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Squawk (sound)

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High-amplitude, pulsed squawks made by alemur

Squawks,or shortwheezes,are brief, "squeaky" sounds; they are also referred to as squeaks. Their waveforms show asinusoidalpattern with a duration 10 to 100msand a frequency between 200 and 800Hz.

Many birds have made sounds which areonomatopoeicallydescribed as "squawk". Squawks have been described inbird fancier's diseaseand other forms ofhypersensitivity pneumonitis.[1]

In humans, squawks are also heard in a variety of conditions in whichalveolitisis present. In one study they were found in 10% of patients withpneumonia.[2]


  1. ^Earis JE, Marsh K, Pearson, MG. The inspiratory “squawk” in extrinsic allergic alveolitis and other pulmonary fibroses. Thorax 1979;37:923–926.
  2. ^Paciej R, Vyshedskiy A, Bana D, Murphy R, Squawks in pneumonia, Thorax 2004;59:177–179