blockade on 24 June 1948, preventing food, materials and supplies from arriving inWest Berlin.[79]The blockade was caused, in part, by early local elections of October 1946 in which theSocialist Unity Party of Germany(SED) was rejected in favor of the Social Democratic Party, which had gained two and a half times more votes than the SED.[80]The United States, Britain, France, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and several other countries began a massive "Berlin airlift", supplying West Berlin with food and other supplies.[81]

The Soviets mounted a public relations campaign against the western policy change and communists attempted to disrupt the elections of 1948 preceding large losses therein,[82]while 300,000 Berliners demonstrated and urged the international airlift to continue.[83]In May 1949, Stalin lifted the blockade, permitting the resumption of Western shipments to Berlin.[84][85]

Tito–Stalin split


After disagreements between Yugoslav leaderJosip Broz Titoand the Soviet Union regarding Greece andAlbania,aTito–Stalin splitoccurred, followed by Yugoslavia being expelled from theCominformin June 1948 and a brief failed Soviet putsch in Belgrade.[86]The split created two separate communist forces in Europe.[86]A vehement campaign againstTitoismwas immediately started in the Eastern Bloc, describing agents of both the West and Tito in all places as engaging in subversive activity.[86]

Stalin ordered the conversion of theCominforminto an instrument to monitor and control the internal affairs of other Eastern Bloc parties.[86]He also briefly considered converting the Cominform into an instrument for sentencing high-ranking deviators, but dropped the idea as impractical.[86]Instead, a move to weaken communist party leaders through conflict was started.[86]Soviet cadres in communist party and state positions in the Bloc were instructed to foster intra-leadership conflict and to transmit information against each other.[86]This accompanied a continuous stream of accusations of "nationalistic deviations", "insufficient appreciation of the USSR's role", links with Tito and "espionage for Yugoslavia".[87]This resulted in the persecution of many major party cadres, including those in East Germany.[87]

The first country to experience this approach wasAlbania,where leaderEnver Hoxhaimmediately changed course from favoring Yugoslavia to opposing it.[87]InPoland,leaderWładysław Gomułka,who had previously made pro-Yugoslav statements, was deposed as party secretary-general in early September 1948 and subsequently jailed.[87]InBulgaria,when it appeared that Traicho Kostov, who was not a Moscow cadre, was next in line for leadership, in June 1949, Stalin ordered Kostov's arrest, followed soon thereafter by a death sentence and execution.[87]A number of other high ranking Bulgarian officials were also jailed.[87]Stalin and Hungarian leaderMátyás Rákosimet in Moscow to orchestrate a show trial of Rákosi opponentLászló Rajk,who was thereafter executed.[88]The preservation of the Soviet bloc relied on maintaining a sense of ideological unity that would entrench Moscow's influence in Eastern Europe as well as the power of the local Communist elites.[89]

The port city ofTriestewas a particular focus after the Second World War. Until the break between Tito and Stalin, the Western powers and the Eastern bloc faced each other uncompromisingly. The neutral buffer stateFree Territory of Trieste,founded in 1947 with the United Nations, was split up and dissolved in 1954 and 1975, also because of the détente between the West and Tito.[90][91]


Countries which once had overtlyMarxist–Leninistgovernments in bright red and countries the USSR considered at one point to be "moving toward socialism" in orange

Despite the initialinstitutional design of communism implementedbyJoseph Stalinin the Eastern Bloc, subsequent development varied across countries.[92]In satellite states, after peace treaties were initially concluded, opposition was essentially liquidated, fundamental steps towards socialism were enforced, and Kremlin leaders sought to strengthen control therein.[93]Right from the beginning, Stalin directed systems that rejected Western institutional characteristics ofmarket economies,capitalist parliamentary democracy (dubbed "bourgeois democracy" in Soviet parlance) and the rule of law subduing discretional intervention by the state.[94]The resulting states aspired to total control of a political center backed by an extensive and active repressive apparatus, and a central role ofMarxist–Leninistideology.[94]

Communist countries andSoviet republicsin Europe with their representative flags (1950s)

However, the vestiges of democratic institutions were never entirely destroyed, resulting in the façade of Western style institutions such as parliaments, which effectively just rubber-stamped decisions made by rulers, and constitutions, to which adherence by authorities was limited or non-existent.[94]Parliaments were still elected, but their meetings occurred only a few days per year, only to legitimize politburo decisions, and so little attention was paid to them that some of those serving were actually dead, and officials would openly state that they would seat members who had lost elections.[95]

The first or General Secretary of thecentral committeein eachcommunist partywas the most powerful figure in each regime.[96]The party over which thepolitburoheld sway was not a mass party but, conforming withLeninisttradition, a smaller selective party of between three and fourteen percent of the country's population who had accepted total obedience.[97]Those who secured membership in this selective group received considerable rewards, such as access to special lower priced shops with a greater selection of high-quality domestic and/or foreign goods (confections,alcohol,cigars,cameras,televisions,and the like), special schools, holiday facilities, homes, high-quality domestic and/or foreign-made furniture, works of art, pensions, permission to travel abroad, and official cars with distinct license plates so that police and others could identify these members from a distance.[97]

Political and civil restrictions


In addition to emigration restrictions, civil society, defined as a domain of political action outside the party's state control, was not allowed to firmly take root, with the possible exception ofPoland in the 1980s.[98]While the institutional design of the communist systems were based on the rejection of rule of law, the legal infrastructure was not immune to change reflecting decaying ideology and the substitution of autonomous law.[98]Initially, communist parties were small in all countries except Czechoslovakia, such that there existed an acute shortage of politically "trustworthy" persons for administration, police, and other professions.[99]Thus, "politically unreliable" non-communists initially had to fill such roles.[99]Those not obedient to communist authorities were ousted, while Moscow cadres started a large-scale party programs to train personnel who would meet political requirements.[99]Former members of the middle-class were officially discriminated against, though the state's need for their skills and certain opportunities to re-invent themselves as good Communist citizens did allow many to nonetheless achieve success.[100]

Communist regimes in the Eastern Bloc viewed marginal groups of opposition intellectuals as a potential threat because of the bases underlying Communist power therein.[101]The suppression of dissidence and opposition was considered a central prerequisite to retain power, though the enormous expense at which the population in certain countries were kept under secret surveillance may not have been rational.[101]Following a totalitarian initial phase, a post-totalitarian period followed the death of Stalin in which the primary method of Communist rule shifted from mass terror to selective repression, along with ideological and sociopolitical strategies of legitimation and the securing of loyalty.[102]Juries were replaced by a tribunal of professional judges and two lay assessors that were dependable party actors.[103]

The police deterred and contained opposition to party directives.[103]The political police served as the core of the system, with their names becoming synonymous with raw power and the threat of violent retribution should an individual become active against the State.[103]Several state police and secret police organizations enforced communist party rule, including the following:

Media and information restrictions

Announcement ofmartial law in PolandbyTrybuna Ludu,14 December 1981

The press in the communist period was an organ of the state, completely reliant on and subservient to the communist party.[104]Before the late 1980s, Eastern Bloc radio and television organizations were state-owned, while print media was usually owned by political organizations, mostly by the local communist party.[105]Youth newspapers and magazines were owned by youth organizations affiliated with communist parties.[105]

The control of the media was exercised directly by the communist party itself, and by state censorship, which was also controlled by the party.[105]Media served as an important form of control over information and society.[106]The dissemination and portrayal of knowledge were considered by authorities to be vital to communism's survival by stifling alternative concepts and critiques.[106]Several state Communist Party newspapers were published, including:

TheTelegraph Agency of the Soviet Union (TASS)served as the central agency for collection and distribution of internal and international news for all Soviet newspapers, radio and television stations. It was frequently infiltrated by Soviet intelligence and security agencies, such as theNKVDandGRU.TASS had affiliates in 14 Soviet republics, including theLithuanian SSR,Latvian SSR,Estonian SSR,Moldavian SSR.Ukrainian SSRandByelorussian SSR.

Western countries invested heavily in powerful transmitters which enabled services such as theBBC,VOAandRadio Free Europe(RFE) to be heard in the Eastern Bloc, despite attempts by authorities to jam the airways.


TheAlexander Nevsky Cathedral,once the most dominant landmark inBaku,was demolished in the 1930s under Stalin.

Under thestate atheismof many Eastern Bloc nations, religion was actively suppressed.[107]Since some of these states tied their ethnic heritage to their national churches, both the peoples and their churches were targeted by the Soviets.[108][109]



In 1949, theSoviet Union,Bulgaria,Czechoslovakia,Hungary, Poland, and Romania founded theComeconin accordance with Stalin's desire to enforce Soviet domination of the lesser states of Central Europe and to mollify some states that had expressed interest in theMarshall Plan,[110][111]and which were now, increasingly, cut off from their traditional markets and suppliers in Western Europe.[75]The Comecon's role became ambiguous because Stalin preferred more direct links with other party chiefs than the Comecon's indirect sophistication; it played no significant role in the 1950s in economic planning.[112]Initially, the Comecon served as cover for the Soviet taking of materials and equipment from the rest of the Eastern Bloc, but the balance changed when the Soviets became net subsidizers of the rest of the Bloc by the 1970s via an exchange of low cost raw materials in return for shoddily manufactured finished goods.[113]

In 1955, theWarsaw Pactwas formed partly in response toNATO's inclusion ofWest Germanyand partly because the Soviets needed an excuse to retainRed Armyunits in Hungary.[111]For 35 years, the Pact perpetuated the Stalinist concept of Soviet national security based on imperial expansion and control over satellite regimes in Eastern Europe.[114]This Soviet formalization of their security relationships in the Eastern Bloc reflected Moscow's basic security policy principle that continued presence in East Central Europe was a foundation of its defense against the West.[114]Through its institutional structures, the Pact also compensated in part for the absence of Joseph Stalin's personal leadership since his death in 1953.[114]The Pact consolidated the other Bloc members' armies in which Soviet officers and security agents served under a unified Soviet command structure.[115]

Beginning in 1964, Romania took a more independent course.[116]While it did not repudiate either Comecon or the Warsaw Pact, it ceased to play a significant role in either.[116]Nicolae Ceaușescu's assumption of leadership one year later pushed Romania even further in the direction of separateness.[116]Albania, which had become increasingly isolated under Stalinist leaderEnver Hoxhafollowingde-Stalinization,undergoing anAlbanian–Soviet splitin 1961, withdrew from the Warsaw Pact in 1968[117]following theWarsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia.[118]

Emigration restrictions and defectors


In 1917, Russia restricted emigration by instituting passport controls and forbidding the exit of belligerent nationals.[119]In 1922, after theTreaty on the Creation of the USSR,both theUkrainian SSRand theRussian SFSRissued general rules for travel that foreclosed virtually all departures, making legal emigration impossible.[120]Border controls thereafter strengthened such that, by 1928, even illegal departure was effectively impossible.[120]This later includedinternal passport controls,which when combined with individual cityPropiska( "place of residence" ) permits, and internal freedom of movement restrictions often called the101st kilometre,greatly restricted mobility within even small areas of the Soviet Union.[121]

TheBerlin Wallin 1975

After the creation of the Eastern Bloc, emigration out of the newly occupied countries, except under limited circumstances, was effectively halted in the early 1950s, with the Soviet approach to controlling national movement emulated by most of the rest of the Eastern Bloc.[122]However, inEast Germany,taking advantage of theInner German borderbetween occupied zones, hundreds of thousands fled to West Germany, with figures totaling 197,000 in 1950, 165,000 in 1951, 182,000 in 1952 and 331,000 in 1953.[123][124]One reason for the sharp 1953 increase was fear of potential furtherSovietizationwith the increasingly paranoid[dubiousdiscuss]actions ofJoseph Stalinin late 1952 and early 1953.[125]226,000 had fled in just the first six months of 1953.[126]

With the closing of the Inner German border officially in 1952,[127]the Berlin city sector borders remained considerably more accessible than the rest of the border because of their administration by all four occupying powers.[128]Accordingly, it effectively comprised a "loophole" through which Eastern Bloc citizens could still move west.[127]The 3.5 million East Germans that had left by 1961, calledRepublikflucht,totaled approximately 20% of the entire East German population.[129]In August 1961, East Germany erected a barbed-wire barrier that would eventually be expanded through construction into theBerlin Wall,effectively closing the loophole.[130]

With virtually non-existent conventional emigration, more than 75% of those emigrating from Eastern Bloc countries between 1950 and 1990 did so under bilateral agreements for "ethnic migration".[131]About 10% were refugee migrants under the Geneva Convention of 1951.[131]Most Soviets allowed to leave during this time period were ethnic Jews permitted to emigrate to Israel after a series of embarrassing defections in 1970 caused the Soviets to open very limited ethnic emigrations.[132]The fall of theIron Curtainwas accompanied by a massive rise in European East-West migration.[131]FamousEastern Bloc defectorsincluded Joseph Stalin's daughterSvetlana Alliluyeva,who denounced Stalin after her 1967 defection.[133]



Eastern Bloc countries such as the Soviet Union had high rates of population growth. In 1917, the population of Russia in its present borders was 91 million. Despite the destruction in theRussian Civil War,the population grew to 92.7 million in 1926. In 1939, the population increased by 17 percent to 108 million. Despite more than 20 million deaths suffered throughout World War II, Russia's population grew to 117.2 million in 1959. The Soviet census of 1989 showed Russia's population at 147 million people.[134]

The Soviet economical and political system produced further consequences such as, for example, inBaltic states,where the population was approximately half of what it should have been compared with similar countries such as Denmark, Finland and Norway over the years 1939–1990. Poor housing was one factor leading to severely declining birth rates throughout the Eastern Bloc.[135]However, birth rates were still higher than in Western European countries. A reliance upon abortion, in part because periodic shortages of birth control pills andintrauterine devicesmade these systems unreliable,[136]also depressed the birth rate and forced a shift to pro-natalist policies by the late 1960s, including severe checks on abortion and propagandist exhortations like the 'heroine mother' distinction bestowed on thoseRomanianwomen who bore ten or more children.[137]

In October 1966, artificial birth control was proscribed inRomaniaand regular pregnancy tests were mandated for women of child-bearing age, with severe penalties for anyone who was found to have terminated a pregnancy.[138]Despite such restrictions, birth rates continued to lag, in part because of unskilled induced abortions.[137]The populations of the Eastern Bloc countries were as follows:[139][140]

Eastern Bloc population
Country Area (000s) 1950 (mil) 1970 (mil) 1980 (mil) 1985 (mil) Annual growth (1950–1985) Density (1980)
Albania 28.7 square kilometres (11.1 sq mi) 1.22 2.16 2.59 2.96 +4.07% 90.2/km2
Bulgaria 110.9 square kilometres (42.8 sq mi) 7.27 8.49 8.88 8.97 +0.67% 80.1/km2
Czechoslovakia 127.9 square kilometres (49.4 sq mi) 13.09 14.47 15.28 15.50 +0.53% 119.5/km2
Hungary 93.0 square kilometres (35.9 sq mi) 9.20 10.30 10.71 10.60 +0.43% 115.2/km2
East Germany 108.3 square kilometres (41.8 sq mi) 17.94 17.26 16.74 16.69 −0.20% 154.6/km2
Poland 312.7 square kilometres (120.7 sq mi) 24.82 30.69 35.73 37.23 +1.43% 114.3/km2
Romania 237.5 square kilometres (91.7 sq mi) 16.31 20.35 22.20 22.73 +1.12% 93.5/km2
Soviet Union 22,300 square kilometres (8,600 sq mi) 182.32 241.72 265.00 272.00 +1.41% 11.9/km2
Yugoslavia 255.8 square kilometres (98.8 sq mi) 16.34 20.4 22.36 23.1 +1.15% 92.6/km2

Social structure


Eastern Bloc societies operated under anti-meritocratic principles with strong egalitarian elements. For example, Czechoslovakia favoured less qualified individuals, as well as providing privileges for thenomenklaturaand those with the right class or political background. Eastern Bloc societies were dominated by the ruling communist party, dubbed "partyocracy" by Pavel Machonin.[141]Former members of the middle-class were officially discriminated against, though the need for their skills allowed them to re-invent themselves as good communist citizens.[100][142]



A housing shortage existed throughout the Eastern Bloc. In Europe it was primarily due to the devastation duringWorld War II.Construction efforts suffered after a severe cutback in state resources available for housing starting in 1975.[143]Cities became filled with largesystem-built apartment blocks[144]Housing construction policy suffered from considerable organisational problems.[145]Moreover, completed houses possessed noticeably poor quality finishes.[145]

Housing quality

Prominent examples of urban design included Marszałkowska Housing Estate (MDM) inWarsaw.

The near-total emphasis on large apartment blocks was a common feature of Eastern Bloc cities in the 1970s and 1980s.[146]East Germanauthorities viewed large cost advantages in the construction ofPlattenbauapartment blocks such that the building of such architecture on the edge of large cities continued until the dissolution of the Eastern Bloc.[146]Buildings such as thePaneláksofCzechoslovakiaandPanelházofHungary.Wishing to reinforce the role of the state in the 1970s and 1980s,Nicolae Ceaușescuenacted thesystematisationprogramme, which consisted of the demolition and reconstruction of existing hamlets, villages, towns, and cities, in whole or in part, in order to make place to standardised apartment blocks across the country (blocuri).[146]Under this ideology, Ceaușescu builtCentrul Civicof Bucharest in the 1980s, which contains thePalace of the Parliament,in the place of the former historic center.

Even by the late 1980s,sanitary conditionsin most Eastern Bloc countries were generally far from adequate.[147]For all countries for which data existed, 60% of dwellings had a density of greater than one person per room between 1966 and 1975.[147]The average in western countries for which data was available approximated 0.5 persons per room.[147]Problems were aggravated by poor quality finishes on new dwellings often causing occupants to undergo a certain amount of finishing work and additional repairs.[147]

Housing quality in the Eastern Bloc by the 1980s[148]
Country Adequate sanitation % (year) Piped water % Central heating % Inside toilet % More than 1 person/room %
Albania n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Bulgaria n/a 66.1% 7.5% 28.0% 60.2%
Czechoslovakia 60.5% (1983) 75.3% 30.9% 52.4% 67.9%
East Germany 70.0% (1985) 82.1% 72.2% 43.4% n/a
Hungary 60.0% (1984) 64% (1980) n/a 52.5% (1980) 64.4%
Poland 50.0% (1980) 47.3% 22.2% 33.4% 83.0%
Romania 50.0% (1980) 12.3% (1966) n/a n/a 81.5%
Soviet Union 50.0% (1980) n/a n/a n/a n/a
Yugoslavia 69.8% (1981) 93.2% 84.2% 89.7% 83.1%
Housing quality in Hungary (1949–1990)[149]
Year Houses/flats total With piped water With sewage disposal With inside toilet With piped gas
1949 2,466,514 420,644 (17.1%) 306,998 (12.5%) 174,186 (7.1%)
1960 2,757,625 620,600 (22.5%) 440,737 (16%) 373,124 (13.5%)
1970 3,118,096 1,370,609 (44%) 1,167,055 (37.4%) 838,626 (26.9%) 1,571,691 (50.4%)
1980 3,542,418 2,268,014 (64%) 2,367,274 (66.8%) 1,859,677 (52.5%) 2,682,143 (75.7%)
1990 3,853,288 3,209,930 (83.3%) 3,228,257 (83.8%) 2,853,834 (74%) 3,274,514 (85%)

The worsening shortages of the 1970s and 1980s occurred during an increase in the quantity of dwelling stock relative to population from 1970 to 1986.[150]Even for new dwellings, average dwelling size was only 61.3 square metres (660 sq ft) in the Eastern Bloc compared with 113.5 square metres (1,222 sq ft) in ten western countries for which comparable data was available.[150]Space standards varied considerably, with the average new dwelling in the Soviet Union in 1986 being only 68% the size of its equivalent in Hungary.[150]Apart from exceptional cases, such asEast Germanyin 1980–1986 andBulgariain 1970–1980, space standards in newly built dwellings rose before the dissolution of the Eastern Bloc.[150]Housing size varied considerably across time, especially after the oil crisis in the Eastern Bloc; for instance, 1990-era West German homes had an average floor space of 83 square metres (890 sq ft), compared to an average dwelling size in the GDR of 67 square metres (720 sq ft) in 1967.[151][152]

Housing characteristics in new dwellings of the Eastern Bloc[153]
Floor space/dwelling People/dwelling
Country 1970 1980 1986 1970 1986
Western Bloc 113.5 square metres (1,222 sq ft) n/a n/a
Albania n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Bulgaria 63.7 square metres (686 sq ft) 59.0 square metres (635 sq ft) 66.9 square metres (720 sq ft) 3.8 2.8
Czechoslovakia 67.2 square metres (723 sq ft) 73.8 square metres (794 sq ft) 81.8 square metres (880 sq ft) 3.4 2.7
East Germany 55.0 square metres (592 sq ft) 62.7 square metres (675 sq ft) 61.2 square metres (659 sq ft) 2.9 2.4
Hungary 61.5 square metres (662 sq ft) 67.0 square metres (721 sq ft) 83.0 square metres (893 sq ft) 3.4 2.7
Poland 54.3 square metres (584 sq ft) 64.0 square metres (689 sq ft) 71.0 square metres (764 sq ft) 4.2 3.5
Romania 44.9 square metres (483 sq ft) 57.0 square metres (614 sq ft) 57.5 square metres (619 sq ft) 3.6 2.8
Soviet Union 46.8 square metres (504 sq ft) 52.3 square metres (563 sq ft) 56.8 square metres (611 sq ft) 4.1 3.2
Yugoslavia 59.2 square metres (637 sq ft) 70.9 square metres (763 sq ft) 72.5 square metres (780 sq ft) n/a 3.4

Poor housing was one of the four major factors (others being poor living conditions, increased female employment and abortion as an encouraged means of birth control) which led to declining birth rates throughout the Eastern Bloc.[135]


During World War II,85% of buildings in Warsaw were destroyed by German troops.

Because of thelack of market signals,Eastern Bloc economies experienced mis-development bycentral planners.[154][155]The Eastern Bloc also depended upon the Soviet Union for significant amounts of materials.[154][156]

Technological backwardness resulted in dependency on imports from Western countries and this, in turn, in demand for Western currency. Eastern Bloc countries were heavily borrowing fromClub de Paris(central banks) andLondon Club(private banks) and most of them by the early 1980s were forced to notify the creditors of their insolvency. This information was however kept secret from the citizens and propaganda promoted the view that the countries were on the best way to socialism.[157][158][159]

Social conditions


As a consequence ofWorld War IIand the German occupations in Eastern Europe, much of the region had been subjected to enormous destruction of industry, infrastructure and loss of civilian life. In Poland alone the policy of plunder and exploitation inflicted enormous material losses to Polish industry (62% of which was destroyed),[160]agriculture, infrastructure and cultural landmarks, the cost of which has been estimated as approximately €525 billion or $640 billion in 2004 exchange values.[161]

Throughout the Eastern Bloc, both in the USSR and the rest of the Bloc, Russia was given prominence and referred to as thenaiboleye vydayushchayasya natsiya(the most prominent nation) and therukovodyashchiy narod(the leading people).[162]The Soviets promoted the reverence of Russian actions and characteristics, and the construction of Soviet structural hierarchies in the other countries of the Eastern Bloc.[162]

A line for distribution of cooking oil inBucharest,Romania,May 1986

The defining characteristic ofStalinisttotalitarianismwas the unique symbiosis of the state with society and the economy, resulting in politics and economics losing their distinctive features as autonomous and distinguishable spheres.[92]Initially, Stalin directed systems that rejected Western institutional characteristics ofmarket economies,democratic governance(dubbed "bourgeois democracy" in Soviet parlance) and the rule of law subduing discretional intervention by the state.[94]

The Soviets mandated expropriation andetatisationof private property.[163]The Soviet-style "replica regimes" that arose in the Bloc not only reproduced the Sovietcommand economy,but also adopted the brutal methods employed byJoseph Stalinand Soviet-style secret polices to suppress real and potential opposition.[163]

Stalinist regimes in the Eastern Bloc saw even marginal groups of opposition intellectuals as a potential threat because of the bases underlying Stalinist power therein.[101]The suppression of dissent and opposition was a central prerequisite for the security of Stalinist power within the Eastern Bloc, though the degree of opposition and dissident suppression varied by country and time throughout the Eastern Bloc.[101]

In addition, media in the Eastern Bloc were organs of the state, completely reliant on and subservient to the government of the USSR with radio and television organisations being state-owned, while print media was usually owned by political organisations, mostly by the local party.[104]While over 15 million Eastern Bloc residents migrated westward from 1945 to 1949,[164]emigration was effectively halted in the early 1950s, with the Soviet approach to controlling national movement emulated by most of the rest of the Eastern Bloc.[122]

Initial changes


Transformations billed as reforms

Reconstruction of a typicalworking classflat interior in akhrushchyovka

In the USSR, because of strict Soviet secrecy underJoseph Stalin,for many years after World War II, even the best informed foreigners did not effectively know about the operations of the Soviet economy.[165]Stalin had sealed off outside access to the Soviet Union since 1935 (and until his death), effectively permitting no foreign travel inside the Soviet Union such that outsiders did not know of the political processes that had taken place therein.[166]During this period, and even for 25 years after Stalin's death, the few diplomats and foreign correspondents permitted inside the Soviet Union were usually restricted to within a few kilometres of Moscow, their phones were tapped, their residences were restricted to foreigner-only locations and they were constantly followed by Soviet authorities.[166]

The Soviets also modeled economies in the rest of Eastern Bloc outside the Soviet Union along Sovietcommand economylines.[167]Before World War II, the Soviet Union used draconian procedures to ensure compliance with directives to invest all assets in state planned manners, including thecollectivisationof agriculture and utilising a sizeable labor army collected in thegulagsystem.[168]This system was largely imposed on other Eastern Bloc countries after World War II.[168]While propaganda of proletarian improvements accompanied systemic changes, terror and intimidation of the consequent ruthless Stalinism obfuscated feelings of any purported benefits.[113]

Stalin felt that socioeconomic transformation was indispensable to establish Soviet control, reflecting theMarxist–Leninistview that material bases, the distribution of the means of production, shaped social and political relations.[66]Moscow trained cadres were put into crucial power positions to fulfill orders regarding sociopolitical transformation.[66]Elimination of the bourgeoisie's social and financial power by expropriation of landed and industrial property was accorded absolute priority.[64]

These measures were publicly billed as reforms rather than socioeconomic transformations.[64]Throughout the Eastern Bloc, except forCzechoslovakia,"societal organisations" such as trade unions and associations representing various social, professional and other groups, were erected with only one organisation for each category, with competition excluded.[64]Those organisations were managed by Stalinist cadres, though during the initial period, they allowed for some diversity.[68]

Asset relocation


At the same time, at the war's end, the Soviet Union adopted a "plunderpolicy "of physically transporting and relocating east European industrial assets to the Soviet Union.[169]Eastern Bloc states were required to provide coal, industrial equipment, technology, rolling stock and other resources to reconstruct the Soviet Union.[170]Between 1945 and 1953, the Soviets received a net transfer of resources from the rest of the Eastern Bloc under this policy of roughly $14 billion, an amount comparable to the net transfer from the United States to western Europe in theMarshall Plan.[170][171]"Reparations" included the dismantling of railways in Poland and Romanian reparations to the Soviets between 1944 and 1948 valued at $1.8 billion concurrent with the domination ofSovRoms.[168]

In addition, the Soviets re-organised enterprises asjoint-stock companiesin which the Soviets possessed the controlling interest.[171][172]Using that control vehicle, several enterprises were required to sell products at below world prices to the Soviets, such as uranium mines inCzechoslovakiaandEast Germany,coal mines inPoland,and oil wells inRomania.[173]

Trade and Comecon


The trading pattern of the Eastern Bloc countries was severely modified.[174]Before World War II, no greater than 1%–2% of those countries' trade was with the Soviet Union.[174]By 1953, the share of such trade had jumped to 37%.[174]In 1947,Joseph Stalinhad also denounced theMarshall Planand forbade all Eastern Bloc countries from participating in it.[175]

Soviet dominance further tied other Eastern Bloc economies[174]to Moscow via the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA) orComecon,which determined countries' investment allocations and the products that would be traded within Eastern Bloc.[176]Although Comecon was initiated in 1949, its role became ambiguous because Stalin preferred more direct links with other party chiefs than the indirect sophistication of the council. It played no significant role in the 1950s in economic planning.[112]

Initially, Comecon served as cover for the Soviet taking of materials and equipment from the rest of the Eastern Bloc, but the balance changed when the Soviets became net subsidisers of the rest of the Bloc by the 1970s via an exchange of low cost raw materials in return for shoddily manufactured finished goods.[113]While resources such as oil, timber and uranium initially made gaining access to other Eastern Bloc economies attractive, the Soviets soon had to export Soviet raw materials to those countries to maintain cohesion therein.[168]Following resistance to Comecon plans to extractRomania's mineral resources and heavily utilise its agricultural production, Romania began to take a more independent stance in 1964.[116]While it did not repudiate Comecon, it took no significant role in its operation, especially after the rise to power ofNicolae Ceauşescu.[116]

Heavy industry emphasis


According to the official propaganda in the Soviet Union, there was unprecedented affordability of housing, health care, and education.[177][unreliable source?]Apartment rent on average amounted to only 1 percent of the family budget, a figure which reached 4 percent when municipal services are factored in. Tram tickets were 20 kopecks, and a loaf of bread was 15 kopecks. The average monthly salary of anengineerwas 140–160rubles.[178]

The Soviet Union made major progress in developing the country's consumer goods sector. In 1970, the USSR produced 679 million pairs of leather footwear, compared to 534 million for the United States. Czechoslovakia, which had the world's highest per-capita production of shoes, exported a significant portion of its shoe production to other countries.[179]

The rising standard of living under socialism led to a steady decrease in the workday and an increase in leisure. In 1974, the average workweek for Soviet industrial workers was 40 hours. Paid vacations in 1968 reached a minimum of 15 workdays. In the mid-1970s the number of free days per year-days off, holidays and vacations was 128–130, almost double the figure from the previous ten years.[180]

Because of the lack of market signals in such economies, they experienced mis-development by central planners resulting in those countries following a path of extensive (large mobilisation of inefficiently used capital, labor, energy and raw material inputs) rather than intensive (efficient resource use) development to attempt to achieve quick growth.[154][181]The Eastern Bloc countries were required to follow the Soviet model overemphasisingheavy industryat the expense of light industry and other sectors.[182]

Since that model involved the prodigal exploitation of natural and other resources, it has been described as a kind of "slash and burn" modality.[181]While the Soviet system strove for adictatorship of the proletariat,there was little existing proletariat in many eastern European countries, such that to create one, heavy industry needed to be built.[182]Each system shared the distinctive themes of state-oriented economies, including poorly defined property rights, a lack of market clearing prices and overblown or distorted productive capacities in relation to analogous market economies.[92]

Major errors and waste occurred in the resource allocation and distribution systems.[144]Because of the party-run monolithic state organs, these systems provided no effective mechanisms or incentives to control costs, profligacy, inefficiency and waste.[144]Heavy industry was given priority because of its importance for the military-industrial establishment and for the engineering sector.[183]

Factories were sometimes inefficiently located, incurring high transport costs, while poor plant-organisation sometimes resulted in production hold ups and knock-on effects in other industries dependent on monopoly suppliers of intermediates.[184]For example, each country, includingAlbania,built steel mills regardless of whether they lacked the requisite resource of energy and mineral ores.[182]A massive metallurgical plant was built inBulgariadespite the fact that its ores had to be imported from the Soviet Union and transported 320 kilometres (200 mi) from the port atBurgas.[182]A Warsaw tractor factory in 1980 had a 52-page list of unused rusting, then useless, equipment.[182]

This emphasis on heavy industry diverted investment from the more practical production of chemicals and plastics.[176]In addition, the plans' emphasis on quantity rather than quality made Eastern Bloc products less competitive in the world market.[176]High costs passed through the product chain boosted the 'value' of production on which wage increases were based, but made exports less competitive.[184]Planners rarely closed old factories even when new capacities opened elsewhere.[184]For example, the Polish steel industry retained a plant inUpper Silesiadespite the opening of modern integrated units on the periphery while the last oldSiemens-Martin processfurnace installed in the 19th century was not closed down immediately.[184]

Producer goods were favoured over consumer goods, causing consumer goods to be lacking in quantity and quality in theshortage economiesthat resulted.[155][181]

By the mid-1970s, budget deficits rose considerably and domestic prices widely diverged from the world prices, while production prices averaged 2% higher than consumer prices.[185]Many premium goods could be bought either in ablack marketor only in special stores using foreign currency generally inaccessible to most Eastern Bloc citizens, such asIntershopinEast Germany,[186]Beryozkain the Soviet Union,[187]PewexinPoland,[188][189]TuzexinCzechoslovakia,[190]Corecomin Bulgaria, orComturistin Romania. Much of what was produced for the local population never reached its intended user, while many perishable products became unfit for consumption before reaching their consumers.[144]

Black markets


As a result of the deficiencies of the official economy,black marketswere created that were often supplied by goods stolen from the public sector.[191][192]Thesecond, "parallel economy"flourished throughout the Bloc because of rising unmet state consumer needs.[193]Black and gray markets for foodstuffs, goods, and cash arose.[193]Goods included household goods, medical supplies, clothes, furniture, cosmetics and toiletries in chronically short supply through official outlets.[189]

Many farmers concealed actual output from purchasing agencies to sell it illicitly to urban consumers.[189]Hard foreign currencies were highly sought after, while highly valued Western items functioned as a medium of exchange or bribery in Stalinist countries, such as inRomania,whereKentcigarettes served as an unofficial extensively used currency to buy goods and services.[194]Some service workersmoonlightedillegally providing services directly to customers for payment.[194]



The extensive productionindustrializationthat resulted was not responsive to consumer needs and caused a neglect in the service sector, unprecedented rapid urbanization, acute urban overcrowding, chronic shortages, and massive recruitment of women into mostly menial and/or low-paid occupations.[144]The consequent strains resulted in the widespread used of coercion, repression,show trials,purges, and intimidation.[144]By 1960, massive urbanisation occurred in Poland (48% urban) and Bulgaria (38%), which increased employment for peasants, but also caused illiteracy to skyrocket when children left school for work.[144]

Cities became massive building sites, resulting in the reconstruction of some war-torn buildings but also the construction of drab, dilapidated, system-built apartment blocks.[144]Urban living standards plummeted because resources were tied up in huge long-term building projects, while industrialization forced millions of former peasants to live in hut camps or grim apartment blocks close to massive polluting industrial complexes.[144]

Agricultural collectivization

Graphic showing change inEast Germanagricultural production between 1981 and 1986

Collectivizationis a process pioneered byJoseph Stalinin the late 1920s by whichMarxist–Leninistregimes in the Eastern Bloc and elsewhere attempted to establish an ordered socialist system in rural agriculture.[195]It required the forced consolidation of small-scale peasant farms and larger holdings belonging to the landed classes for the purpose of creating larger modern "collective farms"owned, in theory, by the workers therein. In reality, such farms were owned by the state.[195]

In addition to eradicating the perceived inefficiencies associated with small-scale farming on discontiguous land holdings, collectivization also purported to achieve the political goal of removing the rural basis for resistance to Stalinist regimes.[195]A further justification given was the need to promote industrial development by facilitating the state's procurement of agricultural products and transferring "surplus labor" from rural to urban areas.[195]In short, agriculture was reorganized in order to proletarianize the peasantry and control production at prices determined by the state.[196]

The Eastern Bloc possesses substantial agricultural resources, especially in southern areas, such asHungary'sGreat Plain,which offered good soils and a warm climate during the growing season.[196]Rural collectivization proceeded differently in non-Soviet Eastern Bloc countries than it did in the Soviet Union in the 1920s and 1930s.[197]Because of the need to conceal the assumption of control and the realities of an initial lack of control, no Sovietdekulakisation-style liquidation of rich peasants could be carried out in the non-Soviet Eastern Bloc countries.[197]

Nor could they risk mass starvation or agricultural sabotage (e.g.,holodomor) with a rapid collectivization through massive state farms and agricultural producers' cooperatives (APCs).[197]Instead, collectivization proceeded more slowly and in stages from 1948 to 1960 in Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and East Germany, and from 1955 to 1964 in Albania.[197]Collectivization in the Baltic republics of theLithuanian SSR,Estonian SSRandLatvian SSRtook place between 1947 and 1952.[198]

Unlike Soviet collectivization, neither massive destruction of livestock nor errors causing distorted output or distribution occurred in the other Eastern Bloc countries.[197]More widespread use of transitional forms occurred, with differential compensation payments for peasants that contributed more land to APCs.[197]BecauseCzechoslovakiaandEast Germanywere more industrialized than the Soviet Union, they were in a position to furnish most of the equipment and fertilizer inputs needed to ease the transition to collectivized agriculture.[181]Instead of liquidating large farmers or barring them from joining APCs as Stalin had done throughdekulakisation,those farmers were utilised in the non-Soviet Eastern Bloc collectivizations, sometimes even being named farm chairman or managers.[181]

Collectivisation often met with strong rural resistance, including peasants frequently destroying property rather than surrendering it to the collectives.[195]Strong peasant links with the land through private ownership were broken and many young people left for careers in industry.[196]InPolandandYugoslavia,fierce resistance from peasants, many of whom had resisted the Axis, led to the abandonment of wholesale rural collectivisation in the early 1950s.[181]In part because of the problems created by collectivisation, agriculture was largely de-collectivised in Poland in 1957.[195]

The fact that Poland nevertheless managed to carry out large-scale centrally planned industrialisation with no more difficulty than its collectivised Eastern Bloc neighbours further called into question the need for collectivisation in such planned economies.[181]Only Poland's "western territories", those eastwardly adjacent to theOder-Neisse linethat were annexed from Germany, were substantially collectivised, largely in order to settle large numbers of Poles on good farmland which had been taken from German farmers.[181]

Economic growth

ARobotron KC 87home computer made inEast Germanybetween 1987 and 1989

There was significant progress made in the economy in countries such as the Soviet Union. In 1980, the Soviet Union took first place in Europe and second worldwide in terms of industrial and agricultural production, respectively. In 1960, the USSR's industrial output was only 55% that of America, but this increased to 80% in 1980.[177][unreliable source?]

With the change of the Soviet leadership in 1964, there were significant changes made to economic policy. The Government on 30 September 1965 issued a decree "On improving the management of industry" and the 4 October 1965 resolution "On improving and strengthening the economic incentives for industrial production". The main initiator of these reforms was Premier A. Kosygin. Kosygin's reforms on agriculture gave considerable autonomy to the collective farms, giving them the right to the contents of private farming. During this period, there was the large-scale land reclamation program, the construction of irrigation channels, and other measures.[177]In the period 1966–1970, the gross national product grew by over 35%. Industrial output increased by 48% and agriculture by 17%.[177]In the eighth Five-Year Plan, the national income grew at an average rate of 7.8%. In the ninth Five-Year Plan (1971–1975), the national income grew at an annual rate of 5.7%. In the tenth Five-Year Plan (1976–1981), the national income grew at an annual rate of 4.3%.[177]

The Soviet Union made noteworthy scientific and technological progress. Unlike countries with more market-oriented economies, scientific and technological potential in the USSR was used in accordance with a plan on the scale of society as a whole.[199]

In 1980, the number of scientific personnel in the USSR was 1.4 million. The number of engineers employed in the national economy was 4.7 million. Between 1960 and 1980, the number of scientific personnel increased by a factor of 4. In 1975, the number of scientific personnel in the USSR amounted to one-fourth of the total number of scientific personnel in the world. In 1980, as compared with 1940, the number of invention proposals submitted was more than 5 million. In 1980, there were 10 all-Union research institutes, 85 specialised central agencies, and 93 regional information centres.[200]

The world's first nuclear power plant was commissioned on 27 June 1954 in Obninsk.[citation needed]Soviet scientists made a major contribution to the development of computer technology. The first major achievements in the field were associated with the building of analog computers. In the USSR, principles for the construction of network analysers were developed by S. Gershgorin in 1927 and the concept of the electrodynamic analog computer was proposed by N. Minorsky in 1936. In the 1940s, the development of AC electronic antiaircraft directors and the first vacuum-tube integrators was begun by L. Gutenmakher. In the 1960s, important developments in modern computer equipment were the BESM-6 system built under the direction of S. A. Lebedev, the MIR series of small digital computers, and the Minsk series of digital computers developed by G.Lopato and V. Przhyalkovsky.[201]

Author Turnock claims that transport in the Eastern Bloc was characterised by poorinfrastructuralmaintenance.[202]The road network suffered from inadequate load capacity, poor surfacing and deficient roadside servicing.[202]While roads were resurfaced, few new roads were built and there were very fewdivided highwayroads, urban ring roads or bypasses.[203]Private car ownership remained low by Western standards.[203]

ATrabant 601Limousine (left), manufactured between 1964 and 1989; and aWartburg 353(right), manufactured between 1966 and 1989; they were made inEast Germanyand exported throughout the Eastern Bloc.
A Soviet-madeZAZ-968,manufactured between 1971 and 1994 (left) and aVAZ-2101/Lada 1200,manufactured between 1970 and 1988 (right)
A Polish-madePolski Fiat 126p,manufactured between 1973 and 2000 (left) and anFSO Polonez 1500,manufactured between 1978 and 1991 (right)
A Romanian-madeOltcit Club,manufactured between 1981 and 1995 (left); and aDacia 1300,manufactured between 1969 and 2004 (right)
A Czechoslovak-madeŠkoda 105,manufactured between 1976 and 1990 (left); and aTatra 613,manufactured between 1974 and 1996 (right)
A Yugoslav-madeZastava/Yugo Koral,manufactured between 1980 and 2008 (left); and aZastava 101,manufactured between 1971 and 2008 (right)

Vehicle ownership increased in the 1970s and 1980s with the production of inexpensive cars inEast Germanysuch asTrabantsand theWartburgs.[203]However, the wait list for the distribution of Trabants was ten years in 1987 and up to fifteen years for SovietLadaand CzechoslovakianŠkodacars.[203]Soviet-built aircraft exhibited deficient technology, with high fuel consumption and heavy maintenance demands.[202]Telecommunications networks were overloaded.[202]

Adding to mobility constraints from the inadequate transport systems were bureaucratic mobility restrictions.[204]While outside of Albania, domestic travel eventually became largely regulation-free, stringent controls on the issue of passports, visas and foreign currency made foreign travel difficult inside the Eastern Bloc.[204]Countries were inured to isolation and initial post-warautarky,with each country effectively restricting bureaucrats to viewing issues from a domestic perspective shaped by that country's specific propaganda.[204]

Severeenvironmentalproblems arose through urban traffic congestion, which was aggravated by pollution generated by poorly maintained vehicles.[204]Large thermal power stations burningligniteand other items became notorious polluters, while some hydro-electric systems performed inefficiently because of dry seasons and silt accumulation in reservoirs.[205]Krakówwas covered by smog 135 days per year whileWrocławwas covered by a fog ofchromegas.[specify][206]

Several villages were evacuated because of copper smelting atGłogów.[206]Further rural problems arose from piped water construction being given precedence over building sewerage systems, leaving many houses with only inbound piped water delivery and not enough sewage tank trucks to carry away sewage.[207]The resulting drinking water became so polluted inHungarythat over 700 villages had to be supplied by tanks, bottles and plastic bags.[207]Nuclear power projects were prone to long commissioning delays.[205]

Thecatastrophe at the Chernobyl nuclear plant in the Ukrainian SSRwas caused by an irresponsible safety test on a reactor design that is normally safe,[208]some operators lacking an even basic understanding of the reactor's processes and authoritarian Soviet bureaucracy, valuing party loyalty over competence, that kept promoting incompetent personnel and choosing cheapness over safety.[209][210]The consequent release of fallout resulted in the evacuation and resettlement of over 336,000 people[211]leaving a massive desolateZone of alienationcontaining extensive still-standing abandoned urban development.

Tourismfrom outside the Eastern Bloc was neglected, while tourism from other Stalinist countries grew within the Eastern Bloc.[212]Tourism drew investment, relying upon tourism and recreation opportunities existing before World War II.[213]By 1945, most hotels were run-down, while many which escaped conversion to other uses by central planners were slated to meet domestic demands.[213]Authorities created state companies to arrange travel and accommodation.[213]In the 1970s, investments were made to attempt to attract western travelers, though momentum for this waned in the 1980s when no long-term plan arose to procure improvements in the tourist environment, such as an assurance of freedom of movement, free and efficient money exchange and the provision of higher quality products with which these tourists were familiar.[212]However, Western tourists were generally free to move about in Hungary, Poland and Yugoslavia and go where they wished. It was more difficult or even impossible to go as an individual tourist to East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Bulgaria and Albania. It was generally possible in all cases for relatives from the west to visit and stay with family in the Eastern Bloc countries, except for Albania. In these cases, permission had to be sought, precise times, length of stay, location and movements had to be known in advance.

Catering to western visitors required creating an environment of an entirely different standard than that used for the domestic populace, which required concentration of travel spots including the building of relatively high-quality infrastructure in travel complexes, which could not easily be replicated elsewhere.[212]Because of a desire to preserve ideological discipline and the fear of the presence of wealthier foreigners engaging in differing lifestyles,Albaniasegregated travelers.[214]Because of the worry of the subversive effect of the tourist industry, travel was restricted to 6,000 visitors per year.[215]

Growth rates


Growth rates in the Eastern Bloc were initially high in the 1950s and 1960s.[167]During this first period, progress was rapid by European standards and per capita growth within the Eastern Bloc increased by 2.4 times the European average.[184]Eastern Europe accounted for 12.3 percent of European production in 1950 but 14.4 in 1970.[184]However, the system was resistant to change and did not easily adapt to new conditions. For political reasons, old factories were rarely closed, even when new technologies became available.[184]As a result, after the 1970s, growth rates within the bloc experienced relative decline.[216]Meanwhile, West Germany, Austria, France and other Western European nations experienced increased economic growth in theWirtschaftswunder( "economic miracle" ),Trente Glorieuses( "thirty glorious years" ) and thepost-World War II boom.

From the end of World War II to the mid-1970s, the economy of the Eastern Bloc steadily increased at the same rate as the economy in Western Europe, with the non-reformist Stalinist nations of the Eastern Bloc having a stronger economy than the reformist-Stalinist states.[217]While most western European economies essentially began to approach theper capitagross domestic product(GDP) levels of the United States during the late 1970s and early 1980s, the Eastern Bloc countries did not,[216]with per capita GDPs trailing significantly behind their comparable western European counterparts.[218]

The following table displays a set of estimated growth rates of GDP from 1951 onward, for the countries of the Eastern Bloc as well as those of Western Europe as reported byThe Conference Boardas part of itsTotal Economy Database.In some cases data availability does not go all the way back to 1951.

GDP growth rates in percent for the given years[219] 1951 1961 1971 1981 1989 1991 2001 2015
People's Socialist Republic of Albania 6.608 4.156 6.510 2.526 2.648 −28.000 7.940 2.600
People's Republic of Bulgaria 20.576 6.520 3.261 2.660 −1.792 −8.400 4.248 2.968
Hungarian People's Republic 9.659 5.056 4.462 0.706 −2.240 −11.900 3.849 2.951
Polish People's Republic 4.400 7.982 7.128 −5.324 −1.552 −7.000 1.248 3.650
Socialist Republic of Romania 7.237 6.761 14.114 −0.611 −3.192 −16.189 5.592 3.751
Czechoslovak Socialist Republic/Czech Republic 5.215 −0.160 1.706 −11.600 3.052 4.274
Czechoslovak Socialist Republic/Slovakia 1.010 −14.600 3.316 3.595
Soviet Union/Russia 7.200 4.200 1.200 0.704 −5.000 5.091 −3.727
Austria 6.840 5.309 5.112 −0.099 4.227 3.442 1.351 0.811
Belgium 5.688 4.865 3.753 −1.248 3.588 1.833 0.811 1.374
Denmark 0.668 6.339 2.666 −0.890 0.263 1.300 0.823 1.179
Finland 8.504 7.620 2.090 1.863 5.668 −5.914 2.581 0.546
France 6.160 5.556 4.839 1.026 4.057 1.039 1.954 1.270
Germany (West) 9.167 4.119 2.943 0.378 3.270 5.108 1.695 1.700
Greece 8.807 8.769 7.118 0.055 3.845 3.100 4.132 −0.321
Ireland 2.512 4.790 3.618 3.890 7.051 3.098 9.006 8.538
Italy 7.466 8.422 1.894 0.474 2.882 1.538 1.772 0.800
Netherlands 2.098 0.289 4.222 −0.507 4.679 2.439 2.124 1.990
Norway 5.418 6.268 5.130 0.966 0.956 3.085 2.085 1.598
Portugal 4.479 5.462 6.633 1.618 5.136 4.368 1.943 1.460
Spain 9.937 12.822 5.722 0.516 5.280 2.543 4.001 3.214
Sweden 3.926 5.623 2.356 −0.593 3.073 −1.146 1.563 3.830
Switzerland 8.097 8.095 4.076 1.579 4.340 −0.916 1.447 0.855
United Kingdom 2.985 3.297 2.118 −1.303 2.179 −1.257 2.758 2.329

TheUnited Nations Statistics Divisionalso calculates growth rates, using a different methodology, but only reports the figures starting in 1971 (for Slovakia and the constituent republics of the USSR data availability begins later). Thus, according to the United Nations growth rates in Europe were as follows:

GDP growth rates in percent for the given years[220] 1971 1981 1989 1991 2001 2015
People's Socialist Republic of Albania 4.001 5.746 9.841 −28.002 8.293 2.639
People's Republic of Bulgaria 6.897 4.900 −3.290 −8.445 4.248 2.968
Hungarian People's Republic 6.200 2.867 0.736 −11.687 3.774 3.148
Polish People's Republic 7.415 −9.971 0.160 −7.016 1.248 3.941
Socialist Republic of Romania 13.000 0.112 −5.788 −12.918 5.592 3.663
Czechoslovak Socialist Republic/Czech Republic 5.044 −0.095 0.386 −11.615 3.052 4.536
Czechoslovak Socialist Republic/Slovakia −14.541 3.316 3.831
Soviet Union/Russia 5.209 5.301 6.801 −5.000 5.091 −3.727
Ukraine −8.699 8.832 −9.870
Lithuania −5.676 6.524 1.779
Yugoslavia/Serbia 9.162 1.400 1.500 −11.664 4.993 0.758
Austria 5.113 −0.144 3.887 3.442 1.351 0.963
Belgium 3.753 −0.279 3.469 1.833 0.812 1.500
Denmark 3.005 −0.666 0.645 1.394 0.823 1.606
Finland 2.357 1.295 5.088 −5.914 2.581 0.210
France 5.346 1.078 4.353 1.039 1.954 1.274
Germany (West) 3.133 0.529 3.897 5.108 1.695 1.721
Greece 7.841 −1.554 3.800 3.100 4.132 −0.219
Ireland 3.470 3.325 5.814 1.930 6.052 26.276
Italy 1.818 0.844 3.388 1.538 1.772 0.732
Netherlands 4.331 −0.784 4.420 2.439 2.124 1.952
Norway 5.672 1.598 1.038 3.085 2.085 1.611
Portugal 6.632 1.618 6.441 4.368 1.943 1.596
Spain 4.649 −0.132 4.827 2.546 4.001 3.205
Sweden 0.945 0.455 2.655 −1.146 1.563 4.085
Switzerland 4.075 1.601 4.331 −0.916 1.447 0.842
United Kingdom 3.479 −0.779 2.583 −1.119 2.726 2.222
Per capita GDP in the Eastern Bloc from 1950 to 2003 (1990 baseGeary-Khamis dollars) according toAngus Maddison
GDP per capita of the Eastern Bloc in relations with the GDP per capita of the United States during 1900–2010

The following table lists the level ofnominal GDPper capita in certain selected countries, measured inUS dollars,for the years 1970, 1989, and 2015:

Nominal GDP per Capita, according to theUN[221] 1970 1989 2015
United Kingdom $2,350 $16,275 $44,162
Italy $2,112 $16,239 $30,462
Austria $2,042 $17,313 $44,118
Japan $2,040 $25,054 $34,629
Soviet Union/Russia $1,789 $2,711 $9,243
Ukraine - - $2,022
Lithuania - - $14,384
Greece $1,496 $7,864 $17,788
Ireland $1,493 $11,029 $60,514
Spain $1,205 $10,577 $25,865
Czechoslovak Socialist Republic/Czech Republic $1,136 $3,764 $17,562
Slovakia - - $16,082
People's Republic of Bulgaria $1,059 $2,477 $6,847
People's Socialist Republic of Albania $1,053 $904 $3,984
Cyprus $1,004 $9,015 $21,942
Polish People's Republic $1,000 $2,229 $12,355
Portugal $935 $6,129 $19,239
Yugoslavia/Serbia $721 $4,197 $5,239
Cuba $653 $2,577 $7,657
Socialist Republic of Romania $619 $2,424 $9,121
Hungarian People's Republic $615 $3,115 $12,351
China $111 $406 $8,109
Vietnam $64 $94 $2,068

While it can be argued theWorld Bankestimates of GDP used for 1990 figures underestimate Eastern Bloc GDP because of undervalued local currencies, per capita incomes were undoubtedly lower than in their counterparts.[218]East Germanywas the most advanced industrial nation of the Eastern Bloc.[186]Until the building of the Berlin Wall in 1961, East Germany was considered a weak state, hemorrhaging skilled labor to the West such that it was referred to as "the disappearing satellite".[222]Only after the wall sealed in skilled labor was East Germany able to ascend to the top economic spot in the Eastern Bloc.[222]Thereafter, its citizens enjoyed a higher quality of life and fewer shortages in the supply of goods than those in the Soviet Union, Poland or Romania.[186]

While official statistics painted a relatively rosy picture, theEast German economyhad eroded because of increased central planning, economic autarky, the use of coal over oil, investment concentration in a few selected technology-intensive areas and labor market regulation.[223]As a result, a large productivity gap of nearly 50% per worker existed between East and West Germany.[223][224]However, that gap does not measure the quality of design of goods or service such that the actual per capita rate may be as low as 14 to 20 per cent.[224]Average gross monthly wages in East Germany were around 30% of those in West Germany, though after accounting for taxation the figures approached 60%.[225]

Moreover, the purchasing power of wages differed greatly, with only about half of East German households owning either a car or a color television set as late as 1990, both of which had been standard possessions in West German households.[225]TheOstmarkwas only valid for transactions inside East Germany, could not be legally exported or imported[225]and could not be used in the East GermanIntershopswhich sold premium goods.[186]In 1989, 11% of the East German labor force remained in agriculture, 47% was in the secondary sector and 42% in services.[224]

Once installed, the economic system was difficult to change given the importance of politically reliable management and the prestige value placed on large enterprises.[184]Performance declined during the 1970s and 1980s due to inefficiency when industrial input costs, such as energy prices, increased.[184]Though growth lagged behind the West, it did occur.[176]Consumer goods started to become more available by the 1960s.[176]

Before the Eastern Bloc's dissolution, some major sectors of industry were operating at such a loss that they exported products to the West at prices below the real value of the raw materials.[226]Hungariansteel costs doubled those of western Europe.[226]In 1985, a quarter of Hungary's state budget was spent on supporting inefficient enterprises.[226]Tight planning inBulgaria's industry meant continuing shortages in other parts of its economy.[226]

Development policies

East GermanPlattenbauapartment blocks

In social terms, the 18 years (1964–1982) of Brezhnev's leadership saw real incomes grow more than 1.5 times. More than 1.6 billion square metres of living space were commissioned and provided to over 160 million people. At the same time, the average rent for families did not exceed 3% of the family income. There was unprecedented affordability of housing, health care and education.[177]

In a survey by the Sociological Research Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1986, 75% of those surveyed said that they were better off than the previous ten years. Over 95% of Soviet adults considered themselves "fairly well off". 55% of those surveyed felt that medical services improved, 46% believed public transportation had improved and 48% said that the standard of services provided public service establishments had risen.[227]

During the years 1957–1965, housing policy underwent several institutional changes with industrialisation and urbanisation had not been matched by an increase in housing after World War II.[228]Housing shortages in the Soviet Union were worse than in the rest of the Eastern Bloc due to a larger migration to the towns and more wartime devastation and were worsened by Stalin's pre-war refusals to invest properly in housing.[228]Because such investment was generally not enough to sustain the existing population, apartments had to be subdivided into increasingly smaller units, resulting in several families sharing an apartment previously meant for one family.[228]

The prewar norm became one Soviet family per room, with the toilets and kitchen shared.[228]The amount of living space in urban areas fell from 5.7 square metres per person in 1926 to 4.5 square metres in 1940.[228]In the rest of the Eastern Bloc during this time period, the average number of people per room was 1.8 inBulgaria(1956), 2.0 inCzechoslovakia(1961), 1.5 inHungary(1963), 1.7 inPoland(1960), 1.4 inRomania(1966), 2.4 inYugoslavia(1961) and 0.9 in 1961 inEast Germany.[228]

After Stalin's death in 1953, forms of an economic "New Course" brought a revival of private house construction.[228]Private construction peaked in 1957–1960 in many Eastern Bloc countries and then declined simultaneously along with a steep increase in state and co-operative housing.[228]By 1960, the rate of housebuilding per head had picked up in all countries in the Eastern Bloc.[228]Between 1950 and 1975, worsening shortages were generally caused by a fall in the proportion of all investment made housing.[229]However, during that period the total number of dwellings increased.[230]

During the last fifteen years of this period (1960–1975), an emphasis was made for a supply side solution, which assumed that industrialised building methods and high rise housing would be cheaper and quicker than traditional brick-built, low-rise housing.[230]Such methods required manufacturing organisations to produce theprefabricatedcomponents and organisations to assemble them on site, both of which planners assumed would employ large numbers of unskilled workers-with powerful political contacts.[230]The lack of participation of eventual customers, the residents, constituted one factor in escalating construction costs and poor quality work.[231]This led to higher demolition rates and higher costs to repair poorly constructed dwellings.[231]In addition, because of poor quality work, a black market arose for building services and materials that could not be procured from state monopolies.[231]

In most countries, completions (new dwellings constructed) rose to a high point between 1975 and 1980 and then fell as a result presumably of worsening international economic conditions.[232]This occurred in Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, Poland, Romania (with an earlier peak in 1960 also), Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia while the Soviet Union peaked in 1960 and 1970.[232]While between 1975 and 1986, the proportion of investment devoted to housing actually rose in most of the Eastern Bloc, general economic conditions resulted in total investment amounts falling or becoming stagnant.[229]

The employment of socialist ideology in housing policy declined in the 1980s, which accompanied a shift in authorities looking at the need of residents to an examination of potential residents' ability to pay.[229]Yugoslavia was unique in that it continuously mixed private and state sources of housing finance, stressed self-managed building co-operatives along with central government controls.[229]



The initial year that shortages were effectively measured and shortages in 1986 were as follows:[233]

Housing shortages in the Eastern Bloc and Yugoslavia
Country Initial year Initial year shortage % of total stock 1986 shortage 1986% of total stock
Albania n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Bulgaria 1965 472,000 23.0% 880,400 27.4%
Hungary 1973 6,000 0.2% 257,000 6.6%
East Germany 1971 340,000 5.6% 1,181,700 17.1%
Poland 1974 1,357,000 15.9% 2,574,800 23.9%
Romania 1966 575,000 11.0% 1,157,900 14.0%
Soviet Union 1970 13,690,000 23.1% 26,662,400 30.2%
Czechoslovakia 1970 438,000 9.9% 877,600 15.3%
Yugoslavia n/a n/a n/a 1,634,700 23.9%

These are official housing figures and may be low. For example, in the Soviet Union the figure of 26,662,400 in 1986 almost certainly underestimates shortages for the reason that it does not count shortages from large Soviet rural-urban migration; another calculation estimates shortages to be 59,917,900.[234]By the late 1980s,Polandhad an average 20-year wait time for housing while Warsaw had between a 26- and 50-year wait time.[235][226]In the Soviet Union, widespread illegal subletting occurred at exorbitant rates.[236]Toward the end of the Eastern Bloc allegations of misallocations and illegal distribution of housing were raised in SovietCPSUCentral Committee meetings.[236]

InPoland,housing problems were caused by slow rates of construction, poor home quality (which was even more pronounced in villages) and a large black market.[145]InRomania,social engineering policy and concern about the use of agricultural land forced high densities and high-rise housing designs.[237]InBulgaria,a prior emphasis on monolithic high-rise housing lessened somewhat in the 1970s and 1980s.[237]In the Soviet Union, housing was perhaps the primary social problem.[237]While Soviet housing construction rates were high, quality was poor and demolition rates were high, in part because of an inefficient building industry and lack of both quality and quantity of construction materials.[237]

East Germanhousing suffered from a lack of quality and a lack of skilled labor, with a shortage of materials, plot and permits.[238]In staunchly StalinistAlbania,housing blocks (panelka) were spartan, with six-story walk-ups being the most frequent design.[238]Housing was allocated by workplace trade unions and built by voluntary labor organised into brigades within the workplace.[238]Yugoslaviasuffered from fast urbanisation, uncoordinated development and poor organisation resulting from a lack of hierarchical structure and clear accountability, low building productivity, the monopoly position of building enterprises and irrational credit policies.[238]



1953 East Germany uprising


Three months after the death ofJoseph Stalin,a dramatic increase of emigration (Republikflucht,brain drain) occurred fromEast Germanyin the first half-year of 1953. Large numbers of East Germans traveled west through the only "loophole" left in theEastern Bloc emigration restrictions,the Berlin sector border.[239]The East German government then raised "norms" – the amount each worker was required to produce – by 10%.[239]Already disaffected East Germans, who could see the relative economic successes of West Germany within Berlin, became enraged.[239]Angry building workers initiated street protests, and were soon joined by others in a march to the Berlin trade union headquarters.[239]

While no official spoke to them at that location, by 2:00 pm, the East German government agreed to withdraw the "norm" increases.[240]However, the crisis had already escalated such that the demands were now political, including free elections, disbanding the army and resignation of the government.[240]By 17 June, strikes were recorded in 317 locations involving approximately 400,000 workers.[240]When strikers set rulingSEDparty buildings aflame and tore the flag from theBrandenburg Gate,SED General SecretaryWalter Ulbrichtleft Berlin.[240]

A major emergency was declared and the SovietRed Armystormed some important buildings.[240]Within hours, Soviet tanks arrived, but they did not immediately fire upon all workers.[240]Rather, a gradual pressure was applied.[240]Approximately 16 Soviet divisions with 20,000 soldiers from theGroup of Soviet Forces in Germanyusing tanks, as well as 8,000Kasernierte Volkspolizeimembers, were employed. Bloodshed could not be entirely avoided, with the official death toll standing at 21, while the actual casualty toll may have been much higher.[240]Thereafter, 20,000 arrests took place along with 40 executions.[240]

Hungarian Revolution of 1956


After Stalin's death in 1953, a period ofde-Stalinizationfollowed, with reformistImre Nagyreplacing Hungarian Stalinist dictator Mátyás Rákosi.[241]Responding to popular demand, in October 1956, the Polish government appointed the recentlyrehabilitatedreformistWładysław Gomułkaas First Secretary of thePolish United Workers' Party,with a mandate to negotiate trade concessions and troop reductions with the Soviet government. After a few tense days of negotiations, on 19 October, the Soviets finally gave in to Gomułka's reformist requests.[242]

The revolution began after students of theTechnical Universitycompiled a list ofDemands of Hungarian Revolutionaries of 1956and conducted protests in support of the demands on 22 October.[243]Protests of support swelled to 200,000 by 6 pm the following day,[244][245]The demands included free secret ballot elections, independent tribunals, inquiries into Stalin and Rákosi Hungarian activities and that "the statue of Stalin, symbol of Stalinist tyranny and political oppression, be removed as quickly as possible." By 9:30 pm the statue was toppled and jubilant crowds celebrated by placingHungarian flagsin Stalin's boots, which was all that remained the statue.[245]TheÁVHwas called, Hungarian soldiers sided with the crowd over the ÁVH and shots were fired on the crowd.[246][247]

By 2 am on 24 October, under orders of Soviet defense ministerGeorgy Zhukov,Soviet tanks entered Budapest.[248]Protester attacks at the Parliament forced the dissolution of the government.[249]A ceasefire was arranged on 28 October, and by 30 October most Soviet troops had withdrawn from Budapest to garrisons in the Hungarian countryside.[250]Fighting had virtually ceased between 28 October and 4 November, while many Hungarians believed that Soviet military units were indeed withdrawing from Hungary.[251]

Budapest in 1956

The new government that came to power during the revolution formally disbanded ÁVH, declared its intention to withdraw from theWarsaw Pactand pledged to re-establish free elections. TheSoviet Politburothereafter moved to crush the revolution. On 4 November, a large Soviet force invaded Budapest and other regions of the country.[252]Thelast pocket of resistancecalled for ceasefire on 10 November. Over 2,500 Hungarians and 722 Soviet troops were killed and thousands more were wounded.[253][254]

Thousands of Hungarians were arrested, imprisoned and deported to the Soviet Union, many without evidence.[255]Approximately 200,000 Hungarians fled Hungary,[256]some 26,000 Hungarians were put on trial by the new Soviet-installedJános Kádárgovernment, and of those, 13,000 were imprisoned.[257]Imre Nagy was executed, along withPál Maléterand Miklós Gimes, after secret trials in June 1958. Their bodies were placed in unmarked graves in the Municipal Cemetery outside Budapest.[258]By January 1957, the new Soviet-installed government had suppressed all public opposition.

Prague Spring and the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia


A period of political liberalization inCzechoslovakiacalled thePrague Springtook place in 1968. The event was spurred by several events, including economic reforms that addressed an early 1960s economic downturn.[259][260]The event began on 5 January 1968, when reformist SlovakAlexander Dubčekcame to power. In April, Dubček launched an "Action Program"of liberalizations, which included increasing freedom of the press, freedom of speech and freedom of movement, along with an economic emphasis onconsumer goods,the possibility of a multiparty government and limiting the power of the secret police.[261][262]

Initial reaction within the Eastern Bloc was mixed, withHungary'sJános Kádárexpressing support, while Soviet leaderLeonid Brezhnevand others grew concerned about Dubček's reforms, which they feared might weaken the Eastern Bloc's position during theCold War.[263][264]On 3 August, representatives from the Soviet Union, East Germany, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Czechoslovakia met inBratislavaand signed the Bratislava Declaration, which affirmed unshakable fidelity toMarxism–Leninismandproletarian internationalismand declared an implacable struggle against "bourgeois" ideology and all "anti-socialist" forces.[265]

Czechoslovak protestors carrying their national flag past a burning Soviet tank in Prague, 1968

On the night of 20–21 August 1968, Eastern Bloc armies from five Warsaw Pact countries (the Soviet Union,Poland,East Germany,HungaryandBulgaria)invaded Czechoslovakia.[266]The invasion comported with the Brezhnev Doctrine, a policy of compelling Eastern Bloc states to subordinate national interests to those of the Bloc as a whole and the exercise of a Soviet right to intervene if an Eastern Bloc country appeared to shift towards capitalism.[267][268]The invasion was followed by a wave of emigration, including an estimated 70,000 Czechoslovaks initially fleeing, with the total eventually reaching 300,000.[269]

In April 1969, Dubček was replaced as first secretary byGustáv Husákand a period of "normalization"began.[270]Husák reversed Dubček's reforms, purged the party of liberal members, dismissed opponents from public office, reinstated the power of the police authorities, sought tore-centralizethe economy and re-instated the disallowance of political commentary in mainstream media and by persons not considered to have "full political trust".[271][272]


The Cold War in 1980 before theIran–Iraq War

Soviet control of the Eastern Bloc was first tested by the1948 Czechoslovak coup d'étatand theTito–Stalin splitover the direction of thePeople's Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,theChinese Communist Revolution(1949) and Chinese participation in theKorean War.AfterStalin's deathin 1953, the Korean War ceased with the1954 Geneva Conference.InEurope,anti-Soviet sentimentprovoked theEast German uprising of 1953.Nikita Khrushchev's 1956 anti-Stalinist speechOn the Cult of Personality and Its Consequenceswas a factor in theHungarian Revolution of 1956,which the Soviet Union suppressed, and the Sino–Soviet split. The Sino–Soviet split gaveNorth KoreaandNorth Vietnammore independence from both and facilitated theAlbanian–Soviet split.TheCuban Missile Crisisand the failure of theBay of Pigs Invasionpreserved theCuban Revolutionfromrollbackby the United States but Cuban leaderFidel Castrobecame increasingly independent of Soviet influence afterwards, most notably during the 1975Cuban intervention in Angola.[1]In 1975, the communist victory in formerFrench Indochinafollowing the end of theVietnam Wargave the Eastern Bloc renewed confidence after it had been frayed bySoviet leaderLeonid Brezhnev's 1968invasion of Czechoslovakiato suppress thePrague Spring.This led to thePeople's Republic of Albaniawithdrawing from theWarsaw Pact,briefly aligning withMao Zedong's China until theSino-Albanian split.

Under theBrezhnev Doctrine,the Soviet Union reserved the right to intervene in othersocialist states.In response, China moved towards the United States following theSino-Soviet border conflictand laterreformed and liberalized its economywhile the Eastern Bloc saw theEra of Stagnationin comparison with the capitalistFirst World.TheSoviet–Afghan Warnominally expanded the Eastern Bloc, but the war proved unwinnable and too costly for the Soviets, challenged in Eastern Europe by thecivil resistanceofSolidarity.In the late 1980s, Soviet leaderMikhail Gorbachevpursued policies ofglasnost(openness) andperestroika(restructuring) to reform the Eastern Bloc and end the Cold War, which brought forth unrest throughout the bloc.

During the mid-to-late 1980s, the weakened Soviet Union gradually stopped interfering in the internal affairs of Eastern Bloc nations and numerous independence movements took place.

Soviet General SecretaryMikhail Gorbachev,who sought to end the Cold War between the Soviet-ledWarsaw Pactand the United States-ledNATOand its other Western allies, in a meeting with PresidentRonald Reagan

Following theBrezhnev stagnation,the reform-minded Soviet leaderMikhail Gorbachevin 1985 signaled the trend towards greater liberalization. Gorbachev rejected the Brezhnev Doctrine, which held that Moscow would intervene if socialism were threatened in any state.[273]He announced what was jokingly called the "Sinatra Doctrine"after the singer's" My Way "to allow the countries ofCentral and Eastern Europeto determine their own internal affairs during this period.

Gorbachev initiated a policy ofglasnost(openness) in the Soviet Union, and emphasized the need forperestroika(economic restructuring). The Soviet Union was struggling economically after the long war in Afghanistan and did not have the resources to control Central and Eastern Europe.

The start of the disintegration of the Eastern Bloc can be attributed toJune 1989 Polish parliamentary election,the opening of a border gate betweenAustriaandHungaryat thePan-European Picnicin August 1989. In 1990East Germany reunited with West Germanyfollowing the 1989fall of the Berlin Wall.Unlike previous Soviet leaders in 1953, 1956 and 1968, Gorbachev refused to use force to end the1989 RevolutionsagainstMarxist–Leninistrule in Eastern Europe. The fall of the Berlin Wall and end of the Warsaw Pact spreadnationalistandliberalideals throughout the Soviet Union. In 1991, Conservative communist elites launched a1991 Soviet coup d'état attempt,which hastened the end of Marxist–Leninist rule in Eastern Europe. However, the1989 Tiananmen Square protestsinChinawere violently repressed by the communist government there, which maintained its grip on power.

In 1989,a wave of revolutions,sometimes called the "Autumn of Nations",[citation needed]swept across the Eastern Bloc.[274]

Major reforms occurred inHungaryfollowing the replacement ofJános Kádáras General Secretary of the Communist Party in 1988.[275]InPolandin April 1989, theSolidarityorganization was legalized and allowed to participate in parliamentary elections. It captured 99% of available parliamentary seats.[276]

Otto von Habsburg,who played a leading role in opening the Iron Curtain

The opening of theIron Curtainbetween Austria and Hungary at thePan-European Picnicon 19 August 1989 then set in motion a chain reaction, at the end of which there was no longer anEast Germanyand the Eastern Bloc had disintegrated. Extensive advertising for the planned picnic was made by posters and flyers among the GDR holidaymakers in Hungary. The Austrian branch of thePaneuropean Union,which was then headed byKarl von Habsburg,distributed thousands of brochures inviting them to a picnic near the border at Sopron.[277][278]It was the largest escape movement from East Germany since the Berlin Wall was built in 1961. After the picnic, which was based on an idea byOtto von Habsburgto test the reaction of theUSSRandMikhail Gorbachevto an opening of the border, tens of thousands of media-informed East Germans set off for Hungary.[279]Hungary was then no longer prepared to keep its borders completely closed or to commit its border troops to use force of arms.Erich Honeckerdictated to the Daily Mirror for the Paneuropa Picnic: "Habsburg distributed leaflets far into Poland, on which the East German holidaymakers were invited to a picnic. When they came to the picnic, they were given gifts, food and Deutsche Mark, and then they were persuaded to come to the West". The leadership of the GDR in East Berlin did not dare to completely block the borders of their own country and the USSR did not respond at all. Thus the bracket of the Eastern Bloc was broken.[280][281][282]

Erich Honecker
Changes in national boundaries after the collapse of the Eastern Bloc

On 9 November 1989, following mass protests inEast Germanyand the relaxing of border restrictions in Czechoslovakia, tens of thousands of Eastern Berliners flooded checkpoints along the Berlin Wall and crossed into West Berlin.[283]Parts of the wall was torn down, leading to thereunification of Germanyon 3 October 1990; around this time, most of the remains of the wall was torn down. InBulgaria,the day after the mass crossings through the Berlin Wall, the leaderTodor Zhivkovwas ousted by his Politburo and replaced withPetar Mladenov.[284]

InCzechoslovakia,following protests of an estimated half-million Czechs and Slovaks demanding freedoms and ageneral strike,the authorities, which had allowed travel to the West, abolished provisions guaranteeing the ruling Communist Party its leading role.[285]PresidentGustáv Husákappointed the first largely non-Communist government in Czechoslovakia since 1948 and resigned in what was called theVelvet Revolution.[285]

Since 1971,Romaniahadreversedthe program ofde-Stalinization.Following growingpublic protests,dictatorNicolae Ceaușescuordered amass rallyin his support outside Communist Party headquarters inBucharest,but mass protests against Ceaușescu proceeded.[286]The Romanian military sided with protesters and turned on Ceaușescu. Theyexecuted himafter a brief trial three days later.[287]

Even before the Eastern Bloc's last years, all of the countries in the Warsaw Pact did not always act as a unified bloc. For instance, the1968 invasion of CzechoslovakiawascondemnedbyRomania,which refused to take part in it.Albaniawithdrew from the Pact, and the Eastern Bloc altogether, in response to the invasion. InCambodia,communist ruleended in 1989 and monarchy was restored in 1993.

The only surviving communist states are China, Vietnam, Cuba, and Laos. Their state-socialist experience was more in line withdecolonizationfrom theGlobal Northandanti-imperialismtowards the West instead of theRed Armyoccupation of the former Eastern Bloc.Syriais still led by the sameneo-Ba'athistleadership as during the Cold War, though it was not aMarxist–Leninist state.The five states all adoptedeconomic reformsto varying degrees. China and Vietnam are usually described as morestate capitalistthan the more traditionalist Cuba and Laos. The exception is North Korea, where all references to Marxism–Leninism in its nationalist ideology ofJuchewere gradually eliminated. This was previously the case inKazakhstanfellowpost-Soviet statesuntil 2022,Uzbekistanuntil 2016,Turkmenistanuntil 2006,Kyrgyzstanuntil 2005,AzerbaijanandGeorgiauntil 2003,Armeniauntil 1998,Moldovauntil 1997,UkrainiaandBelarusuntil 1994,Tajikistanuntil 1992. All presidents ofpost-Soviet Russiawere members of theCommunist Party of the Soviet Union(Boris Yeltsinbefore 1990,Vladimir PutinandDmitry Medvedevbefore 1991). Azerbaijan is anauthoritariandominant-party stateand North Korea is atotalitarianone-party stateled by theheirsof their Eastern Bloc leaders, yet both have officially eliminated mentions of communism from their constitutions.





Writing in 2016, German historianPhilipp Therasserted thatneoliberalpolicies of liberalization, deregulation, andprivatization"had catastrophic effects on former Soviet Bloc countries", and that the imposition ofWashington Consensus-inspired "shock therapy"had little to do with future economic growth.[288]

An estimated seven million premature deaths took place in the former USSR after it collapsed, with around four million in Russia alone.[289]Russia experienced the largest drop in life expectancy during peacetime in recorded history after the fall of the USSR.[290][291] The scholarsKristen Ghodseeand Mitchell A. Orenstein have referred to this as the "mortality belt of the European former Soviet Union" and assert that it could have been avoided with the implementation of "an aggressive health policy intervention" which could have "prevented tens of thousands of excess deaths."[292]

Poverty skyrocketed after the fall of the USSR; by the end of the 1990s, the number of people living below the international poverty line went from 3% in 1987–88 to 20%, or around 88 million people.[293]Only 4% of the region lived on $4 a day or less before the USSR dissolved, but by 1994, this number skyrocketed to 32%.[290]In Russia,Boris Yeltsin'sIMF-backed rapid privatization andausteritypolicies resulted in unemployment rising to double digits and half the Russian population falling into destitution by the early to mid 1990s.[294]

Crime, alcohol use, drug use and suicides all skyrocketed after the fall of the Eastern Bloc.[290][293]The GDP fell as much as 50% in some republics during the 1990s. By 2000, Russia's GDP was between 30 and 50% of its pre-collapse output.[295][296][297][298]

In 2011,The Guardianpublished an analysis of the former Soviet countries twenty years after the fall of the USSR. They found that "GDP fell as much as 50 percent in the 1990s in some republics... as capital flight, industrial collapse, hyperinflation and tax avoidance took their toll", but that there was a rebound in the 2000s, and by 2010 "some economies were five times as big as they were in 1991." Life expectancy has grown since 1991 in some of the countries, but fallen in others; likewise, some held free and fair elections, while others remained authoritarian.[295]

Life expectancy of some Eastern Bloc countries, compared to Western Europe

However, the Central European states of the former Eastern Bloc–Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia–showed healthy increases in life expectancy from the 1990s onward, compared to nearly thirty years of stagnation under Communism.[299][300][301][302][303]Bulgaria and Romania followed this trend after the introduction of more serious economic reforms in the late 1990s.[304][305]By the turn of the century, most of their economies had strong growth rates, boosted by theenlargement of the European Unionin2004and2007which saw Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, the Baltic States, Romania and Bulgaria admitted to the European Union. This led to significant improvements in living standards, quality of life, human health and economic performance in the post-Communist Central European states, relative to the late Communist and early post-Communist periods.[306]Certain former Eastern Bloc countries have even become wealthier than certain Western European ones in the decades since 1989. In 2006, the Czech Republic was reported to have become wealthier thanPortugal,something also reported to be true of Poland in 2019.[307][308]

In 2016, thelibertarianthink tankCato Institutestated that the analyses done of post-communist countries in the 1990s were "premature" and "that early and rapid reformers by far outperformed gradual reformers" onGDP per capita,theUnited Nations Human Development Index,political freedom,and developed better institutions. The institute also stated that the process of privatization in Russia was "deeply flawed" due to Russia's reforms being "farlessrapid "than those of Central Europe and theBaltic states.[309]

A 2009Pew Research Centerpoll showed that 72% of Hungarians, 62% of both Ukrainians and Bulgarians, 48% of both Lithuanians and Slovaks, 45% of Russians, 39% of Czechs, and 35% of Poles felt that their lives were worse off after 1989, when free markets were made dominant.[310]A follow-up poll by Pew Research Center in 2011 showed that 45% of Lithuanians, 42% of Russians, and 34% of Ukrainians approved of the change to a market economy.[311]Writing in 2018, the scholarsKristen R. GhodseeandScott Sehonassert that "subsequent polls and qualitative research across Russia and eastern Europe confirm the persistence of these sentiments as popular discontent with the failed promises of free-market prosperity has grown, especially among older people".[312]

In 2019, a Pew Research Survey on European public opinion asked citizens of Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary and the former East Germany two questions: whether they approved of the change to a multi-party democracy, and whether they approved of the change to a market economy. The change to a multi-party democracy was approved by 85% of Poles and East Germans, 82% of Czechs, 74% of Slovaks, 72% of Hungarians, 70% of Lithuanians, 54% of Bulgarians, 51% of Ukrainians and 43% of Russians. The transition to a market economy was approved by 85% of Poles, 83% of East Germans, 76% of Czechs, 71% of Slovaks, 70% of Hungarians, 69% of Lithuanians, 55% of Bulgarians, 47% of Ukrainians, and 38% of Russians.[313]

List of existing communist states

A map ofcommunist statesafter 1993

Since 1993, the following countries have remained communist states:

Country Local name Since Ruling party
China[note 1] InChinese:Trung hoa nhân dân cộng hòa quốc
InPinyin:Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó
1 October 1949 Chinese Communist Party
Cuba InSpanish:República de Cuba 1 July 1961 Communist Party of Cuba
Laos InLao:Sathalanalat Paxathipatai Paxaxon Lao 2 December 1975 Lao People's Revolutionary Party
Vietnam InVietnamese:Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam 2 September 1945 (North Vietnam)
30 April 1975 (South Vietnam)
2 July 1976 (unified)
Communist Party of Vietnam

See also



  1. ^Hong KongandMacauare administered under the "One country, two systems"principle.
  1. ^Albania was a member of the Eastern Bloc until theAlbanian–Soviet splitfrom 1961 to 1970.
  2. ^Until theSino-Soviet splitin 1961.
  3. ^Sources:
    • Loth, Wilfried,The Division of the World, 1941–1955,Routledge, 1988,ISBN0-415-00365-2,p. 297
    • Haggett, Peter,Encyclopedia of World Geography,Marshall Cavendish, 2001,ISBN0-7614-7289-4,p. 1,850
    • Rees, G. Wyn.International Politics in Europe: The New Agenda,Routledge, 1993,ISBN0-415-08282-X,p. 6
    • Satyendra, Kush (2003),Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Political Science,Sarup & Sons, p. 65,ISBN978-81-7890-071-1,... the countries of Eastern Europe under communism....
    • Janzen, Jörg; Taraschewski, Thomas (2009). Shahshahānī, Suhaylā (ed.).Cities of Pilgrimage.Iuaes-series. Vol. 4. Münster: LIT Verlag. p. 190.ISBN9783825816186.Archivedfrom the original on 5 September 2015.Until 1990, despite being a formally independent state, Mongolia hadde factobeen an integral part of the Soviet-dominated Eastern Bloc.
    • Gasztold-Seń, Trentin, Adamec, Przemysław, Przemysław, Jan (2014).Syria During the Cold War: The East European Connection.University of St Andrews, Centre for Syrian Studies.ISBN9780956873224.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
    • Ginat, Rami (April 2000)."The Soviet Union and the Syrian Ba'th regime: From hesitation to Rapprochement".Middle Eastern Studies.36(2): 150–171.doi:10.1080/00263200008701312.JSTOR4284075.S2CID144922816– via JSTOR.
  4. ^SeeDe-satellization of Communist Romania
  5. ^SeeSino–Soviet split
  6. ^SeeTito–Stalin split
  7. ^Soviet-Chilean alliance ended with the overthrow of the Allende government in amilitary coup,after which Chile became a Cold War ally of the United States. The Soviet Union would later support anarmed insurgencyagainst the military government until Chile returned to democracy in 1990.




  1. ^abcPiero Gleijeses,Conflicting Missions: Havana, Washington, and Africa, 1959–1976,ISBN978-0-8078-5464-8.
  2. ^Ludlow, N. Piers,European integration and the Cold War: Ostpolitik-Westpolitik, 1965–1973,Routledge, 2007,ISBN0-415-42109-8,page 37, 39
  3. ^Ahonen, Pertti,After the expulsion: West Germany and Eastern Europe, 1945–1990,Oxford University Press, 2003,ISBN0-19-925989-5,page 125-126 & 183
  4. ^Zwass, Adam,Globalization of Unequal National Economies: Players and Controversies,M.E. Sharpe, 2002,ISBN0-7656-0731-X,page 214
  5. ^Skinner, Kiron F.,The strategy of campaigning: lessons from Ronald Reagan & Boris Yeltsin,University of Michigan Press, 2007,ISBN0-472-11627-4,page 137-8
  6. ^abGasztold-Seń, Trentin, Adamec, Przemysław, Przemysław, Jan (2014).Syria During the Cold War: The East European Connection.University of St Andrews, Centre for Syrian Studies.ISBN9780956873224.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  7. ^abGinat, Rami (April 2000)."The Soviet Union and the Syrian Ba'th regime: From hesitation to Rapprochement".Middle Eastern Studies.36(2): 150–171.doi:10.1080/00263200008701312.JSTOR4284075.S2CID144922816– via JSTOR.
  8. ^Satyendra, Kush (2003),Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Political Science,Sarup & Sons, p. 65,ISBN978-81-7890-071-1,The countries of Eastern Europe under communism
  9. ^Janzen, Jörg; Taraschewski, Thomas (2009). Shahshahānī, Suhaylā (ed.).Cities of Pilgrimage.Iuaes-series. Vol. 4. Münster: LIT Verlag. p. 190.ISBN9783825816186.Archivedfrom the original on 5 September 2015.Until 1990, despite being a formally independent state, Mongolia hadde factobeen an integral part of the Soviet-dominated Eastern Bloc.
  10. ^Satyendra, Kush,Encyclopaedic dictionary of political science,Sarup & Sons, 2003,ISBN81-7890-071-8,page 65
  11. ^abHirsch, Donald; Kett, Joseph F.; Trefil, James S. (2002),The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy,Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, p.316,ISBN978-0-618-22647-4,Eastern Bloc. The name applied to the former communist states of eastern Europe, including Yugoslavia and Albania, as well as the countries of the Warsaw Pact
  12. ^abGlisic, Jelena (1976),East-West Trade and Japanese-Yugoslav Relations during the Cold War,Acta Slavica Iaponica, p. 120 and 121,The Eastern bloc was composed of socialist states, who were members of the Warsaw Pact and The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON), led by the USSR.... In works examining the Western bloc countries'relationswith the Eastern bloc, Yugoslavia was not considered part of the Eastern bloc.
  13. ^Teichova, Alice; Herbert, Matis (2003),Nation, state, and the economy in history,Cambridge University Press, p. 150,ISBN978-0-521-79278-3,Within the Eastern Bloc, Poland, Yugoslavia and Hungary tended to be reformist and deviated most from the rigid Soviet model
  14. ^Cook 2001,p. 897: "In the Eastern Bloc, only Yugoslavia, alongside efforts to eradicate or at least degrade previously existing nationalisms, made the gallant attempt to both foster a new nationalism and a new identify, that of being a Yugoslav."
  15. ^Ahonen, Pertti (2003),After the Expulsion: West Germany and Eastern Europe, 1945–1990,Oxford University Press,p. 212,The other Eastern bloc states – except Romania's fellow mavericks Albania and Yugoslavia – reacted to the breakthrough between Bonn and Bucharest by coordinating their own stances towards the Federal Republic.
  16. ^White, N. D. (1990),The United Nations and the maintenance of international peace and security,Manchester University Press, p. 183,ISBN978-0-7190-3227-1,Nevertheless, the Eastern Bloc countries, including Albania, Bulgaria, and Yugoslavia, argued that UNSCOB had been constituted illegally
  17. ^Library of Congress (1980),The Quarterly journal of the Library of Congress,vol. 37, Library of Congress,80 Yugoslavia is perhaps the most international of the Eastern Bloc countries.
  18. ^Ryan, James; Mastrini, Hana; Baker, Mark (2009),Eastern Europe,John Wiley and Sons, p.651,ISBN978-0-470-39908-8,Tito played his cards right and – unlike other Eastern Bloc countries – Yugoslavia enjoyed a fairly open relationship with the rest of the world
  19. ^Stanilov, Kiril (2007),The post-socialist city: urban form and space transformations in Central and Eastern Europe after socialism,Springer, p. 362,ISBN978-1-4020-6052-6,During the socialist period, Yugoslavia was marked by a system of socialist self-management, which place greater importance not he development of market-type relations in the economy than any of the other socialist countries of Europe. This strategy was a significant factor in achieving a higherstandard of livingand a lower level of under-urbanization compared to other members of the Eastern Bloc.
  20. ^Hawkesworth, M. E.; Paynter, John (1992),Encyclopedia of government and politics,Routledge, p.1244,ISBN978-0415072250,The processes of change in the Eastern Bloc affected Yugoslavia as well, although this country, having been outside the bloc since 1948, had evolved specific political, economic and federal systems of its own.
  21. ^Binder, David (1982), "Many from Eastern Bloc Seek Yugoslav Asylum",The New York Times
  22. ^"Soviet Intelligence in Latin America During the Cold WarArchived28 February 2010 at theWayback Machine",Lectures by General Nikolai Leonov, Centro de Estudios Publicos (Chile), 22 September 1999.
  23. ^Kass, Ilana (September 1977). "The Forgotten Friendship: Israel and the Soviet Bloc 1947–1953".American Political Science Review.71(3): 1304–1305.doi:10.2307/1960285.ISSN0003-0554.JSTOR1960285.S2CID146764535.
  24. ^Sunayama, Sonoko (2007).Syria and Saudi Arabia: Collaboration and Conflicts in the Oil Era.New York, USA: I.B. Tauris. p. 31.ISBN978-1-84511-302-5.
  25. ^Julian Towster.Political Power in the U.S.S.R., 1917–1947: The Theory and Structure of Government in the Soviet StateOxford Univ. Press, 1948. p. 106
  26. ^Tucker 1992,p. 46
  27. ^abEncyclopædia Britannica,German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact,2008
  28. ^abText of the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression PactArchived14 November 2014 at theWayback Machine,executed 23 August 1939
  29. ^Christie, Kenneth,Historical Injustice and Democratic Transition in Eastern Asia and Northern Europe: Ghosts at the Table of Democracy,RoutledgeCurzon, 2002,ISBN0-7007-1599-1
  30. ^Roberts 2006,p. 43
  31. ^Sanford, George(2005),Katyn and the Soviet Massacre Of 1940: Truth, Justice And Memory,London, New York:Routledge,ISBN978-0-415-33873-8
  32. ^Nekrich, Ulam & Freeze 1997,p. 131
  33. ^Adam Sudol, ed. (1998),Sowietyzacja Kresów Wschodnich II Rzeczypospolitej po 17 wrzesnia 1939(in Polish), Bydgoszcz: Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna, p. 441,ISBN978-83-7096-281-4
  34. ^Myron Weiner, Sharon Stanton Russell, ed. (2001),"Stalinist Forced Relocation Policies",Demography and National Security,Berghahn Books, pp. 308–315,ISBN978-1-57181-339-8
  35. ^The Soviets organized staged elections,(in Polish)Bartlomiej KozlowskiWybory "do Zgromadzen Ludowych Zachodniej Ukrainy i Zachodniej BialorusiArchived23 September 2009 at theWayback Machine,NASK,2005, Polska.pl, the result of which was to become a legitimization of Soviet annexation of eastern Poland.Jan Tomasz Gross,Revolution from AbroadArchived27 September 2015 at theWayback Machine,Princeton University Press, 2003, page 396ISBN0-691-09603-1
  36. ^Soviet authorities attempted to erase Polish history and culture, Trela-Mazur, Elzbieta,Sowietyzacja oswiaty w Malopolsce Wschodniej pod radziecka okupacja 1939–1941 (Sovietization of Education in Eastern Lesser Poland During the Soviet Occupation 1939–1941),ed. Wlodzimierz Bonusiak,et al.(eds.), Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna im. Jana Kochanowskiego, 1997,ISBN978-83-7133-100-8
  37. ^Soviet authorities withdrew thePolish currencywithout exchanging rubles,(in Polish),Karolina LanckoronskaWspomnienia wojenne; 22 IX 1939 – 5 IV 1945,2001, ed, page 364,Chapter I – LwówArchived27 March 2009 at theWayback Machine,ZNAK,ISBN83-240-0077-1
  38. ^"okupacja sowiecka ziem polskich 1939–41"[Soviet occupation of Polish territories 1939–41].Encyklopedia PWN(in Polish).Archivedfrom the original on 24 March 2019.Retrieved6 April2019.
  39. ^Piotrowski 2007,p. 11
  40. ^Soviet authorities regarded service for the pre-war Polish state as a "crime against revolution"Gustaw Herling-Grudziński,A World Apart: Imprisonment in a Soviet Labor Camp During World War II,1996, page 284,Penguin Books,ISBN0-14-025184-7and "counter-revolutionary activity",(in Polish)Władysław Anders,Bez ostatniego rozdzialu,1995, page 540, Test,ISBN83-7038-168-5and subsequently started arresting large numbers of Polish citizens.
  41. ^During the initial Soviet invasion of Poland, between230,000 to 450,000 Poles were taken as prisoner, some of which were executed(see alsoKatyn massacre).Sanford,Google Books, p. 20-24.Archived28 September 2015 at theWayback Machine;Fischer, Benjamin B.,"The Katyn Controversy: Stalin's Killing FieldArchived24 March 2010 at theWayback Machine",Studies in Intelligence,Winter 1999–2000;Stalin's Killing FieldArchived9 July 2008 at theWayback Machine
  42. ^abWettig 2008,p. 20
  43. ^Senn, Alfred Erich,Lithuania 1940: revolution from above,Amsterdam, New York, Rodopi, 2007ISBN978-90-420-2225-6
  44. ^34,250 Latvians, 75,000 Lithuanians and almost 60,000 Estonians were deported or killed.Simon Sebag Montefiore,Stalin: The Court of the Red Tsar,page 334
  45. ^abWettig 2008,p. 21
  46. ^Furthermore, the Latvian results are known to be fabrications, having been accidentally released to the press in London and published a day ahead of schedule. Visvaldis, Mangulis,Latvia in the Wars of the 20th century,1983, Princeton Junction: Cognition Books,ISBN0-912881-00-3,Chapter=VIII. September 1939 to June 1941; Švābe, Arvīds.The Story of Latvia.Latvian National Foundation. Stockholm. 1949. Feldbrugge, Ferdinand et al.,Encyclopedia of Soviet Law,1985, Brill,ISBN90-247-3075-9,page 460
  47. ^Smith et al. 2002,p. xix
  48. ^O'Connor 2003,p. 117
  49. ^abKennedy-Pip, Caroline (1995),Stalin's Cold War,Manchester University Press,ISBN978-0-7190-4201-0
  50. ^abRoberts 2006,p. 55
  51. ^Shirer 1990,p. 794
  52. ^The occupation accompaniedreligious persecution during the Soviet occupation of Bessarabia and Northern BukovinaandSoviet deportations from Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina.
  53. ^"Armistice Agreement".1997.Retrieved27 August2019.
  54. ^"Churchill and the Germans" in Der Spiegel, 13 August 2010.
  55. ^Miscamble 2007,p. 51
  56. ^Miscamble 2007,p. 52
  57. ^abWettig 2008,p. 44
  58. ^abcdRoberts 2006,p. 241 & 244
  59. ^Wettig 2008,pp. 47–8
  60. ^Nohlen, Dieter;Stöver, Philip, eds. (2010).Elections in Europe: A Data Handbook.Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. p. 1475.ISBN978-3832956097.
  61. ^ab11 February 1945 Potsdam Report,reprinted inPotsdam Ashley, John, Soames Grenville and Bernard Wasserstein,The Major International Treaties of the Twentieth Century: A History and Guide with Texts,Taylor & Francis, 2001ISBN0-415-23798-X
  62. ^Roberts 2006,pp. 274–78
  63. ^abWettig 2008,pp. 90–1
  64. ^abcdefWettig 2008,p. 37
  65. ^Crampton 1997,p. 211
  66. ^abcdWettig 2008,p. 36
  67. ^Lewkowicz, Nicolas (2018).The United States, the Soviet Union and the Geopolitical Implications of the Origins of the Cold War.New York: Anthem Press. p. 119.ISBN978-1783087990.
  68. ^abWettig 2008,p. 38
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  70. ^Wettig 2008,p. 41
  71. ^Miller 2000,p. 16
  72. ^Wettig 2008,p. 139
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  74. ^"Carnations".Time.9 February 1948. Archived fromthe originalon 14 January 2009.Retrieved1 February2009.
  75. ^abBideleux, Robert and Ian Jeffries,A History of Eastern Europe: Crisis and Change,Routledge, 1998,ISBN0-415-16111-8
  76. ^abcdWettig 2008,p. 148
  77. ^Wettig 2008,p. 149
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  79. ^Gaddis 2005,p. 33
  80. ^Turner 1987,p. 19
  81. ^Miller 2000,pp. 65–70
  82. ^Turner 1987,p. 29
  83. ^Fritsch-Bournazel, Renata,Confronting the German Question: Germans on the East-West Divide,Berg Publishers, 1990,ISBN0-85496-684-6,page 143
  84. ^Gaddis 2005,p. 34
  85. ^Miller 2000,pp. 180–81
  86. ^abcdefgWettig 2008,p. 156
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  88. ^Wettig 2008,p. 158
  89. ^Lewkowicz, Nicolas (2020).The Role of Ideology in the Origins of the Cold War.Saarbrucken: Scholar's Press. p. 55.ISBN978-620-2317269.
  90. ^Christian Jennings "Flashpoint Trieste: The First Battle of the Cold War", (2017), pp 244.
  91. ^Karlo Ruzicic-Kessler "Togliatti, Tito and the Shadow of Moscow 1944/45-1948: Post-War Territorial Disputes and the Communist World", In: Journal of European Integration History, (2/2014).
  92. ^abcHardt & Kaufman 1995,p. 11
  93. ^Wettig 2008,pp. 108–9
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  95. ^Crampton 1997,p. 246
  96. ^Crampton 1997,p. 244
  97. ^abCrampton 1997,p. 245
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  101. ^abcdPollack & Wielgohs 2004,p. xiv
  102. ^Pollack & Wielgohs 2004,p. xv
  103. ^abcCrampton 1997,p. 247
  104. ^abO'Neil 1997,p. 15
  105. ^abcO'Neil 1997,p. 125
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  107. ^Hobby, Jeneen (2009).Worldmark Encyclopedia of Cultures and Daily Life: Europe.Gate.ISBN978-1-4144-6430-5.
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