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Weak ordering

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Transitivebinary relations
SymmetricAntisymmetricConnectedWell-foundedHas joinsHas meetsReflexiveIrreflexiveAsymmetric
Total, SemiconnexAnti-
Equivalence relationGreen tickYGreen tickY
Preorder(Quasiorder)Green tickY
Partial orderGreen tickYGreen tickY
Total preorderGreen tickYGreen tickY
Total orderGreen tickYGreen tickYGreen tickY
PrewellorderingGreen tickYGreen tickYGreen tickY
Well-quasi-orderingGreen tickYGreen tickY
Well-orderingGreen tickYGreen tickYGreen tickYGreen tickY
LatticeGreen tickYGreen tickYGreen tickYGreen tickY
Join-semilatticeGreen tickYGreen tickYGreen tickY
Meet-semilatticeGreen tickYGreen tickYGreen tickY
Strict partial orderGreen tickYGreen tickYGreen tickY
Strict weak orderGreen tickYGreen tickYGreen tickY
Strict total orderGreen tickYGreen tickYGreen tickYGreen tickY
SymmetricAntisymmetricConnectedWell-foundedHas joinsHas meetsReflexiveIrreflexiveAsymmetric
Definitions, for alland
Green tickYindicates that the column's property is always true the row's term (at the very left), whileindicates that the property is not guaranteed in general (it might, or might not, hold). For example, that every equivalence relation is symmetric, but not necessarily antisymmetric, is indicated byGreen tickYin the "Symmetric" column andin the "Antisymmetric" column, respectively.

All definitions tacitly require thehomogeneous relationbetransitive:for allifandthen
A term's definition may require additional properties that are not listed in this table.

A weak order on the setwhereis ranked belowand,andare of equal rank, andis ranked aboveand
I) representation as a strict weak orderwhereis shown as an arrow fromto;
II) representation as a total preorder,shown using arrows;
III) representation as an ordered partition, with the sets of the partition as dotted ellipses and the total order on these sets shown with arrows.
The 13 possible strict weak orderings on a set of three elementsThe onlytotal ordersare shown in black. Two orderings are connected by an edge if they differ by a single dichotomy.

Inmathematics,especiallyorder theory,aweak orderingis a mathematical formalization of the intuitive notion of arankingof aset,some of whose members may betiedwith each other. Weak orders are a generalization oftotally ordered sets(rankings without ties) and are in turn generalized by (strictly)partially ordered setsandpreorders.[1]

There are several common ways of formalizing weak orderings, that are different from each other butcryptomorphic(interconvertable with no loss of information): they may be axiomatized asstrict weak orderings(strictly partially ordered sets in which incomparability is atransitive relation), astotal preorders(transitive binary relations in which at least one of the two possible relations exists between every pair of elements), or asordered partitions(partitionsof the elements into disjoint subsets, together with a total order on the subsets). In many cases another representation called apreferential arrangementbased on autility functionis also possible.

Weak orderings are counted by theordered Bell numbers.They are used incomputer scienceas part ofpartition refinementalgorithms, and in theC++ Standard Library.[2]



Inhorse racing,the use ofphoto finisheshas eliminated some, but not all, ties or (as they are called in this context)dead heats,so the outcome of a horse race may be modeled by a weak ordering.[3]In an example from theMaryland Hunt Cupsteeplechase in 2007, The Bruce was the clear winner, but two horses Bug River and Lear Charm tied for second place, with the remaining horses farther back; three horses did not finish.[4]In the weak ordering describing this outcome, The Bruce would be first, Bug River and Lear Charm would be ranked after The Bruce but before all the other horses that finished, and the three horses that did not finish would be placed last in the order but tied with each other.

The points of theEuclidean planemay be ordered by theirdistancefrom theorigin,giving another example of a weak ordering with infinitely many elements, infinitely many subsets of tied elements (the sets of points that belong to a commoncirclecentered at the origin), and infinitely many points within these subsets. Although this ordering has a smallest element (the origin itself), it does not have any second-smallest elements, nor any largest element.

Opinion pollingin political elections provides an example of a type of ordering that resembles weak orderings, but is better modeled mathematically in other ways. In the results of a poll, one candidate may be clearly ahead of another, or the two candidates may be statistically tied, meaning not that their poll results are equal but rather that they are within themargin of errorof each other. However, if candidateis statistically tied withandis statistically tied withit might still be possible forto be clearly better thanso being tied is not in this case atransitive relation.Because of this possibility, rankings of this type are better modeled assemiordersthan as weak orderings.[5]



Suppose throughout thatis ahomogeneousbinary relationon a set(that is,is a subset of) and as usual, writeand say thatholdsoris trueif and only if

Strict weak orderings


Preliminaries on incomparability and transitivity of incomparability

Two elementsandofare said to beincomparablewith respect toif neithernoris true.[1] Astrict partial orderis a strict weak ordering if and only if incomparability with respect tois anequivalence relation. Incomparability with respect tois always a homogeneoussymmetric relationon It isreflexiveif and only ifisirreflexive(meaning thatis always false), which will be assumed so thattransitivityis the only property this "incomparability relation" needs in order to be anequivalence relation.

Define also an induced homogeneous relationonby declaring that where importantly, this definition isnotnecessarily the same as:if and only if Two elementsare incomparable with respect toif and only ifareequivalentwith respect to(or less verbosely,-equivalent), which by definition means that bothare true. The relation "are incomparable with respect to"is thus identical to (that is, equal to) the relation" are-equivalent "(so in particular, the former is transitive if and only if the latter is). Whenis irreflexive then the property known as "transitivity of incomparability"(defined below) isexactlythe condition necessary and sufficient to guarantee that the relation "are-equivalent "does indeed form an equivalence relation on When this is the case, it allows any two elementssatisfyingto be identified as a single object (specifically, they are identified together in their commonequivalence class).


Astrict weak orderingon a setis astrict partial orderonfor which theincomparability relationinduced onbyis atransitive relation.[1] Explicitly, a strict weak order onis ahomogeneous relationonthat has all four of the following properties:

  1. Irreflexivity:For allit is not true that
    • This condition holds if and only if the induced relationonisreflexive,whereis defined by declaring thatis true if and only ifisfalse.
  2. Transitivity:For allifthen
  3. Asymmetry:For allifis true thenis false.
  4. Transitivity of incomparability:For allifis incomparable with(meaning that neithernoris true) and ifis incomparable withthenis incomparable with
    • Two elementsare incomparable with respect toif and only if they are equivalent with respect to the induced relation(which by definition means thatare both true), where as before,is declared to be true if and only ifis false. Thus this condition holds if and only if thesymmetric relationondefined by "are equivalent with respect to"is a transitive relation, meaning that wheneverare-equivalent and alsoare-equivalent then necessarilyare-equivalent. This can also be restated as: wheneverand alsothen necessarily

Properties (1), (2), and (3) are the defining properties of a strict partial order, although there is some redundancy in this list as asymmetry (3) implies irreflexivity (1), and also because irreflexivity (1) and transitivity (2) together imply asymmetry (3).[6]The incomparability relation is alwayssymmetricand it will bereflexiveif and only ifis an irreflexive relation (which is assumed by the above definition). Consequently, a strict partial orderis a strict weak order if and only if its induced incomparability relation is anequivalence relation. In this case, itsequivalence classespartitionand moreover, the setof these equivalence classes can bestrictly totally orderedby abinary relation,also denoted bythat is defined for allby:

for some (or equivalently, for all) representatives

Conversely, anystrict total orderon apartitionofgives rise to a strict weak orderingondefined byif and only if there exists setsin this partition such that

Not every partial order obeys the transitive law for incomparability. For instance, consider the partial order in the setdefined by the relationshipThe pairsare incomparable butandare related, so incomparability does not form an equivalence relation and this example is not a strict weak ordering.

For transitivity of incomparability, each of the following conditions isnecessary,and for strict partial orders alsosufficient:

  • Ifthen for alleitheror both.
  • Ifis incomparable withthen for all,either () or () or (is incomparable withandis incomparable with).

Total preorders


Strict weak orders are very closely related tototal preordersor(non-strict) weak orders,and the same mathematical concepts that can be modeled with strict weak orderings can be modeled equally well with total preorders. A total preorder or weak order is apreorderin which any two elements are comparable.[7]A total preordersatisfies the following properties:

  • Transitivity:For allifthen
  • Strong connectedness:For all
    • Which impliesreflexivity:for all

Atotal orderis a total preorder which is antisymmetric, in other words, which is also apartial order.Total preorders are sometimes also calledpreference relations.

Thecomplementof a strict weak order is a total preorder, and vice versa, but it seems more natural to relate strict weak orders and total preorders in a way that preserves rather than reverses the order of the elements. Thus we take theconverseof the complement: for a strict weak orderingdefine a total preorderby settingwhenever it is not the case thatIn the other direction, to define a strict weak ordering < from a total preordersetwhenever it is not the case that[8]

In any preorder there is acorresponding equivalence relationwhere two elementsandare defined asequivalentifIn the case of atotalpreorder the corresponding partial order on the set of equivalence classes is a total order. Two elements are equivalent in a total preorder if and only if they are incomparable in the corresponding strict weak ordering.

Ordered partitions


Apartition of a setis a family of non-empty disjoint subsets ofthat haveas their union. A partition, together with atotal orderon the sets of the partition, gives a structure called byRichard P. Stanleyanordered partition[9]and byTheodore Motzkinalist of sets.[10]An ordered partition of a finite set may be written as afinite sequenceof the sets in the partition: for instance, the three ordered partitions of the setare

In a strict weak ordering, the equivalence classes of incomparability give a set partition, in which the sets inherit a total ordering from their elements, giving rise to an ordered partition. In the other direction, any ordered partition gives rise to a strict weak ordering in which two elements are incomparable when they belong to the same set in the partition, and otherwise inherit the order of the sets that contain them.

Representation by functions


For sets of sufficiently smallcardinality,a fourth axiomatization is possible, based on real-valued functions. Ifis any set then a real-valued functiononinduces a strict weak order onby setting The associated total preorder is given by setting and the associated equivalence by setting

The relations do not change whenis replaced by(composite function), whereis astrictly increasingreal-valued function defined on at least the range ofThus for example, autility functiondefines apreferencerelation. In this context, weak orderings are also known aspreferential arrangements.[11]

Ifis finite or countable, every weak order oncan be represented by a function in this way.[12]However, there exist strict weak orders that have no corresponding real function. For example, there is no such function for thelexicographic orderonThus, while in most preference relation models the relation defines a utility functionup toorder-preserving transformations, there is no such function forlexicographic preferences.

More generally, ifis a set,is a set with a strict weak orderingandis a function, theninduces a strict weak ordering onby setting As before, the associated total preorder is given by setting and the associated equivalence by setting It is not assumed here thatis aninjective function,so a class of two equivalent elements onmay induce a larger class of equivalent elements onAlso,is not assumed to be asurjective function,so a class of equivalent elements onmay induce a smaller or empty class onHowever, the functioninduces an injective function that maps the partition onto that onThus, in the case of finite partitions, the number of classes inis less than or equal to the number of classes on


Semiordersgeneralize strict weak orderings, but do not assume transitivity of incomparability.[13]A strict weak order that istrichotomousis called astrict total order.[14]The total preorder which is the inverse of its complement is in this case atotal order.

For a strict weak orderanother associated reflexive relation is itsreflexive closure,a (non-strict) partial orderThe two associated reflexive relations differ with regard to differentandfor which neithernor:in the total preorder corresponding to a strict weak order we getandwhile in the partial order given by the reflexive closure we get neithernorFor strict total orders these two associated reflexive relations are the same: the corresponding (non-strict) total order.[14]The reflexive closure of a strict weak ordering is a type ofseries-parallel partial order.

All weak orders on a finite set


Combinatorial enumeration


The number of distinct weak orders (represented either as strict weak orders or as total preorders) on an-element set is given by the following sequence (sequenceA000670in theOEIS):

Number ofn-element binary relations of different types
Elem­ents Any Transitive Reflexive Symmetric Preorder Partial order Total preorder Total order Equivalence relation
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
2 16 13 4 8 4 3 3 2 2
3 512 171 64 64 29 19 13 6 5
4 65,536 3,994 4,096 1,024 355 219 75 24 15
n 2n2 2n(n−1) 2n(n+1)/2 n
n! n
OEIS A002416 A006905 A053763 A006125 A000798 A001035 A000670 A000142 A000110

Note thatS(n,k)refers toStirling numbers of the second kind.

These numbers are also called theFubini numbersorordered Bell numbers.

For example, for a set of three labeled items, there is one weak order in which all three items are tied. There are three ways of partitioning the items into onesingletonset and one group of two tied items, and each of these partitions gives two weak orders (one in which the singleton is smaller than the group of two, and one in which this ordering is reversed), giving six weak orders of this type. And there is a single way of partitioning the set into three singletons, which can be totally ordered in six different ways. Thus, altogether, there are 13 different weak orders on three items.

Adjacency structure

The permutohedron on four elements, a three-dimensionalconvex polyhedron.It has 24 vertices, 36 edges, and 14 two-dimensional faces, which all together with the whole three-dimensional polyhedron correspond to the 75 weak orderings on four elements.

Unlike for partial orders, the family of weak orderings on a given finite set is not in general connected by moves that add or remove a single order relation to or from a given ordering. For instance, for three elements, the ordering in which all three elements are tied differs by at least two pairs from any other weak ordering on the same set, in either the strict weak ordering or total preorder axiomatizations. However, a different kind of move is possible, in which the weak orderings on a set are more highly connected. Define adichotomyto be a weak ordering with two equivalence classes, and define a dichotomy to becompatiblewith a given weak ordering if every two elements that are related in the ordering are either related in the same way or tied in the dichotomy. Alternatively, a dichotomy may be defined as aDedekind cutfor a weak ordering. Then a weak ordering may be characterized by its set of compatible dichotomies. For a finite set of labeled items, every pair of weak orderings may be connected to each other by a sequence of moves that add or remove one dichotomy at a time to or from this set of dichotomies. Moreover, theundirected graphthat has the weak orderings as its vertices, and these moves as its edges, forms apartial cube.[15]

Geometrically, the total orderings of a given finite set may be represented as the vertices of apermutohedron,and the dichotomies on this same set as the facets of the permutohedron. In this geometric representation, the weak orderings on the set correspond to the faces of all different dimensions of the permutohedron (including the permutohedron itself, but not the empty set, as a face). Thecodimensionof a face gives the number of equivalence classes in the corresponding weak ordering.[16]In this geometric representation the partial cube of moves on weak orderings is the graph describing thecovering relationof theface latticeof the permutohedron.

For instance, forthe permutohedron on three elements is just a regular hexagon. The face lattice of the hexagon (again, including the hexagon itself as a face, but not including the empty set) has thirteen elements: one hexagon, six edges, and six vertices, corresponding to the one completely tied weak ordering, six weak orderings with one tie, and six total orderings. The graph of moves on these 13 weak orderings is shown in the figure.



As mentioned above, weak orders have applications in utility theory.[12]Inlinear programmingand other types ofcombinatorial optimizationproblem, the prioritization of solutions or of bases is often given by a weak order, determined by a real-valuedobjective function;the phenomenon of ties in these orderings is called "degeneracy", and several types of tie-breaking rule have been used to refine this weak ordering into a total ordering in order to prevent problems caused by degeneracy.[17]

Weak orders have also been used incomputer science,inpartition refinementbased algorithms forlexicographic breadth-first searchandlexicographic topological ordering.In these algorithms, a weak ordering on the vertices of a graph (represented as a family of sets thatpartitionthe vertices, together with adoubly linked listproviding a total order on the sets) is gradually refined over the course of the algorithm, eventually producing a total ordering that is the output of the algorithm.[18]

In theStandard Libraryfor theC++programming language, theset and multiset data typessort their input by a comparison function that is specified at the time of template instantiation, and that is assumed to implement a strict weak ordering.[2]

See also

  • Comparability– Property of elements related by inequalities
  • Preorder– Reflexive and transitive binary relation
  • Weak component– Partition of vertices of a directed graph − the equivalent subsets in the finest weak ordering consistent with a given relation


  1. ^abcRoberts, Fred; Tesman, Barry (2011),Applied Combinatorics(2nd ed.), CRC Press, Section 4.2.4 Weak Orders, pp. 254–256,ISBN9781420099836.
  2. ^abJosuttis, Nicolai M. (2012),The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference,Addison-Wesley, p. 469,ISBN9780132977739.
  3. ^de Koninck, J. M. (2009),Those Fascinating Numbers,American Mathematical Society, p. 4,ISBN9780821886311.
  4. ^Baker, Kent (April 29, 2007),"The Bruce hangs on for Hunt Cup victory: Bug River, Lear Charm finish in dead heat for second",The Baltimore Sun,archived fromthe originalon March 29, 2015.
  5. ^Regenwetter, Michel (2006),Behavioral Social Choice: Probabilistic Models, Statistical Inference, and Applications,Cambridge University Press, pp.113ff,ISBN9780521536660.
  6. ^Flaška, V.; Ježek, J.; Kepka, T.; Kortelainen, J. (2007),Transitive Closures of Binary Relations I(PDF),Prague: School of Mathematics - Physics Charles University, p. 1,S2CID47676001,archived fromthe original(PDF)on 2018-04-06,Lemma 1.1 (iv). Note that this source refers to asymmetric relations as "strictly antisymmetric".
  7. ^Such a relation is also calledstrongly connected.
  8. ^Ehrgott, Matthias (2005),Multicriteria Optimization,Springer, Proposition 1.9, p. 10,ISBN9783540276593.
  9. ^Stanley, Richard P.(1997),Enumerative Combinatorics, Vol. 2,Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, vol. 62, Cambridge University Press, p. 297.
  10. ^Motzkin, Theodore S.(1971), "Sorting numbers for cylinders and other classification numbers",Combinatorics (Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., Vol. XIX, Univ. California, Los Angeles, Calif., 1968),Providence, R.I.: Amer. Math. Soc., pp. 167–176,MR0332508.
  11. ^Gross, O. A. (1962), "Preferential arrangements",The American Mathematical Monthly,69(1): 4–8,doi:10.2307/2312725,JSTOR2312725,MR0130837.
  12. ^abRoberts, Fred S.(1979),Measurement Theory, with Applications to Decisionmaking, Utility, and the Social Sciences,Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 7, Addison-Wesley,Theorem 3.1,ISBN978-0-201-13506-0.
  13. ^Luce, R. Duncan(1956),"Semiorders and a theory of utility discrimination"(PDF),Econometrica,24(2): 178–191,doi:10.2307/1905751,JSTOR1905751,MR0078632.
  14. ^abVelleman, Daniel J. (2006),How to Prove It: A Structured Approach,Cambridge University Press, p. 204,ISBN9780521675994.
  15. ^Eppstein, David;Falmagne, Jean-Claude;Ovchinnikov, Sergei (2008),Media Theory: Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics,Springer, Section 9.4, Weak Orders and Cubical Complexes, pp. 188–196.
  16. ^Ziegler, Günter M.(1995),Lectures on Polytopes,Graduate Texts in Mathematics, vol. 152, Springer, p. 18.
  17. ^Chvátal, Vašek(1983),Linear Programming,Macmillan, pp. 29–38,ISBN9780716715870.
  18. ^Habib, Michel; Paul, Christophe; Viennot, Laurent (1999), "Partition refinement techniques: an interesting algorithmic tool kit",International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science,10(2): 147–170,doi:10.1142/S0129054199000125,MR1759929.