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Saint Columba, Apostle to thePicts
Apostle of thePicts
Born7 December 521 AD
Gartan,Tyrconnell,Gaelic Ireland
Died9 June 597 AD (aged 75)
Iona,Dál Riata
Venerated inCatholic Church
Eastern Orthodox Church
Feast9 June
AttributesMonk's robes, Celtic tonsure and crosier.
PatronageDerry,floods,bookbinders,poets,Ireland, and Scotland.

Columba(/kəˈlʌmbəˌˈkɒlʌmbə/) orColmcille[a](7 December 521 – 9 June 597 AD) was anIrishabbotand missionary evangelist credited with spreading Christianity in what is todayScotlandat the start of theHiberno-Scottish mission.[3][4]He founded the importantabbeyonIona,which became a dominant religious and political institution in the region for centuries.[5]He is the patron saint ofDerry.He was highly regarded by both theGaelsofDál Riataand thePicts,and is remembered today as a Catholicsaintand one of theTwelve Apostles of Ireland.[6]

Columba studied under some of Ireland's most prominent church figures and founded several monasteries in the country. Around 563 AD he and his twelve companions crossed to Dunaverty nearSouthend, Argyll,inKintyrebefore settling in Iona in Scotland, then part of theUlsterkingdom of Dál Riata, where they founded a new abbey as a base for spreadingCeltic Christianityamong the paganNorthern Pictish kingdoms.[7][8]He remained active in Irish politics, though he spent most of the remainder of his life in Scotland. Three surviving early medieval Latinhymnsare attributed to him.[4]

Early life in Ireland


Columba was born to Fedlimid and Eithne of theCenél ConaillinGartan,a district beside Lough Gartan, inTír Chonaill(mainly modernCounty Donegal) in what is nowUlster,the northernprovinceinIreland.On his father's side, he is claimed as being the great-great-grandson ofNiall of the Nine Hostages,a pseudo-historicalIrish high kingof the 5th century. Tradition holds that he was born in Gartan. One tradition holds that he was born on a flagstone called Leac na Cumha in the town land of Lacknacoo.[9]He wasbaptisedin Temple-Douglas, in the County Donegal parish ofConwal(midway between Gartan andLetterkenny), by his teacher and foster-uncleCruithnechán.[10][11][12]

Columba lived in the remote district of what is nowGlencolmcillefor roughly 5 years, which was named after him. It is not known for sure if his name at birth was Colmcille or if he adopted this name later in life;Adomnán(Eunan) of Iona thought it was his birth name but other Irish sources have claimed his name at birth was Crimthann (meaning 'fox').[13]In theIrish languagehis name means 'dove', which is the same name as the Prophet Jonah (Jonah in Hebrew is also 'dove'), which Adomnán of Iona, as well as other early Irish writers, were aware of, although it is not clear if he was deliberately named after Jonah or not.Columbais alsoLatinfor dove. (See also the bird genusColumba.)

The remains of St. Columba's Church,Gartan,County Donegal

When sufficiently advanced in letters he entered the monastic school of Movilla, atNewtownards,underFinnian of Movillawho had studied atNinian's "Magnum Monasterium" on the shores ofGalloway.He was about twenty, and a deacon when, having completed his training at Movilla, he travelled southwards intoLeinster,where he became a pupil of an aged bard named Gemman. On leaving him, Columba entered the monastery ofClonard,governed at that time byFinnian,noted for sanctity and learning. Here he imbibed the traditions of the Welsh Church, for Finnian had been trained in the schools ofDavid.[14]

The study ofLatinlearning andChristian theologyinmonasteriesflourished. Columba became a pupil at the monastic school atClonard Abbey,situated on theRiver Boynein modernCounty Meath.During the sixth century, some of the most significant names in the history of Celtic Christianity studied at the Clonard monastery. The average number of scholars under instruction at Clonard was said to be 300.[6]Columba was one of twelve students ofFinnian of Clonardwho became known as theTwelve Apostles of Ireland.He became a monk and eventually wasordainedapriest.[15]

Another preceptor of Columba wasMobhí Clárainech,whose monastery atGlasnevinwas frequented by such famous men asCainnech of Aghaboe,Comgall,andCiarán.A pestilence which devastated Ireland in 544 caused the dispersion of Mobhi's disciples, and Columba returned toUlster,the land of his kindred. He was a striking figure of great stature and powerful build, with a loud, melodious voice which could be heard from one hilltop to another.[16]

The foundation of several important monasteries marked the following years:Derry,at the southern edge ofInishowen;Durrow, County Offaly; Kells, County Meath; andSwords.[17]While at Derry it is said that he planned a pilgrimage toRomeandJerusalem,but did not proceed farther thanTours.From Tours, he brought a copy of those gospels that had lain on the bosom ofMartinfor 100 years. This relic was deposited in Derry.[14]St Colmcille is also believed to have established a Church onInishkea North,County Mayo which is named St Colmcille's Church.[18][19][20]

Some traditions assert that sometime around 560 Columba became involved in a quarrel withFinnian of MovilleofMovilla Abbeyover apsalter.Columba copied the manuscript at thescriptoriumunder Finnian, intending to keep the copy. Finnian disputed his right to keep it. There is a suggestion that this conflict resulted in theBattle of Cúl DreimhneinCairbre Drom Cliabh(now inCounty Sligo) in 561, during which many men were killed. Richard Sharpe, translator of Adomnán's Life of St. Columba (referenced in the bibliography below) makes a stern caution at this point against accepting the many references that link the battle and Columba's leaving of Ireland, even though there is evidence in the annals that Columba supported his own king against the high king. Political conflicts that had existed for some time resulted in the clan Neill's battle against King Diarmait at Cooldrevny in 561. An issue, for example, was the king's violation of the right of sanctuary belonging to Columba's person as a monk on the occasion of the murder of Prince Curnan, Columba's kinsman.[14]

Prince Curnan of Connacht, who had fatally injured a rival in a hurling match and had taken refuge with Columba, was dragged from his protector's arms and slain by Diarmaid's men, in defiance of the rights of sanctuary.[16]

Asynodofclericsand scholars threatened toexcommunicatehim for these deaths, butBrendan of Birrspoke on his behalf. Eventually, the process was deemed a miscarriage of justice. Columba's own conscience was uneasy, and on the advice of an aged hermit, Molaise, he resolved to expiate his sense of offence by departing Ireland. The term "exile" is used in some references. This, too, can be disputed, for the term "pilgrimage" is used more frequently in the literature about him. A marker at Stroove Beach on theInishowen Peninsulacommemorates the place where Columba set sail for Scotland.[21]He left Ireland, but through the following years, he returned several times to visit the communities he had founded there.[14]

Columba's copy of thepsalterhas been traditionally associated with theCathach of St. Columba.In 574/575, during his return for the Synod of Drum Ceat, he founded themonastery of Drumcliffin Cairbre, now County Sligo.[22]



In 563, he travelled toScotlandwith twelve companions (said to includeOdran of Iona) in a wickercurrachcovered with leather. According to legend he first landed on theKintyrePeninsula, nearSouthend.However, being still in sight of Ulster, he moved farther north up the west coast of Scotland. The island ofIonawas made over to him by his kinsmanConall mac ComgaillKing of Dál Riata,who perhaps had invited him to come to Scotland in the first place.[16]However, there is a sense in which he was not leaving his native people, as the UlsterGaelshad been inhabiting the west coast of Scotland for the previous couple of centuries.[23]Aside from the services he provided guiding the only centre ofliteracyin the region, his reputation as a holy man led to his role as a diplomat among the tribes.[24]

There are also many stories of miracles which he performed during his work toconvertthe Picts, the most famous being his encounter with an unidentified animal that some have equated with theLoch Ness Monsterin 565. It is said that he banished a ferocious "water beast" to the depths of theRiver Nessafter it had killed a Pict and then tried to attack Columba's disciple, Lugne (see Vita Columbae Book 2 below). He visited thepaganKingBridei,King ofFortriu,at his base inInverness,winning Bridei's respect, although not his conversion. He subsequently played a major role in the politics of the country.

He was also very energetic in his work as a missionary, and, in addition to founding several churches in theHebrides,he worked to turn his monastery at Iona into a school for missionaries. He was a renownedman of letters,having written severalhymnsand being credited with havingtranscribed300 books. One of the few, if not the only, times he left Scotland was towards the end of his life, when he returned to Ireland to found themonasteryatDurrow.

According to traditional sources, Columba died in Iona on Sunday, 9 June 597, and was buried by hismonksin theabbeyhe created. However, Dr. Daniel P. Mc Carthy disputes this and assigns a date of 593 to Columba's death.[25]The Annals record the first raid made upon Iona in 795, with further raids occurring in 802, 806, and 825.[26]Columba's relics were finally removed in 849 and divided between Scotland and Ireland.[27]





In Ireland, the saint is commonly known as Colmcille.

Colmcille is one of the three patron saints of Ireland, afterPatrickandBrigid of Kildare.[28]

Colmcille is the patron saint of the city ofDerry,where he founded a monastic settlement in c. 540.[28]The name of the city inIrishisDoire Cholm Cilleand is derived from the native oak trees in the area and the city's association with Colmcille. The Catholic Church of Saint Colmcille's Long Tower, and the Church of Ireland St Augustine's Church both claim to stand at the spot of this original settlement. The Church of Ireland Cathedral,St. Columb's Cathedral,and the largest park in the city,St. Columb's Park,are named in his honour. The Catholic Boys' Grammar School,St. Columb's College,has him as Patron and namesake.

St. Columba's National School in Drumcondra is a girls' school named after the saint.[29]

St. Colmcille's Primary School[30]and St. Colmcille's Community School[31]are two schools inKnocklyon,Dublin, named after him, with the former having an annual day dedicated to the saint on 9 June.[32]

The town ofSwords, Dublinwas reputedly founded by Colmcille in 560 AD.[17]St. Colmcille's Boys' National School and St. Colmcille's Girls' National School, both located in the town of Swords, are also named after the Saint as is one of the local gaelic teams, Naomh Colmcille.[33]

The Columba Press, a religious and spiritual book company based in Dublin, is named after Colmcille.[34]

Aer Lingus,Ireland's nationalflag carrierhas named one of itsAirbus A330aircraft in commemoration of the saint (reg: EI-DUO).[28]



Columba is credited as being a leading figure in the revitalisation ofmonasticism.TheClan Malcolm/Clan McCallumclaims its name from Columba and was reputedly founded by the descendants of his original followers.[28]It is also said thatClan RobertsonClan Donnachaidh / Duncan are heirs of Columba.Clan MacKinnonmay also have some claim to being spiritual descendants of St Columba. SirIain Moncreiffe of that Ilkspeculated that Clan MacKinnon belonged to the kindred of Columba, noting the MacKinnonArmsbore the hand of Columba holding theCross,and the several MackinnonabbotsofIona.[35]The MacKinnons included Green Abbots who were never priests and who were corrupt. The Macdonald Lords of the Isles dealt with them, imprisoning one who was convicted of treachery since Iona was the spiritual seat of Clan Donald.[36]

The cathedral of theCatholic Diocese of Argyll and the Islesis placed under the patronage of Saint Columba,[37]as are numerousCatholic schoolsand parishes throughout the nation. TheScottish Episcopal Church,[38]theChurch of Scotland,[39] and theEvangelical Lutheran Church of England[40]also have parishes dedicated to him. The village ofKilmacolminRenfrewshireis also derived from Colmcille's name.[41]

St Columba's Hospice, a prominent hospice inEdinburgh,is named after the saint.[42]



Columba currently has two poems attributed to him: "Adiutor Laborantium" and "Altus Prosator".[43]Both poems are examples ofAbecedarian hymnsin Latin written while Columba was at theIona Abbey.

The shorter of the two poems, "Adiutor Laborantium" consists of twenty-seven lines of eight syllables each, with each line following the format of anAbecedarian hymnusing theClassical Latin alphabetsave for lines 10–11 and 25–27. The content of the poem addresses God as a helper, ruler, guard, defender and lifter for those who are good and an enemy of sinners whom he will punish.[44]

"Altus Prosator"consists of twenty-three stanzas sixteen syllables long, with the first containing seven lines and six lines in each subsequent stanza. It uses the same format and alphabet as" Adiutor Laborantium "except with each stanza starting with a different letter rather than each line. The poem tells a story over three parts split into the beginning of time, the history of Creation, and the Apocalypse or end of time.[45]



Columba is honoured in the Anglican communion, including theChurch of Englandand theEpiscopal Church,on 9 June.[46][47]The Church of St. Columba in Ottawa is part of the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa.[48]St. Columba Anglican Church is located in Tofino, British Columbia.[49]

St. Columba's Episcopal Church is in Washington, D.C.[50]There is a St. Columba's Presbyterian Church in Peppermint Grove, Washington.[51]The Saint-Columba Presbyterian Church in Palmerstone,Vacoas-Phoenixis part of the Presbyterian Church inMauritius.[52]

Columba is the patron saint of theRoman Catholic Diocese of Youngstown,Ohio. The Cathedral there is named for him.[53]Iona University,inNew Rochelle, New York,is named after the island on which Columba established his first monastery in Scotland,[54]as isIona CollegeinWindsor, Ontario,Iona Presentation College, Perth,[55]and Iona College Geelong inCharlemont, Victoria.[56]

InBangor, Pennsylvania,there is a megalith park called Columcille, which is open to the public.

There are at least fourpipe bandsnamed for him; one each fromTullamore,Ireland,[57]fromDerry,Northern Ireland,[58]fromKearny, New Jersey,[59]and fromCape Cod, Massachusetts.[60]

St. Columba's School,one of the most prominent English-Medium schools inIndia,run by theIrish Christian Brothers,is also named after the saint.[61]

The MunichGAAis namedMünchenColmcilles.[62]

Saint Columba's Feast Day, 9 June, has been designated as International Celtic Art Day. TheBook of Kellsand theBook of Durrow,great medieval masterpieces of Celtic art, are associated with Columba.[63]

Benjamin Britten composedA Hymn of St Columbafor choir and organ in 1962, setting a poem by the saint, on the occasion of the 1,400th anniversary of his voyage to Iona.[64]



The main source of information about Columba's life is theLife of Columba(Latin:Vita Columbae), a hagiography written byAdomnán,one of Columba's successors at Iona, in the style of "saint's lives" narratives that had become widespread throughout medieval Europe. Both theLife of ColumbaandBede(672/673–735) record Columba's visit toBridei.Whereas Adomnán just tells us that Columba visited Bridei, Bede relates a later, perhaps Pictish tradition, whereby Columba actually converts the Pictish king. Another early source is a poem in praise of Columba, most probably commissioned by Columba's kinsman, the King of theUí Néillclan. It was almost certainly written within three or four years of Columba's death and is the earliest vernacular poem in European history. It consists of 25stanzasof four verses of seven syllables each, called theAmraColuim Chille.

Through the reputation of its venerable founder and its position as a major European centre of learning, Columba's Iona became a place ofpilgrimage.Columba is historically revered as a warrior saint and was often invoked for victory in battle. Some of his relics were removed in 849 and divided betweenAlbaand Ireland. Relics of Columba were carried before Scottish armies in the reliquary made at Iona in the mid-8th century called the Brecbennoch. Legend has it that the Brecbennoch was carried to theBattle of Bannockburn(24 June 1314) by the vastly outnumbered Scots army and the intercession of Columba helped them to victory. Since the 19th century the "Brecbennoch of St. Columba" has been identified with theMonymusk Reliquary,although this is now doubted by scholars.[65]

In theAntiphonerofInchcolm Abbey,the "Iona of the East" (situated on an island in theFirth of Forth), a 14th-century prayer beginsO Columba spes Scotorum..."O Columba, hope of the Scots".[66]

See also





  1. ^Irish:Colm Cille,lit.'church dove';Scottish Gaelic:Calum Cille;Manx:Colum Keeilley;Old Norse:Kolbanor at least partly reinterpreted asKolbjørn[1][2]


  1. ^Kenyon, Sherrilyn (2005),The Writer's Digest character naming sourcebook,Writer's Digest Books, p. 358,ISBN9781582976495,archivedfrom the original on 30 April 2016,retrieved16 October2015.
  2. ^Columba(PDF)(in Norwegian),NO:Keltiskfromhet,archived(PDF)from the original on 19 October 2013,retrieved30 August2009
  3. ^Columba Edmonds (1908). "St. Columba, Abbot of Iona".InCatholic Encyclopedia.4.New York: Robert Appleton Company.
  4. ^abQuiggin, Edmund Crosby(1911)."Columba, Saint".InChisholm, Hugh(ed.).Encyclopædia Britannica.Vol. 6 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 737.
  5. ^MacDonald, Aidan D. S. (2013) Iona and the Shrine of Columba, c.800-1200, CORA, University College Cork: Cork Open Research Archive,https://hdl.handle.net/10468/15058
  6. ^abGratton-Flood, W.H. (1907)."Twelve Apostles of Erin".In Herbermann, Charles (ed.).Catholic Encyclopedia.Vol. 1. New York: Robert Appleton Company.
  7. ^Charles-Edwards 2000,p. 303.
  8. ^Wagner & Konstam 2012,p. 14: states the Northern Pictish nations were still pagan while the southern Pictish kingdoms were Catholic
  9. ^"The Birthplace of ColmCille".9 June 2016.
  10. ^Reeves 1850,p. 82.
  11. ^Munn 1985.
  12. ^Ordnance Survey Memoirs for the Parishes of Desertmartin and Kilcronaghan,Ballinascreen Historical Society, 1986.
  13. ^Adomnan of Iona 1995.
  14. ^abcdEdmonds, Columba (1908)."St. Columba, Abbot of Iona".In Herbermann, Charles (ed.).Catholic Encyclopedia.Vol. 4. New York: Robert Appleton Company.
  15. ^"St Columba and the Isle of Iona".Historic UK.Retrieved4 January2022.
  16. ^abcCrawley, John J (1954)."Saint Columba, Abbot and Confessor—521-597 AD".Lives of the Saints.John J. Crawley & Co.Archivedfrom the original on 8 August 2013.Retrieved25 July2013– via EWTN.
  17. ^abSidwell 1995,p. 70.
  18. ^"Islands of Ireland: Sands of time on Inishkea".Irish Examiner.18 February 2018.Retrieved17 April2022.
  19. ^"Inishkea Islands Monastic Sites".Our Irish Heritage.Retrieved17 April2022.
  20. ^"Oh, to be on Inishkea".The Mayo News.Archived fromthe originalon 8 August 2022.Retrieved17 April2022.
  21. ^"Stroove".Go Visit Inishowen.2023.Retrieved7 December2023.
  22. ^"Drumcliffe – Topographical Dictionary of Ireland (1837)".
  23. ^Fletcher 1989,pp. 23–24.
  24. ^"Who is St. Columba?".St. Columba Retreat House. Archived fromthe originalon 13 January 2009.Retrieved6 October2008.
  25. ^Mc Carthy, Daniel P.,'The Chronology of Saint Columba's Life', in Moran, P. & Warntjes, I. (eds),Early Medieval Ireland and Europe: Chronology, Contacts, Scholarship – Festschrift for Dáibhí Ó Cróinín,(Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2015), pp. 3–32
  26. ^Jennings, Andrew (1988). "Iona and the Vikings: Survival and Continuity".Northern Studies.33:34–54.,see pp. 37-38.
  27. ^"Scotland's History – Columba".BBC. 1 January 1970.Archivedfrom the original on 16 February 2012.Retrieved17 August2012.
  28. ^abcdLonergan, Aidan (9 June 2017)."11 facts about St Colmcille – the Irish patron saint who was banished from Ireland for starting a tribal war".The Irish Post.Archivedfrom the original on 23 May 2019.Retrieved23 May2019.
  29. ^"Iona road St Columbas school Glasnevin Dublin".
  30. ^"St Colmcilles".Archivedfrom the original on 12 May 2014.Retrieved12 May2014.
  31. ^"St. Colmcille's Community School".8 May 2014.Archivedfrom the original on 13 May 2014.Retrieved12 May2014.
  32. ^"Events".ST. COLMCILLE'S S.N.S.Archivedfrom the original on 9 June 2020.Retrieved9 June2020.
  33. ^"St. Colmcille's Girls' N.S. – Fáilte chuig suíomh idirlíon Scoil Cholmcille na gCailíní".stcolmcillesgns.scoilnet.ie.Archived fromthe originalon 6 August 2018.Retrieved6 August2018.
  34. ^"Who We Are".Columba Books.Archivedfrom the original on 25 January 2021.Retrieved25 January2021.
  35. ^Moncreiffe of that Ilk, Sir Iain.The Highland Clans.London: Barrie & Rockliff, 1967. pp. 70–71.
  36. ^Clan Donald & Iona Abbey 1200-1500 by Ian Ross Macdonnell, 2012, beginning at p. 49.
  37. ^"Saint Columba".Diocese of Argyll & the Isles.10 February 2016.Archivedfrom the original on 23 May 2019.Retrieved23 May2019.
  38. ^"St Columba's Scottish Episcopal Church. Largs".
  39. ^"St Columba's Church of Scotland, London".
  40. ^"St Columba's Evangelical Lutheran Church, East Kilbride".30 November 2015.
  41. ^The Editors of the Gazetteer for Scotland."Kilmacolm history, Gazetteer for Scotland".University of Edinburgh.Archivedfrom the original on 3 June 2012.Retrieved13 June2009.
  42. ^"St Columba's Hospice, Palliative Care in Edinburgh".stcolumbashospice.org.uk.Archivedfrom the original on 29 July 2021.Retrieved26 September2021.
  43. ^Moore, T.M. (23 August 2014)."Helper of Workers".The Fellowship of Ailbe.Archivedfrom the original on 12 June 2018.Retrieved10 June2018.
  44. ^Clancy & Gilbert 1995,p. 73.
  45. ^Wesseling, Margaret (1988). "Structure and Image in the" Altus Prosator ": Columba's Symmetrical Universe".Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium.8:46–57.JSTOR20557197.
  46. ^"The Calendar".The Church of England.Archivedfrom the original on 9 March 2021.Retrieved27 March2021.
  47. ^Lesser Feasts and Fasts 2018.Church Publishing, Inc. 17 December 2019.ISBN978-1-64065-235-4.
  48. ^Church of St. Columba, Manor Park, Ottawa
  49. ^St. Columba Anglican Church, Tofino, BC
  50. ^St. Columba's Episcopal Church, Washington, D.C.
  51. ^St. Columba's Presbyterian Church, Peppermint Grove, Washington
  52. ^"Saint-Columba, Phoenix – Parishes – Presbyterian Church of Mauritius".
  53. ^"History".Saint Columba Cathedral.Archivedfrom the original on 23 May 2019.Retrieved23 May2019.
  54. ^"Catholic Heritage".Iona College.Archivedfrom the original on 23 May 2019.Retrieved23 May2019.
  55. ^"History and the Presentation Sisters".Iona Presentation College.Archivedfrom the original on 23 May 2019.Retrieved23 May2019.
  56. ^"Welcome to Iona College Geelong".Iona College Geelong.2 January 2019.Archivedfrom the original on 23 May 2019.Retrieved23 May2019.
  57. ^St Colmcille's Pipe Band, TullamoreonFacebook
  58. ^"colmcillepipeband.com".colmcillepipeband.com. Archived fromthe originalon 17 May 2014.Retrieved12 May2014.
  59. ^"stcolumcille.com".stcolumcille.com.Archivedfrom the original on 8 August 2014.Retrieved12 May2014.
  60. ^"capecodpipesanddrums.com".capecodpipesanddrums.com.Archivedfrom the original on 17 May 2014.Retrieved12 May2014.
  61. ^"About School".St. Columba's School, New Delhi.Archivedfrom the original on 23 May 2019.Retrieved23 May2019.
  62. ^"munichgaa.de".munichgaa.de.Archivedfrom the original on 14 February 2014.Retrieved12 May2014.
  63. ^"Why June 9".International Day of Celtic Art.Archivedfrom the original on 23 May 2019.Retrieved23 May2019.
  64. ^Spicer, Paul."A Hymn of St Columba"(PDF).Britten Choral Guide.Boosey & Hawkes.pp. 8–9.Archived(PDF)from the original on 8 November 2020.Retrieved13 November2019.
  65. ^The Monymusk ReliquaryArchived2014-07-14 at theWayback Machineat the National Museum of Scotland
  66. ^Gillespie 2016,p. 133.



Further reading

New creation Abbot of Iona
died 597
Succeeded by