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Nhật bổn quốc(Japanese)
Quân が đại( "Kimigayo")
"His Imperial Majesty's Reign"
State Seal:
Đại nhật bổn quốc tỉ(Dai Nihon Kokuji)
"National Seal of Greater Japan"
Seal of the State of Japan
Projection of Asia with Japan's Area colored green
Location of Japan
and largest city
35°41′N139°46′E/ 35.683°N 139.767°E/35.683; 139.767
Recognised national languagesJapanese(de facto)
Recognised regional languagesAinu[1][2]
Unrecognized regional languages
Ryukyuan languages
GovernmentUnitaryparliamentary constitutional monarchy
Shigeru Ishiba
LegislatureNational Diet
House of Councillors
House of Representatives
November 29, 1890
May 3, 1947
• Total
377,975 km2(145,937 sq mi)[4](62nd)
• Water (%)
• March 1, 2024 estimate
Neutral decrease123,970,000[5](11th)
• 2020 census
Neutral decrease126,146,099[6]
• Density
330/km2(854.7/sq mi) (44th)
GDP(PPP)2024 estimate
• Total
Increase$6.721 trillion[7](4th)
• Per capita
GDP(nominal)2024 estimate
• Total
Decrease$4.110 trillion[7](4th)
• Per capita
Gini(2018)Positive decrease33.4[8]
medium inequality
very high(24th)
CurrencyJapanese yen(¥)
Time zoneUTC+09:00(JST)
Drives onleft
Calling code+81
ISO 3166 codeJP
Internet TLD.jp

Japan[a]is anisland countryinEast Asia.It is located in thePacific Oceanoff the northeast coast of theAsian mainland,and is bordered on the west by theSea of Japanand extends from theSea of Okhotskin the north to theEast China Seain the south. TheJapanese archipelagoconsists of four major islands—Hokkaido,Honshu,Shikoku,andKyushu—andthousands of smaller islands,covering 377,975 square kilometres (145,937 sq mi). Japan has a population of nearly 124 million as of 2024, and is theeleventh-most populous country.Its capitalandlargest cityisTokyo;theGreater Tokyo Areais thelargest metropolitan areain the world, with more than 38 million inhabitants as of 2016. Japan is divided into 47administrative prefecturesandeight traditional regions.About three-quarters ofthe country's terrainis mountainous and heavily forested, concentratingits agricultureandhighly urbanized populationalong its easterncoastal plains.The country sits on the PacificRing of Fire,making its islands prone to destructiveearthquakesandtsunamis.

The first known habitation of the archipelago dates to theUpper Paleolithic,with the beginningJapanese Paleolithicdating toc. 36,000 BC.Between the fourth and sixth centuries, its kingdoms were united underan emperorinNara,and laterHeian-kyō.From the 12th century, actual power was held by military dictators (shōgun) and feudal lords (daimyō), and enforced by warrior nobility (samurai). After rule by theKamakuraandAshikaga shogunatesanda century of warring states,Japan was unified in 1600 by theTokugawa shogunate,which implementedan isolationist foreign policy.In 1853,a United States fleetforced Japan toopen trade to the West,which led to theend of the shogunateand therestoration of imperial powerin 1868. In theMeiji period,theEmpire of Japanpursued rapidindustrializationandmodernization,as well asmilitarismandoverseas colonization.In 1937, Japaninvaded China,and in 1941attacked the United Statesand European colonial powers, enteringWorld War IIas anAxis power.After suffering defeat in thePacific Warandtwo atomic bombings,Japansurrenderedin 1945 andcame under Allied occupation.After the war, the country underwentrapid economic growth,althoughits economy has stagnated since 1990.

Japan is aconstitutional monarchywith abicamerallegislature, theNational Diet.Agreat powerand the only Asian member of theG7,Japan has constitutionallyrenounced its right to declare war,but maintainsone of the world's strongest militaries.Ahighly developed countrywith one of the world'slargest economies,Japan is a global leader inscience and technologyand theautomotive,robotics,andelectronics industries.It has one of the world'shighest life expectancies,though it is undergoinga population decline.Japan's cultureis well known around the world, includingits art,cuisine,film,music,andpopular culture,which includes prominentcomics,animation,andvideo gameindustries.


The name for Japan inJapaneseis written using thekanjiNhật bổnand is pronouncedNihonorNippon.[11]BeforeNhật bổnwas adopted in the early 8th century, the country was known in China asWa(Uy,changed in Japan around 757 toHòa) and in Japan by theendonymYamato.[12]Nippon,the originalSino-Japanese readingof the characters, is favored for official uses, including onJapanese banknotesand postage stamps.[11]Nihonis typically used in everyday speech and reflects shifts inJapanese phonologyduring theEdo period.[12]The charactersNhật bổnmean "sun origin",[11]which is the source of the popular Westernepithet"Land of the Rising Sun".[13]

The name "Japan" is based onMinorWu Chinesepronunciations ofNhật bổnand was introduced to European languages through early trade.[14]In the 13th century,Marco Polorecorded theEarly MandarinChinese pronunciation of the charactersNhật bổn quốcasCipangu.[15]The oldMalayname for Japan,JapangorJapun,was borrowed from a southern coastal Chinese dialect and encountered byPortuguesetraders inSoutheast Asia,who brought the word to Europe in the early 16th century.[16]The first version of the name in English appears in a book published in 1577, which spelled the name asGiapanin a translation of a 1565 Portuguese letter.[17][14]


Prehistoric to classical history

LegendaryEmperor Jimmu(Thần võ thiên hoàng,Jinmu-tennō)

Modern humans arrived in Japan around 38,000 years ago (~36,000 BC), marking the beginning of theJapanese Paleolithic.[18]This was followed from around 14,500 BC (the start of theJōmon period) by aMesolithictoNeolithicsemi-sedentaryhunter-gathererculture characterized bypit dwellingand rudimentary agriculture.[19]Clay vesselsfrom the period are among the oldest surviving examples of pottery.[20]TheJaponic-speakingYayoi peopleentered the archipelago from the Korean Peninsula,[21][22][23]intermingling with theJōmon;[23]theYayoi periodsaw the introduction of practices includingwet-rice farming,[24]a newstyle of pottery,[25]and metallurgy from China and Korea.[26]According to legend,Emperor Jimmu(descendant ofAmaterasu) foundeda kingdomin central Japan in 660 BC, beginninga continuous imperial line.[27]

Japan first appears in written history in the ChineseBook of Han,completed in 111 AD.Buddhismwas introduced to Japan fromBaekje(a Korean kingdom) in 552, but the development ofJapanese Buddhismwas primarily influenced by China.[28]Despite early resistance, Buddhism was promoted by the ruling class, including figures likePrince Shōtoku,and gained widespread acceptance beginning in theAsuka period(592–710).[29]

In 645, the government led byPrince Naka no ŌeandFujiwara no Kamataridevised and implemented the far-reachingTaika Reforms.The Reform began with land reform, based on Confucian ideas andphilosophiesfromChina.[30]It nationalized all land in Japan, to bedistributed equallyamong cultivators, and ordered the compilation of a household registry as the basis for a new system of taxation.[31]The true aim of the reforms was to bring about greater centralization and to enhance the power of the imperial court, which was also based on the governmental structure of China. Envoys and students were dispatched to China to learn about Chinese writing, politics, art, and religion.[30]TheJinshin Warof 672, a bloody conflict betweenPrince Ōamaand his nephewPrince Ōtomo,became a major catalyst for further administrative reforms.[32]These reforms culminated with the promulgation of theTaihō Code,which consolidated existing statutes and established the structure of the central and subordinate local governments.[31]These legal reforms created theritsuryōstate, a system of Chinese-style centralized government that remained in place for half a millennium.[32]

TheNara period(710–784) marked the emergence of a Japanese state centered on the Imperial Court inHeijō-kyō(modernNara). The period is characterized by the appearance of a nascentliterary culturewith the completion of theKojiki(712) andNihon Shoki(720), as well as the development of Buddhist-inspired artwork andarchitecture.[33][34]Asmallpox epidemic in 735–737is believed to have killed as much as one-third of Japan's population.[34][35]In 784,Emperor Kanmumoved the capital, settling onHeian-kyō(modern-dayKyoto) in 794.[34]This marked the beginning of theHeian period(794–1185), during which a distinctly indigenous Japanese culture emerged.Murasaki Shikibu'sThe Tale of Genjiand the lyrics of Japan's national anthem"Kimigayo"were written during this time.[36]

Feudal era

Japanesesamuraiboarding a Mongol vessel during theMongol invasions of Japan,depicted in theMōko Shūrai Ekotoba,1293
Three unifiers of Japan. Left to right:Oda Nobunaga,Toyotomi HideyoshiandTokugawa Ieyasu.

Japan's feudal era was characterized by the emergence and dominance of a ruling class of warriors, thesamurai.[37]In 1185, following the defeat of theTaira clanby theMinamoto clanin theGenpei War,samuraiMinamoto no Yoritomoestablished amilitary governmentatKamakura.[38]After Yoritomo's death, theHōjō clancame to power as regents for theshōgun.[34]TheZenschool of Buddhism was introduced from China in theKamakura period(1185–1333) and became popular among the samurai class.[39]TheKamakura shogunaterepelledMongol invasionsin 1274 and 1281 but was eventuallyoverthrownbyEmperor Go-Daigo.[34]Go-Daigo was defeated byAshikaga Takaujiin 1336, beginning theMuromachi period(1336–1573).[40]The succeedingAshikaga shogunatefailed to control the feudal warlords (daimyō) and acivil war began in 1467,opening the century-longSengoku period( "Warring States" ).[41]

During the 16th century, Portuguese traders andJesuitmissionaries reached Japan for the first time, initiating directcommercialandculturalexchange between Japan and the West.[34][42]Oda Nobunagaused European technology and firearms to conquer many otherdaimyō;[43]his consolidation of power began what was known as theAzuchi–Momoyama period.[44]Afterthe death of Nobunagain 1582, his successor,Toyotomi Hideyoshi,unified the nation in the early 1590s and launchedtwo unsuccessful invasions of Korea in 1592 and 1597.[34]

Tokugawa Ieyasuserved asregentfor Hideyoshi's sonToyotomi Hideyoriand used his position to gain political and military support.[45]When open war broke out, Ieyasu defeated rival clans in theBattle of Sekigaharain 1600. He was appointedshōgunbyEmperor Go-Yōzeiin 1603 and established theTokugawa shogunateatEdo(modern Tokyo).[46]The shogunate enacted measures includingbuke shohatto,as a code of conduct to control the autonomousdaimyō,[47]and in 1639 the isolationistsakoku( "closed country" ) policy that spanned the two and a half centuries of tenuous political unity known as theEdo period(1603–1868).[46][48]Modern Japan's economic growth began in this period, resulting inroadsand water transportation routes, as well as financial instruments such asfutures contracts,banking and insurance of theOsaka rice brokers.[49]The study of Western sciences (rangaku) continued through contact with the Dutch enclave inNagasaki.[46]The Edo period gave rise tokokugaku( "national studies" ), the study of Japan by the Japanese.[50]

Modern era

Emperor Meiji(Minh trị thiên hoàng,Meiji-tennō);1852–1912
TheJapanese Empireand its influence, 1942

TheUnited States Navysent CommodoreMatthew C. Perryto force the opening of Japan to the outside world. Arriving atUragawith four "Black Ships"in July 1853, thePerry Expeditionresulted in the March 1854Convention of Kanagawa.[46]Subsequent similar treaties with other Western countries brought economic and political crises.[46]The resignation of theshōgunled to theBoshin Warand the establishment of acentralized statenominally unified under the emperor (theMeiji Restoration).[51]Adopting Western political, judicial, and military institutions, theCabinetorganized thePrivy Council,introduced theMeiji Constitution(November 29, 1890), and assembled theImperial Diet.[52]During theMeiji period(1868–1912), theEmpire of Japanemerged as the most developed state inAsiaand as an industrialized world power that pursued military conflict to expand its sphere of influence.[53][54][55]After victories in theFirst Sino-Japanese War(1894–1895) and theRusso-Japanese War(1904–1905), Japan gained control of Taiwan, Korea and the southern half ofSakhalin,[56][52]and annexed Korea in 1910.[57]The Japanese population doubled from 35 million in 1873 to 70 million by 1935, with a significant shift to urbanization.[58][59]

The early 20th century saw a period ofTaishō democracy(1912–1926) overshadowed by increasingexpansionismandmilitarization.[60][61]World War Iallowed Japan, which joined the side of the victoriousAllies,to captureGerman possessionsin thePacificand China in1920.[61]The 1920s saw a political shift towardsstatism,a period of lawlessness following the 1923Great Tokyo Earthquake,the passing oflaws against political dissent,and a series ofattempted coups.[59][62][63]This process accelerated during the 1930s, spawning several radical nationalist groups that shared a hostility to liberal democracy and a dedication to expansion in Asia.[64]In 1931, Japaninvaded China and occupied Manchuria,which led to the establishment ofpuppet stateofManchukuoin 1932; followinginternational condemnation of the occupation,it resigned from theLeague of Nationsin 1933.[65]In 1936, Japan signed theAnti-Comintern PactwithNazi Germany;the 1940Tripartite Pactmade it one of theAxis powers.[59]

Japan's imperial ambitions ended on September 2, 1945, with the country's surrender to the Allies.

The Empire of Japan invaded other parts of China in 1937, precipitating theSecond Sino-Japanese War(1937–1945).[66]In 1940, the Empireinvaded French Indochina,after which the United States placed an oil embargo on Japan.[59][67]On December 7–8, 1941, Japanese forces carried out surpriseattacks on Pearl Harbor,as well as on British forces inMalaya,Singapore,andHong Kong,among others, beginningWorld War II in the Pacific.[68]Throughout areas occupied by Japan during the war, numerous abuses were committed against local inhabitants, with many forced intosexual slavery.[69]AfterAlliedvictories during the next four years, which culminated in theSoviet invasion of Manchuriaand theatomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasakiin 1945, Japan agreed toan unconditional surrender.[70]The war cost Japan millions of lives andits colonies,includingde jureparts of Japan such asKorea,Taiwan,Karafuto,and theKurils.[59]The Allies (led by the United States) repatriated millions ofJapanese settlersfrom their former colonies and military camps throughout Asia, largely eliminating theJapanese Empireand its influence over the territories it conquered.[71][72]The Allies convened theInternational Military Tribunal for the Far Eastto prosecute Japanese leaders except the Emperor[73]forwar crimes.[72]

In 1947, Japan adopteda new constitutionemphasizing liberal democratic practices.[72]TheAllied occupationended with theTreaty of San Franciscoin 1952,[74]and Japan was granted membership in theUnited Nationsin 1956.[72]A period of record growthpropelled Japan to become thesecond-largest economyin the world;[72]this ended in the mid-1990s after the popping ofan asset price bubble,beginning the "Lost Decade".[75]In 2011, Japan suffered one of the largest earthquakes in its recorded history - theTōhoku earthquake- triggering theFukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster.[76]On May 1, 2019, after the historicabdication of Emperor Akihito,his sonNaruhitobecame Emperor, beginning theReiwaera.[77]


A topographic map of Japan

Japan comprises14,125 islandsextending along the Pacific coast of Asia.[78]It stretches over 3000 km (1900 mi) northeast–southwest from theSea of Okhotskto theEast China Sea.[79][80]The country's five main islands, from north to south, areHokkaido,Honshu,Shikoku,KyushuandOkinawa.[81]TheRyukyu Islands,which include Okinawa, are a chain to the south of Kyushu. TheNanpō Islandsare south and east of the main islands of Japan. Together they are often known as theJapanese archipelago.[82]As of 2019,Japan's territory is 377,975.24 km2(145,937.06 sq mi).[4]Japan has thesixth-longest coastlinein the world at 29,751 km (18,486 mi). Because of its far-flung outlying islands,Japan's exclusive economic zoneis theeighth-largestin the world, covering 4,470,000 km2(1,730,000 sq mi).[83][84]

The Japanese archipelago is 67%forestsand 14%agricultural.[85]The primarily rugged and mountainous terrain is restricted for habitation.[86]Thus the habitable zones, mainly in the coastal areas, have very high population densities: Japan is the 40thmost densely populated countryeven without considering that local concentration.[87][88]Honshu has the highest population density at 450 persons/km2(1200/sq mi) as of 2010,while Hokkaido has the lowest density of 64.5 persons/km2as of 2016.[89]As of 2014,approximately 0.5% of Japan's total area isreclaimed land(umetatechi).[90]Lake Biwais anancient lakeand the country's largest freshwater lake.[91]

Japan is substantially prone toearthquakes,tsunamiandvolcanic eruptionsbecause of its location along the Pacific Ring of Fire.[92]It has the17th highest natural disaster riskas measured in the 2016 World Risk Index.[93]Japan has 111 active volcanoes.[94]Destructive earthquakes, often resulting in tsunami, occur several times each century;[95]the1923 Tokyo earthquakekilled over 140,000 people.[96]More recent major quakes are the 1995Great Hanshin earthquakeand the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake, which triggered a large tsunami.[76]


Mount Fujiin Spring, view fromArakurayama Sengen Park

The climate of Japan is predominantly temperate but varies greatly from north to south. The northernmost region, Hokkaido, has ahumid continental climatewith long, cold winters and very warm to cool summers.Precipitationis not heavy, but the islands usually develop deep snowbanks in the winter.[97]

In theSea of Japanregion on Honshu's west coast, northwest winter winds bring heavy snowfall during winter. In the summer, the region sometimes experiences extremely hot temperatures because of theFoehn.[98]TheCentral Highlandhas a typical inland humid continental climate, with large temperature differences between summer and winter. The mountains of theChūgokuand Shikoku regions shelter theSeto Inland Seafrom seasonal winds, bringing mild weather year-round.[97]

The Pacific coast features ahumid subtropicalclimate that experiences milder winters with occasional snowfall and hot, humid summers because of the southeast seasonal wind. The Ryukyu and Nanpō Islands have asubtropical climate,with warm winters and hot summers. Precipitation is very heavy, especially during the rainy season.[97]The mainrainy seasonbegins in early May in Okinawa, and the rain front gradually moves north. In late summer and early autumn,typhoonsoften bring heavy rain.[99]According to the Environment Ministry, heavy rainfall and increasing temperatures have caused problems in the agricultural industry and elsewhere.[100]The highest temperature ever measured in Japan, 41.1 °C (106.0 °F), was recorded on July 23, 2018,[101]and repeated on August 17, 2020.[102]


Japan has nine forestecoregionswhich reflect the climate and geography of the islands. They range fromsubtropical moist broadleaf forestsin the Ryūkyū andBonin Islands,totemperate broadleaf and mixed forestsin the mild climate regions of the main islands, totemperate coniferous forestsin the cold, winter portions of the northern islands.[103]Japan has over 90,000 species of wildlife as of 2019,[104]including thebrown bear,theJapanese macaque,theJapanese raccoon dog,thesmall Japanese field mouse,and theJapanese giant salamander.[105]There are 53Ramsar wetland sitesin Japan.[106]Five siteshave been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List for their outstanding natural value.[107]


Autumnmaple leaves(momiji) atKongōbu-jionMount Kōya,aUNESCOWorld Heritage Site

In the period of rapid economic growth after World War II, environmental policies were downplayed by the government and industrial corporations; as a result,environmental pollutionwas widespread in the 1950s and 1960s. Responding to rising concerns, the government introduced environmental protection laws in 1970.[108]Theoil crisis in 1973also encouraged the efficient use of energy because of Japan's lack of natural resources.[109]

Japan ranks 20th in the 2018Environmental Performance Index,which measures a country's commitment to environmental sustainability.[110]Japan is the world'sfifth-largest emitterofcarbon dioxide.[100]As the host and signatory of the 1997Kyoto Protocol,Japan is under treaty obligation to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions and to take other steps to curb climate change.[111]In 2020, the government of Japan announced a target ofcarbon-neutralityby 2050.[112]Environmental issues include urban air pollution (NOx,suspendedparticulate matter,andtoxics),waste management,watereutrophication,nature conservation,climate change,chemical management and international co-operation for conservation.[113]

Government and politics

Emperor Naruhito,current head of state, andEmpress Masakoparticipated in theImperial Procession by motorcar after the Ceremony of the EnthronementinTokyoon November 10, 2019.

Japan is aunitary stateandconstitutional monarchyin which the power of theEmperoris limited to aceremonial role.[114]Executive power is instead wielded by thePrime Minister of Japanand hisCabinet,whose sovereignty is vested in the Japanese people.[115]Naruhitois the Emperor of Japan, having succeeded his fatherAkihitoupon his accession to theChrysanthemum Thronein 2019.[114]

TheNational Diet Building

Japan's legislative organ is theNational Diet,abicameralparliament.[114]It consists of a lowerHouse of Representativeswith 465 seats, elected by popular vote every four years or when dissolved, and an upperHouse of Councillorswith 245 seats, whose popularly-elected members serve six-year terms.[116]There isuniversal suffragefor adults over 18 years of age,[117]with asecret ballotfor all elected offices.[115]The prime minister as thehead of governmenthas the power to appoint and dismissMinisters of State,and isappointedby the emperor after being designated from among the members of the Diet.[116]Fumio Kishidais Japan's prime minister; he took office after winning the2021 Liberal Democratic Party leadership election.[118]The broadly conservativeLiberal Democratic Partyhas been thedominant partyin the country since the 1950s, often called the1955 System.[119]

Historically influenced byChinese law,the Japanese legal system developed independently during the Edo period through texts such asKujikata Osadamegaki.[120]Since the late 19th century,the judicial systemhas been largely based on thecivil lawof Europe, notably Germany. In 1896, Japan established acivil codebased on the GermanBürgerliches Gesetzbuch,which remains in effect with post–World War II modifications.[121]TheConstitution of Japan,adopted in 1947, is the oldest unamended constitution in the world.[122]Statutory law originates in the legislature, and the constitution requires that the emperor promulgate legislation passed by the Diet without giving him the power to oppose legislation. The main body of Japanese statutory law is called theSix Codes.[120]Japan's court system is divided into four basic tiers: theSupreme Courtand three levels of lower courts.[123]

Administrative divisions

Japan is divided into 47 prefectures, each overseen by an electedgovernorand legislature.[114]In the following table, the prefectures are grouped byregion:[124]

Prefectures of Japan with colored regions
















Foreign relations

Japan is a member of both theG7and theG20.

A member state of the United Nations since 1956, Japan is one of theG4 countriesseeking reform of theSecurity Council.[125]Japan is a member of theG7,APEC,and "ASEAN Plus Three",and is a participant in theEast Asia Summit.[126]It is the world's fifth-largest donor ofofficial development assistance,donating US$9.2 billion in 2014.[127]In 2024, Japan had the fourth-largest diplomatic network in the world.[128]

Japan has close economic and military relations with the United States, with which it maintains asecurity alliance.[129]The United States is a major market for Japanese exports and a major source of Japanese imports, and is committed to defending the country, with military bases in Japan.[129]In 2016, Japan announced the Free and Open Indo-Pacific vision, which frames its regional policies.[130][131]Japan is also a member of theQuadrilateral Security Dialogue( "the Quad" ), a multilateral security dialogue reformed in 2017 aiming to limit Chinese influence in theIndo-Pacificregion, along with the United States, Australia, and India.[132][133]

Japan is engaged in several territorial disputes with its neighbors. Japan contests Russia's control of theSouthern Kuril Islands,which were occupied by the Soviet Union in 1945.[134]South Korea's control of theLiancourt Rocksis acknowledged but not accepted as they are claimed by Japan.[135]Japan has strained relations with China and Taiwan over theSenkaku Islandsand the status ofOkinotorishima.[136]


JMSDFKongō-class destroyer

Japan is the third highest-ranked Asian country in the 2024Global Peace Index.[137]It spent 1.1% of its total GDP onits defence budgetin 2022,[138]and maintained thetenth-largest military budgetin the world in 2022.[139]The country's military (the Japan Self-Defense Forces) is restricted byArticle 9 of the Japanese Constitution,which renounces Japan's right to declare war or use military force in international disputes.[140]The military is governed by theMinistry of Defense,and primarily consists of theJapan Ground Self-Defense Force,theJapan Maritime Self-Defense Force,and theJapan Air Self-Defense Force.Thedeployment of troops to Iraqand Afghanistan marked the first overseas use of Japan's military since World War II.[141]

TheGovernment of Japanhas been making changes to its security policy which include the establishment of theNational Security Council,the adoption of the National Security Strategy, and the development of the National Defense Program Guidelines.[142]In May 2014, Prime MinisterShinzo Abesaid Japan wanted to shed the passiveness it has maintained since the end of World War II and take more responsibility for regional security.[143]In December 2022, Prime MinisterFumio Kishidafurther confirmed this trend, instructing the government to increase spending by 65% until 2027.[144]Recent tensions, particularly with North Korea and China, have reignited the debate over the status of the JSDF and its relation to Japanese society.[145][146]

Law enforcement

The headquarters of theTokyo Metropolitan Police Department

Domestic security in Japan is provided mainly by theprefectural police departments,under the oversight of theNational Police Agency.[147]As the central coordinating body for the Prefectural Police Departments, the National Police Agency is administered by theNational Public Safety Commission.[148]TheSpecial Assault Teamcomprises national-levelcounter-terrorismtactical units that cooperate with territorial-levelAnti-Firearms Squads and Counter-NBC Terrorism Squads.[149]TheJapan Coast Guardguards territorial waters surrounding Japan and uses surveillance and control countermeasures against smuggling, marineenvironmental crime,poaching, piracy, spy ships, unauthorized foreign fishing vessels, and illegal immigration.[150]

TheFirearm and Sword Possession Control Lawstrictly regulates the civilian ownership of guns, swords, and other weaponry.[151][152]According to theUnited Nations Office on Drugs and Crime,among the member states of the UN that report statistics as of 2018,the incidence rates of violent crimes such as murder, abduction, sexual violence, and robbery are very low in Japan.[153][154][155][156]

Human rights

Japan has faced criticism fornot allowing same-sex marriages,despite a majority of Japanese people supporting marriage equality.[157]It is the least developed out of theG7countries in terms of LGBT equality.[158][159]Japan legally prohibits racial and religious discrimination underits constitution.[160]Japan is also a signatory to theInternational Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination,[161]while facing criticism forracial profilingby police.[162][163]Japan is among the few developed countries which still legally retain and activelyallow capital punishment.[164]


Skyscrapers inNakanoshima,Osaka;a majorfinancial centerin Japan

Japan has the world'sfourth-largest economy by nominal GDP,after that of the United States, China and Germany; and thefourth-largest economybyPPP.[165]As of 2021,Japan's labor forceis the world'seighth-largest,consisting of over 68.6 million workers.[83]As of 2022,Japan has alow unemployment rateof around 2.6%.[166]Its poverty rateis the second highest among the G7 countries,[167]and exceeds 15.7% of the population.[168]Japan has the highest ratio of public debt to GDP among advanced economies,[169]witha national debtestimated at 248% relative to GDP as of 2022.[170]TheJapanese yenis the world's third-largestreserve currencyafter the US dollar and the euro.[171]

Japan was the world'sfifth-largest exporterandfourth-largest importerin 2022.[172][173]Its exports amounted to 18.2% of its total GDP in 2021.[174]As of 2022,Japan's main export marketswere China (23.9 percent, including Hong Kong) and the United States (18.5 percent).[175]Its main exportsare motor vehicles, iron and steel products, semiconductors, and auto parts.[83]Japan's main import markets as of 2022were China (21.1 percent), the United States (9.9 percent), and Australia (9.8 percent).[175]Japan's main imports are machinery and equipment, fossil fuels, foodstuffs, chemicals, and raw materials for its industries.[175]

The Japanese variant of capitalism has many distinct features:keiretsuenterprises are influential, andlifetime employmentand seniority-based career advancement are common in theJapanese work environment.[176][177]Japan has a largecooperativesector, with three of the world's ten largest cooperatives, including the largestconsumer cooperativeand the largestagricultural cooperativeas of 2018.[178]Itranks highlyforcompetitivenessandeconomic freedom.Japan ranked sixth in theGlobal Competitiveness Reportin 2019.[179]It attracted 31.9 million international tourists in 2019,[180]and wasranked eleventhin the world in 2019 for inbound tourism.[181]The 2021Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Reportranked Japan first in the world out of 117 countries.[182]Its international tourism receipts in 2019 amounted to $46.1 billion.[181]

Agriculture and fishery

Arice paddyinAizu,Fukushima Prefecture

The Japanese agricultural sector accounts for about 1.2% of the country's total GDP as of 2018.[116]Only 11.5% of Japan's land is suitable for cultivation.[183]Because of this lack of arable land, a system ofterracesis used to farm in small areas.[184]This results in one of the world's highest levels of crop yields per unit area, with an agricultural self-sufficiency rate of about 50% as of 2018.[185]Japan's small agricultural sector is highly subsidized andprotected.[186]There has been a growing concern about farming as farmers are aging with a difficult time finding successors.[187]

Japan ranked seventh in the world intonnage of fish caughtand captured 3,167,610 metric tons of fish in 2016, down from an annual average of 4,000,000 tons over the previous decade.[188]Japan maintains one of the world's largest fishing fleets and accounts for nearly 15% of the global catch,[83]prompting critiques that Japan's fishing is leading to depletion in fish stocks such astuna.[189]Japan has sparked controversy by supporting commercialwhaling.[190]

Industry and services

TheNissan GT-R,asports carmanufactured byNissan.Japan is thethird-largest producer of motor vehiclesin the world.[191]

Japan has a large industrial capacity and is home to some of the "largest and most technologically advanced producers of motor vehicles,machine tools,steel and nonferrous metals, ships,chemical substances,textiles, andprocessed foods".[83]Japan's industrial sector makes up approximately 27.5% of its GDP.[83]The country's manufacturing output is thefourth highestin the world as of 2023.[192]

Japan is in the top three globally for both automobile production[191]and export,[193][194]and is home toToyota,the world'slargest automobile companyby vehicle production. The Japanese shipbuilding industry faces increasing competition from its East Asian neighbors, South Korea and China; a 2020 government initiative identified this sector as a target for increasing exports.[195]

Japan's service sector accounts for about 69.5% of its total economic output as of 2021.[196]Banking,retail,transportation,andtelecommunicationsare all major industries, with companies such as Toyota,Mitsubishi UFJ,-NTT,Aeon,SoftBank,Hitachi,andItochulisted as among the largest in the world.[197][198]

Science and technology

TheJapanese Experiment Module(Kibō) at theInternational Space Station

Relative to gross domestic product, Japan'sresearch and developmentbudget is thesecond highestin the world,[199]with 867,000 researchers sharing a 19-trillion-yen research and development budget as of 2017.[200]The country has produced twenty-twoNobel laureatesin either physics, chemistry or medicine,[201]and threeFields medalists.[202]

Japan leads the world inroboticsproduction and use, supplying 45% of the world's 2020 total;[203]down from 55% in 2017.[204]Japan has the second highest number of researchers in science and technology per capita in the world with 14 per 1000 employees.[205]

Once considered the strongest in the world, theJapanese consumer electronics industryis in a state of decline as regional competition arises in neighboring East Asian countries such as South Korea and China.[206]However,Japan's video game sectorremains a major industry. In 2014, Japan's consumer video game market grossed $9.6 billion, with $5.8 billion coming from mobile gaming.[207]By 2015, Japan had become the world'sfourth-largestPC gamemarket by revenue, behind onlyChina,theUnited States,andSouth Korea.[208]

TheJapan Aerospace Exploration Agencyis Japan's nationalspace agency;it conducts space, planetary, and aviation research, and leads development of rockets and satellites.[209]It is a participant in theInternational Space Station:theJapanese Experiment Module(Kibō) was added to the station duringSpace Shuttleassembly flights in 2008.[210]Thespace probeAkatsukiwas launched in 2010 and achieved orbit around Venus in 2015.[211]Japan's plans inspace explorationinclude building aMoon baseand landing astronauts by 2030.[212]In 2007, it launched lunar explorerSELENE(Selenological and Engineering Explorer) fromTanegashima Space Center.The largest lunar mission since theApollo program,its purpose was to gather data on theMoon's origin and evolution.The explorer entered a lunar orbit on October 4, 2007,[213][214]and was deliberately crashed into the Moon on June 11, 2009.[215]



Japan Airlines,theflag carrierof Japan

Japan has invested heavily in transportation infrastructure since the 1990s.[216]The country has approximately 1,200,000 kilometers (750,000 miles) of roads made up of 1,000,000 kilometers (620,000 miles) of city, town and village roads, 130,000 kilometers (81,000 miles) of prefectural roads, 54,736 kilometers (34,011 miles) of general national highways and 7641 kilometers (4748 miles) ofnational expresswaysas of 2017.[217]

Since privatization in 1987,[218]dozens of Japanese railway companiescompete in regional and local passenger transportation markets; major companies include sevenJRenterprises,Kintetsu,Seibu RailwayandKeio Corporation.The high-speedShinkansen(bullet trains) that connect major cities are known for their safety and punctuality.[219]

There are175 airports in Japanas of 2021.[83]The largest domestic airport,Haneda Airportin Tokyo, was Asia'ssecond-busiest airportin 2019.[220]The Keihin and Hanshin superport hubs are among the largest in the world, at 7.98 and 5.22 millionTEUrespectively as of 2017.[221]


Part of theSeto Hill Windfarm

As of 2019,37.1% of energy in Japan was produced from petroleum, 25.1% from coal, 22.4% from natural gas, 3.5% fromhydropowerand 2.8% fromnuclear power,among other sources. Nuclear power was down from 11.2 percent in 2010.[222]By May 2012 all ofthe country's nuclear power plantshad been taken offline because of ongoing public opposition following theFukushima Daiichi nuclear disasterin March 2011, though government officials continued to try to sway public opinion in favor of returning at least some to service.[223]TheSendai Nuclear Power Plantrestarted in 2015,[224]and since then several other nuclear power plants have been restarted.[225]Japan lacks significant domestic reserves and has a heavy dependence onimported energy.[226]The country has therefore aimed to diversify its sources and maintain high levels of energy efficiency.[227]

Water supply and sanitation

Responsibility for the water and sanitation sector is shared between theMinistry of Health, Labour and Welfare,in charge of water supply for domestic use; theMinistry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism,in charge of water resources development as well as sanitation; theMinistry of the Environment,in charge of ambient water quality and environmental preservation; and theMinistry of Internal Affairs and Communications,in charge of performance benchmarking of utilities.[228]Access to animproved water sourceis universal in Japan. About 98% of the population receives piped water supply from public utilities.[229]


View of Tokyo from the top of theTokyo Skytree.TheGreater Tokyo Areais ranked as themost populous metropolitan areain the world.

Japan has a population of almost 125 million, of whom nearly 122 million are Japanese nationals (2022 estimates).[230]A small population of foreign residents makes up the remainder.[231] Japan is the world'sfastest aging countryand has the highest proportion ofelderly citizensof any country, comprising one-third of its total population;[232]this is the result of apost–World War II baby boom,which was followed by an increase in life expectancy and a decrease inbirth rates.[233]Japan has atotal fertility rateof 1.4, which is below thereplacement rateof 2.1, and is among the world'slowest;[234]it has amedian ageof 48.4, thehighestin the world.[235]As of 2020,over 28.7 percent of the population is over 65, or more than one in four out of the Japanese population.[232]As a growing number of younger Japanese are not marrying or remaining childless,[236][237]Japan's population is expected to drop to around 88 million by 2065.[232]

The changes in demographic structure have created several social issues, particularly a decline in the workforce population and an increase in the cost of social security benefits.[236]The Government of Japan projects that there will be almost one elderly person for each person of working age by 2060.[235]Immigrationand birth incentives are sometimes suggested as a solution to provide younger workers to support the nation's aging population.[238][239]On April 1, 2019, Japan's revised immigration law was enacted, protecting the rights of foreign workers to help reduce labor shortages in certain sectors.[240]

In 2022, 92% of the total Japanese population lived in cities.[241]The capital city, Tokyo, has a population of 13.9 million (2022).[242]It is part of theGreater Tokyo Area,the biggestmetropolitan areain the world with 38,140,000 people (2016).[243]Japan is an ethnically and culturallyhomogeneous society,[244]with theJapanese peopleforming 97.4% of the country's population.[245]Minority ethnic groups in the country include the indigenousAinuandRyukyuan people.[246]Zainichi Koreans,[247]Chinese,[248]Filipinos,[249]Brazilians mostlyof Japanese descent,[250]and Peruvians mostlyof Japanese descentare also among Japan's small minority groups.[251]Burakuminmake up a social minority group.[252]

Largest cities or towns in Japan
Rank Name Prefecture Pop. Rank Name Prefecture Pop.
1 Tokyo Tokyo 9,272,740 11 Hiroshima Hiroshima 1,194,034
2 Yokohama Kanagawa 3,724,844 12 Sendai Miyagi 1,082,159
3 Osaka Osaka 2,691,185 13 Chiba Chiba 971,882
4 Nagoya Aichi 2,295,638 14 Kitakyushu Fukuoka 961,286
5 Sapporo Hokkaido 1,952,356 15 Sakai Osaka 839,310
6 Fukuoka Fukuoka 1,538,681 16 Niigata Niigata 810,157
7 Kobe Hyōgo 1,537,272 17 Hamamatsu Shizuoka 797,980
8 Kawasaki Kanagawa 1,475,213 18 Kumamoto Kumamoto 740,822
9 Kyoto Kyoto 1,475,183 19 Sagamihara Kanagawa 720,780
10 Saitama Saitama 1,263,979 20 Okayama Okayama 719,474



TheJapanese languageis Japan'sde factonational language and the primary written and spoken language of most people in the country.[253]Japanese writinguseskanji(Chinese characters) and two sets ofkana(syllabariesbased oncursive scriptandradicalsused by kanji), as well as theLatin alphabetandArabic numerals.[254]English has taken a major role in Japan as a business and international link language. As a result, the prevalence of English in the educational system has increased, with English classes becoming mandatory at all levels of the Japanese school system by 2020.[253]Japanese Sign Languageis the primarysign languageused in Japan and has gained some official recognition, but its usage has been historically hindered by discriminatory policies and a lack of educational support.[253]

Besides Japanese, theRyukyuan languages(Amami,Kunigami,Okinawan,Miyako,Yaeyama,Yonaguni), part of theJaponic language family,are spoken in the Ryukyu Islands chain.[255]Few children learn these languages,[256]but local governments have sought to increase awareness of the traditional languages.[257]TheAinu language,which is alanguage isolate,ismoribund,with only a few native speakers remaining as of 2014.[258]Additionally, a number of other languages are taught and used by ethnic minorities, immigrant communities, and a growing number of foreign-language students, such asKorean(including a distinctZainichi Korean dialect),ChineseandPortuguese.[253]


ThetoriiofItsukushima Shinto ShrinenearHiroshima

Japan's constitution guarantees full religious freedom.[259]Upper estimates suggest that 84–96 percent of the Japanese population subscribe toShintoas its indigenous religion.[260]However, these estimates are based on peopleaffiliatedwith a temple, rather than the number of true believers. Many Japanese people practice both Shinto andBuddhism;they can identify with both religions or describe themselves as non-religious or spiritual.[261]The level of participation in religious ceremonies as a cultural tradition remains high, especially duringfestivalsand occasions such as thefirst shrine visitof theNew Year.[262]TaoismandConfucianismfrom China have also influenced Japanese beliefs and customs.[30]

Today, 1%[263]to 1.5% of the population areChristians.[264]Throughout the latest century, Western customs originally related to Christianity (includingWestern style weddings,Valentine's DayandChristmas) have become popular as secular customs among many Japanese.[265]

About 90% of those practicingIslam in Japanare foreign-born migrants as of 2016.[266]As of 2018there were an estimated 105mosquesand 200,000 Muslims in Japan, 43,000 of which were Japanese nationals.[267]Other minority religions includeHinduism,Judaism,andBaháʼí Faith,as well as theanimistbeliefs of the Ainu.[268]


Students celebrating after the announcement of the results of theentrance examinationsto theUniversity of Tokyo

Since the 1947Fundamental Law of Education,compulsory education in Japan compriseselementaryandjunior high school,which together last for nine years.[269]Almost all children continue their education at a three-yearsenior high school.[270]The top-ranking university in the country is theUniversity of Tokyo.[271]Starting in April 2016, various schools began the academic year with elementary school and junior high school integrated into one nine-year compulsory schooling program;MEXTplans for this approach to be adopted nationwide.[272]

TheProgramme for International Student Assessment(PISA) coordinated by the OECD ranks the knowledge and skills of Japanese 15-year-olds as the third best in the world.[273]Japan is one of the top-performingOECDcountries in reading literacy, math, and sciences with the average student scoring 520 and has one of the world's highest-educated labor forces among OECD countries.[274][273][275]It spent 7.4% of its total GDP on education as of 2021.[276]In 2021, the country ranked third for the percentage of 25 to 64-year-olds that have attained tertiary education with 55.6%.[277]Approximately 65% of Japanese aged 25 to 34 have some form of tertiary education qualification, with bachelor's degrees being held by 34.2% of Japanese aged 25 to 64, the second most in the OECD afterSouth Korea.[277]Japanese women are more highly educated than the men: 59 percent of women possess a university degree, compared to 52 percent of men.[278]


University of Tokyo Hospital

Health care in Japan is provided by national and local governments. Payment for personal medical services is offered through a universal health insurance system that provides relative equality of access, with fees set by a government committee. People without insurance through employers can participate in a national health insurance program administered by local governments.[279]Since 1973, all elderly persons have been covered by government-sponsored insurance.[280]

Japan spent 10.82% of its total GDP on healthcare in 2021.[281]In 2020, the overall life expectancy in Japan at birth was 85 years (82 years for men and 88 years for women),[282][283]thehighestin the world;[284]while it had a very lowinfant mortality rate(2 per 1,000live births).[285]Since 1981, the principal cause of death in Japan iscancer,which accounted for 27% of the total deaths in 2018—followed bycardiovascular diseases,which led to 15% of the deaths.[286]Japan has one of the world'shighest suicide rates,which is considered a major social issue.[287]Another significant public health issue issmoking among Japanese men.[288]However, Japan has the lowest rate of heart disease in the OECD, and the lowest level ofdementiaamong developed countries.[289]


Contemporary Japanese culture combines influences from Asia, Europe, and North America.[290]Traditional Japanese arts includecraftssuch asceramics,textiles,lacquerware,swordsanddolls;performances ofbunraku,kabuki,noh,dance,andrakugo;and other practices, thetea ceremony,ikebana,martial arts,calligraphy,origami,onsen,Geishaandgames.Japan has a developed system for the protection and promotion of both tangible and intangibleCultural PropertiesandNational Treasures.[291]Twenty-two siteshave been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, eighteen of which are of cultural significance.[292]Japan is considered acultural superpower.[293][294][295][296]

Art and architecture

Ritsurin Garden,one of the most famous strolling gardens in Japan

The history of Japanese painting exhibits synthesis and competition between native Japanese esthetics and imported ideas.[297]The interaction between Japanese and European art has been significant: for exampleukiyo-eprints, which began to be exported in the 19th century in the movement known asJaponism,had a significant influence on the development of modern art in the West, most notably onpost-Impressionism.[297]

Japanese architecture is a combination of local and other influences. It has traditionally been typified by wooden or mud plaster structures, elevated slightly off the ground, with tiled or thatched roofs.[298]Traditional housingand manytemple buildingssee the use oftatamimats andsliding doorsthat break down the distinction between rooms and indoor and outdoor space.[299]Since the 19th century, Japan has incorporated much of Westernmodern architectureinto construction and design.[300]It was not until after World War II that Japanese architects made an impression on the international scene, firstly with the work of architects likeKenzō Tangeand then with movements likeMetabolism.[301]

Literature and philosophy

12th-centuryillustrated handscrollofThe Tale of Genji,aNational Treasure

The earliest works of Japanese literature include theKojikiandNihon Shokichronicles and theMan'yōshūpoetry anthology,all from the 8th century and written in Chinese characters.[302][303]In the early Heian period, the system ofphonogramsknown askana(hiraganaandkatakana) was developed.[304]The Tale of the Bamboo Cutteris considered the oldest extant Japanese narrative.[305]An account of court life is given inThe Pillow BookbySei Shōnagon,whileThe Tale of GenjibyMurasaki Shikibuis often described as the world's first novel.[306][307]

During the Edo period, thechōnin( "townspeople" ) overtook the samurai aristocracy as producers and consumers of literature. The popularity of the works ofSaikaku,for example, reveals this change in readership and authorship, whileBashōrevivified the poetic tradition of theKokinshūwith hishaikai(haiku) and wrote the poetic travelogueOku no Hosomichi.[308]The Meiji era saw the decline of traditional literary forms as Japanese literature integrated Western influences.Natsume SōsekiandMori Ōgaiwere significant novelists in the early 20th century, followed byRyūnosuke Akutagawa,Jun'ichirō Tanizaki,Kafū Nagaiand, more recently,Haruki MurakamiandKenji Nakagami.Japan has twoNobel Prize-winningauthors –Yasunari Kawabata(1968) andKenzaburō Ōe(1994).[309]

Japanese philosophy has historically been afusionof both foreign, particularlyChineseandWestern,and uniquely Japanese elements. In its literary forms, Japanese philosophy began about fourteen centuries ago. Confucian ideals remain evident in theJapanese concept of societyand the self, and in the organization of the government and the structure of society.[310]Buddhism has profoundly impacted Japanese psychology, metaphysics, and esthetics.[311]

Performing arts

Nohperformance at a Shinto shrine

Japanese music is eclectic and diverse. Manyinstruments,such as thekoto,were introduced in the 9th and 10th centuries. The popularfolk music,with the guitar-likeshamisen,dates from the 16th century.[312]Western classical music, introduced in the late 19th century, forms an integral part of Japanese culture.[313]Kumi-daiko(ensemble drumming) was developed in postwar Japan and became very popular in North America.[314]Popular music in post-war Japan has been heavily influenced by American and European trends, which has led to the evolution ofJ-pop.[315]Karaokeis a significant cultural activity.[316]

The four traditional theaters from Japan arenoh,kyōgen,kabuki,andbunraku.[317]Noh is one of the oldest continuous theater traditions in the world.[318]


According to the 2015 NHK survey on television viewing in Japan, 79 percent of Japanese watch television daily.[319]Japanese television dramasare viewed both within Japan and internationally.[320]Many Japanesemedia franchiseshave gained considerable global popularity and are among the world'shighest-grossing media franchises.Japanese newspapersare among the most circulated in the world as of 2016.[321]

Japan has one of the oldest and largest film industries globally.[322]Ishirō Honda'sGodzillabecame an international icon of Japan and spawned an entire subgenre ofkaijufilms, as well as the longest-running film franchise in history.[323][324]Japanese comics, known as manga, developed in the mid-20th century and have become popularworldwide.[325][326]A large number ofmanga serieshave become some of thebest-selling comics seriesof all time, rivalling theAmerican comics industry.[327]Japanese animated films and television series, known as anime, were largely influenced by Japanese manga and have become highly popular globally.[328][329]


Young women celebrateComing of Age Day(Thành nhân の nhật,Seijin no Hi)inHarajuku,Tokyo.

Officially, Japan has 16 national, government-recognized holidays. Public holidays in Japan are regulated by the Public Holiday Law(Quốc dân の chúc nhật に quan する pháp luật,Kokumin no Shukujitsu ni Kansuru Hōritsu)of 1948.[330]Beginning in 2000, Japan implemented theHappy Monday System,which moved a number of national holidays to Monday in order to obtain a long weekend.[331]The national holidays in Japan areNew Year's Dayon January 1,Coming of Age Dayon the second Monday of January,National Foundation Dayon February 11,The Emperor's Birthdayon February 23,Vernal Equinox Dayon March 20 or 21,Shōwa Dayon April 29,Constitution Memorial Dayon May 3,Greenery Dayon May 4,Children's Dayon May 5,Marine Dayon the third Monday of July,Mountain Dayon August 11,Respect for the Aged Dayon the third Monday of September,Autumnal Equinoxon September 23 or 24,Health and Sports Dayon the second Monday of October,Culture Dayon November 3, andLabor Thanksgiving Dayon November 23.[332]


A plate ofnigiri-zushi

Japanese cuisine offers a vast array ofregional specialtiesthat use traditional recipes and local ingredients.[333]Seafood andJapanese riceornoodlesare traditional staples.[334]Japanese curry,since its introduction to Japan fromBritish India,is so widely consumed that it can be termed anational dish,alongsideramenandsushi.[335][336]Traditional Japanese sweets are known aswagashi.[337]Ingredients such asred bean pasteandmochiare used. More modern-day tastes includegreen tea ice cream.[338]

Popular Japanese beverages includesake,a brewed rice beverage that typically contains 14–17% alcohol and is made by multiple fermentation of rice.[339]Beer has been brewed in Japan since the late 17th century.[340]Green teais produced in Japan and prepared in forms such asmatcha,used in theJapanese tea ceremony.[341]


Sumowrestlers form around the referee during the ring-entering ceremony.

Traditionally,sumois considered Japan's national sport.[342]Japanese martial arts such asjudoandkendoare taught as part of the compulsory junior high school curriculum.[343]Baseballis the most popular sport in the country.[344]Japan's top professional league,Nippon Professional Baseball(NPB), was established in 1936.[345]Since the establishment of theJapan Professional Football League(J.League) in 1992, association football gained a wide following.[346]The country co-hosted the2002 FIFA World Cupwith South Korea.[347]Japan has one of the most successful football teams in Asia, winning theAsian Cupfour times,[348]and theFIFA Women's World Cupin 2011.[349]Golf is also popular in Japan.[350]

Inmotorsport,Japanese automotive manufacturers have been successful in multiple different categories, with titles and victories in series such asFormula One,MotoGP,and theWorld Rally Championship.[351][352][353]Drivers from Japan have victories at theIndianapolis 500and the24 Hours of Le Mansas well as podium finishes in Formula One, in addition to success in domestic championships.[354][355]Super GTis the most popular national racing series in Japan, whileSuper Formulais the top-level domestic open-wheel series.[356]The country hosts major races such as theJapanese Grand Prix.[357]

Japan hosted the Summer Olympics inTokyo in 1964and the Winter Olympics inSapporo in 1972andNagano in 1998.[358]The country hosted the official2006 Basketball World Championship[359]and co-hosted the2023 Basketball World Championship.[360]Tokyo hosted the2020 Summer Olympicsin 2021, making Tokyo the first Asian city to host the Olympics twice.[361]The country gained the hosting rights for the officialWomen's Volleyball World Championshipon five occasions, more than any other country.[362]Japan is the most successful AsianRugby Unioncountry[363]and hosted the 2019 IRBRugby World Cup.[364]

See also


  1. ^Japanese:Nhật bổn,Nihon[ɲihoꜜɴ]orNippon[ɲippoꜜɴ],formallyNhật bổn quốc,Nihon-kokuorNippon-koku.In Japanese, the name of the country as it appears on official documents, includingthe country's constitution,isNhật bổn quốc,meaning "State of Japan". The short nameNhật bổnis also often used officially. In English, the official name of the country is simply "Japan".[10]


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