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Projection-valued measure

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Inmathematics,particularly infunctional analysis,aprojection-valued measure(orspectral measure) is a function defined on certain subsets of a fixed set and whose values areself-adjointprojectionson a fixedHilbert space.[1]A projection-valued measure (PVM) is formally similar to areal-valuedmeasure,except that its values are self-adjoint projections rather than real numbers. As in the case of ordinary measures, it is possible tointegratecomplex-valued functionswith respect to a PVM; the result of such an integration is alinear operatoron the given Hilbert space.

Projection-valued measures are used to express results inspectral theory,such as the importantspectral theoremforself-adjoint operators,in which case the PVM is sometimes referred to as thespectral measure.TheBorel functional calculusfor self-adjoint operators is constructed using integrals with respect to PVMs. Inquantum mechanics,PVMs are the mathematical description ofprojective measurements.[clarification needed]They are generalized bypositive operator valued measures(POVMs) in the same sense that amixed stateordensity matrixgeneralizes the notion of apure state.



Letdenote aseparablecomplexHilbert spaceandameasurable spaceconsisting of a setand aBorel σ-algebraon.Aprojection-valued measureis a map fromto the set ofbounded self-adjoint operatorsonsatisfying the following properties:[2][3]

  • is anorthogonal projectionfor all
  • and,whereis theempty setandtheidentity operator.
  • Ifinare disjoint, then for all,
  • for all

The second and fourth property show that ifandare disjoint, i.e.,,the imagesandareorthogonalto each other.

Letand itsorthogonal complementdenote theimageandkernel,respectively, of.Ifis a closed subspace ofthencan be wrtitten as theorthogonal decompositionandis the unique identity operator onsatisfying all four properties.[4][5]

For everyandthe projection-valued measure forms acomplex-valued measureondefined as

withtotal variationat most.[6]It reduces to a real-valuedmeasurewhen

and aprobability measurewhenis aunit vector.

ExampleLetbe aσ-finite measure spaceand, for all,let

be defined as

i.e., as multiplication by theindicator functiononL2(X).Thendefines a projection-valued measure.[6]For example, if,,andthere is then the associated complex measurewhich takes a measurable functionand gives the integral

Extensions of projection-valued measures


Ifπis a projection-valued measure on a measurable space (X,M), then the map

extends to a linear map on the vector space ofstep functionsonX.In fact, it is easy to check that this map is aring homomorphism.This map extends in a canonical way to all bounded complex-valuedmeasurable functionsonX,and we have the following.

TheoremFor any bounded Borel functionon,there exists a uniquebounded operatorsuch that [7][8]

whereis a finiteBorel measuregiven by

Hence,is afinite measure space.

The theorem is also correct for unbounded measurable functionsbut thenwill be an unbounded linear operator on the Hilbert space.

This allows to define theBorel functional calculusfor such operators and then pass to measurable functions via theRiesz–Markov–Kakutani representation theorem.That is, ifis a measurable function, then a unique measure exists such that

Spectral theorem


Letbe aseparablecomplexHilbert space,be a boundedself-adjoint operatorandthespectrumof.Then thespectral theoremsays that there exists a unique projection-valued measure,defined on aBorel subset,such that[9]

where the integral extends to an unbounded functionwhen the spectrum ofis unbounded.[10]

Direct integrals


First we provide a general example of projection-valued measure based ondirect integrals.Suppose (X,M,μ) is a measure space and let {Hx}xXbe a μ-measurable family of separable Hilbert spaces. For everyEM,letπ(E) be the operator of multiplication by 1Eon the Hilbert space

Thenπis a projection-valued measure on (X,M).

Supposeπ,ρ are projection-valued measures on (X,M) with values in the projections ofH,K.π,ρ areunitarily equivalentif and only ifthere is a unitary operatorU:HKsuch that

for everyEM.

Theorem.If (X,M) is astandard Borel space,then for every projection-valued measureπon (X,M) taking values in the projections of aseparableHilbert space, there is a Borel measure μ and a μ-measurable family of Hilbert spaces {Hx}xX,such thatπis unitarily equivalent to multiplication by 1Eon the Hilbert space

The measure class[clarification needed]of μ and the measure equivalence class of the multiplicity functionx→ dimHxcompletely characterize the projection-valued measure up to unitary equivalence.

A projection-valued measureπishomogeneous of multiplicitynif and only if the multiplicity function has constant valuen.Clearly,

Theorem.Any projection-valued measureπtaking values in the projections of a separable Hilbert space is an orthogonal direct sum of homogeneous projection-valued measures:



Application in quantum mechanics


In quantum mechanics, given a projection-valued measure of a measurable spaceto the space of continuous endomorphisms upon a Hilbert space,

  • theprojective spaceof the Hilbert spaceis interpreted as the set of possible (normalizable) statesof a quantum system,[11]
  • the measurable spaceis the value space for some quantum property of the system (an "observable" ),
  • the projection-valued measureexpresses the probability that theobservabletakes on various values.

A common choice foris the real line, but it may also be

  • (for position or momentum in three dimensions ),
  • a discrete set (for angular momentum, energy of a bound state, etc.),
  • the 2-point set "true" and "false" for the truth-value of an arbitrary proposition about.

Letbe a measurable subset ofanda normalizedvector quantum statein,so that its Hilbert norm is unitary,.The probability that the observable takes its value in,given the system in state,is

We can parse this in two ways. First, for each fixed,the projectionis aself-adjoint operatoronwhose 1-eigenspace are the statesfor which the value of the observable always lies in,and whose 0-eigenspace are the statesfor which the value of the observable never lies in.

Second, for each fixed normalized vector state,the association

is a probability measure onmaking the values of the observable into a random variable.

A measurement that can be performed by a projection-valued measureis called aprojective measurement.

Ifis the real number line, there exists, associated to,a self-adjoint operatordefined onby

which reduces to

if the support ofis a discrete subset of.

The above operatoris called the observable associated with the spectral measure.



The idea of a projection-valued measure is generalized by thepositive operator-valued measure(POVM), where the need for the orthogonality implied by projection operators is replaced by the idea of a set of operators that are a non-orthogonal partition of unity[clarification needed].This generalization is motivated by applications toquantum information theory.

See also



  1. ^Conway 2000,p. 41.
  2. ^Hall 2013,p. 138.
  3. ^Reed & Simon 1980,p. 234.
  4. ^Rudin 1991,p. 308.
  5. ^Hall 2013,p. 541.
  6. ^abConway 2000,p. 42.
  7. ^Kowalski, Emmanuel (2009),Spectral theory in Hilbert spaces(PDF),ETH Zürich lecture notes, p. 50
  8. ^Reed & Simon 1980,p. 227,235.
  9. ^Reed & Simon 1980,p. 235.
  10. ^Hall 2013,p. 205.
  11. ^Ashtekar & Schilling 1999,pp. 23–65.

