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State visit

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Pope FranciswithPresidentBenigno Aquino IIIheading towards theMalacañan Palaceduringthe Pope's pastoral and state visit to the Philippinesin January 2015
The Review in Windsor Great Park in Honour of the Shah of Persia, 24 June 1873(Nicholas Chevalier,1877).Naser al-Din Shah Qajar,the first Iranian monarch to make state visits to Europe, visitedQueen Victoriatwice.

Astate visitis a formal visit by ahead of state(orrepresentativeof a head of state) to a foreign country, at the invitation of the head of state (or representative) of that foreign country, with the latter also acting as theofficial hostfor the duration of the state visit. Speaking for the host, it is generally called astate reception.State visits are considered to be the highest expression of friendlybilateral relationsbetween twosovereign states,and are in general characterised by an emphasis on official public ceremonies.

Less formal visits than a state visit to another country with a lesser emphasis on ceremonial events, by either a head of state (their representative) or ahead of government,can be classified (in descending order of magnitude) as either anofficial visit,anofficial working visit,aworking visit,aguest-of-government visit,or aprivate visit.[1][2]

Inparliamentary democracies,while heads of state (or their representative) may formally issue and accept invitations, they do so on theadviceof theirheads of government,who usually decide on when the invitation is to be issued or accepted in advance.

Queen Elizabeth IIwas the most travelled head of state in world history, having made 261 official overseas visits and 96 state visits to 116 countries by the time of herDiamond Jubileein 2012.[3]Although she was sovereign of each of theCommonwealth realms,in practice, she usually performed full state visits asQueen of the United Kingdom,while the relevantgovernor-generalundertook state visits for his or her respective country on the sovereign's behalf. However, the Queen occasionally made some state and official visits representing one of her other Commonwealth realms.

Components of a state visit


State visits typically involve some or all the following components (each host country has its own traditions):

  • The visitinghead of state(or representative) is immediately greeted upon arrival by the host (or by a lesserofficialrepresentative, if the two heads of state are to meet later at another location) and by his or herambassador(or otherhead of mission)accredited to the host country.
  • A21-gun saluteis fired in honor of the visiting head of state.
  • The playing of the twonational anthemsby amilitary band.The guest country's anthem is usually played first.
  • A review of a militaryguard of honour.
  • The visiting head of state (or representative) is formally introduced to senior officials/representatives of the host country and the hosting head of state is introduced to the delegation accompanying the visiting head of state.
  • An exchange of gifts between the two heads of state (or representatives).
  • Astate dinner,eitherwhite tieorblack tie,is mounted by the hosting head of state (or representative), with the visiting head of state being the guest of honour.
  • A visit to thelegislatureof the host country, often with the visiting head of state (or representative) being invited to deliver a formal address to the assembled members of the legislature.
  • High-profile visits by the visiting heads of state (or representative) to host countrylandmarkssuch as laying a wreath at a military shrine orcemetery.
  • The staging of cultural events celebrating links between the two nations.
TheGerman presidential standarddisplayed atBlair House,the American presidential guest house inWashington, D.C.,during the visit ofRichard von Weizsäcker,President of Germany.Several countries maintain guest houses used for state visits.

The visiting head of state (or their representative) is usually accompanied by a senior government minister, usually by aforeign minister.Behind thediplomatic protocol,delegations made up fromtradeorganizations also accompany the visiting head of state, offer an opportunity to network and develop economic, cultural, and social links with industry leaders in the nation being visited. At the end of a state visit, the foreign head of state (or representative) traditionally issues a formal invitation to the head of state (or representative) of the nation being visited who at another time in the future, would pay a reciprocal state visit.

While the costs of a state visit are usually borne by state funds of the host country, most nations host fewer than ten state visits per year, with some as few as two. Most foreign heads of state (or their representative) will stay in theofficial residenceof the head of state (or representative) who is hosting the state visit, in a guest house reserved for foreign visitors, or in their own nation'sembassylocated in the foreign nation being visited.

State visits by well-known global leaders or figures, such as theBritish Monarch,thepresident of the United Statesor thepope,often draw much publicity and large crowds. Occasionally, these include protesters.

State visits by country




State visits toArmeniaare held in the capital ofYerevan,with a welcoming ceremony usually being held atZvartnots International Airport.Foreign heads of state are welcomed at thePresident's Residencewhile heads of government are welcomed at theResidence of the Prime Minister.These visits consist of the following components:

Rank of visitor State dinner Arrival ceremonies Exchange of
diplomatic gifts
Meeting with
religious leaders
Address to the
National Assembly
Prime Minister's Residence President's Residence Airport
State visit head of state Yes No Yes Maybe Yes Yes Maybe
Official visit head of government Yes Yes No Maybe Maybe Maybe Maybe

Since 1991, foreign leaders who embark on visits to Armenia have paid tribute to the victims of theArmenian genocideat theTsitsernakaberdcomplex.[4]During a visit to the complex, most leaders receive a tour of the museum, plant trees near the memorial, and lay wreaths at the eternal flame.



A state visit in Belgium starts with an inspection of the troops in front of theRoyal Palace of Brussels,whereafter thekingandqueenhave a private audience with the visiting head of state and his or her spouse. The first day of the state visit traditionally comes to a close with a state banquet at theCastle of Laeken,which is the official residence of the king of the Belgians.

It is customary to be awarded the Knight Grand Cross of theOrder of Leopoldduring state visits.


TheGovernor General's Foot Guardsmounting theguard of honourduring state visits of Italian PresidentSergio Mattarella

The Office of Protocol coordinates the operational aspects of state and official visits to Canada and manages all events that are related to the visit. It also defines the protocol standards for state visits of heads of state and government.[5]

TheGovernor General's Foot Guards,one of twohouseholdfoot guards,take part in state and official visits toOttawa.Arrival ceremonies take place at eitherParliament HillorRideau Hall,where the visitor will be received by thegovernor general of Canada(for state visits) orprime minister of Canada(for official visits). State visits also include a visit to theNational War Memorial.

State and official visits by Canadaare performed by theCanadian monarchor a representative—the governor general, alieutenant governor,or another member ofthe royal family.The first state visit by Canada was to the United States in 1937, when the US accorded the governor general the equivalent status given to a visiting head of state.[6]

Tours of Canada by the country's monarch (and other members of the royal family) are not state or official visits, as the monarch conductsroyal toursin his capacity as the Canadian head of state, not as a foreign head of state. Additionally, because the Canadian sovereign is shared with 14 otherCommonwealth realms,state visits are not conducted between realms, with official visits performed by the realms' respectivegovernor-general,orprime minister.

People's Republic of China

TheBeijing Garrison Honor Guardwith theOrder of Friendship,an award occasionally given during state visits

State arrival ceremonies inChinatake place at the East Court of theGreat Hall of the PeopleonTiananmen SquareinBeijing.The guard of honour for the ceremony is provided by theBeijing Garrison Honor Guard,with musical accompaniment provided by theCentral Military Band of the People's Liberation Army of China.

As the military band plays the national anthems of the two countries, an artillery battery fires a 21-gun salute. After the band finishes its performance, the two leaders then inspect the guard of honour at the invitation of the guard commander. Following the inspection, both leaders embrace schoolchildren who wave flowers and the flags of both countries. At this time, the band performs a military march or folk song from the guest country. If a prime minister or chancellor or crown prince visits China, the welcoming ceremony is held by the premier. If a president, governor-general or king visits, the welcoming ceremony is held by the president.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) Honor Guard then marches off the square to the tune of theMarch of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.The ceremony ends with the marching band of the PLA performing anexhibition of military drill.[citation needed]

During state visits, national awards are presented to visiting dignitaries, including theOrder of Friendship.Since 1954, the State Protection Unit has providedmotorcadesfor visiting dignitaries traveling from the airport to their meeting place.[7]

Republic of China (Taiwan)


A 30-minute ceremony at the Plaza of theNational Performing Arts CenterinTaipeitakes place to honor visiting dignitaries to theRepublic of China (Taiwan).After the anthems are played, the president escorts the visitor past the tri-service honor guard of theRepublic of China Armed Forces,led by a colonel. After inspecting the troops, thepresident of Taiwandelivers welcome remarks, after which the foreign leader speaks, before receiving a key to the city from themayor of Taipei,and the director of the Department of Protocol of theMinistry of Foreign Affairsthen introducing members of the cabinet to the dignitary and members of the delegation to the ROC president.[8]

Czech Republic


The military welcome accorded to foreign leaders atPrague Castleare provided by troops of thePrague Castle Guard,Honor Guard of the Czech Armed Forces,theCzech Army Central Band,theBand of the Castle Guards and Policeand units of thePrague Garrison Command.


US PresidentJoe Bidenmeeting the leaders of theNordic countriesinHelsinki,in July 2023

The Protocol Services of theMinistry of Foreign Affairsis responsible for arranging high-level international visits and Finland's own state events. The task of the protocol services is to take care of receiving, escorting, accommodation, transportation and meal arrangements for guests.[9]

In Finland, state visits usually follow a certain pattern that has already become a tradition. The official reception ceremonies take place in front of thePresidential Palaceor alternatively atHelsinki Airport.At the reception ceremony, the head of the visiting country, together with thePresident of Finland,inspects the guard of honor to the rhythm of theBjörneborgarnas marsch.After the inspection of the honor guard and the performance of the national anthems, the heads of state greet the public from the balcony of the Presidential Palace, from where they move to the yellow salon to drink welcome toasts, take official photos and exchange gifts and badges of honor.[10]

Usually, the official program includes at least the laying a wreath onMarshal Mannerheim's grave at theHietaniemi Cemetery,[11]and a visit to theParliament Houseor theHelsinki City Hall.[10]The visit usually ends with state dinners held at the Presidential Palace, where the heads of state give their speeches.[10]


Donald Trump atLes Invalidesduring his state visit to France, 13 July 2017. Arrival ceremonies typically take place at Les Invalides, or theElysee Palace.

State arrival ceremonies are held at either theElysee PalaceorLes Invalides,with the participation of the Infantry and Fanfare Band of theFrench Republican Guard Bandand the 1st Infantry Regiment of theRepublican Guard.The Vestibule d'Honneur (Hall of Honour) in the Elysee is where thepresident of Francemeets visiting dignitaries and holds bilateral meetings. Towards the end of the visit, the head of state or governments will give a speech at thePalais Bourbonto theSenate of France,and will hold meetings with members of parliament. Sometime during the state visit, the visiting dignitary will lay a wreath at theTomb of the Unknown Soldierat theArc de Triomphe.



State visits in Georgia are held outside thePresidential Palace of GeorgiainTbilisi.Ceremonial honours are provided by the Honour Guard and theBandof theNational Guard of Georgia.The band plays Georgian Army songs during the inspection of the honour guard. During the presidency ofMikheil Saakashvili,the band played theMarch of the Preobrazhensky Regimentduring state visits.

During state visits, dignitaries usually meet with theprime minister,chairperson of the Parliament,and theCatholicos-Patriarch of All Georgiaseparately from the president. State dinners are also held inside the presidential palace with officials from both countries present.



During state visits to Germany, honours are provided by the GermanWachbataillon(Guard battalion) and theStaff Band of the Bundeswehr.An exception to this was on 3 May 2007 during the visit of French PresidentJacques Chiracto Berlin, during which theFranco-German Brigadeprovided the honors. Depending on the status of the guest, state ceremonies are either held at theBellevue Palaceor theFederal Chancellery Complex.In recent years, state visits have been marked with dignitaries paying homage at memorials such as theBerlin Victory Column,theMemorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe,and theSoviet War Memorial (Tiergarten).

During state visits, foreign dignitaries typically visit German federal states outside the capital. It this regard, a full honors ceremony is also held with the minister-president being the presiding officer.[12][13]In break with the traditionalBerlinmilitary protocol, chairs have since July 2019 been set up outside the Chancellery due to ChancellorAngela Merkel's unusual episodes of shaking and uneasiness during the honours ceremony. Currently, only Moldovan PremierMaia Sanduand Danish Prime MinisterMette Frederiksenhave had to be received under this arrangement.[14]


Barack and Michelle Obama met by PresidentPratibha Patiland the Prime MinisterManmohan Singh,together with their spouses, 8 November 2010. Foreign leaders in India are typically received at theRashtrapati Bhavan,theofficial residencefor thepresident of India.

Foreign leaders are received at theRashtrapati BhavaninNew Delhiduring state visits. The dignitary first receives the salute from thePresident's Bodyguard (PBG),and theTri-Services Guard of Honour.Heads of state are also given a 21-gun salute, with a19-gun salutebeing toheads of government.The massed bands and the commander of the guard of honour is chosen by a rotation between the Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force. In 2015, Wing Commander Pooja Thakur became the first female officer to lead the guard of honour for a foreign leader.[15]All military honours are organized by Section D of theMinistry of Defence.[16]

State banquets are also held for foreign dignitaries at theRashtrapati Bhavanwhich are hosted by thepresident of India.Over 100 guests are invited to attend state banquets, including thevice-president of India,theprime minister of India,as well asgovernment officialsand leaders of the ruling party.



Thepresident of the State of Israel,in his or her position as head of state, leads the welcoming events and is the official host of foreign leaders who visitIsrael.A guard of honor made up of personnel of all the service branches of theIsrael Defense Forces(IDF) are usually lined up at the main V.I.P terminal ofBen Gurion International Airport.

During some state visits, the itinerary has included a visit to theYad Vashemmemorial. There the leader, accompanied by the prime minister, will rekindle the Eternal Flame, and will also lay a wreath in memorial of the 6 million Jews murdered in the holocaust.


John F. Kennedyarrives at theTomb of the Unknown Soldierin Rome withItalian Minister of DefenceGiulio Andreotti,1 July 1963. Visits to the tomb are a typical component of state visits to Italy.

When dignitaries arrive in the Italian capital ofRome,they are received in a short reception ceremony at the airport by the head of the Diplomatic Ceremonial Office among other officials, who then briefly entertain the guest in the boardroom to allow the handling of airport formalities. Arrival honors for foreign dignitaries visitingRomeare held either at theQuirinal Palace(official residence of the president of the Italian Republic) or thePalazzo Chigi(official residence of the prime minister of the Italian Republic). During the ceremony, the guard of honor is provided by a military unit (most likely theCorazzieriand a selected ceremonial unit such as the Honour Company "Goito" from the 1° Regiment "Granatieri di Sardegna" ) and a supporting military band that performs 3Ruffles and flourishesknown as "Onori" ( "Honors" ) prior to playing the national anthem of the dignitary's home country andIl Canto degli Italiani.In recent years, theBersaglieri,theCarabinieri,and theItalian Navyhave provided honor guards for the ceremony.

The rest of the day includes bilateral meetings, one on one conversations, a joint press conference, and a state dinner, where the exchange of gifts and the awarding of honors takes place. The next day sees the laying of wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in theAltar of the Homeland.All protocol events in the capital are organized by the State Ceremonial Office. In particular, the Ceremonial Office of the Ministry of Defense handles protocol related to theItalian Armed Forces,and the Diplomatic Ceremonial Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs handles protocol related to the diplomatic corps.[17]


Donald Trump withPrime MinisterShinzō Abe,during an American state visit to Japan in May 2019

Japan extends invitations for state visitors and official visitors aims to promote the friendship and relation between Japan and the country of the invitee.[18]In addition to state and official visits, the Japanese government also extends several other forms of invitations to visit the country.

The invitation of official practical visitors, practical visitors, and visitors toJapan's Ministry of Foreign Affairsaim to promote negotiations, to strengthen security and to be used for policy coordination, etc.

The invitation of ministers is an invitation extended to ministers from other countries, and aims to have them deepen their understanding of Japan and send information about Japan based on the knowledge obtained through invitations through conference, inspection, etc. with JapaneseVIPsand experts.

The invitation of strategic practitioners is an invitation extended to certain members in certain positions or those who are expected to hold a certain leadership position in the future, in political, economic, governmental, academic, etc., in foreign countries or international organizations. It aims to promote understanding of Japan's various policies and fields such as culture and society, to facilitate the promotion of Japan's foreign policy through personal connections with Japanese experts, and to promote pro-Japan in the medium- and long-term through briefings with private experts, Japanese cultural experiences, and local visits.

The invitation programs in Japan
Visitor Stay Reception[19] Talk withEmperor Luncheon Banquet
State Visitor Monarch, president, etc.[20] Akasaka Palace[21] Yes Yes[22] Luncheon withthe prime minister Banquet atthe palace
Official Visitor Prince, prime minister, etc.[23] Akasaka Palace[21] Yes Yes[24] Luncheon at the palace Banquet with the prime minister
Official Practical Visitor A person equivalent to a state visitor or an official visitor[25] A strictly secured public accommodation No Yes[24] No No
Practical Visitor A person equivalent to a state visitor or an official visitor[26] A public accommodation No Yes/No[27] No No
Visitor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Thesecretary-general of the United Nations,etc.[28] A public accommodation No No No No

During the state visits by people belonging to the upper two categories, guards of honour are mounted by theImperial Guardof the National Police Agency and the302nd Military Police Companyof theJapan Self-Defense Forces.


Bilateral meetings during state visits to Kyrgyzstan typically take place at theAla Archa State Residence

State visits are planned in accordance with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs one month in advance. Arrival ceremonies for state visits to Kyrgyzstan typically take place atManas International Airportwith the participation of theHonour Guard Battalion of the 701st Military Unit of the National Guardand theBand of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Kyrgyzstan.[29]A wreath-laying ceremony is also held atVictory Square.A bilateral meeting, press conference, and state dinner are all held at theAla Archa State Residence.

The Kyrgyz official welcoming group includes the chairman of the Supreme Council, the prime minister, and the minister of foreign affairs. The official morning breakfast reception takes place from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. Arrival ceremonies are also held at the state residences all over the country.[30]



State visits toMexico Cityare held on a regular basis.[31]Arrival ceremonies are usually held at theNational Palace,the president's workplace or atMexico City International Airport.On certain occasions, a full honors ceremony with the participation of theNational Guard's Presidential Guards Corps are held atCampo Marte,where the corps' two military police brigades are stationed.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousainspecting the guard of honor, 17 July 2017. An inspection of the Mexican guard of honour typically occurs near the end of the state arrival ceremony.

The arrival ceremony begins with a platoon of National Guards presenting arms at the arrival of the state guest at the entrance of the National Palace. After the state guest arrives with thepresident of Mexico(and his or her first partner, if present) in the palace' south courtyard the NG's Presidential Guards honor guard company presents arms while theRepresentative Music Band of the Mexican Armed Forcesplays the anthems of the two countries (theHimno Nacional Mexicanois always played first). Then the president of Mexico introduces members of his or her cabinet before the visiting dignitary introduces members of their delegation accompanying them on this visit. After this is done, the commander of the National Guard's honour guard company then delivers the following report to the dignitary:

“With your permission Mr/Madam President of theUnited Mexican States,I am the commander of the honour guard of the (states dignitary's position) and I invite you to review the guard of honour present, sir/ma'am. "

The president and the dignitary then inspect the guard, paying homage to theMexican flagand the flag of the guest country along the way. The ceremony then ends and the two go into the palace to begin their bilateral meeting. TheCampo Marteceremony is similar in style to the palace ceremony with the main differences being a21-gun salute,opening remarks,and themilitary paradebeing added to the program. The unit responsible currently for the 21-gun salute is the State Honors Artillery Battery, coming under the 1st Artillery Battalion (Separate) of the 1st Army Corps.



The State Diplomatic Protocol (SDP) of theMinistry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Moldovaorganizes activities concerning state visits to the Moldovan capital ofChișinău.[32]All state arrival ceremonies take place at the Presidential Administration or thePresidential Palace,involving theHonor Guard Companyand thePresidential Band.During the inspection, the foreign guest will greet the personnel of the company in theRomanian language(the dignitary will saybuna ziuaor "good morning" to which the soldiers will respond by sayingsalutarior "greetings" ). Foreign guests may also visit theGagauzcapital ofComrat.


Queen Beatrix and Vladimir Putin on a state visit to the Netherlands,Amsterdam Airport Schiphol,1 November 2005

State visits in theNetherlandsrevolve around and are centered on the capital ofAmsterdam.A characteristic of a state visit is that it is usually carried out by a foreignhead of state,rather than ahead of government.Upon arrival to the country, the dignitary will be given a tour through the capital, which includes a wreath-laying ceremony at theNational Monument.Foreign dignitaries are usually received by the monarch at theRoyal Palace of Amsterdam,where they receive a guard of honour formed by theGrenadiers' and Rifles Guard Regimentupon arrival. It is here where all matters of state and bilateral meetings take place over the course of the visit.

During a state visit, theDutch monarchalways hosts astate dinnerin honor of the guest, sometimes at the Royal Palace in Amsterdam and at other times at the monarch's residence at theNoordeinde Palacein The Hague. It is customary to be awarded the Knight Grand CrossOrder of the Netherlands Lionduring state visits.

North Korea


Although state visits toNorth Koreado not happen often, they are held to the highest standard when they occur. Portraits of the visiting leader and theSupreme Leader of North Koreaare hung all over the city and atPyongyang Sunan International Airport,where the arrival ceremony takes place. During the ceremony, the Guard of Honour Company of theKorean People's Army'sSupreme Guard Command,made up of servicemen from the Ground Forces, Navy, Air Force, Special Operations and the Strategic Forces, together with a platoon of the Worker-Peasant Red Guards renders honours while theCentral Band of the KPAperforms the visiting anthem andAegukka,the anthem of the DPRK. After this, the commander of the guard reports to the leader before they inspect the troops and review a marchpast.[33]They then ride in amotorcadethat takes them to the Paekhwawon State Guest House and or the Kumsusan Guesthouse for bilateral negotiations.[34][35][36]The former guest house was first used for state visits in the early 2000s for the visits ofMadeleine AlbrightandJunichiro Koizumiand became relevant once again during the2018–19 Korean peace process.[37]The latter was only built in the spring of 2019 in time for the visit of theChinese PresidentandGeneral Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party.En route to the guesthouse, aKorean Children's Unionguard of honour company takes its position to award an honorary red neckerchief to the visiting leader in the name of all members present, and in addition, flower bouquets can be given by representatives on behalf of the KPA, the people of Pyongyang, and the city government.

Notable state visits held in the 21st century were those bySouth Koreanleaders such asRoh Moo-hyunin 2007 andMoon Jae In[38]in 2018, as well as Chinese leaderXi Jinpingthat same year. During Xi's visit, he became the first ChineseParamount leaderto visit theKumsusan Palace of the Sunand took part in the reopening of theArirang Mass GamesatRungrado 1st of May Stadium.[39]For many state visits, theKorean People's Army State Merited Chorus and Symphony Orchestrahave performed pieces native to the visitors homeland, such asKatyushaduringVladimir Putin's visit in 2000. Other lower-level world leaders who have undertaken state visits to the DPRK include Cuban leaderMiguel Diaz-Canelin November 2018 and Mongolian PresidentTsakhiagiin Elbegdorjin 2013, with the latter being played down as it did not include a meeting with ChairmanKim Jong Un.[40]


Dmitry Medvedevexchanges gifts withHarald V of Norway.A formal gift exchange is typically made at the Bird Room of theRoyal Palace.

State visits to the Norwegian capital ofOslobegin with the inspecting of the 3rd Company,Hans Majestet Kongens Gardeat theRoyal Palaceby the visiting dignitary and the Norwegian monarch. Once they are in the palace, the monarch takes the dignitary to the Bird Room to engage in an exchange of gifts. The visit also includes a wreath-laying ceremony atAkershus Fortress,which is also an official residence of theprime minister of Norway.In the evening, a gala dinner hosted by theroyal family of Norwayis held at the Royal Palace in honour of the visiting head of state.[citation needed]

As it refers to state visits by themonarch of Norway,they are always accompanied by the Norwegian foreign minister and representatives of theGovernment.Between two and four state visits to Oslo and royal visits to other countries are made per year, usually by the reigning monarch.[41]



State visits take place on a regular basis inPoland.Ceremonial honours a provided by theRepresentative Honor Guard Regiment of the Polish Armed Forcesat thePresidential Palace.Musical accompaniment is provided by theRepresentative Central Band of the Polish Armed Forces.

The White Hall in the Presidential Palace is used to host foreign heads of state. The hall is located at the main entrance from the courtyard, where the welcoming ceremony takes place.[42]


TheRussian Foreign Ministryorganizes the itinerary for official visits to the country, scheduling events such asRobert Gateslaying a wreath at theTomb of the Unknown Soldier,22 March 2011.

The Department of State Protocol of theRussian Foreign Ministryis responsible for organizing the itinerary for state visits to the country. It was founded on 18 December 1991, by Decree No. 291 of PresidentBoris Yeltsinon the basis of the Foreign Policy Service of the RSFSR. The decree, in effect, provided a new unified protocol practice in theRussian Federation.[43]Its duties range from organizing invitations to the country to developing an event schedule for the dignitary's visit. Common practices organized by the department include protocol events meetings, wreath-laying, breakfast, and lunch, among others. The Presidential Protocol Office in thePresidential Administration of the Russian Federationalso serves a similar purpose.[44]

A foreign head of state or government receives arrival honours from the154th Preobrazhensky Independent Commandant's Regimentand theSpecial Exemplary Military Bandupon their arrival at the VIP terminal atVnukovo International AirportinMoscow,where they are usually greeted by the Russian deputy foreign minister. Heads of state also take part in a welcoming ceremony with thepresident of Russiain the Hall of theOrder of St. Georgeof theGrand Kremlin Palace.

The following is Estonian diplomatTiit Matsulevitš's opinion on Russian protocol for state visits:

"Russian diplomacy has a centuries-old tradition, I consider the Russian protocol to be one of the best in the world. The protocol service of Russia is very correct."[45]


Thepresident of Israel,Reuven Rivlin,addresses theCortes Generalesduring his state visit Spain.

State visits to theKingdom of Spainare held with the participation of theKingandQueen of Spain.The day's events begin as the visiting dignitary arrives in a special vehicle at thePalacio Realin the Spanish capital ofMadrid.As the dignitary arrives, units of theSpanish Royal Guard(including the Mounted Band of Timpani and Bugles and the Lancers Troop) prepares for the start of the arrival ceremony. The ceremony starts with all unitspresenting armsat the sound of a bugle call and performing a royal salute, with the playing of the guest anthem and theMarcha Realtaking place. Once the regiment is orders arms, three senior officers from the guard (a senior commander, a bugler and a guidon bearer) approach the central grandstand to report to the guest and the king on the readiness of the regiment for inspection. They then begin their inspection, reviewing the infantry as well as the mounted units. Once the review is complete, a large military parade in the forecourt of the palace is held with the massed bands playing military music as the units march past.

The other notable state ceremony that takes place in the palace is the state dinner, which is hosted by the king, and is attended by the visiting dignitary, his or her delegation, theSpanish royal family,theprime minister,and other government officials. During the course of the visit, the visiting leader may deliver an address to a joint session of the bicameralCortes Generales(composed of theSenateand theCongress of Deputies).


The official visit of Prince Nikolaus of Liechtenstein toKyivin June 2018

State visits toUkraineare managed by the Main Department on State Protocol and Ceremonies of theOffice of the President of Ukraineas well as the State Protocol Department of theMinistry of Foreign Affairs.State visits involve thepresident of Ukraine,thechairman of the Verkhovna Rada,and theprime minister of Ukraine.Heads of state are met at theBoryspil International Airport,during which they are met by children in Ukrainian national costumes handing them bread. after which they are driven to theMariinskyi Palaceto receive a guard of honour from theKyiv Presidential Honor Guard Battalion.[46]Thebattalion bandperforms national anthems of both countries, during which a 21-gun artillery salute. As the guest bows his or her head to thestate flag of Ukraine,they greet the honor guard with thebattle cryofGlory to Ukraine(the official greeting of theArmed Forces of Ukraine[47]). After the ceremony, negotiations and a working breakfast/lunch are arranged in honor of the guest. InKyiv,there is a tradition of laying wreaths at theTomb of the Unknown Soldier,the ceremony of which is as follows: a march of the three man team carrying a wreath through the Alley of Glory, wreath laying in front of the eternal flame, performance of national anthems, a march past of a guard of honour. On the first day of the visit, as a rule, a public dinner is held on behalf of the president of Ukraine in honor of the head of state in the Red Hall. At the end of the state dinner, a concert of musicians is held in the White Hall. Protocol stipulates that a state visit lasts longer (3–4 days) than an official visit (2–3 days).[48]

United Arab Emirates


TheUnited Arab Emirates Air Forcedoes a flyover while painting the sky in the colors of the visiting country's flag as the leader's car arrives at thepresidential palacewith an Army mounted escort. Upon arrival, the visiting head of state is greeted by thepresident of the UAEor the deputy supreme commander of theUnited Arab Emirates Armed Forces,where they both receivemilitary honorsfrom theUAE Presidential Guardas well as a21-gun salutefrom members of the Army. While inside the palace they are also greeted by children holding UAE flags as well as flags of the visiting country. The entire city ofAbu Dhabiis usually decorated for the visit, with flags being laid out in the streets and large pictures of the leaders of the visiting country and the UAE being put on large buildings. During the visit ofVladimir Putinin October 2019, police cars were sprayed with theCyrillicletters "ДПС", which stands for the "Дорожно-патрульная служба" (English:Roads Patrol Service).[49][50]

United Kingdom

Hassan Mohamud,President of SomaliawithBritish Prime MinisterDavid Cameron,during a Somalian state visit to the United Kingdom

A state visit to theUnited Kingdomis a royal event which involves the King and other members of the royal family. An arrival ceremony usually takes place onHorse Guards Parade(there are also some instances where it takes place atBuckingham PalaceorWindsor Castle) with a guard of honour being provided by members of theKing's Guard.The guard of honour will always report to the dignitary in the language of the visitor, with the report being along the lines of the following:

"Your Excellency, the guard of honour, provided by the (states name of unit), is formed up, and ready for inspection."

Depending on the area where the ceremony takes place, a march past will immediately take place following the inspection. The foreign guest and the King then travel to Buckingham Palace in a carriage procession escorted by a large number of mounted soldiers from the Household Cavalry. The welcome ceremony is accompanied by 21-gun salutes fired fromGreen Parkand theTower of London.Around 150 guests are invited to Buckingham Palace for the state banquet in the evening in the ballroom.[51][52]

State visits do not formally occur between the United Kingdom and the 14 otherCommonwealth realms,as the realms all share a common monarch and head of state. A visit conducted by the monarch to another Commonwealth realm is also not considered a state visit, but is termed aroyal tour.Tours of Commonwealth realms by the monarch are conducted in their capacity as the monarch of that respective realm, and not as the British monarch. As a result, visits on behalf of the United Kingdom to other Commonwealth realms are typically conducted as official visits by theprime minister of the United Kingdom.Conversely, official visits to the United Kingdom by another Commonwealth realm is typically performed by their respective governor-general, or prime minister.

United States

Deng XiaopingandJimmy Carterinspecting the joint-service honor guard during thearrival ceremonyfor Deng in 1979

State visits toWashington, D.C.,occur only on the invitation of the president of the United States in their position as head of state and head of thefederal government of the United States.Official visits refer to a visit by a head of government to Washington. During state visits, there are usually many events taking place in the capital, with the participation of hundreds of individuals. The first state visit took place in 1874 byKalākauaof theKingdom of Hawaii,followed byPedro II of Brazilin 1876.

Events can range from a flight line ceremony atJoint Base Andrews,an arrival ceremony (either at theWhite HouseorThe Pentagondepending on the guest), aState Departmentluncheon, a state dinner and an address to theCongress.

See also



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  19. ^Examples:guard of honor,the performance ofnational anthem
  20. ^Thehead of state
  21. ^abAnother accommodation may be chosen.
  22. ^Both the Emperor and the Empress attend.
  23. ^Thehead of government,or a relative of a head of state
  24. ^abThe Empress attends when the visitor attends with a spouse.
  25. ^The visitor acts practically and officially.
  26. ^The visitor acts practically and unofficially.
  27. ^It depends on the visitors.
  28. ^A minister or a head of major international organization
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