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Stokes parameters

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The Stokes I, Q, U and V parameters

TheStokes parametersare a set of values that describe thepolarizationstate ofelectromagnetic radiation.They were defined byGeorge Gabriel Stokesin 1852,[1][2]as a mathematically convenient alternative to the more common description ofincoherentor partially polarized radiation in terms of its totalintensity(I), (fractional)degree of polarization(p), and the shape parameters of thepolarization ellipse.The effect of an optical system on the polarization of light can be determined by constructing the Stokes vector for the input light and applyingMueller calculus,to obtain the Stokes vector of the light leaving the system. They can be determined from directly observable phenomena. The original Stokes paper was discovered independently byFrancis Perrinin 1942[3]and bySubrahamanyan Chandrasekharin 1947,[4][5]who named it as the Stokes parameters.


Polarisation ellipse, showing the relationship to thePoincaré sphereparameters ψ and χ.
ThePoincaré sphereis the parametrisation of the last three Stokes' parameters inspherical coordinates.
Depiction of the polarization states on Poincaré sphere

The relationship of the Stokes parametersS0,S1,S2,S3to intensity and polarization ellipse parameters is shown in the equations below and the figure on the right.

Here,andare thespherical coordinatesof the three-dimensional vector ofcartesian coordinates.is the total intensity of the beam, andis the degree of polarization, constrained by.The factor of two beforerepresents the fact that any polarization ellipse is indistinguishable from one rotated by 180°, while the factor of two beforeindicates that an ellipse is indistinguishable from one with the semi-axis lengths swapped accompanied by a 90° rotation. The phase information of the polarized light is not recorded in the Stokes parameters. The four Stokes parameters are sometimes denotedI,Q,UandV,respectively.

Given the Stokes parameters, one can solve for thespherical coordinateswith the following equations:

Stokes vectors[edit]

The Stokes parameters are often combined into a vector, known as theStokes vector:

The Stokes vector spans thespaceof unpolarized, partially polarized, and fully polarized light. For comparison, theJones vectoronly spans the space of fully polarized light, but is more useful for problems involvingcoherentlight. The four Stokes parameters are not a preferredcoordinate systemof the space, but rather were chosen because they can be easily measured or calculated.

Note that there is an ambiguous sign for thecomponent depending on the physical convention used. In practice, there are two separate conventions used, either defining the Stokes parameters when looking down the beam towards the source (opposite the direction of light propagation) or looking down the beam away from the source (coincident with the direction of light propagation). These two conventions result in different signs for,and a convention must be chosen and adhered to.


Below are shown some Stokes vectors for common states of polarization of light.

Linearly polarized (horizontal)
Linearly polarized (vertical)
Linearly polarized (+45°)
Linearly polarized (−45°)
Right-hand circularly polarized
Left-hand circularly polarized

Alternative explanation[edit]

Amonochromaticplane waveis specified by itspropagation vector,,and thecomplex amplitudesof theelectric field,and,in abasis.The pairis called aJones vector.Alternatively, one may specify the propagation vector, thephase,,and the polarization state,,whereis the curve traced out by the electric field as a function of time in a fixed plane. The most familiar polarization states are linear and circular, which aredegeneratecases of the most general state, anellipse.

One way to describe polarization is by giving thesemi-majorandsemi-minoraxes of the polarization ellipse, its orientation, and the direction of rotation (See the above figure). The Stokes parameters,,,and,provide an alternative description of the polarization state which is experimentally convenient because each parameter corresponds to a sum or difference of measurable intensities. The next figure shows examples of the Stokes parameters in degenerate states.


The Stokes parameters are defined by[citation needed]

where the subscripts refer to three different bases of the space ofJones vectors:the standardCartesian basis(), a Cartesian basis rotated by 45° (), and a circular basis (). The circular basis is defined so that,.

The symbols ⟨⋅⟩ representexpectation values.The light can be viewed as a random variable taking values in the spaceC2ofJones vectors.Any given measurement yields a specific wave (with a specific phase, polarization ellipse, and magnitude), but it keeps flickering and wobbling between different outcomes. The expectation values are various averages of these outcomes. Intense, but unpolarized light will haveI> 0 but Q=U=V= 0, reflecting that no polarization type predominates. A convincing waveform is depicted at the article oncoherence.

The opposite would be perfectly polarized light which, in addition, has a fixed, nonvarying amplitude—a pure sine curve. This is represented by a random variable with only a single possible value, say.In this case one may replace the brackets by absolute value bars, obtaining a well-defined quadratic map[citation needed]

from the Jones vectors to the corresponding Stokes vectors; more convenient forms are given below. The map takes its image in the cone defined by |I|2= |Q|2+ |U|2+ |V|2,where the purity of the state satisfiesp= 1 (see below).

The next figure shows how the signs of the Stokes parameters are determined by the helicity and the orientation of the semi-major axis of the polarization ellipse.

Representations in fixed bases[edit]

In a fixed () basis, the Stokes parameters when using anincreasing phase conventionare

while for,they are

and for,they are


For purelymonochromaticcoherentradiation, it follows from the above equations that

whereas for the whole (non-coherent) beam radiation, the Stokes parameters are defined as averaged quantities, and the previous equation becomes an inequality:[6]

However, we can define a total polarization intensity,so that

whereis the total polarization fraction.

Let us define the complex intensity of linear polarization to be

Under a rotationof the polarization ellipse, it can be shown thatandare invariant, but

With these properties, the Stokes parameters may be thought of as constituting three generalized intensities:

whereis the total intensity,is the intensity of circular polarization, andis the intensity of linear polarization. The total intensity of polarization is,and the orientation and sense of rotation are given by

Sinceand,we have

Relation to the polarization ellipse[edit]

In terms of the parameters of the polarization ellipse, the Stokes parameters are

Inverting the previous equation gives


The Stokes parameters (and thus the polarization of some electromagnetic radiation) can be directly determined from observation.[7]Using alinear polarizerand aquarter-wave plate,the following system of equations relating the Stokes parameters to measured intensity can be obtained:[8] whereis the irradiance of the radiation at a point when the linear polarizer is rotated at an angle of,and similarlyis the irradiance at a point when the quarter-wave plate is rotated at an angle of.A system can be implemented using both plates at once at different angles to measure the parameters. This can give a more accurate measure of the relative magnitudes of the parameters (which is often the main result desired) due to all parameters being affected by the same losses.

Relationship to Hermitian operators and quantum mixed states[edit]

From a geometric and algebraic point of view, the Stokes parameters stand in one-to-one correspondence with the closed, convex, 4-real-dimensional cone of nonnegative Hermitian operators on the Hilbert spaceC2.The parameterIserves as the trace of the operator, whereas the entries of the matrix of the operator are simple linear functions of the four parametersI,Q,U,V,serving as coefficients in a linear combination of theStokes operators.The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the operator can be calculated from the polarization ellipse parametersI,p,ψ,χ.

The Stokes parameters withIset equal to 1 (i.e. the trace 1 operators) are in one-to-one correspondence with the closed unit 3-dimensional ball ofmixed states(ordensity operators) of the quantum spaceC2,whose boundary is theBloch sphere.TheJones vectorscorrespond to the underlying spaceC2,that is, the (unnormalized)pure statesof the same system. Note that the overall phase (i.e. the common phase factor between the two component waves on the two perpendicular polarization axes) is lost when passing from a pure state |φ⟩ to the corresponding mixed state |φ⟩⟨φ|, just as it is lost when passing from a Jones vector to the corresponding Stokes vector.

In the basis of horizontal polarization stateand vertical polarization state,the +45° linear polarization state is,the -45° linear polarization state is,the left hand circular polarization state is,and the right hand circular polarization state is.It's easy to see that these states are theeigenvectors of Pauli matrices,and that the normalized Stokes parameters (U/I,V/I,Q/I) correspond to the coordinates of theBloch vector(,,). Equivalently, we have,,,whereis thedensity matrixof the mixed state.

Generally, a linear polarization at angle θ has a pure quantum state;therefore, thetransmittanceof alinear polarizer/analyzerat angle θ for a mixed state light source with density matrixis,with a maximum transmittance ofatif,or atif;the minimum transmittance ofis reached at the perpendicular to the maximum transmittance direction. Here, the ratio of maximum transmittance to minimum transmittance is defined as theextinction ratio,where thedegree of linear polarizationis.Equivalently, the formula for the transmittance can be rewritten as,which is an extended form ofMalus's law;here,are both non-negative, and is related to the extinction ratio by.Two of the normalized Stokes parameters can also be calculated by.

It's also worth noting that a rotation of polarization axis by angle θ corresponds to theBloch sphere rotation operator.For example, the horizontal polarization statewould rotate to.The effect of a quarter-wave plate aligned to the horizontal axis is described by,or equivalently thePhase gate S,and the resulting Bloch vector becomes.With this configuration, if we perform the rotating analyzer method to measure the extinction ratio, we will be able to calculateand also verify.For this method to work, the fast axis and the slow axis of the waveplate must be aligned with the reference directions for the basis states.

The effect of a quarter-wave plate rotated by angle θcan be determinedbyRodrigues' rotation formulaas,with.The transmittance of the resulting light through a linear polarizer (analyzer plate) along the horizontal axis can be calculated using the same Rodrigues' rotation formula and focusing on its components onand:

The above expression is the theory basis of many polarimeters. Forunpolarized light,T=1/2 is a constant. For purely circularly polarized light, T has a sinusoidal dependence on angle θ with a period of 180 degrees, and can reach absolute extinction where T=0. For purely linearly polarized light, T has a sinusoidal dependence on angle θ with a period of 90 degrees, and absolute extinction is only reachable when the original light's polarization is at 90 degrees from the polarizer (i.e.). In this configuration,and,with a maximum of 1/2 at θ=45°, and an extinction point at θ=0°. This result can be used to precisely determine the fast or slow axis of a quarter-wave plate, for example, by using apolarizing beam splitterto obtain a linearly polarized light aligned to the analyzer plate and rotating the quarter-wave plate in between.

Similarly, the effect of a half-wave plate rotated by angle θ is described by,which transforms the density matrix to:

The above expression demonstrates that if the original light is of pure linear polarization (i.e.), the resulting light after the half-wave plate is still of pure linear polariztion (i.e. withoutcomponent) with a rotated major axis. Such rotation of the linear polarization has a sinusoidal dependence on angle θ with a period of 90 degrees.

See also[edit]


  1. ^Stokes, G. G. (1852). On the composition and resolution of streams of polarized light from different sources. Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 9, 399.
  2. ^S. Chandrasekhar 'Radiative Transfer,Dover Publications, New York, 1960,ISBN0-486-60590-6,page 25
  3. ^Perrin, F. (1942). Polarization of light scattered by isotropic opalescent media. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 10(7), 415-427.
  4. ^"S. Chandrasekhar - Session II".Oral History Interviews.AIP. 18 May 1977.
  5. ^Chandrasekhar, S. (1947). The transfer of radiation in stellar atmospheres. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 53(7), 641-711.
  6. ^H. C. van de HulstLight scattering by small particles,Dover Publications, New York, 1981,ISBN0-486-64228-3,page 42
  7. ^Jackson, p. 300
  8. ^Stone, pp. 313-317
