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Step (unit)

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Astep(Latin:gradus,pl.gradūs) was aRomanunitoflengthequal to 2½Roman feet(pedes) or ½Roman pace(passus). Following its standardization underAgrippa,one step was roughly equivalent to 0.81 yards or 0.74 meters.

TheByzantinepace(Greek:βήμα,bḗma) was an adaption of the Roman step, a distance of 2½Greek feet.[3]

Similarly, theUScustomarypaceis a distance of 2½feetor30 inches (760 mm).

See also



  1. ^Schilbach, Erich,Byzantinische Metrologie.(in German)
  2. ^Ménage, V.L. (1973), "Reviews: Speros Vryonis, Jr.:The decline of medieval Hellenism in Asia Minor and the process of islamization from the eleventh through the fifteenth century.",Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies,vol. 36, No. 3, University of London, pp. 659–661,JSTOR613605.
  3. ^Schilbach,[1]cited by Ménage.[2]