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State observer

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Incontrol theory,astate observerorstate estimatoris a system that provides anestimateof theinternal stateof a given real system, from measurements of theinputand output of the real system. It is typically computer-implemented, and provides the basis of many practical applications.

Knowing the system state is necessary to solve manycontrol theoryproblems; for example, stabilizing a system usingstate feedback.In most practical cases, the physical state of the system cannot be determined by direct observation. Instead, indirect effects of the internal state are observed by way of the system outputs. A simple example is that of vehicles in a tunnel: the rates and velocities at which vehicles enter and leave the tunnel can be observed directly, but the exact state inside the tunnel can only be estimated. If a system isobservable,it is possible to fully reconstruct the system state from its output measurements using the state observer.

Typical observer model

Block diagram of Luenberger Observer. Input of observer gain L is.

Linear, delayed, sliding mode, high gain, Tau, homogeneity-based, extended and cubic observers are among several observer structures used for state estimation of linear and nonlinear systems. A linear observer structure is described in the following sections.

Discrete-time case


The state of a linear, time-invariant discrete-time system is assumed to satisfy

where, at time,is the plant's state;is its inputs; andis its outputs. These equations simply say that the plant's current outputs and its future state are both determined solely by its current states and the current inputs. (Although these equations are expressed in terms ofdiscretetime steps, very similar equations hold forcontinuoussystems). If this system isobservablethen the output of the plant,,can be used to steer the state of the state observer.

The observer model of the physical system is then typically derived from the above equations. Additional terms may be included in order to ensure that, on receiving successive measured values of the plant's inputs and outputs, the model's state converges to that of the plant. In particular, the output of the observer may be subtracted from the output of the plant and then multiplied by a matrix;this is then added to the equations for the state of the observer to produce a so-calledLuenbergerobserver,defined by the equations below. Note that the variables of a state observer are commonly denoted by a "hat":andto distinguish them from the variables of the equations satisfied by the physical system.

The observer is called asymptotically stable if the observer errorconverges to zero when.For a Luenberger observer, the observer error satisfies.The Luenberger observer for this discrete-time system is therefore asymptotically stable when the matrixhas all the eigenvalues inside the unit circle.

For control purposes the output of the observer system is fed back to the input of both the observer and the plant through the gains matrix.

The observer equations then become:

or, more simply,

Due to theseparation principlewe know that we can chooseandindependently without harm to the overall stability of the systems. As a rule of thumb, the poles of the observerare usually chosen to converge 10 times faster than the poles of the system.

Continuous-time case


The previous example was for an observer implemented in a discrete-time LTI system. However, the process is similar for the continuous-time case; the observer gainsare chosen to make the continuous-time error dynamics converge to zero asymptotically (i.e., whenis aHurwitz matrix).

For a continuous-time linear system

where,the observer looks similar to discrete-time case described above:


The observer errorsatisfies the equation


The eigenvalues of the matrixcan be chosen arbitrarily by appropriate choice of the observer gainwhen the pairis observable, i.e.observabilitycondition holds. In particular, it can be made Hurwitz, so the observer errorwhen.

Peaking and other observer methods


When the observer gainis high, the linear Luenberger observer converges to the system states very quickly. However, high observer gain leads to a peaking phenomenon in which initial estimator error can be prohibitively large (i.e., impractical or unsafe to use).[1]As a consequence, nonlinear high-gain observer methods are available that converge quickly without the peaking phenomenon. For example,sliding mode controlcan be used to design an observer that brings one estimated state's error to zero in finite time even in the presence of measurement error; the other states have error that behaves similarly to the error in a Luenberger observer after peaking has subsided. Sliding mode observers also have attractive noise resilience properties that are similar to aKalman filter.[2][3] Another approach is to apply multi observer, that significantly improves transients and reduces observer overshoot. Multi-observer can be adapted to every system where high-gain observer is applicable.[4]

State observers for nonlinear systems


High gain, sliding mode and extended observers are the most common observers for nonlinear systems. To illustrate the application of sliding mode observers for nonlinear systems, first consider the no-input non-linear system:

where.Also assume that there is a measurable outputgiven by

There are several non-approximate approaches for designing an observer. The two observers given below also apply to the case when the system has an input. That is,

Linearizable error dynamics


One suggestion by Krener and Isidori[5]and Krener and Respondek[6]can be applied in a situation when there exists a linearizing transformation (i.e., adiffeomorphism,like the one used infeedback linearization)such that in new variables the system equations read

The Luenberger observer is then designed as


The observer error for the transformed variablesatisfies the same equation as in classical linear case.


As shown by Gauthier, Hammouri, and Othman[7] and Hammouri and Kinnaert,[8]if there exists transformationsuch that the system can be transformed into the form

then the observer is designed as


whereis a time-varying observer gain.

Ciccarella, Dalla Mora, and Germani[9]obtained more advanced and general results, removing the need for a nonlinear transform and proving global asymptotic convergence of the estimated state to the true state using only simple assumptions on regularity.

Switched observers


As discussed for the linear case above, the peaking phenomenon present in Luenberger observers justifies the use of switched observers. A switched observer encompasses a relay or binary switch that acts upon detecting minute changes in the measured output. Some common types of switched observers include the sliding mode observer, nonlinear extended state observer,[10]fixed time observer,[11]switched high gain observer[12]and uniting observer.[13]Thesliding mode observeruses non-linear high-gain feedback to drive estimated states to ahypersurfacewhere there is no difference between the estimated output and the measured output. The non-linear gain used in the observer is typically implemented with a scaled switching function, like thesignum(i.e., sgn) of the estimated – measured output error. Hence, due to this high-gain feedback, the vector field of the observer has a crease in it so that observer trajectoriesslide alonga curve where the estimated output matches the measured output exactly. So, if the system isobservablefrom its output, the observer states will all be driven to the actual system states. Additionally, by using the sign of the error to drive the sliding mode observer, the observer trajectories become insensitive to many forms of noise. Hence, some sliding mode observers have attractive properties similar to theKalman filterbut with simpler implementation.[2][3]

As suggested by Drakunov,[14]asliding mode observercan also be designed for a class of non-linear systems. Such an observer can be written in terms of original variable estimateand has the form


  • Thevector extends the scalarsignum functiontodimensions. That is,
    for the vector.
  • The vectorhas components that are the output functionand its repeated Lie derivatives. In particular,
    whereis theithLie derivativeof output functionalong the vector field(i.e., alongtrajectories of the non-linear system). In the special case where the system has no input or has arelative degreeofn,is a collection of the outputand itsderivatives. Because the inverse of theJacobian linearizationofmust exist for this observer to be well defined, the transformationis guaranteed to be a localdiffeomorphism.
  • Thediagonal matrixof gains is such that
    where, for each,elementand suitably large to ensure reachability of the sliding mode.
  • The observer vectoris such that
    wherehere is the normalsignum functiondefined for scalars, anddenotes an "equivalent value operator" of a discontinuous function in sliding mode.

The idea can be briefly explained as follows. According to the theory of sliding modes, in order to describe the system behavior, once sliding mode starts, the functionshould be replaced by equivalent values (seeequivalent controlin the theory ofsliding modes). In practice, it switches (chatters) with high frequency with slow component being equal to the equivalent value. Applying appropriate lowpass filter to get rid of the high frequency component on can obtain the value of the equivalent control, which contains more information about the state of the estimated system. The observer described above uses this method several times to obtain the state of the nonlinear system ideally in finite time.

The modified observation error can be written in the transformed states.In particular,

and so


  1. As long as,the first row of the error dynamics,,will meet sufficient conditions to enter thesliding mode in finite time.
  2. Along thesurface, the correspondingequivalent control will be equal to,and so.Hence, so long as,the second row of the error dynamics,,will enter thesliding mode in finite time.
  3. Along thesurface, the correspondingequivalent control will be equal to.Hence, so long as,thethrow of the error dynamics,,will enter thesliding mode in finite time.

So, for sufficiently largegains, all observer estimated states reach the actual states in finite time. In fact, increasingallows for convergence in any desired finite time so long as eachfunction can be bounded with certainty. Hence, the requirement that the mapis adiffeomorphism(i.e., that itsJacobian linearizationis invertible) asserts that convergence of the estimated output implies convergence of the estimated state. That is, the requirement is an observability condition.

In the case of the sliding mode observer for the system with the input, additional conditions are needed for the observation error to be independent of the input. For example, that

does not depend on time. The observer is then



Multi-observer extends the high-gain observer structure from single to multi observer, with many models working simultaneously. This has two layers: the first consists of multiple high-gain observers with different estimation states, and the second determines the importance weights of the first layer observers. The algorithm is simple to implement and does not contain any risky operations like differentiation.[4]The idea of multiple models was previously applied to obtain information in adaptive control.[15]

Assuming that the number of high-gain observers equals,

whereis the observer index. The first layer observers consists of the same gainbut they differ with the initial state.In the second layer allfromobservers are combined into one to obtain single state vector estimation

whereare weight factors. These factors are changed to provide the estimation in the second layer and to improve the observation process.

Let assume that


whereis some vector that depends onobserver error.

Some transformation yields to linear regression problem

This formula gives possibility to estimate.To construct manifold we need mappingbetweenand ensurance thatis calculable relying on measurable signals. First thing is to eliminate parking phenomenon forfrom observer error


Calculatetimes derivative onto find mapping m lead todefined as

whereis some time constant. Note thatrelays on bothand its integrals hence it is easily available in the control system. Furtheris specified by estimation law; and thus it proves that manifold is measurable. In the second layerforis introduced as estimates ofcoefficients. The mapping error is specified as

where.If coefficientsare equal to,then mapping errorNow it is possible to calculatefrom above equation and hence the peaking phenomenon is reduced thanks to properties of manifold. The created mapping gives a lot of flexibility in the estimation process. Even it is possible to estimate the value ofin the second layer and to calculate the state.[4]

Bounding observers


Bounding[16]or interval observers[17][18]constitute a class of observers that provide two estimations of the state simultaneously: one of the estimations provides an upper bound on the real value of the state, whereas the second one provides a lower bound. The real value of the state is then known to be always within these two estimations.

These bounds are very important in practical applications,[19][20]as they make possible to know at each time the precision of the estimation.

Mathematically, two Luenberger observers can be used, ifis properly selected, using, for example,positive systemsproperties:[21]one for the upper bound(that ensures thatconverges to zero from above when,in the absence of noise anduncertainty), and a lower bound(that ensures thatconverges to zero from below). That is, always

See also



In-line references
  1. ^Khalil, H.K.(2002),Nonlinear Systems(3rd ed.), Upper Saddle River, NJ:Prentice Hall,ISBN978-0-13-067389-3
  2. ^abUtkin, Vadim; Guldner, Jürgen; Shi, Jingxin (1999),Sliding Mode Control in Electromechanical Systems,Philadelphia, PA: Taylor & Francis, Inc.,ISBN978-0-7484-0116-1
  3. ^abDrakunov, S.V. (1983), "An adaptive quasioptimal filter with discontinuous parameters",Automation and Remote Control,44(9): 1167–1175
  4. ^abcBernat, J.; Stepien, S. (2015), "Multi modelling as new estimation schema for High Gain Observers",International Journal of Control,88(6): 1209–1222,Bibcode:2015IJC....88.1209B,doi:10.1080/00207179.2014.1000380,S2CID8599596
  5. ^Krener, A.J.; Isidori, Alberto (1983), "Linearization by output injection and nonlinear observers",System and Control Letters,3:47–52,doi:10.1016/0167-6911(83)90037-3
  6. ^Krener, A.J.; Respondek, W. (1985), "Nonlinear observers with linearizable error dynamics",SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization,23(2): 197–216,doi:10.1137/0323016
  7. ^Gauthier, J.P.; Hammouri, H.; Othman, S. (1992), "A simple observer for nonlinear systems applications to bioreactors",IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,37(6): 875–880,doi:10.1109/9.256352
  8. ^Hammouri, H.; Kinnaert, M. (1996), "A New Procedure for Time-Varying Linearization up to Output Injection",System and Control Letters,28(3): 151–157,doi:10.1016/0167-6911(96)00022-9
  9. ^Ciccarella, G.; Dalla Mora, M.; Germani, A. (1993), "A Luenberger-like observer for nonlinear systems",International Journal of Control,57(3): 537–556,doi:10.1080/00207179308934406
  10. ^Guo, Bao-Zhu; Zhao, Zhi-Liang (January 2011)."Extended State Observer for Nonlinear Systems with Uncertainty".IFAC Proceedings Volumes.44(1).International Federation of Automatic Control:1855–1860.doi:10.3182/20110828-6-IT-1002.00399.Retrieved8 August2023.
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  12. ^Kumar, Sunil; Kumar Pal, Anil; Kamal, Shyam; Xiong, Xiaogang (19 May 2023)."Design of switched high-gain observer for nonlinear systems".International Journal of Systems Science.54(7).Science Publishing Group:1471–1483.Bibcode:2023IJSS...54.1471K.doi:10.1080/00207721.2023.2178863.S2CID257145897.Retrieved8 August2023.
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  14. ^Drakunov, S.V. (1992)."Sliding-mode observers based on equivalent control method".[1992] Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.pp.2368–2370.doi:10.1109/CDC.1992.371368.ISBN978-0-7803-0872-5.S2CID120072463.
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  16. ^Combastel, C. (2003)."A state bounding observer based on zonotopes"(PDF).2003 European Control Conference (ECC).pp. 2589–2594.doi:10.23919/ECC.2003.7085991.ISBN978-3-9524173-7-9.S2CID13790057.
  17. ^Rami, M. Ait; Cheng, C. H.; De Prada, C. (2008)."Tight robust interval observers: An LP approach"(PDF).2008 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.pp. 2967–2972.doi:10.1109/CDC.2008.4739280.ISBN978-1-4244-3123-6.S2CID288928.
  18. ^Efimov, D.; Raïssi, T. (2016)."Design of interval observers for uncertain dynamical systems".Automation and Remote Control.77(2): 191–225.doi:10.1134/S0005117916020016.hdl:20.500.12210/25069.S2CID49322177.
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  20. ^Hadj-Sadok, M.Z.; Gouzé, J.L. (2001). "Estimation of uncertain models of activated sludge processes with interval observers".Journal of Process Control.11(3): 299–310.doi:10.1016/S0959-1524(99)00074-8.
  21. ^Rami, Mustapha Ait; Tadeo, Fernando; Helmke, Uwe (2011). "Positive observers for linear positive systems, and their implications".International Journal of Control.84(4): 716–725.Bibcode:2011IJC....84..716A.doi:10.1080/00207179.2011.573000.S2CID21211012.
General references